Hitchhikers, Who Was The Craziest Person That Picked You Up? (r/AskReddit)

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hitchhikers of Reddit what is the most interesting experience you've had I was hitching a ride out of Thunder Bay to head home for Thanksgiving this guy driving a silver Impala pulls over he's bumping West Side connection I'm a big fan of nineties hip-hop so I have a good feeling I run up to the car and his first question is do you have any weed I happen to have a few joints so I'm feeling even better he asks where I am going and i say toronto he says it's his day and his plan is to drive straight to toronto I'm feeling very pumped about this ride I hop in and notice he has tattoos everywhere not upper gears many rides I've taken have hats hats but I noticed one in particular that says hater proof across his neck in block letters we start cruising and all he says is his name as Justin and he proceeds to bunt nineties hip-hop for the next five hours we may have smoked a joint somewhere in there as well all his game alright though from our snippets of conversation I begin to realize this guy's fucking intense turns out he is freshly released from prison after doing a stint for armed robbery and accessory to murder I Ike he also lets me know the car is borrowed from a friend we arrive in Salt Street Mary and shit gets real or he's looking to activate a phone he was given but none of the SIM cards are compatible the worker lets him notice and buddy begins grabbing $50 worth of merchandise from the shelves the worker is unsure how to handle him and decides to do the smart thing and just activate this guy's phone we also inexplicably still leave with the $50 in merchants says a word now I'm quite upset that my bag is in this guy's vehicle but I see no way of easily leaving with my bag without offending the sky and I'm still hopeful to get home dumb I know the next two hours are spent driving through Northern Ontario still bumping tunes though I'm much less excited we also smoked my last joint we get pulled over in Bucks Falls doing 150 kilometers in a 60 buddy pulls over and looks at me and says my name is Justin I say alright cop comes up asks for registration buddy says it's my day can you give me break cop asks for registration buddy gives him a receipt for an oil change cop asks him to step out but he looks at me looks at the cop sizin gets out I get put in the back of a cruiser and hear them identify this guy by his neck - - I spend the next three hours in a cruiser with no info but I can hear the radio and everyone is freaking out about this guy turns out he had been arrested for robbing a Brinks truck and in the process his buddy in the driver were killed he did seven years and was released to a halfway house he kicked the shit out of via worker there and escaped found his way to Winnipeg got stolen car and an ounce of crack and was truly headed to Toronto for his day he told the cops as they arrested him that he wished he had a gun so he could have shot them both in myself after the whole thing was over I was released and never questioned further I was denied a ride into town by the cops but was given three dollars by one of the cops - get yourself a coffee I wasn't the hitchhiker but my friend was we were in college and studying abroad in Costa Rica while we were studying abroad the FIFA World Cup was going on in Brazil and Costa Rica was doing pretty well it was the weekend and we were in a small town in the mountains called Montford celebrating Costa Rican victory against Uruguay we were the only Americans in the bar so many people were buying us celebratory drinks particularly this one man was pretty set on buying my friend drinks all night which she took and there was no problem as expected we both got pretty drunk after the game was over he offered to take her to see the countryside I told her not to go and she wouldn't listen and I also insisted to go with her and she didn't want me to at all obviously we both were not thinking clearly so she ends up going with him basically he took her back to his place two hours outside of where we were and wanted to get with her she refused and asked him to take her back to where they were and he refused also the language barrier didn't help she told me he was pretty butthurt about not getting in her pants so he ended up pouting and falling asleep meanwhile my friend is too outside town has no idea where she is so she throws up in his yard and starts running down the dirt road in a random direction and sticks out her thumb two cars that ever so often pass by many cars pass but eventually a family from Texas ends up picking her up and was actually staying in the same town we were staying at and takes her back she's the luckiest person I know what are the chances haha not a hitchhiker but the driver a nine months pregnant fifteen-year-old girl came up to me in a parking lot and asked me for a ride to her mom's work 20 minutes away I said okay and she started crying and thanking me profusely then hugged me like I was a long-lost brother or something we get in the car and she keeps going on and on about how wonderful line for helping and how no one has ever been this nice to her when we get to her mom's work she says if I'll wait she will go and get gas money from her mom or if I want it I could pull into a nearby alley and she would give me a blowjob I politely declined both offers while hitchhiking an EU with a friend we fell asleep in a driver's car on a French Highway woke up around 2:00 a.m. to see two French military pointing fairness rifles at us turns out the driver had been driving 130 km / H 80 miles per hour over the speed limit at roughly 260 km / H 160 miles per hour so twice the authorized speed and refused to pull over when ordered to by the cops so they called reinforcements Jean d'armes and stopped slashes sorted into a small highway gas station what must have been an exciting car chase went totally unnoticed by my friend and died because we slept wearing earplugs I'm French myself and had my passport plus it card so we didn't got in trouble but the driver lost his license and had no choice but to abandon the car at the station my friend and I spent the next four hours in the middle of nowhere to wait for a trucker to pick us up earplugs are so effective nowadays my friend found me lying in front of a bulldozer that was about to destroy my house to build a new highway later we went to the pub only to be interrupted by a large yellow ship intent on destroying the earth to make way for a hyperspace bypass revealing that he was in fact an alien my friend teleported us onto the yellow ship we were promptly captured and subjected to the alien commanders poetry after this diatribe we were thrown out of an airlock without even an offer of tea and biscuits fearing the worst I began to scream hysterically only for a ship to appear around us we were greeted by a man with two faces and a women I almost asked out once I was displeased to discover that the ship did not know how to make a cup of tea an Android then introduced himself he seemed a bit down me my friend and a politician then set off on a series of increasingly bizarre adventures culminating in the revelation that earth was in fact a giant supercomputer which had almost completed the calculations an accessory to find the question to the answer of 42 some rodents then attempted to kill me personally and extract my brain an elderly man then showed up rescued us and we got back aboard the ship he was intent in telling us that he had won awards for the Scandinavian coastline all very odd traveling alone I found myself on Easter Island a few years back and I wanted to hitch across the island from hangar OA the only town to get to the festival races at rano raraku nearly naked dudes running with big bunches of bananas a guy from my hostel must have had the same idea because I saw him pass me by on the back on a locals motorbike giving me a cheery smile of hello / sorry / good luck I thought I wasn't going to get a ride but then a truck pulled up and stopped the back was piled high with watermelons for the event and three Islanders helped pull me up to perch with them atop the mound of watermelons I wrote across the island on the melon mountain and offered the guys with me cigarettes we didn't speak and that was fine when we got to the festival I saw the hostile guy and we made eye contact as the truck pulled to a stop he smiled again and gave me a clap gesture we never spoken that was fine - one of my favorite parts of solo travelling was these silent encounter with strangers another story one time in rural Newfoundland a schoolteacher picked me up with his two young kids in the back he tried to drive his cattle are up the side of a mountain to show me the view IVA brought me to his parents house and they fed me moose soup the kids wanted me to stay and play GameCube with them I'm pasting this incident from my FB wall so here goes Gus broke down at Bill app' Highway due to a puncture in the tire waited for around 30 minutes driver couldn't fix it warped a few meters ahead and I hitched a ride the guy on the bike was kind said he was going to the same destination as me and that he would drop me off near my place wow that felt good but he did tell me that he rides safely I was fine with it and I got on his bike shouldn't have done that he wouldn't drive past 35 km / H and he wouldn't move to the left of the road since he's riding at a very slow pace the vehicles behind were honking but he couldn't care any less he wrote at his pace I was like what I asked him to increase his speed but he stuck to his so-called safety measure anyways after a model so is by gran out of fuel okay this day couldn't get any worse I thought to myself were parked on the left side of the road I got off from the bike and asked him to use the reserve fuel he said he wouldn't use it because it's supposed to be used at the time of an emergency like what the actual f ck what kind of emergency is that lunatic waiting for asking explosion I was pissed and I walked off after walking for 100 meters or so that guy on his bike drove past me at a speed of over 60 km / H if I am guessing it correctly again what the actual F asterisk CK I mean what did he want to accomplish was he trying to save his reserve fuel by decreasing the weight on his bike or was it something else like seriously people these days are twisted and demented there is no hope for the human race now several cool stories hitchhiked about a mile through my college campus to to class a professor I didn't know picked Meetup and used me in her lesson about risk versus reward or something like that I found out later from a friend who happened to be in that lecture another was a German lady with a broken leg who picked me up in Washington State who flew and specifically to go to a fairy festival I still regret not going with her third was a soldier who had just got back from Iraq and I was a jackass and asked him his craziest war story I know dick move wouldn't do it now and he talked about mowing down a car with guns who drove through a checkpoint the car burst into flames and he said a bunch of women and children crawled out burning alive and he would never forget that smell he said the car had a bomb in it but regardless the thousand-yard stare and him stressfully smoking cigarettes the whole time made me realize he wasn't joking and I opened an old wound I'm a greater arsehole and that's one of the few things I've ever said or asked that I truly regret I was welcomed in a check for x4 he added up to two hours to his 20 hours trip to drop me at my destination offered me a fresh beer one of the best Pilsner in the world and had a very interesting talk about the sports I do his beauty products company and landscapes of our respected countries he traveled around Europe hitchhiking so he understood that those two hours means a lot disclaimer I did not ask for him to lift me home he insisted some people are just fantastic not the hitchhiker but the driver I was in Romania 15 or so years ago before you could get GPS with good road data I was on a motorcycle and trying to leave the country I pulled over on the side of the road to look at my map to see which road to take some guy comes over and points to the sign and points to my map I not saying yes I want to go there he points me in the right direction while I'm putting my map away and getting read to leave I feel the bike get heavy as he had hopped on the back here I'm in a full riding suit and helmet and this guy behind me in a jacket and no helmet I stopped for gas and this guy stood right next to me the whole time he was probably worried I was going to ride off without him I thought about buying him lunch but didn't know how to offer it to him we take off and when we get to the border he taps my shoulder so he can get off before the border guards see him I guess he was looking for a ride so he could get into Hungary to find work I wonder whatever became of him and what he thought of being on a motorcycle at the time motorcycles were rare in Romania as a no one in the country would have had one so if people saw one they knew you were a foreigner
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 212,494
Rating: 4.8001142 out of 5
Keywords: hitchhikers, hitchiker, hitchhiker creepypasta, picked you up, craziest, person, hitchhiker's guide, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ToadFilms, toad films, pewdiepie
Id: fcApRvl4Thw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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