His opponent unaware this masked warrior has mastered the invincible move of standing on a sword

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the film Begins by showing the mean dynasty era when Emperor Shan zong entrust his authority to Unix to wield power in several regions unfortunately this leads the Unix to VI for power between the two strongest power centers dong chund or the East Bureau and C Chung or the West Bureau with their Authority both bureaus are not hesitant to execute those who intend to report their corruption to the emperor one day the the leader of the East Bureau named one ULU appears ready to kill two officials who intend to inform the emperor about various corrupt activities ULU has carried out during his leadership in the East Bureau just before the execution is to take place in front of ULU several wooden beams fall from his throne followed by an attack from two cap wearing men they are Kung Fu Warriors led by zawa yand who aims to overthrow the corrupt leaders in various regions after confronting several of yulu's henchmen wand attacks ULU with several powerful blows but he is unharmed due to wearing a protective golden rope at that moment yulu attempts to flee from Wan who continues to pursue him until yulu is forced to face Wan sword attacks they engage in a sword fight with Wan struggling to injure yulu refusing to give up wand continues his assault until yulu is cornered after the Kung Fu Warrior manages to trap the East Bureau leader on a wooden plank seizing the opportunity Wan stabs ULU in the back and beheads him as a warning to other corrupt officials Wan intentionally places yulu's head in a box and hangs it in front of the public sometime later yuniku Juan tion from the West Bureau arrives at the East Bureau upon hearing that yulu has been killed by a Kung Fu Warrior at that moment Juan tion belittles the East Bureau for not dealing with the Kung Fu Warriors who often Target corrupt officials because of this Juan tion decides to deal with the situation himself and eliminate anyone who poses a threat to both bureaus after his meeting with the East Bureau Juan tion goes to see the emperor's Chief consort one jonner she tells him to stop fighting for power with other officials because she wants him and others to ensure the emperor doesn't have children with anyone other than her Juan tion admits that he told his men to kill the emperor's concubines but one concubine managed to escape and is now being chased by his men at the same time Juan tion's subordinates were inspecting several boats passing by the river in search of a concubine named Su weong who had escaped as suspected by Juan tion's followers weirong was found on one of the boats they checked she tried to hide her identity by throwing away a pouch of perfume often used by concubines unfortunately Wong's efforts were in vain as Juan tion's subordinates managed to capture her as weon was about to be executed a female Kung Fu Warrior with a face covering named Ling yanu who claimed to be Wan suddenly appeared to stop Juan tion's subordinates swiftly yanu used her sword to fend off all of Juan tion's unic subordinates present unexpectedly wand and his comrades were hiding nearby observing the situation and upon seeing yanu able to control the fight Wan decided to confront the West Bureau meanwhile Juan tion with his Troop groups aware of Wan's whereabouts seemed to have boarded a boat to capture the Kung Fu Warrior unexpectedly wand and his two companions instead launched an attack on Juan tion and his subordinates the ship's Captain named ma jein L intervened with his two trusted swords to face the Kung Fu Warriors at the same time Wan fought with Juan tion on the ship's deck and due to their evenly matched abilities their fight lasted quite a while the battle finally ceased after ginlong managed to kill one of Wan's subordinates prompting the leader of the Kung Fu Warriors and his surviving subordinates to retreat by jumping into the sea on the other side yanu had taken weiron with her to a place known as Dragon Gate to deceive Juan tion's subordinates who were hunting them yanu helped weiron disguise herself as a man while yanu was recounting that she still kept the flute of the one she loved thousands of crows suddenly flew into the area causing the two women to quickly hide behind a rock unfortunately due to the commotion yanu accidentally dropped the flute and damaging it although feeling saddened yanu quickly urged weiron to leave and find the nearest in as a massive Sandstorm was about to arrive after walking for a while they reached the black Inn a place where martial artists often fought it was said that if a martial artist used Chopsticks belonging to another group they would be killed and eaten hearing this weiron became very anxious fearing she might become someone else's meal at the same time soldiers from the West Bureau led by ton lzi arrived at the black Inn to search for the escaped weiro which forcing yanu and weong to immediately hide to evade the soldiers while the soldiers from the West Bureau were conducting their inspection a female wander leader named Chun shaan felt outraged by the solders treatment especially since she was a woman upon hearing this luzy felt challenged by the female Wanderer leader and they eventually started to fight but the battle ceased after Shan's subordinates prepared to resist luzy the inkeeper also appeared and tried to stop the fight until luzy decided to buy the black in to trap All The Wanderers including wand who might come to the place and fall into his trap in the kitchen area a soldier from the West Bureau approached the chef and ordered him to put poison in the food to be served to the group of Wanderers standing staying at the in unbeknownst to them weirong and yunu were eavesdropping on the conversation from outside the kitchen window but weong accidentally coughed which prompting the soldier from the West Bureau to immediately check the back area of the kitchen fortunately weirong and yanu managed to escape although Wong's perfume pouch fell and was found by the soldier after that weong and yanu tried to find another hiding place until they accidentally discovered a secret door in the desert that led them to an underground room that night luzy and Shan's group appeared to be having dinner together when they were surprised by the sudden poisoning of the inkeeper unexpectedly showan had already known about the poison in her food so she quietly swapped it with the inkeeper food chaos ensued and during the commotion two Travelers named one Gul and Fong Leong also known as wind blade Who Bore a striking resemblance to Hon arrived at the because wind blade looked like hon a soldier from the West Bureau informed hon about it hon saw this as a chance and told luzy and their soldiers to treat wind blade as if he were haon meanwhile haon planned to disguise himself as wind blade and blend in with other travelers to assassinate wand to avoid confusion haon would use the secret code the original has become false to Signal his identity to his soldiers at the same time time in the underground room one of the in servants who was working with The Travelers joined their group talking with wind blade and gulay meanwhile yunu and weirong hid behind a rock listening to the Traveler's conversation during The Talk The Travelers discussed about their plan to Rob gold from the ancient tomb Palace after the sandstorm as that was when the gates of the ancient tomb would open they also mentioned another in that had been established in the area but was burnt down by its owner who turned out to be yanu as it had become a Battleground for martial artists shortly after they started examining a map of the mazike ancient tomb Palace additionally The Travelers requested wind blade to pretend to be hon and uncover the reason behind Lu's troops being at the black in without wasting time wind blade hurried away meanwhile in the underground room The Travelers found yanu and weirong EES dropping which yanu reluctantly fought against The Travelers at the same time wind blade had snuck into Hon's location and got details from a soldier about the individual the unic was looking for at the black in returning to yanu who was still in a fight Wan then appeared to rescue her as she was getting overwhelmed after being hurt by her opponent yanu was surprised by Wan's unexpected presence who turned out to be the flute owner whom yanu had loved all along shortly after wand informed the tra Travers that hation had discovered their presence in the underground room so he requested that they cooperate with him to fight against huan's troops facing the same problem The Travelers teamed up with wand and started planning how to convince the inkeeper to help them one of Shan's assistance then spoke to the sick inkeeper who had been poisoned and said that the Travelers would give him an antidote if he freed all the horses belonging to the soldiers of the West Bureau with no better option the inkeeper greed meanwhile wand appeared to be accompanying yanu while discussing their past which had been involved in a complicated relationship because wand liked another woman wand actually gave the flute that yanu carried to the woman he loved but the woman died after saving his life so yanu decided to keep the flute when Wan left Yu's resting place weirong approached him and asked him not to hurt yanu feelings Again by making her resent him the two then acted lovey-dovey in front of yanu until she got jealous and decided to walk away before yanu left she met weirong and disclosed that she was aware of the charade that weirong was playing with wand yanu then handed weirong a dagger advising her to be cautious the next morning haon disguised as wind blade went with his troops to the black Inn to launch an attack meanwhile one of the soldiers from the West Bureau reported the release of their horses to lzy who then ordered his subordinates to check the Stables where the inkeeper was releasing the horses after being captured the inkeeper admitted that The Travelers forced him to do everything meanwhile luzy got a report that the Inn was starting to burn so he instructed all the troops to leave immediately when everyone was outside the Inn to save themselves they realized that the weather was turning bad and a sandstorm was about to hit at that moment wind blade disguised as haon appeared with his fake troops one of the West Bureau soldiers then informed luzy about the secret code huon had mentioned prompting luzy to ask wind blade about the secret code calmly wind blade stated the secret code as he had already known it and ordered L and his troops to return to the Inn upon reaching the Inn the West Bureau troops were attacked by The Travelers wearing West Bureau uniforms when Haan and his group reached the inn luzy and his soldiers thinking they might be the disguised Travelers didn't trust the secret code haon mentioned therefore a fight between the West Bureau troops ensued on the other hand wyand and others devised a plan to attack the remaining West Bureau troops and with their skills they began defeating the enemies one by one after that wand was seen fighting Jean L known for his swordsmanship until wund managed to break the captain's sword and kill him after that yanu returned to the the in to help Wan fight against the West Bureau troops on the other hand Wan finally faced hation directly and managed to wound the unix's cheek they continued to fight despite the sandstorm while The Travelers sought shelter in the underground room to avoid the growing sandstorm at that moment the sandstorm appeared to damage various places including the black Inn while Wan continued to battle haon as the sandstorm began to subside The Travelers emerged from from their hiding place and searched for wand until they found the ancient tomb Palace they had been looking for without hesitation they entered the Magnificent Palace that partly buried in sand returning to wand and haon they both appeared to wake up in a room of the ancient tomb Palace after being Carried Away by the sandstorm as The Travelers came to help Wan fight against the unic wand asked them to leave and take the gold in the palace while he would confront hon alone after that wind blade and the others obeyed Wan's order and exited the palace only to be surprised by weiron who suddenly stabbed yanu with her dagger unexpectedly weiron was a spy for hon so she rushed back to the battlefield to Aid the unuk wind blade attempted to chase after weome but he stopped when he saw the Trap of Golden Threads she had set with no other choice wind blade and the others decided to depart from the ancient tomb Palace meanwhile we on had reached the Battleground where hon was and intended to attack Wan from behind fortunately Wan managed to evade the attack at the same time the sandstorm reappeared causing The Travelers who had exited the palace to leave tide logs as a way out for wand weong didn't let wand Escape leading them to resume their fight during the battle Gul assisted wand and managed to finish off weiro yanu also aided wand in in fighting haon and during the fight she succeeded in injuring the unuk until he fell into Weir's trap of Golden Threads after that waon was finally defeated although wand was injured after being attacked by the unuk The Travelers then helped yanu and the unconscious haon to leave the ancient tomb Palace in the final scenes of the film the sandstorm had subsided and The Travelers gathered to check on wand who had just regained Consciousness at at that moment Wan asked about Yan's whereabouts who had apparently left because she didn't want wan to see her injured without hesitation wand immediately set off with his horse to search for yanu several days later wind blade disguised himself as hon to visit jonner at the palace Shan posed as a tea servant and poisoned the concubine their scheme worked well and shner eventually lost Consciousness and died after drinking tea from shaan moral lesson from the story if you want to poison someone make sure you don't confirm the taste of the drink or you might fall asleep unexpectedly [Music]
Views: 34,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: film recap, fox recap, king recap, mystery recap, recap, recap king full movie, recap king anime, movie recap korean, movie recap sci fi, movie recap horror, movie recap superpowers, recap king assassin, recap king chef, recap king gangster, recap king korean movie
Id: 17rTWVWZuQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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