Hoarders: DIVORCE Hoards | One-Hour Compilation | A&E

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thank you [Music] I'm Peggy and I am a hoarder [Music] when you walk up to the house there's a motor home and it has Furniture and Things for the kitchen and Christmas presents because I always knew where the Christmas presents were hiding they were in the motorhome when you walk up the steps you go into the front door and the door doesn't open all the way because there's a bunch of food sitting there which came out of a pantry that is against the dining room wall behind a bunch of boxes and then there's a hallway to the laundry room and to the two rooms at the end of the hall I haven't slept in my bedroom since about 2012. I sleep on the bed in the kitchen in front of the refrigerator I eat my meals sitting on the bed between the TV and the bedside tables feels like the house owns me I don't own the house [Music] and that's a very uncomfortable feeling [Music] I'm Elisa and Peggy is my mother when I was in the house in 2019 it was very difficult to get around there were just aisle ways to go from room to room which was only about three rooms you could get in and out of thank you foreign was sleeping in a chair I've since seen pictures and I have seen that it's gotten worse that's a hard thing for me to have to think about but it just is not safe it is not safe for her to be there physically and emotionally when my parents divorced I was about 13 or 14 when I moved in with my father and she moved to California wrongly I thought if I ever left she'd go with me but she was a daddy's girl and she wanted to be with Dad I wanted her to have that but it was just hard there's no family anymore oh when I noticed the hoarding to become really bad was after her boyfriend had had left her back in 2010 he said oh by the way I remarried my ex and I said bye I don't do that and we'd been together about 15 years it was just no warning kind of you know so that was hard I think that was the trigger that set this war in motion I feel like she's trying in some ways to fill something feel something that's missing in her life [Music] [Music] good morning everybody good morning I'm Dr Robin sasio I'm a licensed clinical psychologist and I specialize in helping people who are struggling with OCD and hoarding behaviors Peggy your family is here your friends are here Dorothy's here her crew is here everybody is here for you yeah how are you feeling right now it's an answer to a prayer it really is and it's a blessing that they're here well again I'm so glad that all of you are here to support Peggy there's a lot of love in this backyard right now so I'm going to turn it over to you now Dorothy so you kind of talk about your plan I will I will so I'm Dorothy brenninger I'm a professional organizing expert and I specialize in hoarding I know that you want this whole project this whole boarding experience to be about your safety and getting your house yes so this is what we're going to do we're going to create Peggy's challenge so let me bring this out Peggy we know that you were a girl scout leader at one time we thought you might want to earn your badge Peggy this is your sash and we will give it to you at the end and we're going to take any of these badges that you earn and put them over onto your sash is there enough room there's enough room there's enough room so you'll get the badges for 100 500 boxes a thousand boxes 15 2 2500 3 000 bins you'll get a badge how about answering concisely badge family members what do I get for that come on right what we're going to do today just so that everyone knows the plan we're working outside we're going to clear patio carport driveway garage everybody ready one two three let's go a little heavy [Music] thank you we have 250 bins out here you can see how much there is with just 250 bins in boxes Peggy we know you can't do five minutes per bin we know you can't even do one minute per bin so that means we need to have some help from the family on decision making and you know this is the point where Dr zazio and I ask you if you will allow your neighbors friends family to help you make decisions on what should go into the dumpster and speaking of friends and family Judy get in here thank you for being here so is that a yes from you that you're willing to allow others to make decisions for you sure I asked Peggy if she gave permission to friends and family to make decisions about her stuff and her answer was an immediate yes unheard of especially on the first day when we let others make decisions that's a big deal so I think it's worth a round of applause for everybody right that's the news organizers and junk teams be ready with something that rolls be prepared to carry it or drag it up to the dumpster start looking in your bins and boxes everybody remember it's been outside this is go these are my tools that I use religiously I can take a organizer or junker this is a heavy one so we'll need a cart yes yes we will keep keys foreign [Music] you don't want to take the sniff in there the question Peggy yes ma'am so far everything up to here is going yes yeah except for these sounds [Music] you seem like you're doing great yeah I want to make sure yeah I am and you're not regretting anything so far okay and and one thing that you're seeing is when when you do want to keep something right now because you have made literally thousands of sweeping decisions you've kept five things if that yeah so that's reasonable yeah okay good foreign I'm so proud of you well I'm seeing some hugs and hand holding that must mean something this is good this is good yeah it's gonna touch you with my glove if you could just come out this way a little bit and take a look back down this Peggy what do you see my name is my neighbors I see success I see successes and you earned a badge I told you got rid of almost 250 we just have a couple of things left to go family members what was it like for you to review what Peggy allowed you to review what was that like yeah it's kind of speechless I'm just surprised at what it was there and that this was stuff outside and so she wasn't using it or seeing it or accessing it sad some of the things that were ruined that because of the weather and and so forth yeah and I had to go that you would have it would have been nice to not to have I'm just glad that Peggy trusted us enough to let us make those calls um that's a surprise big deal big deal yeah Peggy how do you feel about what you just did it's it's really miraculous yeah it it was something that I couldn't have been able to have accomplished and it's good to see that it's gone and that there's just a few pieces considering yeah I think you made really good decisions about what you kept and they all have purpose and yeah today was a great start Peggy worked hard and she held true to her word what I'm worried about is when we move into the house because all those boxes are filled with stuff that she wanted to save I hope that she's able to continue to make quick decisions because there is so much stuff to go through that we're barely going to have enough time as it is well we are clearly making some progress because here I am sitting in your bedroom not not super easily but I am sitting in your bedroom we've got the door open we've got the hallway cleared and I just wanted to have a conversation about this bedroom before we tackle it I think you know by now the reason why Dorothy is here is to organize a team to get the house in order reason why I'm here is to see that it doesn't happen again yes but in order for that to happen we have to understand how this happened and I'm curious about this particular room because it's very much walled off and I'm wondering if this room if anything has happened in this room if this room is symbolic for any reason for you ah it's um only symbolic in that I didn't want to stay in there anymore and why is that um because it had a a huge queen size bed and it had a bits and pieces of furniture that has been up here for 36 years I got some eyes on me right behind you I see Elisa looking at me and the eyes are trying to tell me something and I'm not psychic yet so I'm wondering if you could tell me what those eyes are trying to convey to me I've Been Told [Music] don't go there well Mom no don't go there can you listen just just listen for just a second okay it's my past I have the choice and I make the choice you don't understand I know the reason why this room is the way it's not it's not relevant to the Future because it's it's something that is over and done with and it doesn't need to be rehashed I just don't wanna I'm not quite sure if she's going to completely open up for the reasons of the hoarding I think there's some bit of denial still in her that she has a problem I'm very worried Peggy because my sense is is this is more of a cleanup for you rather than getting at underneath counseling for this this happened for the cause of me not staying in here through I did a couple of years people that know me personally know the situation and I just don't want people that um it's none of anybody's um it's my business I hope that you don't close the door on an opportunity that you have over the next couple days to try to uncover how this happened because I think that there's a lot of simplification happening about this room and all the other stuff in your house and I think it's actually much more complicated than that [Music] I completely understand that it's hard to talk about the underlying issues that can perpetuate hoarding behaviors however I'm hoping she's willing to open up while I'm here because this is a great opportunity to start processing some of this trauma that she's experienced you have been doing great work not anybody can say anything otherwise but I hope that you do some of the mental health work too while you have the opportunity [Music] foreign [Music] so Peggy it is never the case when people come to my office to work with me who are struggling with hoarding that we ever start with the house ever ever never we always start with the cause yeah and and I did that and I know that that Peggy if you did that we wouldn't be in this situation because the situation would have been resolved the counseling that I went through had lots of sessions over why it happened why it wasn't going to happen again so we had done a lot of work with that but that mental health work didn't happen no and that's the piece that's the most important you know it's really my responsibility to just impress upon you my concerns I really hope that you take advantage of the Aftercare because this is something that is critical to your continued success and the reason why we offer that is because we realize that we can only do so much mental health work in a short period of time and we want to continue that for you we only have a few hours left and I thought maybe she's had a change of heart and will consider talking about some of the issues that led to this hoarding problem it was the same thing that she said I've worked through it and no matter how many times I tried to help her understand that it obviously didn't work because we're here and we have this big problem she's not connecting it so I'm hoping that as I connect with an outside therapist that they might be able to make some Headway okay let's go let's move there it is [Music] quilt stuff but it can go in 30 minutes to 45 minutes we need to have all of this we can do that on the truck we can do that that's okay all right just dump it about this box this is tracking [Music] I've already been through that Mom this stuff here can go [Music] I'm not thank you honey very good [Music] oh my gosh oh wow this looks amazing this is so nice Peggy yeah wow holy smokes I haven't been able to visit my sister in probably seven years the last time I came over I couldn't stay that's an actual room you've got a guest room mom now I'll be able to come over and stay I can stay for a weekend or three or four days I got my sister back beautiful it's just so amazing and there's more to see so let's head upstairs [Music] this is gorgeous this is amazing I'm so grateful that we all were able to come together and get this accomplished I'm speechless that's what this was all about is making sure that she was safe and therefore happy and she could have people over to the house so that makes me so happy [Music] this is what you wanted this is what you needed this is great Peggy you haven't been in here in 10 years how does it feel to be in here and to have a completely free room that has no clutter in it feels good yeah of course it does I think the week went great we got a rid of a lot of stuff um a lot more than I anticipated okay friends family Dr Z let's head back into the living room and just soak it all in all right all right we got rid of 12 tons worth of stuff from this property we had 7 000 boxes that we went through sorted reviewed and we wound up with only 300 of those boxes in the garage I'm very proud of my grandma I think that she still needs some stuff that she needs to work on but it was a great step forward we would like to now give you Peggy sash with that arm through there yeah since you were a girl scout leader for many years this is your very own sash oh my God in which you have reviewed 500 boxes let others make decisions cleared the apartment cleared the garage clear the carport reviewed a thousand boxes cleared the patio reviewed 2 000 boxes a hundred boxes 300 boxes cleared the house whoa clear the driveway uh 250 bins yes to moving and giving away the RV whoa quick decision making give Carr away listen to this have a real bed to sleep in and you know what you get an A for answering some of those questions so Dorothy and I are going to leave and we're going to let you guys enjoy each other seeing my new space I feel so grateful I'm hopeful I'm happy but I'm also encouraged this is what it's supposed to look like and this is what it will stay like it's a happy house it's a happy house [Music] [Music] I'm Bonnie and I'm a single mother of two teenage daughters every time I walk in my house I get that sick feeling because I see everything around my house and it just seems so overwhelming [Music] I'm Paige and Bonnie is my mom my house is a mess it's gotten to the point where we can even close doors and if you're using the restroom people will walk in there's no privacy at all my name is Blair Bonnie is my mom I would describe my house as full with clutter and things we don't need the way we make food we got a microwave that stays in the garage we have to go out there into the garage cook it and then bring it back inside which is just a hassle since we can barely get in the garage because of all the clothes on the floor everything's falling apart can't get it fixed we haven't had heat in my house in eight years because I don't want anybody to come in to fix it we only have one place we get hot water is our bathtub so we end up washing dishes in our bathtub so unsanitary imagine washing your dishes in the same place where you take a shower it's just not cool at all I've had CPS to my house many times actually they would search my house make sure there's closets and beds and everything else and at that time it was passable I've always had the fear that they would come back and I would lose everything my divorce was Final six years ago I went through a big depression I shut down and I started hanging on things more especially with the kids growing up I hung on the stuff that they had and then it started accumulating it just snowballed I have no idea how everything got so far gone in my house it seemed like it just happened overnight I'm gonna have a happy ending I want us all to be happy I want us to be a good family I don't want to lose either one of my children I don't like living in this house at all and I just I don't want to be hurt anymore by this I let my children down I did not give them the life that I promised myself I'd be giving my children good morning everybody good morning big crowd today I'm Geralyn Thomas I'm a certified professional organizer specializing in chronic disorganization and hoarding so I want to know what's your biggest fear just seeing things leaving that we've been hanging on to for a long time and some memories seem like they'll be leaving too everything in this house is very densely packed we're going to have to let go of a lot of things and if we don't you could have authorities knocking on your door because of the condition of your home Blair what's your goal of having all of this help here my goal is just to get rid of it all so we can have a clean house again and Paige how about you my goal is to like have less anger in my life because the houses create a lot of anger for me so maybe I can be a calmer person and eventually go to college and then get on with my life good for you those are terrific goals all right let's go ahead and get started [Music] it has been a while since I've been in that's for sure I had no idea whatsoever that amazes me that there can be such a volume of anything in a house this small they've kept this hidden very well how have I ignored whatever hints they may have given me how have I not known it must have been terribly difficult on them to try to survive in conditions like that hey hi Warren somebody that I'm close with is seeing the real life that we've had and it's scary it's nice to have it open in a little bit but it's also when he goes home and sees his wife what's he gonna tell her was she going to tell her brother which is my ex-husband who else is going to find out and what retaliations is going to come out of it I can't imagine what you're going through it's Warren with everything but this is not something that can be kept quiet anymore [Music] oh my God what there's black mold right here this is all buried underneath we just never realized oh I need to get out here I'm starting to get really sick now that it's exposed we now know that it's there and I think our body is saying oh we should be reacting to that now and you need to get out of the room I'm Dr Michael Tomkins I'm a licensed psychologist and I specialize in the treatment of anxiety disorders and hoarding Behavior so let's get you in the shade all right here let me get you a chair also I don't feel good everything has mold and it's I didn't know it was that bad we were in there hanging out sleeping in there with all of that and I had no idea and I I can't it's okay our goal was to actually improve conditions so that this would not be a CPS reportable situation and what that meant was making the kitchen usable and creating the bedrooms for the girls so that they can actually have their own spaces and then we discovered the wild card and the wild card in this house was a mold situation in the girl's bedroom [Music] CPS they're not necessarily going to remove your kids from you they're going to remove all of you if they deem this right home unsafe so I'm probably going to call CPS for a consult an anonymous consult truthfully I don't think it's 100 hit me yet I got a sick feeling I could lose my children all together lose my house house can be condemned a lot of work's got to be done and I have no money to fix the problem because it's a it's going to be a lot of damage but what if we get it fixed I don't have the money to fix it what's wrong we will be all removed from the home if it's not safe for anybody if they have to do it but we did not have all these people come out here just so they can kick us out of our home they knew how bad it was and they knew what was coming they didn't know about them all I'm sorry but I can't separating us is not going to solve anything either Paige just hear me out okay we're gonna pull up the carpets tomorrow and see how bad it is if it's really bad you guys can't sleep there one of the things that CPS is going to want is you guys have your own places to sleep my kids are scared they're upset they're mad they have the money to move we don't have the money to fix it we're stuck in this house we have nowhere to go this is a good outcome in the girl's bedroom the carpet was the main problem the cement looks very good so Bonnie we have about an hour and a half before we're leaving so all of this is coming back into your house the place in put it to be in the dining room does that sound okay you want to use the dining room area I think you have way more than the dining room's going to hold [Music] right now the organizers are bringing box after box after box in and unfortunately the boxes are three and four feet high the bags are piled three and four deep Bonnie is out of touch with how much stuff she owns and how much she needs to let go of to live safely in this home with her girls I called them told him that the kitchen was usable now the bathrooms are usable now the girls bedrooms are usable now and they said this is not a reportable event so you're good so you're good so that's the good news this is not going to result in a CPS report but my primary concern is that the problem is going to slowly creep back and there's a good likelihood that's going to happen if she doesn't get help great thank you thank you thank you guys good job [Music] thank you [Music] okay all right absolutely have to eat something or you're not going to school so there's your fruit my name is Julie okay you guys we have 10 minutes I am 45 years old and I'm a mom and a photographer put your seatbelt on Taylor take the ball I had never heard the word hoarder until two days ago um do I believe I am now yes I am disgusted it almost makes me want to throw up I mean I it's sickening my name is Jennifer and I'm 26 years old and I'm Julie's oldest daughter house is the best word that I would use is chaotic when I was there I was very very lost and I was wrapped up in her world and enabling her to continue to live like that and I was drowning in her chaos horrible it's embarrassing and the fact that I try to do something about it and I can't makes me feel worse about myself [Music] my name is Mark I'm 48 years old and Julie is my ex-wife things really started going downhill fairly early in our relationship we definitely would fight you know about the the mess definitely led to some pretty you know severe arguments uh when you're a single parent of four kids with no job all of a sudden everything you have becomes important it becomes what you have and all you have and so it's very hard to let go I feel in my heart that the one that has hurt the most is Jason my son I'm Jason I'm 17 and Julie's my mom [Music] I moved out because I didn't have a room since it was so messed up it's just a bad situation for like a couple years she said every day that she would clean my room and then for she's been saying that for like a year and it hasn't been cleaned over time it started saying well you need to stay with your dad for a week so I can clean your room and then he would call me crying but I couldn't get it done it's sad because I love her and I hate seeing her like this if it were up to me the kids would not be staying there now in the condition that the house is in I mean they're fantastic kids I just think their lives would be a lot better if they didn't have to live in that mess [Music] hello everyone how are we today good good glad to hear it my name is Sarah barika and I am a certified professional organizer Dr zazio is going to work with Julie my name is Dr Robin sassio I am a licensed clinical psychologist and I specialize in compulsive hoarding and I also want to emphasize the respect that we need to have for the items that we are going to be moving in the house okay these belong to Julie and the girls and I don't want anybody to disrespect these items thank you and there's a lot of valuables in junk so yes it's um it's I apologize for that but that's the way it is yes exactly ready all right let's do it thanks everybody [Music] this is sick okay absolutely the white couch goes um all that I mean obviously it's gross it has to go so it's going [Music] right right and you know what that's why this process is so important for you because you can't do it all are they not able to start in there because Sarah and I haven't gone through the front people are getting started that's where all the valuable stuff I would die let's shift and let's go I'm sorry that's where all the breakable stuff is is in the pile the clothes so that it wouldn't break is everybody I don't know laughs okay now I have anxiety okay okay okay this is not okay this is not this is where I put hid all the stuff all right now I have like video cameras and like glass and breakable stuff all right and I didn't want it to break okay okay okay just take a second take a second right my six thousand dollar lenses were in the piles of clothes that are out there okay so that's why I'm freaking out sorry okay what do you have in your hands right now are these things the most valuable things okay why don't you hand them to me I feel badly for her but I know that this is this is what needs to happen but at the same time I feel I feel it too I feel really uh overwhelmed at the same time do you want to have a seat no I just want them out of my living room for a second until I can find my wedding I'll do that okay I'll take care of that okay sorry okay guys come on out mom what can I can reopen it [Music] do you want me to do that in there yeah I'll go through I'm really upset everything's fine I'll go through I'll go through everything you know I'll go through everything my cameras were on the floor my lenses are in there so what's going on well I thought we were I said we need to go through that stuff because my wedding ring is in there okay my six thousand dollar photo lenses and my cameras are in there okay who's in the living room right now everyone was every single person that is here was in there picking up my piles but my stuff was in see I put it in clothing so that it wouldn't get broken okay Julie oh yeah so I'm so upset I know come here though I don't know where my ones is Julie is getting increasingly anxious she's overwhelmed she is getting very very distracted by a lot of emotional issues that she's having in here okay so here's a box that we can use you know for the first hour I got an A and right now I'm getting an F no you're an D minus right now everybody hold up for a second it's okay just everybody stop can you imagine what these people think of me [Music] there's a few friendly neighborhood spiders okay we highly recommend you use masks this smell I can smell it through my mask it's extremely strong the garage uh smells really really bad it's I mean it's full of poop whatever else it is that I'm sure we'll find it smells really bad really bad it's not as the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in my life ever this is why I hate cats we don't have cats but they came in here I'm speechless about how much stuff is in there and I knew that it was so I I was just paralyzed with absolute I was overwhelmed completely trying to take care of four kids at a house I couldn't do it and I felt like a failure okay oh you found your wedding video yeah okay good ready I mean I I think I need to let go of it all that's the only way to get better Jennifer Jennifer did you go through this yeah are you sure let me get through this no it's fine Mom this is not from the garage right it is from the garage yes I swear to God on my life they're not yes they were everywhere I've ever had in my life that I'm ready to leave so let's go I promise you I wouldn't lie can you get down now and I wish someone would respect at the moment I can understand I'm not arguing with you I it's just that I've been so good letting everybody do everything and I say one thing and I get this is incredible you've got all your family here I don't want my family right now because they're the ones that embarrass me but that wasn't intentional right right it wasn't that my underwear was in the truck or my stuff was in the truck it wasn't that it was thrown away it said that no one trusted me enough to believe me you know what I would love is if I came over here and you're right you're like right if my mom says that that's not from the garage then she knows it's not because I do know I was really nervous that she was going to walk away because we're so close and and we've worked so hard and I and I understand where she's coming from but I was scared [Music] do you want those to give me here where's your phone part of the problem is just relocating stuff which we don't want to do have you walked through here yet no I don't want to sweat now though because I want to appreciate it as much as I really want to okay because I'm just in a very bad place okay let's keep working in here with what the time we have left [Music] there is a lot of garbage that we forgot on the side can we get it out let's go okay thank you okay okay good my mom wanted things that she didn't want anybody to touch in here and it was just her safe room to keep stuff I feel like your room is the one room that's been neglected it's up to you but I want to know if you want us to go over or you to go over and to tell her mom it's time to work on my room and I'd like you to focus on that Jennifer begged me to do this really fast and then I will okay right after this this is all garbage no it's not can you not I need you to not come in here and start directing things okay I need you to just let me do this so yeah because it's important to Jennifer yes I am going to do your room so Taylor how are you feeling about Mom saying that she's just gonna go ahead and take care of that on her own um well she has to promise me that she's actually gonna do it and get all of her if you don't tell me now let me tell you what my concern is is that yesterday you said you were going to take care of it and you know why because I've decided I needed to sleep because I hadn't been to bed for three days so I thought they'll understand that I can do it today okay will you be confident that I really will do that my mom promised me that she was going to clean it so it's going to get clean just like the rest of the house [Music] my concern about Taylor Jason and Kylie is that they're really hoping that this is going to be the end and we're not at the end certainly we made remarkable progress but there's a long ways to go I haven't seen the closet in a long time I'm just looking sorry there's a closet here huh oh I'm really happy with my room I was surprised that because I've never seen my room clean in three years and it's all set up and yeah I'd be happy to stay here hopefully she's taken something from this and and we could move forward with it but I know that it's I mean nothing no one's going to change in two days I don't have any question at all about my being able to keep it clean I mean that's not an issue for me what the issue is is the emotions that this brought out I have to get help for my final role with Julie will be to ensure that she continues to follow up with Aftercare with and a specialist in compulsive forwarding but also to work in conjunction with a personal organizer to keep her house in order Dr zazio very effectively removed the block but removing the block also removed all those emotions that came with it and so right now that those are right here and that's what I have to from the state forward get seek help for I don't need a maid I need a psychiatrist [Music] my name is Linda and I'm 51 years old you know there's there's just something about getting a good deal number one feels good so Health and Beauty aisle is a really good bargain aisle here you get a good deal there's a little charge that you get with that what I'm seeing is there's an addiction connection to that this is pretty good I might have to get some of these yep yeah yep growing up it was always cluttery and my parents were children of the Depression era and pretty much there's a lot of things that you save because you might eat them this is good stuff it's a good price and look at this they've got like a I have that part of depression thinking you know I better get it now because I may not be able to get it tomorrow you know we might run out [Music] oh David I'm a really social person and I'd love to have people around me how can you work if you don't have competition I don't need I don't need competition obviously living like this you don't want anybody to see that you live like this it's like this deep dark secret my name is Kyle Quigley and I'm 22 years old and Linda is my mother if you met her you wouldn't even expect her house to look like the way it does but if you were to walk in her house you know you'd be shocked just because there's piles everywhere like there's boxes of just random junk and every bedroom that used to be for me and my siblings are full with junk just boxes of just who knows what's in it just random stuff and who wants to show this to anyone humiliating it's wretched yeah come look at my pit you know hoarding is so ugly you know who wants to The Horde I mean just the word is like it's ugly this is the house that I've lived in since 1990 and I raised my family of four children and at one time there was a husband here and he's now gone now it's just me my name is Jeff Quigley and Linda and I were married let's see September 1st 1979. about four years after we were married Amanda was born and then then of course relationships change when you have a young one to take care of my name is Amanda Williams I'm 26 years old and I am Linda's daughter the hoarding and pack riding kind of behavior has not always been there like as a young child there definitely wasn't any kind of clutter and I think about sixth grade is when it started happening for her I think it was after her father passed away and I noticed some changes in her her attitude kind of depressed more more migraines and very defensive about possessions and things he and I were really close I mean when he died my body decided to be mad basically what I would see more and more of is I would see more shopping and I'm just going out and buying things stuff we really didn't need and I think that I probably became aware of it about five years ago that this was more than just poor housekeeping that there was something really deep down and partly because the fact that it none of it made sense oh look at this hilarious is that too funny or what it's armadillo now see I would just buy this because it's funny there was no Rhyme or Reason to things that she brought home for a while I went on a uh a thing where I bought baby stuff this was when the kids were at home it's like but you don't have any babies no but I'll find somebody that does you know you know somebody's got a baby I'm going to salvage what I want to take with me put in a pod that is sitting in my driveway and get it ready to be sold and start my new life my name is Dr Renee renardi I'm a psychologist and I specialize in obsessive-compulsive disorder and compulsive hoarding we'll get started of course it's a big day um big day for you especially more than that it is awesome you too Kyle so I think there are a couple of ground rules I do want Linda to be in charge of this process we want to check everything out with her first so she's the one that makes all the decisions with everything and uh and the person running the show now what we have to see is more of the behavioral aspects of it what is she going to be able to tolerate how long is she going to be able to work for how much is she going to be able to delegate and we're not going to know until we get started really you're ready I'm ready good let's do it okay okay sounds good the most important thing for me like I said is is I want to see some completion on this thing and it's uh it's overwhelming as you can probably as you can see oh boy in the pot okay I'm not sure put in a pod now is this going to be this is a go um you know what um this is a whole bunch of different clothes and I'm not even gonna okay not even gonna go there and more vitamins and hair color and goodbye goodbye yay this time I am gonna not keep I was gonna say I'm Gonna Keep it but it's okay and you know I'm not sure about this so I I'm Gonna Keep My measuring cup though um Dr anardy and my mom are downstairs sworn in stone I think that's going good I just you know I'm kind of one of those people that want to get things done as fast as possible and I know that's that's kind of process you don't do that so it's it's kind of hard for me because you know I just want to get the ball rolling and get things out of here is there anything you want me to do like the old freezer and those old bikes that you that we already talked about getting rid of those can go yeah yeah please that would be awesome though thank you this can go all this can go I know that it's getting to the bottom of it you are Hallelujah I'm exhausted I'm I'm not lying you know that's going to be part of the process I was so tired last night I was physically ill today I slept really good last night I'm refreshed I'm ready to go good I can't believe all this was in the Attic that is nuts like that attic is only about this tall oh yes oh good one thing at a time right yeah and it all gets done all right I can do it but the other thing is I do need to look at it yeah she originally said she's just gonna probably throw away all of it and now she's like she just came out there and said yeah I kind of changed my mind I needed to look through there so yeah these are all dolls that are no good that one though Gonna Save these are really nice for some of these babies same same oh these were Amanda's and we had a really special friend that made these a lot of it was baby things and I love hang up there and this was Heather's I think this was gonna bother me yeah well it brings back a lot of memories I think of um [Music] that pictures inside the metal he's wearing this [Music] and this is hard I have to show you this that picture that's on the metal I think he has this one okay and my mom made these and my aunt made this and she's gone now now yeah she was getting stressed out toward the end because she wanted to get a lot done and it's it's a long process but it's worth worth the time I didn't think I was gonna do this I didn't want to do this yeah it is hard yeah I didn't even know this stuff was up there I forgot about it sure probably gonna take a while because there's a lot of stuff out there so right here just sucked because we had a good Tempo going and we were getting ready to stop um is there anything that we can any other areas we can start or anything no I can't do any more than I'm doing I can't think of anything what do you want us to do I can't think of anything else I can't even think I'm feeling really pressured okay process there's a lot of friction that certainly can come up I think there was friction at times between her and some of the the cleanup people just because she was so panicky wanting to make use of them um at one point she was saving more for a little while as her anxiety increased but then she kind of had that release of energy and now is tossing stuff in the truck herself really really Banks going on it's made him go flat yes who needs to go to go to a batting cage right that's not cute because it smells good as we speak she's out there throwing stuff um into the truck which is uh which can appear like issue distress I think it's something that is very empowering for her sorry sorry you know my tendency is right he's out don't save that why because it's a swim and I can sell it no one's gonna buy a 1980s no save it sorry no one's nope you know what I've done a really good job [Music] what okay I was up for finale you like it I don't know I'm gonna do what I can when I can which try to come help her when I can but I don't know this I've had a lot of patience last couple days I don't know if I can do that for too long on three one two three it isn't realistic to think in a week or in two days that we're going to be able to clean out the house and have it stay there long term I would say almost always when the person who Hoards is not involved the house is going to get cluttered again and usually clutter pretty quickly so it is better to do it this way even though it takes a little bit longer up front it's much better in the long term I think we got them let's walk around let's see what we got okay let's do let's do this okay I'm just a mess I'm done okay okay no problem I can't process anymore [Music] now this is kind of in a standstill and they're both talking to their attorneys my mom and my dad trying to figure out what the next step is they got denied on a home loan which was going to pay to fix up the house so that they could sell it [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm Jace and Teresa is my mom I moved out when I was approximately 15 years old my relationship with my mom just kind of severed there I don't recall a time when there wasn't clutter in the home she always smoked in the home never smoked outside I remember mouse droppings and you could hear mice underneath the couch the fridge was always just disgusting I never had a stove or an oven cooked meal we ate out a lot and had TV dinners my house is filled yes but at least a third of the stuff in my house is for crafting but it's what I excel at I'm good at what I do a lot of people crochet but they don't make scrubbies I make a lot of scrubbies without clean anything you can scrub your dishes scrub your tub you can clean out your fridge anything that needs to be cleaned can be cleaned but the scrubby they won't scratch anything I mean they're the most wonderful thing there ever was it wasn't a good marriage you drink he stepped out on me girlfriend started calling every night and he took my self-esteem from me and I just fell to pieces my sister said that there's many times that she's burned her blankets and the couch in her bed I'm surprised that she hasn't burned down the place it it's amazing to me that it hasn't if my mom doesn't clean the home I will call Adult Protective Services it would be very difficult to do but I would make the call he easily could die this is the first step to getting your life back my name is Corey Chalmers I'm an extreme cleaner that specializes in biohazard and hoarding you have all these resources that are here that can completely get this house back to a safe and functional condition so are you ready to start touching your things and making those difficult choices they've got lots of help here good answer good answer let's start let's do this what we're doing is we're trying to get this door open okay so we're really trying to work from the top down okay and making decisions I thought it would be a good idea to get Jace to go in with his mom and let him really experience what it's like to work through this with his mother here is a trash bag here is the box for keep stuff we're just showing our items and asking her good luck all right Jace wants a mom face to face he doesn't want objects taking the place of him in her life all of it's garbage yeah it is to you nothing in here completely empty yeah yeah looks like you have plenty of them what about this so can I throw it away no no can I throw this away no Cape why because I get them for gifts you're gonna give that to somebody well that can be wiped off that's mouse droppings so what I've got any bacterial stuff Jace got to see firsthand that you just don't get in and get rid of the stuff I'm done trying for a moment at least hi we're here to help you you're not helping anything okay so I'm gonna let them out okay okay all right don't come back in I probably won't I hope they don't make me good thank you you was really mean to me I'm sorry but us nicing you to death is not working you need to change I hope that we can figure out how to redirect your thoughts and her thinking because the thing that I yearn for most is to just have my mom can you let your son's love for you count look at his face he's holding back tears he's here because he loves you can't you see the love that's why we're here I know I want to become my old self again you gotta help me get there but you gotta let me do it my way Jace needed to realize that you don't bring the dump trucks in and clear the house in two days and there's no pain in fact there's so much pain and that's why the house is full Theresa we're gonna look through this stuff right now and my challenge to you is to look at it through a new set of eyes not the Teresa that's lived the last several years but the new Teresa and what she wants for her future try just try she's having such a hard time breathing and coughing she can't even get off the couch to open the door at this point we have to find a way in there so we can get her a breathing treatment we gotta stepping on this horde right here Cory's a paramedic Teresa he can help you okay don't move you need your nebulizer you know she was really struggling this is another sign of how this critical house is going to kill her you know if we weren't here what would have happened she couldn't get to a phone she couldn't get to the door I don't know how many things she's gonna have to go through like this before she realizes she's gonna die in this house put the cigarette out now you can't take a breathing treatment and have a cigarette that's ridiculous I know okay breathe that in come on you're welcome I'm telling you if you don't take advantage of this this is a death trap for you with throwing out the rescue to you and I'm saying you say please rescue me from this will you let us do what we need to do to rescue you yes okay we're gonna get started in the bottom straight back to the grass Theresa everyone here did a lot of work including you you guys ready to see it yes we are oh my goodness oh my God this is so awesome I could not leave you on that couch Theresa you know that oh thank you guys got never everybody are you ready to go see your kitchen I am all right [Music] now I'm gonna cook you guys up so many children of course wish that they could save their Mom or Dad's life and this time it happened Jay stepped up to the plate and said I want my mom to live [Music] I am so happy with the final result there has been more growth and healing over the past 24 hours than there have been in the last 13 years I didn't think I'd be thrilled at all but I am so thrilled I already failed my life coming back my heart is just swelling thank you you're welcome [Music] my name is Mary Lynn I'm 53 and I'm on disability I live in a house but it's not a house when you first walk in my door you immediately see a stack of boxes if you look to your left you see another stack of boxes no matter where you go in my home you see boxes you never know what you're going to be stepping on what's under something to walk into my bedroom is like walking into a minefield literally my name is Jacob I'm 14 and Marilyn is my mom my house is cluttered and you can't really walk anywhere we can't cook stuff in the oven because we have stuff in the oven my bedroom has clothes everywhere I only have half a bed that I sleep on I trip over a lot of things at the house and that really frustrates me I get mad and like kick it out of my way because I get tired of just falling and stuff like that Jacob has told me that he would rather live in foster care or anywhere other than here with me I gotten so fed up with the mess that I just wanted a weigh out that I could get out of the house go to foster care or something like that so I went to my daughter and said that my mom was being abusive and they ended up calling CPS two women showed up at my door and they were investigators for CPS I honest to God thought it was some kind of a prank then I realized this was not a joke they were for real and this was happening oh I don't think my mom will be trying to clean up if CBS wasn't involved and it's kind of depressing that she wants to do it because of that instead of doing it for me or for us I'm Jennifer I'm 28 and I'm Marilyn's oldest daughter when my sister and I were little our houses were always spotless organized if I needed something my mom always knew exactly where it was at I mean the craziest thing she would say you know it's over on the desk on the right hand side underneath the stack papers everybody has something that they want to hold on to Trinkets and things that are important and special to them but really I'm tired of feeling like I parent her in this situation and I'm ready for her to be my mom and a grandmother my name is Amanda I'm 25 years old and I'm Mary Lynn's youngest daughter growing up my mom was a normal mom she took care of us she had a clean house all the time she made like seven course dinners every night and she was just fun to be around and when I was about 18 or 19. and that's really where the hoarding started when my stepfather left my mom I went into a major Panic started calling every single friend he had no one had seen him nobody knew anything about and didn't I couldn't find them her stuff is filling a void that she has and that she's had since her and my stepfather got divorced it hurts me to know that my mom is choosing to keep these possessions in her house when she knows that these possessions in her house are keeping me and her grandchildren away she's using this stuff to kind of keep herself company and to kind of comfort herself good morning everybody good morning I'd like to go ahead and start the meeting by discussing some of your goals I'm Geralyn Thomas and I'm a professional organizer what do you hope to get out of this a new life a new life okay Mary Lynn is somebody that I have great concerns dealing with we know that you're experiencing a lot of anxiety about this process so we're going to try our best to be very gentle I'm just worried about keeping her mood level the whole time all right this is the key keep okay and all four of these chairs what about this I don't understand I've had that forever and ever and it's an antique and I love it but what are you gonna do with it use it but where Mom until the house is cleaned out I'm not sure but I know I'm Gonna Keep it my name is Dr Renee renardi I'm a clinical psychologist and I specialize in compulsive hoarding Behavior she has an extremely difficult time making any types of decisions you know trying to find a use and a purpose for everything in the house look another sleeping bag that's been around since Jennifer don't deal with it I can go I know that they're very disappointed in me and they expected the whole house to be clean and shiny and sparkling and a brand new house today things don't happen that way you don't know what's important to me and you don't know what I have plans for all this time we've been standing around doing nothing today we could have been loading each other will you please I'm sending it to someone that could use it bring it down a couple times please there's no bringing it down Mom I'm to that point I can't take it I can't take it you're not listening you're not hearing I'm hearing I don't want to hear you when you scream at me I've been screamed at yelled at all my damn life I don't have to take it from you mom this consumes your life and I'm tired of every time I get on the phone with you this is what it's about you need help you've got to get this done you've got to get that done you have no help I'm tired of it Mandy you know what when people say they need help they need help you have all the help today that you could use one truck and you wonder why we're pissed off you show love through your actions well start showing it because to me you're choosing all of these possessions over your family you need to do the only reason read your Bible the only reason that I called this show was so that you could get the help that you and Jacob deserve and so your grandkids can come over here and they can't if you've just excluded me from your lives totally I know nothing about what's going on in your life you live a mile away from me this whole situation is just ridiculous I just feel like we're not getting anywhere and I feel like we're wasting time we're leaving this hold it open a hammer and ax what else you got up in here chainsaw bit this is a shirt no even I wouldn't wear that all the papers being sorted through so good good good but a lot of it can go oh I I know that uh believe me I know that as long as you remember that cleansing cleansing the hutch and go okay so the hutch and the mattress Cheryl all of it okay send it oh I have crossed that bridge so to speak of being able to say okay it's okay to let this go you're not gonna die without it proud of you feel good about the progress you've made you did fill up a truck today is that it that's it go wash your neck eat your ears too [Music] don't do that [Music] oh don't do that doesn't make you feel I was very very emotional when I saw her like that just because you know I've wanted this for so long for her so I can you know hardly imagine how she feels actually being able to walk in her room and see it look like a room for the first time since she's moved in I don't have enough words to tell you how valuable this is well we love you glad to feel [Music] the field we're so proud of you you have no idea I think now our family will actually get the chance to spend time together quality time and everything not be so consumed with the junk and the anger and the frustration our main goal was achieved and that was to create an atmosphere that was safe for Jacob I love it can you feel how much bigger it is in here now so much good Jacob what are you going to tell Child Protective Services when they come back in do you feel comfortable I'm staying you're staying I know he is so happy I can just I mean I can see it I can feel it it just is like coming out of his pores you know it's and it's just such a great feeling I see hope and I see a life again take care you guys keep work thank you [Music] [Music] I'm Karen I'm a first grade teacher I always have children's best interests at my heart I would hope none of them go home to a house like I'm Tanya Karen's daughter my mother Hoards anything and everything junk trash documents papers things everywhere I'm Jared and Karen is my mom her house is like an I Spy book whatever you can think of you might find a spatula in the coat closet it's just random I am Catherine and Karen's my mom she loves yard sales and estate sales that's her crack I also have a problem with thrift stores part of it is like her getting a bargain the other part of it is the high of actually getting something else well hi Karen I found Treasures oh wonderful absolutely random crap when my dad was there it was a clean house it was I our Palace neat organized but at some point he decided his plans did not include a wife and four children and right after the divorce my my precious first born son felt like it was his fault and he chose to end his life that's when I got really really bad we all dealt with my dad leaving and my brother dying uh differently and hoarding stuff was hers and it just grew from that so good morning everyone I'm Standalone Robertson a certified professional organizer our goal is to have a safe home for your grandson a safe home for you how are you doing right now my butterflies have butterflies I'll be okay let's do it good we're here for you we're here for you let's do it [Applause] okay just throw anything that can go right there clock but to keep where will it live I have to keep it my Stephen that's why I have to keep because of where it was located I didn't realize how special it was to her it was so precious yet it was on the front porch we're going to surround you with things that you love okay okay what's happening I don't know oh this hurts it does this is what I meant about it being hard and why you've avoided it for so long getting Karen to really feel these emotions that she's not allowed herself to feel is really the point so have these meltdowns have these moments that's why we're here with you I'm so happy you're here today we have got to step it up we've got to step it up thanks for being here you're welcome crazy hard you're welcome are you okay are you sure you're okay no I'm good okay it's you've seen like something's going on okay so we'll keep going you're making big decisions and trust that it's going to be okay hey there hi did your mom delegate you guys to this area no Just Junk to me this is clearly trash okay we just don't want you to do this behind your back all right so we'll just put it all right back where it was now we'll just I'll get her permission and then we'll throw it away the right way so over this already what's it been like an hour this whole hoarding I don't think that it's a condition I think it's just as easy as throwing something away permission to throw in the trash really it's off in trash it's so frustrating get over it just throw it away you can tell this is a very strange relationship huh it is this is part of the healing okay this is part of the healing that's my cave um what do you think throw it away and start over we have some guidelines the two of us set up so you two spend the minute in here working I wanted them to have the time together to just get in there Bond deal with it and see how it all would work out are you sorry you can yeah this is horrible pull that dump up to the front door and just start hauling it out can you be kind this would you ever seriously let me see you put it on I don't want to have this conversation for real I don't know that your daughter Tanya understands what you're going through this is my wall that I protect me Karen has built her walls with stuff and itanya has built up a wall of lots of emotions you taught me did I put something good mother and then I didn't do it right and I'm sorry I live in this constant fear and I'm having a really hard time letting go and I'm sorry that I've put you in a position to judge me oh sorry I was not the right person for your dad I'm sorry I wasn't the right mother for you so shocked you're here what's happening for you nothing I'm glad I'm glad that you want to get out of this rut there should be a peaceful area and it's not well that's my goal so now I want to move on I have more Stuart than I love you [Music] I'm just so disgusting to what I've done what is this stuff it's just I don't the boxes are in the storage overnight they just didn't have to be purged and I'm trying it was just garbage the most ridiculous senseless stuff in those boxes affected so many lives how pitiful could this be a motivation to not do this Beyond here absolutely I just want this torture my life over and the garbage is gonna go out ouch [Music] right okay [Music] oh no oh my gosh he's jacked it's like he's just oh okay this to me is worth it and he can run around in this room and play oh my goodness this is incredible I feel like the house is completely safe for Ryland now oh oh nice [Music] whoa mom whoa whoa whoa we wanted to have a safe space for Rylan but what really came out of this is that we needed a safe space for Karen oh my word this is perfect thank you thank you thank you today when she actually got to see the house it was like a whole new Karen was born I'm absolutely proud of her I think we're all ready to jump in and support her the best way we know how and I think she's ready for it I think that's the biggest thing is she's finally ready for me the success was having you at the end of this to be able to look into the mirror and tell yourself I love you you ready for that yes I love you and I thought who you're gonna become you gained your kids the gift of being able to see you the real you the old you the old you wow the transformation of this house is a transformation of her heart hi thanks for being a fan of Hoarders And subscribe to a e for more videos and click the links around me to watch more
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Id: Pdl4XiADHF4
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Length: 96min 16sec (5776 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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