Hillsong Church - John the Blacksmith

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[Music] to be in the house of God today are you ready to seniorita praise God again boys [Music] very boys listen cheese [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] his name is [Music] Wow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you Jesus we thank you for your presence that is here this morning we thank you for the honor the opportunity to be gathered in your house Lord we just pray with everything that we are look God we want to keep within to you I pray for every single heart but is he I thank you that you are out here but God that you are everything that we need we come to you in such gratitude [Music] [Music] you pulled [Music] [Music] no soy [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] what see [Music] [Music] you crash [Music] sure [Music] my soul [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes you're here with us [Music] why don't you raise your head [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my son [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Sooey [Music] I can see [Music] see [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] there's a grace when the heart is uh [Music] another way with [Music] when I look at the space between where I used to be and this record I know I would never be there was another by standing the sea should I ever meet [Music] every is across the best we're another me [Music] [Music] but did with me [Music] that's the truth the space between where they should be [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there is no other name [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I come uncle some church when you're in the fire father was so grateful to be in your presence and lot up so grateful for what you're doing in our church and it makes people seen lives come forward people get saved Lord of spirited and amazing working people the father we thank you today for Australia we thank you've been living in such a free country we thank you Lord and we pray for our government we pray for our Prime Minister we thank you Father that we have the opportunity to see the work of the Lord go forward in a pray in Jesus name that there will be just a great sense that you have this land in your hand and we're grateful father in Jesus name and there'll be some people here who are sad some people who are ecstatic some people who need commiserations some people who need to tone it down a bit [Music] but what I do know is no matter who's in government we as the church Accord to them and to pray for our leaders and honor our leaders so I think that's what we should always do [Music] so why don't you just take a moment and just check out with other person next you need to hug or whether they need a high-five check out whether they need a hug or whether they need a high-five in the meantime we're going to dedicate children this morning and the service so if you're one of those families whose baby has been dedicated why don't you come to the platform straight away the babies who have been dedicated parents come on up here to the platform straight away [Music] come on say good here they come come on up guys look at this family what a tribe [Music] yeah the media well I make you all here for one baby the head tastic which one's been dedicated this guy nice I all right Bobby amen look at all these beautiful families so also in the second the first service rather this is now this is the third service this morning I can count so many beautiful families and we're excited for you and your children and if any of you are here to visiting with these guys to witnesses huge welcome to Hillsong Church Amen I hope you enjoy the morning amen okay Brian Houston all right there's a French sister Marie Mingus Mingus beautiful ha ha nay Oh Dena that's awesome item C floor that was fluent Spanish I did so Diana Rose Sika Sika perfect you did a perfect job thank you it's gonna get harder I just know it Joseph sink it Jadhav yeah awesome look at you what a man of God I mean and this is Rachel be done beautiful well like yet everyone no no I missed up the sin I haven't got this far yet here we go this one this one Nicolas Moscow and Craven Bosco well and getting dedicated how cool is that you know why could you gonna be a man of God full of faith and put on the Holy Ghost listen this is a great joy we always take it seriously when we dedicate babies it's not just a tradition it's not just a ceremony it's a chance for us to recognize the gift that God gives us to chew it and then to pray that we can be good stewards that we can have the wisdom of God and the leading of our homes and our families and truly we pray for this salvation we pray for the fullness of the Spirit in their lives we pray that fulfill their god-given destiny God's going to protect them and keep them and it's amazing things so come on church let's stay one more time and let's put a hand Ords these families and let's dedicate each of these children to the Lord and father what a great opportunity it is for us to lay hands on little babies and dedicate them to you and father I thank you in Jesus name that you have your way in the lives of these children of these families father as we dedicate them to you we just believe Lord your will to be done in and through their lives we thank you Lord Jesus for all that you are doing in these families and a profile these parents are no great godly wisdom as we dedicate these children when we speak salvation father we speak the power of the Holy Spirit we speak the promise of an Almighty God we believe father you'll keep them and protect them and the Lord they will see your hand their lives it will be able to testify to the goodness of God may theirs be a season of great joy for each of these parents and father we thank you for it in Jesus name Amen I love that you're crying that's beautiful amen how good is family yes amen so congratulations guys and I know it's a short prayer but it's a prayer prayed in faith and believe that God is going to do everything that Brian said over you your children's lives and over your families amen we love having you a part of our church are incredible so behind our our pastors and team they have a gift for you they have a certificate to mark today and a beautiful first Bible amen so we pray that that's a keepsake in Jesus name I mean one more time family why don't we just congratulate everyone [Applause] I forgot to say I think I forgot to say sorry forgot to say that if you are visiting um with the families praise the Lord we have refreshments for you everyone say refreshments yes if you are part of these families okay out on the Western foyer so stay with us you're intimidating me Bobby's home for the first Sunday since the color marathon sir so great to have her back what why would i after 40-something years be intimidating for so good we're just playing guys you know that don't you yeah just have any fun amen we're the 8 a.m. service this morning he's my commitment just don't away my commitment is they'll attend the babies all by myself did you do a good job I think they're fully dedicated facility alright guys you can be seated and Bobby is gonna lead us around our tithes and offering our giving which is a part of our worship and I pray we'll continue to lean in when it comes to our giving we're believing it's coming back in Jesus name of the screen will show the various ways people like to give over to you Roberto Lee amen he loves this part of our surface absolutely it unlocks the heavens it's amazing so again if you're if you're visiting with us or on you there's no pressure although you're welcome to join in and be part of a church that I believe it's making a difference in the land for good amen so um I say it's gonna go on the screens Isaiah chapter 9 it says run to us a child is born unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulders and he shall be called wonderful counselor mighty God everlasting father Prince of Peace it's a passage that I love I've actually preached this around the world up with the recent color journey but I love it because it gives us an insight to to some of the names of our amazing God and it gives us insight into his nature and to his character and the front of the service Brian prayed for our newly elected government and we do we have a newly elected government in the land and I think as responsible citizens of Australia as those who have faith in the land that we should always be believing in our nation praying for our nation and contributing it whatever level we can to our nation but I honestly believe that when we bring our tithe and our offering when we understand the power of biblical finance and what God promises when we honor him with our first fruit of our lives when we put them first when we recognize the value within the house of God and the kingdom of God we are actually adding something powerful to the landscape as well we want a government that can lead with integrity and with wisdom without doubt but I honestly believe that the Church of Jesus Christ is the back and she is the backbone of a land and you know again when we bring out higher than our offering we are contributing to the church being strong and beautiful welcoming for it to be a place where people can enter and literally encounter those names of God where they can encounter wonderful counselor where they can encounter a mighty God hallelujah where they can encounter an everlasting father and a Prince of Peace and so I believe that our giving is no small thing today it is a very very powerful and needle thing in the land in Jesus name Amen so if you have a gift this morning if you have your tithe your offering whatever you are bringing as a devotion of your heart if you have that in your hand I want you to take it hold it if you're with your husband or your wife or whomever your significant other is in your life why don't you just hold it together as a family and we're gonna pray that God will continue to do what he promises in Malachi 3 to open the windows of heaven and to pour out such blessing that you shall not be able to contain it and in doing so we bless the land and we bless their own homes in Jesus name hey it's the plan of God have you got have you got it in your hand okay let me pray for you father God as always we stand here and we're so grateful for your grace and your kindness and Lord Jesus for revelation of what this is and what we are doing and so lord I pray that you'll continue to open our eyes as we move into this part of our service and father God more than that as a church into the season of giving it is upon us that Lord you will open our revelation eyes that revive will be part of the landscape of our lives in this area and Lord we continue to give you all the praise and all the honor we pray that this will translate into lives transformed to your goodness and your grace and everyone said amen absolutely in Jesus name it's the truth as our beautiful host here they are standing in the different sections as they begin to serve us we're going to look to the screens and see what is coming up in the next few weeks that's an important part of our um our year as Brian said at heart and soul on Tuesday night but we're kind of going into that middle section of our year that's actually a very very powerful and strategic and wonderful season amen do you believe that amen looked at the screens guys in the house just put my paddles it's a move of God [Music] thank God for his luck which is everywhere but you kinda something that's historic [Applause] that can talk to generations to come we've already a seller to thank God for but something news and even Jesus [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] I want you to walk away tonight and I want you to say there's nothing ordinary about [Music] and there is nothing ordinary about my [Music] with a quarter of small narrow lives we are serving at the pleasure of the king by the gift of His grace and the miracle that is creation to have a seat on a journey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he wants to do more in you that you ever could imagine well it is all ahead of us hi to everybody a Bali in Indonesia we have Inca and England your campus pastors here in church today over there so you guys have linked to us as has our online campus as has Church of the air as has Donald Trump straight from the White House come on it's it's a joke it's a joke why not hopefully aside I can officially not everyone agrees with you but amazing hey listen because I can tell you totally doesn't fit at my nonsense or you know if that might be mentioning would Donald Trump in church I'm not sure which it is that would be pretty awesome if Queen Elizabeth was watching listen let's be honest in a work with Christian television when you have a channel maybe she has cuz it goes into every palace prison it's pretty exciting pasta in the world yeah fantastic well oh we got the great Robert Ferguson preaching in just a minute so before I forget tonight's our revival night and we're gonna go for a follow on Holly go for a viable night tonight Chris Mendes is preaching the word tonight so we're pretty excited about that and I'm gonna be here and going for it so or Robert we're just gonna see what the Holy Ghost does tonight would be fantastic so don't miss it and on top of that we've got just four weeks till our half the house giving its special once-a-year giving an hour turns which literally has been the difference between us being open to all the things that we do do as a church expand grow open new campuses as well as health and social justice and all the great causes that we're part of and seeing them and go forward so I'm praying every family in our church every couple you're thinking about it you're praying about it every individual you're already asking God what you're gonna do or maybe even believe for God to stretch you a little further whatever if we all get a mold and we all a sacrificial I believe we can see yet again an incredible part of the house miracle this year seven weeks of Hillsong conference starts and I was louie giglio aren't there and Louie's got to be one of our church's favorites and so I maxed a whole lot of amazing speakers and preachers and worship that leaders it's just a great moment to month coming up so let's be part of the momentum month I noticed even martin smith is going to be here was hilarious one of the great worship leaders in the world so i'm excited about all that's ahead of us and [Music] you might be nervous to some erasers good I don't need to be nervous let's stand get Robert Ferguson and amazing [Music] welcome to change oh don't search I think it's very much team did a brilliant job appreciate why don't we thank them so faithful so good you can all sit down well it's my huge honor and privilege to speak to you this morning and not only to you wonderful people at Hills but everyone online Church the air people on channel and barley this morning so god bless you god bless you god bless you there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that God is doing something extraordinary in our church at the moment we have declared revival is in the air that is the theme of today's message revival a few weeks ago I did my first message on revival where I looked at the historical and Biblical examples of revival and their various characteristics and I suggested there were three steps the first is a return to worship in the house the second is a step to a return to the Word of God in our hearts and the third step 3 a return to a witness for Christ in the land having studied the various revivals I've come to the conclusion we currently are in step one so the purpose of this message is to move us from step one to step two in other words we haven't seen anything yet now we can't force God into doing what only he can do Edwyn all suggested that the greatest the greatest definition of revival is found in Acts chapter 3 and verse 19 where it says that if we repent and turn to God times of refreshing will come from the Lord in other words that times of revival are in God's hands but the turning and repentance is in ours God and God only is going to initiate revival but we can prepare the way by prayer Martyn lloyd-jones the great Welsh preacher said all revivals are a return to Pentecost and what we discover at the beginning of the early church is one thing they did was pray in Acts chapter 4 and verse 30 it says that they said stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus after they prayed the place where they were meeting was shaken and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the Word of God boldly that's what I'm believing for if we're gonna see revival and I'm believing we're beginning to see it if we're gonna see it in all its power we will have to learn to pray that's what this is about and the message is entitled John the blacksmith John the blacksmith so are you ready for this all right let's pray father God thank you for these amazing people not just here in this building but all those wonderful people in the various parts of Australia online around the world and on the channel in various parts of the world and in Barlet god I pray that you would speak to us me this message stir our hearts challenge our minds change our lifestyle we pray in the precious and the most wonderful name of Jesus and everybody said a man in 1857 four friends James John Jeremiah and Robert decided to pray they lived in Ulster in Northern Ireland and they prayed for a revival within two years a revival broke out that changed the course of their nation so many alcoholics were healed that they had to close down the whiskey factory it changed their nation in 1739 three preachers john and charles wesley and their friend george whitfield prayed and suddenly a methodist paint recast broke out God's power swept into the meeting and their nation of England was changed from revolution to revival in 1949 two sisters Peggy and Christine Smith decided to pray for revival in the Hebrides in the north of Scotland in the middle of the meeting at 3 o'clock in the morning God swept in and then when they ran out into the street people were running from their houses repenting and fishermen coming in from being out all night fell to their knees as their boat came into Harbor crying out for repentance in 1857 in Fulton Street in New York one man Jeremiah Lamphere I told you about him a few weeks ago Jeremiah Lamphere decided to pray two years later revival broke out 50,000 people were saved in New York and in the next year up to 2 million people in the United States were saved for friends 3 preachers two sisters one man God is not looking for a denomination he's not looking for a movement he's looking for four people three people two people one if necessary one who is desperate enough one who is hungry enough one who decides that what they want above everything else in all the world is revival that was the story of Evan Roberts in 1904 prayed as a teenager for 11 years specifically prayed for 100,000 people to be saved in Wales and that's exactly what happened in 1904 through his preaching and others we have absolutely no record of these people's prayers although Evan Roberts used to pray Benj the church and save the worlds but I can guarantee that they did pray around 2 chronicles chapter 7 in verse 13 and 14 and that's our text for today this is what it says when I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways how then a sorry then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin and I will heal their land although we have absolutely no record of their prayers this prayer has been described as the full and the final formula for revival however there is one man that we do know about his prayers John the blacksmith let me set the scene God broken out and revival in the Hebrides through the preacher Duncan Campbell and through the prayers of Peggy and Christine Smith but there was a small place called Arnall where there was a hardness of heart so Duncan Campbell appeared and he said let's have a prayer meeting and break up the soil in the middle of the prayer meeting he turned to a man called John the blacksmith and he said John I think it is time for you to pray John the blacksmith took off his hat and he held it against his chest and then he prayed a simple prayer after he finished the prayer the entire meeting was shaken they thought it was an earthquake and then they remembered Acts chapter 4 that I've just talked about the plate started rattling on the shelves until suddenly wave after wave of the Spirit of God came into the meeting and God took over that part of the community in revival would it be great if when we gathered together on prayer in prayer God just takes over and does what only he can do thing is you can't shake a building but you can pray would you like to see John the blacksmith's Prayer this is what it is here it is Oh God you made a promise to pour water on him that is thirsty and floods upon the dry ground and Lord it's not happening Lord if I know anything about my own heart I stand before you as an empty vessel thirsting for you and for a manifestation of your power Oh God your honor is at stake and I now challenge you to fulfill your covenant engagements and do what you have promised to do Wow when I first read that prayer back in the early eighties I was shocked I thought I can't pray to God like that but here was John the blacksmith he was a Scotsman my heritage he understood covenants he understood that if God had made a covenant he was obligated to keep his promise and he held him accountable and I remember reading that prayer early in the eighties and thinking well I can do that I'm gonna pray like that and ever since the same for the last 30 or 40 years whenever I thought about revival I have been bold enough to pray as David prayed God you do what you promised if God has made a covenant and in Christ we are in a new covenant with a better word and a better ministry and better promises in Christ he has promised us a full inheritance his promised us the blessed life he's promised us forgiveness he's promised us healing is promised us it's about time God found four friends three preachers two sisters or at least one person he's going to say God to what you promised John's prayer and this prayer in Chronicles has three ingredients a spiritual insight a an unshakable faith in a God who once during can bring revival and a desperate person a spiritual insight an unshakable faith and a desperate person I'm challenging you this morning that if God looked over this congregation would he find someone with a spiritual insight would he find someone with an unshakable faith would he find someone with a desperation for God to do something radical let's just have a look at each of those three things in turn firstly a spiritual insight let's have a look at that verse again in 1 chronicles 7:14 is and verse 13 if we could go back to verse 13 when I shut up the heavens in other words we've got to be aware that things are not what they should be if you look around Australia at the moment people are criticizing people for their Christian faith it's almost impossible to be in a work situation and stand up for your faith the moral break of this society's falling to bits and it's strange that most of us are blind to it sometimes we're actually willfully blind because we've become familiar with where things are at if someone misused the name of Jesus 40 years ago people would automatically challenge you there were things that happen commonplace today that would never happened 40 years ago but we've got used to it so we need to have our eyes open you can't make that happen we need God to open our eyes John the John the blacks may said it's not happening we've got to get that sort of insight I remember many years ago I was watching a documentary just my kids are going to bed my wife had gone to bed I was just watching a documentary on the atom bomb and the development of the hydrogen bomb and it was just an interesting documentary until suddenly it dawned on me what we had done and I remember falling to my knees in shock and repenting for the sins of not just myself but humanity saying god what have we done you told us to steward your earth and look what we've done to hit I didn't create that I didn't manufacture that I a spirit of intercession came on me I understood what we had done from God's perspective just for a few minutes but then the next day forgot all about it and that's the nature of humanity we've got to get desperate we've got to understand that thank God for what he's doing in our church thank God for the miracles thank God for the salvation thank God that we're in a free country thank God for so many things but we need a revival and just to give you an idea at 50,000 people got saved in 1859 in New York when the population was only 800,000 at the time that would be equivalent of 350,000 people getting saved in Sydney in one year that would change things a little that's what we got to believe for that's why I think we're in step one not step two a spiritual insight what about this an unshakable faith three statements are made in this passage in 2 chronicles chapter 7 and verse 14 I will hear from heaven I will forgive your sin I will heal your land let's have a look at them in turn firstly I will hear from heaven have you got a confidence that God is going to hear I mean when you pray Jew does it seem like that's just Kevin's a brass I want to encourage you God is hearing your thoughts God is hearing your passions God is hearing your desperation God is hearing you he's leaning as it were over the parapet of heaven listening to your voice on John 5:14 says this is the confidence we have in approaching God listen to this that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us and look at what it goes on to say and if we know that he hears us whatever we ask we know that we have what we asked of him is revival in the will and the purposes of God yes it is he hears us and can i Jew is weird but you didn't even have to say it when I've been researching this subject of revival I keep coming across this book every book that I read quotes another book edwin halls book the second great evangelical awakening he wrote it in the forties I've no idea where to get hold of a copy I've never seen a copy but every time I read the book or bits of the book I'm thinking I must get that book I must get that book then I read another book Edwyn all said this I need to get that book I need to ask my wife to access that book then about two weeks ago in Brisbane I was just about a preach and I read a quote from Edwin or again and again I thought I must get that book I don't remember ever praying it I don't remember ever saying it I don't remember asking God or my wife or anyone for the book I just thought it and then I go downstairs and my driver who's gonna take me to the meeting is waiting for me with what two things a cup of coffee praise God and he said I have a present for you Edwin ORS the second great evangelical awakening a secondhand copy like God likes me can I suggest he likes you too he's reading your thoughts he wants to fulfill your desires he wants to give you what you need he's he's hearing you but not just that what's it secondly say I will forgive you I will forgive their sin you've got to have a confidence that God is a forgiving God 1 John 1:9 if we confess our faults he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness you know these messages can be very confronting because we disqualify ourselves because of our week because of our year because of our life and I'm in your I'm in your boat someone gets up here and preaches and I think whoa how can God possibly use me well you can possibly use you because you are forgiven it's not good he knows all your mistakes he knows your folly he knows your distractions he knows your difficulties but he still wants to use you to influence your family your workplace your community this nation you are a candidate Evan Robertson the 1904 revival used to say all you need to be is an instrument God is looking for instruments well I don't know about you but I'm saying pick me I'll be I'll be that a little confession brian has a great capacity to catch me unawares I just come into a meeting minding my own business he's preaching someone else's emceeing someone else is doing the offering and then for some reason he'll suddenly say now Robert is going to come up and pray that is the absolute last thing on my mind I'm thinking of lunch and also don't think of myself as an intercessor or a prayer and so when I get up I'm thinking oh god there's a bit of me that says no please pick someone else I'm just not ready for this but I've made a decision whenever I'm in that position I'm just gonna run to the platform course I'll pray all out do this cuz because God is a forgiving God he hears me and he forgives me and he hears you and forgives you as well and then he says I will number three heal their land I'll heal Ellen do you know God is passionate for this land of Australia he's passionate for Indonesia as well for all you wonderful people in Bali and anywhere else in the world he's passionate for this world in 1983 I was praying in in for revival in all Sator in the northwest of England and I'd borrowed somebody's house serves in a strange living room and I was just praying God do something radical and I saw a vision water coming out of the sky in in the form of light rain and then heavy rain and then I saw the lake into which the water was flowing was in the shape of England and God spoke to me in my spirit said I want to pour out rain spiritual rain on your land I was so impacted by this vision that I opened my eyes and I was just sitting there and on the table next to me remember I'm in a strange has was a scripture on a plaque to jarana me chapter 28 verse 12 it said this the Lord will open the heavens the store has responded to send rain on your land in season so I've just had this vision I look at the scripture that is randomly sitting next to me I think wow and just as I read it the person the other were into the room who had no idea of the scripture or the vision started prophesying and he said God wants to send rain on your land in season and it's gonna start see little drops and it's gonna come a torrent Wow three things in a second and I realized that God was more passionate about England that I ever was he's more passionate about doing something radical what he's looking for is an instrument what he's looking for is someone who has his desperation someone who loves what he loves who wants what he wants if I could just find one instrument someone with spiritual insight someone with unshakeable faith in a covenant-keeping god someone like John the Plattsmouth somebody's gonna pray a prayer someone who's desperate enough and that brings us on to the last idea we've got to have a desperate person three things this passage in 1 chronicles sorry 2 chronicles says it talks about and if my people are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn three things humble themselves sweep my face turn from their wicked ways each one of these three things comes with a promise as if God is trying to say prove me test me crime it there is there is promise for this let's have a look at them humble themselves the promise of favor James chapter 4 says this or do you think scripture says without reason the jealously longs for the spirit he is close to dwell in us think about that God is jealous for his spirit that he is putting us and then it says God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble God wants to show you a favor but he wants you to understand you can't do this the thing is what is humbling yourself look like if you think you can make revival happen you can't you can't heal the sick you can't save people you can't change people's lives you can't do a thing but God can and if you just get yourself out of the way and say God do what you do I know you're gonna use me because you always use people and your methodology is people I can be that instrument but I can't change people humbling yourself is what Charles Finney said was the key to his success he had immense power he was the Evangelist in the 18th century he used to go round all through so at the 19th century go random America and in England and wherever he went God did miraculous things and he didn't even have to speak one day he walked into a factory Charles Feeney walked into a factory it just stood there in the factory and he looked at a woman who was working and she looked at him and burst into tears it's not the sort of thing that you want to do generally but this was a god thing and then she started weeping and in repentance he didn't say a thing she just gave her life to joy and then the personal extra gave her life to Jesus and then the person next to her gave her life to Jesus until the entire work floor was weeping in repentance till finally the boss comes in says what's happening he starts weeping he stops the factory and he asks charles finney to speak so for the first time he does and the entire factory kids their life to Jesus in your workplace wouldn't that be a cool thing now you can't do that you can't bring that kind of conviction you can't heal the sick but God wants to use you as an instrument so you walk into a building and people instantly repent I've had it happen on instances I've had those sort of things walk into a big meeting or in a room and people immediately strangers start repenting in front of me but wouldn't it be great if all of us did that all the time Finney said when he stops having that power he goes back to praying and fasting and he humbles himself and he says god I can't do anything and then the power returns can I suggest don't become familiar with your church-going don't become proud about your Bible reading don't become fatigued with the thoughts and the prayers for revival just say God I'm in your hands I cannot be in charge of the timing but I'm always gonna be in charge of the turn they will humble themselves number two and pray with the promise of intimacy look at this James chapter 4 if you draw near to God he will draw near to you Wow I love our prayer meetings they're fantastic the worship tons the presence of the Lord is great but to be honest of course you're not like this I realize that but to be honest after I've lifted my hands for 20 minutes I get seriously tired and after we've had an errand of heart prayer-meeting I'm thinking about going home and getting something to eat but in revival you don't notice that in 1859 in the Welsh revival in a mine called the Frog an orc mine I've no idea how to pronounce it but it's in well so sounds like a throat infection God turned up among the miners so much that they were all converted and they started all stop swearing as a result their ponies that only understood profanity had to be retrained they started work every morning with a prayer now think about this in your workplace the factory that you work in or the office you work in imagine turning up every morning at 6:00 and everybody prays turn don't think that can't happen don't become complacent that it isn't happening come desperate one morning they started praying at 6:00 when they just raised their hands and started worshipping Jesus and then someone looked at their clock it was two o'clock in the afternoon they'd pray for eight hours straight underground without noticing God's working for desperate people who humble themselves who seek God's face I want to be that person I don't know how I'm going to be that person but I want to be that person I want to be like John the blacksmith and what's the third thing they turn from their evil ways the promise of exaltation why do I know that because in James it says the same thing humble yourself before the Lord and He will lift you up God wants you to be the head and not the tail the top and not the bottom and the way to exaltation is a descendants into humility if you bow your knees before God God can raise you up I don't believe there will be any revival true revival without genuine repentance where we like Peter when he saw the Christ doing a remarkable miracle in Luke chapter 5 his immediate response was to run to Jesus fall on his knees and says go away from me Lord I am a sinful man remember the meeting that I told you about three weeks ago the prayer meeting where 18,000 people turned up for a prayer meeting and one man just walked in and then he walked away again he said I can't stand it the glory of God is too great for my flesh I would like to have meetings like that how are we going to have them by being like John the blacksmith what God is looking for as I said not a big denomination not a big church not a successful person he's looking for four friends three preachers two sisters one person who can pray have a spiritual insight who is who has got an unshakable faith in a God covenant-keeping god and is desperate enough amen could you stand with me team are gonna come can we can we pray John's prayer together of course don't pray it if you can't cope with what might happen my recommendation is that you write this down somewhere and pray the prayer over a period of time because I reckon it will not only mess you up it might just change the world this is the kind of prayer that changes things can we pray together are you ready and then we get in sing but let's pray this prayer Oh God you made a promise to pour water on him that his thirsty and floods upon the dry ground and Lord is not happening Lord if I know anything about my own heart I stand before you as an empty vessel thirsting for you and for a manifestation of your power Oh God your honour is at stake and I now challenge you to fulfill your covenant engagement and do what you're promised to do and everybody said amen I really believe if we pray that kind of bread amen John John the blacksmith can become our mentor we can move into stage two of this revival it's going to be uncomfortable it's going to be glorious we're gonna sing a song now that encapsulate saw lots of these ideas an older song and I want you to sing it not just as a song I want you to sing it as a prayer before Jesus comes will he find us on our knees praying for a Bible come on let's raise our hands around this auditorium let's not become complacent or familiar let's sing this song together see a generation rising to ten [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you Jesus [Music] you know sometimes when we are seen in these songs we just get into a zone and we don't think about what we're singing I don't know what you do but sometimes I just don't sing them I say them and they really impact me occasionally we just need to say what we're singing so that they get really into our thinking we're believing for something greater than ourselves [Music] it was an old preacher by the name of Christmas Evans what a great name we had someone being dedicated in the first service called King David Christmas is right up there with King David he used to say that Christians need a revival the world needs a resurrection said revival is a reawakening in other words you're already awakened and therefore you need reawaken a revival is a giving back of life God has already made many of you alive but what if you're in this auditorium or listening online or in Bali and you've never had that initial input of life what you need is new life a resurrection jesus said I have come to give you life life in all its fullness not just eternal life in heaven but abundant life here on earth have you received that life if you're in this auditorium we're listening and you haven't received that life you can write now all you got to do is to put Jesus in charge of your life ask him to reveal himself ask him to do what you cannot do forgive you change you give you purpose give you insight and that's what he wants to do and he can do it right now through a simple prayer amen or maybe you don't need that resurrection you need a revival you knew Christ but you've drifted from him and today's message you want to get back to him you need a revival you need fiving again let's all close our eyes wherever you are around the world and if you need to meet Jesus for the first time you need to receive his life for the first time I'd love to know who you are or if you want to come back to Christ because you're not right with him I'd love to know who you are as well so I'm gonna count to three when I get to three as soon as I say three you put your hand up as a sign that you want prayer you want it you want Jesus in your life you want to get back to God are you ready one two three slip your hand up fantastic hands going up that's so good anyone else want to join these people I love it when people respond immediately but it's not your immediate response it's your response that matters oh you do know you're right with God if you're not sure slip your hand up if you want Jesus to be your rescuer your Savior put your hand up if you want to get back to Jesus because you know you're not right with them put your hand up let me pray untasted see hands going up alright so what we're gonna do we're gonna pray our prayer everybody's gonna prayer but especially if you just put your hand in the air say with me Oh Lord Jesus Christ today I recognize my need for you please do what I cannot do come into my life change me forgive me from today I choose with your help to follow you you are now my God my Savior my rescuer thank you Jesus everything changes from today amen now man give these people a huge round of applause and I just encourage you just before I hand back to Brian can I just encourage you if you just prayed that prayer even if you didn't put your hand in the air in the foyer afterwards people will be holding up these Bibles they're a gift from us to you this is the first step on your journey just war can't say I prayed that prayer I want to get my life right with God I guarantee if you read this book with faith it will change your life and this is the first day of an extraordinary journey for you so your bless you god bless your notes for the rest of us let's be like John the blacksmith showing God bless him come on let's give it a big thank you [Applause] [Music] so good fantastic message and tonight tonight be ready make sure that your yeah your may distractions you're gonna pray you're gonna prophesy you're gonna walk on water your tonight deal I'm gonna have to eat a big lunch so I'm not thinking about that yeah absolutely no no we are gonna be having an amazing night if you know the Chrisman there says the guys a phenomena he's up here he one of their own sons one of our own sons now Hillsong Argentina Brazil Mexico and soon Uruguay CNM salute move of God revival really and a the revival preacher and I know tonight it's going to be a great blessing that we are going to be ready for everything as well fantastic so we buddy heads these prayer requests father I thank you that you're a God who answers prayer well I thank you in Jesus name to be done to faintly bring prayer requests Lord just for the fleeting hope that you might did to me but we know that you ain't some friend of you're a miracle worker that your supernatural Lord and you deal with us in Supernatural ways that the impossible is exactly who and what your affair so we believe in miracles breakthrough Neely victory new beginnings father in Jesus name have your way and we thank you amen amen come on [Music] [Applause] we're not finished in and all you people who are leaving of missing my benediction just so you know this prayer was gonna be just bigger but now it's gonna be for all these incredible people here 90 so father we thank you that you bless your people and you keep them blood your face shines upon us blood it's filled with grace and favor Lord of radiates the glory of the Lord Jesus we believe this will be a week of new beginnings a week of tremendous testimony we know Lord God that you're on our side the weapons formed against us cannot prosper we give you all the praise we give you all the glory in Jesus name Amen hey man thanks a bit here today got this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] do not judge your place [Music]
Channel: Hillsong Church
Views: 26,486
Rating: 4.9186993 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, hillsong, praise, worship, Robert Fergusson
Id: rObZwcM9yWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 24sec (5124 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2019
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