Hillbilly Repair Farm 76 F250 & Hauling Hay with Emily

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oh seems [Music] fine oh look at that got some pretty good vacuum on it other than an egregious amount of rust which I'm sure found its way down into the Piston might be holding a seal where it shouldn't be I think you're working harder than I am what else is new hey [Music] howdy my friends and welcome welcome to the channel today I'm Luke Thunderhead 29 here on YouTube and it's been a while since I've seen you guys uh during the winter months here in Iowa I kind of participate in some of my other hobbies and um you know store all the automotive stuff away for the spring but this year is really weird it's in the upper 30s lower 40s here in February so you know been doing a little bit more of the automotive type thing and ironically I finally had a failure on my 1976 and I'm going to try and do the complete wrong thing to fix it because um I'm weirdly sentimental about things so with that let's Jump Right In now this old 1976 uh F250 here Sports a 390 Fe up front which is interestingly enough this was the last year of the Fe engines as far as I know in 1976 so this has the 390 all original never been out of the truck it's a camper special rig I bought this truck for $11,000 back back in 2018 before everyone thought this stuff was real neat it was just a beater truck back then so anyway it's been a good old truck to me I've put maybe 10,000 miles on it but nothing special has a three-speed with a granny low which comes in really handy for towing and Hauling I've hauled a lot of hay in this rig and moving into this house and our house before it um I pretty much moved our whole Homestead with this truck so I'm pretty attached to it at this point um so just makes sense to fix the thing now I was rolling down the road in this rig and it became the mosquito fogger 1000 but ironically only when I touched the brakes and this being a manual transmission obviously at this point our brakes were gone you know our master cylinder has had an event of some sort and I'm really biased to manual transmission vehicles for this reason you know I had absolutely zero brakes and had a pretty heavy load behind me but I was able to still get home with the manual but anyway I'll just give you a good look at what this mosquito fogger thing looks like when a master cylinder kind of goes bad we'll see how bad it actually is now fees are interesting rigs they either start before they seemingly even make a full rotation or they take forever to start but this one particular it'll fire right off and run so with that we'll give the brakes a tap now we'll put some RPM to it so Legend has it that if you actually hit record on your phone um it actually records what you're doing for the last 10 minutes instead of talking at a wall so it's been a long time since i' done this YouTube thing okay I got to get the hang of it again so uh to reiterate everything I just said for the last 10 minutes so I've went in here I sprayed everything down with PV Blaster hit everything with a torch I ended up cutting my line lines here I tried to turn these but they will actually back out the fittings in the master cylinder here but you know basically since the fitting slips over the tube and it's been on here since Vietnam you know it's not it's not coming off so I opted to just cut it at a reasonable spot there's a nice coil back there and we can just basically pull this turn this and ultimately reuse these fittings just to capture this once in a lifetime moment check this out I've never seen a thread that ugly come out so easy all right here we go maybe slides right off and look at all the goo inside of there so obviously our seal is not so good E I can't imagine that's real good on the uh the vacuum diaphragm that's in there brake fluid being the way it is just for the the sake of science you know there's a vacuum cavity behind here but I just want to see what happens if you start it with the master cylinder out if that's just a big old vacuum leak is this really useful info no but just out of curiosity oh seems [Music] fine oh look at that it's got some pretty good vacuum on it h just full of brake fluid just going to act like I didn't see that I assume once we get this cleaned out and installed that'll get sucked up and out and into the engine and uh it'll disappear from where it shouldn't be pretty quick by going through other places it shouldn't be makes good sense to me let's see what's inside this guy other than an egregious amount of rust which I'm sure found its way down into the Piston might be holding a seal where it shouldn't be all right we're in our very 1940s esque garage here see if we can't get this roll pin out and that's why you wear safety glasses that was brake fluid all over my face good time oh look how nasty that is so there you go all that rust did make its way through the seals look good I'll give you a look at the bore in a moment but it feels pretty Rusty so I'm sure that's our issue that the rust is getting in between the seals the seals aren't these two at least aren't ripped now there should be another one down in there all right I made some custom screwdrivers for such an occasion I shouldn't need both we kind of see if we can't hook this thing there we go it worked really nice all right there's more of that rust and corrosion on the thing seals also look pretty good we'll get a light on that thing you can see just how much rust and corrosion is in the boore take a good look in there if we can get the camera to maybe Focus there you go you can see all that rust and corrosion at the bottom and it's pretty rough to the feel you know so I'm sure it doesn't look like it shredded the seals just yet but just look at how much rust build up with was sitting at the bottom of this thing it's amazing it worked as long as it did but again the seals look okay so what I'm going to try and do okay that one's probably less okay now but aside from that I'm going to try and stay I'm going to try and clean those up then I'm going to use one of these little tiny hones and try and go through and clean all this up and just see if I can get it to seal for the fun of it I don't really want to spend $120 for a new master cylinder if I can make all this work again and it's just kind of a fun challenge you know stuff that people don't do these days that back when this building and this Barn was built you know people did stuff like this all the time so you know figured I'd try my hand just take a moment to appreciate all of this grit and grime that was in here how the brakes worked through all this for all this time I have no idea but I don't know just goes to show that it can take quite a beating and keep working pretty resilient setup apparently here we go going to get a little bit of ATF and pour it right in your hand because you really care about your health get some on our hone here and if you're the fellow that sent me this I want you to know that I do really appreciate it um I wasn't sure where I was going to use it I knew it was going to be something weird and if you hadn't sent me this I would not even have tried this cuz I kind of assumed that the bore was going to be in not the greatest of shape whether we had to put new seals in it or not so there we got a little bit of oil down the throat now we don't want to do this a lot because we don't want to remove too much material see if we can get this in here does fit very convenient now we're going to go just a low speed all right definitely took out a lot of rust maybe a few more passes here towards the top all right taking a look in here you can see where those rust spots were they're nothing but discolorations now you can't catch any of that with your fingernail um that hone really did a good job at cleaning all that up you know we don't want to go too long and you know dig into anything and actually um effectively bore the thing out and change the size you know we still need our seal to be able to do its job but if the rust was what was inhibiting it from working before um it definitely won't be now cuz it's good and smooth to the touch dang kind of bummed I missed a good opportunity to use this period correct drill that I where's my finger at there we go drill that I found in the Attic when we moved here at least in the Attic of this place um would have been a nice period correct move um although I see that I'm going to have plenty of opportunities obviously in the future because I do quite a bit of this dumb stuff on and off so anyway next time mildly regrettable to do that with water outside considering it's still plenty cold out but you know such as life I guess looks pretty good though all right we got the bore all cleaned up and all of our parts and pieces look clean the seals actually had a lot of rust particulate kind of ground into it it was almost like petrified to it to some degree but you know it all washed off good and the seals are still pretty pliable so I'm sure they're actually okay so I don't see why this wouldn't work at the moment I'm probably going to eat my words so maybe I'll just throw a little bit of brake fluid on my floor mostly but some in the boore here and then put some on the seal just makes sense to lubricate it with what it's going to be living in anyway so we definitely don't want to put it in dry and roll the seal right off the bat and ruin doing all of our pointless work we've done to this point so just going to take that shove that down in there moves a lot better than it did before kind of do the same thing here so good good liberal amount on your hands and on your garage floor that's what you want there we go then this guy in we go want to be really careful with this last seal in position here oh there we go use your brain that looks good there we go make sure that seats seems good at least as good as it can be I guess let's throw it back on see what happens all right we got the master cylinder all reinstalled here and technically we need to bench bleed it but I'm lazy in quotes I guess so I'm going to just use the vehicle itself so what I've done here is I just got the old fittings that we had cut and I got some vacuum lines hooked to that that go back into the reservoir and the reason we have to do this is if we don't we'll have a heck of a Time bleeding the brakes so it's much like a syringe if I just had these even open to where I was running the fluid through into a container as soon as I release that brake pedal it would just draw in air and we'd never be getting anywhere but in this way with the tubes in place here uh when the we press the pedal and then when we release it it's going to just draw fluid in instead of air and just make our bleeding process much more easy so now we should be able to press the brake pedal and we're going to slowly bleed this thing and it already feels like it's not hot garbage like it was before all Scrapy and grindy so um mild improvements at least wonder how much brake fluid I've gotten on my Fender well at this point so so far off to a good start here we're pressing the brake pedal with the truck running we can get an angle here you can see we're purging some air out but it's pretty much purged at this point um no bubbles are coming up out of the cylinder you're just seeing the the level change here as we work the piston and the engine doesn't seem to be having any issues with pressing the brake pedal at least eating a bunch of brake fluid you ever do things that you know is not a good use of your time but you do it anyway and you're not sure why reusing these fittings is probably one of those scenarios you know they've been in there since 1976 were rusted in there pretty good so I knew there was no hope in ever turning the fittings to get them out so you know I used it as a master cylinder bleeder you know cut them and made them effective but now we're just going a little bit over the the threshold of sanity here and drilling out the old pieces of tubing so we can just reuse these and use the pre-existing uh brake line that's already there and hook everything up so this is going a little bit overboard it's funny is Through The Years you know often times I've never had garages um let alone heated garages to work in you know well lit and everything and so I was always irritated to work outside in the dark and in the cold now fast forward to today where I have those things and you know I still find myself working outside in the dark in the cold and kind of enjoying it from a nostalgic standpoint since this is how I did it my entire life up to this point so I don't see any reason to change um it's probably what an insane person would say but I don't know here we are doing my favorite thing brake line flares so the most Janko sketchy tool but if you can use it correctly um it always seems to do a good job a lot of people hate these but you know I don't know I have pretty good luck with them and you can kind of weasel them into tight spaces and get the job done all right well that was a lot of fun in the dark but I cut and kind of rebent these lines so they're not touching each other re flared both use the old uh brake fittings and everything so now it's all back on there and it looks just as crappy as when I took it off just like I wanted for some reason so anyway whether that was a good idea or not it's all back together and now to see if it actually works or not go key probably should have made sure all the t-shirts and Rags were out of the fan but they weren't before they are now hey we have a brake pedal obviously I still need to bleed everything down below but it would definitely actually stop the rig well seeing as how it's dark and we can't see anything I'll just drive this bad boy to work tomorrow we'll see how she does 20° out this morning and it fires right off you know best thousand doll I ever spent on a truck back before all this stuff got really popular it's been with my wife and I through a lot of Life Changes a lot of moves from the trailer park to where we are today so like I always say about it just a little sentimental at this point even if it is kind of an old piece of garbage truck all right here I go I suppose say the one thing about these old rigs that I always have they never have much for heat I don't know if it's these old Fords or what but man get pretty used to it though after the first few days um not feeling your fingers and toes and then it's not really a big deal this old rig has three gas tanks being a camper special um that one's rotted out the other one doesn't have a Capal this is the only one that works so here got to kind of pay attention or you run out of gas luckily gas is pretty cheap these days they couldn't annoy you enough with advertisements now we have them on our gas pumps super exciting all right weasel down in here seems like a good place for a gas tank right right where you throw all the mud but it's the only one that works so that's what we're left with all right here we go 90,000 mil on the clock here or 190 rather it's a good run old rig could ask for anymore [Music] [Music] you [Music] thr Embrace this up with you [Music] yeah my time contemplating strange I'll take still I think you're working harder than I am what else is new [Music] hey and it TR some [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: ThunderHead289
Views: 45,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: junkyard digs, vice grip garage, thunderhead289
Id: up1Rek9vHho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 17sec (1577 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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