History Of Vergil Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition

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[Music] i need more power these four words uttered are once spoken by a being of great perseverance and one whose entire being is focused around it the dark slayer the alpha and the omega virgil hello and welcome back to another video in today's history of breakdown and analysis we will be talking about a son of spada virgil and understand why not only is he a very important face in the series of devil may cry but what exactly makes him tick what makes virgil virgil now before we can talk about virgil properly we must first touch on his father's spada as he is a very important figure in the universe of devil may cry approximately 2 000 years before the events of the first game a war had erupted out in the underworld between two powerful demons the first was the usurping demon prince mundus and another known as argosax this battle would spill out into the realm of man with many falling to a conflict they played no part in and it's here where spada's resolve would be born although he was the at the time right hand man of mundus he found the demon's desire for conquest and destruction distasteful and fast pushed back against him and his army it was spada and spada alone but defeated mundus and his army and imprisoned him on malet island but to somewhat guarantee that his army wouldn't attempt to free him he would separate the demon world from the mortal plane using his own blood as well as vativa priestess his own demon sword an amulet and a tower known as the teme negro bada was successful in sealing off the demon world and by doing so the human world would flourish in spada's later years he would fall in love with a human by the name of ava and together the two would settle in red grave with ava giving birth to a pair of twins one by the name of dante and the other by the name of virgil now growing up virgil and dante were extremely competitive with each other no matter what it was it was always a competition between the two they were eternal rivals with each other growing up and a rivalry would only intensify as they would train under their father at least until he mysteriously disappeared now it's also around this time but virgil had grown a fondness for poetry loving how literature could express one's feelings in a very articulate manner virgil would die through poetry booked a poetry book until he came across that of william blake's someone he grew very fond of as his writing really did speak to virgil now after indulging in poems were fellow gentlemen in redgrave the old elderly man would in fact give him a book consisting of all of blake's poems something that virgil was in fact eternally grateful for this meant a lot to virgil than many had perceived as it is a book he would hold on to for the rest of his life now although their father spada had disappeared ava would continue to raise them as a single mother giving them each two halves of an amulet their father had left behind ava saw this as a way for them to remember their father despite him no longer being around but unfortunately the sins of the father would catch up to them with spada now gone they were left vulnerable and eventually the family would be attacked by demons this would occur whilst virgil was outside the house playing so not only did he bear witness to watching his home burn to the ground but he was brutally attacked by demons who stabbed him repeatedly and ran their blades red with his blood terrified battered and hurt once virgil saw what had become of his beloved home something within him snapped his demonic blood would rush through his veins and upon clutching the yamato in front of him he slayed all that stood before him not a single demon survived this attack and after returning back home and seeing that the house was abandoned these events would give birth to his own philosophy of power you see after killing the demons virgil felt alone and slightly betrayed as his mother never came for him after the fire unbeknownst to virgil she'd actually died in the attack and because of this he felt somewhat lost but instead of wallowing in his sorrow virgil used this pain and anger to motivate himself to become something more embracing his demonic heritage he believed that by honing his skills and acquiring more power he could protect himself and what he cared about taking up his father's blade vyamato he would begin to travel the world learning of his heritage and honing his skills by embracing his demonic bloodline virgil strength grew day by day but by relinquishing his human side virgil in turn became very cold and callous believing that by doing so he could live up to the legend of his father and possibly surpass it devil may cry for during virgil's pursuit of spada's power he would quickly learn of the city of fortuna catching word that the so-called order of light worshiped spada and how he had defeated mundus now he would travel to fortuna believing that he could obtain more power by doing so but upon observing the order at work he believed that they were rather foolish and misguided with how they worshiped spada and foss left shortly after arriving but this was not before he had spent a few nights there and shared an evening with a woman from fortuna she in turn would in fact later go on to give birth to her son nero something virgil was completely unaware of to a much later date devil may cry free now before the events of the third game which chronologically is the first game of the series there was in fact a prequel comic book series serving as a bit of a bridge and introduction to virgil's character now virgil's pursuit of power would have him cross paths with an old man by the name of arkham being familiar with the spider bloodline as well as the power that virgil searched for he offered his services to assist him now while suspicious of arkham's ulterior motives he could not deny that he needed assistance and fuss learned of how to obtain more power you see the amulets he and dante possess were in fact keys to the underworld and to undo the seal he would have to raise the demonic tower the termina grew and finally obtained the divinity he'd longed for but of course in order to do this first he would have to track down his brother something that really excited virgil it got his blood going as the two had not crossed paths in a very long time and whilst the years had passed by virgil and always still saw his brother as his eternal rival now as arkham searches for the seals to raise the terminal group virgil would finally cross paths with dante bots was sadly unimpressed with his brother having not embraced his demonic heritage like him and instead his humanity he still does however challenge his brother to a fight but he is quickly disappointed as virgil swiftly beats him and tears the amulet from his neck but instead of taking it he throws it back at dante remarking that he could take it back at any point he wanted to so after dante's defeat the terminagru ritual begins and the tower is raised during the events of the third game once the tower is raised virgil was well aware that he's definitely caught his brother's attention and although their interaction was very brief virgil knows that dante's humanity is what will ultimately be his drive to stop him so the dark slayer would bind his time at the top of the tower waiting for his brother's arrival and much like clockwork dante arrives as expected but once again virgil proves to be too much for him remarking that might controls everything and without strength you cannot protect anything not even yourself he says this as he drives the yamato and finally the rebellion through dante's chest and after this claim his half of the amulet now much to his surprise upon plunging the rebellion into dante's chest he realizes that he may have in fact inadvertently set off dante's devil trigger preparing for a fight once again he readies his blade but before a real fight can begin he is interrupted by arkham snapping him out of his battle trance and reminds him to focus on the bigger picture as virgil and arkham travel deeper within the tower virgil finally reveals to arkham that he is aware of the old man's pursuit of his father's power knowing that he would at one point betray him it is virgil that pause the trigger first killing arkham where he stands upon entering the final chamber to enter the demon realm he'd be found by one of its gatekeepers the beowulf mistaking his scent for dante as he is blind he would attack virgil but is quickly gutted by the swordsman and in turn transforms into a devil arm now unfortunately for virgil he has no luck in opening up the demon realm as he's once again interrupted this time by dante and then by lady and finally arkham who reveals that he does have some demonic powers of his own you see arkham's plan all along was to bring them all here so he could use the blood of the sons of spada the blood of the descendant of the priestess that's being lady the twin amulets and finally the termina grew itself to open up the netherelle after doing so he quickly dispatches of the weakened trio and continues to move forward in order to obtain spada's power now at this point virgil is understandably furious and whilst he may wish to obtain his father's power he does wish to kill arkham just as bad so he would tell his brother's footsteps in the underworld and make his presence known once arkham obtained the force edge and loses control of its incredible power instead of allowing dante to take all of the glory the two do team up together and destroy arkham's corrupted states separating his physical being from the force edge but before there could be a brief moment of recovery virgil immediately darts off after the sword not wanting to let his ambition to row so this once again causes the two brothers to clash but this time it is virgil that loses unable to somewhat accept his loss or desire to return back to the mortal plane he allows himself to fall into the deep pits of the underworld whilst dante himself returns back to the mortal plane but things aren't exactly over upon landing in the never realm he comes face to face with mundus proclaiming that if my father can do it so can i and he runs off to destroy the demon prince wanting to follow in his father's footsteps unfortunately for virgil he does lose this fight and is here where the downfall of the character really does start as after he's defeated by mundus yamato is shattered and he is tortured and enslaved under the demon prince mundus takes a deep form of satisfaction in breaking the son of spada and eventually virgil falls under his control becoming a nello angelo so this brings us up to our first game in the series devil may cry virgil returns on male island but as established under the nello angelo persona ripped off his memories and control he is nothing more than a puppet of mundus who is once again attempting to claim control of the mortal plane but before he gets right to it he does attempt to first exact his revenge by killing the final son of spada dante wanting to somewhat add insult to injury he pits him not only against his corrupted brother but also against a demon by the name of trish who visually is a replica of their mother ava now during dante's quest to destroy mundus virgil was forced to attack his own brother in their first battle virgil almost kills dante but upon recognizing his amulets virgil's memories come flooding back and it sends him into a hysterical state with virgil still attempting to push back against mundus's control but alas he's unable to be freed of it the two share one more confrontation with this time virgil removing his helmet possibly in the hopes that his brother may recognize him but dante's unable to it's only upon nilo angelo's defeat and spontaneous combustion where virgil was freed of mundus's control and recognized who nello angelo is as the only thing left behind was his half of the ambulance after this point virgil would disappear from the public eye tethering between life and death things were not looking good for virgil so he would remain in hiding finding his time for his return and the power he needed in order to do so of course as this was going on dante would continue forward to defeat mundus and later travel to fortuna himself foiling a plan the order of light had put together with assistance from a young man named nero so this brings us up to our current installment in the series devil may cry 5 years would pass by after the events of fortuna and nero had caught his attention sensing that his devil bringer arm had absorbed the yamato he would turn his sights on the young man catching him off guard virgil would tear off nero's devil bringer and transform it into the yamato reaching his limits he would use the yamato to travel to redgrave to the ruins of what he used to call home for his rebirth after years of lying dormant virgil had finally cobbled together a plan knowing that the yamato was used to separate the world of man from demon he wished to use the blade's abilities on himself in order to separate demon from man always considering his human side to be his weaker half virgil plunged the yamato deep into his heart and in turn separated himself into two different beings the first being eurizen and the second being v risen is the physical being and perception of what virgil sees as power hence his monstrous appearance and incredible strength v on the other hand is physically weaker and a somewhat capsule of all the trauma that virgil accumulated during his time and service under mundus this is in turn why v can summon griffin and shadow horses and puppets of mundus from devil may cry 1 and a being literally called nightmare the physical manifestation of virgil's pain as nilo angelo now whilst durazin and v are very different they do share one ambition and that is also their desire for power something that would become an important factor later on now virgil was largely absent in the story but his eurozone counterpart gets his hands dirty learning of how mundus acquired power by summoning a clyfford tree and ate the fruit that flourished from it eurozone would use the clyfot to obtain the power that virgil yearned for but even when the demon did acquire it he was still no match for dante just before he could be killed it is v that stops dante wanting to deal with the finishing blow himself now whilst v didn't keep his own identity as virgil's humanity a secret expressing virgil's regret for many of his actions his first for power was just as strong as jurisen's foster end his own suffering as well as the demons he would drive his cane through the heart of eurozone uniting both sides once more so virgil was reborn but this time with the power that eurozone had consumed from the cliffords dante immediately attacks his brother knowing the threat that virgil possesses but the dark slayer is immediately able to shake off this attack overpowering his brother seeing him as somewhat unworthy in his current state he requests that dante heals from his wounds beating him like this means nothing from here virgil would retreat to the top of the cliff patiently waiting for his brother's arrival but whilst looking down virgil begins to question his journey showing that whilst he may resent his humanity it's just as much a part of him as his demon side now the sons of spada come face to face once again with dante needing the yamato to undo the damage virgil has done but as expected this is not something virgil will give up willingly and the two brothers clash once more with neither gaining the upper hand it's also here where virgil learns from dante but nero is in fact his son whilst definitely surprised he doesn't allow this to fluster him choosing to focus on the matter at hand and as the two prepare to deal the finishing blow they are interrupted by nero who has successfully awakened his own devil trigger both surprised and intrigued by nero's own power virgil challenges nero to fight in dante's stead and the father and son cross blades with virgil being blown away by nero's incredible power accepting the defeat at the hands of his son he would respect his end of the deal so he alongside dante traveled down to the never realm in order to cut down the cliffhot tree in turn sealing it off from the mortal realm but this isn't before virgil shows a very brief moment of somewhat affection and respect towards nero throwing at his feet the william blake book hero he asked nero to hold on to it as he won't be losing next time so it does serve as a memento and way for nero to remember virgil as they will be sealed on the other side with the demon world now cut off the two brothers spar with each other we're both being fairly stubborn about who has the upper hand you see despite the intense battle they've had over the years they've always cared for each other their sibling rivalry will always go on as the two battle the denizens of hell together protecting the world of man side by side much to virgil's annoyance now the special edition of devil may cry 5 does have a slightly altered version of this ending where virgil is successful in defeating dante he is however much like the original story unsuccessful in defeating nero so once again virgil and dante travel to the underworld where they do fight the denizens of hell but in this ending virgil's far more blunt and callous towards his brother opposing to the game's original ending where he is seemingly more playful nonetheless the two get to work and this is seemingly the end of the tale for the sons of spada and like that this has been it for the history of virgil i do hope you have enjoyed this and learned more by doing so i honestly really really did have an incredible time putting this one together thank you very much for sitting around for the end of this it's not your typical fighting game content for me but devil may cry is a very special game to me it has actively made me a fan of the series so i hope i was able to share a little bit of my love for the incredible series with the rest of you as of right now i'm considering this a somewhat one and done however depending on this video's reception and demand i wouldn't honestly mind talking about other characters in the series as there's just so much to touch on and discuss if you are interested please support the video with a thumbs up and a comment is always appreciated let me know what you want and i'm more than happy to provide the content but until then that has been it for me so before we wrap things up if possible let's try getting it to about 500 likes and please do not forget to tick that bell as it will keep you up to date with all of my content so now as always please comment like subscribe and share this video with everyone you know please take care and i'll see you all next time
Channel: History Behind The Warrior
Views: 247,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Devil May Cry 5, History, Story, Origins, Special Edition, Yamato, Beowulf, Force Edge, Remake, Remaster, Capcom, Vergil, Devil Trigger, Bury The Light, Cutscenes, Ending, Background, Manga, Comics, DMCV, Devil May Cry V, DMC5, Boss Fight, Mirage Edge, Marvel Vs Capcom, Dante, Sin Devil Trigger, Nero, Sparda, Eva, Boobs, Boob, Trish, Lady, Nico, Lucia, Kyrie, Plastic Chair, Meme, Storm, Urizen, V', Judgement Cut End, Doppleganger, New, Reveal, Content, Playstation 5, Xbox series X, Anime, Movie, Credo, Mundus, Fortuna
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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