Hilarious Borat At the Dinner Table

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[Music] I am here now with Lady Chelsea to learn how to be real gentlemen okay it's very nice to meet you doing my best yes how can you tell if someone is polite when you first meet them you don't really I mean perhaps it's the way they say hello and Shake Your Hand yes is the way I dress nice is it okay it's not a typically English way to dress and my shoe is a good my shoes yes that's it is from a Shoe Express in Oxford State that's fine black yes and uh what do we will eat at dinner soon lunch Charlotte Bor how do you do how do you do how you do how' you do so we have a toast all right toast yes yes to Jenny and to television to Jen thank you thank you thank you you have wine you have wine in Kazakhstan the real idea if somebody gives you a nice glass of white wine you should sip it imagine you're making love you don't want to do it too quickly to make love to have a don't do it to quickly going confus slowly everything slowly yeah don't make love too quickly otherwise it's over too quickly ah yeah I like to last a long time good I'm good and uh what subject do we talk about um anything really it depends who starts it I mean you could start off by what would you say well anything that comes into your head right yes M it is very nice my wife she is dead why what happened what happened she died in um in a field how what how she died from um work but with a accident but it's not important I have a new wife is it okay to talk about what I did last night yes as long as you don't go into to lots of details whether it be yes I don't know oh yes if you said yes I W to see a film last night or last night I have a sex so I told you you shouldn't mention your um what you did last night no never you said I can say what I did last you can say time last but it was nice she was a lovely and um how do I say um I do not want to be what if I need to do a toilet you just say oh just excuse me for a while excuse me for a while yeah please excuse me I will go for a minute yes okay certainly yes excuse me certainly com thank you okay so would you like some more potatoes and peas because you haven't had any meat would you like some more oh we have a pudding or do you want to have a lovely dessert we have pudding sweets sweet yes it thank I had a good sheet well you didn't have any D you know when the Chinese say when they say they had a good meal a huge amount of horrendous gerking burping what to do what is a what is aing burp bur five five hey you do it I can't do it I can't it that is actually outrageous I can yeah Chen [Applause] oh nose a big nose it is very nice to have met you very good to have met you thank you how you
Channel: zanderboy
Views: 543,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: borat, alig, stupid, cricket, fool, mental, the, movie, america, bruno, kazakstan, funny, funniest, thing, ever, amazing, star, video, leona, lewis, car, boat, ship, carpet
Id: 9mJ8mPYauEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2006
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