Historian Reaction - Hitler by Oversimplified (Part 1)

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welcome back everybody to another reaction video and today we're going to dive back into over simplified today we're going to be taking a look at part one of oversimplified's hitler obviously a controversial topic i think i've even read somewhere that in some countries you can't even watch this video but it's a part of history it's an important part of history and you know my wife is getting her master's degree right now in school counseling so she's taking a lot of psychology courses and we've been having a lot of conversations as we watch different tv shows and things like that just analyzing the psyche behind people and trying to understand why people end up the way that they do things like their upbringing their their personality uh their experiences and that's hitler's story his story is about how he grew up and how the things that happened to him as a child as a teenager as a young adult were a part of what turned him into the person that he was now those are not to to be blamed he made his choices a lot of people have the exact same experiences as him or far worse and don't end up dictators who kill millions of people and plunge the entire world into war but they do help us understand so that's what we're going to be looking at today a couple of things before we get started as always the link is in the description to the original content creator please make sure and give them a like and a subscribe if you haven't already done so and you can tell if that subscribe button is still red here on my channel turn it gray hit that subscribe button turn on the notifications so you never miss another video i am headed to the fredericksburg spotsylvania wilderness and chancellorsville battlefields this week going to be shooting a ton of video over the next couple of days uh that will be showing up on the channel i'll also be taking a lot of pictures and i've created an instagram account for vlogging through history the link's in the description if you want to follow along you'll see all the pictures as i'm visiting the battlefields nothing there yet but there will be in the next couple of days so make sure you do that leave a comment you know as a reactor i get a lot of comments from people saying oh you know you actually add things to what you're saying rather than just saying oh wow or that's amazing and that's my point i want this to be a starting point for us to have a discussion about the topics so when i react to a video it's an opportunity for us to discuss and i've learned some things hopefully you've learned some things from me hopefully we all learn from the videos but let's go ahead and dive into this one look at this baby so gentle so innocent you'd think this child would grow up to become a good man an honest man well think again hitler was born adolphus hitler in 1889 in a small town in austria-hungary his father a louise schickelgruber was born out of wedlock but eventually changed his name to that of his stepfather becoming a louise hitler and the stepfather i think was actually hiddler rather than hitler i don't really know the story behind behind how it went from being hiddler to hitler but it did and yeah they don't really know for sure if uh if hitler was his father there's some speculation that he was but but there's still some kind of doubts about that before you just look into his father's eyes and you can see the sun you can see the resemblance there alois was a mid-level austrian customs officer not really rolling in cash but certainly rolling in women he married a rich older lady but then immediately started having affairs including one with a much younger house servant a few years later he left his sick wife to be with his mistress but since the catholic church didn't allow divorce at the time he couldn't marry her so he waited for his old wife to die and had a child in the meantime then his wife died so he married his mistress and had another child but then his new wife got sick so he employed his much much younger cousin clara to take care of her then when his new wife died he immediately got clara his cousin pregnant and then married her in that order you rock star so and let's talk about the family they don't mention here that he you know he had brothers as well um in fact well i guess that's alois jr there and the brother had a son who actually became an american citizen william hitler um because he grew up in in the uk alois lived there for a while and william eventually settled in the the us like i said was in the u.s navy during world war ii this is hitler's nephew uh and then had several sons after the war they changed their name i think it's stuart houston as the name they changed it to and to my knowledge none of uh hitler's great nephews the stuart houstons who lived on long island ever had children so they're basically letting that line die out clara and eloise had three children together who all tragically died while in infancy so when the fourth child adolf came along clara spoiled him rotten the hitlers had two more kids and the family moved around a few times meaning adolf had to attend five different elementary schools adele's father was strict quick to anger and took most of it out on the eldest son until he had enough and ran away at the age of 14 leaving seven-year-old adolf to do most of the chores and get berated by his father the result was a difficult relationship with his dad while he was super attached to his mother who worried and right off the bat that's one of those things that people will analyze to death difficult relationship with his father very close to his mother and those attachments that you form as a child begin to form you into the person that you become the result was a difficult relationship with his dad while he was super attached to his mother who worried over him and his health excessively hitler did well in school at first his grades were good and his teachers praised him he was popular with the other kids and enjoyed gathering them together to play war games he also loved reading and particularly liked stories about cowboys and indians as he grew older though he started to get into trouble he was caught smoking once organized a raid on a local orchard tormented his pro-austrian religion teacher with symbolic gestures displaying his allegiance the idea of united germanic people under a greater german state in defiance of habsburg austria you know the usual and it's interesting that he was getting into trouble and doing those things because hitler was known later in life for being very um strict about certain things in his life like he didn't drink he was a vegetarian you know all of those kinds of things that people dabble in that he wouldn't touch it's kind of interesting to see how he went very different direction from all of that all of this enraged adult's father who punished him severely the area of austria-hungary that hitler lived in was once part of the german confederation and many of the people who lived there considered themselves to be german adolph tended to just go against whatever his father said and since his father was an austrian public official hitler got big into german nationalism this enraged adult's father who punished him severely around this time a family tragedy struck his six-year-old brother whom he loved a lot died of measles when adolf was ten and was buried in the cemetery just across from their home around this time oh wait hold on a second we just got to talk about this for adolf was ten and was buried in the semi just the the grammar grammar nazi and me cemetery is all e's there's no a in the letter in the word cemetery anyway i digress terry just across from their home around this time neighbors reported a change in the young boy strange behaviors such as talking to trees and staying up late staring at the stars from the cemetery walls he lost interest in religion and his school grades started to decline which enraged this father who punished him severely so you can start to see getting into trouble little brother dies um you know difficult relationship at home with his father these are the things that are starting to form him into who he is but the worst is yet to come it also didn't help that he had just entered high school and the cool city boys treated him like a rural peasant he had to repeat a grade and had little interest in most school subjects instead spending his time reading and drawing which he was quite good at one day his father said son someday you'll be a big balls public official like me and adolf replied no father i'm going to become an artist and soar high above the clouds with the eagles this enraged his father but by this time he was an old-ass man so he just sort of let it go and then died of a lung haemorrhage hitler just about passed his final semester and celebrated in the typical way by getting blackout drunk and wiping his ass with a certificate however he didn't take the overall final school exam instead i gotta find out if that really was a true story because that that fascinates me and i don't remember ever hearing that one before okay so here we go according to the making of adolf hitler by eugene davidson uh here's what it says uh in the midterm in february 1905 hitler failed german french mathematics and stenography years later he said that for the first time in the last time in his life as the end of the semester was celebrated at a local inn he got drunk and in the course of the evening used his school report card report but record card mistakenly for toilet paper so there you have it it really did happen that way all right let's move on they're just dropping out the now 16 year old boy was unemployed without much purpose in life and for the next three years he stayed that way he spent most of his time at the opera with his only friend august kubisek kubizek later wrote his memories of the young hitler and said he was passionately interested in many things felt he was in many ways better than others his age was quick to anger just like his father and an incredible speaker once he was ranting so you know the whole idea of being better than other people that goes hand in hand with folks like this who tend to think of themselves as above everyone else and when you think of yourself as above everyone else and you don't get where you want to be then you start to blame people you start to think well there's some reason why i'm not getting all the accolades i deserve getting the position i deserve somebody's holding me back wrongfully and in his case the jews became that scapegoat when he was 18 he said a very sad goodbye to his mother and went to vienna to take the entrance exam for art school he failed soon after he had to return home his mother was sick and her health was rapidly deteriorating hitler stayed by her side and when she eventually died the family doctor said he had never seen someone so overwhelmed with grief as hitler was then hitler returned to vienna still hoping to find a career in the arts but he never did instead without parental support hitler ended up on the streets now in his early twenties he spent a few rough years living in and out of homeless shelters making what little he could from selling postcards he painted it's hard to pinpoint exactly when and how hitler's extreme ideological beliefs formed but his time in vienna would have certainly played a role anti-semitism was widespread in the city the mayor whom hitler supported was an outspoken anti-semite there were many right-wing anti-semitic newsletters which hitler took a keen interest in he bought into the conspiracy theories and became a firm believer in the idea that there are many races in constant struggle with one another the purest of which were the german aryan people and the worst of which he believed were jews so you know this is a really fascinating time in world history the first couple of decades of the 20th century because a lot of new ideas are forming especially political ideas socialism of course later you have fascism coming into things communism uh anarch anarchy is a big part of it there's a lot of anarchists going around a lot of old empires are being that were so powerful in the 1800s are now being overthrown or will be in the time to come but it's a time when a lot of radicals are being made by the ideas that are being shared and in vienna he would have heard a lot of those ideas since austria-hungary was a multi-ethnic empire full of lesser races hitler wasn't a fan so when he was 24 he moved to munich in germany to avoid doing military service and for one more year he was a drifter on the streets until something huge happened in 1914 long-standing tensions in europe erupted into the first world war crowds across europe celebrated the news within days hitler volunteered for the german army the war gave him a purpose in life his fellow soldiers gave him friendship and brotherhood despite the horrors of war hitler considered it to be the best time of his life he was reportedly a brave soldier and was awarded the iron cross first class he was also very lucky and had many close encounters with death his luck ran out in 1916 however when an artillery shell injured his leg there was actually a situation where a british soldier had him dead to rights on the battlefield had an opportunity to shoot and kill him and didn't do it and that ended up coming back later where they actually found out who the soldier was and i believe hitler actually presented him with a medal of some kind so this is him right here his name's henry tandy and he's known as the man who didn't shoot hitler uh in fact let's see if we can find here it is it says although disputed adolf hitler and tandy allegedly encountered each other in the french village of marcoin the story said on 28 september 1918 so this is a you know just a month or so before the end of the war while tandy was serving with the fifth duke of wellington's regiment and relates that a weary german soldier wandered into tandy's line of fire the enemy soldier was wounded and did not even attempt to raise his own rifle tandy chose not to shoot the german soldier saw him lower his rifle and nodded his thanks before wandering off that soldier is purported to have been adolf hitler the author david johnson who wrote a book on henry tandy believes the story was an urban legend so it goes back and forth but you can see here [Music] hitler apparently saw a newspaper report about tandy being awarded the victorian cross recognized him and clipped the article in 1937 he was made aware of a painting and it talks about the battle of eep and it says that in the painting hitler identified the soldier carrying the wounded man as tandy from the photo of him in the newspaper clipping he had obtained in 1918 when neville chamberlain visited hitler at his alpine retreat the berghoff he noticed the painting and asked about it and hitler replied the man came so near to killing me that i thought i should never see germany again providence saved me from such a devilishly accurate fire as those english boys were aiming at us so there's nothing here about him giving him any kind of metal or anything like that i thought i read that somewhere but that's why i wanted to go and check because i guess that is not the case let's go ahead and back up a little bit with death his luck ran out in 1916 however when an artillery shell injured his leg he went back to germany to recover and was outraged to find a general apathetic anti-war attitude among the exhausted and hungry german populace with the war turning against germany he returned to the front lines but was temporarily blinded by a british gas attack in 1918 a month later still recovering in hospital hitler learned of germany's defeat and surrender the terms of the peace treaty were tough on germany it had to pay a lot of money and lose a lot of soldiers these conditions weakened germany and humiliated the german people europe's borders changed after the war too new countries were formed out of russia's lost territory austria-hungary was dissolved and there was one big new country splitting germany into two hitler seeing the country he loved humiliated like this said that hatred grew in him for those responsible by which he meant communists and jews who he believed had stabbed germany in the back by spreading dissent and anti-war propaganda back home so again here it is we're too powerful we are the master race there's no way we could have lost if we hadn't been undermined by these communists and these jews and yeah keep in mind everybody talks about the jews but hitler hated communists every bit as much as he hated jews um so yeah these are the people he blamed for this and these are the people he would continue to blame for this so i guess that's where we're going to stop right there but uh that's a good start for our conversation about all of this there's a lot more to go and we'll come back tomorrow with part two of hitler but i would love to hear your thoughts about all of that use the comment section below make sure you check out the original video subscribe to this channel check out our gofundme link check out our discord check out the instagram hit that like button thanks for watching we'll see you again tomorrow with the next episode
Channel: Vlogging Through History
Views: 610,412
Rating: 4.9320545 out of 5
Keywords: world war 2, hitler, react, mr terry, mr terry oversimplified, second world war, oversimplified reaction, hitler oversimplified reaction, historian reacts, history reaction
Id: OqF5bZnP7rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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