His Ex-Girlfriends All Love You.

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um here please accept this start with Scott Pilgrim the references the humor and the touch of fanciful and then slam it at 100 miles per hour at the likes of killer kill and panty and stalking and you might get something with the sensuality of odd man 11. a 50 chapter manga filled to the brim with lewd jokes without crossing the border into H manga territory filled with humor and starting with a general episodic nature that gradually arcs into a greater story where all of the seemingly silly and ridiculous pieces fall into line warning this is much different and much raunchier than almost anything I've ever covered on this channel so if someone wants to read this after the recommendation do so at your own Peril well whatever here it goes on man 11 Stars our girl setsu who is in love with Itami the brother a huge masochist but in order to become his girlfriend she needs to defeat all his evil exes the odd men this sounds familiar but there's a Twist coming first though let's meet the roster you spend most of the introductory chapters meeting different ones but they are neither met in order to their number or challenged in the number of their order as they all interact casually with satsu most of the time inside and out of school our contenders are you know I won by way more than I thought I would didn't I tell you you'd win with me around that dog wears glasses and my ACT intelligent but she's actually pretty stupid on man one the dog she is a straight up dog has done everything definitely crosses the line into furry territory but in the weirdest way she doesn't kill me even though she could do it anytime if she felt like it don't you see my sister is very kind she's the kindest person I know on man number two the sadist this is actually the main guy's older sister she is the one currently dating him as she essentially used her brutality to keep them away under the guise of protecting her brother which obviously isn't a concern as she is a sadist and what exactly is it you like about Itami yeah I wanted to ask that too honestly he's kind of a pain in the Andy grins if you see on him he gets off from being bitten by a dog when you break his front teeth on man number three the masochist this is the younger Itami and the main guy that setsu is after in the story brother and sister sadist and masochist makes sense in an other side of the coin type of way he's generally self-respecting and casual and less directed otherwise in which case he certainly fits the description of odd and here's the autograph for your grandmother could you make it out to Gomez odd man Number Four The Collector she is a cyclops which you'd notice immediately but also a successful manga author who graduated a year before the rest of them and lives in an expensive high-rise loft where she collects things of interest and some of those things are recipes for magic spells and rituals said nurse how do I look that looks great on you do I look sexy yes you actually love me don't you setsu on man number five okay unironically despite her cruel but descriptively accurate name or odd man number five is one of the most sincere likable wonderful characters in the series don't get me wrong she's definitely annoys after setsu so it's accurate but she is also shown to deeply care as the series goes on but I suppose I won't spoil anymore odd man number six the mandar Agora this one is actually a gag she it's like an Easter egg and never has a line of dialogue in the entire Series in my own reading I actually didn't notice her at all I had to look it up afterwards and that's true you know when you feel someone's Gaze on your Exposed Skin your muscles contract out of nervousness and you look slimmer having been completely since I was born my muscular strength is now far beyond a normal person's unmanned number seven she is once again what she is described as however apparently due to the way that people's bodies tense up when they're looked at when being her constant state of being her skin has developed extreme flexing and muscular ability making her extremely strong yes it makes no sense it's basically JoJo's logic it's ridiculous that's this manga for you what are you even doing at the school gym during summer vacation do you two know each other it's fine just ignore her on man number eight the low life her whole thing is that nobody has ever liked her she's very cynical and rude with the exception I guess to the itemi brother she is the only explicitly lesbian odd man also I'm gonna read these manga panels myself that was choco she's number eight the low life uh could you order one more plate of squid please so she was an odd man watch out for her she's got some kind of communication disorder also She's a Lesbian huh but you're a lesbian too aren't you kidada no way I'm bi the difference between being bi and lesbian or is different is night and day what about you Joe I just like you setsu other than that I'm not interested in girls so you might wonder why she dated itemi brother well I'll spoil this funny detail she actually had eyes on the sister but didn't think that she could pull it off with her so she dated the brother and just made him wear girls uniforms and a wig this fits with him being the masochist but unfortunately it still wasn't good enough for her and they went their separate ways I heard you always eat lunch here alone because if I hang out around the school while people are eating it would just be a bother to everyone on man number nine the unclean she fits the stinky girl Trope her whole thing is that she's never once bathed in her life and smells terrible and her whole class has been wearing gas masks all year long so she's never actually seen any of their faces you fell for that Hook Line and Sinker fool that was a fake you know how the silhouette in the First Data Gundam opening wasn't actually Zeta Gundam it's just like that on man 10 the Deep one she's a squid girl who spends all of her time at the bottom of the school pool she also likes eating squid ironically and catching and eating fish on man number 11. now I said that there would be a Twist you didn't forget did you well here it is and it's not really a spoiler because the cover of the manga itself sort of leans towards this plus there's like a not zero percent chance that you would have even heard of this manga if not for the video which by the way you should totally like this video comment and share so I have enough money to survive anyways if you were expecting a battle manga type of deal that is actually not the direction this manga takes the twist is that in the process of pursuing and challenging the odd men to get to Itami brother all of his ex-girlfriends fall in love with the protagonist setsu even spawning drama and fights between different odd men on who gets to take her setsu even dates one of the odd men for a time but even though they debate over who gets to spend time with her and do whatever she slowly manages to bring all the odd men together and being friends previously enemies and Rivals all into friends and lovers it's like if Scott Pilgrim became a gay Harem part way through I mean I guess it does with Wallace a little bit but you know it's missing the point hilariously original and a great spin on a central premise that I've really enjoyed in the past despite the levels of debauchery and dumpster diving into tons of fetishes though I do think that there is a sincere love of the medium and of anime culture underpinning it with references to countless Manga and Anime at one time even having a character tell another to stop doing the shaft tilt something most associated of course with the monogatari series go ahead this here is class 32's Odin they let me have it piping hot as a service here say uh uh you've been truant all this time you wouldn't come see me and when I called the dorms so why did you suddenly come back to school that's you'd listen to her more than you listen to me please stop giving me the chef look I guess something I really like about these characters though is that they're cast as outcasts the odd men and that it's implied and stated directly that they are present in countless other schools all over the place they are intentionally a creative analog for Misfits of society in our own world and bringing them together it really gives this whole manga a feeling of being a judgment-free area don't get me wrong they all have plenty of negative things to say at different times for each other in front and behind each other's backs I mean some of them hate each other for part of the time but setsu's positive acceptance of their quirks and differences and thoughtful gifts to help them live out and emphasize their differences really give a feeling of acceptance and positivity that's surprising and such a comedy gag and raunchy manga the series could have easily been much meaner or cruel having characters by the name of or low life gives the impression of negativity but you have to remember that that's how the outside world sees them Define them by their perceived unacceptable differences and while these traits aren't necessarily inaccurate even you come to see them more fully or in the least not see them in that odd negative light fits as well for a series so intent on running through any list of some of which are Beyond The Pale of being not for me but setsu even with her personally not being into many of them often she just politely States her disinterest and refrains from judging them it ends up being oddly wholesome an adult comic that despite its cartoonish childlike silliness feels mature in a real way also I have to mention it because it's killing me every time I recognized it so Itami in Japanese is sort of a reference to pain when you get hurt you might say so naming two characters into sadism and masochism Itami is a very funny pun of their interests same thing with the dog her name is inotawan Inu meaning dog in Japanese and one being the onomatopoeia for bark in Japanese this is also called nuida which is an obvious katagana for the English word nude it just goes on and on too the squid girl is named ikachan Ika meaning squid in Japanese I don't know as someone who's put a lot of effort in the past into learning Japanese it always makes me so happy to catch on to and recognize the endless puns that series often put into their works so hey if you read it maybe you could catch a couple as well there's a couple really good double use puns with the word musume at one point that had me laughing anyways final tangent but try and bring this around to something more important it's strange to me how Niche this artist seems to be I mean I guess they got 75k on Twitter but less than 1 000 ratings on any list in the western sphere they are pretty much a ghost which is odd because they're chaotic cute art style is something that I think would blend really well with Western anime culture and sensibilities so send them some love if you like the series or even just like their art I've yet to check out their other works but I do plan to in the future I hope their free-flowing unrestricted Creative Vision and energy can reach even more people as the months go on to summarize though it's it's chaotic it's violent it's Unique it's odd man 11 or in the words of choco this manga is filled to the brim with lesbians boobs French kissing and all the things that Humanity loves that's some amazing bias thank you very much for watching this video Hey look it's my face I'm continuing to lose weight guess what 50 pounds I'm down 50 pounds uh I want to give a special thank you to core from spilling the milk who actually told me about this series I'd never heard of it before and also to all of the wonderful voice actresses that lended their role I will have them on screen so you can of course see them all and then in the description if you want to check out any of them individually again there is a version I'm sure you can imagine on my patreon that's a bit different than this one so I would really appreciate the support and if you want to see a different version of this I I don't know how it would be different I can't imagine then please feel free to subscribe to my patreon I of course need the support and speaking of Patron here's some of my top patrons once again Daniel frausing xioma Benny young Suk Chong Rob Paulson and everyone else lastly this background is going away I am moving alongside my other housemates so in the future you will probably see a different background for my videos because of that I'm gonna try to keep my upload schedule about as good as it has been but we'll see we'll see um and also check out my side Channel if you haven't already hiding in private you can see how much weight I lost if you go to my side Channel because I released the giant Persona 4 analysis video it's like 14 hours long and I was considerably heavier than I also dropped a 40 minute video on sekito and also talking about fromsoft in general which I think is pretty good and I'm going to Poland and need the money for that but I'm also going to be filming a video there too so check it all out ah ah I'm trying my best ah goodbye [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Hiding in Public
Views: 26,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Manga, Best Manga, manga recommendations, new manga, romance manga, comedy manga, manga dub, rare manga, manga review, OddMan11, Sayman Dowman, Dowman Sayman, anime, kill la kill, scott pilgrim
Id: wE1cH1B52dM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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