History of Maxwell's Equations #1: Gauss' Law

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- So, I'd like to start with a little story. Back in the late 1950s, the faculty at Cal Tech became concerned that their undergraduate science curriculum wasn't keeping up with the exciting, new developments in physics, including the discoveries developed by one of their star professors, named Richard Feynman. So, as Feynman was an excellent teacher and also a common complainer about that very issue, they asked if he would teach their two year undergraduate program in physics that they just revamped. And he agreed, but only for one time, which is why every lecture was recorded and every drawing photographed. These series of lectures were so beloved that they were immediately compiled to make a book. And the Feynman Lectures in physics are considered the gold standard of physics education, where they continue to inspire and influence physics education to this very day. The reason I mention Richard Feynman is that, like many theoretical physicists, Feynman was deeply enamored of Maxwell's laws. In fact, he started his lecture on Maxwell's laws by stating, "There can be little doubt that the most significant event of the 19th century will be judged as Maxwell's discovery of the laws of electrodynamics. The American civil war will pale into provincial insignificance in comparison." Woo, Feynman also concluded his talks by saying that Maxwell, "Brought together all the laws of electricity and magnetism and made one complete and beautiful theory." However, despite Feynman's well deserved reputations for the excellence in his lectures, Feynman himself admitted that there was something missing from his lectures on electricity and magnetism. I'll let him say it, roll the tape. - And it's necessary to learn all this physics in a limited time. I'm sorry, but we have to lose something. And one thing that we have a tendency to lose in these lectures is the historical experimental development. It is hoped that in the laboratory, some of this error is removed. Another possibility, if you're interested, is to read the "Encyclopedia Botanica," which has excellent articles on many subjects of this kind or other histories or other textbooks and electricity magnetism. Anyway, if you wanna know some more, you can always find it out. - So, I thought, I have the time, why don't I take a crack at it? So, with a mixture of hubris and a deep love of the history of science, I've decided to do a series of videos, a deep dive on the history of what inspired modern Maxwell's equations. This is my first video on the history of the physics, experiments, and theories behind Gauss's law. This is a story of Charles-Augustin de Coulomb and how he inspired Michael Faraday and how Michael Faraday inspired James Clerk Maxwell and why Maxwell's equations as he wrote them in 1856, in 1862, and in 1864 are equivalent to our modern version of his Gauss's equation law, albeit with different letters, names, and math conventions. Ready? Let's go. ♪ Electricity, electricity ♪ - [Instructor] Part one, Coulomb's law and experiments, 1784 to 1786. I would like to start in the early 1780s, when an engineer named Charles-Augustin de Coulomb was told there was something wrong with his sensitive magnetic compass. See, it turned out that the compass that Coulomb had made was too sensitive as it would move whenever an operator would walk to the machine to take measurement. After viewing it himself, Coulomb realized that the machine was twitching because the assistant was getting a bit of static charge as he shuffled up to the machine and he could solve the problem by putting a grounding wire near the machine for the assistant, and also possibly removing a carpet, but it got Coulomb thinking maybe this twisting force was so sensitive, it could be used to measure the minute electrical forces. Inspired, Coulomb studied the physics of twisting and in 1784, presented a paper on what is called atorsional balance or twisting scale, which was the world's most precise measuring device at the time. Heck, a degree on the scale was so sensitive, it was equivalent to the weight of 100000th, the weight of a grain of sand. The following year, 1785, Coulomb used that scale to study electric repulsion. He did that by charging up a tube by rubbing and then having it touch a ball in the scale, he then moved an identical metal ball until they touched and then studied the repelling forces. In this way, Coulomb experimentally determined that electrical repulsion force is proportional to one over the distance squared, which he confidently wrote was a fundamental law of electricity. For his second paper on electricity, Coulomb studied the attractive force by charging one object by rubbing a glass tube and touching one sphere while the second sphere was electrified by being touched by a wax or resin tube that was rubbed. In this way, Coulomb determined that the attractive force of opposite charges follows the same relationship. In addition, in the same paper, Coulomb undetermined that the electric force also depends linearly on the charges. Of course, he couldn't directly measure the charge, which is currently measured in Coulomb's. So, instead he charged up a ball in the machine and then had to touch a neutral ball of the same size and then have the neutral ball removed so that the charge in the machine would be reduced by two. And then, he found that the force was also reduced by two. Then, after he wrote a paper about how electricity dissipates over time, for his fourth paper, which was published the following year in 1786, Coulomb decide to use his electrometer to study how charges are distributed in conducting spheres. Coulomb then found that quote, "For conductive objects, the electric fluid is only diffused over its surface and does not penetrate into its interior parts." Fast forward 50 years to 1836, when a 45 year old Michael Faraday read an English translation of Coulomb's work and was fascinated. In fact, Coulomb's fourth paper in particular with a material about how charges reside on a conductor directly influenced Michael Faraday to discover electric lines and dielectrics, which brings us to part two, Faraday's "Electric Lines and Dielectrics," 1837. When Faraday read Coulomb's paper, it was just five years after Faraday had discovered magneto-electric induction or how changing a magnetic field in a coil of wire could induce a current in that wire. And Faraday was on a tear of innovation about electricity. That is why the following year, in 1837, for his 11th paper in six years, Faraday decided to study Coulomb's law about how all the charges were on the surface in more depth. This is why Faraday ended up upscaling Coulomb's experiment and building a giant cube that he lived in while electrical experiments were conducted outside and how he found he was shielded from these forces when he was inside the cube or cage. Faraday instantly realized that this was an effect of static electric induction, i.e., moving charges electrically, without touching. As he wrote, "The effects are clearly inductive effects produced by electricity." And it was because of this experiment that Faraday started to imagine that all charged objects emanate what he called lines of inductive force, or as he later called it lines of electric force. What Faraday was saying here is that all charged particles emit these lines of force. And if you have multiple charges, then all the lines from the opposite charges cancel out. And the total surplus of charges emit a force field, depending on the amount of extra charge. This force field will apply a force on any extra charge you put in that field where the amount of force depends on the amount of charge you add times the strength of the electric field or F=qE, in modern language. As everything that you can see is composed of an unfathomable amount of charges, both positive and negative. It turns out that the electric field has an effect on all matter. Note, electric fields do not affect neutron, but Faraday didn't know about that because the neutron wasn't discovered for almost a hundred years after he did this experiment. If an electric field goes through a conductor, the charges are free to move. So, they move until the electric field inside the conductor is zero. That is why if you are surrounded by a metal cage, called a Faraday cage, you are protected from the electric field. But if you pop your head out of the cage, the electric field can make a visible effect. I have a whole video about the physics of the Faraday cage. You can check it out here. Anyway, if the electric field goes through an insulator, on the other hand, Faraday theorized that the molecules become polarized, but do not fully move to cancel out the field. For this reason, Faraday gave a new name for insulators. He called them dielectrics to express that substance through which the electric forces are acting. The next immediate question is, do different materials affect the electric field more than others? Or as he put it, "I now proceed to examine the great question of specific inductive capacity, i.e., whether different dielectric bodies actually do possess any influence on the degree of induction which takes place through them." At the time, they knew for over 90 years that if you had two conductors and they were separated by an insulator, that object could store a lot of charge and what they called a Leyden jar, but we now call a capacitor or condenser, therefore Faraday examined how differently shaped Leyden jars worked when you inserted a dielectric and found that it would increase the charge stored on those Leyden jars or stored in the capacitor. He took a few samples this way and found for example, that the specific inductive capacity, what we now call the dielectric constant of Shellac is about two, or twice that of air. To recap, in late 1837, Faraday built the Faraday cage, created the idea of electric field lines, which he first called inductive lines of force, and then electric lines of force, theorized the conductor's let charges move to delete the electric lines of force within them to explain the Faraday cage, coined the name dielectrics to describe inductors as he thought they could twist due these lines of force. So, that one side was more positive and one side was more negative. Thus, they had die two electrics. Created the idea that different dielectrics have different electrical effects and created a method to measure the dielectric constant that he just devised. Wow, right? Faraday was very excited about this. And just two months later on January, 1838, he published another paper with a subtitle "On Induction, continued," in February another "On Induction, continued." And in June, 1838, a paper on the nature of electric force, which was all about lines of induction. Although Faraday was convinced that these curved induction lines of force or electric lines of force explained everything, other scientists basically hated it. The big problem was they felt like forces should be in a direct line. Nothing should be curved, but the other problem was they wanted to have some math in their equations and Faraday didn't know any math. So, he didn't include any math. Then, Faraday had a bigger problem. On November 29th, 1839, Queen Victoria's personal physician, Dr. Peter Latham, made an emergency visit as Faraday was so dizzy he could barely walk and was having horrible memory issues. Dr. Latham wrote that Faraday said that his mind for a long time had been dreadfully overworked from not only his own abstruse speculations upon electricity, but also all of his lectures and constant consultations. Faraday tried to keep on teaching, but his doctor said that if he didn't take at least a year off, he will suddenly break down and Faraday reluctantly stepped away from science. Faraday then spent years away from science, struggling to even read scientific texts. But, whenever he had a moment of scientific lucidity, he would rush back to the laboratory and still manage to make astonishing discoveries. For example, in 1845, Faraday found a relationship between the polarization of light and magnets, which was partially what inspired him to propose that light, i.e., radiation, was a wave of electric and or magnetic lines of force in 1846. I will go into this much more in further videos, don't worry. Now, I wanna jump forward to February 20th, 1854. This would be almost 16 years after Faraday proposed the idea of electric lines of force. And over six years after Faraday proposed the idea that light was a wave of electric lines of force or magnetic lines of force, or maybe both because that is when a 22 year old Scottish mathematician and physicist named James Clerk Maxwell wrote his mentor, William Thompson, AKA Lord Kelvin. The reason that Maxwell was writing Thompson is because Maxwell said that several of us here wished to attack electricity and Maxwell asked Thompson if he should start with Faraday, who has no mathematics, or Ampere, who had quite a lot. Thompson recommended that Maxwell start with Faraday. And as Maxwell recalled years later, "As I proceeded with the study of Faraday, I perceived that his methods of conceiving the phenomena was also a mathematical one, though, not exhibited in the conventional form of mathematical symbols." Moreover, Maxwell, who was very comfortable with mathematics felt that he had the ability to convert Faraday's math into the ordinary mathematical forms, which brings us to part three, Maxwell on Faraday's "Lines of Force," 1855 to 1856. In December of 1855, 24 year old James Clerk Maxwell gave a talk on Faraday's "Lines of Force." In the introduction, Maxwell said that he wasn't, "Attempting to establish any physical theory of a science which I have hardly made a single experiment." Instead, Maxwell wanted to show how by a strict application of the ideas and methods of Faraday the connection of the very different orders of phenomenon, which he has discovered may be clearly placed before the mathematical mind. In this paper, Maxwell had a challenge because not only had Faraday come up with the idea of charged lines of force emanating from charged particles, but also according to Maxwell's biographer, Faraday went further than this. He conceived the notion of causing the lines of force to represent the intensity of the force at every point, so that when the force is great, the lines might be close together, and far apart when the force is small. Maxwell, thus had to find a way to model not only the direction of the force, but also some method of indicating the intensity of the force at any point. Maxwell's initial solution was to model these lines of force, not as mere lines, but as fine tubes of variable section carrying an incompressible fluid. His logic was that he could use the physics of fluid dynamics to model how the electric force changes as one over the distance squared, by changing the size of the tubes since the velocity of a fluid is inversely, as the section of the tube. Note that Maxwell wasn't thinking these tubes were real, but he was using what he called a purely imaginary substance as a metaphor. Maxwell then imagined that the positive charges were sources of these tubes and the negative charges were sinks of these tubes where the electrical lines of force flowed in these tubes continuously. Maxwell then began with determining how the pressure in these tubes varied as you moved from sources to sinks. And he declared that for any arrangement of sources and sinks, there must be a surface with equal pressure as the pressure is high near the source and zero infinitely far away. And it continuously changes. He then declared that, "It is easy to see that these surfaces of equal pressure must be perpendicular to the lines of fluid motion." By lines of fluid motion, Maxwell meant the flow of electric field lines. If that sounds suspiciously like Maxwell was saying that there's surfaces with equal potential and that the electric field is dependent on the change of potential over space, or what's called the gradient of field. Well, then you're a hundred percent correct. And Maxwell knew it. In fact, he explicitly said that this pressure was the same as the voltage from a battery, then called the electric tension, and even more impressively Maxwell connected this electric tension to the potential in static electricity, writing, "This pressure, which is commonly called electric tension, is found to be physically identical with the potential in static electricity. Thus, we have the means of connecting the two set of phenomena." Maxwell even went as far as deriving the pressure, P, from a single source, S, in a uniform medium and got P equals kS over 4, pi, R, which is exactly the same as the modern definition of potential from a point charge i.e., V equals kQ over R, it only looks a bit different, but that is because Maxwell's constant K in this paper is four pi times larger than modern Coulomb's constant K, it seems likely, but I don't have proof for this, that the reason we use K in Coulomb's constant is because of Maxwell. Anyway, don't let that four pi disturb you, as Maxwell would play with adding and removing four pi's all over the place. As you can either have four pi in Gauss's equation, or in your equation for electric potential and field from a point charge or use two constants. On his second talk on Faraday's lines of force, which were given in February, 1856, Maxwell continued his analogy of a flow in pipes and connected the electromotive force or the intensity of electric action, i.e., the electric field, to what he called the quantity of electrical current times a resistance, K. Note that Maxwell didn't have vector multiplication. So, he wrote three equations for the three directions, which he labeled equation B. But if we define the intensity of electric action as the vector E and the quantity of electric current as a vector D, then equation B is simply E=kD. Note that this quantity of electric current is actually the quantity of electric lines emanated from or to a charged source or sink. As I feel this is confusing, I'm gonna give this variable the temporary name of quantity of electric lines, just so you don't think I'm talking about an actual current. Anyway, Maxwell needed a way of determining how these quantity of electric current or quantity of electric lines changed as it emanated from a source. So, he went to a method devised by the great German mathematician, Carl Frederick Gauss. Therefore Maxwell started with a surface in space and stated that the total quantity of conduction through any surface, S, depends on how many of these lines, D, point out of the surface. Maxwell then used calculus to show that if you integrated how much of the D pointed out the surface, S, it was equivalent to the integral of the derivative of each component of the vector D over the total volume. Note that the sum of derivatives is now called the divergence of D and can be written as Dell.D. Then, Maxwell made one of the most astonishing statements in physics. He just basically said, "Let's make all those derivatives, the divergence of D equal to four pi times the charge per volume rho that made the lines of force in the first place." Now, don't worry about the four pi. He just added it to remove the four pi in the pressure equation, like I said, Maxwell played around with four pi a lot, and it just changes value of constant. So, it doesn't really matter, what matters is that he just stated Gauss's law without really spelling out how he got there, probably 'cause it wasn't clear to Maxwell yet, irrespective of how he derived it. These equations B or C are just Gauss's law. First, as I said before, in modern language, equation C can be written as a divergence of D equals four pi rho. Then, if you multiply both sides by K and then use the equation B that E=kD, you get that the divergence of E equals four pi K rho. If you define a new constant Epsilon, so, that Epsilon equals one over four pi K, you get that the divergence of E equals rho over Epsilon, which is Gauss's law. Maxwell was very pleased with the results and even the now frail and kind of still sickly, 65 year old, Michael Faraday was excited about it. Despite all the math, writing Maxwell, "It gives me much encouragement to think on. I was at first, almost frightened when I saw such mathematical force bear upon the subject and then wondered to see that the subject stood it so well." However, Maxwell needed an actual electric model of the atom rather than imaginary tubes of incompressible fluids, which brings me to part four, Maxwell's "On Physical Lines of Force," 1861 to 1862. 5 years before Maxwell's first paper in 1850, another Scottish scientist named William Rankine was inspired by Faraday to model the atom with what he called molecular vortices. This strangely named model is astonishingly modern as Rankine just stated that quote, "Each atom of matter consists of a nucleus or a central physical point enveloped by an elastic atmosphere, which is retained in its position by forces attracted toward the nucleus or center." Soon, Maxwell's friend William Thompson started incorporating some of Rankine's ideas in his own paper. And by 1861, Maxwell adjusted his views of electric and magnetic fields using this model of molecular vortices, rather than the model of tubes of incompressible fluids in a series of papers titled, "On Physical Lines of Force." This paper caused Maxwell to make major changes in his laws. However, in terms of Gauss's law, it's pretty similar with two major and multiple minor differences. The first major difference is that, back in 1855 and 1856, Maxwell just stated outright that the sum of derivatives was dependent on the charge density because it made sense to him. This time, Maxwell started by deriving another equation, specifically his equation that currently has the unwieldy name of Ampere's Circuital law with Maxwell's addition. Maxwell then used that equation to establish how the divergence of the electric field is related to the charge per volume. Now, given the letter lowercase "e." I will show how Maxwell did this in future videos, but for now just put a pin in it and save it for later. The second major change he did is that he gave a physical meaning to what he initially called the quantity of electric current that I called the quantity of electric lines from sinks and sources. If you remember when Maxwell first created this, he used an analogy to current in a tube where the electric field is analogous to the voltage. And the quantity of electric current is how much these fields flow from sources to sinks, which depends on a resistance. These equations work, but they're kind of physically meaningless. But then in 1861 and 1862, with the help of these molecular vortices, Maxwell could finally model them through what the atoms were doing in a dielectric. Writing, "In a dielectric under induction, we may conceive that the electricity in each molecule is so displaced. That one side is rendered positively and the other negatively electrical, but that the electricity does not pass from one molecule to another." As the molecules in the dielectric are displaced, Maxwell renamed his quantity of electric current to be the displacement, a name it retains to this day. Just as before the displacement is related to the electric field by a constant. This time, however, the constant is not a resistance, but instead of constant that is dependent on the nature of the dielectric as I said before, this doesn't change the nature of the equation at all. It just changes the meaning behind all the variables. If you look at the equation as Maxwell wrote it in 1862, however, it looks very different than 1855, but that has to do with the superficial changes that Maxwell made. First, Maxwell added a four pi to this relationship, instead of to the Gauss's law part, which makes no difference aside from changing the magnitude of the displacement field. Second, he squared the constant, which he gave a new letter capital "E." That sounds significant, but it only changes the value of the constant. Third, he made the displacement to be negative with the electric field. The reason he did this is Maxwell decided it'd be more interesting to talk about how the lines converge on sources and sinks instead of how the lines diverge away from sources and sinks. For that reason, Maxwell made the displacement vector negative to the function we use currently, or he took the convergence of a negative displacement field, negative Dell.D prime instead of the divergence of a positive displacement field, Dell.D. This only changes the value of the displacement field and not the end result for force or electric potential. By the way, in 1883, Oliver Heaviside switched the notation when he wrote about Gauss's law and said that the expression on the right side of this equation with a negative sign prefixed, Maxwell called the convergence, but what he may as well use the term divergence for the same quantity with the plus sign prefixed. We have basically used Heaviside's notation and sign convention and the term divergence ever since. Back in 1862, Maxwell wrote Gauss's law as one equation instead of two. So, the charge per volume equals a divergence electric field times a constant. If we use Maxwell's old term, rho for E, use the Greek letter Epsilon for one over four pi E squared and vector notation for the electric field. Maxwell's equation transforms from this to rho equals Epsilon times the divergence of E or the divergence of E equals rho over Epsilon. So, once again, Gauss's law now with some physical meaning for the displacement, way back in 1862, however, there's one concept in this equation that wasn't very well developed and that had to do with the constant one over four pi E squared, because all Maxwell said was that it was related to the dielectric constant somehow. He then clarified it in his next paper of 1864, which brings me to part five, Maxwell's "Electric Elasticity" versus Heaviside's "Permittivity." On December 8th, 1864, a now 33 year old James Clerk Maxwell wrote his famous paper where he used his new equations to describe how his laws could be used to mathematically explain light as a wave in electromagnetic field, a phrase he coined for that very purpose. I know he looks much older in this picture, but I think that has to do with his big bushy beard, which he grew to make him look more mature. Anyway, this paper was to have major implications for the progress of science, but in terms of Gauss's law, it only had two minor changes, one superficial, and one profound, both about the relationship between the electric field, represented by the letters P, Q, R, and the displacement field, represented by the letters F, G, H. The superficial change is that Maxwell decided that if the displacement is negative, the electric field should be negative, too. So, this relation no longer has a negative sign. Maxwell then changed the sign for the force and potential equations. So, the results are all the same. More interestingly, Maxwell decided to drop the four pi in the E squared and go back to a simple constant K. So, the equation between the electric field and the displacement field is the exact same relationship that he found in 1856, namely E=kD. What makes this different is that in 1856, Maxwell did not give K a name besides a resistance. In 1864, however, Maxwell called "kD" electric elasticity, as he imagined the molecules in the dielectric being pulled by the electric displacement. And then bouncing back when the displacement field was removed, the more the dialectic was pulled by the displacement field, the smaller the electric elasticity is. Using this logic, the elasticity was inversely proportional to the dielectric constant. Although, depending on the units you use, you might need another constant as well to make all the units work out. Finally, we have Gauss's equation where every letter has a physical meaning. Once again, it was Oliver Heaviside in the 1880s and early 1890s who decided that it was often more logical to define the constant, which Heaviside called the permittivity. If you defined it as the ratio of D over E, rather than E over D, so that the constant is linearly proportional to the dielectric constant. In other words, define a new constant, the permittivity that Heaviside labeled C, but we currently use a Greek letter Epsilon that is UN over the elasticity, where Epsilon equals one over K or K equals one over Epsilon. That way, instead of E=kD, you get E equals D over Epsilon. The advantage of using Heaviside's "Permittivity" rather than Maxwell's "Electric Elasticity," is that you can see visually that the electric field is reduced by the value of the dielectric constant. Note with the units that we use for charge and distance and force, and the like, even if the field is going through a vacuum where there are no molecules to be pulled or air at room temperature and pressure, which reduces the electric field by a factor of 1.0006, you still often need a constant to make the units work out. This constant is currently called the permittivity of free space, or this symbol pronounced, Epsilon zero or Epsilon naught. Naught is an old fashioned way of saying nothing, as in "Naught but a fool." This is such a common situation that we are often taught Gauss's equation only for that case, which is exactly what Richard Feynman wrote in 1962, roll the tape. - [Feynman] The Maxwell equations of Maxwell, which we're going to study all during this year, but you see that they are of the form advertised, that there's a divergence, there's a formula that tells you what the divergence of E is. It's equal to rho over Epsilon zero. Rho is the charge for unit volume. - So, that is the historical origin of Gauss's law, but I didn't really give very many details of how we got for Maxwell's equations to the modern form of Maxwell's equations. And what does that have to do with math functions called quaternions? Why did Oliver Heaviside get involved? Why was he listened to? And what about the influences of Hamilton, Tate, Gives, and even Hertz? Well, you better subscribe and hit that bell button because all of that is next time on "The Lightning Tamers." Woo. That was a pretty hardcore physics video for me. I hope you enjoyed it, and it wasn't too much. If you want the full script for this video, including citations that you can just click so you can read it yourself, hop on over to my website, www.kathylovesphysics.com. Also, you can learn about my new book, "The Lightning Tamers," which is available for pre-order. Heck, you could even download the first, over a hundred pages for free and check it out. I'm also hosting a GoFundMe for an audio book version. So, if you feel like donating to me on there, it's all on my website and a whole lot more. Thank you to my patrons and remember, stay safe and curious my friends, bye. As everything is composed of an unfathomable, (Instructor stuttering) Unfathomable it's hard to say.
Channel: Kathy Loves Physics & History
Views: 130,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: History of Maxwell's Equations, Maxwell's Equations, lines of force, Coulomb, Faraday, Heaviside
Id: 3tan4_yh5dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 42sec (2142 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2022
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