Hoarders Facing Eviction: One-Hour Hoarders Marathon | A&E

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[Music] i'm meryl and i'm a hoarder a saver a squanderer i've overdone it a little bit now it's overtaking my [Music] life i'm kevin i'm mel's husband the inside of my house is a mess [Music] i've tried to clean it up a couple of times and i got more flack than i wanted to deal with so i just basically okay some people would say how can you deal with her i love her i really do and i want to spend the rest of my life with her but um she has to throw stuff up there's no if one's about she has to throw stuff out i woke up one morning to reality and said i better get some help in here it didn't hurt that we had some people asking us to get rid of the horde as well if we don't clean the house the code enforcements they can evict us out of our own home and they can have us pay for we clean out this horde has really precluded us from doing a lot and i don't wish this on anyone i'm sharon i'm meryl's sister-in-law meryl is a hoarder this really i think started after her mother died and i think that was the impetus that really made her feel like both her parents were gone now and she'd hold on to this stuff to keep that part of her alive oh great now that doesn't fit in there 90 of her stuff is down in my basement including paperwork lyrics that she wrote because she was a singer all kinds of things i have everything and i will admit i'll be the first one that i could not bear to part with many of those things even her hair curlers i would smell them and smell like her and i didn't want to get rid of them we could still function up here on the first floor and then slowly but surely i have lymphedema it started to get bad and before i knew it you know i wasn't able to climb stuff anymore i wasn't able to put things away anyway i wasn't able to do stuff in 2008 i needed to sit every like 15 minutes every two hours and the trial court said nah you have to be in totally good health to do this job so bye i must say i hoard clothes i have mounds and mounds and mounds and piles of clothes i'd come home with bags and bags and how did i feel when i got home with that i felt like christmas at gump i felt snuggly wiggly and it was really good it was sort of a high you know it was like a high that chocolate gives you but it doesn't last a hundred thousand that's not including the mortgage on the house and a second mortgage on the house we live paycheck to paycheck if i was out of work for two weeks we would just be like a funnel just going straight down the tools over the years we have my husband and i tried to step in and help them out financially um a considerable amount of money at different points the second mortgage lovely oh and it's late and you know it sort of became where we realized it was not helping their situation it wasn't changing it merrill called me desperate it was like thanksgiving and it was really cold and her heat didn't work and so she wanted a pretty considerable lump sum that she told me she had found a dehorting agency and she was gonna hire them i said i gotta get rid of this horde because they're trying to kick our asses out of the house i need 15 grand can you at least just give us that and so we gave them that money and um come to find out she didn't use that money to dehort the house my brother and i had a big blowout on text we went back and forth and things were said and things weren't said my brother and i have been estranged now for about three years we haven't talked we haven't seen each other i had a long talk with merrell about a week ago and you know when she was starting to tell me about things she's hoping to find and then keep the list was getting along and i was pretty adamant with her that um you know this is this is your chance this is your last chance meryl if you don't take this and really clear that out you're done good morning everyone good morning i'm corey chalmers an extreme cleaner that specializes in biohazard and hoarding meryl how are you doing so far i'm still upright that's good little anxious a little excited good that's to be expected if you weren't i would say something's wrong our goal is not to get rid of everything right it's to get rid of all of the extraneous stuff that is making your house unlivable uh we're gonna be pushing you pretty hard but at the end of the day it's it's because we want you to have a safer house your family wants you to have a safer house what we don't want is for code enforcement to come in decide what they're going to take and then put a lien on the house throw you guys out and then you've got a whole other problem on your hands yes i'm concerned we only have a short window and this is this week she's turning 60 and it's the beginning of a new decade but it's a new life i feel like it's a fortuitous moment and i really want to remind her and i'm blunt and going to be the pusher saying we want you to focus on us the relationship the memories we have pictures at our house we can give you that maybe you out of the memories i i want you to focus on the relationship that you and kevin can have when you can sit down together our family can be together in your house i know that has nothing to do with that though a couple of vhs is ain't gonna do any of that don't worry about it just a couple i'm just a little concerned about us moving forward i would add on to that because on merrell i know i can sense the tension that's coming up in your voice i understand and i want you to know we're leading with compassion of like my mom was saying the difference between things and the difference between things that truly embody who you want to be moving forward yes but you have to understand it's okay to have some things i don't want to have nothing i want to have a few memories that i can hand and hold and some are and those two memories are not going to take up a lot of space they'll probably take up a box so we're off to a great start because we're all on the same page corey what's our plan we're gonna bring things out under the tents and stuff for right now to start sorting start learning what you think of things how you make decisions so that we can kind of build off that to make a bigger game plan any other questions nope all right well let's get started okay [Music] what's the percentage that you and dr zazio talked about earlier uh a very large percent very like high like 96 fish you picked the middle number 95 to 97 but i'm happy with 96. okay so think about that 96 out of 100 items that are going to come across this table you need to say get ready to go yes my husband says yes i'm not really crazy about it okay that we can get rid of oh perfect trash uh this was my mother's so this is gonna be a little tough i just i don't need it i just want to say goodbye that's all okay have you said goodbye to you [Music] and i'll never be able to say goodbye to her completely i'll always miss her always but of course of course just wish she was still here we know that there are a lot of meryl's mom's items in the home so there's a lot more to come there are going to be some difficult decisions to make i'm really worried the process may slow down if this is something that you feel connects you to her it's okay to keep it you're doing really good isn't she doing good okay yes all right okay i'm glad you took a moment and i'm glad that you could get real with this and feel what you needed to feel [Music] i'm good your kitchen feels pretty open by the way i must say it doesn't really without that but it really does you want to see it real quick yeah this can do one of two things it can make a hoarder feel very exposed and scared but it can also make them feel very happy and we need to see where she's at in this process holy crap oh my god oh well i'm feeling really proud that we've made so that meryl has made so much progress in that there's space but at the same time it really makes me refocus like what was underneath everything and now it's dirty and i don't want people i love living well they're very good they they do clean like they do the best they can you're missing the point listen to what she's saying she's referencing what you were living in right i'm very uncomfortable being in here by the dirt and i don't want you living that way i know i know you so i want you to live in a clean place because you deserve that i know i should you're right i am very proud of my wife what she did today i'm just seeing what the repercussions is tonight when everything settles in her mind and um see what tomorrow brings if she's the same high spirit person as she was today i'm hoping or praying that she is oh that's the one oh whoa what the yellow one the yellow one what is it this is a picture the first picture when i went out with kevin on a date you guys kevin took this on me you guys let's stop she's having a hard time breathing so let's not kick up any more dust unfortunately keeping merrell in the middle of everything where she feels like she's in more control ended up being a detriment because she breathed in a lot of the dust that we were kicking up and she started to have a hard time breathing yep how do we do that then so we had to take a break get our set medic on it and give her some oxygen tomorrow we're gonna have to be a little more careful so we're going to check in with her first thing and see how she's feeling we have to be very mindful that she is in poor health meryl i found something really important oh god look at this who's this at oh my god that's your dad's that we don't want underneath piles of junk right no he served our country so i'm glad i found that one that one's important and it's very important what does this mean to you now my poor dad he died so young he's 48. he never got to enjoy his grandchildren i took him out to enjoy anything but i'm so glad that we have this is at least something you know yep this is very nice because um i forgot that's right daddy uh yeah daddy served all right yes he did yeah wow the past few days since i've been here it's been all about laughs and smiles and hugs and support and i'm curious sharon how you feel about the financial investment that did not go the direction that it was supposed to frustrated and i was shocked when i pulled out the folder and it was two and a half years that we paid their mortgage and then we finally said this is yeah you were given money that was going to the cleanup what about that piece she gave us a big check she gave us a 12 000 check or whatever it was she did we intended to use it just for that and then they were saying it was going to cost even beyond that and i said oh my god you know so twelve thousand dollars to filling up your house yeah but it was already full at that point it wasn't really we didn't spend it on any more hoarding stuff sharon i'm watching your body language and i can actually hear your breathing get harder yeah and i can see you getting really tense i'm getting uncomfortable talking about all this and i'd like to stop sharon wants to fix things she doesn't want to dwell on things and she just wants to move on once they're fixed emotionally there was a lot going on for her i don't i still don't think she really you know gets the message there is an excuse for everything oh my god that's worth money that's worth money okay i feel like we're back at day one yeah i know i don't and i don't like well that's because i'm getting inundated it's not working for me would you rather people not give you stuff to sift because i feel like right now it's looking like the two other bedrooms are gonna stay hoarded by the end of the day tomorrow that seems to be the update around here yeah well you know the way it the way i'm looking at it right now is it doesn't matter i'm not gonna be able to use a lot of it anymore and i'm not gonna be able to do much anymore i don't think we're going to get through them all anyway tomorrow we have a big check-off list so we need to finish the master bedroom we need to rip all the carpeting out of the living room and get that wood floor exposed we need to get down into the laundry room make that functional and we need to clean up the den which is where her cable access and things are that she really needs to get in so there's a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it so first time ever in 21 years have i seen and heard of somebody in the middle of the night get up and box things up and throw them in the dumpster yes i do so that is quite impressive okay never have i heard of anybody actually initiate which is such a good sign because when we leave that's what you're going to have to continue to do depending on what's left over yeah know so uh we're ready to move forward okay i say we get at it yes okay let's do it [Music] [Music] [Music] home sweet home holy moly it's a real kitchen wow walking into the house i just visualized all this weight coming off of meryl's shoulders that's pretty magnificent i was excited for them i was just truly excited oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god look at it it's beautiful wow oh my god that's so wonderful so inviting so that's a new bed for you merrell you're welcome so do you want to know a number on what we got rid of uh yes i do because you were so good at letting us remove stuff you let go of 15 tons so think about that that is unbelievable you guys are going to be a little disoriented for a while okay so we have aftercare lined up as you know i have an appointment already scheduled for you and our aftercare coordinator will be working on an organizer so that you can get the rooms that have not been completed completed okay you know my husband wasn't with us but he was in spirit and he sent you this birthday card and he wants you to know how incredibly proud he is of you and he can't wait to come and see the house and yay and be here in the home with you thank you i'm glad thank you thank you very much that's wonderful thank you sally thank you thank you dear meryl it's a new day a new year and the possibilities are endless hope it's as amazing as you happy birthday congrats on emptying out the place i'm proud of you taking this on love marshall i love my brother i'm hoping uh that this men's all the fences a little bit and then we can start moving forward and it's gonna be uh you know like a brand new day [Music] my name is carol and i'm a compulsive hoarder right now the house is a mess the living room's a mess the kitchen's a mess the bedroom's a mess people would be shocked at the amount of stuff in here i'm michelle and i'm carol's daughter before mom's house got this way it was so clean you could take a white glove through it and it'd still be white when you were done touching everything and watch her go from that to what she is now i i just i don't know what happened the city came out and told me i had to clean my house up or they were gonna shut my home down i now have five days to clean this up or i won't have any place to live i won't have a home i felt so bad at first i just wanted to die my name's smokey i'm one of carol's best friends we were in the city cadaver house i started living out of her truck and i felt bad for her in the wintertime you know they got cold and stuff and she stayed in that truck when it was 20 degrees even blows here i was trying to get her to come on the house or you come over the house and go get cold she she didn't want to do it she's got the one cat he stays in the truck with her she won't even come stay at my house try to tell her i have the efficiency apartment off the garage take it it's yours it has been terrible not being able to take a shower and use the bathroom when you want but i have to sleep in my truck so i can watch the house my dad was in an accident and he was killed by a semi and then my step-dad had a massive heart attack and then my grandmother had a massive stroke which caused her death and i thought it was like two and a half three year period listening to everybody in three years was really hard i don't even like to think about that time in my life my mom just i guess she was so depressed from everybody dying at once that she just quit cleaning good morning everybody good morning my name is matt paxton i'm an extreme cleaning specialist we're here for one reason we don't want you to lose this house okay and i know you don't want to lose this house yeah michelle wanted to be here we know she can't be here but that's okay we've got the dream team we got smokey myself and dr zazio my name is dr robin zazio i'm a licensed clinical psychologist and i specialize in compulsive hoarding and ocd so we just want to remind you we're here to help you we've got to get you out of your car back in the house with your animals and with your family thank you all right all right are we ready to do this thing yep all right show us away carol [Music] okay these all go go go go so all of this goes yep all right guys that's she's approved all of that to go get rid of it's too dirty get rid of get rid of get rid of [Laughter] we started outside on purpose to get some momentum to get some trust to get moving and we did we fill the truck in about an hour you sure you're all right right now yeah yeah i'm fine [Music] i don't know if they'll take too long so let's practice more at the top i like let's make sweeping decisions i can't do that what are we doing with this keeping them okay now they look like they're stained you want to keep those stained shorts that's that's not stain is it it's nice to build trust and it's nice to let her you know be in charge but his time is an issue we have two days to save this house and at some point you have to stop and just push and she doesn't like to be pushed i'm telling you we gotta go faster so we can help you save this house we're gonna we're gonna do what i call the three second rule okay which means you have three seconds to make a decision about each item okay i know you don't like to be pressured no but we only have two days of cleanup okay just to step over here okay this is going i guess okay that's a good decision yeah right that don't go okay let's talk about the moving blanket okay but do you really want to keep this in your house that's going to get cleaned up look at how filthy it is carol i'm going to wash it once it's washed it'll be okay don't have holes or nothing in it well i'm not worried about the holes i'm worried about all this this contaminated stuff that's on it well we'll use bleach on it carol i i think i think you've got some some thinking that's a little sideways on this it's not just one little spot the whole thing is is really badly stuff fine throw it away you make the decisions now okay now you're making the decision girl i'm not arguing with you about it throw it away you pick from now on okay carol i'm trying to help you good job i don't want nothing of it there i'm done i'm trying to can you stop for a second excuse me smokey carol does not have an ability to deal with her feelings to process them she's transforming those feelings into anger i'll hell with it take it all i don't care here let's do it all out [Applause] we don't need nothing you know you think that's junk that's junk that's done you'd even look good and see what it was that's why it's not on the truck oh yeah well that's where it's going in the next two seconds if there's nothing else you're looking asking me if it's any good or even looking at it i just asked you we said everything i don't want to talk to you now yes we're here to try to help you out sir yeah right only thing we tried to get this club cleaned up so you get back in there so you can have any dogs back in here see carol i can't work with you i'm sorry carol i told them that i'm trying to help you to make good decisions yeah right at this point carol is shut down she doesn't want to talk to me she doesn't want to deal with her feelings carol listen okay i'm not talking to you i can't handle you right now carol i'm done i don't care if this house goes or not so who cares we do we do no you don't yeah we do we're stuck with them i felt the best i could you know i really really want to be through the upstairs before lunch once we get these two rooms clean we can then start bringing what we need to bring up from the house and the rest of the house will look cleaner that way all right get out of here let us get working all right and you got to see this now i want to keep my stands those are my speakers stand if i just knew what was in this i want to see what's in that box over there carol was totally focused she was just tearing through the room unfortunately it was the wrong room let's go downstairs and get that done don't care yeah yeah yeah i hear you i'm just worried about what they're gonna throw away up here like i said i need to go through this one are you coming sarah what is in here i really needed her to be downstairs i was trying to separate her so me and the guys could focus on the two bedrooms carol i need you for real i'm begging you to go downstairs i just could not get her to leave i tried every single trick i started off a bribe during anything carol if you acknowledge me i'll give you 20 bucks catch i'm i'm almost done look two more things and i'm done 20 bucks cash and i'll take my shirt off yeah come on kr you know that you can't clean up smokey can fix this table this is a solid wood table yeah this table stays okay we uncovered the kitchen table and it was saturated with urine and rat feces if i get rid of that what am i going to eat off of i i don't know but okay that's what i thought carol there was nothing that i could say that was even helping her to understand the reasons why that table needed to go i'm not rich i can't take a credit card and go out and say here i want that table carol i am i want that set but what we're trying to say is it's not healthy for you to eat off of a table with rat excrement on it well it won't happen on it you know haven't you ever cleaned stuff up apparently not you just buy it huh no i do clean stuff but i don't clean it if it has rats the last time i seen this house this empty i never did never have we cleaned up the house kind of have we done what the inspector wants maybe have we dealt with carol's hoarding not really i don't think carol's gonna change success can be measured in many different ways in this case i don't feel like i made any headway if she doesn't use the aftercare therapy that we will provide for her she is at very high risk for relapse and she can use her stuff to avoid dealing with the feelings that are so painful for her [Music] well i worked very hard for over the last couple of days and i feel like uh i dug good for her this is going to be her last chance and i hope carol sees that at least she can count on one person and be smoking [Music] penny lane come here moki my name is lisa and this is the worst chapter of my life i'm totally ashamed of you know the way i've let it get [Music] how would anyone feel disgusted shocked heartbroken my name is bill i'm lisa's dad i've been inside the house for probably four years lisa was embarrassed to have me inside dad i'm ashamed 16 years ago my parents and i bought this house they put the down payment on it and i got the mortgage i bought it to help her and her husband then get started i currently own the house alright there were complaints by the neighbors to me because i was the homeowner and i acknowledged those complaints and told them i was working to resolve the problem i live in a house with numerous cats they're about 40 50 cats that live here she loves them she loves cats she thinks they're nicer than people it's not easy it really does wear you out taking care of that many cats is a full-time job really especially in a mess like this one person cleaning up just can't keep up but you try the best you can sometimes you just give up my dad's trying to evict me because he wants to take over and he wants things cleaned up quicker than i'm doing it he thinks it'd just throw it all away i will ask my lawyer to have the city come out and forcibly evict them i knew it was compulsive hoarding because she was collecting things both inside the house and in the backyard and her answer was she was going to sort it inventory it and recycle i'm leanne i'm lisa's sister she wants to see that even something that's flawed is worth something probably began really about seven years ago like i saw something i don't know if it was a vision or what but i just knew that there was a lot of waste in this country she went out soliciting for the stuff or picking up at weekly trash pickup times a good time to cruise the area behind the stores and stuff they were just throwing out so much stuff perfectly good things you know i didn't want it to go to the dump it seemed like a waste when there's you know people around the world that have nothing i thought it was a way to turn around the economy myself a lot of people go in the dumpsters it's there's an army out there they just need a general you know she's not very happy about it but that's my only alternative that i can figure out that will work that will protect her and me my dad can be very controlling he won't let up it just feels like i don't have any say over any part of my life i've got people telling me what to do with my cats you know where i can live everything [Music] lisa lisa my name is dr scott hannon i specialize in cognitive behavioral therapy for compulsive hoarding and anxiety disorders lisa has too many animals in her home and animal control came out and before that happened she removed some from her property she did not disclose the area that she had taken the cats to so that's still under some investigation the cats were seeing being pushed in a shopping cart down the street about an hour ago my name is corey chalmers and i'm a hoarding clean up expert yesterday she changed everything said there are her babies and she can't let go of a single one of them so i know this is a temporary thing and they're just out on the streets right now waiting for us to leave they will be back then we will be back also all right perfect [Music] you won't show me around no what no you don't want me come on with me there isn't no place really to go you just stand there and look one end and down the other thank you for letting him see all that cat never hear the end of this one i think the mess might be subconscious maybe a passive aggressive me doing that way because of my relationship with my father because he's such a neat freak and maybe it's my way of getting back at him got to do what he wants all the time i can understand he's upset right this is not the time to see it then is it well it's pretty bad uh i guess i expected this because of what lisa told me so i'm disappointed but doesn't make me angry because i've been angry before and it doesn't seem to help work through this stuff as we go so we don't just want to just and i just don't want to have to explain everything you know i just want to just i'll be able to alicia yeah it's not any worse than you told me well yeah but hearing about it's different than seeing it and smelling it you know what i mean i'm disappointed but i'm not kidding okay it's only all right so let's go forward what am i doing and that's the last person to tell me keep going i'm going forward okay good morning everyone good morning we're here today to help lisa who's faced with a pretty serious crisis situation lisa you know the city's coming down on you you have health and safety issues you have animal control issues your father is threatening you with an eviction so we have a lot of people here to help you over the next couple days i'm going to let sergeant pettit talk to you kind of about the issues that you know their department has with you you know that we've been working with you to try to reduce the number down you know to your acceptable limit um which i can't do this i can't do this with you guys i'm done i'm done done totally done this what's going on this is such bold i don't even care what everybody says i can't just scrap it chalk it up to experience she feels judged by people in her family she feels judged by people that she associates with the crew coming in she's feeling all that judgment again and she just wants to stop anything before people get too close you go to lunch and i just sit here by myself one of you guys are ready to come what if you and cory did some work yeah yeah to you for a little while and i'll make everything great because here goes another day where nothing's getting done what do you want to throw away i'll tell you yes or no you picked the item i don't want to oh i'll have to weigh them too much this is 100 on you now now it's only yeah my goal is that lisa can still make some progress today you know i don't want to give up on her you know no one's giving up on her i'm going to give her every benefit of doubt that she can do this and i just want to to at least make her dive into one little pile of stuff and see if she can throw one thing away so we're going to clear off this shelf and just whatever you want to throw away throw away whatever you want to keep you want to keep i guess this can go i guess see here we go more mosaics but i don't i like the seashell but i don't know i guess i don't need that there you go [Music] are you going to come out and help us um i'll be out in a few minutes but do you really need my help for that we want you to have the final say we want to make sure that doesn't happen where you're saying wait a minute we'll have a final say yeah you're not taking the dumpster home with you tonight no but i don't want you going in the dumpster and i don't want you to get mad if you see something in the dumpster that we thought was trash give it a try and we'll see please come out as soon as you are up for it okay okay this is a we process not just us doing day labor i need your input on this okay okay i thought that's what i just gave you but fine [Music] [Music] she was just mentally physically emotionally gone and she wouldn't listen to a thing we had to say i think she's gonna struggle tomorrow and i think she probably won't last more than a couple hours if anything that's that's just my opinion but we'll see [Music] we got here this morning lisa wanted to throw everything away that was great we were happy i was going to call my other crew back get the other dumpster back and we're going to knock it out [Music] okay so let's get into your kitchen and you point and tell us what we can throw away how about we start there what changed five minutes ago you told me you wanted to throw everything away and now you're saying you don't want to throw anything away she was ready to go and then who she was talking to was it the ex-boyfriend i'm concerned there's more going on than just these relationships too her mood is just so erratic she needs help okay can we come in and talk to you i don't want to talk on the phone okay all right bye gotta unlock it lisa they say can we not talk through the window can we actually talk in person and see each other come on you know some hoarders are able to do certain amounts of work with us lisa's not able to do anything i'm dealing with it the way i want to deal with it if this isn't working for you can i come in then yeah sure come on through the window i'm not going to climb through the window lisa open the front door lisa is honestly probably the most difficult person i've worked with in 15 years when dr hannon and i went inside to talk to lisa today she was obviously irate you know pissed off again that we changed the plan we explained to her that we did not change any plans you know we're just adapting things to make it easier on her last night you told me you were throwing stuff away i can't throw stuff away but you know then i realized that you haven't kept the bargain at all all the way down the line everything has been rescinded i i'm not sure what you're talking about because we keep backing up i would get in return for doing the show which was to get the house cleaned out and sanitized which is we can't do that if we can't get the stuff out but we can't get it up this problem is not gonna be fixed by just pulling everything out and cleaning the floors because this stuff but you can't sanitize because this stuff stuff is the outside but this stuff has feces on it you can't just bring it back in i gotta bring it back in well if you're not gonna bring it back in then let's make a decision i don't wanna just clean it we're at the end right now okay do you want our help at all you have a hoarding issue okay okay and that's what all of us are here for is to help you with this issue not to wash your walls well that's that's not how it was presented to me well well then i don't want your help we will do that i'll just be a part of it so this is it we're going to walk away and you're going to be stuck with this on your own that's fine okay shake my hand nice meeting you good luck okay hey bill we got some bad news for you okay uh lisa basically just kicked us out she's done she wants nothing to do with it so we're done yeah you know okay i can appreciate that we wish you all the luck bill you don't get it either right ahead of them i will follow through with the eviction i have to to get rid of cats and have an opportunity to clean up the house i'll never be done with her because she's my daughter but i'm done with the way she lives you know it's frustrating i don't know what to do with her so at this point we're just walking away she's gonna have to deal with this mess on her own bill can evict her the city can deal with her but we're done [Music] [Music] i'm nathan i'm 34 years old and i'm a scavenger i get a rush off finding things ooh green glass jokingly i say i have attention deficit ooh shiny sweet i'll take it yeah i'm kathy nathan's mother just something about the shiny things they like shiny rocks ball caps anything shiny [Music] i've actually like lost track of all the stuff that i have it's always like christmas when you open a box i'm like i forgot i had that so many things i mean just so many things if i listed all the collections that i have we'd be here for a while i have a lot of hot wheels i love glass i have a lot of puppets i've always loved rocks troll dolls i have raccoon penises penis bones penis bones i love everything i don't know why i do what i do i am ronald and nathan is my son nathan is definitely looking for a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow my partner's been saying for the past two years if you don't get this place cleaned up i'm out of here but last night he's done with me until i get the stuff out i don't think that we could move forward with our relationship nathan was five or six when we divorced it was very hard it was very difficult i started scavenging to deal with tension at home i filled the void in my life with stuff [Music] the church that i grew up in i loved everyone there and they turned their back on me my christian faith teaches me that homosexuality is wrong i have a sister-in-law who is the member of the church family she did say turn or burn nathan turner burn turn or burn nathan his dad and stepmother was telling nathan that he was going to go to hell and die with aids [Music] um just very upsetting [Music] he is going to be evicted if he doesn't clean up the house [Music] i could lose my family i'm going to lose my partner i'm going to lose the house this is the lowest i've ever been in my life good morning everyone good morning i'm standalone robertson a certified professional organizer i really want to challenge you on why some of the things you're keeping you're keeping i don't know if it'll be clothes or collectibles but there will be some challenges the doctor and i want to really team up with you and your family to help you through this process from my perspective i think this is going to be important to have a lot of conversation there have been a lot of things that perhaps may not have been said nathan is angry nathan has been holding a tremendous amount of resentment towards his father until he begins getting rid of the emotional horde nothing's going to change he's just going to continue to do what he's been doing so let's start you know we'll just start here keep and three key okay in the rest of these donate if this was this easy why are we here it's not easy for me i'm just trying to be strong one keep see it's getting a little harder i'm not gonna get crabby though nathan is ready this is what boarding can look like when you're young he's aware of his situation and he's willing to do the hard work donate don't hate donate donate piranha okay that's scary looking nathan i want you to tell your father what it is that you are really holding on to do you think being gay is a sin yes to me it is but can i judge someone i can't but i don't i can't heal myself if i can't know that i'm okay being who i am nathan i accept you the way you are you accept me the way i am it's not accepting i'm not asking you to change i think you're asking me to change is that what you're after him to change his convictions yeah probably you don't have to have agreement on ideals to get along if you're going to have deeper connections with your father with your family they kind of have to accept you one thousand percent you don't have to have the consent of anyone it shouldn't make you feel bad how are you i'm fine how are you good this is so pretty i was called into the room because nathan has had a problem with his dad because of his sexuality i just wanted dad to accept who i am it doesn't matter whether you're you're gay it doesn't matter we're all different people but that doesn't mean we love you any less but there's so much wisdom there and so much love for you if you really want to live and not just continue to exist you've got to let it go the issue is self-acceptance ronald accepting ronald as he is and nathan accepting nathan as he is that's the real healing that's the real transformation what is your decision with all these items on this table uh every bit of it needs to go yeah all of it all of it all of it let's all donate trash probably nathan has gotten rid of many of the things that have held him stuck in very childlike and immature behaviors don't i yep nathan is finally growing up [Music] wow this is amazing transformation i mean there's so much clear space when this began everyone had tears tears of sadness tears of shame tears of guilt but they're all radiating with a very beautiful glow now it's like the weights have been lifted off of each and every one of their shoulders holy cow very nice what i like about this room i feel like it's not a child's room this room belongs to a man that was kind of the first thought i had when i walked in you could see him almost like stand a little taller for my family to to come and help me with this for you all to come and help me it's just really a message of love i saw my dad's heart i saw my mom's heart i saw my brother's heart warm too and this was really a beautiful beautiful experience for me it's something i will never never ever forget i'm proud of you big group hug everybody everybody [Music] i'm beulah i'm 72 years old i was a housewife and i've raised two sons david is my oldest son and nine years later i had stephen when the kids were young um i was what i would call normal i did the laundry and we cooked meals but i've never really been real fond of housework it's not my big thing i'm david and i'm 53 years old and i am villa's son my mom's house is deplorable it's just filled from the floor to the ceiling there's cat feces everywhere the stench is will make you gag the second you walk into it it's just sickening to your stomach to think that she's capable of living in those conditions [Music] truthfully as long as i'm able to to function in there whether or not the living room is crowded shouldn't really bother the city i'm stevie i'm 44 and i'm villain's son i hate it she lives in a really horrible situation it's overwhelmed with cats and she hurt her arm a couple years ago when she took a bad fall and shattered her elbow and it's hindered her and been able to take care of herself and the cats i'm sunny i'm 70 years old and i'm villa's brother if you say you love an animal and you have one or two you hold them you pet them you have a relationship with them when you have 20 of them in there and they're crawling all over everything i don't see how you can have a relationship with that many cats i just don't see it you'd have to be a cat lover to understand it they're on your lap they're on your leg i've got a recliner so they start at my ankles and they work themselves up and then there'll be somebody here and then and then one of them will want to get under your chin as far as the cats suffering right now i don't think so they all seem to be doing fine i've been trying for years to get her to stop doing the things that she does well sunny is critical sonny on a good day is always wants to kind of tell you what to do her cats and her buying is her whole life okay home away from home i could go to goodwill every day of the week and every day of the week there's it's different i'm not quivering but this is one i've never seen before she's always looking for that bargain that's kind of interesting if she finds the bargain that's her high i don't know let me um it's the chase it's it's the going and the anticipation of finding it this is where i find the things for the kids and then she tries to oh i found this for you let me give this to you i've already got a couple uh would you like it that's where i have trouble because i'm trying to do something nice and it's rejected it's like a slap in the face after so many times of her giving something to you that you don't want didn't ask for don't need then that's where the problem as far as the relationships go my relationship with david is strained to a degree that i feel like i guess he loves me but i don't think he understands me at all if my mom was to refuse the house being cleaned up i i suppose you'll have to go live in a motel because she would not be welcome to come live with me [Music] good morning good morning my name is matt paxton i'm an extreme cleaning specialist we have a lot of work to do but before we even get started we've got to get all the cats out of the house okay this is going to be a totally different cleanup than we're used to you've got two factors you've got infectious waste and you've got a bunch of cats we've got our animal handlers here and they're going to walk us through what we're going to do i'm heather ferguson i'm with animal protection of new mexico this is dr patricia feaser is a forensic veterinarian who will be doing the assessments today and this is investigator robin guykovich we're going to go room by room and we're going to make sure that we very carefully and compassionately remove each cat from your home so that it can be assessed by a veterinarian are you comfortable with our team you know that yeah we're going to trust and do everything we can to make sure your cats are well taken care of okay all right let's do it okay [Music] [Music] [Music] this is the worst horde i've ever seen have you seen anything worse than that no i've never seen it it's unbelievable there's not a single clean surface in this house this is a bad one we even have to have a decontamination station for the first time ever [Music] i mean we're just gonna have to be really really safe [Music] he's blind he can't see what he's stepping on we're gonna get him treated right away all right guys there's a whole bunch of them in here i'm getting a really sick one sitting here on this here yeah he's in a real bad shape i think that this little guy is going to be our next urgent care he's definitely not doing it normally cats will run and hide when strangers come into the home these cats were so ill that they really didn't move they just sat right exactly where they were and you can see how he's got that eye is has a lot of mucus in there and his half closed so we immediately got them caged and brought them out for triage with a veterinarian hi gorgeous let's load these guys in the air conditioning van yeah i got some live kittens we were in the back bedroom and we heard noises when we lifted the mattress what we found was a mama and six newborn kittens they are probably less than a day old the only way those kittens were going to survive the next 24 hours is that fact that we found them when we are able to save a life and we are able to get an animal out of a situation before they get sick it doesn't get any better than that thank you sweet peas man this is guts that's its guts this house man it just gets worse and worse let me get a bucket you know you see this and you just want to get angry and you can't get angry this this is a pile of sadness [Music] excuse me hey wait a minute wait wait wait wait wait wait wait darn it i want to see that i'm sorry what's going on viewers i want those i'm sorry we're gonna have class right now that's fine but this is all trash it's not either this is all contaminated no it's not yes it is this is unhealthy it has to be burned i can't even throw this i'm not allowed to throw this at the dump this has to be fired up and burned she's a professional hoarder she's awesome at this she can avoid in denying anything so you have to get very direct this is a fact it's a medical fact that this stuff is contaminated it's beulah i'm sharks are dying in that house oh they're not dying i'm not dead i got a bag of dead cats already these are porcelain plates they could be washed or if it's in the house it's contaminated well then anything on the floor to the damn house pull up the carpet the carpet needs to go how the hell am i going to get to your carpet there's 400 bags of this on top of it there's not a damn thing wrong they could be taken out of five they could be washed you don't have to wash them i'll wash them this is where i said to you things that you want are going to get thrown away leave me alone hold on i am dr chabot i'm a clinical psychologist who specializes in ocd and compulsive hoarding you're in a position now that if this place we don't address this place right now you're probably going to just be pulled out of your house i don't give a damn but i don't want my entire life ripped out and put in a garbage bag when it doesn't have to be oh [Music] her haircut's a little sparse i did see fleas on her so far the veterinarians that have done their assessment do believe that most of these scats are going to be adoptable although they will require medical treatment [Music] we have a lot of deadlines today we lose our cleaning help at three o'clock and then we have an inspector coming at four so we basically we have six hours to get whatever we can get done done can't hear man we're down to the business man [Music] trying to get a free breath of air van this is very overwhelming just horrible can't hardly stand the smell of it today at least three or four of the rooms have been cleaned out and they are clutter free box free they're still filthy it's been a tough week emotional week [Music] got here kind of uh disappointed not more was done i've inspected your house and good news and some bad we still have some unsafe conditions with the animal feces and some unsafe material inside that has to be removed the good news is the structure is good and sound the floor assembly is good i don't see any evidence of water damage but i still have to condemn the property and i'd allow you to live in this is a very painful situation for people who love her some have given up at this time i believe she's going to probably end up in a shelter for local women's shelter there's just been too much animosity right now that i don't want her to come to my house some try to get closer well i try my best to be there for my mother i'll do what i can to keep her alive for many years to come thank you but nobody can fix her i'm not sure whether she's willing to admit that she has a problem but she is a long way from getting well i have no sense that she is really going to recover from this illness of compulsive hoarding [Music] hi thanks for being a fan of hoarders and subscribe to a e for more videos and click the links around me to watch more
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Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 36sec (4236 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2022
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