Hillsong Church - A Faith That Changes Things

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are you ready to worship church okay the first few rows are pretty rowdy but what about up the back you ready worship it says away my soul with the music of the splinters arise my soul and sing his praises I've awakened the dawn with my worship greeting the daybreak with my songs of life whatever I go thank you nations will hear my praise songs to you this morning we're gonna sing songs of light socks of hop songs of worship and adoration daddy c'mon dress [Music] Singh [Music] no long [Music] [Music] cross let's see [Music] somewhere [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] and you to go [Music] your name is a refuge you today so father we come to York and we exchanged fear we exchanged sorrow for joy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] down this morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] turn [Music] it [Music] [Music] George would you get your heads and sing that again [Music] [Music] with [Music] [Music] [Music] one church would you keep singing this and [Music] you're so much [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] didn't [Music] Jesus come on to your grave [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's exam [Music] and father we thank you God for your presence Lord Lord what a great atmosphere of faith here today God what we're believing we're expecting to hear from you today and to encounter your people what I pray for every single person here today in those joining on the online campus father lord I pray God even when we feel like Oh see we don't feel like you're moving God you are moving on our behalf for your word says that you work all things together for the good of those who love them and God we love you this morning we exalt you this morning we worship you this morning we glorify you this morning come on church let's see this one more time with from the front to the back come on let's race and exalted one [Music] [Music] [Music] Church every week we give people an opportunity to pray we're gonna pray for people right now and so many different needs people have written in prayer requests people within our own congregation and our own campuses then through the channel and online so many different needs some of them are going to come up behind me on the screen here but so many people look from healing to provision someone here believing for a visa permanent residency citizenship again favor provision healing someone here believing for healing from brain cancer does anyone believe that we can see turn around here in and through the name of Jesus safe pregnancy new job come on church let's pray come on God still answers prayer today whatever that situation may be so father right now we believe for healing we believe for turnaround Lord we believe for comfort in families that where comfort is needed Lord we believe your peace your peace that surpasses all understanding Lord we believe for a complete turnaround we thank you for the name of Jesus that is able to deliver that's able to restore Lord that is able to mend and heal and bring favor and provision and so we commit every need to you in Jesus name I pray and a faith filled passionate crazy Church said together amen [Music] well welcome to Hillsong Church it is so great to have you guys here my name's Peter togs one of the pastor's here and men you got to be a good-looking but you have to be the best-looking bunch of today don't tell any of the other services I said that I may or may not have said that in the other services but I got to say you're a good-looking Bunch particularly the first row here yeah well easy there mate easy Domingo so joking hey you're visiting big warm welcome first time we would love to host you after the service we love visitors we thrive on visitors here at Hillsong Church and we've got a cafe over here which is called our kind of Weston foyer we've got food out the front like I'm here it's like a 12-course meal for those of you who may be first-time you it's not but we do have slow-cooked smoked ribs after okay so we do it good here man you get fed spiritually and you get fed physically okay and it's all calorie free as well so I'm telling you come and meet us we'd love to meet you our prayer is that you feel right at home feel like you belong because you do and so it's so good to have you here and hey praise reports I'm gonna read some praise reports but I noticed over here our choir conductor where is she Katrina come up here for a moment what an amazing choir conductor first of all I mean I was what I was worshiping but I was watching you as well the way you lead it passionately I mean she is amazing but also praise report you're engaged look at that and you're engaged to someone on this platform who would it be that one right there look at this I've been a musician worship conductor vibe going on here huh I see what's going on so okay I asked norm in the last service you know what's it like you know worshiping but then you know having that his fiancee right there I mean does even whoa what's it like conducting the choir yet you know having the love of your life over there at the same time look I'll be honest I'm quite focused on that but when I'm off platform and he's on that's another story yeah Wow look at that keeping her eyes fixed on Jesus not norm which is a good thing which is a good thing so one more time let's congratulate them well done some other great praise reports here there's someone here thanking God that they just received a favorable biopsy test result thank God for that that's amazing someone else here thank you God for a successful operation someone here thanking God for a family is visiting from the USA after ten years so that's pretty awesome so many great reports so many different people praising God how wait why really right now as senior pastors Brian and Bobby Houston are in London hosting our Hillsong Europe conference and from by all reports it happened this week but also from reports from social media to so many people praising God for salvation people being healed and thousands of people what you got to understand this is kill song conference Europe so not just Londoners but people from right across Europe coming together to champion the cause of the local church so that's pretty awesome there keep praying for your senior pastors best senior pastors in the world and it's awesome hey why don't you take a moment tell someone you love them I don't know or just say hello give him a good Holy Ghost Pentecostal hug so great to be in church [Music] [Music] how good do you love the row you're sitting in is it a good row take a good look down the road yeah who's sitting next to the same row you were last week at church by any chance like you're sitting next to roughly there okay interesting interesting all right hey yeah this is happens to be one of my favorite times of the year you thought the first half of the year was awesome it's about to go to another level the second half of the year at Hillsong Church is something to be expectant about I'm telling you right now and starting next week everyone say next week next week August begins which is good news because that means spring is on the way people Springs on the way also means you'll be mowing your lawns very soon for those of you who have nothing to do but I gotta tell you next week Sunday night we are starting our Sunday at the movies now if you're wondering what this is it is basically the gospel preaching being expressed creatively through biblical truths we find in big-time movies I'm telling you right now so I'm telling you Titanic is going to make an appearance because Laura and myself are going to be bringing a little duo to Titanic and extracting some biblical truth and believe it or not there is some biblical truth I'm hoping Celine Dion's gonna turn up for us and how cool would it be to have Celine Dion best artists of all time I don't care what you say then some of your favorite speakers like Robert Ferguson who's going to be bringing some biblical truth from movies then singer he's talking about Jumanji I feel sang his life is just your munzee full stop I mean it's gonna be amazing singer is full of faith and then cast lankton and the crew I'm telling you it's a it's it's it's weeks you don't want to miss its its weeks to invite your friends and so look when you go out you're going to get like a movie ticket you don't need one of these tickets to get in just in case it's like no you just rip it off you invite people along so bring friends being bring families we're gonna believe for salvation like never before I'm telling you August is one of my favorite months of the you don't want to miss it it's gonna be absolutely amazing so Sunday night at the movies I hope in this popcorn or something is going to be amazing so it's gonna be good hey we are gonna continue in our worship right now I'm going to come around now giving what a great time of the year to consider the next step forward the next level for those of you heading for us when we're heading into the new financial year how cool it'd be for us to really consider our part heading into this next financial year more we can do to build house build God's house and putting God first what a time to reconsider the next level in your faith when it comes to putting God first so with that being said Sam tomorrow our Hills campus pastor is gonna come and encourage us around our giving would you welcome Sam thanks Peter I look forward to you and Laura we can do like a bow of a ship and who'd like to see that that's got it we ought to work that into it and Sunday know it'll be awesome Hey look I want to encourage us around our giving and on the screens there's different ways in which we give a lot of people use the app a lot of people include online and there's lots of different ways to do that so if you can begin to prepare I want to encourage you out of first Chronicles it's a scene where King David has just led the children of Israel into receiving an offering and it's a significant offering it was basically to build God a temple to build go to hell and here Davida starts to reflect on this offering that was incredibly generous and he says but who am i and who are my people that we could give anything to you talking to God everything we have comes from you and we give you only what you first gave us O Lord our God even this material that we've gathered to build the temple to honor your holy name comes from you it all belongs to you you know I actually get it what David's saying here you know a few weeks ago I turned 50 I know I know I know catching up to you surge and but I was reflecting at the difference between my 50th and my 22nd birthday see at 22 I had a drug addiction and alcohol problem actually I spent the night on my 22nd birthday and a police lockup and my life was just dark it had no purpose had no meaning and Here I am at 50 I'm being married 23 and a half years I've got four kids my life's not broken I mean it's got some broken edges but it's not broken it's whole I have purpose I have meaning and I think what's the difference do you know there's only one difference and his name is Jesus that's his name Jesus and I recognized and I recognize like David every good thing that I have in my life comes from him and so when we bring out tired today what we're saying is hey we're making a statement we're reminding ourselves that god what we are giving to you is only what your first given to us and every good thing we have comes from you you are our source and I want to encourage your church as we give God is your source God is faithful and God will have the last say when it comes to your life amen so let's pray father I want to say thank you and we bring to you only what you first have given us and we want to honor you we want to put you first and father I want to say thank you thank you that you are faithful in Jesus name Amen hosts if you like to host us that would be great and as they do have a look at the screens and see what's coming up [Music] [Music] I see a church with a world-class college their raises equipped and empowered generations of young anointed leaders from around the globe gifting and talent is amazing but I tell you what is when you just keep building oh yeah because a good-looking guy hey well links right now to our inner west campus so good to see you guys hello everyone there we love you believe it or not I do anyway so hey we're about to come around the word right now and we are blessed this morning because our state leader of New South Wales Nathanael wood is bringing the word and so I would love everyone to stand right now come on let's really honor the Word of God and let's honor Nathanael Wood as he comes to speak this morning [Music] do you be seated I was hoping for a hug Peter togs you gonna love him gonna love you a face that changes things a faith that changes things a few times this year I've been speaking on that subject on things that change things key things that change things I spoke about a vision that changes things a resolve that changes things a calling that changes things a few weeks ago I spoke about a freedom that changes things and I guess it's those things those key things that not only change or have the potential to change our world a personal world but have the great potential of changing the world the world around and about you so this morning want to speak about faith a faith that changes things you are incredibly blessed to be a part of a church whether it's just so so many people that are living this faith adventure literally not living a life with a faith but living a life of an active faith and putting it into action every single day whether it be as parents as business owners or as students as leaders in different spheres of life we all have the opportunity to put faith into action and I guess I'm incredibly inspired to be around people with an unwavering and resolute faith of people that do that in their everyday and I'm also challenged by the uncomplicated faith of a young child and I guess there's so much to learn about this subject for somebody that's grown up in church life I can't hear enough about this subject of faith and how blessed are we to be a part of a church with senior pastors that have set such a godly example in regards to a faith life which reminds me of Hebrews 13 verse 7 which says remember your leaders who spoke the Word of God to you consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith and I guess that's the challenge for each and every one of us is to be the type of people where people would want to imitate the life of faith or the faith journey of the faith adventure that were actually living so we've been speaking about revival this year revival is in the air and the thing about revival is that it invigorates faith it invigorates faith and it inspires unusual boldness and that's my prayer for each and every one of us this morning and for those joined on line is that we would live the type of life but not only other people could imitate in regards to our faith but we would live the type of life where we are attempting things that only faith could really underwrite our faith could really empower us to do and revival it invigorates faith and inspires unusual boldness and a number of years ago I was in Singapore and we're in a a hotel and they had a pool and the thing about Singapore for those that have been is it's very humid and their pools aren't that refreshing because they're quite hot but next to a pool I got told in between services that most hotels will have next to the main pool a small cold plunge pool which is freezing so that you would go in the pool and then you would jump in the cold plunge pool and it was incredibly invigorating I mean it was just so ice-cold so chilly and every part of your body was invigorated I mean it's just chilly well that's my prayer that in this time that we have together though your faith would be invigorated that your faith would be stirred but something on the inside would actually leap in regards to the next several months in church life but in what God's called you to in your everyday that maybe stepping out in faith maybe praying for somebody maybe sharing your faith that unusual boldness would be something that would be your experience so my question to you this morning is this what do you have faithful what do you have faithful now depending on how you hear that question you can hear it in two types of way it could be what do you have faithful in regards to a reason or a purpose or you could ask you could interpret the question what do you have faithful in regards to what do you have faithful what do you have faith for your future do you have faith for your business faith for your family your marriage their faith for what God's called you to so that question what do you have faith for the first answer is this is that the purpose of your faith is to have a relationship with God Ephesians 2 says that we're saved by grace through faith so in faith a belief system is the basis or the foundation of our relationship with God it's how we come to him through faith but the second thing is this is what do you have faith for in regards to it's not just a salvation faith it's just not a faith but you've had a relationship with God and your eternity is secure what do you have faith for do you have faith for tomorrow do you have faith for what God wants to do in and through your life this week this month this year what do you have faith for do you have faith for the thing that God's put in time inside of your spirit do you have faith for that dream that vision do you have faith for the thing that you aspire to be do you have faith for things that might seem so audacious you won't have faith in regards to a relationship with God but what do you have faith for do you have faith for every day that you would live out of that faith and see God move in and through your life so following that question is this are you living comfortably confidently even within the envelope of what's naturally achievable in other words we serve a supernatural God but we live our life basically just in a natural realm we just do what's naturally achievable or what's naturally possible it is comfortable you're confident in what you can achieve the second question is this do you tend to or not to push the edge of the envelope in life in other words you just don't get to the point where you desperately need God to come through for you I think all of us at some stage of our life would have been at a point where we desperately needed God to come through those seasons can be incredibly uncomfortable at times uncertain and we just desperately need God to come through maybe you're praying for a loved one who needs to be healed maybe you're praying for a friend who needs to find Jesus whatever it is it's living on the edge of that envelope just desperately needing God to come through and I think sometimes we need to become more comfortable with actually living uncomfortable and live the faith life that God's called us to live and the last question is this when was the last time that you stepped out in faith and we're completely dependent on God see Peter walked on water and he asked Jesus if it's you Jesus bid me to come and please that Peter walked on water he walked on water why because Jesus bid him to come he walked on the words of Jesus and the thing about a faith life it's not just stepping out and just doing what you want to do what is stepping out is hoping that something's going to work now we step out on the words of Jesus Jesus calls you and I to do certain things he points us in a certain direction and faith causes us to pursue those things so what's your faith pursue are you fulfilling your god-given destiny are you accomplishing only what he can accomplish in through your life so I'm talking about a faith in God a faith in God not a faith in a person not a faith in a pastor not a faith in a church I'm talking about a faith in God a faith in God's Word a faith in God's promises a strong and unstoppable faith a robust and resolute faith I tested faith a relentless and tenacious faith a courageous and childlike faith the Bible speaks about the prayer of faith the spirit of faith the gift of faith there is so much to understand and know about this faith adventure this journey of faith and this morning hopefully I can just maybe see your faith just that little bit maybe invigorate it just that little bit because far too many Christians are floundering in their faith and the enemy loves it their enemy loves when believers flounder in their faith and I'm not talking about seasons because I think we all go through seasons like that and maybe you're in that season right now and can I tell you that you've been here doing what you're doing right now is the best place for you and my prayer is that by the end of this service is the Holy Spirit maybe has revived things on the inside just that little bit and started a point in your direction and pointing you into what he wants to do in and through your life but far too many Christians floundering in their life for far too long that is living accepting their lot in life have a fatalistic approach to their life move from one negative situation to the next expectations really are no different to the unbelieving friends just hoping for their fortunes to change their circumstances dictating their emotions they're using their mouth not to confess God's promises but to describe their unfair unjust and unreasonable experiences they constantly confess their fears and their worries that's just not God's will it's not God's will for you to live that type of life it's not God's will for you to flounder in your faith as I said the enemy loves when the church or believers flounder in their faith because they're ineffective they actually don't make an impact they don't step out they don't do things that God's calling them to do let's be the type of people that actually see our faith active in Jesus name and not flounder let's use our faith to fight and a flourish in life so let's establish the Bible definition of faith Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 and 3 says this now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see so we're talking about confidence hope and assurance you're going to understand that the world in the 21st century if there's one thing that they need more than anything else I think they need faith they need confidence they need hope and they need an assurance this is what the ancients were commended for by faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible in the New King James Version it says by faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God and you may have heard it and maybe it's good to be reminded of it much of our world our personal world is actually framed by what comes out of our mouths it's in the message translation I love it it says this the fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God this faith this firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living it's our handle on what we can't see it's our handle on what we can't see so many people fear tomorrow they fear their future so many people worried about this generation and all that's coming in the world and it's going to end in 13 years and all this type of stuff we got young people that are constantly fearing their tomorrow or their future and I love the definition of faith because faith gives you a handle on things that you cannot see handle since the act of faith is what distinguished our ancestors and set them above the crowd and I pray that we would be the type of people had the type of faith that would actually set us apart it would set us apart in our office place it would set us apart in our families our homes it would set us apart in our communities and our nation that we would be the type of people and have the type of faith that actually sets us apart I don't want to be just like my unbelieving friends how tragic to have a faith in God and be exactly the same as my unbelieving friends in regards to an inactive redundant faith so it goes on and says by faith we see the world called into existence by God's Word what we see created by what we don't see see Hebrews chapter 11 is the faith Hall of Fame and records some of what happened by faith so many things by faith by faith by faith by faith and it's not necessarily by force or by resource or by might or by gift or good fortune it was by faith and I love that list because it lists a whole lot of things they're great Bible stories that we learn as kids the great Bible stories like Joshua in the Battle of Jericho Moses in the Red Sea all these great stories and I love it because they are it says by faith and what I love about it isn't just about Moses crossing the Red Sea and even talks about Moses his mother looking after young Moses as a baby and that she did that by faith and I think we can read into that it's not just the big things that are done by faith but it's the everyday things that are done by faith how we how we manage our finances let's do it by faith let's let's be Integris let's look after our children and raise them up by faith let's build god-honoring businesses by faith by faith but living by faith has left a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths because we've all met someone who's lived by faith and they don't reflect well in the church and they definitely don't reflect well on us as believers and the thing about people who live by faith and use faith is a big excuse is that let's make it very clear but living by faith is not an excuse to not work or study hard living by faith is not an excuse not to do the necessary due diligence living by faith is not an excuse to abdicate personal responsibility and just leave it all up to God he could fix it up he can clean it up see living by faith is not an excuse just to hope on a wing and a prayer living by faith is not an excuse to freeload off everybody else you know are just living by faith well you've got an income now well it is living by faith well that means you're living off everybody else you know you may have been in connect group and people pray their shopping list Oh Lords you know that our washing machine broken down during the week we really need a washing machine Lord and they faith without hints is dead and the thing about those who live by faith the things I read chapter 11 of Hebrews and these aren't people just sitting around doing nothing these aren't people that have got a bad work ethic these are not people that are just hoping on a wing and a prayer now if you read chapter 11 and go back into the actual stories you see men and women of faith who actually forging things changing things advance things moving forward doing something putting their faith into action see living by faith is not an excuse just to live in denial of the facts but we must live by faith we must live by faith a conscious understanding that God is at work he's at work in and through you he's doing things in and through you and each and every day by faith we can rely on his wisdom by faith we can rely on his peace for peace by faith we can rely on everything that God has in store for us a number of years ago when I was a teenager we bought a paddock basher you got to say basher bash on a paddock basher and I grew up half an hour west of here and it's slowly disappearing but it was rural it was it was acreage and we were driving through a suburb not far away from here a friend of mine and I and on the side of the road there was this old car for sale for 250 dollars and it was a old Holden HQ 1970s car and we'll we bought it and took it to our friends house where they had a paddock and if you don't know what a paddock basher is I'll tell you right now the name gives it away it's a car for the paddock and what you do in it is that you bash things you run through trees and I mean the whole idea it's like a farm car it's got no purpose other than to do skids create dust hit trees well this car was a real car I mean this is a real not cars like we've got today that basically click and the whole thing sort of concertinas here now this car was real metal he could drive this thing straight through a brick wall and nothing would be nothing would happen other than the brick wall would just disintegrate I mean this thing was just it was impossible to kill it it was just I mean the reason why I know that is I drove it around the paddock for a long long time hitting trees and going from in the trees sideways in the trees I mean this cat couldn't kill it you could not kill this car every single time we went out there we tried our best to kill it but we just couldn't kill it but this paddock basher at the end of its days we looked at it and just looks so well used things dirt I mean you don't wash a paddock basher I mean it's like the more mud the better they're more dust the better it means that's just inside the car not on let alone the outside of the car this cow is just well used you look at it no it's just it made you smile you remember all the times of action and adventure and exhilarating times of not knowing whether you were gonna survive hitting a tree or not it was just unbelievable but see this paddock basher it's actually a lot like our faith but there are a whole lot of things in our life that aren't well used we buy them we use them for a little bit and then we don't use them any longer for example exercise equipment let alone the gym membership but you bought before you bought the equipment at home thinking you would use it at home that good dinner set that you were going to you were gonna have for when the win that when those people came over but those people just never came over so you just never used that good dinner set the formal lounge room but nobody can go in there because it's just got plastic everywhere the snooker or billiard table that was a good idea when you bought it but they used that the kids used it for a month or two and then it's just gather dust as with the ping-pong table in the family boat that you bought thirty three and a half years ago but you just haven't taken out for such a long long time these are a list of things that we used at one stage that we no longer use but if I go back to the patek Basha so well used and I look at a dance and Oh God remember that dent I remember I remember screaming through the paddock doing a left hand sliding the thing out putting the back end into a tree arduous exhilarating I was just so that so much fun I just wonder when it comes to our faith life if it's just so well used we can look back and go I remember that season I don't remember that dent it was exhilarating it was just so much action I didn't even know if I was going to survive the season but I remember that dent because our children we were praying for them and believing God that they choose wisdom and choose and follow Jesus and I remember that season praying and using my faith to believe that God would do something with my truth I remember that season in our business we were almost bankrupt our clientele we're leaving us we just didn't know whether we were going to able to keep the doors open I remember that season where we decided by faith to continue to put God first by faith to continue to uphold integrity in our business and make god-honoring decisions in regards to our financial management I remember that and you walk around there the vehicle then you see another debt remember that I remember riding that big cheque for the heart for the house miracle offering I remember it was we took a big deep breath as we sewed it into the container I remember that season where we really stepped out and did something that we had never done before see the Apostle Paul he gets to the end of his life in 2 Timothy chapter 4 in 2 Timothy chapter 4 says for I'm already been poured out like a drink offering and the time of my departure is near I have fought the good fight I have finished the race I have kept the faith and that scripture reminds it just reminds me of that paddock Bachelor of palled is looking at his ministry life his life and leadership and all that had transpired and it's almost like he's just looking at his faith life just like that paddock basher and it wasn't a so car it wasn't as a car kept in the garage it wasn't a car just in the driveway just maybe if we need to use it now his faith was so well used dirty and dented and he's looking at it going I remember that season where I got ran out of the city I remember that season where they tried to stone me I remember that season where the Viper jumped out of the fire and grabbed me by the arm oh I remember that season of shipwreck you can find the list of these things that Paul enjoyed by faith let's not have faith it's like the exercise equipment that was used for a period of time when we were a new believer and it's just over there now it's not having the type of faith it it's like they're good good dinner equipment we bring it out when the right companies around now let's be the type of people that literally take our faith out for a spin let's let's let's continue to be the type of people that choose every single day to live by faith that faith is not just for Sunday faith is for Monday Tuesday Wednesday all the way through to Sunday that we can live by faith the exhilarating adventure of this faith journey so let's choose once again to take our faith out for a spin can you imagine if we used our faith just that little bit more it wouldn't only change our world but it would change the world that's collectively continue as a church to give the kingdom of God a nudge in a god-honoring the rection it might just mean that just for we use our faith just that little bit more and collectively can you imagine what we could actually do not only only in a personal world but also in the world that God so desperately wants us to reach together we could do something so amazing and so incredible let's once again take our faith out for a spin it's been an awesome six months in church life but we've got another six months to go and heaven suffers no violence for each and every one of us it's not like the first six months heaven is so engaged in what we do and then heaven is disengaged no the next six months we need to be just as engaged as in the first six months let's take our faith out for a spin and just see what we can actually accomplish and achieve by faith invite people to the movie night by faith join the team and serve by faith give that you've never given before by faith persevere and don't give up like some are in the habit of doing mark 11:22 says Jesus says have faith in God have faith in God jesus answered I truly tell you if anyone says to the mountain go throw yourself into the sea and does not doubt in their heart believes what they say will happen it will be done for them therefore I tell you whatever you ask for in prayer believe that you have received it and it will be yours and I really believe to encourage the people this morning that if you stop praying for something maybe you notice need to start praying again maybe you need to start believing again maybe you need to start expecting again maybe you need to stop pursuing again maybe you just need to start believing God to come through again let's not grow cold let's not grow weary or complacent or apathetic let's take steps towards living by faith let's pray prayers of faith let's have a spirit of faith let's operate in the gift of faith in Jesus now see Jesus was talking about this mountain and know if he was talking about it literally moving or not but what I do know is this as faith does move things faith does shift things faith definitely changes things so it's been said to the one who has faith no explanation is necessary to the one without faith no explanation is possible see faith changes things let's have a spirit of faith 2 Corinthians 4 talks about a spirit of faith and it talks about those who believe therefore speak let's not have the type of faith that just lays dormant on the inside I've got a faith in God now let's have a faith in God that causes us to actually speak out that faith do something with that faith it's not one thing just to have a private faith let's save our faith that we take out for a spin let's use our faith in such awesome and incredible ways that believe God to come through see faith changes things and a spirit of faith changes the atmosphere of your life it changes your conversations your planning your leading your parenting you're creating you're working a spirit of faith changes the atmosphere it changes your marriage family and workplace and even could change your circumstances and if not them your approach to them see faith changes our day in our week let's live our life with a spirit of faith knowing that God can God absolutely can and that we should live with the type of expectation that God could answer your prayer at any moment God could provide for you at any moment God could come through for you in any moment that's what it means to live by faith see faith changes the direction of our lives we pursue a god-given destiny it changes the level of expectation in our hearts it changes the confidence that we have in our soul the decisions that we make in life it changes the destiny of generations it changes the quality of our walk with Jesus it's just something about living this faith adventure that brings Christianity to life and if Christianity has become a little bit too beige a little bit too bland a little bit too vanilla maybe we need to put faith back in the faith journey maybe we need to do something that just causes us to be a little bit exhilarated by living out on the edge and believing God to do something in our life see faith changes how we approach challenge and crisis so what do you do when you don't know what to do when things aren't going to plan when you're questioning things what do you do when you're feeling discouraged when things haven't worked as you would hope when you're under increasing pressure to perform or conform what do you do when it's all getting a bit too much when you're unsure of what's next when times are tough or troubling when the opposition gets too loud when you're uncertain how it's going to work out what do you do when it seems naturally impossible and that's the thing about the faith tension how much do we do and how much does God do for a lot of people they just wait for God to do everything other people they try and do everything but the beautiful tension is this is that you do the things that only you can do and leave for him the things that only he can do and that's what we can do to live by faith every single day we do what we can do and leave to him to do what only he can do so my prayer my prayer for each and every one of us see the thing about Hebrews 11 is it's a whole lot of gruesome things that happen to the heroes of the faith and that might not be our experience but can I tell you right now that by faith those are those things necessarily might not happen to us by faith we can raise families that flourish by faith we can grow god-honoring businesses plant new churches reach the loss mobilize a generation for Jesus by faith we can build a new by faith we can feed a nation or lift up the poor by faith we can overcome disadvantage see faith is one of those things that doesn't only change our world but it changes the world and in the next several months together as a church and online wherever you are if we do what we do and believe God to do what he does then I believe that miracle days are ahead of us that we can believe for the supernatural in each and every one of our lives Hebrews six verse 11 and 12 says we want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end so what you hope for may be fully realized we do not want you to become lazy but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised see there's a lot said about faith the faith life the faith adventure but it's faith in patience things don't happen the way we would like them to happen always God as his own will being outworked in our life in his own time that's why it's faith and patience by faith and by patience so in closing my prayer for each and every one of us is this I pray that we would continue to choose the faith adventure I pray that our faith would be stirred to even greater action I pray that we would have a fresh revelation of an all things are possible supernatural all-knowing ever-present and all-powerful god I love his question in Genesis he says to Abraham is anything too hard for the Lord I pray that the Holy Spirit would bring perspective to all our natural limitations that we've placed on him and/or on ourselves I pray that we would be moved to take God more at his word I pray that we would continue purposefully put our hope our trust and our confidence in him I pray that the Holy Spirit would hold highlight any trace of self-reliance and help us to be more reliant and more dependent on him I hope that we would open our eyes that little bit wider I hope that we would see that little bit further I hope that with eyes of faith that we would see more of what he can see all the God possibilities all the god opportunities I pray that we would continue to confidently walk by faith and boldly step out in faith and fight this good fight of faith I know that God according to his word will honor our faith in him that we would have faith for the season faith to forge new ground faith to build faith to give faith to overcome faith the wait faith the change and faith that faith to stand in Jesus name let's take our faith out for a spin and to see what God can do it is through your life come on let's all stand to our feet let's stand to our feet we're gonna sing this song we're actually going to declare it we're gonna have the Holy Spirit to do something on the inside maybe your faith is stirred maybe it's been invigorated but the Holy Spirit wants the seal he wants to seal what he's done in your life and we're gonna pray in a moment we're gonna pray be you can take steps of activating your faith living by faith each and every day but I really want to pray also I want to pray for those who desire the gift of faith I'm gonna believe this morning that the Holy Spirit is going to give people that gift of faith it's like a supercharged faith where expectation for God to do what he said he would do increases in your life a higher expectation a higher belief a higher confidence if we're gonna believe for that gift of faith with your apparent with you're a business owner no matter who you are I'm gonna believe for God to give to the gift of faith but you start living your life with that spirit of faith and that gift of faith being outworked in you every day so come on let's sing this song together if you feel comfortable why don't you raise your hands to the Lord and that's really another Holy Spirit to move us like never before in Jesus name come on a suit [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you sent your faith been stirred this morning and if we all made that choice to use our faith just that little bit more that collectively as a people we can see great things but you see God do great things in and through us and I love to pray for you they make that choice to use their faith and live by faith just that little bit more and also for those that desire the gift of faith a supercharged faith but you could use as a parent but you could use as a business owner or as a student or whatever it is God's called you to isn't just a ministry thing in regards to the four walls of a church God can gift you the gift of faith and it could be a blessing to you in the boardroom it can be a blessing to you at the front gate of your kids school it can be a blessing no matter where God's called you to believe you gonna Fanueil there's something stirring on the inside of me I want to live my life each and every day I want to find moments each and every day to think about what God can do in it through me and I want to live by faith or I want to have that supercharged gift of faith operating in my life with everybody close we do this raise both hands to the Lord I really believe the Holy Spirit is going to do something in the lives of people this morning I'm gonna believe that the Holy Spirit is not only going to invigorate faith but he's gonna inspire unusual boldness it's gonna be a boldness that you've never experienced before there is going to be a boldness for you to step out with wisdom obviously with good counsel obviously with patience obviously but it is going to be unusual boldness for you to step out in faith and you're going to start to see things he has started to see God do miracles and supernatural things it is through your life so father I thank you for every person with their hands raised and I ask in Jesus name more than you would gift your people the gift of faith know that that would be a blessing to their workplace whether that would be a blessing to their community but that would be a blessing to their family well that I would push you but god-given destiny on their life below that I would pursue the calling of God father I thank you for a supercharged faith for a high expectation you are gonna do what you said you would do and I pray in Jesus name people would be healed people would be saved but they would do something so amazing it is through the lives of your people tickler church let's see one more time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] amen amen can we please really thank Nathaniel Wood for that incredible message brilliant absolutely brilliant instilling faith to us this morning and listen one thing we want to do we do this every week in our church is give people a moment to reflect and respond and those of you still joining with us love to ask you a personal question that's between you and God not between you and the person next to you but the question is do you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior you know the thing you talked about today faith being a journey you know the faith the journey actually starts with a small step and it's a step of asking Jesus into your life it's a step of surrendering ownership of your life to him maybe at one time you prayed a similar prayer asking Jesus into your life but maybe you walked away maybe you got distracted well the good news is he never walked away from you he's with you through the thick and the thin he is there with you Emmanuel God is with us maybe you've never prayed this prayer I'm about to pray friend this is your day to respond to that Bible talks about how we all have fallen short of the glory of God each and every human being has sinned in their life mistakes and sin separates us it creates a barrier between us and God but God is that good that he breaks the barrier and he moves through it to get to you because he doesn't want religion he wants relationship with each and every one of us and today I would love to pray a simple powerful prayer lead people in a prayer of asking Jesus to be Lord and Savior of your life if you had to have every head bowed every eye closed all over this place I'm gonna give people a moment of privacy and respect and if you're saying yeah Peter that's me I want to take the faith step today I want to take that first step of asking Jesus to be Lord and Savior over my life friend whoever you are I would love to include you in this prayer I'm about to pray there in the inner West or Channel online whoever I'm speaking to maybe you're in the parenting room right now stop still friend have you given your life to Jesus if you haven't then today is the day of brand-new beginning for you I'm simply going to count to three and when I get to three I want you to raise your hand high enough and long enough for me to see it and I'll include you in this prayer wherever whatever location in campus you happen to be joining in from I'll pray for you okay so if that's you raise your hand ready one two three already people are raising their hands here on the floor up there I'm sure you know other campuses and locations on the streaming people are responding right now Wow beautiful I can see hands throughout the building this is amazing you can put your hands down I want you to say this prayer after me friend and if you didn't but you know that you should have put your hand up I want you to say this prayer as well from the bottom of your heart there's one big family come on through the link let's say this together dear Jesus today is a brand new beginning I choose you I want to follow you for the rest of my days so forgive me of all my mistakes I surrender all help me lead me and guide me in Jesus name Amen amen come on let's really congratulate people I saw a ton of people with hands raised here and it's so good it's so good we are cheering you on because it's the greatest decision the best decision you'll ever make and as a church we want to gift you with this brand-new Bible and it's a magazine format Bible to mark this day where you decided to follow Jesus so whatever campus location you're in if you're watching it online probably a link will pop up or you can go to our website there we'd love to help you with the next steps of following Jesus but if you're in one of our locations when you walk out in different exits and voice someone's going to be waving this around walk up to them say something like hey I prayed that prayer at the end can I have one of those Bibles we give away hundreds of these every weekend because people make a decision to follow Jesus they would love to start you on the journey of following Jesus so one more time church let's congratulate and everybody what a great day in church thus far and absolutely brilliant hey before I pray for you I wanted to let you know two things the the next term is about to start for night college night school and by the way welcome to any new Hillsong college students joining us just arriving it's all good you've arrived in family so sink your teeth in it's gonna be an amazing journey here for you but hey night school night school is for anyone maybe you work full time and during the week of part-time and you you want to know more about the things of God you want to build biblical foundations in your life well this Wednesday night it starts and on or under your seat is this some brochure and it just kind of gives you a little glimpse of all the courses we offer from Bible to leadership to creative to just everyday skills in life like I'm the first one I just saw here is a marriage course valiant man the under Bible it's got faith works New Testament introduction so look come and see us in the foyer would love to start a conversation with you and help you do that as well so is that it's cool had a good day in church well hey if you've never been to a Sunday night service before I got to tell you in the four thirty epicenter service or here at 5:30 I'm telling you there is always a spirit of a revival and revival in there has been declared over our church and if you have never been to a Sunday night I'm telling you right now bring friends bring family it's gonna be one of those nights tonight we're gonna really leave room for the Holy Spirit to move and we're gonna be believing for barriers to be broken or obstacles to come down and so whoever if you know someone that's sick bring them along if you know someone that's facing an obstacle right now bring along if you're facing something right now come along it's gonna be one of those nights and we're gonna believe for something incredible to happen can I pray for you actually McGoo come on the service pastor you come up here you pray for us and then we're gonna go in a sauna prays so go for it let's pray Choji logo we just seen you for the word that was speaking today we're gonna pray Lord that we can apply it to our lives I pray for every single person in this room father but as we go that you bless them father you be with them this week we pray that you are that you just give us opportunities to make your name famous in Jesus name everybody said amen boom we'll see you soon [Music] let me by my sawa a night so [Music] merci merci no car Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] next been here this morning say back tonight [Music]
Channel: Hillsong Church
Views: 23,081
Rating: 4.8743963 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, hillsong, praise, worship, Nathanael Wood
Id: fZ2fzNDcu7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 52sec (5392 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2019
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