Hikaru Nakamura's 5 Most Brilliant Chess Moves

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the five most amazing moves of American wizard wizard at the chessboard Hikaru at Nakamura Hikaru The Legend of online chess one of the best blitz players ever and we're now going to take a look at sparkling moments sparkling moves that he has played can you predict Hikaru smooth make sure you like and subscribe to the channel now otherwise the ginger beard will come after you I'm having a little bit of a you know Christmas hangover at the moment so I need to I need to cheer myself up and he car is gonna do that you know to me in this first example Hikaru has the black pieces against the legendary player Boris Gelfand Hikaru's Queen is being attacked and he's played a very aggressive Kings Indian defense a favorite opening of Garry Kasparov amongst others and Bobby Fischer a hero of I'm short a clarinet mural now what move in this position did he carry you play a really shocking yet beautiful idea can you spot it I wouldn't say this is too easy to get you started but I think some of you guys and girls will get it Queen to be free so what are those moves you just want to slide along the board I don't screw into the square then look at your opponent and say I'm rather clever aren't I and this move threatens checkmate by capturing on air free and it's really distraction idea as well because both the Queen and the bishop can be taken but if the Queen is taken g2 is now left undefended and Bishop to g2 is checkmate this is the main idea and if the bishop is taken Queen takes f3 also needs to check me girlfriend tried to fight on with Knight takes e5 but now he Corey played a lover lovely move Bishop takes f1 leaving the Queen on pre because the g2 Square is the main aim and Hikaru simply won a piece by capturing on c3 and went on to win a very nice game and if you do want to check out some of her car is over brilliant victories in the Kings in defense go and check out some of my premium videos on the chess calm sites where I look at a number of his King Zealand Defence victories on to example number two in this next sample whites is Hikaru and he's playing against X feed a world champion ponomaryov from Ukraine and the black king is stuck in the middle of the board and white is also exchanged up but the next move is a beautiful way to keep the attack going can you spot the rather surprising idea that he karu now unleashed upon his opponents come on you can do it Queen takes e5 and this is a beautiful way to try to get rid of this F port because now if the queen is taken you can see that rook is no longer blocked by pawn and Bishop to h5 check leads to checkmate next move look at those beautiful rooks on the open files where they belong and this is very nice little tactic he Corey wanted sharp his tactical plays around nowadays without a shadow of doubt and after Kings who have seven in the game he Corey's attack ranged on with Queen to g3 in this next example Corey's a very strong opponent Chris Senko has just played Bishop takes f6 releasing the rook on the Queen now this might look to be rather tragic here Kaoru but Hikaru had seen that little bit further that is why he is the new American wizard maybe Fabiana will have something to say about that but he's he's certainly a tactical mastermind and what move now did he car replay which led to a beautiful attack and try to calculate as far as you can from this moment on so you might see the first move but just try to visualize how it will continue the attack Queen takes f2 their attack the rocket launcher comes in and this it basically draws the White King out into the open King takes and now Bishop to c5 check dominating bishops Kings we're three had the King gone backwards then the other bishop would be released with this move c3 and look at those bishops they're like cannon balls aiming at the White King after Kings we're free the attack continues and we just got to keep checking and creating threats now rook takes f6 check King to g4 Knight to e5 check the White King can't survive in such an open and exposed position King g5 rook g6 check King h5 and now a star move here pawn to f6 sometimes it's the quiet moves in the midst of the battle which really Sparkle and really are the magical moments and this quiet move sets up checkmate threats with rook h6 for example rook takes e5 the only way to avoid that but now the rook comes in and again we see a beautifully quiet yet deadly move here Bishop to c8 really really beautiful idea stopping the White King from ever retreating threatening rook checkmates and there's nothing that's white can do here so white ends up resigning beautiful stuff let's move on to another sparkling moment from he carries plate well it's next move there's a little bit of a bolt from the blue I'd say the black king is water exposed and he carried with the white pieces now opens it up further maybe quite a I say you know easiest tactic to spot you know you can be the judge of that what move did her carried out play Bishop takes h7 and the reason I picked this maybe it's not one of the most sparkling and beautiful moves you've ever seen but in my eyes is very thematic and it still requires some very precise calculation now the main idea is to bring the rook into the attack and the reason it's formatic is often when free pieces are attacking a weak King it will lead to checkmate a little bit of a vise well worth remembering after Queen takes h7 route to f5 now threatens rook to h5 and there's not much black and do here because the knight is also attacked rook g8 tried Queen to f3 and now the tactical thing that really he kind of must have seen in advance and hopefully you guys saw in advance of Isis whole sacrifice doesn't quite jell rook g5 what you play rook takes g5 and Queen to f8 winning the night leading to a winning position this is a key thing you must have seen right from the outset did you see that didn't see it maybe you shouldn't be played Bishop takes h7 in the first place should you calculation is king the reason I love this position here is because it's basically Hikaru saying to Magnus whatever you did I did before you they're kind of rivals Hikaru Magnus Magnus getting the better of her Kaoru but can you remember my previous video on Magnus Carlson's five most amazing moose and the move that gave him the world championships now if you want to get better at chess it's about remembering patterns and what is the move here black to play and to boom explode the board with a lovely checkmate my dear can you see it Oh Queen takes a free check and this is a lovely way to force checkmate I don't know if you can call it a sacrifice because it's checkmate next move but it's exactly the same kind of idea that Magnus Carlsen did to become world champion but Hikaru did this I think in 2002 so well before Magnus Carlsen whatever you do Magnus I did before you just remember and next move the rook is gonna go to a one delivering checkmate whatever white plays King takes rook a one checkmate pawn takes rook a one checkmate very very nice play remember to like this video and subscribe to the chess comm channel hopefully I can get some more videos out for you guys and leave your comments below and please do tell me which of these five moves you enjoyed the most did you see all the moves did you don't cheat I'll come and get you yeah I'll give you a pound the back anyway yeah Cheers until next time bye
Channel: Chess.com
Views: 781,068
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Keywords: chess, checkmate, chess videos, chess.com videos, chess.com video lessons, hikaru nakamura, best chess moves, top chess moves, beautiful chess, chess tactics, top 5 chess moves, simon williams chess, simon williams, greatest chess game, hikaru nakamura chess moves, nakamura chess moves, nakamura chess games, best moves of hikaru nakamura, hikaru nakamura chess games, hikaru nakamura chess highlights, most amazing chess moves of all time, top 5 chess moves of all time
Id: ghbEZ5s4J9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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