History Of Every Ant-Man

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today's episode of Aryan is brought to you by domain.com today on varient I give you the history of ant-man all horrible welcome to parent we love comics more than Peter Parker wishes he stopped that mugger that killed Uncle Ben I'm your host eros quinones as we all know the ant-man movie hits theaters this Friday here in the US so there's no better time for me to tell you all about this pint-sized hero so needless to say if you want to know a little bit more about ant-man before you see his new movie or if you've already seen the movie and just want to know more about his complicacy or you sit down and relax so talk about some ant-man goodness the first thing I want to tell you all about ant-man is that there has been four different people to take on the ant-man mantle over the years in comics and since this is a history of ant-man episode of course I'm going to talk about all four of them starting with the first one Hank Pym the first thing I want to mention about Hank Pym is that he's being played by Michael Douglas in the new ant-man film so clearly he will be more age than seasoned in the movie as for the comics Hank Pym was created by Stan Lee Jack Kirby and larry library he debuted in a seven-page solo cover story titled the man in the anthill it was about a character who touched shrinking technology on himself in the science fiction fantasy anthology tales to astonish issue 27 in 1962 in 2008 Stanley was quoted saying I did one combo called the man in the anthill about a guy who shrunk down and there were ants or bees chasing him that sold so well I thought making them too a superhero might be fun as a result Pym was revived eight issues later as ant-man a costume superhero who starred in a 13 page three chapter story in tales to astonish issue 35 in September of 1962 the characters adventures became an ongoing feature in the title with issue 44 in June of 1963 which featured the debut of Pym socialite girlfriend and laboratory assistant Janet Van Dyne aka the wasp and you guessed correctly this was the wasps first appearance going a little more in depth with Pimm's fictional origin dr. Henry Christopher Hank Pym grew up with an ordinary family in Nebraska his family was poor which led his father complaining why he couldn't invent something useful the only one who drove Hank to follow his imagination was his grandmother he was an ordinary but brilliant young biochemist until his wife Maria was murdered on a trip to Hungary devastated by the loss of his wife Hank suffered his first mental breakdown after recovering he decided to focus his scientific work on things that could help him battle inhumanity and injustice this new focus eventually led him to discover a rare group of particles that could be used to alter someone sighs thus the Pym particles were discovered the Pym particles work by something matter into the cosmos dimension when shrinking a subject or acquiring extra matter from that dimension when enlarging originally these Pym particles existed in a liquid elixir from which he would use to shrink objects or living beans that it was applied to later Pym was able to synthesize Pym particles into a gaseous form for quick shrinking results when inhaled he later created the ant-man suit to allow him to control its size originally Hank Pym thought his size changing serum was too dangerous and destroyed it weeks later he realized he couldn't let his greatest discovery be lost so he recreated his serums he studied ants their behavior and eventually developed a cybernetic helmet to communicate with them having no quick way to move around Hank would usually launch himself toward crime scenes using a catapult he had rigged in the walls of his laboratory or most notably flying on the back of an ant as for how Hank met Janet Van Dyne who I mentioned a minute ago Hank Pym first met her when her father who was a noted astrophysicist approached Hank to see if he would collaborate on a project he was working on Hank turned down the offer and Janet almost slipped out of his life even after they left Hank was haunted by how much Janet looked like his murdered wife Maria long story short Janet's father was murdered by an alien Janet didn't know who to call for help so she phoned Hank but he first thought she was lying he later found out it was the truth and went to help her as ant-man ant-man told her to call the FBI and alert them of an alien and then go back to Hank PIMs laboratory back at the lab Hank revealed to Janet that he was ant-man and offered to give her power to shrink as well as giving her wings and antennae to become the human wasp she vowed to avenge her father and bring justice to all who need it as ant-man and wasp this new dynamic duo tracked down the monster responsible for her father's death eventually both ant-man and wasp would become founding members of The Avengers alongside Thor Hulk and Iron Man The Avengers first formed to defeat Loki after they did so and man suggest that they should still work together saying if we combine forces we could almost be unbeatable wasps then suggest the name Avengers and thus the Avengers are born if you want a more in-depth explanation of the Avengers history though I put a link to my history of Avengers episode in the description one of the things Pym is most known for is creating Ultron so in a sense he's Ultron's father which that concept is played around with in the comics but if you want a more detailed explanation of Ultron and his relationship with Hank go watch my history of Ultron episode I also put the link for that in the description below Hank is not only famous recruiting Ultron but infamous for the time he smacked his wife Janet though hank was suffering from increasingly debilitating mental issues at the time this too has become one of the most famous instances of domestic violence and comic books now some of you may be asking why Hank is wearing a different costume in that pan all of them hitting his wife well that's because Hank has had several different costume personas over the years and comics which include Goliath Giant Man yellowjacket which is the costume is wearing in the panel of hitting his wife and he also took on the mantle of wasp to pay respects after his wife Janet's death and most recently Hank has merged with Ultron in the rage of Ultron storyline which I talked about my history of Ultron episode so yet another reason to go watch that episode if you haven't already shameless self-promotion I know moving along we have the second person to become ant-man Scott Lang who's being played by Paul Rudd in the ant-man movie and will be the primary ant-man in the ant-man movie and the Marvel Cinematic Universe Scott Lang first appeared in Avengers 181 in 1979 and as ant-man in Marvel premiere issue 47 of the same year Scott Lang was a thief who first became ant-man after stealing Henry PEM's ant-man suit to save his daughter Cassie from a heart condition reforming from his life of crime he soon took on a full-time career as ant-man with the encouragement of Hank Pym he became an affiliate of the Fantastic Four and a full time member of the Avengers for a period of time he even dated Jessica Jones he was later killed by The Scarlet Witch along with vision and Hawkeye and Avengers disassembled but of course here's don't stay dead for long in comics he returned back to life in 2011's miniseries The Children's Crusade but lost his daughter when she heroically sacrificed herself to stop a supercharged Doctor Doom Scott was later recruited along with she-hulk Medusa and Miss thing to make up a temporary replacement team for the Future Foundation after this his daughter was brought back to life during the Marvel access event Scott is still the current ant-man in the comics and most recently got his own title which debuted back in January of this year the third person to become ant-man well sorta is Chris McCarthy he was co-created by Walking Dead creator Robert Kirkman and also Phil Hester he first appears an irredeemable ant-man issue one he was a low-level agent of shield working in the reconnaissance Department of the shield Helicarrier he was tasked with guarding kingpins lab one day and ended up taking an ant-man suit for himself this character was short-lived however as he was killed by a laser beam straight to the head the fourth and final person to take on the ant-man title is Erik O'Grady Erik Oh greedy is a low-level agent of shield who stole the ant-man suit off the dead Chris McCarthy a man a few morals willing to lie cheat steal and manipulate in order to get ahead in life Erik stole the armor for his own so his plans which included using his status as a superhero to seduce women humiliate and swarm and others and look at Miss Marvel naked in the shower or even hide in a woman's cleavage and as you can see from the pictures I just showed I didn't make any of that up he his own short-lived title before being part of other teams like joining the Avengers as his first team and then joining the Thunderbolts but more recently Secret Avengers where the character died heroically unluckily for Eric though he was robbed from his abroad death when he was reborn as a robot called the Black Ant and with that said that wraps up my summary of the four people who've been ant-man I know I spent most of the time talking about Hank Pym ant-man and that's because he was the first and since he was the first he's been around the longest so he has the most extensive history especially since he's had like several different personas as for a man's powers all three of the people have been ant-man more or less have the same powers within the suit such as size and density manipulation communication equipment the ant-man helmet provides control over various insects and arachnids other powers and abilities vary between them but you guys get the gist however I do want to note that repeated long-term exposure to Pym particles can actually result in the subjects body naturally producing its own Pym particles Pym Janet Van Dyne and Cassie Lang's bodies all biologically produce Pym particles because of this phenomenon Pym particles do exert a large amount of physical and mental strain on the subjects body Pym personally has had many mental breakdowns because of the Pym particle usage I figured mentioning side effects of the Pym particles was worth bringing up but now that brings me to reading recommendations you have tales to astonish issue 27 35 44 and 49 Avengers issue 1 Avengers issue 2 23 where we have that iconic image of ant-man on Hawkeye 0 Avengers Children's Crusade and finally ant-man vol 1 second chance man as we all know the Suicide Squad trailer officially hit the Internet this past Monday so of course I had to give you my thoughts I thought the trailer was really good I'm really diggin the overall tone and vibe for the movie Harley Quinn looks absolutely amazing Margot Robbie seems like she will do a fantastic job I really like how crazy she seems to be plus she looks just like Harley Quinn I'm also really like in Captain Boomerang he looks really cool and sounds really cool believe it or not the only thing I'm kind of mad about is Will Smith don't get me wrong I like Will Smith he's a really good actor but from the trailer it just seems like it's Will Smith being Will Smith in a Deadshot costume it just doesn't really feel like he's playing a character but I'll hold all final judgement until I see the movie then of course we finally see Jared Leto in action as the Joker which performance-wise I thought he was fantastic in that final scene of the trailer the whole I'm not gonna kill you just hurt you really really bad line was fantastically creepy so I think his performance as the Joker will not disappoint but I'm still not sold on how he looks I mean he looks creepy as hell which is great but the tattoos and metal cap teeth are still gonna take some getting used to who knows though once I see the movie I might end up loving it because it works for what they're doing in the movie so I'm definitely keeping an open mind in summary I'm really looking forward to this movie I thought the trailer was awesome and it seems like DC is finally stepping up their live-action movie game which is making me give you like a little schoolgirl when you buy domain name from domain.com you get the power to influence the control what people find when they search for you online no domain extension will help you tell your story like a.com or.net domain name domain com is affordable reliable and easy to use and the guys at domain.com gave parents an awesome offer get 15% off domain coms already affordable domain names and web hosting when use the coupon code variance at checkout so when you think domain names think domain.com first up for Wednesday July 15th we have ant-man annual one just in time for the ant-man movie the team-up you've been waiting for Scott Lang and Hank Pym together again here we have Captain Marvel in the Carroll core issue two after the events of last issue Captain Marvel and our Carroll Corps are determined to never be left in the dark again now we have Martian Manhunter issue - it's the Man of Steel vs. the Martian Manhunter as Superman demands to know what Jon Jones knew about the Martians terrible plans for Earth and finally we have Justice League issue 42 Wonder Woman leads the Justice League against a force that holds the answer on how to stop it but the price might be Batman soul and that'll do it for another episode of very but remember to like a very face book page just keep up with the show when all things comic related get us follow this face on Twitter it's where calm for / airs underscore quinones but I will see you guys next week when I talk about all things comics so every now and then I used to do staring contests during the end credits so I thought it was time to bring it back so in 1 2 3 stare ah take it that I win did you win I don't know let me know in the comments
Channel: Variant Comics
Views: 855,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ant-Man, Avengers, Ultron, Hank Pym, Giant Man, Yellow Jacket, Paul Rudd, wasp, Marvel Comics, Marvel Universe, Iron Man, History of, Origin, Origins, Comic Books, Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Hulk, Thor, Marvel Studios, Scott Lang, Eric O Grady, chris mccarthy, Loki, Spider-Man, Spiderman, Suicide Squad, Joker, Harley Quinn, variant, variant comics
Id: QQcIov8uug0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2015
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