Hitler's Flying Saucers - Fact or Fantasy?

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This channel is quite good.

Think of this as a less bullshit approach to the common History Channel click bait.

Solid video.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Roofofcar 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

How would these even have worked? Would they generate lift like an airplane by flying forward?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/StopSendingSteamKeys 📅︎︎ Jun 18 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] at first glance the title of this video may suggest a journey into fantasy and fiction the kind of nonsense usually reserved for certain kinds of popular tv documentaries much in vogue at the present i'm reserving judgment but i think it's also important to see what evidence there is for a nazi flying saucer program we can all accept that during world war ii the germans led the world in the realm of aeronautical engineering they produced many cutting-edge vehicles way ahead of their time from the messerschmitt 163 rocket interceptor to the v2 ballistic missile the first man-made object to officially enter space in 1942 rumors abounded during and after the war the german engineers had also been trying to perfect circular shaped aircraft the engineer often credited with inventing the flying disc at least on paper was josef andreas epp he designed a craft that was circular with a helicopter type rotor attached to the top epp had been inspired by witnessing the flight of the experimental fokkerwolf fw61 helicopter in 1938. epp created four design drawings all equipped with a main rotor with the airframe in the center epps designs were essentially disc shaped helicopters with adjustable rotor blades epp claimed to have built some one-tenth scale models of this design which he sent to the ministry of aviation in berlin in 1941 hoping to obtain a contract the designs and models were examined by staff from the office of general ernst udette chief of the technical office they were judged to have some merit and in turn the material went to general dr valter dornberger then head of the secret weapons programs at panamunda which included the v1 and the v2 dawnberger's staff conducted further tests a facility was then created at prague airport in german occupied czechoslovakia to begin full-scale design and build of a flying disk the project was placed under the control of engineers rudolf shriva an otto harbamol with technical assistance from the luftwaffe skoda and junckers the project was later placed under the auspices of albert spears armaments ministry until in 1944 it was absorbed along with the v weapons program by the ss headed by obergruppenfuhrer dr hans kamla shriva and harbamul allegedly built a flying example of their desk called the fluke chrysler or flying gyro it incorporated some of epps design with a series of new innovations having a weight of three tons a photograph allegedly taken by epp exists today that shows a flying disc actually in flight over prague airport epp was called in to consult on the shriva habermol project when they face problems and epp took the picture over some foliage as he drove to the airport in august 1944. epp claimed that the photograph shows one of the first unofficial flights of the disc which was officially listed as having flown for the first time in january 1945. this contention was supported by georg klein the chief engineer on the projects at prague airport in post-war interviews a luftwaffe test pilot named otto langer gave a sign statement after the war describing his role in piloting the flying disc this of course should all be taken with a pinch of salt aside from the epp and shriva harbamol projects a third flying disc project was also running concurrently at the airport a joint german italian program its leaders were dr richard meeta and professor giuseppe belluzzo a senior scientist under the mussolini regime their design was again a flying saucer and was very similar to a post-war design created by a british engineer suggesting some post-war cooperation in the early cold war period which we will return to presently regarding actual evidence for what i've outlined so far we have the testimonies of many involved but of course they could be lying design drawings from all three projects do exist from world war ii as well as some other documents of the period including one listing thrust figures and other technical data that had been derived from physical tests a second photograph of a disk in flight was found with these documents but may have been planted there with the papers the post-war period to add veracity to the story at this point i think it's also worth saying that other countries apart from germany had also been experimenting with circular aircraft designs in the 1930s and 40s including the united states the vort company producing the v-173 flying pancake in 1942 and the xf-5u in 1943. though the purported german design seemed to be far in advance of anything the americans were coming up with so what became of the actual flying discs the three projects designed and possibly built according to the testimony of all the engineers involved the three projects were abandoned the 15th of april 1945 as the red army closed in on prague the machines were said to have been dragged out of the hangars and burned all documentation and models were packed up and the technical teams departed post haste the germany shriver set himself up in post-war germany as an inventor supplementing his income by working as a truck driver for the u.s occupation authorities on the 4th of august 1948 his workshop at bremerhaven leia was burgled and all flying disc plans and models were stolen he claims he was approached by agents from a western intelligence agency wanting information about flying disks but he refused to help them shriva officially died in 1953 though subsequently in the mid-1960s he was reportedly seen by people who had known him very much alive and well epp continued his flying disc design work post-war claiming to have built an airworthy model in 1946 continuing with flight tests of models throughout the 1950s he also wrote about nazi flying discs and was interviewed on several television programs he claimed that he approached the americans with his designs after the war but was rebuffed he married and settled in what became east germany and tried with the soviets to interest them in his work again without success returning to west germany in 1956 he applied to patent his design but the u.s authorities apparently delayed granting the patent for 10 years all of this is very strange the u.s was very interested in nearly everything the nazis had designed and built in world war ii operation paperclip had seen the u.s roundup and removed to america thousands of scientists and engineers in all fields with military applications including aircraft design and rocketry the u.s was interested in flying this technology because we have undeniable evidence of a secret program the united states air force funded in the 1950s and 60s into flying this technology more on that in a moment so if they were not interested in epps work and couldn't get shriva to cooperate where did they obtain technical data and designs to kick-start their own program well the suggestion is they got this information from the german who ran the third flying disc program dr richard meter this is a model of the meter discus based on the known design it had an internal rotating jet engine to provide propulsion takeoff was down a ramp using a rocket-assisted catapult the craft had landing gear similar to the messerschmitt 163 consisting of two retractable skids now look at this this aircraft was code named project y and was designed and built in 1952 by british aerospace engineer john frost at avro canada's special projects group this spade shape fighter shares some similarities to meters original design it has been rumoured that dr mita cooperated with such secret design work in canada john frost's design which was only ever a wooden mock-up was called the flying manta frost was a british aerospace engineer and designer who worked for de havilland during the war being involved with creating the de havilland dh108 swallow a swept wing tailless fighter from 1946 that held the world speed record in 1947 frost moved to canada joining avro developing the cf-100 jet fighter interceptor and was involved with the special projects group a top secret experimental aircraft unit established in 1952 where he and his team tried to create a vertical takeoff and landing aircraft project y was the first attempt the post-war input of meter into this design and the subsequent avro avrocar flying disc built by frost and his team at avro for the us air force has been suggested many times the vz9 avro car was created in the search for veto aircraft that could be used following a nuclear exchange where most conventional airfields and runways had been destroyed codenamed project silverbug frost and his team designed and built two working avro cars the first flight being made in november 1959 the design used a single turbo rotor to provide lift and thrust blowing exhaust out of the rim of the saucer though the craft would hover and fly just off the ground gaining significant altitude was a problem the avro team apparently couldn't solve accordingly in 1961 the u.s air force who provided the funding pulled the plug on the project and the avro car was terminated of course the similarities between the german world war ii flying saucer projects and those of avro canada and the u.s military may only be coincidental but we can deduce certain things from them firstly it appears that if avro canada and the us were using german engineers like meter to assist with the project y and project silverbug aircraft the germans probably had not been able to make their own flying discs fly before the end of the war shut down their research the avro car could barely fly over a decade and a half after the war and this problem should have been solved if the germans have been so far along with their own research and development as many authors and witnesses have claimed they were secondly even if the avro canada project had received no input from nazi era engineers he'd faced the same seemingly insurmountable problems of getting a saucer-shaped craft to fly which seems odd if the germans had already figured it all out in the 1940s one would have expected better progress by engineers in the late 1950s and early 1960s with more resources computer power and bigger teams of engineers thirdly the avro car puts paid to any notion that the us had captured nazi flying sources around the time of the roswell incident in 1947 and many other ufo sightings because again if they had why was the avro car a failure what people were reporting as ufos in the 1940s and 50s must indeed have been not of u.s manufacturer i am here to discuss the so-called flying saucers the air force interest in this problem has been due to our feeling of an obligation to identify and analyze to the best of our ability anything in the air that may have the possibility of threat or menace to the united states in pursuit of this obligation since 1947 we have received and analyzed between one in 2 000 reports that have come to us from all kinds of sources of this great massive reports we have been able adequately to explain the great book of them explain them to our own satisfaction we've been able to explain them as hoaxes as erroneously identified friendly aircraft as meteorological or electronic phenomena or as light aberrations however there have been a certain percentage of this volume of reports that have been made by credible observers of relatively incredible things it is this group of observations that we now are attempting to resolve our basic difficulty in dealing with these is that there is no measurement of them that makes it possible for us to put them in any pattern that would be profitable for a deliberate uh custom sort of analysis to take the next step we have as a date come to only one firm conclusion with respect to this remaining percentage and that is that it does not contain any pattern of purpose or of consistency that we can relate with any to any conceivable threat to the united states fourthly do we believe the us air force story that the avro car was terminated in 1961. the groom lake test facility in nevada known more popularly as area 51 was operational from 1955 onwards and subsequent secret aircraft projects including the u2 the sr-71 blackbird and the f-117 stealth fighter were all developed there in great secrecy did flying disc research really end in 1961. of course there is one obvious point that we must consider that epp shriver meter and all the other engineers pilots etc who spoke about nazi flying saucer research were lying the entire program was a fiction that has been turned into a believable story by authors and documentary filmmakers and that flying disc research really only got underway in the 1950s in canada and the united states and disappeared by the early 1960s as engineers couldn't make them work as the germans seemed to have experimented with every other type of aerial vehicle during world war ii i think it likely that some experimental work was conducted from the war into flying discs but whether anywhere ever built or even flew we cannot know for sure but i can tell you that hitler never flew in one to a secret base in antarctica of that you can be sure thanks for watching please subscribe and share and also visit my audiobook channel war stories with mark felton you can also help to support both of my channels at paypal and patreon details in the description box below
Channel: Mark Felton Productions
Views: 783,895
Rating: 4.9056678 out of 5
Keywords: UFOs, Area 51, Haunebu, Die Glocke, Flying Saucers, Roswell, Mark Felton
Id: Bb7OiKUPn3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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