History Of Smoke Mortal Kombat 11 REMASTERED

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hey guys it's history behind the warrior and welcome to another mortal kombat 11 video now in today's history of breakdown and analysis i will be talking about a beloved fan favorite ninja in the series smoke now just before we get right to smoke we do in fact have a sponsor for today's video so for today's video is the benq screen bar plus e-reading lamp a handy an extremely useful tool if you are a bit of a night owl you see the benq screen bar is an easy to assemble computer desk lamp designed for both bookworms and gamers it is a fantastic tool to have in your setup especially if you love gaming or reading in those late hours of the day gaming in the pitch black isn't too good for your eyes unfortunately with this gaming light not only will it take the stress off your eyes but the light itself is angled in a certain way but it will not be blurring right into your retinas it's simple easy quick to assemble and functions in just about everything that includes curved monitors the screen bar also has an auto dimming system meaning that it will adjust its brightness as the hours do pass by it takes up absolutely no space behind your monitor and this is all powered by a single usb port so it takes up absolutely no space at all i can't recommend this product enough especially when we're all staying in and basically losing concept of time so once again guys that is the benq screen bar plus big thank you to them for reaching out to me regarding the sponsorship as i do have a tendency to game in the late hours into the early morning link for the product will be in the description below so please do click on if you're interested now without any further ado let's get on to the video now in order for me to talk about smoke we will have to go all the way back to the original timeline and talk about when he was first introduced and what has exactly happened to him as there are a fair few differences from the old timeline and current continuity now first things first who exactly is smoke well smoke's real name is in fact tomas verbada he is of european descent having been born in prague czech republic not much is actually known about the early years of thomas's life but unlike most assassins who are typically born into their respective clans or in one way shape and form have a relation to them tomas was basically a nobody while this would all quickly change the day he was kidnapped by the court of the ninera although the details are scarce on this cult we do know that they worshipped a demon known as an aninra and to please their son what god they would sacrifice people in his name and unfortunately for tamar he would be one of them but in a rather ironic yet shocking turn of events upon tomas's death he himself would physically turn into an anendra a smoked demon from here he would kill the courts before reverting back to his human form upon becoming human once again tomas seemingly lost all memory of who and what he was now this origin for smoke was created in his arcade ladder ending in mortal kombat 9 and this point is later reinforced in mortal kombat x so this main fact strictly be an origin story that has been designed for smoke's rebooted counterpart but i definitely feel like it's worth mentioning here as it does act as a tragic origin story for the character and a way to somewhat explain his powers now although the details are not disclosed we do know that not too long after this point tomas would be recruited by the assassin organization known as the lin kuei and he did surprise many succeeding in every trial presented before him with his unique abilities and skill from this point onwards tomasz would be given the code name of smoke as the years passed by and the bodies stacked up smoke's skills would be highly praised by even the grand master of the linkway considering him to be one of the best fighters in the clan and because of this he would be affiliated with the likes of bihan cyrax sector and even kwaliang someone who he would become very very close friends with over the next few years but despite his talents and how tight-knit his group was this would all fall into disarray mortal kombat 2. you see during the end of mortal kombat 1 a number of different events were unfolding and transpiring within the link way for one bihar was seemingly killed by the vengeful spirit scorpion of which his mantle would fall into the hands of the young kuiliang and the cyber initiative was in its early stages you see the grand master of the link way was enticed by the idea of cybernetic augmentations that now existed believing that it would benefit the clan by turning them into ruthless killers grand master had the cyber initiative pushed to the forefront deeming it as the final evolution of the lin kuei and as you would imagine this pushed away many within the class seeing this as inhumane and a way of dulling their senses and instincts but despite their rather reasonable argument the grandmaster would silence their cries having them all forcibly be converted against fair will now while this was going on smoke was training with the young sub-zero wanting him to hone his skill as kwai had a vendetta against shang tsung leaving that he was equally as guilty as scorpion for his brother's demise but in the midst of their training they would be interrupted by a now cyberized cyrax and sector and a chaotic battle would break out between the two sides and smoke and sub-zero would try their best to reason with their former allies but it became very clear that they were nothing more than puppets of the grand master realizing that they could not win and the numbers game was catching up to them the two would run off but unfortunately for smoke he would be captured and forcibly converted into a cyborg against his will mortal kombat 3. now between the events of mortal kombat 2-3 after the cyber initiative took place the linkway would align themselves with outworld moments before earthroam's invasion now the reason why this invasion happened in the first place is because shao khan suffered an embarrassing defeat in the second mortal combat game and because of this he was enraged as he was continuously being denied claim of urfrom after frustration and anger did attack now due to the linkway now being aligned with shao khan smoke was a part of this onslaught and invasion but upon seeing his friend sub-zero and hearing his plea smoke's humanity and consciousness came to the forefront from here he would join the earth from defenders and fighting back against shao khan's [ __ ] even defeating the likes of cyrax and sektor but unfortunately for smoke he would be captured as a somewhat trophy of war and was deactivated being confined deep in the depths of shao khan's fortress now smoke from this point onwards actually remains largely absent from the universe not being a part of mortal kombat 4 and deadly alliance he does however make a return in mortal combat deception now in the sixth installment of the series the landscape of the universe has drastically changed with the death of both xiao khan and lu kang and due to these open seats of power this led to many opportunists attempting to claim control power and domination across the realm and one such individual was the khan resurrected by quan chi's dark magic at the end of mortal kombat 1. the home was now a corrupted sinister version of the person he once was and with quan qi having his hands full of scorpion he gave noob cybot free reign tired of simply being a servant he wished to forge an army from the darkness one under his control and manipulation but he knew he couldn't do this without any assistance and this is where smoke would come into play xiaogon and his forces severely weakened noob was able to infiltrate the fallen khan's fortress for which he'd then find smoke's cybernetic body upon finding the relic noob saw him as the perfect template and vessel for his plans to come to fruition you see smoke could somewhat be seen as patient zero for noob's cybernetic demon army so smoke was physically transformed and altered by noobs become the perfect servant and vessel for his living nightmare something that we would see in the following game mortal kombat armageddon during the final installment of the original timeline the duo of noob smoke make their appearance in armageddon's conquest mode where we do finally see behan's plans come to fruition you see as taven is exploring the linkway temple attempting to reclaim the relics left by his parents for the battle of armageddon he would have an altercation with sub-zero but after exchanging words the two would come to understand each other but the action was far from over as the linghoi temple would be attacked by nude smoke corrupting and transforming anyone they came into contact with it's here where taven and sub-zero banded together in order to stop the pair something which they are actually successful in doing feeling guilt remorse and sadness sub-zero would take in his brother and best friend in the hopes of purging them of their corrupted four something which he is successful in doing with smoke it seems like noob may be beyond the point of return as bihan does escape the facility smoke's final appearance in the original timeline is during the battle of armageddon where he is on the forces of light however due to the nature of mortal kombat armageddon we learn that pretty much everyone does die and the final battle is between shao khan and raider a battle which raiden does lose a shower is able to absorb the power of blade just before raiding his kill he sends a message to his parcel in turn setting us up for our reboot mortal kombat 9. now of course as mentioned earlier smoke's origins in this timeline has been expanded and we do learn where his powers do derive from so for the most part events definitely do transpire in a similar fashion smoke appears in the mk2 section of the game but he's training kwai liang to become the new sub-zero now unlike the original timeline why does not have his eyes set on shang tsung instead targeting his vengeance towards hanzo his sushi as it was scorpion that killed his brother in the first tournament to somewhat guarantee the success of tracking down scorpio the two would split up in the outskirts of outworld and during smoke sir he'd be confronted by the likes of an angered katana who didn't welcome the link way on outward soil the source for a shang tsung and even reptile now after defeating the sorcerer he does attempt to interrogate him but before he's able to get an answer he would be attacked by his own allies sector now completely transformed by the cyber initiative sektor was given the mission of tracking down members of the linkway to forcibly convert them understandably this was something smoke would fight against and he would defeat sektor but he was overwhelmed by the sheer numbers things were looking pretty bad for smoke as it seemed like his fate was once again sealed while this is where raiden would step in getting visions of the past and smoke's fate he would intervene saving smoke of his cyberization as a way of him showing his gratitude smoke would align himself with the earth from defenders but things were far from over you see although smoke was saved in this timeline it further splinters itself away from the original continuity and unfortunately in turn it is sub-zero who is cybereye something smoke is forced to painfully witness smoke is next seen in jade's chapter where he's clearly very upset about sub-zero's loss now because of this he is rather irrational and does lash out at jade as it looks from the outside but jade has seemingly attacked an incapacitated katana when this is of course molina after having some sense smacked into him smoke is able to regain his composure and thus later participate in outwards tournament being eliminated although we do not know who buy now again much like the original timeline things would transpire in a similar manner shao would lose in the second tournament and in turn attack uthra kicking off the events of mortal kombat 3. and smoke is seen during the invasion as part of cabal's chapter as he stumbles across the speedster having knocked out cyber sub-zero he rushes to his friend's side and pleased with raiden to help him save sub-zero the following chapter shows that with some assistance from the special forces they're able to purge sub-zero of the lincoln's influence so they do learn of shao khan's plan and corn cheese sornado something that they are able to stop but so much interference going on with this continuity it continues to splinter away from the original timeline one of the big events to happen in this timeline is the death of motaro because of his thought the hands of raider queen sindel would be infused with shang tsung's life force which she then be sent to chase after and kill the earth from defenders something she's successful in doing as they are still recovering from an attack by the linguist now sadly smoke is amongst the casualties of this onslaught but his time in the series is far from over as he does appear during the climax of the game now being a revenant of the necromancer quan chi so by the end of mortal kombat 9 he is in service to him and one little interesting fact to point out that many might have missed is that smoke briefly did appear in the mortal kombat x comic book series being part of konji's ritual to strip sub-zero of his cybernetic enhancements and give him a new body this brings us up to smoke's final in-game appearance in the mortal kombat series mortal kombat x in mkx smoke can be seen as part of schnook's invasion not too long after xiao's defeat and demise khan ji and shinnok would spring a surprise attack on earthrail as the fallen elder god wished to corrupt earthrum's life force that being the jinsei now during this huge massive invasion the revenants are given the mission of guarding the outskirts of the sky temple wanting to prevent any interference and during chinook's assault on the keep the revenants would be attacked by the special forces led by johnny cage sonia blade and ken shee when the actor confronts smoke he attempts to reach out to his former friend but smoke replies with the following smoke is dead i am in nenra implying the idea that when smoke died the person that's now behind the steering wheel is the demon in nenra possessing and using his body even as a part of konchi's army we sadly do not know all of the details as this is the only bit of exposition we do get from him but i feel like it's definitely something worth pointing out now smoke slash ninra does battle the actor but johnny cage proves to be a bit too much for anendra to handle as he is defeated and johnny is able to make it to the sky temple defeat the fallen elder god and have him be imprisoned within his own amulet from this point onwards the revenants are still led by corn chi but they do go into hiding attempting to stay out of sight and bind their time as they still do wish to release something that they are successful in doing so 25 years later with some careful planning and deception courtesy of the kites in devorah were able to free the fallen elder god from his amulet to which they then storm the sky temple with incredible success defeating the special forces boricho and even restrain raider it's really here where shinnok can finally taste his victory as he slowly corrupts the jinsei chamber taking on a new form now much like before the revenants and smoke are given the mission of guarding the outside of the sky temple astronaut wishes to not be interrupted as this is going on smoke and lukang are given the mission of checking to heaven but upon returning they find a revenant sindel and katana defeated as the sky temple had been infiltrated by cassie's team although the fight isn't seen in its entirety we do get a fair few snippets in the courtyard where smoke is fighting alongside his fellow revenants trying to kill jackie briggs and takeda takahashi despite having the numbers game cassie and kang jin were able to make it to the heart of the sky temple and defeat for fallen elder god so with no actual master the revenants are given free reign to do whatever they wish so all of the revenant would travel to the netherelle with lu kang and katana being their overlord although we do not see smoke here it is believed that he did follow suit with his fellow revenants and this is sadly the last time we do see smoke in the mortal kombat cannon as smoke doesn't make a cameo in mortal kombat 11. one thing i do wish to point out here is the triborg unit that is in mortal kombat x whilst the unit does in fact retain information of cyrax sector smoke and cyber sub-zero the unit isn't actually part of the main cannon as a tribal unit doesn't resurface in mortal kombat 11 and it is a cybernetic unit but solely designed to return the linkway back to its cybernetic glory so it retains no actual information or personality of smoke but yes that is actually it for this video i hope you did enjoy it and i do apologize for taking a while to upload a video i decided to take some time off after doing the onaga video but i'm here and back now so there will be plenty more history of episodes underway as well as more mortal kombat content on the horizon so in saying that what do you think is the fate of smoke do you think he'll come back in a future installment and the most important question that's kind of on my mind do you believe that smoke is really dead and the nenra is now the host of his body please do comment down below i'm interested to hear what you all have to say as i myself am a rather big smoke fan now guys just before we wrap up this video if possible let's try getting it to about 500 likes and also do not forget to take that bell as it will keep you up to date with all the content that will be coming out over the next few weeks so without any further ado please do comment like subscribe and share this video with everyone you know please take care and i will see you all next time
Channel: History Behind The Warrior
Views: 471,812
Rating: 4.9183049 out of 5
Keywords: Mortal Kombat 11, Aftermath, Kombat Pack 2, DLC, Fujin, Story Mode, Fire god Liu Kang, Kronika, Cetrion, Hour Glass, Shang Tsung, Timeline, Multiverse, Story, Guest Characters, Robocop, Spawn, Joker, Ash Williams, Titans, Gods, Elder Gods, Liu Kang, Kitana, Jade, Mileena, Boobs, Boob, MK11, Kombat Pack, Sindel, Sareena, Smoke, Noob Saibot, Expansion, Lore, Reboot, Origins, Shao Kahn, The One Being, Kamidogus, Sub Zero, Scorpion, Sketor, Cyrax, Grandmaster, Lin Kuei, Tekunin, Cyborg, Injustice 3, Mobile Game
Id: b9AyBnCodPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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