Hippocamp Headaches?! ⛅🐺 Cloud Sagas: Wolf Quest Rescue! • #19

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relic relic here boy relic I didn't he isn't still way over back at the of their mine area is he where did he go relic relic it's still way too dark over here I just know trouble is going to be brewing over there too oh my goodness silver secret I am I am so sorry oh and I mean okay I'll be back for the chickens are there eggs in just a second but relic I could have sworn tippy is right over here sofas in here right relic oh I uh Holly a moment ago you and ash we're trying to get my attention down into that cave is a relic down there I think I hear whining oh dear alright I'm worried alright well let's go ahead and make sure I put away up with a bunch of this stuff at least I really don't want to lose everything we just collected and I am definitely going to need another pickaxe if I am going to go down and check in on relic actually I wonder if if I mean is he down there did he stay behind we were adventuring pretty hardcore for a little while there so I wonder if he decided to stay behind instead of follow us and go down into the mines or like come back home like I I don't know I don't know I don't know we'll go ahead and we'll look all right let's get the iron processing gosh wow we actually have so much stuff really no that's literally silver secret to tell oh I must be a little bit desperate to make sure that all of my dogs are accounted for and safe but alright well we can't panic the first thing to do in the case of a missing puppy is to make sure that we take just a moment to clear all of our inventory and make sure that we have all of our ducks in a row so they say and that we don't just go running off like absolute silly chickens and okay good well leave behind everything I think is important and these vines we need to hang the vines up for sure to make sure that hopefully hopefully we will be able to cover up the sanctuary and hide it so that nothing we'll be able to come in and hurt everybody that we have here all right let's leave this and this and thus the slimeball might be useful in the future okay the lapis nozzle I can stay all of this iron can definitely stay full iron gear all right you know I'm feeling pretty confident this zombie whoops you two stay here okay I can't wait to have nametags for you I know your true nature isn't actually being zombies but I mean hopefully hopefully sylph is being cheered up with these magic flowers in the room and she'll be able to tell me how she could start doing magic pretty soon but for now I need to go find relic so let's start there all right Holly ash you two stay here I heard that zombie as well there goes my pickaxe I heard that zombie as well and I'm wondering if relic has somehow gotten stuck down here part of me thinks that he's actually waiting for us back at the spot that we were just at in the mines I wonder what he'd be so stubborn about staying there though oh my gosh but what is down here okay this is actually a lot more complicated than I was expecting uh-huh maybe there's a good reason that Holly was trying to get my attention for what's going on down here okay don't oh my gosh relic there's a mine shaft under my home oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness I'm not even sure what this might indicate could this have anything to do with why silver secret was was hiding in the cave system down here oh my gosh okay this is a lot to take in all at once and a mine shaft could mean so many things in this world I definitely hear some things some squishy things I wonder if the mine shaft means that there might be some some of the or wolves nearby oh man honestly I definitely think the mine chef means that there might be some trouble nearby to be completely blunt all right so I might need to come back down here with a lot more torches for sure oh wait I solved that problem all right well since we're down here with a lot more torches Relic did he come down here on his own okay I definitely hear the sound of something squishing closer to me all right well we can we can harvest all of this at our own pace in the future because we're really really oh it's another one of those things what are you little mystery all right well you can just stay down there for now my friend and I here much less friendly things nearby - definitely much less friendly things all right let's see what are we gonna find waiting for us around the corner hmm I don't know about this all right well at least there's some bones Oh No is that mine track okay okay let's be careful about this all right I mean this is a good thing a mineshaft might mean that we might find one of the magic wolves and that would definitely be a good thing and I I I could make a whole bunch of or really quickly and then we could be able to tame the magic bull so this could definitely be a good thing and a mineshaft also explains all of the growling that I'm hearing inside of my ears - all right let's gather up these oars just in case we run into an ore wolf and we need to offer them something to tame them really quickly all right there we go gosh you know I've not seen it well you know maybe I haven't done that much mining so it would explain why I haven't really seen any of the magic types of wolves that have to do with mines Oh what was that what was that I was a bad uh I thought it was a dog's tail for just a second and got very excited all right let's see looking like a path down a little bit more viable the path down for sure okay let's come over here all right I can handle this we're really close to home - so worst case scenario it's a very short run back here for all of my things all right let's put this down sounds uncomfortably like we might be running into a spider spawner and I actually just came right around the corner - it's a tall Hey what okay okay okay there's creeper heads and gold wait what is happening I hear what is happening what even is that what are you talking about what is going on okay all right you're ready to fight okay need to fight you need to fight I hear so many things that's a bat okay okay yeah this place is full of stuff that wants to eat me but also okay there's a lot of really weird slimes they have no idea who they are or what they want come on down I can hear them jumping around after me I can hear all of the zombies but where's what's that Pegasus I don't know I'm not really familiar with those types of horses but where did he go I was just looking at him wasn't I where did he go I found another horse inside of a mineshaft and I have no idea what kind of even was it looked like I had a tail like he was made for swimming because apparently there's a block of coral here what on earth is happening then this was under my house all along Oh dear me I heard you I knew you were somewhere nearby a little guy alright I think I'm making a big loop finally okay okay good okay and turn around stalactites and stalagmites let's not get caught up in this web this is amazing I mean just think I could renovate this entire mineshaft to hopefully help out a whole bunch of the horses our horse is what the heck well I mean what the heck horses right that's kind of the perfect summary of what today is like where am I I got completely turned around okay where did that horse go okay your your a interesting little guy that's for sure where did that horse go where on earth did that horse go that was that was one of the most surreal experiences I have ever had in my life where did he go oh there's a little bat above my or not about a little moth above my head of all things all right let's see I honestly don't know where I am I don't know how I got turned around I hear a ton of things coming to try to eat me but I don't see anybody and I have no idea where I am how did I get lost in my own mind shaft this is my very own mineshaft it's full of personal touches oh my goodness it's right next to my home I don't even know where I'm going anymore I'm lost what am I died was he down here no I searched down here I really okay avoid this in this mushroom I think I need to jump back up where did he go I want to see the really cool horse where did he go there's so many spiders I can hear so many spiders and there's that month again alright this is quite a confusing life alright let's get back up maybe I need to go up oh it definitely sounds like there's a spider spawner nearby all right well at least if I die I'll be able to find my way out right and apparently with the power of the Phoenix I don't have to worry about dying again and again and again but where did that mysterious horse go aha I can't believe I got myself so turned around like this this is awful I really wanted to see him okay here's the entrance I'm gonna angrily eat some some fried eggs here is the entrance of the cave with the majestic looking mushroom standing at the front and then I came down over here and I wiggled down this weird way I opened up this chest there he is there he is the glorious creature okay hello hello why are you down here what are you I have never seen something like you before why are you here and why it pardon me while I clear out some rocks to make sure I don't completely like brain myself on all of the the mineshaft well why are you here and why are you wearing a saddle this literally makes no sense are you are you a representative from the UK the the unicorn Kingdom just like just like sylph said would come oh my gosh okay hang on buddy you're coming out of this cave with me one way or another how am I gonna get you out of here oh my goodness I don't have any more okay I don't have okay stay stay I don't have absolutely oh here here I could cut these down and I could make myself an axe and then we're gonna find a way to get him out of this cave a relic is still missing I cannot forget that we have a whole bunch of things who want to eat me I can hear the sound of their eager little chomping I have no idea how I am going to get this new friend out of this place but it's gonna happen it is gonna happen I don't happen to have a unfortunately I do not happen to have anything super useful like a golden lasso if I had a golden lasso all of this would be completely plausible this is a lesson in why I should definitely get a golden lasso this is like literally the last day I should ever not have a golden lasso okay hang on buddy I'm gonna have to manually get you out of here and then once we are back up home I mean I have absolutely no idea how I'm going to get you there but once we are out of here I I guess I can add you into the pin with silver secret were you and silver secret like a team or is this just a new theme is this just a new theme where instead of finding magic wolves I am finding magic forces just waiting for me inside of caves for absolutely reason oh my gosh alright let's do this and I can hear some of these areas definitely need cleared out so that we can make sure that they are safe especially before I go and start searching for more wolves or turning this into a new home but this is so exciting okay hang on buddy alright this is actually going a lot faster than I thought to clear the way probably cuz I'm ridiculously excited that you're here to join my family oh let me go ahead and clear this out of the way here we go and this should intersect with this tunnel this is gonna be very very tricky to pull you out but you know the good thing is upstairs I happen to have oh oh oh oh wow okay yeah you're ready to go is that the way is that okay all right hang on I'm working on it I'm working on it I will definitely work on it hang on I I should have some some lead I should be able to make a lead why did I not come down here with a lead I didn't think I would need a lead nobody told me there was going to be literally a magic horse waiting for me inside of here nobody informs me of these things and time I'm telling ya all right all right let's do this alright so we're gonna get you out of here I am very worried I am about to break into one of the areas that is full of the screaming things that I can hear or alternatively calling for my my blood in terms of the spiders or my brains are you okay what was that did something reach through somewhere and get me did I get me I don't think you got me what on earth was that huh all right I'm sure that was normal I mean it wasn't but we're gonna pretend it was alright and this is almost good I think maybe a little bit whiter oh hi holy canudos you were ready to get out of here alright well um okay I'm gonna be super careful so that hopefully I slowly do not want to hit you absolutely do not want to um and then over here well clear this away okay pardon me no sir this is the direction I swear okay here I'll clear it out faster oh my gosh okay what do I do once I get a peg like I don't think that's a Pegasus what do you call a Neptunian a horse I have literally never seen something like this before okay let's see almost there almost there all right oh there we go well he's not a magic magic wolf but he's definitely something now I just have to help him get out of this cave okay hopefully that'll do and fortunately I also have not found relic that doesn't bode well all right my friend um I'm gonna try to clear a couple more spots so I really don't hurt myself and if you could please come this direction then maybe together maybe together okay come on we've got this couch yeah I'm sorry that hurt me too okay ouch uh forward watch watch okay we're doing this we've got this what am I gonna do with him does he need water I don't know what you are I don't know how to help you and I don't know how we're gonna make this work together but you know what buddy we'll do our best how about that ouch ouch ouch oh my gosh it's okay Bobby's ash don't hurt him oh my gosh it's okay I know he looks he looks like nothing we've ever really looked up before but I promise you he's a friend oh my goodness and relic is still missing what a day what an adventure alright hang in there Holly I'm going I'm going alright mine shaft missing relic magic horse just another day in this world totally normal somebody gave me a golden lasso before all of the shish goes even more County Wampus all right almost there almost there all right please tell me everybody's okay down there all right I hope you did not turn around I really hope you did not turn around I hope nothing has happened to him I I think this is the representative maybe from the UK that slope has been waiting for and I honestly feel like taking another magical creature up to her will make her feel so happy I'm really hoping this will cheer yourself up alright now I just have to somehow I managed to make it back up here alright we can do this we can do this we can do this we've got this we've got this oh dear all right friend you stay there I'm going to make a lead we're gonna make this happen old-school style without me poking myself to death on my dogs accidentally attacking you because they definitely don't need to be doing that alright alright let's do this we can stake him out right here I'm sure this would be fine it is the middle of the day so it's still safe to be out and about I other than the fact that I am still missing relic where has he gone off to I really should teach him what I can use chocobo feathers Maclean's why did nobody tell me these things sooner oh my gosh okay alright where's my there is my slime balls let's just grab one slime ball and those things are kind of precious at the moment and let's make a lead alright so we are going to go ahead and we are going to craft ourselves up one lead two leads I'll take two leads I don't mind I'm not picky and let's bring this new magical companion up from a mineshaft under our house that used to be hidden by Lama and then I'm sure in the morning I can go ahead and try to find where the heck where the heck relic has gone off to alright thank goodness alright well it is one wild amazing varied life that I am now leading whoo all right oh my lead broke we were so close we were so close I didn't tell me no my everything is breaking all right hang on buddy I think we're almost there this is the last little hmm ouch okay almost there if you just want it okay hang on all right I got this I got this this is so painfully close and he's so mad at me and I don't know what to do about it oh my goodness okay well we have my lead back come on come on buddy come on just a little bit more okay come on okay this is probably not the way you're supposed to greet an emissary from another magical kingdom I'm sorry I'm trying my best okay hang on okay let's do this I just have to clear away a little bit more no he's turning around he's turning around he's turning around okay okay okay okay all right there we go sir I am so sorry I am aware that this is probably supposed to be vastly more dignified I apologize for the settings I apologize for the conditions but welcome to my home [Music] you
Channel: Seri! Pixel Biologist!
Views: 449,544
Rating: 4.8386507 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft roleplay, minecraft adventure, minecraft fantasty story, minecraft fantasy, cloud saga, seri pixel biologist, seri wolf quest, wolf quest, wolf rescue, wolf mod, stacy wolf mod, magic minecraft, exotic birds, minecraft comes alive, mo chickens
Id: 30yJKX6O0xM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 23 2018
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