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[Music] even when he blenders it's still losing yeah I just can't do it too much too much chess too much chess today you guys oh my God now I just yeah now I just blundered a pawn for no reason twoo much chess yeah just too much chess yeah I'm just going to stop after this game just too much I I'm not seeing anything literally I'm just not seeing anything at all I'll get back to 3300 probably at some point in the next week but I'm just not seeing any moves here I just hang a pawn hang a piece hang something everywhere the only good thing is I actually playing over theboard chest pretty soon and generally when I do very badly online that that pretends very well for my over theboard I mean even this is just wrong maybe I queen B5 Queen B7 there which I didn't even see maybe I'm going to go C4 I'm sure is terrible too yeah I mean if I don't I mean either way if I win or lose this is last game I just I I don't have it I'm too tired I've been streaming way too long at this point yeah some sometimes you have to know when to stop and now is when I know it's time to stop I'm literally not seeing anything I guess I can [Music] take I mean KN A3 is a better move now what am I even doing here kn5 I guess slight mistake wait a second is this a big mistake terrible no no I'm I'm ending after this game I just don't I'm not feeling it no I mean it's just ridiculous even this game I mean I should have just been I should have I was lost on move five like I just I'm too tired go here and take I guess oh why did I do this and immediately I have to blunder right right of course I'll still win this I should win this game maybe not though yeah I'm going to win this game I think now cuz I get Shu yeah go here get the Queens off the board go here May Bishop H6 is an addiction kind of um I'm just going to bring the Knight back to F6 I mean I just expect better of myself so that's why like I didn't stop when I expect better of myself like it's I just don't stop generally but now I can take you can't take there we go okay eight more to go okay I'm up a pawn here and I'm much better so K just not flub this he could sack I guess no he doesn't okay let's go A5 it should just be easy takes and takes okay time just push the pawn another Free Pawn oh I didn't even see that I didn't even see that move as I think you can tell from my reaction there I mean everything's kind of hanging here yeah just take yeah it's just winning I just go chug and take the piece go like a494 maybe A4 B3 is move I I assume my position's fine here but H6 I don't believe this is correct there's always G4 I think forget if G4 is correct I'll do it now take and play like Bishop G3 takes with a queen that I did not expect actually that's confusing to me but it is what it is we'll go here and Rook e four [Music] maybe this isn't right the way that he's played this I'm pretty sure of that or did I just make a mistake let's go here here hit the queen guard the bishop like I think I'm fine here but maybe I maybe I'm maybe I'm on maybe I'm on some kind of weird high I assume I take with the queen I don't know I assume I'm in good shape here check I have Bishop E7 I also have Queen H6 here we6 E5 though take should be correct with Bishop F6 oh he's got Bishop F3 which of course I did not see at all I guess I'll go I don't know C1 I don't even know if makes a difference where I put my Rook maybe I just no no I can't hanging go here I guess here maybe there logical I don't know if this is a draw or not thinking too long again I think BB 3 is a mistake no let just Checkmate there we go next game okay sub seven more let's keep going seven more let's keep rolling let's just take and go here I'm going play Rook C8 here uh let's go A5 don't know what I'm doing again actually just don't know what I'm doing I mean I can take and take but that's that's a free Pawn but it's a very iffy Free Pawn but I'll go for it anyway I think I'm guarding everything somehow yeah he takes okay so he takes the queen so let's go let's go here to hit the pawn oh does he have Bishop G5 he does of course but I have here and that's huh okay you guys six let's keep going six six here resign six to go no no it's six cuz we're at 3238 I want to get back to 50 why did I play this by the way this is not correct either I mean maybe I Knight G5 and Bishop AG 7 to can I sack I mean no that's to insane let's just go here okay this looks okay these much to arenia piao for subscribing thanks so much to aren piao it goes 95 which I actually do not understand at all cuz now he's got weaknesses again and there's also Bishop H6 and Rook D1 here singing then Halen whatever happened to the coms game shows on the Radio Donna crazy for for Nirvana I think I'm going to go G4 G5 here just attack okay wait there's 96 maybe to hit the Rook 19 19 1985 G5 also move here but a knight H6 uh Knight H6 actually I kind of like this one more with Knight F5 and queen H3 there's also oh I could have actually just trading on Bish K 3 what stupid okay let's go H4 I I mean I could I could have just traded queens and gone Bishop A3 okay come on just finish off the game somehow for G5 what does this do I just take and I just take and go here uh Bishop E3 seems acceptable with Queen E1 but it's not of course now there's Knight D5 but I have Rook D1 but okay I'm unhappy but I'm still going to win but it's bad technique here maybe H the Knight stop Knight at three Rook e one yeah it should be very simple here pressure the horse and the rest should be very straightforward okay I think yeah okay five more you guys five more let's go five more five more I mean E5 is a move but it's not the move I'm going to play Knight E6 is move I'm going to play to hit the queen I guess I'll go maybe here with the idea of B4 somewhere okay four more to go you guys four more let's let's keep it together for four more games that's all I've got to do is four more games or did they're not wait what what am I missing wait a second slow down there's also Knight D5 here wait I think this is correct actually so he takes he gets mated takes takes he's losing four more equals 40 points I mean four more to get to um I don't care you can take I I don't care oh it's Queen no Queen C4 B3 okay there we go going 4 equals 14 no I just want to get to 50 remember 50 was my goal 50 was my goal like an hour ago actually yeah 50 was my goal an hour ago and then I lost like the second game no I mean this this is it we're we're we're stopping after this either I get to 50 or I lose a game basically he's going to take B think H3 is correct I think now D4 is supposed to be acceptable though there Bishop B7 I don't believe Bishop B7 is correct I don't know why but it doesn't going to go here believe that Bishop e some's a little bit dubious English is a trash language thank you um let's take go here oh maybe I had Knight E oh I had Knight E4 maybe to use these Knights wrong Knight but it's still fine okay but now well there's Knight E4 still play this move it looks right threatning 96 to 4 with these Knights we here to hit the [Music] bishop maybe here to take the bishop is F4 move here F4 takes Rook B1 Queen B Rook B8 C3 no just go here keep it simple I was trying very hard to make um make a trick work right on Qi blunder Bishop C3 but thankfully he missed it praise the Lord he missed it he had Bishop take C3 and he missed it I'm going to go here and trade take maybe Knight C1 was playable too but I I have a feeling that I should be much better here if I'm precise like maybe Queen E3 to cut him off and now the key to winning this game Step One is rookie two step two is rookie one step three is to play against these weak pawns some I don't know if I should play H4 G4 force them to weaken the king side or not I'm not actually sure um Queen E8 also looks plausible Queen D4 maybe just H4 first just fix the structure and I think I'm going to go Queen E4 and Rook E6 somewhere go A3 but now he's misplayed this cuz now I'm going to get the Rook to E6 or E8 um let's go here so here I mean I feel like I should be better here but I don't really know how maybe I go here to hit the pawn no this is wrong okay he misplayed it but uh cuz I get the double stack long this one he could have played Rook D6 there and he still keeps the balance now he's going to lose the game okay you guys three more let's go three more or wait actually this isn't isn't cleanly winning or is it no it is I just Rook G7 somehow this isn't do I have g42 gh5 somehow I mess this up somehow this is not simple to prove go here here that's just a blender I just take okay yep three more you guys let's get let's get this show on the road time to start pushing the Aon up the board I also put the queen on B6 good check go here go here guard all the pawns cuz now I can go here and it's mate Checkmate there we go next game E4 okay let's play E4 I feel like E3 is a move but I'm not as good as Daniel nitzki so I'm just going to clip that I'm not as good as Daniel so I can't play E3 and make it work not as good as Daniel so I'm not going to be able to make the E3 nonsense work um could play H4 I also have Bishop H6 somewhere kind of just want to go Bishop H6 to Target The Pawn Yeah someone's going to clip that someone like hearu finally admitting that he's not as good as Daniel nitki like you know someone's going to clip that they're gonna be like see you guys hearo finally admitted it play knight7 here you don't like the music okay let's move forward now I can obviously trade I don't want to um I trade which way is he taking actually thing with a bishop okay reasonable Bishop G4 seems right to hit the queen here and now I can always reroute the Knight to G5 maybe feel like I should be better here somehow but I don't see why that's the only problem like his Bishop on H1 is dead H but I'm not sure why okay I guess I'll go here maybe doesn't do anything okay I'm going to go here on Bishop B5 maybe I can use Knight G4 somewhere maybe maybe probably not but we'll see let's go here and hit the Rook okay let's go here now I'm trying to attack him very quickly there's also Queen F6 here big threat it should be really good for me yeah I think we're we're going to be two away in a second in two games and one second and Knight F1 only move makes sense now what I need to do here is how do I out skill maybe like Rook C8 to pressure the bishop everything is good as Bishop is bad all my pieces are placed perfectly Bishop C4 is a move I don't know if I want to play it but but why not why not it's reasonable okay wa but now don't I have Bishop f8 to Target the bishop and once pieces start coming off the board longterm is in really really bad shape here wait the file opens up this must be winning for me somehow maybe Knight E5 Knight E5 D5 ah maybe have Knight E5 first yeah I think this is working takes and takes well takes maybe Queen I think it's working yeah I think I just take and I think I'm winning and if he doesn't take I'm going to LLY him with Knight F3 and queen G2 so he has to and then he loses all right you guys two more let's go two more two more or no goes there okay what's that do nothing let's go I mean what's the cleanest way to win this I guess this is probably the cleanest way um feel like I'm somehow misplaying this I don't know why but I feel like I am take yeah this just winning because of Knight D4 I have Queen D5 with the Lolly mate if he takes takes here same thing yeah it should just be GG's pawn and H3 very very critical in this end game or do I go to actuallyit Queen E4 maybe is better yeah Queen E4 is better CU King F1 there's Rook C1 and queen H1 to win the game yeah okay keep going um got to be careful here um Knight F3 is oh wait can I sack the queen yeah I can sack it's mate it's just mate King has no no Escape Square go again two more keep going two more you want us to play this one okay let's play this old school line see what he does here B3 obviously not the best move well I shouldn't say Obviously cuz most people don't know the theory but yeah chat s MC withdrawals not today tomorrow we'll do MC we'll do like three or four episodes if you guys really want it good G3 here yeah tomorrow maybe will'll do three or four episodes okay that should make you guys happy I can play H4 which is one of the moves that I kind of want to play here F4 is also move I don't know if F4 is Good Very very committal I'm just going to go H4 I'm going to go G4 I bet it's a bad move but I don't care I bet it's a bad move oh he takes wellow I did not expect that um no maybe this is just it's like take and take H not the dream that's for sure cuz T go here pressure the pawn maybe I have F4 though let's go A4 here some point I have F4 I assume oh I might have had it right away I think I had F4 right away and I missed it go here me Rook e one you can also take I realized if I play F5 not easy to win this don't want to go F5 I also don't want to go King H2 or actually sorry I can't go King I either have to take or play F five still not clear cucks I have Rook G1 also and I have the structure I want because the Queens side pawns maybe I can win this this is a critical game this is a game where he's playing well and I'm not actually playing great um rookie 4 seems decent No rookie 4 is not decent is it the move it's not the mo move though come on come on you got to move May B4 okay now I feel like after Rook e four I've gotten what I wanted let's go here oh did I just blender F6 no I Rook D4 Queen gther is also a move there um maybe here a move here go here trying to create past pawns on the queen side I think I'm going to get a three majority wait no how do I do this wait what should be winning here if I don't flub this up okay missed this now now I got a mate again go here and made him there we go one more you guys one more let's go one more it's not stalemate homie it's not stalemate Lolly mate one more you guys one more for the road let's do it that free misery if he goes H3 I'll play okay it's going to go g for fine I'll play E5 let's take and go for this one he doesn't play this line so I don't really expect him to know it well what's there I'm going to go Rook E8 so there's no H6 Bishop H Bishop h8 nonsense but Bishop D7 was maybe playable too go here now I can put the Knight on D7 Play Bishop B6 and Bishop A6 he takes interesting choice I feel like there going to be some dark sare dark Square problems in the long run for him I'm going to go A4 here maybe not the only move that I can play I mean C4 is also interesting takes okay so now I take of course hard to judge this position um F4 F6 um very tough to judge this I think I'm going to go to F6 and I think I'm going to try to activate with C4 activate the bishop and the Knights and bring all my pieces into the game I think I'm going to win this game you guys I I do feel very good right now um um I think I'll just go here to start pressure the pawn like I want to go Bishop G4 and I feel like the activity is worth a lot here oh Bishop G4 he's got Queen G5 okay his tricks silly silly tricks Maybe let's go here then pin the tail on the donkey that doesn't do much though why did I play that oh maybe it's okay though cuz maybe it's okay problem with my opponent is where is he castling the king here like where is he castling he can't Castle either way that's the main issue he goes Rook C1 okay so I guess I'll go back to f8 let me go here Knight B5 is just T go Rook C8 and F6 maybe okay um let's go here kind of misplayed this a little bit I feel like felt good about my position now I feel like I mess this up completely um how do I do this guess I'll go F6 no it's wrong though I still the two B's though the two Bishops should be worth something in this end game like I miss played it but his King is very weak here the extra Pawn on D5 is not really great that I don't really want to trade um but I got to pick up speed if I want to keep the game complicated maybe I just go here cuz now if he goes back then I'll just bring the Rook back to A8 and the game goes on now I do have F5 somewhere in here um thought I just moved though I'm going to go B5 B4 B4 takes activate the Rooks and I feel like F5 somewhere in here should be fine don't know this let's go here to stop the infiltration Rook C6 I just take and I'm fine his Queen is tied down to the pawn here so if I can get like Queen B8 maybe the show goes on but I have I have real chance to win if I can get the Rook to B8 I feel like those Rook A1 I I think I'm going to go F5 here I'm I'm going to get chirpy I'm going to start attacking in the center of the board takes Queen G6 I blunder here I might have made a blender I don't think I did oh he goes Rook E1 I was worried about Rook A6 which he missed now after E4 I'm in great shape yeah now I should win the game let's see I should win this if I don't flub this up like complete even material go here Target the pawns go here pressure the pawn on D5 ah don't blunder don't blunder stay calm let's go here that's uh that's a pawn but I don't want to take I'm going to go here if I take he get Rook B1 Rook B7 a poison Pawn okay now he hangs it no Forks now it's GG's go here take away the square ah he's trying to be cheeky go here I'm pushing the pawns Now Let's do let's go Chuck um go here it should be winning check check and mate check and M oh no it's not me wait sorry no it's not M shoot I thought it was me but it's not go here there we go zero check me and he resigns okay he resigns the game okay okay it's off you guys that is enough enough I finally got to 3250 I was wanted to be there an hour ago but whatever and welcome back everybody I hope you guys are having a fantastic morning afternoon evening wherever you are on the Big Wide World we're back we're live streaming once again starting here on Twitch going to kick a little bit later on um one second here let me look at this position um I want to play Queen E2 here if E5 there might be a knight G5 I think I'll just take let's go A4 here uh probably I'm going to Castle or play B3 probably B3 Bishop A3 is a nasty little idea that I have in mind here let's see what he does let's go here pressure the queen good to C thank you to leorn for the 31 month resub appreciate thank much to lean horn for the 31 months so we are here of course we're starting the stream on um on Twitch and then we'll be going to kick a little bit later on okay I'm going to go back and play Bishop A3 to here here to hit the Rook if Knight B6 I go Bishop D3 and A5 position looks pretty good for me so far but let's see what he does did I ever at one point own a TA clue cat I don't know what a TA clue cat is so probably the answer that would be no but anyway okay you guys we're back we're live streaming here on Twitch we'll be going to kick a little bit later on WE of course have the bullet brawl later later as well so just playing some Blitz um for the moment um I think I'm going to go night A2 here with the idea of Bishop A3 I don't know if it's actually good but the idea is I also B4 to hit the queen or Bishop D2 or Bishop A3 little bit hard to judge what's going on but I like my position at any rate so let's see what he does yeah I don't know what taat is I'm sorry actually um now I could just play G3 maybe bishop A3 obviously decent move I think I'll just go Bishop A3 to hit the Rook if Knight F4 I can go Queen E1 okay it goes C5 which which I really don't like um now I could play B4 here I could also play Knight C3 I think I'm just going to go Rook D1 pressure the Knight maybe Queen E3 to hit the pawn my position is looking very very peachy I'm always happy to play End games as I've said against lower rated players obviously goes there okay I'll go G3 to kick the Knight U maybe not best actually maybe I should have played Knight C3 knight5 first but whatever it's still good yeah I probably should have gone Knight C3 first without this but okay let's go um let's go back and now I can take I can also play A5 somewhere I think I'll just take let's go here maybe I go A5 next Mo to kick the Knight maybe not we'll [Music] seeo I think I have E5 here although I'm honestly not sure uh I think I'm going to play it anyway to go Bishop G2 I also have Knight D6 I also have A5 here if I get Bishop G2 I should be doing very well I'm also way up on clock as well what mouse do you use U I'm using a log Tech right now I thought I could play Bishop G2 a he's got this trick um I don't really want to take D4 I could play like C4 maybe C4 feels wrong I'm going to play it anyway cuz I still have Knight D6 here if he takes I have like Rook D6 or queen C 3 all kinds of Tricks okay he does it um Knight C3 is definitely a move here Rook D6 also a move here Queen C3 also move I think I'm just going to take and hit the pawn cuz there's still Bishop G2 in here as well to hit the queen going to try to get the rating up to 3260 probably in the short term before we go to kick um he plays Rook [Music] d8 um Queen C5 is a move F4 also not a move um one second hell hello to you too um I I'm going to go A5 here to hit the queen let's take take play an end game cuz I'm up on clock still could have Trad and got knight4 to might have been a little bit better but that's [Music] okay still okay here he trying to pick up speed uh go here force a trade it's a little bit low on time with H5 okay that shouldn't be a problem let's go here hit hit everything okay Sol long on time that I should win the game now with all the all the active bees it's too low I have Bishop C4 also to hit the Knight and that's GG or Bishop C3 maybe not clear let's go again I think this guy is adoptable so let's let's try to adopt him probably I'm going to spend the next two hours pushing for 30 30 um let's go C5 pushing for 30 uh 3,300 if I can F5 I was going to play G4 I'll go F4 here ah he wants to go for this this is a very very old line um I'm going to play Bishop F6 let's go A6 here maybe it's not necessarily doing anything specifically but it's just a move to play okay now the key here is I think I'm going to play Knight B6 I might be sacking somewhere in here soon I'm not sure I think I'm going to go Rook B8 I'm going to play very unusual let me go knight8 and Knight C7 go here Knight C7 or B6 okay go here maybe Knight C7 somewhere in here too wait now I got to be careful actually The Rook is um yeah my Rook is kind of a little bit loose here on B8 somehow I don't know why my Knight's on A8 it doesn't belong there at all I'm going to take with the D Pawn I don't know if it's right but it's playable maybe we'll see I don't love my position here I'm going to be honest but I think it's acceptable my Knights are really iffy that's the main problem I have okay let's go here hit the pawn on C4 G5 let's go here goes Knight F2 logical um now the thing that I need to do here is play like Queen d8 maybe pressure Pawn on G5 cuz now he's got G5 H5 is not really an idea and maybe down the road I can even bring my Knights back I don't want this to become cloged that's the only big issue I have here like if he gets this Queens side clogged it's a slight problem now I do have H6 somewhere as well maybe but we'll see question here is how do I open up the position so I think I'm going to go H6 here to open it up right away okay let's go um here obviously I'm probably I'm going to go rook h8 and Bishop G7 somewhere not 100% sure what I'm actually doing in this position but I'm doing something logical let's go here I'm going to try to put my knight on H5 I think it goes Knight G4 I could take but I think I'm just going to go here if H5 then I definitely will take or not maybe not maybe I should just go G5 actually cuz H6 Bishop h8 seems fine my pieces are a little bit weirdly placed in all this but I think I think I can eventually outplay him um question is do I take on G4 oh wait there's a pawn pawn and A4 but I don't want to take it I think I'm going to take and go go here to hit all the pawns let's go here logical let's go here go here probably Bishop F6 maybe Rook F6 somewhere too I'm going to go here to hit the pawn and he's going to have to be very careful here so I'm going to go Rook G6 let's go here bring the bishop in guard everything I mean I always have A5 somewhere later on um think I'm actually going to play A5 here I don't like it but now that the H file is open I think I can I don't understand what that does let's go here let's go here okay so it goes there oh I see he has a trick let's go here maybe Knight A6 here is possible to go Knight B4 could have maybe taken the pawn to probably should have actually go here maybe I don't know what I'm doing again okay F3 kind of a threat now wait that just blunders F3 okay now we win the game and I just go here I win easily Knight F6 also is a move but okay let's just take and GG all right three more to go let's keep going um I think C4 is also just hanging here A1 Queen B3 of course go there let's just go here guard the knights and GG all right so um okay three more to go let's keep rolling let's play E4 let's go here and take this guy seems very farmable by the way very very farmable let's go here and take I guess so three three three more to go uh let's go Knight a five attack the bishop oh that's just the blunders I take okay we got this two more let's keep going check and mate two more let's keep going leave on and he shall be a good [Music] man okay um Bros trying though what do you mean Bros trying now I could take uh I think I'm just going to go B6 here Queen C was also a move too but I don't care B6 and maybe just C5 just play chess I could have traded first why why didn't I actually um go A6 here maybe B5 I'm not worried about Bishop E2 cuz figure if I take he get some kind of attack here let's go here go here maybe 95 okay 's just Castle I don't really want to attack so I think I'm going to go here and Knight C7 maybe go E6 probably E4 and then I guess I take I don't know okay uh I'll take with the F Pawn Queen E7 of course probably Rook d8 somewhere um let just go here oh this doesn't really do anything I could have sacked a rook maybe but I didn't really like it there's Knight E4 which could be a problem but let's see what he does okay it goes back to E2 which I don't particularly like cuz now I think I'm going to go Knight E5 knight6 Knight B4 I'm starting to get exactly what I want here with the Knights are jumping D5 B5 idea still exists I we go from there need a rune magic the unique thing francher I mean maybe I could have sacked I don't know but I I I didn't like it so I didn't do it I had Knight A5 too but I like my Knights here B5 and D5 both exist now thank you little cutie for the two months thank you stany Marsh for the nine months juice boxy as well appreciate thank you so much you guys okay it goes Rook D2 I mean B5 is kind of the move it looks like the move to me at least I'll just take and take what is my third favorite board game after chess and what what are what are my first two chess and dot dot dot I don't know what the first two are that's the problem I guess let's just go here and guard the pawn goes E4 but this hangs yeah this just hangs a pawn Rook D6 I just take take yeah big mistake by my opponent now I should win this one quickly too chess a monopoly maybe second one is only up only up is not a board game but hey okay it goes Bishop G4 now I have D5 here which looks great just to trade because everything's guarded now I should be well on my way to another win it's not over yet but I should be on my way to another win um H5 looks like a logical move to just kick the bishop out of town actually H5 maybe not so bright by me but it still should be good I have Rook E6 to hit the [Music] queen chag let's go here Queen d8 which does absolutely nothing as far as I can tell what does Queen d8 do besides attack my Rook I don't actually understand H oh oh he's threatening the pawn on um on D5 that's what it does let's go here like blind maybe I still could have gone Rook F6 I don't know but anyway let's see what's up iaru not a whole lot we're starting out here on Twitch we'll be going to kick pretty soon um let's go here actually did I just blunder I might have just blundered by accident go here it's just winning 95 or something I'm just going to go here to force a trade maybe that was not very smart by me uh let's go here I just blunder maybe uh let take and take okay okay one more you guys one more for the road let's go one more have I ever played Uno uh yeah I have played Uno know go here and here go here I mean go here I think I still think I'm going to play A4 and B3 again I think this time I'm going to go Knight B1 different one with Bishop A3 here Knight D2 maybe goes Knight H5 again I mean this just doesn't look right I'm going to play G3 this time to cut off the Knight this might not be right but it looks very wrong to me the way that he's played this like I'm going to go here and pressure the pawn on C5 and I'm just going to go Knight C3 Knight D5 great jumper here with the Knight getting into D5 that should be very good for me unless I'm crazy Knight B D2 with Bishop E2 and Knight C4 also is interesting does have Knight G4 but I guess I go Queen D2 or E1 depending shot ly yd for the 21 room magic adx for the tier one as well so after this game we're going to go to kick I'm going to continue playing some Blitz for a little bit I do have something I have to step out for before the bullet brawl but um that's going to be the plan pretty much it goes A6 so I guess I'll play Rook D1 pressure the Knight I mean he's trying to go B5 here at some point is his idea um now there's Knight H4 though I think which is a problem cuz now he's got big issues with King f8 what is that um wait a second I'm going to go Rook B1 and B4 here I'm just going to go for the kill with B4 I mean this cannot possibly be okay like everything is loose this is loose this is loose this is [Music] loose Queen I mean B4 looks correct I'm just going to play it there's no way this is okay he's these diagonals are a huge problem here look at D's diagonals okay um let's think about this do I go B5 or A5 first also question I'm just going to go A5 first I don't know if it matters really can I sack even I can even just take I think oh wait no if I take no no the diagonal is closed what am I smoking go here there should just be winning though Queen C6 runs into Rook D6 there we go all right you guys so there's link I'm going to be going to kick in a second and we'll keep rocking and rolling play some Blitz before the bullet brawl try to get the rating back to 30 3,300 if I can all right we're back you guys let's keep going Let's Play Bishop G7 let's go B6 here okay let's go here let's Castle five up five down five more to go to get to 3270 I'm going to play D5 here and trade too slow too slow yes um so I bro I wish you car would stream here yeah yeah I am I am here I'm streaming yeah let's just castle and take I guess um play E6 maybe an H6 or something he Queen A4 serious move let's go C6 actually not just glitch there Queen C8 is probably what I should have played um think I'm going to go A6 idea B5 here actually can obviously take on C4 to Knight KN bd7 looks acceptable as well so I'm just going to play it can't wait for the next event it seems to be much fun yeah looking forward to it let's take um let's go here I think C5 is playable got to make sure C5 takes playable but it's not great perhaps so I think I'll go here oh he's got B4 maybe I should have gone Queen B6 I don't know yeah I kind of played something a little bit wrong here um okay wait a second let's think about let I'll go E5 and take I don't like my position here at all um there Bishop E3 this does give me C5 though and C4 maybe and it's playable I just take and go C4 it's not a wonderful position but it's playable I don't love it let's go Rook E8 I guess so I can take with the bishop did I cut out the drunk moments in your new video cuz it's only 17 minutes long I don't know what you mean by that but hey yeah um I didn't actually look what was my last video on uh let's go here maybe Knight D3 I should be okay here Queen B6 check hit the king um I guess I'll go Rook d8 I don't have to but I assume I want to get one set of Rooks off the board here I could have gone Rook C8 Rook C7 also but this this looks fine actually I just realized why did I do this eh maybe F6 is a move wait a second F6 I feel like I should have some tactic here that I'm missing um bum bum bum feel like there should be some tactic that I'm missing let's go here on Queen D4 maybe I could also play Rook D4 but Queen D4 looks right like I don't know if this is a draw but I I feel like I've got so much pressure here on the queen side that I should have great chance to win this end game Queen C1 also a big [Music] threat um let's just go here I guess check oh he's got the ah I should not have done that okay wait if I can get my King around I win this game um okay I think I'm still going to go B4 have Queen H1 now maybe [Music] yeah that's a good move let's go back Queen C1 was better um here I guess ah I missed the H5 shoot great that was a mistake by me um [Music] I have to take why why am I so low on time this game I just realiz I'm I'm way down a clock got to move you got to move got check one second sorry guys I think he just blundered yeah it blundered there we go dangerous game we got to win okay first really dangerous game there we go next game first dangerous game um that we've had so far he going to play the same line okay I mean I feel like I've been beating him every game in this go back this this really okay here or not I don't think this is let's go here okay I just don't believe him basically is the point I don't believe him I think he's pushed too many pawns here on the queen side so I'm going to go for this this uh rook in the corner this is a Daniel Style game again also Daniel naroditsky style let's play D5 here cuz now Knight C7 is a big throughout Bishop G5 is Big throughout the pawns are very weak on the queen side too first off by Bishop G5 this is step one um a little bit confused why exactly I played this by the way let's go here first I don't actually know why I played this to be honest go check here trying to gain some time on the clock here it's a very very sharp position I don't know what's going on exactly um like F4 attack the Knight maybe but now I take take and what's the balance here the balance is 1 2 3 5 6 1 2 3 5 6 somehow the material is even I'm going to go Queen D2 here he can take what I'm going to walk my king and go Rook E1 goes Knight F6 H somehow I've messed this up of course like I always do let's take first bad game last two games have been pretty bad for me if I'm being honest um let's go here I guess he's moved his King right yeah he's moved his King so he can't castle that's right um let's go here and hit the rook and then maybe Knight C4 or something maybe Rook D1 also maybe A3 I actually forgot that he couldn't Castle pretty embarrassing on the one hand let's go here and hit the queen again I kind of forgot that he couldn't Castle the king what happened to my rating uh I did some bad stuff yesterday I lost some points I'm probably still better just because of Black's King position alone but it's not like this is winning or anything uh let's just go here I guess and takes could have played H3 too or G3 or whatever but who cares trade um I don't like B3 but I think it's a good move soz I have Queen F3 here somewhere let's just go I guess G3 and King G2 maybe I'm not super in love with my uh that hangs upon Pawn I believe yeah that hangs upon Queen A1 just King G2 so he hangs upon it's not the end of the world though uh I'm still better but I don't know if I'm winning see what he does I do have queen of three I believe let's go here no Queen D1 checks threatening Queen F7 threatening e52 maybe messy messy as as we like to say messy messy tricks tricks do a bound [Music] here where's the merch link it's about pineapples um yeah we have a merch link I I don't know what the question is specifically but anyway all right let's get going goes queen of six I mean I'm up a p i mean I'm up a pawn here it's really hard for me to believe that this is not winning actually uh I should have played Knight F3 first I messed this up too maybe I'm still probably winning but go G5 I mean going I go here and here maybe go here there we go now we got the win all right let's keep going three more to go little bit shaky at the moment the last two games have not been particularly well played by me but go C5 go E6 let's play a classic Ben Oni the then Oni as we call it he takes the C Pawn okay let's go A6 just playing the classic Ben Oni I'm going to go Queen C7 E7 C7 both playable here let's go Knight H5 Rook B8 idea B5 he can obviously go G4 but then I go back this is very similar to game I played in the US Championship back in 2005 against Alexander onishchuk um let's go here and trade I guess why not he goes Bishop E2 that's correct I believe take and go back take um right this is aine but go here and Bishop E6 I guess I mean he has D7 I guess but whatever I don't care take takes D7 Rook d8 is fine go take I'm going to sack the rook and we're going to play chess um this might not be particularly good anyway but whatever um I miss Bishop D5 of course um let's go here and here I guess decision is not wonderful but it's playable at least but I'm too slow I'm way down on time again when I get low on time that's a bad sign L if I'm up on clock I'm going to win probably 90% or more of these games but now I've stabilized position good night weak Pawn um Knight D4 is a good move to hit the Rook probably like I don't know I'm going to go H5 here I don't know if it does anything but just take some space on the uh King side here a little bit also cutting off Queen G4 I realize I do have Bishop H6 here maybe to hit the Rook go back I'm going to go H4 here cuz now there's Knight F5 and he's got this which I of course missed as well ah [Music] shoot just blunder this for no reason I'll go here I have Knight F5 tricks with Bishop C3 maybe or I guess I'll just go B5 here I've misplayed this horribly but whatever Knight F5 still looming I don't know why I played H4 completely unnecessary but I do have two pawns here if time gets back to even um we have chances I think I had KN of five with Bishop f8 maybe I did go B4 keep pushing the p on the uh Queen side here I guess yeah I'm just going to start pushing my pawns as fast I can here because otherwise I'm in I'm in a lot of trouble the end of the day um go Knight F5 I can go Knight E6 I can also play Knight B3 C3 takes takes C3 I don't like it um wait if I go C3 take C actually I can just go C3 C2 and C1 what am I smoking yeah this just works what am I doing because I have the queen behind the pass Pawn so I can just keep pushing the P okay but now I take and I mean maybe this is a draw with perfect play but I expect to win this most of the time uh if I don't blunder this stupidly let's go here here yeah I should win this now cuz time is evening out um the queen queen H4 is is actually a very good move um let's [Music] see you just here Rook d8 I can just take and block or go Knight f8 too yeah I should be winning here I think R F3 let's go [Music] here the only thing I have to watch out for is these back rank ideas there um here I guess attack the queen um let's just go here I think I can win this end game yeah like his his skills just probably aren't up to mine got to move you got to move yeah there we go next game hey go here and take go H3 and trade some pieces here also for anyone's wondering I will to take a short break in about half an hour cuz I do have to go out briefly um so I'll put up a video for like 20 25 minutes I have to go out before the bullet brawl um just so you guys aren't caught off guard but we're going to be playing Blitz until then so probably about another 30 minutes of Blitz against this guy do I read chat yes I do I read chat quite a bit if I didn't read chat I might as well just be at home playing without a stream so yeah he goes A5 I'm going to play F4 here do I like pickles are we back to the pickle game again pickle Rick pickle dance whatever you call it go here Knight F3 you can go A3 maybe I don't I think it's a big deal yet but it could be yeah I plays this and I'm not very happy with my position at this point but problem is the more Blitz I play the better these guys become and the worse I become that's the main problem ultimately okay I could play C4 which I think is what I'm going to do I'm going to go C4 here he has to play n PE or take I'll PR move this in casee he does it now at least I get D4 C4 I mean I could have maybe played M peasant but after Queen F6 I didn't like my position so let's see I can play C4 I can also go D4 um D4 makes sense I'm going to go D4 here and then C4 probably cuz otherwise he gets Knight A3 Knight C4 which I'm not happy with but of course I miss Bishop A7 let's go here yeah I completely misplayed this of course maybe I'll go here to try and force a trade but let's go uh let's go here I guess think I'm going to go G4 here I'm going to try to open this up a little bit on the on the uh King side wait this should be very bad now my now my Bishop's getting in here there should be a mate on the king side I think this should be this should be winning um maybe winning is too strong but go here Bishop F6 massive threat here actually I should have gone like Queen F2 or something else not this move but Queen was on E2 right yeah okay goes Knight D2 which I'm happy to see cuz I mean if this is not winning I don't know what is I've got Rook G1 Bishop F6 is Bishop on A7 completely out of the action this should be winning hey go here of course take away the square okay wait Rook G1 King f8 okay if I go Queen H6 what's the move yeah I don't get it I just go Rook G1 yeah it's just winning and if he goes Knight F3 Bishop E2 or Rook F1 um what's the simplest um this looks pretty clean just to hit the Knight he goes there of course I take of course I take he goes Rook B2 um okay all roads lead to Rome here I think A3 is just a simple safe ah maybe not best but let's go here and then Bishop D1 and I should just win the game if he takes I can take obviously uh let's just go here and this is now over resigns let's keep going next game winds are still plus two so as long as wins are plus two I'm happy to play this guy when it gets to plus one that's when I probably move on to somebody else play B6 com I take and play C5 this time okay goes D5 let's play here oh a knight A6 which is hang Queen B5 a that would be horrible goes there um okay so now wait but now he can no longer really Castle Queen's side so he's going to have to go okay go E6 here if takes I just take with the pawn I mean is he really C no he's not he's just not castling anywhere I guess in this game he's going to go King G2 I guess and I go D5 probably I could have maybe gone D5 right away actually but let's go D5 now just open it up immediately Knight B5 seems weird I'm just going to go D4 if takes I have Knight H5 and I'm just attacking I could have traded the knights first but who cares okay this does not look right at all yeah I'm just going to crush him on the f file I think or maybe I just take first why not have to be a little bit careful here probably just takes as simple though cuz I've got so much play here OD think is is not actually cleanly winning this still should be winning for me it's going to take a little bit of of work now I'll go here and trade one set of Rooks maybe yeah I can win a Pawn on H2 this end game is still probably a draw on the queen side cuz these three pawns are guarded but wait so if I go here cuz if he moves The Rook I take the pawn yeah this should be pretty straightforward for me if I take here I have Rook H5 now hit the bishop drop the bishop back and now I'm up a pawn here in this end game and go check go here to hit the pawn and now I'm going to start pushing p oh my God I missed F4 wait what the heck was that wow I just missed F4 completely as a move what the heck I meant to reroute everything here go maybe here and Bishop C1 maybe if I can break this structure with C4 I have good winning chances I think yeah I'm going to break the structure go here hit the bishop hit the pawn now Bishop f for I think he just missed also Rook D2 there's also G4 weight this is very tricky and time is a little bit tight um I think this is winning actually go here H4 H3 I think this should be winning this should be winning with King H4 I believe King H4 and G3 and I should be winning here yeah I should be winning G3 G2 is Unstoppable good check there we go get win tough game tough game but it's a win so I have check to connect let's go again wins are still plus two by the way so plus two I'm happy to keep going go H4 maybe bishop G5 maybe Knight G5 maybe Queen E4 I'm kind of wondering if I can go for a Greek Greek Greek gift here with some Bishop H7 but see what he does first5 that looks insane to me let's go here to hit the pawn bishop C4 threats I mean um let's tickle him go do I have Queen H5 even wait a second maybe maybe not maybe I no I think I'm just going to play Simple chess with Bishop D2 Queen H5 is lurking as a very serious threat though let's tickle him and go go back there's some C4 somewhere is what I'm wondering like h i don't have what I want somehow n this isn't what I want so I think I'm just going to drop back I'm too slow again though too slow okay it goes Rook d8 I'm going to go A4 with the idea of B4 here just to hit the queen and distract see what he does I mean this looks terribly because Queen H5 I mean I don't care let's sack I just don't care let's go for it I'm going go G4 castles Rook G1 if I can't beat him in this position so be it uh don't understand what he's doing let's go G5 think I'm going to go B6 here so I have Bishop E4 later um going to go here Knight D2 to hit the queen and win the pawn on the edge hit the queen hit the pawn should be winning uh but it's not cleanly winning huh shoot this isn't actually cleanly winning somehow I mess this up I'm going to go D5 and queen H5 I think not taking the Rook here I just want to go for the mates I want to go check and just like let's go here in H5 H6 oh my god did I have Bishop F5 no Queen D5 maybe maybe wait now I can wait now I can take this mate though yeah cuz if he takes he gets mated in one okay there we go fall down um yeah probably let's just play the clean clean easy positional win with Knight E4 and H6 there's B4 four Why Not Great Escape why don't we why don't we why don't we Sky Is Falling Down Knight F4 I just take and go F3 I've got a great bash in here in the center of the board all squares covered bullet brawl is in about 90 minutes for anybody who's wondering 90ish minutes roughly I can obviously take the bishop if I want to um probably winning but maybe actually wait G7 is actually cleaner cuz takes I just take and take I Rook G1 bullet brawl is the best indeed I agree just take with the Knight and then takes takes GG's all right let's keep going you are my only the sky is falling down all right he plays this de um let's play AO here I've wanted to play a banko for a while against this guy um go here Knight D7 maybe Knight D7 probably a little bit better but whatever trade go here kind of want to play Rook B8 at some point to hit everything also Knight C7 may just Rook B8 Queen A5 right away or Knight F6 right away I think I'm going to go here and then Rook B3 and queen B8 that's my idea at least here and then Queen [Music] B8 can he actually get away with this I didn't think he could do this um but he can of course yeah I'm an idiot go here maybe trying to tickle everything at the same time we'll see if it works okay whatever let's just go back and pretend I've done nothing wrong go here to hit the pawns maybe n this is not what I was hoping for that's for sure this definitely not what I was hoping for it's not what I wanted goes for E6 okay so wait now though it changed I can take the bishop but I won't we'll just go to F6 here why not I love I love the structure and balance now cuz now I've got a nice safe Pawn chain of three and like I can go here I can go Rook B3 there's also some D5 there's also Queen C8 like I really like my position here actually now um maybe really like is a little bit too strong of word to use but it's it's good like there's Rook B8 here Knight E4 oh that might be a good move that I I should probably have not allowed but whatever let's go here and take as long as I keep the time situation close I'll be fine there's knight2 feel like I should have something here that I'm missing I'll just go here like the main thing is I just need to keep the time situation close so if I get keep the time close to the end I will always have chance to win um I'm going to go Knight H5 and Knight F4 here I think there also Bishop D4 there KN C3 did not expect that um okay let's see I'm going to go over something risky I'm going to go Knight C7 here try to bring the knights into the game if I can eventually also weak Pawn on E6 it's a little bit risky what I've done but time is getting a touch low here there also logical let me think for a second I have Knight B5 maybe to hit the queen and Knight D4 also an option which I think makes sense but still very edgy now I've got Knight F4 though and I'm happy cuz now my Knight's getting to D4 once I get a Bastion on D4 it's getting very shaky um now I could take I think I'm just going to take and take and take and everything's collapsing suddenly out of thin air maybe not actually maybe not wait can't I just take okay now I have Rook B1 to try and force it I can also go no C4 is got Knight D6 so probably I should go here the question here is do I take with the queen or not and I think that answer is a resounding yes go back uh okay wait a second go here I mean there's there's D5 but now go D5 here does he have Knight F6 no okay I take and now um check go here to cover the squares um let's go here I guess I have to stop the the mate okay I just got to move okay there we go now we get the win there we go next game let's keep going play E4 you don't want me let's go here um I know E5 is moved by I'm just going to Castle instead let's take let's go Rook D1 to want me I'm going to go B4 here I'm just going to sack and go for the kill right away let's go B5 here I'm going to go Knight C3 Knight D5 this all looks very very pleasant for me again pickles have health benefits yes I'm aware okay goes Knight B6 I could play A5 but I think Bishop A2 is just simple the A5 next move there A5 okay um I'm going to go here Knight C4 maybe bishop on A3 not perfect but it's good [Music] enough go F3 D do Oh I thought do dot do do maybe not let's go here and trade I missed n peasant yes I know there was an N peasant that was playable but I didn't go for it um uh how do I do this exactly like I know I'm better here let's take I'm going to go G3 here to cut off Knight F4 and then I'm just going to go King G2 next move to keep it stable maybe feel like I missed something here though yeah like he's got some Rook D4 trick yeah somehow I misplay this should have gone here right away still maybe acceptable though so I have Bishop C5 and okay goes Bishop f8 go Knight E2 to cut off Rook D4 here if I can get this Knight to C4 I win the game effectively oh yikes that's a blender whoops um how do I do this though I'm going to go Rook D3 here he can take and I assume eventually I can put the Knight on C4 that's my [Music] assumption go here and take I [Music] guess think should just decent guy coni mug appreciate thank you so much yeah I miss Rook D4 completely I'm still probably better here but it's going to take a lot of work to win now oh he's got Bishop G3 that's okay so let's go off4 yeah I've completely bungled this go here um I'll go here what am I doing I'm actually just messing this up completely for no reason here go here hit the [Music] bishop here here I got I got to pick up my speed a little bit too slow yeah it's just great I've completely messed this up go here um here here right focus focus maybe here on Bishop C3 I should have I should have gone Queen C4 right away instead of Knight D1 queen4 to go Queen G8 um here I mean there's still Queen E6 somewhere too logical wait maybe check and now King F3 and now I'm starting to wind this into my favor a little bit or this still is not still very tricky um okay I got to move why am I so slow there we go oh man such a bad game let's go again o horrible game okay let's go here go here and trade H my heart almost fell out of my stomach there or my chest or whatever the saying is H scary game a win is a win indeed it is but very scary moments there let's go here let go here very scary he cares hard in his stomach confirmed exactly yeah yeah um let's just go here I guess why not all he's got G4 I don't know if H6 is good but I'm going to play it anyway okay so he goes first so let's go here kn7 I guess to reroute go here I should be okay now and it's moving too fast this game I feel like cuz now he's unhappy like he feels like he should have won that last game and he didn't win it so now he's like uh let's go here and break the structure a E8 yeah Knight Rook A8 just just just a rook here just making sure nothing was hanging you are could have played A4 too but no need wait a second takes takes yeah I don't get it I go here and Rook C6 I mean I'm just up a pawn like maybe this end game is a draw but I'm up a pawn and it's a center Pawn that I can push fast let's go D5 I'm going stop F4 first off oh F5 five and now G4 this should be winning yeah I'm just going to go G4 and F4 and I'm pushing the p on the this must be winning let's go or if I go wait a second G3 takes takes King E2 I mean this must be winning let's go here and Rook G1 there's also D4 wait D4 Also may be winning too I think D4 is cleaner with Rook C3 so I've checked to hook the Rook good love song baby this should just be winning goes there okay so I have Rook wait Rook G1 I should be winning with G2 go here okay now now this is definitely winning cuz I let go Rook a one song baby I I love you like a love song baby I love you like a love song baby yeah this is over time to resign we'll play one more before I go go here okay so I take now I mean the rest is very straightforward just G2 yeah cuz check I just go here let's go here hit the pawn I have okay one more you guys I think it's still plus two right no it's plus one all right it's plus one it's not plus two anymore so I think I'm going to stop right there that's pretty good 14 Zer gain gain a bunch of points okay I can't seem to get a game let's play a few then against this guy just to get get the flow going again um gr Knight C3 I want to watch now we were at the end of the video you guys we are at the end of the video castl go F four interesting his rating increased by 500 points who's rating I don't know let's go here go H3 um let's go B3 maybe A4 maybe Rook D1 all very standard so far of course very normal I'm going to play A4 Bishop A3 hit the bishop hit the pawns hit everything and we will win the game probably can anyone join the bullet brawler only title players I believe anybody can join the bull brawl go Bishop A3 and hit the bishop on E7 there goes Bishop f8 let's play Rook D3 I can play Rook ad D1 next which should be very very good for me if I'm not missing anything obvious um but let's see he goes KN D7 um that's a good move play Rook D1 Knight C5 I guess I'll go Rook D2 A5 let's rout the bishop maybe maybe bishop B2 is a little bit better actually but whatever go here maybe bishop G5 I think I'm going to go here and Rook E2 Rook D2 now reset up the uh set up the uh double stack with pressure on the pawn on on D6 let's see what he does here what's the record for wins and on the bullet brawl I don't think I possess that record I think the record is um it's held by I believe it's held by nios seren if I'm not mistaken I think he wanton something like 50 games in a row something absolutely bananas on one of the one of the weeks when the field was a little bit softer so let's go F4 oh I could have taken the pawn on D6 but oh well 27 okay I guess I'll go u i could take maybe I know somehow Queen F I don't know which one's right so I'm just going to go to F2 um he takes I guess I just take the paral pawn D6 this should be really really good for me I should win this game pretty quickly uh doc education gifted e car sub ah okay thank you appreciate it yeah sorry sorry if I missed that um goes here I mean that looks like a free Pawn I'm going to take it F5 logical I'll take KN D4 is reasonable here just to hit the bishop hit the pawn the knight's under attack there are all kinds of forks here should be close to winning for me bro your farming same 2700 is kind of boring I don't really want to farm him but I'm just playing a few games to try to get to 80 and then I want to play someone who's um someone who's higher rated I just want to get to 80 that's all I'm trying to do right now oh great I blundered okay whatever let's take so if I take he has Rook H7 yeah slight mistake let's go knight6 and trade some pieces maybe go C5 probably Knight C6 here I'm going to go here Queen D7 and probably just Castle Queen side um yeah I challenged donkey but he wasn't in the mood to play which is kind of sad but it is what it is need a Cracker Jack for subscribing thanks so much to Cracker Jack appreciate thank for the res sub my man thank you now I could Castle I'm going to go here to Target the horse on F3 and then I'm probably going to Castle Queens side if I had to guess yeah I think I'm I think I'm going to go Queens side [Music] here cuz if D4 I can always trade and I want this bishop on this nice Central Square here I will um I I will play someone else after this game though I don't want to play many against guy I'm just playing him to try and get the flow back um and then going from there he plays Queen B5 which I don't understand at all U I think I'm just going to go here I don't understand Queen B5 at all it's a weird move I mean I guess he can take but I'm not really worried about it they get the coffee yeah di I actually feeling a little bit low um castles I just Tango 95 here or am I stupid cuz now I hit the uh take and take I mean it's not like this is winning or anything but I should be better let's go he Rook d8 H not Wonderful by me but if I take oh he can just take with the bishop or The Rook um got to be a little bit careful I'm going to go here and take go here so there no tricks again I'm better cuz I've got the three on two thank you to evh for subscribing evh appreciate it I'm better simply because of three on two on the um on the king but it's not easy to prove the advantage here in fact I'm probably not going to prove it but I'll I'll still win the game I assume expected that um I'm going to go G5 here and force a trade if I can hard to judge goes Bishop G3 which I'm actually very happy to see um or maybe very happy is too strong of a word to view but how do I do this though let's go H5 a that's a bad move why did I do that I have to go here and this is not what I want to do at all at least I have Rook D2 maybe my king is close to the F Pawn luckily let's go here okay now I have H4 to lever the uh the bishop and the pawn and I think I'm going to win the game for sure now maybe for sure it's too strong no I'm going to win this game okay let's find someone else to play against okay I'm going to go here and then G4 and now I'm threatening G3 H3 Bishop C5 um who's here yeah now I just win the game all right let's find someone else to play against who's worth plus two not plus one all right let's play some Blitz let me change the scene let's go E4 Knight C3 for let's take is Jose taking cut of Bortnick winnings I don't know but that's not right that's all I'm going to say you don't resign that with two seconds on the clock yeah you you don't resign with two seconds on the clock that's for sure um go here take I should be winning here right just F4 and takes and B4 always take feel like somehow I misplayed this a little bit go here go here I mean I I was very careless in my game against him oh Queen B3 I take and just Castle ah have I blundered maybe not I just guess I just take take and go like here maybe I'm playing this game horribly after playing all that bullet I'm suddenly not able to play good it's all good yeah I mean Jos that that resignation was not right I'm just going to say if he resigned with 20 seconds on the clock it's one thing with two seconds on the clock that's not right I'm sorry that's just not right no what I'm saying is he did it on purpose you don't resign there is what I'm saying you you just don't go here and takes play the Rooks let's go here hit the queen go back I guess yeah something like that CU here hit the queen try to trade some Queens H how do I win this by the way got to pick up my speed here was there let's go back all Rook F4 I play Knight E1 something incapable of actually playing chess like actual chess it's not bullet only like I'll probably win this game but it's not guaranteed here excus see playing chess nice let's try to bring the knights in I mean I'm going to win this game to time but nothing else really okay let's go here attack the pawn uh okay nine more to go take with the H Pawn and play Bishop takes C go Bishop G4 pressure the Knight Bishop B5 um take I guess I know this is right I'll go here and take with a rook he can't ever remove the bishop there's no H3 go here go here maybe Knight F5 maybe bishop F6 I'm going to reroute the Knight to maybe C4 or A4 or something this will be my last stream by way from the United States of America at least this in this month I think or this week maybe um so this will be the last stream that we're doing um from America but we will be back uh streaming from Germany on Tuesday yeah GG America yeah the way I said it it sounds like it's the last stream ever it's not yeah the way that I said that may sound like it's like this is the last stream ever from the United States forktown USA okay let's keep going we' got 18 more to go let's play Knight of three or sorry eight more I mean 18 more to get to 3200 but I just I don't I have a feeling I'm not going to or 3300 but I have feeling I'm not going to play that many am I migrating to Mother Russia no what does my name look like Tucker Carlson play D3 go here and hit the Knight we go here 9395 yeah come on wait the board is smaller than usual what do you mean the board should be fine no I think I'm going to go here on Rook G3 Maybe I mean the board looks fine to me but what do I know let's go here let's go here actually this Knight's getting stuck as Knight has no squares available if he takes he's actually just in trouble and I'm probably just winning now he said it feels smaller than usual okay that's what she said take the pawn I'm going to go D4 to open up the board here um what am I eating just some food anyway um what was I saying yeah so I was saying yeah I mean I've been to Russia by the way many times um and I mean queen G3 is playable to like everything's playable here we'll see what he does he goes there um that's a good move actually I'm just going to go here I think I'll go I think I'll just go here okay now I think I take and I go Bishop E4 and now I should have a bash in the middle of the board good Bishop bad Knight G3 Queen G4 ideas it's not easy to win this position by the way it's a little bit tricky but Knight D4 I can also go Queen G4 um I'm going to go here to trade the Queens Maybe um yeah food is not specific it's just some ground beef with some peas and some corn it's got peas corn and potatoes ground be with peas corn and potatoes and some some quinoa seven more to go okay let's go C5 here just attack him oh let's go here and play H4 H3 he's got a lot of problems here on center of the board okay it goes there I mean H3 I think is actually the correct move but I'm going to play knight6 to delay it even further take go here I mean I think his big problem here is the center it's going to be very hard to bring these pieces in going to Castle ignore everything I wanton the bullet braw yes [Music] oh he's going to go for some Knight B6 cheese he wants this cheese so I'll I'll go B5 here we'll get to Master Chef pretty soon I think um I had a lot of chest today Dennis the Menace owned you yeah I BL her in the opening what's your point all caps who who cares go C4 B3 like I mean what's your point do I care am I supposed to care cuz I certainly don't care [Music] okay play B of five we here and [Music] trade I'm going go A4 A5 here try to attack on the queen side maybe um what will the team of Le B oh we're playing on Tuesday I don't know what the format is I just know I'm playing with Levy that's all that I know I'll be in Germany for about a week I think I'm not sure if I'm playing uh two matches three matches or what exactly format is but I'll be playing this guy is very slow by the way do all the pairs of the same rating no they don't I mean there are a couple pairs that are just ridiculously placed um uh there's um there's Sidler and gustavson which is just a ridiculous team like I it's a fun event so who cares but that is a team that's actually just completely ridiculous if I'm being on it's like it's like I mean it's kind of insane okay I'm going to go Knight F3 to attack the queen any do Knight Kingdom plan no not not right now I mean maybe down the road but not at the moment no um I'm going to go here to hit the Knight maybe Knight D2 Knight C4 maybe Rook C4 am I a fan of Michael to yeah Michael to is is um or was sorry one of the one of the great tacticians of our of our time um great great player big fan big fan of his style I mean obviously in the modern world his style would not work very well but still great player yeah Michael to the famous world champion from uh lvia Silla and gustavson are both very good yeah they're both ridiculously good actually they're not just good they're really good okay Knight D5 I think this is just a free juicer isn't it yeah just go back Knight F4 just Queen C2 Queen C2 and I'm fine oh Knight of4 just hangs a piece too what am I smoking oh well I play the freestyle challenge in India I have no idea what this is exact oh oh oh he's trying to get cheeky here with Knight F4 got to stop it um I don't know I I don't know what the situation is you guys would have to tell me uh I haven't been following it very close I'm to be honest so I don't know I don't know let's take um I mean I should be winning here go here how do I do this actually it's interesting um I think I'm going to go here to hit the pawn Maybe I mean I I I saw about freestyle but I think it was I didn't think anything was really set in stone about [Music] it but I could be wrong I mean I could be wrong okay now I'm just have two pawns I win again so we're five away yeah I've been to Helsinki yes I've been to Finland a few times I think I can get to 90 off this guy probably um yeah okay X XC is streaming chat okay I'll cover it and cover it [Music] [Music] soon it's been a while since I've watched xqc play play CH so there's E4 okay now though I'm going to play E6 and trade I guess he goes there I mean I assume I'll trade could have played E5 too but I don't like it okay EXC playing chess okay well we'll we'll go to that after this game um am I blundering something here I feel like I'm about to blunder something bigly but I think it's okay oh my God why did I go to C6 what the heck okay blundered he could have played Knight B6 and queen D5 but he missed it uh he still had has this one wait a second but this is a little bit different cuz I can play a couple different sequences [Music] here I have Rook B wait Rook p8 slow down thing B P B6 Rook Rook B8 Queen E5 Rook F7 Queen six takes this is okay I think this is okay but I'm not sure yeah oh never mind he's done actually he's done with chest back to something else so let's go here okay now I just win the game all right easy peasy L squee he played one game and stopped that's it jeez one game that's really really sad okay but what wait a second first of all I trade the Rooks which I think I should cuz Knight guards and now I think I just go here and guard everything resign let's go again it should be very good generally speaking this whole line I think for for white go here Queen E2 well I play the freestyle thing next year I don't know what's going on with it I mean I I have no specific specific uh knowledge of what's going on like you guys have to tell me cuz I don't know what this deal is with it but rather team with XC or L of course I'd rather team with xqc but both of them are great yeah both of them are great yeah he was playing chess but he only played one game and then he stopped it's the same thing but in India but wait I I'm confused cuz I was told that what what I saw was that there was going to be a tour of like four or five events they're just going to hold the one event but it's going to be in India next year is that what you guys are saying if I if I understand correctly CU I could be misunderstanding it um they're just going to hold one event next year it's going to be in India no yeah I don't know I mean I I I don't know the whole thing the whole thing is confusing to me without without an actual like quote or clip or something to cover I mean it doesn't sound clear at all let's go here okay I mean they should just be winning with G4 go here hit the queen let's go here am I not just mating with H5 like lobster pincers also I've got the Lolly [Music] I don't know what I'm doing oh I should have traded first too there's a new chess Bas India video on it okay yeah I mean if there's something to cover I'll cover it but I I don't I don't know what's going on okay he goes Knight C4 logical move by the way I'm going to go Rook d8 put pressure on the pawn probably Knight E3 and then I go like Queen G5 [Music] maybe go here pressure on the center of the board I should be in really really good shape here goes down this just a free Pawn looks like a free Pawn to me I think I just go here cuz the Rook covers this is just GG another quick win oh let's just go I don't know Rook d8 maybe here hit the Bishop maybe Zs let's go again yeah he's starting to collapse kind of Play Bishop C4 I think I can still win two more before it's not possible to gain points if if my math is correct I think I can win two more before I don't gain points yeah so if they're doing a tour if there's going to be another event but it's in India that's a good thing I would would say I'm a little bit skeptical of the um of the of the prize fund though because as much as I like Fisher random I'm going to be honest I don't really think Fisher random is uh in the same ballpark as traditional just regular chess so I mean I get the point of trying to start something new but I'm I'm a little bit skeptical of like the priz was being that high and I don't think 960 is very interesting to the general public either I'm going to be honest like 960 is great for the top players you can just show up and play very akin to what rapid used to be actually if you were to ask me like very very akin to what rapid chest used to be and um and and so I think all the top players love 960 but I think maybe not ding maybe ding doesn't like 960 but um I think most top guys like 960 and um to me it's just one of those things where one second I'm going to go here to kick the bishop where um I feel like for the general public though it's a bit it's a big ask I'm going to play G4 G5 here I probably should have gone Queen H5 first I I know why I didn't I mean no but I'm just telling you guys you look at the numbers of the viewership for it the viewership was not there like it was fine but it was not there like it was not there goes G5 wow wowe yahi I did not expect that um I'm going to go H4 I'm going go Rook H1 probably Queen D2 or something as well let go here pressure the pawn he's got to go Bishop d8 to hold the juicer it does um I'm going to go D4 now do I know Andrew Tate no I don't I did know his father um my father's actually my stepfather's good friends with his father um but no I don't um let's take trade of course okay this much is clear I think I'm just going to take I mean I am just up a pawn here in this end game Bishop E3 and King F3 so yeah I mean I I I don't I mean like the viewership was not great for this event like I mean obviously if you have a rich spawn it doesn't matter cuz a sponsor is that kind of money can just do whatever they want um but if you're trying to make chess more like commercially viable I'm I'm really quite skeptical okay I'm going to go D5 and Rook C6 here there should be another win wins are still plus one do I think farming weaklings for so long it's negatively affect your Play No but um no because I'm playing like title Tuesday and other things but uh I feel like this month I probably played too much Blitz like obviously it's a short month I have hour requirements and everything else but I and I think I've probably played a little bit too much Blitz this month though um so so I will I will say that like I think I've played too much Blitz this month um which maybe isn't a good thing and maybe it affected me in the um in the uh chess Champions Tour but content is content at the end of the day like that is the reality uh I guess I'll go here oh he's got Bishop H6 which I should not have allowed but I can trade and go Knight F5 there I'll play here so um why would a streamer care about a tournament exactly I know totally but yeah I mean that's maybe the one drawback I think in general it's not a big deal but I will say that I think that this month i' I've done so much far i' played so many random Blitz Games that maybe it hasn't hasn't a good thing U let's just take let's just take Bishop C3 another win I don't think I can farm this guy anymore by the way I think this is the last game so let's see well I play the championship tour in Toronto okay let's go here I don't think I can Farm him anymore but we'll see I think that's it right yeah win is plus zero yeah win is plus zero we're at 3290 all right I want to get to 33 again before I end and um let's find someone falino Oro is 2931 that's pretty serious let's challenge him again see if he wants to play some Blitz um challenge him let's see trying to find someone to challenge is there anyone else uh speed of light 363 um who else is there donkey's 2910 I mean I could challenge him too yeah I'm trying to get my rating back we're 10 points away I could challenge ronuk he's 3,97 I have a bunch of challenges outgoing um again trying to get a game I mean I can play someone down the 27s but I don't really want to okay this guy's going to play if I beat this guy five games I get to 30 3,300 let's go here I think I'll still play knight6 and castles why not can I'm going to go B5 here try to open up the queen side a little bit maybe could have traded on D4 too um this doesn't look right to me maybe why didn't I go Queen A5 actually like what am I think Queen A5 is just a much better move D5 also much better move too I'll good D5 now now cuz I really need to hook the Knight on C4 I don't know what I'm doing I'm sly being very very sloppy again okay I'll take this one at least I'm not just outright lost here but I'm not exactly doing great either no body nobody compares to you or am I in trouble here wait now I have Knight F6 maybe let's go here I mean I could have gone Bishop F6 too maybe but whatever the pieces look a little bit wonky here for me but again I as I recall against this guy if I can just survive into the scramble I'll win every time expected that I thought I had like Queen B6 here or something but I also have just Knight D6 I think like Knight A7 I can even go queen queen E6 or queen F5 depending oh I should have taken the bishop why didn't I just take the bishop that was dumb and now I just blender a yeah yeah what the heck wake up oh no the heck am I doing supposed to take the take the bishop not the Knight at least I'm up on clock [Music] here go here wait I'm going to go here though and hit the bishop maybe now I have to do this but this is not what I want to do at all no I'm playing horribly I take with the H Pawn I'm way about clock though maybe I can still flag him flags are still in play here I think um not Queen off three we go here oh no I missed rookie 4 oh my God what the heck oh my God I just oh no what the heck was that from [Music] me I mean as soon as I as soon as I have a chance of what I do a I threw it oh my God ah too much I mean I could have drawn that game and then I took the wrong piece so stupid what am I doing throw car was right I just threw that game so hard ridiculous okay let's just beat this guy he's playing a garbage line in this opening it's complete nonsense yeah now I'm mad at myself like I'm just mad cuz I mean there was no reason to throw that game Ridiculous by me and now I'm going to have to waste next next two hours maybe play too much Blitz no I'm not playing too much Blitz um let's take oh great now I just blundered I made a blender a different way wait a second great I just blender it a different way now still probably winning but at least I've made one okay 11 I'm I'm not talking for the next like hour so I'm going to buckle down and beat this guy that last game is just so ridiculous we'll go here I just can't believe I did that really that's more what it is I'm just I'm just shocked that I would make a blender like that and Miss rookie 4 and then not even think not even slow down to think about it like cuz after rookie 4 I still could have played G5 and drawn the game easily okay we're 11 away I don't think this is particularly good by the way I mean let's just take so I can go rook f8 and I I mean I should be better in this end game somehow of course Knight G4 is ridiculous move too but check I don't actually have to trade so maybe I'll start playing on the other side of the board um oh yeah I was about to BL her Knight D3 that would have been really [Music] bad okay I think I'm going to trade the Queens here cuz now he's put the pawn on A4 I think this end game I have chances to win [Music] maybe think darks for the host with 16 these are darks I can't take of course but I can go here CU then he gets E7 I lose the game [Music] I mean H4 is obviously a move that makes sense G5 also makes sense here um I'm going to go G5 fixing everything on the opposite color of the bishop as well [Music] I'm going to bring the king over to E7 I think it seems like the first step in the right direction yeah I mean this guy's playing a lot better than he was earlier which is kind of annoying actually like a lot better um I guess I'll go [Music] [Music] here takes I walked King out okay okay now maybe I can start to play for [Music] tricks oh what the heck what the heck did I just [Music] do oh my God what the heck wake up okay okay 10 to go though I do get the win but go here go H4 here maybe no no no rest yeah I've been streaming too much also I think than Heather HD for the for the sub thank you so much um let's go Bishop E2 I can play H5 or Knight E5 here let's go H5 I have Knight E5 C4 Knight H2 like it's all fairly playable knight2 also move um 90 yeah I think 95 is correct but I could be wrong about that almost in think with the music not exactly but yeah I've been streaming too much I think as well like just like I've streamed like 8 hours yesterday we're already what 5 hours today or something like probably too just too much a little bit too much and of course I'm taking like 5 days off at the end of the month which is also partially why I'm streaming so many hours right now I mean H6 is a computer idea at some point but I'm go kn3 I probably should have just trade and got Knight E4 I'm going to go C4 here and then maybe bishop at 4 KN E5 again we'll see let's go here hit the queen like E5 I just have Knight E5 I think unless I'm missing something this is not bullet bra I'm just playing some Blitz I think I'm going to take this is step one let's take go here take with the pawn of course go here guard the pawn of course go here hit the Knight of course I'll go here and Bishop C3 I don't know this right F4 is my initial idea but then F6 let's go here hit the Knight maybe somehow I'm my play is getting worse actually his play is getting better and my play is getting worse which is always the problem when I play someone because like my play can never really get much better from where it is and they can always improve especially if they start getting more confidence I could have played Rook C3 first in fact I should have but he let me get it again and now I mean I should be fine after G3 okay he is tricks let's go maybe here I kind of want to go Rook H4 at some point or Rook H1 maybe some kind of weird attack like I feel like there's going to be some tricks here with Rook H4 at some point ah yeah I don't know what I'm doing I've just messed this up completely Rook H4 Rook D2 Queen E4 okay now I blunder this too he's very slow that's the only redeeming thing [Music] here of course he finds this move too ridiculous unreal oh there we go next game nine more to go let's play D6 here this guy farmable he was far he was farmable earlier but now he's just got a lot more confidence than he did earlier and he got his rating up too that's the other thing his rating was like in the the high 2800 28 80s 90s when I played him before now his rating is over 29 which means he he beats somebody to get his rating back up so what that means is that he's like he's feeling super Cocky and Confident in a way that he wasn't earlier cuz yeah I just crushed him 5-0 earlier or no sorry I crushed him 140 earlier it wasn't 5-0 it was 140 like I just destroyed this guy like I just crushed him hard but he's feeling more confident he's playing better he clearly beats somebody good to get his rating up as well so um I mean F5 F4 was maybe a move I don't know maybe yeah I beat him 14-0 like it wasn't even close earlier goes there which I don't like finally starting to play some moves that are not actually great oh wait C5 Knight B5 oh wait takes and C5 um wait a [Music] second I don't next I think I'll just go here keep it simple go here going bring the Rook [Music] back I don't believe this again I blundered I don't believe this I'm still okay here but yeah I said 14 yeah I beat him 14 Z earlier I'm still okay kind of Kier is not flubit though just take I've got to pick up my speed though my pace is what I'm I'm missing at the moment here maybe I hope I'm not trapping my Queen by accident I don't think I am though I Rook A3 so many players who deserve much higher rating nowadays yeah I think he missed something here cuz now I'm I'm worse but I probably can flag him of course that's a oh no that's not a great move so Knight B3 I thought that was a great move but it's not and now I just take and it's still fine for him but it's not the dream cuz there's pressure everywhere there's also Rook A3 now see what he it goes Rook e one so if I play Rook A3 and now he's going to collapse good okay you guys eight more let's go eight Moss I mean the 10 game has to be winning for me I mean maybe it's it's probably not clean just think about how I win this I assume I bring the king to the center and play E5 this seems correct here this seems correct this seems correct with D4 King D5 Knight Knight Knight C5 yeah I'm going to win here there should just be GG's very soon okay eight more let's keep it rolling yeah finally finally he cracked cracked badly in that last game um we'll go here okay yeah he really cracked badly in that game which was not one of the better games I played against him B6 first okay let's go check I could have played E5 too let's go E5 now I guess C4 of course knight4 just back or I guess I could go to E4 but let's just go here D kick the kn Knight out yeah now I've got a very very nice position here this a classic like King's Indian attack type position goes long I guess I understand that kind [Music] of of course I should take assume I should go Knight E4 here at some point I probably going to play B4 and just try to attack on the queen side but maybe not yet D4 logical let's go B4 cuz now this Knight on a look very very iffy I also have C5 here I mean I assume this is winning for me if this is not winning then so be it but I just assume so much attacking potential on the queen side yeah this the last like two games he's he's really kind of cracked badly um Bishop D3 knight4 A5 Knight D3 C6 Queen B5 cd7 that takes Knight D3 c65 takes takes is good cuz it's a it's a CH yeah yeah the last couple of games now he's starting to lose the the confidence is starting to go down again like Queen B3 I mean even Rook A7 I've got Queen A6 with mate threats yeah the confidence has dipped tremendously in the last um last like two games okay seven you guys seven more let's go let's keep going let's go [Music] D6 wait he wasted a temp wait he just wasted a Tempo in the opening let's go Queen C7 I guess like he wasted a Tempo um go here hit the bishop and then Knight E5 or Bishop E5 um kind of like Bishop E5 just to get rid of Bishops okay goes there C4 go here B5 B4 big attack on the uh Queen side course I take with a rook uh did I make a mistake of course as usual I think I did take here I wanted to go Knight C5 but he is Knight A4 he plays anyway but let's go here I still feel like the quality of his play though dipping like he's not playing as well as he was before so I'm I'm trusting that like good things can still happen he goes Queen E3 ah so he wants to go up four logical I think I'm just going to drop back get G4 there maybe oh great did I just no wait I can I have Rook A4 if I want to draw think I kind of have to go for this isn't what I wanted to do but it's still good enough I have a fork either way if he takes with the queen I fork like this if he takes with the Rook I fork like that no but this is wrong again I found a way to mess this up what's wrong with me now I have to try to make the draw and I'm also down on clock and it's too ear why did I not go Rook D2 yeah just Rook D2 and queen A5 what the heck ridiculous for me absolutely ridiculous not play Rook D2 what was I even [Music] thinking instincts are off today yeah they've been they've been off for the last like day and a half or so here I guess trying to go Rook F7 give me something it doesn't I mean I have nothing better of course he's going to play Rook B1 and now am I am I just losing of course I'm probably just lost and I can't I can't even do anything I have to go like here and pray why is he not taking let's go turn and take I mean I can still probably draw the game but maybe I can draw maybe not go here maybe I mean you can obviously take but I go here like I'm I'm I suspect this is still very very bad what did I just do now I just messed this up too like unbelievable why is he so slow [Music] though why is this guy so [Music] slow [Music] why is he so slow at the end like I mean my mother can move quicker than he can what is that what was that that was super sus engine moves and then slow I don't know what that was I'm going to be honest I don't know what the heck that was go here I'm not going to lie that felt really sus to me that felt really sus like the whole time usage thing felt really really sus to [Music] me he got nervous maybe I mean he was too slow this is going to be the last one I play I don't know it's I be this guy 140 earlier and it feels I mean it really feels me like I'm playing something completely different now I don't even know how to explain it but like the way he's playing the time usage everything about it just no I mean this just feels wrong this just feels completely wrong it really does I mean I beat this guy 140 earlier and like he's moving 10 times slower he's suddenly moving 10 times slower than he was at that point like I just I don't understand [Music] it he sobered up yeah apparently is his accuracy much higher in these games or not go here and hit the bishop [Music] [Music] oh great now I'm just losing no but I have don't I have ch if I go Rook H1 CB2 Rook [Music] G7 I don't see it takes Rook G Rook h8 go here and here yeah I'm done I'm done no I just feel like I'm playing something completely different in these games than the person I played earlier the time usage is completely different that last game especially that last game especially where he had um where he had he he he had like how much time he had like endless time let's go here like he had 25 seconds and then he just like he like it it felt like he on purpose like lost on time is what it felt like that's what it felt like it felt like on purpose he Lo he lost on time on purpose in that last game he had 25 seconds with Rook Bishop hwn versus rook and he was taking like two to three seconds every move there that's what it felt [Music] like no I'm I'm not being paranoid about that last game I can show you you look at this game you look at this game pull up this game this this last one you get to this position he is 21 seconds seconds here 21 seconds and he uses 2 seconds then he uses 1 second then he uses a little bit of time now here okay this is good uses 1.3 okay a little bit surprising then he uses another 1 second like at this point you should be pre-moving everything with a rook bishop and pawn I mean you should just be pre-moving H5 King G4 Bishop G3 like I would lose this game 100% of maybe not 100% but 99% of the time to a to Dan or to Andrew Tang I would just get smoked every time one time out of 100 I'd get lucky but the other 99 times they would beat me from this position with the white pieces yeah who knows anyway all right let's play chiriac um no sorry it's plus one now that's not no Let's do let's can I can I beat him 10 in a row yeah I think I can play D4 takes let's go back into our same line let's go here play Queen E3 castles now I can take go Knight B5 though I think yeah I just go here okay okay nine you guys I think we're at the point of nine I think I'm already just winning out of the opening of this game actually I shouldn't be going like nine cuz it's not over actually I'm much better but it's not like winning go here on E5 maybe it's also Knight C4 maybe bullet braw is pretty good I won the bullet braw today um maybe just rookie eh let's just go E5 close the door um what do I want to do think I'm just going to go H4 not worried about Bishop G2 maybe just let going go H5 maybe Queen H this is this is a little bit Superficial by me I think it's okay but it's a little bit superficial the way that I'm playing this wait go here yeah it's just winning or is it no it's not great here should have play Queen D2 what am I doing yeah I just threw the game kind of maybe not I can still go here I guess I'm still I'm probably okay [Music] but super careless wait a second so I take I can go Rook G1 maybe Rook G1 Bishop C3 Queen A8 Bishop C3 gg1 is probably good there's knight4 queen4 one Queen [Music] F5 assume this is correct I I think I'm winning here but I'm not 100% sure I take Queen B4 or queen F3 obviously jams I don't I don't know yeah I don't know he takes okay now queen of8 king G5 check King H5 I mean good check good check Queen E8 move but I think I'm going to go here to go for the corner Shack mate Maybe check and takes yeah now I'm winning or am I know it's not over he's got G4 of course A4 maybe I I manag to misplay this check and takes Maybe here although based why I play in this game I might be a touch paranoid I don't think I'm a lot paranoid in that his time usage and everything was was bad the other guy's time usage and everything was bad but I am playing worse like I'm definitely playing worse in these games against chess Brainiac there we go bro sniping I don't think he is no it's just GG yeah okay nine more to go I don't think bro sniping no I doubt it I don't actually know why I'm still playing but I am oh I's going to play this one okay so I'll go D6 I guess we'll play a sicilian here like Rook C8 Knight F6 here some kind of B4 threat B4 to hit the pawn maybe Miley Grammy J Grammy Cyrus yeah because you're very close to 3300 you guess what what do you mean I Knight G4 too maybe let's take he can take B4 castles a knight C5 I guess I'll take and just use the the two B's basically the two BS should be very very good here for me eventually maybe not right away but eventually I don't know Bishop H4 does exactly good D5 he missed he had Knight E5 there I think okay now now I get the the wooden the double wooden shield in the middle of the board and I it's hard to see a world where I'm not just much better here let's go here cuz the two B's the two BS are very very strong and I have an open file to boot logical I could go G5 no Bishop G5 F6 I'm going to go for it should be winning here with Rook C2 next move when I become the highest rated player on internet chest Club um that would have been 200 probably like 2005 maybe around then ages ago I don't want to blender this is the main thing um think F3 is a pretty solid oh but if I take Knight E1 Rook Rook C3 I'm still fine or am I of course I just messed this up and force him to take an outside Pawn okay so I'm still better let's go F5 here be careful there's a rook G4 trick somewhere I can play Rook a one Rook a 2 I assume if anything it's a good idea just to gobble another Pawn I mean you can't really push okay let's go I can push and play Bishop G1 from behind check and take there we go okay there we go keep going 5 hours of Chess is hard I don't think it's 5 hours of Chess is hard it's just that I've been I've been streaming like long hours like yesterday was 8 hours of Chess think the day before was 7 hours of Chess I've just been streaming streaming a lot and at some point starts to catch up with [Music] you [Music] here I go here uh that's okay that's just a blunder at least good he blunders upon Pawn okay good good seven let's go seven more seven Moss um barring something idiotic from me go here I mean this is a technical end game I should win this I go Rook C7 is a question I think I should to hit the bishop a free Pawn no m i Bishop G4 or G3 actually G3 is simple see yes yes yeah more or less I can take I can also go Knight H5 um kind of like Knight H5 and G4 a little bit more to lock everything in place here now I can bring the bishop back in the end game I go here and take that's a third pawn bishop D5 E4 or Bishop D5 F3 take yeah should be fine I always have Rook A6 too like I can go Rook A6 here actually yeah I think Rook A6 here is a better move so if I take he gets 97 995 I mean obviously it's a technical win but it's messy he'll resign probably okay takes I expect I take assume I just go A4 A5 I'm going to trade off the the Rooks here and then it's it's got to be basic okay let's get back to our Basics with D5 uh I beat she chest Brainiac like 50,000 times in this line the other day [Music] so this is slightly wrong what he's done I think just Rook C8 why not maybe Queen B6 somewhere the pawn tough decision here do I take with the pawn or the Bishop o I'm take with the bishop here I don't know if this is right but I kind of want to keep the two B's maybe here cuz I can activate the B on the diagonal it goes there but now of course I'll take CU after castles and Bishop D3 the B is are very the the light square B is very much alive here yeah I think I'm going to win this game six to go you guys six I I maybe I'm being a little bit cocky when I say six here but I I feel pretty confident that I'm going to win this game um just trade and go here yeah I'm being a little bit cocky when I say six but I I'm pretty sure I'm going to win already go here I can take and take A2 um n let's just go I'm being I'm being too cocky here I'm being way too cocky I'm being cocky cocky cocky this this is cocky Central I'm still much better but I'm being way too cocky and if you guys didn't hear I'm being too cocky um let's go Bishop f8 here pressure the pawn on um let's go B5 yep a whole lot of something now let's go here I want to go Knight C6 and just win the pawn basically great I missed this lovely of course yeah now now I'm not sure that I'm better that's great I'm still better but did not expect that actually little bit surprised by that decision from chest Brainiac cuz now the bishop is a little bit loose on the diagonal I get a wooden Shield again it's not like this is winning of course but G3 go here I don't oh of course I blender this too duh go here but again I can tickle the horse with Bishop C4 course I take okay wait okay I am better here but I need to be very very precise now Queen H6 is a move I I don't want to get loled I can go Rooks collect King H7 is a good first move no it's actually a horrible move he could have played Rook F1 Rook F5 which he missed he goes there so I [Music] assume now I go here to hit the Rook okay now I go here to hit the Rook if I can ever trade Queens I just win this end game basically if I take I have Queen C4 yeah I just win now okay good cuz Queen D5 of Queen C4 to force the Queens off the board yeah okay good there we go we need the eval bar on all YouTube videos it's a lot of work a lot of work I mean my mods love watching my stream but you're you're ask them to like work double time then that's very logical move um here so here and yeah now I get Queen C4 as long as I can get this box square I'm fine and I can always just take and go King G8 or C2 even here um I think I'll just tickle The Rook with C2 and then I just take and how simple is this though I mean this is this is winning but the heck is this all let's go G5 I mean it's not the move I want to play but it's a move to play still winning but what am I doing [Music] okay now I go checking here give me the beat boys to free my soul lost in your rock and roll and Drift Away yeah let's keep going this guy's been very very unconvincing against me in all these uh in all these uh these Queen D4 variations he's just been very unconvincing to me huh oh apparently this is playable you're supposed to go E5 this guy come with a new idea or am I just stupid no I'm just stupid right Rook D7 Maybe okay now I have to play this like my name is Jose Raul capablanca basically I'm still better here but it's that feels a touch sketchy to me but maybe it's not feels a touch iffy here I'm going to go here maybe Rook d 2 and 94 yeah I think that's a mistakes now I get 91 93 it's not over but it's not pleasant for my opponent either 95 is probably better actually E4 D4 for beginners both are playable I think I'm going to win this game now but it's still a long long way to go then your rock and roll and drift away probably going to do one episode of Master Chef after after we get to 34 or 33 I should say let's go here Rook A4 um F4 or H4 both are playable think I'm going to go H4 here go H5 just fix the structure a little bit here okay let's go Rook A5 maybe to hit the Knight huh oh he's trying to go oh wait what says that wait a second I need to think the idea is to go E4 but play F3 Rook D4 looks very wrong um there should be winning for me somehow I don't know how but it feels like there should be winning here maybe no it's still very tricky should be winning now I've rooked one which I think he missed question is do I play G4 just Knight D3 or Knight C6 actually actually this is correct just to take maybe G4 first up to night6 was okay as well but H if I go Rook A5 here and [Music] take five more you guys five more let's go five more I assume my pawns are too fast here good check resigns he had Rook B5 which is not clearcut but whatever low low low oh he hung a Pawn on D4 what am I doing give me some more at B5 here but I don't like it I'm going to go H4 H3 trying to go Knight C5 I guess so I'll just go here go [Music] here go A5 try to open up the queen side Maybe think about this I'm going to go here I expected that but I'm going to take and I'm I know for some reason I'm not convinced here that he's better like I also could just take actually I should just take him may maybe not takes Rook takes Rook B1 maybe not so [Music] clear okay takes which I'm actually very surprised to see um which way do I take is a big question here I can take with the bishop or the pawn I'll take with the bishop goes B6 I don't even know where it matters where I move the queen I actually know what I'm doing here yeah I'm going to go G5 and try to attack now maybe of Bishop G4 and also trade and go Rook G8 maybe I think I'm going to take and go Rook G8 oh wait no I've got Bishop H4 maybe no let's [Music] go here I'm trying to win on The Queen side if I can is there's no stupid thing like Queen A6 is there no I was worried about some ridiculous move like Queen A6 here for a second it's not playable um go here yeah Queen A6 is a crazy move that almost works but I can take and go Bishop H4 check and King E7 this is a mistake so now I can take maybe mist is too strong but it's not right I'm going to say you guys four more to go four more okay somehow this has to be winning why did I or maybe I can take and take H2 why did I do that I mean I'm sure I'm still winning but that was very poor of me as soon as I said it it's like I realized expected that I go here to hit the Knight now the key to winning here is very simply to use the yoyo the yo-yo is how I win this game uh like this maybe where's the win though it's weird I don't see a win I'm just going to take I mean I assume this end game should be winning yeah I'm just winning A2 and now I just taken all the pawns claps there we go okay [Music] [Music] I'm going to go G4 H4 here I think he goes D5 which I saw um still going to attack here like H4 H5 G5 ideas he got Knight C5 I [Music] guess okay goes A5 logical move um I don't like my position this game actually feels a little bit iffy H go back I guess actually I think Knight C5 is a mistake so he lets me get the queen to E3 and now there's some serious pressure on the king side as well I think Knight C5 is a fairly serious error by by chess Brainiac probably not losing or anything but I don't think it's best [Music] like I'm going take and go [Music] here as long as I'm not hanging the game on the spot here I think I'm okay could have played B3 first actually more i l it's more I don't like what I've done but we'll see going to play B3 I think on the next turn almost for sure no prettyy much irrespective of what he does I'll play B3 yeah this what I was worried about B3 like if I scoot the king he loses Spas going B takes I can take with the pawn or The Rook I think I'll goes Rook C8 okay so he's looking for Rook C3 yeah I don't know why why did I do this actually this is insane by [Music] me has played [Music] this question is can I play G5 actually isn't it no I can't you got to move got it you just you just have to move that's all I can do here is just move oh Bishop A3 that's not a move I expected at all wait what's that here no Bishop A3 is not the move I expected he just you completely threw me off G this here maybe bishop A3 is like just completely took I was expecting trade that's why I spent so long and then he didn't do it and now I'm just like a little bit out of sync I'll go here to stop A4 what is this no he's just going to get mated here no he just lost game okay three more to go you guys this game was very very iffy very very iffy game but we got the win oh I KN of five the queen too oh is he done no no of course he's not done [Music] I was probably losing that game that was a very bad game next game I'm going to mix it up I'm not going to play that same [Music] line this is horrible what have I [Music] done what the heck did I just do let I'll go here going go here maybe 96 I mean this is horrible if I can get developed like 1 two three I'll be fine I had to go here okay he goes there let's go here maybe Knight F5 maybe Queen A5 first to hit the pawn told myself I was going to play Knight E6 and I didn't play it like I literally told myself I was going to do it and then I didn't do it I literally told myself I was going to play Knight E6 and I play Queen A5 like an idiot yeah I just flubbed it up right when I was back there I flubbed it up and I have just nothing good and it's just ridiculous we go here and pretend I I'm hitting the pawn on A2 I guess I need a miracle here [Music] um here attack the bishop maybe do I Bishop G4 actually maybe I do have Bishop G4 here kind of queen E3 Bishop D1 Rook D1 Knight F5 or something [Music] A5 maybe A4 Bishop G4 is another idea I had [Music] maybe okay I can't talk sorry you guys have to focus can't take either what am I doing what am I even doing I'm just Los my mind yeah I mean I just have nothing literally nothing sh course this is losing too yeah I couldn't do it couldn't do it yeah that's enough that's enough you [Music] guys yeah
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 265,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, chess speedruns, kick streamer, levy rozman, eric rosen, chess trash talk, chess tactics and strategy, chess openings for white, chess openings for black, chess openings gothamchess
Id: o8p0sOvr9qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 226min 12sec (13572 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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