@BoxBoxMisses Multiple Winning Chances vs @ludwig | Chess.com PogChamps

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I actually have a challenge for you before the game starts are you ready mm-hmm can you say pons eonni six times fast pons eonni pons eonni Ponciano kanjyani Ponciano ponds eonni go check hard there you go fine you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna up the difficulty for your next challenge we do have the game on on the board okay so II four is played by Ludwig five okay as expected welcome taking a deep breath okay nine up three and yeah chad is saying that challenge was hard for a human no don't worry guys this was part of keycards last patch now if Ludwig is gonna play that what I suggest yes now we're gonna see just did box box go back and watch the vote or not we're gonna see the psychology here the box box if he watched the vibe if you watch the vaad what do you expect from him here he would move quickly okay he did not watch the vaad because he played jeez that's right away there would there are more much more aggressive replies in the center of the board that you should play here so okay this is actually quite good for for Ludwig if he should push the pawn following the principles push the pawn in the center and then bring out the bishop right away to c4 and he did it so he is using the notes from his lesson and sooner we're gonna see him develop his bishop as he saw it along right and yeah and so basically here you take with the pawn and that the key is that is that white gets the center very quickly here you can push the pawns you can attack the knight I will say however that I did not actually show this Jesus move to to ludwig cuz it's a move that is slightly inferior it's not the best move in the position so I this is very critical already for box box very important here that he plays Bishop to g7 if he plays any other move here he could end up in a lot of trouble right away so this is this is this is very critical and we're only what four moves into the game so it's gonna be I think that's gonna be one of the games which is very tense at from the very beginning and I think he's listening to classical music and he has a very funny comment he said can't be copy struck if the guy died 300 years ago one of my many five had moves I'll be making today nice so okay so you should take the pawn and bring the knight into the center of the board this is why I think it's very risky what's happening at the start of this game by box box because if one wood takes the pawn and then brings the knight to attack the Queen he is already much much better in this game right but I wonder how intuitive that is for him because I think a move that might come more naturally to little he's just to take out his knight kind of you know just adhering to those basic opening principles to try to develop your pieces quickly right right that that is a reasonable way of playing it I think I did tell him though that he does if your opponent moves the Queen out early it's not it's it's violating the principles so I do I do see a way that he could rationalize taking the pawn here even if it's not the most obvious move yeah that makes sense so I'm loading up his stream to see if we can get some of his thoughts here as well it's still loading I need to subscribe so that I you know don't get these ads but it'll happen and box box so he has nine minutes say 25 bucks right so so what was the thing about moving the bishop I I'm actually listening in got it alright so he moved the bishop and this wasn't the most accurate move the pawn on e4 unguarded yeah but it's very weird position because after black takes the pawn you can move the knight to e5 and it's still very unclear sorry I just meant to say that we did at Ludwig and he is alive so we can hear his thoughts or actually his 500 year-old music expected so he said he expected this do you think he's gonna move his Knight to e5 I think it's critical that he does it's a bad exchange yeah I could battery I actually don't feel too bad about battery here this is actually kind of a bait I wonder if he takes us baiting box box if he takes my knight on f3 he's alright then I take Knight C so I can only respond let's go back to the game horn then I take his I think we're gonna go back to the mute so that we can you know explain what's going on in the game right right so he has he's trying to remember what I showed him the yet last night the problem is here o box box doesn't take the night oh no no no no no I mean he still has a good position but he's completely winning yeah if he took the night he was just winning also be kind of worked I guess by Ludwig he still us to move the knight on this move though yes I moved the knight here he's gotta move the knight so he doesn't lose the knight for free yeah and he seems surprised by this he thought I'm worried that he's gonna leave the knight there cuz he thinks it's still good bait I don't think so because again one of the things I said is if you look at the ratings Ludwig is 1,100 so loved ones rating actually is pretty high amongst amongst most of players so I don't think he's gonna leave it hanging for a second time here I expect him to move the knight there you go did 95 great move on his end box box has to be a little bit careful to not make any mistakes here but he can go for just a night trade yeah but this is actually I think completely okay for white because if you trade the Knights and the bishops then you're gonna lose a pawn on this b7 square so yeah this is this game is still very very unclear and and it's the first game I think we've seen where the players have gotten into a position very early on where neither player knows knows knows what they're doing like they don't have a set plan or set strategy and I think in all the other games we've seen the players get out the opening phase relatively quickly without any trouble and this game both players are kind of up and down it's very very imbalanced I don't really know what's gonna happen and let's say they trade off into a middle game or an end game then that's where box box would be the favorite but let me get probably not thinking like that I feel like he's confident yeah I think what what generally is is very confident he believes in himself and he's got a good position here I think this is this is very very good for him at this point I really do like like what he's done so far even if the even if pure dream wasn't quite right yeah fair enough so box boxes is taking a think here maybe we can go and listen to what he's saying here I love the animation he has on his board okay we're we're about to pull up his dream I'll take now at which point I'll take you now no that's not good for me that's not good for me mm-hmm I'm actually really nervous I'm really scared here do I have to go here I feel like I have to okay so then what happens after he does this am I then taking a night I like the way he's thinking through this the only problem is that you yeah I think at that point I'm taking night have quite a bit of a time sink yeah I mean I think I think for box box this is yeah this is Jerry tricky and I think you might want to show are you showing screen or not oh yeah 8700 will get will get I think I thought we were on his screen oh no we were just listening to him sorry I thought we had his arrows on the board that was my bad 97 what are your thoughts here I mean I think it's it's probably the best move but it's also a very risky move because white can now bring the bishop out to it to pin the knight and the Queen okay this is also reasonable and just shout out to everybody 60,000 people this is currently the most watched show on twitch right now and you guys were here a hikaru Ludwig Bach socks huge shout out thanks so much everyone this is this is exciting I this is this is definitely the premiere game of the first set of matches and so far it's living up to the billing even if there was this big hiccup where a black could have taken the night so so yeah I think I think so far this is a very good opening for Ludwig's not doing badly Albert actually box box he looks a little bit uncomfortable normally what I've watched him do his dreams and he's he's explaining his moves he he doesn't look uncomfortable and he actually looks a little bit uncomfortable right now just looking at the physical body language so I I think this is anyone's game right and I mean at some point if lytic wants to take advantage she is gonna have to trade off and it seems like that moment is now since box box is putting pressure on his knight on e5 so he probably anticipates the threat as well yeah I think probably what he should do is you should probably take the bishop of the night and then develop his night play for the quick attack rather than something slow this is one thing I tried to sort of explain to him last night when I was helped me out is play play aggressively don't don't sort of sit back and let the let your opponent kind of out play or outmaneuver out strategize you because the difference between the players of these level is basically the only chance you're gonna have to beat them as if you can if you can make them uncomfortable and get them to make a blunder in the opening phase the game and [ __ ] about four by the way which was played is also a very good move I do like this so Bishop f4 and box box now pushes a six so he is I I did like 97-year idea made a lot of sense to get the bishop pair off but he developed so that's intuitive his oh well yeah the problem is that Knight takes e5 is gonna get rid of the threat on f7 and also attack the Queen at the same time so if box box sees this he is winning I think I think he ki Carr who had a heart attack no I'm still here like yeah okay why has the box box taking the knight right away well why don't we actually take a look at box box now if we can just do that quickly so we can see what he's saying no it's gonna play b5 oh he castled okay he didn't go for it go for it oh no okay but he's no battery so it's a tough position there's a lot going on I understand why he's afraid about that so I just want to say that for box box it is a tough position he's still better and I know for Ludwig also it's hard to see ologies there's so much try right now obviously I'm defense alright there's exactly too much going on complicated and also the other thing is look at the time like they're both very low on time and we're only what like I move like move Newtown or something yeah like both players have already used half their time and we're so early on I think this is this is very very messy and I do worry for box box because he's already miss makes me feel like--that's that's God's looking down on me as I made such a high level of understanding I love it yeah I mean I mean I guess the way I would say is like when I look at these games there are certain people were based on what I've seen out of them I do expect them to see certain basic concepts or tactical ideas so that's the reason that I am somewhat disappointed because I have seen box box play some really good chess and he's definitely capable of seeing these these ideas yeah absolutely and so here it seems like he's very worried about that pawn on f7 and he can just eliminate the threat by getting rid of the knight on e5 because then if Bishop takes rook takes and it's defended pawn is offended twice as attack three three times so if you get rid of one of those attackers he should be comfortable and he's managed to develop and get to safety here yeah I'm I mean I don't know what to make the play it's like it feels like Ludwig makes a blunder every other move and then the other movie plays is always very very good like Queen b3 is an excellent move here by Ludwig because you don't you don't want to move your night and help activate the black bishop so I'm this games just been very confusing because Ludwig plays a blunder and then he plays it like a great move and any place blunder and then he plays a great move so he's either very very very up and down but right now he's on the right temple he's out coming off the good move so ono Bishop e6 oh no yeah this is pretty bad i mean if box aux gets a bishop he is sorry if fluttery takes the bishop then he's gonna recapture he's currently down upon but he gets his pawn back and on top of that okay I see that you've all eval bar saying he's only up a pawn but he has an attack on the King that I think is gonna be very scary for box box yeah so basically you trade the bishops and then you take with the Queen and then you move the knight with the fork all right oh I mouse slipped trying to show your line okay no that's not what I meant here we go I assume this is gonna happen yeah so chat this is all what's happening I just wanted to put he car was explanation on the Lord so okay so he played one good mover we're gonna see two good moves it's a real question because we saw a good move blunder good move blunder powder from Ludwig so it's important that Ludwig trades trades the bishops here and just takes upon whether you can play the sequence of the good moves is what we're gonna see here but if he doesn't think the one I think he should see it he should see it let's go to load way because I think he's about to explain it didn't mean to cut you off there and let's listen to what he has to say so I could I could bring my I come is he gonna see it moment of truth actually what purpose is my bishop serving on f4 or is it better to bring a new piece out I guess he's gonna be ending the night yeah he's defending the night yeah hey I can't move I can't move ah I feel I feel like I wanted I wanted to do c3 and I talked myself into c3 but now I'm recognizing maybe because I didn't activate my [ __ ] my knight soon enough I should just all right let's go back to our board because we did see his move so we'll go back to talking here Hikaru he's keeping up the pattern hikaru yeah I'm here okay so now box box this is his third opportunity win the game very important that he takes advantage of it here this is very it's very important also the other thing I would say is right now both players are getting very long the clock now both players are down to three minutes so and this is gonna probably be a complete blunder fest here if box box fails to win the game on the spot which you can I believe with Knight takes Knight no man if white captures Knight back you take the bishop and the Queen and the rook get overloaded but we'll see we'll see if this happens I mean both players are getting a long time both players are clearly very nervous I think you can say so this is I mean this is 1964 just played okay so this is a good move although I do worry after Queen to c3 what the next I guess you can go Knight f3 which is probably winning but again whether box box ceases considering how shaky has been so far I think is uh I mean we'll see III think he will but I don't know if it's it's guaranteed I mean I think this position is is very complex for the players less than three minutes on the time all of the pieces are still on the board except for you know three pawns here so there is a lot to calculate and time pressure I think this is going to be one of the first games I have commentated on where time plays a very serious role yeah I think time will play a role here if the game if box box needs to cease at actual solution that wins on the next move I think the game will end otherwise you're right the time will definitely play a very big role here in this game um why don't we get out at two minutes now so it's basically with these with these guys I think every single move is is super critical is basically when you make your move then all the pressure goes back to the other guy and so forth with every passing move well on the bright side for Ludwig I see him hovering over the Queen so we're not gonna see a blunder there right I actually wonder if he should maybe try to take the knight and then take the bishop but I think considering he already misses our community capture the bishop right he will move the Queen yeah cuz to play a move like rook takes before he would have to see the continuation otherwise it's just a bad mood right exactly but he's having way too long time he's got a move so what would your advice be to players when they're you know in complicated positions and they're starting to take so long on their clock I think they should probably start moving quicker because again I think when you get two on the clock you're you're you're in you're gonna end up in a lot of trouble and hear Ludwig he still may be okay but he's got he just gotta make MOOCs I think once you get too low on the clock as people who are relatively new to chest you're not gonna be able to see patterns okay now I blenders now Albert has many ways to win the game here right he has discovery attack on f3 if he wants and the reason why that is good is because it opens up the Queen to take on d1 and and this is this is a tactic that box box would definitely see if either he knew it was a tactic like on puzzle rush or if he has enough time right so he should see it I think what makes this even easier to see is that the queen is not attacking the knight anymore like the Queen's not on the third-ranked right because the Queen went down you can also take the bishop here which is quite good followed by Knight to eat you Chuck okay did he move it yeah he took that okay so now this is where if what we can see the checkmate powder and move his knight out to c3 there still are some chances but I don't think he's gonna see it and he blunders nights no I made him to the game oh my gosh box box art honestly that's a beautiful finish from box box to see this combination yeah this is a very good finish bye-bye box box here he has that tactical side it was a messy game we really quite a rollercoaster to be honest but the last blunder was on Ludwig and box box took advantage of it mm-hmm and box loss is gonna win the game now Queen d1 yeah very uh very very close game very very tight I think until the add we weren't sure what was gonna happen there and out of all the games this is the one that I think has had probably the most drama where it wasn't clear to the deepest moment like there's liquor an in-game of fantastic but already someone was ahead by his point so what a game yeah absolutely and we will be Oh going on audio for box box just so we can hear his reaction he must be pretty happy and we actually had three wins by black today very different than what we usually see in traditional tournaments okay we're about to listen to what box box is saying it was he listening to us oh I hope not emerge all just listening to each other here well congratulations box box as you are that was a fantastic that much right now I think he's just making sure he can open his chat I know he put in delay and he also yeah I understood right of course mhm and and to explain that to chat um obviously you know as with any games there's backseat gaming and people can sometimes post engine moves or higher rated players can suggest moves so part of the rules to make sure that doesn't happen was adding delay to chat and also requiring players to close our chat so you know box box he's a good sport and nice to see that he's being very careful with that mm-hmm on that note we are about to go to a quick break we're gonna show you Ludwig's stream at the same time and we'll be back soon with the usual interviews yeah I'm winning slightly and then I do the battery and I'm losing like like like so much like so much the correct move was Knight to e5 and then I did have an opening that I saw but I didn't do the math on ah I was nervous I was nervous absolutely hot for some reason this tournament 16 people feels like we got 12 brain-dead variety streamers who all we do is we watch memes and then accrue Prime subs and then we got four whole nerds in this tournament I don't know how they snuck in I'll be honest okay they know who I'm referring to I'm live on chesses stream well good well good they should hear this it's unfair I robbed inbox box in the same tournament there is a difference between the two people we can admit this we can say it out loud ah they want an interview do their interview losers why do they interview losers yeah I blundered a bunch ya Hikaru told me not to do this but I did it anyway yeah that copyright thing what I have nothing i got nothing when i was playing my 800 alone match I was I was I was succeeding and it's weird that when I played a 1600 Ehlo guy it wasn't succeeding perhaps in the future I could consider to to make him make more blunders that would be a good plan of action if I only had him do more blunders I think it would have gone differently Oh Oh perfect Oh perfect Oh coffee on the nice sweatshirt Oh what could go wrong that's still on the stream why am I still on the stream what come on show box box doing doing the weird wheat winning kawaii wait why are you showing this there anything else anything at all anything just anything all you have to do is play like play like like head shoulders knees and toes and they'll entertain twitchchat play brain power this is this is a train wreck that shouldn't be on live television all right new plan I throw every single match I have I get into the consolation I beat the out of everyone there it's a pogchamp story the whole way through illegal how is it illegal how is it illegal what am I supposed to do I blunder anyway let's be real I probably lose to Swift or check email for interview I'm kidding no I wouldn't do that I respect tournaments integrities as one of the former best super smash brothers melee players of all times with wins over chillindude in other names I know I know that integrity matters do I open am I supposed to do the interview this box box out during the interview are they actually interviewing loser all right all right sure and we are live we're joined by Ludwig and box box light awake do you want to ask the question you you just did before we were on yeah Alex my questions why did you why did you and akaru both teach me that were clearly designed for box box to take advantage have a better opening and then destroy me so he Cara was talking about how you actually had a better opening position he carted take it away yeah so basically in this opening box box tried to follow what he does against the bishop coming out right away by playing g6 and if after pawn takes pawn I think guys can both see the board yeah I'm putting them on after push the pawn in the center to this d5 square you could have taken with pawn takes pawn Queen takes pawn and then bring your night out to attack the Queen and when the Queen moves away let's just say back to d8 here you can then push your pawn forward to d5 and black is just way behind there's no development and your Bishop can come out and check the King next move on the light squares and your King can go out of the center and you would have been winning so so the question mud wig is why did you do it to yourself okay okay there is okay so I just learned this opening because my old opening was literally Lopez and then and then Hans is like Hans Thomas knock it's an goal to and so then and so then instead you taught me this opening yesterday but there's so much to learn you're supposed to battery sometimes sometimes you're supposed to push your pawn up sometimes you not supposed to push up on him sometimes you're like but you always want your pawns in the for file ugly and these squares right here are so important so like I'm not pushing this up I will never push this up but now I'm supposed to push it out but I didn't remember that in the moment so I went for the I was like you know I'll just pin him I'll pin him then he can't take me then I can't and then I have a battery and the battery would have worked - you actually did have chances with the battery there - but before we go deeper into it box box what were your thoughts on the opening I was really scared I was really scared the whole time oh ah don't fall Brady's told I didn't realize I was making a lot of bad moves I you don't know the end of the game I was like I was thinking I'm playing this pretty well but Ludwig is playing this even better after the game I found it we just both suck but in the moment I was like oh my god this is insane one wrong move and I get checkmate it I lose a bunch of pieces I have a question box box on move 7 so why didn't you take his night uh well boys back a great question I was under the impression that if I take his night mm-hmm he must have had something genius planned I did I go Bishop to c6 run it on the simulation then he takes with his pawn I take with my queen Oh your pin soccer isn't pork yeah double forks have two pins in them it's a two prompt in yeah yeah this is this is a fork there is a way that he can defend the rook and the King but honestly it is a little bit hard to see Bishop d7 he's blocking the check and he's protecting the rook but if you didn't see that you know the simulation would have worked oh yeah but he wouldn't have done that well I did do that in the game wondering the whole time man you would have done there's no way no way okay yeah maybe that makes sense actually yeah um but you did bait him and it did end up working and he car is there another moment in the position where you had a question right so one position was when later when you had the Queen the bishop line on the other other line towards the king right here after the bishop moves did you see that you could take the bishop and then take the pawn after that with your queen I thought about this move for a while and I and I and I thought I could take and then and then for some reason I thought he could just block with rook and then but I still am a pawn up but for some reason I was like I need more more more MORE wait I can I'm sorry yeah go ahead Albert I was gonna say uh what about the pawn on d4 so it okay first let's let's take a quick look at it so if black was the King here there's this knight move to f7 check forking the Queen and the king and black has to give the rook for the night and so white is ahead by a little bit here oh oh oh you did have to go a little bit deep to see this light and it is still tricky the pawn on d4 is hanging so I can see why why box foxes plan was to try to get it back but this would have been really dangerous for sure and just to go back then to the opposition of Knight takes pawn with the bishop on e6 Bishop Knight takes pawn yeah yeah sorry he really takes bishop Pancho's 19 spawn inside yeah after taking on the bishop here we go but here there's Bishop takes pawn which is a check so black can't capture the King Ludwig I'm scared to argue with them I feel like these guys know their stuff this one I think what mean box box went for the blunder line was a little more proactive in profile reflect prophylactics so that's what we were thinking but honestly not a bad you know thought yeah we're just backseat gaming here you know this is a little bit rude sometimes but we appreciate you guys being good sports like when I play against my twitch ad they always backseat game but you guys actually know you're saying yeah I saw after the fact but I didn't see it until he had moved his knight and then and then I felt oh god that was that that was brutal this was brutal box box that last tactic by you was a masterpiece did how far behind did you see it alright oh like at what point did you get this idea I was like three moves in advance and then I almost made it like three times while running into something like that it was like something in the way like three times I'm like right about to instantly lock in that what I thought was a check man like oh wait the Bishop's there oh wait the Queen's there oh wait something else and then on the third time there was finally nothing in the way I was like okay I can do it now nice nice no that was beautiful and Ludwig did this catch you by surprise at all honestly Alex no you knew it's gonna happen I feel like you actually lost a box box on purpose because you have been running multiple computer simulations to see how you can optimize the amount of prize money you're gonna get and maybe going for like the consolation bracket and finishing first this is gonna be more than we're having this is a weird thought process I've never thought this interesting interesting no I would Wow you could have backed me up one time never again never again don't self-incriminating the one rule I wanted to go out like that guy in in was Forrest Gump I went to die in the battlefield oh okay look I could have I could have had him take off my limb one part buy at a time but I thought let's go out honorably I see this checkmate what do you see it three head I saw it for a head and I thought let's set him up for it you know let's let's let them let's let him see this one in he needs this well he car anything you want to add on that game there no I just saw it actually out of all the matches in the first round it was definitely one of the most entertaining games and one of the ones that really both of you guys use a lot of time and it still was was wasn't clear until just the very last last move this nighty to chuck winning a game so I thought you both played played a very good game and it was just very complicated a lot of rollercoasters but you both had your chances yeah and and this was the first game for both of you in pogchamp how was it compared to your expectations maybe box box you can start I was really nervous I am happy I won Thank You Shane talk to the mic like you've never stream before in your life oh yeah I was I was I was nervous I was nervous but at the same time I was it because cuz I know that he was I'm the underdog and it's so much sicker to be the underdog because you can just lose and it doesn't matter and and and the more he car gassed me out the less nervous I was because I know that everybody you've gassed up is lost so I know secretly when you say that they have like a 20-30 percent chance of winning it means were well you all you had to find was one good move man one good move in time efore was good we can admit this admittedly smart he's lucky he's not a bo3 that's all I'm gonna say Bo and unfortunately I'm so busy box box so I can't even play right now cuz I'm fortunate thing at 238 but if it was a best-of-three who would have been over curtains wow that that talk I mean he Caro actually said that you kept alternating between blunders and fantastic moves so you you know you did you did have some good moves in there you just kind of even them out with badness yeah and I think that's what we call balance yeah healthy balanced life well before we let you guys go it would be awesome to hear a bit more about your channels I mean box box I know you've been streaming for a long time we get a lot of chests lately anything else you can share with chat yeah I signed up for this tournament for one reason and one reason only as you know I stream League of Legends and boy boy on the other side of the bracket ended my masters promos in league he was on the other team and he ruined me so this is mostly like a revenge story like oh he's signing up for this tournament sure I guess I can learn he's 1611 try to catch up that's what this is all about well that is the true determination the storyline that everybody has been waiting for and Ludwig I know you do a ton of variety anything you can share with the chat you know what I just actually won a super mario 64 World Championship last weekend one of the best in the world at that but I decided to take it to chess I'll be honest I'm in it for the money alright I'm gunning for the 10k that's all I'm in it for I love it you guys these answers are super refreshing box box Ludwig thank you guys so much for being here and best of luck with the tournament in the future peace out guys cool thank you so much all right on that note we are taking a look at the schedule so this oddity car this was so much fun yeah I mean I think this was probably the the one of the two of two of my favorite matchups in the first round the other one being NIM and slicker but just the general the response is the wittiness in terms of what they were saying there's just some classy answers and that was just a lot of fun yeah I'm with you there so I'm just gonna let you guys know what the next matches are because they're coming up tomorrow so we are gonna have a Rob vs. Nate Hill and this is gonna be super exciting because Arab was talking some trash saying there's no way I'm gonna lose to a fortnight player Nate well Nate from what I've seen he's super positive super polite so I feel like he hasn't said anything similar in return but you know maybe he's gonna show it on the board and I believe that we're also gonna have voyboy versus foosley do you got any prep for foosley so she can have another mate in 13 yeah actually I'm gonna be helping her a little bit later on stream so once once I go live in like a nap like in an hour hour and a half we'll be trying to prepare and give her some opening strategies strategies and she will be playing with the black pieces against some against boy boy obviously boy boy is a big favor but if Foose Lee can pull off an upset upset she will guarantee herself a spot in the champions bracket so gonna be very interesting to see and that would be the most incredible upsets as voyboy is the favorite here we are also gonna have hutch versus yeah so and what is your take on that because hutch is obviously the rating favorite but yeah so has been improving so quickly yeah I think that's actually gonna be a very close match up as well both of them won their first round matchups respectively so I think I think yeah so who can get out of the opening phase and sort of spot some of these patterns and tactical solutions he is a very good chance of causing an upset hutch certainly should be the favorite but it's very dependent on on what what happens in the first the opening part of the game absolutely well chat it has been a blast this was the most watched stream on Twitch and I would ask you to do something but you would do the opposite so please don't follow chess on Twitch so that you miss all of these exciting games go watch something else thank you so much everyone for tuning in he car you are awesome yeah you too a lot of fun bye everyone bye
Channel: Chess.com
Views: 103,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, checkmate, chess videos, checkmate videos, chess.com videos, chess.com video lectures, chess.com video lessons
Id: L9Qja9RNeKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 18sec (2298 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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