Hillary Clinton Emails in New WikiLeaks Dump

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Hillary Clinton was taking the weekend to prepare for the final debate this Wednesday but as she stepped out of the spotlight WikiLeaks released another batch of emails thought to be from Clinton's top aides ABC's Cecilia Baker joins us now with all those details for us good morning Cecilia Robyn good morning to you the Clinton campaign calls us a crime reminiscent of Watergate but worse more than 1,900 emails released just this weekend we are talking about a slow leak every day a new batch and the Clinton campaign knows this could be a problem for them every day until Election Day this morning thousands more emails appearing to show the inner workings of Hillary Clinton's campaign WikiLeaks releasing the newest batch of what are believed to be campaign chairman John Podesta's hacked emails one showing just how much Clinton's team struggled to get her to apologize over that private server controversy a top adviser writing her inability to just do a national interview and communicate genuine feelings of remorse and regret is now I fear becoming a character problem more so than honesty I see no downside in her actually just saying look I'm sorry I think it will take so much air out of this Podesta agreeing saying trying to figure out how to get her there and best way to execute ultimately Clinton did apologize as I look back at it now even though it was allowed I should have used two accounts one for personal one for work-related emails that was a mistake I'm sorry about that I take responsibility ABC News has not independently verified the emails the Clinton campaign not responding to individual documents instead accusing the Russians of orchestrating the hang to help Donald Trump win I don't give credence to any of these dumped documents because I don't even know if they're accurate a slow drip that has not led up 12,000 emails so far everything from when Clinton should laugh during debates whoa okay to her private speeches to Wall Street that seemed to contradict her public positions even this one claiming Clinton told private trade union gathering that extreme environmentalists need to quote get a life and Donald Trump has questioned whether the Russians are behind the hacks he's even questioned whether there was a hack at all but his running mate Mike Pence seemed to take a different stand this weekend saying there's no question George that evidence suggests Russia's involvement yeah that is the judgment of our intelligence community Thank You Cecile
Channel: ABC News
Views: 278,909
Rating: 4.475924 out of 5
Keywords: Hillary, Clinton, wikileaks, leaked, emails, scandal, campaign, chairman, John, Podesta, WikiLeaks, WikiLeaks clinton, clinton emails WikiLeaks, WikiLeaks emails, clinton emails, clinton cash, clinton email
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 46sec (166 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 17 2016
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