Hikaru crushes GM Ben Finegold on his way to the top of Arena Kings March 22, 2021

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oh quick okay right drab is going to play as d5 again i think i'm supposed to play like rook c8  maybe knight c5 i don't remember how this line   goes to a5 i can obviously sack maybe but  i'm going to go here and [ __ ] knight c4 i'm gonna go here i'm probably gonna sat um i  mean he's begging me to sack so i'm gonna sack if bishop d4 i have knight c3 even  or e5 and i'm doing very well i think the song is catchy i just mean it's it's  very random oh wait i can take and take   wait what is this okay takes i mean i can still take maybe  wait okay one so let me change the music okay i think i just take so he takes i take  if he takes i take and then he's still   behind i think it's down by down by pieces here good quick win too very nice quick win resigns   nice to get a first win against  shababa quickly like that could get renato let's play the same thing let's go here goes f4 i can obviously take here  i can also go c5 i'm gonna play c5 this looks a little bit dubious i'm gonna take i can also play like h5 or f5   let me go h5 and try to open up the diagonal here  i don't know if it's good but it looks reasonable i can still take and also play f5 well  it takes an f5 no i'm just gonna go here maybe i play i'm gonna go f5 this might be very   dubious by me but i'm going  to try to do something weird you can obviously grab a pawn  remember my king to c7 here i need to rest after the stream well thank you  man thank you i need to rest i'm a streamer   you guys if you can't i mean come on you  really think the 10 hours is like that bad   it could be worse i could be ludwig and have to  stream for the next 200 hours or whatever it is let's take the knight should have  taken with the queen it's a bad move yeah it's got knight f3 and now i'm in bad  shape i'm gonna go here and just run my king out sugar on d8 c7 please f5 which actually i think is  a slightly wrong move let's go here   because he opens up the diagonal for my op my  bishop is really well placed now on h6 i feel   like i should have something let's go here like  with bishop e3 i feel like i'm getting something i mean i stream every day so like  russ is not something i'm familiar   with think of inertia package saying  hey w for the four but bones let's take i thought i should have something here maybe i  just have nothing let's just go here very quietly   i'm hitting the pawn on f5 at bishop e3 bishop f4   i'm not really sure what's going  on in this game it's very messy this rook up seven it's a little bit  of a weird move i can obviously take   also go knight f6 i also  knight let's go here intakes 95 i can actually take if i want i  hope i'm not blundering something here let's go here i think i'm okay i have king e7  also knight g4 i think i'm back in the game here knight e3 logical let's take  let's go here trap the knight   his night's actually stuck it has no jumps  anywhere it's stuck it's just it's stuck here okay now i should be winning somehow  let's go here to hit the rook let's go here oh i've kind of misplayed this  hmm let's go here maybe knight f4   knight is still stuck he's still  got no jumps resigns let's go again they need to curse for the 500 bits to curse  for one thousand command tv for the 500 thank   you feather turtle for the prime and l t  green thinks giving a shade of z let's go e4   pretty good start two quick  wins against the top two players let's go a4 how do you have to worry do you worry  about not revealing prep well that's why   normally i play um i don't play main  lines or what i normally would play um let's just take and go here let's go here it's castle bishop g4 i just go h3  and reroute i'll just go h3 here   okay i don't really like my position  um i guess i'll go hear me bishop a3 scoring is that you basically start  with streaks so like if i win one game   i get two points if i win second game in a row  i get three if i win a third game i get four   and it's capped at four so basically once  you've won three in a row you're scoring   his max so that's why you want  to get on big streaks if you can i think i'll just go hearing queen  up two maybe 94 at some moment   i'm gonna go here maybe rookie five maybe 92   it's not a great position but it's playable so  you want you want to win a lot of games in a row   basically it's the moral of the story guess  i'll go should i go here cuz i hit the pawn but yeah you want you want to get on a streak  so you want to win like 10 in a row because then   every game after the third you keep  accumulating points whereas if your   opponent if the other players aren't aren't  winning in a row they don't get points like   these guys are on knights they've won  three so the first game is two second   game oh they're up to five third a game in  a row they're up to nine okay i'll go b4 okay goes knight d5 which i think is  not a great move i think i have 92 here   actually i really like 92 just hit the pawn can you berserk i don't know what  you mean precisely but i think i just   takes if he takes i just take and then i take  okay now i'm just up upon i should be much better   okay let's go here 95 maybe let's go here i guess and take oh you  berserk by giving up half your time   no that doesn't exist on chess.com  okay now just go here and collect let's go here maybe d4 i could have gone f5   and then i'm just gonna go f5 so i can attack  his king he doesn't queen f5 okay let's go d4 wasn't me let's go here hit the pawn wasn't me let's go chuck it was me true dot okay let's just go here it's actually winning but it's a  little bit tricky here it's not obvious i'm looking to double stack it on the seventh here   don't think it works if he checks  i come up checks i come up too okay how do i do this let's go here i just go here i mean anything  wins so i'm just going to come back maybe the burger king for the prime  shadow goon for the two yeah i know   i i just always am bobbing my head  regardless i always just bob my head hawaiian pizza i don't dislike it that much  but it's not my favorite thing let's go here actually why did i play this so stupid of me goes to h6 i'm gonna go over  something weird with g3 maybe i mean he has g4 but i also know h4 and  out of four okay let's castle and take okay knight f6 let's just go here  consolidate my structure as best i can   oh wait that's just oh my gosh i just blundered ah bad opening he misses it okay let's go here  he could he could have just taken   because i knight you three knight  d4 he just missed it okay now i take   420 subs yeah thank you so much to everybody for  all love and support today you guys are amazing   now i'm worse but i have two nights  at least so it's not that bad okay i'm knight of five here um i think i'm  just gonna play is he really gonna castle i   don't know which way he's castling so i'm gonna  go queen c2 i'm just to ask him is he really going   long or not he is going long okay so  let's go after him let's go bishop b5   i'm gonna go after his knights go after  his whole queen side here let's go b4 i mean he doesn't really have threats  though because f5 i can always just take   and his knights are very clumsy if he goes back  okay it's his threat to go g4 maybe it is but   am i really concerned now i'm not worried let's  just attack i also have d5 at the right moment let's go here i mean e5 is a threat  knight there is a threat b5 is a threat let's just go for it let's just attack   oh i blundered f5 oh my god i just  blundered oh man i just made a huge blunder   maybe he'll miss it though no he doesn't miss it  that was a huge blunder by me okay let's go here let's go here huge blunder by me bolo somehow  i think he misplayed i think he had a wimp g4 still maybe a little bit messy not so obvious  okay i probably gonna sack material here let's   just take i'm gonna go a5 a6 and try to  attack try to play like daniel or something   let's go um i have rookie three  but i think i just sidestep okay there let's just go a5 bishop g3   at bishop c4 this is getting a little bit tricky  for my opponent now because i bishop e6 also let's go a6 and attack him not bishop  c4 queen g2 maybe with rookie one   i'm going to go here i want to line up some  of this diagonal basically let's go here takes that looks like a mistake for many reasons   let's go here at bishop c4  wait i can also let's go here let's take a b sub wait what's going on  here with this getting wireless check let's go here let's go here this is getting  really wild and also take i can also take maybe this is really sharp um let's go f6  f7 maybe try to make another queen let's go here maybe i mean my pawn is also going i can also make another queen i think i take  though and then i collect a second queen   checkmate there we go next game  that was a wild game but it's a win jay happy for the prime thank  you so much appreciate it   that was a pretty fun game since it ended it  ended nicely we get borton not a great game here can we play the french oh he's gonna play this one okay i guess i'm gonna take i don't know if i  should but i'm just gonna do it and play here   let's go here oh wait i misplayed let's go here i guess so here i guess queen e6 i just block  bishop b5 i have c6 should be fine oh i just blundered h7 like unfortunate just a bad blunder by me oh man it's just careless maybe i can still find  a way out though let's see if i can find some   way out like bishop g6 or knight somewhere i was  really careless i just missed bishop h7 altogether   okay maybe quincy it's a move here it's bad but maybe it's playable he really doesn't want to trade queens i don't  think chris g4 wild move i do have bishop g6 here   i do have knight g6 also wait a  second i also bishop e6 weight   i feel like there's something here that i just  need to not miss bishop g67 takes bishop f6 g7 takes takes six bishop six takes when some takes it's a draw  whatever a draw is fine here i don't mind to draw i think axe worker for the four months  they only won evans for the seven globe   mcbit for the 300 bits i'm hoping that  i'm not blundering here i don't think   i am but i could be maybe bishop  e6 was good but i i don't know see you lose the streak if you draw yes  um oh does this just lose for me   yeah this probably just loses i didn't  even see that okay let's go here yeah a draw ends a streak that's  the whole point wait what's that oh wow this just wins wow wow poor game i  i i really blundered that it was a bad game   terrible game yeah probably i had something i  i basically had blundered the pawn if i go king   h8 it's just a draw but i played bishop 7 which  is through the whole game really frustrating too   but it's early it's early so it doesn't matter um  okay that's not a good pairing especially because   i won four in a row normally when you win four in  a row you get off to a good start yeah it happens   you lose games but i'm going to beat him next time  i'm going to like lock it down next game like no   nonsense next time that was just a bad game let's  go here although i got to be careful not to not to   like suddenly tilt this game because this guy is  very dangerous too um okay let's go here and here   yeah this guy's very dangerous also um  let's take with the pawn maybe go bishop d3   how's it possible lose thank you for that  because castle i'll take with the queen and play here let's go here what am i  doing again i'm just ah this is not good if i take he takes takes i'm gonna try  it hopefully it's not bad but we'll see   yeah this guy is quite dangerous too i think  lt candyman for the three months thank you so   much appreciate lt candy man i go here  i threaten meat i think i hold the pawn   slow down yeah but it's arena kings time  matters i just blunder bish about seven   that was just my mistake if i don't blunter  [ __ ] about seven i don't lose that game   but time does matter if i can get a higher  volume it's not going to matter what happens hm let's just take i have rook h3 maybe  this should be a good position if i take   wait wait this doesn't look  right i think i can take the pawn i mean if i can't i can't oh i just got  no wait no work out five i've taken chuck   um i think this is good done arena kings is a streak base so it's based  on how you perform in the individual game   thank you to a bonsoir set for the tier one  thank you to bone sua seb appreciate it thank you need to win this game fast though it's queen e7 i think i just sidestepped here  probably yeah i just sidestepped because i have   chuck and now i should win this game once  i get the wait i just check take and take right before let's just go back yeah now  i'm just going to win the game this is good   let's go here rook f3 win this game fast  and move on queen b6 okay let's go check   let's go here i mean everything  wins but let's just go here to mate okay resigns keep going good quick win important  to win games fast i don't even use a minute there   which is good everyone is not three points the  first one is two it's the middle game is three   and the third game or more is is  three in a row okay what's this   let's go i don't even know if e4 is right  but i'll do it let's go here on bishop d6 i don't even know if this is right but i want to  move fast i don't really want to think too long i could have also traded i guess i thought i could take here because if he takes  i get the fork if he takes the pawn i have f4   and i hit everything i think this is good for me  hopefully it is let's go f4 open up the fossil   because take let's just take we'll just take maybe  knight h5 is better but i feel like time matters just check let's go here i don't  really know what rook g1 does   maybe he wants bishop f1 or something but  it doesn't really threaten anything so i   don't understand this move by him first place  is 250 let's just go here force queens off trying to move really fast in this  game okay that's a bad move i play here   he resigns okay that's nice i get a second quick  win and just like that everyone is everyone is   four points again so now we now now that was a  really fast win that took me like less than three   minutes so i already erased all the bad stuff  with bourtnik by winning those two games instantly that's why volume matters like if i lose the game  but i can win like two games in a row very quickly   volume is gonna matter more than the  uh volume will always matter the most because i'm already back on a streak that's the  point like i'm back on a streak so like if i   win this game it's plus four again this is this  one the thing is like already i'm back to like   being on the plus three train so winning those  two games in like four minutes or five minutes   erased everything let's go here and take i'm gonna  lose points if i i'm probably going to lose points   anyway because my rating is so absurdly high  right now but it's all good i mean it's arena kings he's really thinking a long time  though the prize is a 250 first prize it's castle let's build a center maybe 95 maybe  e4 yeah let's just go for this big center here   just there strange move i mean i'd be  worried oh i had knight g5 why did i do e5 okay let's play a4 try to open this up   but i just gave him c5 which is also kind of  unnecessary let's go here and try to trade maybe trying to really blitz him off the  board in this game well i got 3 300 plus   honestly i have no idea i think it's  gonna be extremely hard let's go a5 a6   let's go here now the bishop has no  activity and i'm gonna go knight g5 like even this guy gained one  point for a win so i'm gonna   lose rating points unless i have  a flawless arena kings is thinking okay let's just go here i'm probably gonna tickle him with knight h7  although maybe i can also just take and go here really thinking a long time here please  f5 okay of course i take i go check   just go back i guess and back to d3 i'm  gonna go c4 and open this up let's go here   definitely going c4 or maybe rook b1 also let's go  rook b1 or b7 oh let's take the knight rook b7 is   coming in here wow he just plays e5 instantly no  no regard for his dark squares kind of surprising let's go here i do have brook here d7  bishop f5 it's too dangerous let's just take let's go here maybe queen g4 give him quincy i five like i'm moving a little  bit too fast in this game near king g1 rook g8 and rookie seven i'm  gonna win this game but i'm not happy with   how quickly i'm moving moving a little  bit too fast trying to get more volume let's go here h a7 okay resigns keep going goes take let's go knight of three i guess trying to move i feel like i'm moving too fast but   whatever time is the name of the game  it's arena kings after all let's go here i'm gonna play b for me bishop b2 go here and take i think you'd have big x for the uh  20 months thank you so much the big x take this knight she's exchanged let's go here i guess i can take and take i can grab  a pawn if i want i don't really want   to so i'm going to go here maybe  knight d4 maybe just here hit the pawn it goes there let's go here okay now i go here and i start to collect i  think something so i also wait i also have this   to hit the queen here f4 okay let's just um  just take just be safe no nonsense go here i'm gonna go a4 b5 i think the corny for  the tier one thing is the corner or corny   corner i'm not sure if i'm pronouncing  it but thank you so much for the tier one okay now i go here i get a knife  on f5 which must be pretty strong   maybe i'll just tickle him i'll tickle him back let's go here target the rook and now as rook  is getting stuck in the box rick is stuck now he loses the other rook because  of this one let's keep going we're gonna get born nick again what's  he on he's on 21 this is important   okay no nonsense actually why did i play  knight c3 this isn't the greatest line okay let's just go back c3d4 is my idea he plays this  i'm gonna go d4 and takes   actually i gotta remember he's on 21 like  i need to like slow it down a little bit   and just play good chess like i'm  trying to blitz out too much here   which is not it's actually a mistake like this  game matters i can't just like rush my moves   okay i will just castle here probably  i'm gonna take okay i guess i'll go a4   i'll go g4 h3 because now that both wings are open he can't really castle this side since i've  really provoked him on the on the queen side i think chase for the prime thing so  much chase let's go here problem for   bortnik here is that basically he can't he  can't do anything on this side of the board so again i'll pre-move hg4 i'll see you  guys i'm gonna have to run ads like i i   told you before that i'm way behind on ads  for this month so i kind of have to run ads   i'm sorry about it because take i mean f5  is good i'm just gonna go knight g3 though i am still a member of tsm yes i am f5 is coming here pretty soon it was rk8 i kind of thought he would  do that i can play bishop e3 here   just go here i feel like  that's wrong though somehow the good thing is he's down on the clock  i just need to remember that that time   will matter here here's the night before   i obviously have no i don't have about five  that hangs material okay let's go just go go let's go here probably i'm gonna play f5 this move or next  move i can always trade now i can also trade   f5 what's the move okay  whatever let's let's just go   i probably should have thought longer  but i feel like i should just go because king is still stuck in the  center and his knight is stuck here too   so i just pre-move it's a safe  pre-move okay i guess i go f6 because i can always block with  a bishop so you have to go back   just scoot with the king out of the way maybe  rook h1 next move should be very good for me doesn't really worry me let's just go here   again gonna go knight g5 and rook  h7 and just saw some on the h pile okay does that well first of all i can play  rook h8 which wins or should win let's just   take i think rock h8 is almost  winning by force here so the pin wait this must be winning okay  let's just go hmm let's go here it's gonna have to go back  and then maybe i go bishop h6   yeah let's go here now he's also got no time does that do i just well first of all i rock hate i'm just trying to go over  some weird oh wait but i just so i have checkmate in one here okay there's a dub good win makes up for the last  one basically the same spot we were in before i   ruined history can i keep my streak alive so  it basically will offset it same as what i   lost before basically take that as a win and you  know and loss for him same thing let's go c3d4   he runs the clock down actually you know running  the clock down is a big mistake for bortnick there   unless he really thinks the tournament is over  like if bortnick doesn't think he can come back   and win enough games i understand running it down  but he actually shouldn't run it down from from   the math percentage because there's a lot to  play for so i think that's just a fundamental   mistake actually by by bortnick there like  even if he's salty he shouldn't run it down let's go here knight c4 maybe okay i go a5 let's just go bishop g5 hit the pawn i think your chest with ovie for the tier one  sportsza with the prime initial position with   the prime tj heezy as well thinking so uh  there's a pawn do i penny pin pin him i do   i think so i can take i can also take and go  d6 or d6 right away let's just take and go d6 now i have this fork i also have a check i also have a smothered mate in coming as well i can also just check here i can  play f no f4 is not what i want to do   um don't really want to do it but i'll  play it because i think it's the best move   because now my knight jumps to e6 and i  should be much better here objectively   let's go here he resign whoa why  did he resign that's a weird resign good start so far the very very  good start off off to the races let's go e4 and everyone else behind me  lost their streak so if i win this game   i'm gonna be um i'm gonna be i'm gonna be racing  it up here let's go here plays this interesting   let's just go here i guess i've actually i don't  remember this line it's a weird line let's play e5   okay he's playing this a very weird manner he's  gonna go g4 just castle i guess kind of confused   by this whole line i think i'm gonna go here  and i feel like i've misplayed this but whatever i'm gonna go here and maybe knight b5  that's my idea at least whoa i did not   expect that that's a shocking move i guess i'll  go back in 92 maybe i also have knight b5 maybe very confusing opening here in this game   there's f6 i'm gonna go here to hit  the queen maybe c3 here to consolidate i think i stay on this diagonal for the scope   probably not sure if it makes  sense but i think it's right add please you want another ad fine there's your  ad last out of the day or maybe i'll run one   more but that should be it okay let's see i just  take i could have taken two why don't i just take you can take what i just take and i move   the king and i take the bishop  on e7 and it should be winning thank you for the ad well you asked for an  ad i think i'm more than fish for the prime i'm hitting this i have knight h2  should be pretty cleanly winning okay he goes ooh do i have rook f7 oh he's  rook h2 or something okay let's go here i want to go here so badly but he had  some yeah he sees it oh that is so sad how do i get my knight in though my  night's a little bit let's just go um let's just go here i guess hit the pawn it was e5 logical move i think i'm gonna  try to attack the rook maybe from here i definitely can't take as soon as bishop gets  really active but i should be winning here thank you to ashley for the prime thing to  beat brt fk for the three months thank you   so much that's a bad move i think because i  think i can just go here to trade the queens this there just go here and force the trade of  rooks because i can go bishop five at the end   okay now i should be much better let's just go   here trade the rooks again i have  one extra juicer it will matter do i go here maybe knight f5 hit the rook hit the pawn  he has d3 but i just take let's take and now now i just won the game hopefully i'll resign soon  because this is just lost okay just take the pawn just bring the bishop back  no need to get creative here check and that's game over there we go  that'll end it we'll get another win   up to 38. i think that mirror c for the four  months and so much to play renato let's play e4 plays this g5 liner remember this is not  great for black i don't remember this   being correct though i think was it checker  knight i think it's check and takes in b4   might be three maybe maybe rookie one i know  this isn't supposed to be great for black   but again i need to not move too fast i'm  feeling this inclination to like blitz my it's moves okay i'll go here and maybe c4 d4 i go 94 so i'll pre-move queen b2 let's go  here it's got e5 oh it's got e5 let's go here we'll go here maybe i had  bishop c1 to hit the pawn moving too fast because rick d8 i'm gonna go here trying to line up something  maybe knight c3 knight d5 here let's go here i guess i'll go b5 maybe a4 i guess i'll play a5 and a6 it's getting  actually very wild i don't know why i played   this opening this is insane both players  have like pawn masses going up the board because there i mean i think i'm going  to go here and take let's go here cuz   i can take i mean if i get this check i'm  doing very well it's a very weird position 95 i feel like i should have  some c7 c5 maybe let's go c7 i also have b6 maybe do i go c5 or not as  a question i think i'm gonna go c5 here   let's go b6 it's getting very wild here so i can also take with a knight or  the pawn takes that way i think i just   i feel like i should wait do i c6 wait  let's take do i have c6 and b7 even queen a4 queen d5 i feel like i have  something here i'm not seeing it though   oh there's got to be something is it knight before i'm gonna go knight b4 so i have c6 here maybe pawns are really massing because there if c60 takes   i mean maybe i just have to make a draw  or something but i don't really want to   make a draw okay let's go back it goes there oh  maybe i've never seen when he just takes c6 c7 284 queen d5 d3 rook d3  takes check takes takes maybe   now let's go for this might not work but i'm going  to go for it it takes i'm going to go check take   some it takes i have a checkmate and i have  so many pawns that i trust i'm winning somehow so many past pawns towards the other  board okay good shot can i take   because he's getting mated i'm  all starting to make another queen she goes king eight assume i just take this take this i mean wait but this doesn't  work i just check and make another queen   i also have a check and maybe oh i have a force  made actually like king h596 and that's checkmate   the king got stuck that's the classic made from  the game between huni and spika in the tsm video   or not quite but close  closely sko e4 let's go here okay let's go i guess let's go let's go here again  in castles everybody's playing this line nowadays you don't have to explain such trivialities  to chat right thank you to foxbox for the   six months thank you so much appreciate  it i'm on a good clip though i mean 100   is going to win basically it's like 90  ish is what i need to to win for sure you mean number three is bond cloud  nakamura wait what is this i just check let's just go here let's go here i have bishop g6 coming next move okay resigns let's keep going to eddie cab dub for the prime tech level zero for  the prime thank you so much you guys appreciate it   okay let's play x barely let's go  g6 i want to get over that 50 mark this is h4 i'll play h5 here hi hi carl how do i become better that's a joke  right benjamin you're just trolling me you must   be trolling me benjamin right surely you're  trolling i assume okay stick with the knight let's go here queen c7 just  castle oh he's got bishop h6 maybe i did give him this hmm   i'm gonna play e5 i don't know if it's  right but i'm gonna do it and we'll take no serious i mean trust the pro trust in whatever  the process is basically is what i would say   i'm gonna go d5 and open up the center of the  board very soon if i can probably not yet let's   go here going d5 next move got to open up the  lane for the or the diagonal for the bishop so   let's go d5 just open open up everything i think  the worlds for the two months thank you so much maybe rook d5 was better there don't  know wait what's this f oh he's got it's got queen c3 kind of annoying actually like  really annoying maybe i just blunt dir der dird   let's take he's got knight f6 don't  love it but i can still go rook d8 maybe maybe just queen c4 i feel like i oh he's got  queen e3 what am i doing i gotta slow it down   i'm moving way too fast right now let's go  here try moving way too fast in this game   trying trying to get over that 50 mark too quickly okay i'm i'm happy he did this however because  now i think i'm gonna go here and work d4   hit the pawn and come back and  probably a draw with correct play   but i'm definitely i definitely have chances to win can also go here maybe let's  go here bring the rook over let's go here with c6 maybe okay now i should have winning chance if i  play this correctly let's go h4 and g5 maybe   maybe i should have gone rook  d6 first okay let's go here let's go here so there's no rook d8  rook d4 because the pawn holds for this   let's go check and take and now now it's over thank you to x032 for the prime what is this   whole tempo and tango thing everyone's  talking about i don't understand it resigns let's keep going really putting on put it  putting putting up the heat on everybody where's   bortnick even well i don't even see boarding on  twitter did warning just quit after i beat him   i think boarding might have  just quit after i beat him   yeah i think bornick just quit after i beat  him because i don't see bortnick anywhere he he quit after he lost me that second game yeah tempo was due as an excuse for  why i was so good at beating levy   tempo what you guys are trolling right you guys are i hope you're trolling i mean bornick should have 25  points by now and he doesn't   oh he played 2500 and then tilted okay  let's go here on bishop d5 i guess tempo let's go here oh i just blundered shoot why did i do that he's got c4 or something yikes i didn't even  see that oh yeah okay let's go here and here i just blundered i got careless let's go  here i'm in really bad shape this might   be really bad for me he said he drives the  ford tempo yeah i'm sure that's what i see   the funny thing is my opponent has a draw  here with knight b7 but i'm doing so well   that i don't mind to draw here even  though i'm not happy with the draw let's take he's got this too yeah this  is actually really bad for me potentially   i guess i'll trade and go here  try to try to activate my bishop   his knight is really good but also it could be  very bad because the bishop dominates it kind of this is probably bad for him but  it's looking more and more promising this would be one strange okay let's go h6  looking to play g5 here maybe bishop e5 even   starting to unwind this let's go here not so unhappy now my position is in quite a bit  if i get knight g695 i'm very much in the game now   although i did allow that which was not smart hmm let's go here and take i guess still feel like i'm moving too fast that's  a mistake or no he's got rook b6 still shoot so stupid okay let's go here and now  i just want a knight of seven two at least i cover the square i think i can still  draw this a draw is fine because i get an extra   point for a draw not happy about it but i can live  with it especially the rook a7 coming up let's go   oh not rook here cause then i hang rookie  six i have to be careful let's go here   maybe i go f3 i guess d6 okay let's  think about how i want to play this   maybe i just go i have to be very careful how i  play this you seven [ __ ] before checking me two 57 loses okay maybe i go here he's  got what bishop e4 or something wow he's got this move oh my gosh unreal  and he even spotted it let's go here in here you oh so bad it was just a draw i should  be able to draw so he doesn't have time it's actually a draw i think with the correct  play i'm pretty sure this is just a draw yeah it's just a draw it's okay draw is not great but i can  live with it i can live with a draw there   i think i get a point right yeah i get  i get one point so i can live with that just keep going let's go g6 let's go here want to win this game quickly though oh the 1100's in first right i mean right  now yeah but that's totally a meme account   like he can't he can't win the event so i'm not  really that concerned about him at the moment   let's just take and go knight of five  or 96 maybe let's take let's go here no i mean this guy is totally  meaning he can't he can't win a prize   so i'm really not worried about him i go here let's go i guess i go here it's actually a  little bit weird i have to be a little bit careful let's go here i guess in rook c8 uh why can't he win a prize because um he's it's  obviously a meme account let's go here bishop   which means he's also not streaming and he's also   not an affiliate on chess.com  so there are several reasons let's go here and takes why did i do that  okay that was insane to me let's go here i'm still going to win the game i think  but man i made a total mess out of this   and saying what i just did wait what is  that wait first of all i can take okay   three c six and somehow i can't win what is  this let's go e5 close the diagonal important   that i close this diagonal here okay now i  should be winning oh wait i can just take let's take let's go here queen a4 maybe okay now i just take and i just won the game i mean it's not a legitimate account  obviously when you look at the name xcc is playing gta v right now can't be him yeah  it can't be xqc yeah let's go here of course let's go here i guess i'll go here in b4  and d3 maybe let's go d3   oh he just slipped okay now i go to knight  five and he gave me a gift let's take um i guess i'll just go back  no need to get creative here   especially with knight h4 lurking in the wings i'm going to check in f4 maybe he can't take because of the fork  if he takes i just take the knife   wait i can um no let's just take and go here let's take the pawn bring the  knight in should be a pretty clean one let's go d4 oh i blundered that actually whoops let's go here   okay let's go here to hit the night i  actually made a blunder now it's it's   still winning but it's very tricky let's  go here knight d3 i guess it's a free pawn let's take okay let's keep going i think i sent teresa for  the two months let's play   oh we got exotic princess not a happy pairing here i should actually play slower i'm playing this  i'm playing this game like i'm playing some 2500   i don't know why i'm moving so fast here but i guess i'm moving so fast  i might as well keep moving fast yeah this is joe baba yeah he's um yeah i i don't  know why i'm just moving way too fast and it's   really no good reason for it does this interesting  look let's go here i mean i can play a3 i'm gonna go d4 knight here here's c5 maybe sharp position okay let's go here and take i can also play b4 this is probably  wrong but i really i feel a strong urge to   play it so i'm just gonna do it even though  i'm pretty sure it's a bad move let's go here   because now he's got problems  with all his pawns kind of takes interesting did not  expect that okay let's take   i still feel like i'm moving  too fast but it's complicated there's rook d8 i think i'm just gonna move  my king i don't know which square is right but   i'm gonna go to h2 could have gone to h1 one  square is right one square is probably wrong can i tell jose mvp to quit crying what  on earth is that even in reference to let's go here and just open it up oh why didn't i  go knight c oh no it's if i was no good actually   or wasn't no maybe it was oh i also have takes  knight c3 i just realized and that's really good   i didn't even see that on first glance but yeah he  takes now i go here and he's in really bad shape   because there's a there's a fork and there's  all kinds of other bad stuff going on here okay we're looking pretty good here i mean  another win and we're we're in really good shape   like i said i think i think 90ish is a guaranteed  okay take so i take so he takes i've rook b1   of course i just take why not drop the juicer  back his pieces are kind of discombobulated here   i mean i can even just i can go f5 even   actually do i go caveman yeah let's go  f5 let's just go all in for the kill yeah it's just down in exchange but  i mean it's just basically lost here he's probably going to resign it would  be nice if he resigns and doesn't run   it down but he's probably gonna run it  down here yeah he's gonna run it down   few more wins yeah probably like five  or six more and it should be over but it's not over yet definitely not um uh running it down okay okay we're gonna  play benjamin okay i kind of want to   take it seriously do i play the b  feeder probably not i should be more okay it's gonna play this one okay okay  let's do this one i should have played   knight bd7 so i don't actually normally  play this line it's a little bit dubious   i don't know why i played this line  this is definitely not the best line   i think knight a6 is correct if  i remember this line correctly wait is this right there's also 96 intakes let's just i know  this is wrong but i'm still gonna play it this is not correct but i'm huh it's  peculiar move let's go here and take i'm trying to win this game which is  why i'm playing such dubious stuff   normally i wouldn't play this way  but i i'm not going to draw the game i mean i have here in bishop a3 at  least that's my idea he goes 94.   so basically he gives me this opportunity  to to double up everything okay let's go   i'm gonna go here i think that's probably just  stupid it doesn't do anything let's go here i've worked e4 and rook d8 as an idea i  mean i think i can also just play like   don't want to go a5 and b6 i think i do  go c5 now that's a surprising move to me   like very surprising i did  not think that was a good move   because 96 i can take there's bishop f5 there's  also rook b8 i think c5 was a little bit dubious can i go over b8 play b6 um i think i  actually want to move my king out of the way at b6 at some moment maybe okay let's go b6 here i was worried about  f5 maybe i shouldn't have been but i was not playing this wall though that's for  sure let's just bring the bishop back oh i've got tricks with rook b3  here now aha aha i have tricks i really want to take and trick him somehow   but there's no good trick weirdly is there really  no trick here it feels like there should be hmm i feel like there should be a trick   okay let's just take and maybe go here  i've got knight c5 and it's just a draw he's thinking a long time i mean i probably  can flag him not happy with the way this game   has gone because i really would rather just  beat him on the board but sometimes flags are   flags he's probably gonna take with a knight  because there are there could be tricks here i'll hold bishop five in case he doesn't okay yeah see i knew he would do this now  now peter's out into what should be a draw i'm gonna try to draw it this way um the  thing is while this is probably a draw   how easy is this to draw if i  go rook f8 probably very easy but i still don't mind it's a flag as a flag   it's also actually is not an easy drop  white's actually quite a bit worse here   let's go here because you can't go here  okay this is actually quite a bit worse it's there but now i go here let's go here in here it should be winning actually now  it's just lost i go here in g4   just run the king back around  and it's pretty routine let's go here okay we got the dub keeper moving  on thank you to x collate for the   seven intact map for the three thank  you so much appreciate it thank you let's go here at d6 i think the caico for  the prime minister's caico let's play e5 just take i think frozen events for the prime yeah negative  talent right i'm such i have negative talent in   life right i'm the one with negative talent even  though he couldn't draw a pretty routine end game let's go c6 and knight f6 next move i'm gonna play b5 maybe a5 let's go knight b6 here i can take play bishop e6 well actually no what he said was  he he said that um he said that like   magnus people like magus carlson who are  normal that was actually the words that he used   he basically said i'm not normal and magnus  carlson is normal that's what he actually said   he he basically said normal people like magnus  carlson and maxime and so forth that's what he   said let's go here but yeah i mean if magnus  is normal you guys if magnus is normal hey what   can i say i mean i don't know what normal means in  this world if magnus is normal guys only the world   champion only like number one rated player in  this world at 17. if that's normal man i gotta say yeah being the world champion is normal if magnus  is normal and everyone is messed up couldn't agree   more yeah i'm just gonna go a6 and consolidate  i guess i don't even know if i need to but i   feel like i'm coasting a little bit now i've got  i've got pretty good positioning let's go here let's go rook a b8 i have b4 at some  moment i'm gonna take this way i don't   know i could take him the other way  too but i don't know what was right   he's trying to trade queens i don't  actually have to they can go here for magnus is normally world champion no  i haven't won 64 games i have 64 points   um so i'm looking pretty good if i win like  four more games i think i'm gonna win this   thing uh pretty chill be more humble oh  i'm plenty humble actually like trust me   why do you resign maybe just he knows he's  gonna get flagged that's weird but okay   let's keep going okay we're we're we're we're  in the crew we're in cruise control three more   and i think i i think we've got this locked up  so soon to focus play three more good games of   chess even though i'm already i'm already  losing a lot of points oh his connection oh   oh i didn't see his connection bar that's  unfortunate actually that's pretty unfortunate hmm that's pretty that's pretty unfortunate  i'm gonna go a5 i don't know if i need to   probably i'm gonna see on fiance the bishop or  fianchito as we like to say it here actually   since we just played um since we just played  against um since we just played against uh   benjamin i'm going to start you saying fianchito  in honor of mr negative talent in life mr xqc let's go h6 guess i'm gonna go here maybe  c6 maybe knight c5 oops i did it again let's go hear me rook d8 okay knight b3 is logical but i think i just  trading loses the juicer in the center and now   i think i'm going to win this game too thank  you mtb chris for the eight months thank you fianchito let's bring us back c5 e4 is just so bad oh let's  just keep rolling with the pawn i have c5 maybe i'm gonna go c5 and c4 maybe i also bishop h4   which is tricky do i go c4 and do i take i think  i'm just going to take and line them up with this i guess i have queen d5 here just line it up   i'm gonna laugh if he resigns too i don't  think he will but i i would i would find   it pretty funny if he resigns it's not  completely lost it's pretty bad though oh is he gonna run the clock down all  the way oh is he really running it down   he's running it down mid here i think he is  actually this this dude's running it down mid   he's running it down mid totally okay okay let's keep going i should go pro no man it's much easier just play  chess and have fun like who wants to deal with   the stress of you know having to prepare like  five hours every day traveling the world like   you know one loss cost you like twenty thousand  dollars who wants to deal with that man when   you can sit back you can chill have a beer play  chess online entertain the masses i mean come on   who who wants to play chess professionally that's  just like that's too much man it's just too much   i mean nobody wants to do  that let's go c3 that's good um i'm gonna go here this is a very slow game i  can obviously trade i don't even know if i want   to go f3 do i want to play a slow slow  grind i'm down on the clock let's go f3 no i'm trolling obviously i'm trolling you guys think about the three buckarones thank  you for the three bucks appreciate it   i got to be a little bit careful though thank you  to tdr infinity for the prime thank you so much   um i'm just gonna um i don't like  my position actually i'm just   yeah let's go here i got to move  quicker i'm moving way too slowly i thought i had g4 it's very bold to play this  without actually calculating but i feel like   this queen is getting stuck it's not though i'm an  idiot it's not getting stuck stuck i'm a total i'm   total [ __ ] here's just this queen h4 let's go  here and i'm also moving way too slowly as well okay let's take let's go here  bishop one i guess some idea   i can probably still draw this i might  even just offer oh he goes h5 which   kind of weirdly almost boxes in  his queen here oh i've gotten   he's got queen h4 dude you're you  have queen h4 why do you resign that's just one of those days i guess everyone's  seeing sing sing uh sing sing weird stuff okay i'm   gonna play this french again i thought my position  was good i mean i don't believe this yeah i just   don't believe what he did that's castle okay  let's just take and go like here i mean i just   don't believe in this okay let's go here let's go  here let's go here this is all all standard i go   do i take taking is also an option here which i  think i do take sub knight of five i wonder why   i didn't do this originally why did i do this in  the first game very strange of me let's go here my goal is simply not to lose this game if i  don't i mean i don't know how he's got what 41.   vornix probably on a streak some uh  he's on a five-game streak so he's like   very far out but anything can happen as we know i think i'm gonna play c6 here consolidate my  structure and go knight f5 maybe b5 knight c4 too guess i'll go here and just trade who's  rookie once i'll take um hmm he's willing   to take doubles two sets of double pawns  probably it's not that bad objectively i'm gonna go for something a little bit dubious  with g6 here because i feel like i'm winning this   event so i'm going to take some risks here  try uh oh i don't have rookie i have to go   here maybe i'm going to take some risks  trying to create counter play in this game   even though i probably shouldn't be i mean i  actually i don't know why i am let's go here just go here i guess i think i have 96 in rookie eight i got to be a  little bit careful i'm being i'm too being too   too chill about this whole  thing okay let's go rook d8   because both knights are kind of bad so  it's like the bishop versus this knight   he doesn't want to trade obviously but now  i can go 96 i thought because there's no   queen d6 takes i just come back okay  logical i can play rookie 8 maybe i guess i just go 27 maybe this queen e7 it's just a draw i mean he has g5 f5 but i always have f5 and i think it's just fine now i can try knight b7 do i really want to try  to win as a question i don't have to i kind of   want to though because of where my ratings at this  might even be a big blunder somehow but he goes f4 be careful yeah i probably should not have   done this i don't really know why  i'm trying to win exactly because let's go here knight d8 i guess let's take well there's no queen c7 oh yeah i  almost thought he had queen c7 but i just escaped   so primo queen takes if i get the  knight to f7 i'm probably just better i have knight f7 here do i go knight of seven or  i think well i have to stop checkmate obviously   let's go i can go knight d6 and probably draw   king f1 yeah probably a draw is fine  here i why why do i feel this need to   go insane i'm going to try to go insane i  don't even know why but i'm going to try okay goes there yeah that's  kind of insane to me i don't   know why i did this exactly let's go here and here still just a draw though after we trade time is a little bit dicey too just  realized actually why didn't i oh no   it was my mcqueeny one queen one was  a move there actually i didn't do it i mean he kind of has to  take he doesn't take i mean he's also moving way too slowly  now though way too slowly here just take i o i have queen d8 here wait no  then bishop seven oh this is tricky wait   let's go here and hit the pawn actually  this isn't tricky i'm just winning   knight f5 is just winning the  game kind of with knight g4 also so i didn't come up he's got no check so wait okay he's got no timeless chef so here threatening checkmate in one checkmate there we go next game i think thank you to sarah  for the prime guys drunk   for the two months thank you so much appreciate it because keep going knight c3 let's go e5 maybe knight f3 okay we're gonna have this again  let's go um let's go here castle i can obviously just play a3 ben  saying i played badly well you   know the funny thing is if you're actually  not trolling and ben said that the thing is   his rating is much lower and i kind of have to do  random dubious stuff to try and win these games   more ads in a youtube video so much yeah  i'm sorry you guys i told you i'm behind   on ads this month and it you know come april 1st  we'll be back to regular but i kind of have to   unfortunately i'm just way behind i'm sorry it's  just i mean it's just what it is let's go here   i mean i'd rather not but i just i don't  have a choice as i think i told you guys   because bishop e4 now obviously take  i think i'm just going to play here okay it goes there i'll go here and target  the pawn um i can take the knight or the pawn   i'm just gonna take this pawn i don't  know if it's right but it makes sense and his bishop looks really good but  his bishop is is actually pretty bad   too many ads i know there's too many ads but it's  just for right now is that because you don't run   ads when you're away at the tournaments uh  ads are run but generally not it's i mean   you really don't want to go away from the action  during those events just go here and trade yeah not enough ads i've been here 40  minutes i don't have any ads cool cool   let's go here i'm gonna go why is  he why is everybody just resigning they need taylor's deathwing for the prime thank  you so much why is everybody just resigning let's go e4 just going to gamble here i guess   they don't want to play against me i  guess but man it's boring let's go here because it's you that's why okay just take and  let's just i mean i don't know just d3 and castles they have bird a boy for the five and was it  radre for the three months thank you so much   let's just go i don't know there's so many  options i'm just gonna do this one maybe   um i'm gonna go here try to put pressure  maybe he can maybe grab i don't know if he   can but i don't really care i'm just gonna  go queen d2 and hit the pawn on on um on f4 actually it's got knight h5 that's a good move   let's go over broke with d4 now takes i have  d5 and rookie one and all kinds of bad stuff okay it does take so let's go rookie  one i realized my pawn on eight   okay d5 95 i just take oh he's got knight b8   i still feel like i should have a lot of  piece play here though on the diagonals new carb runner for the for jim horton's for  the two months thank you so much appreciate it okay let's just go a3 i think the idea is  i want to stop him if he tries to bring the   knight in this way it was knight of six i mean  i feel like i should just be much better here   better maybe too strong but i mean he's got  no development whatsoever on his king side   now i cut the knight it's stuck he  doesn't work e8 though let's go here okay let's just take and take again bad knight  bad bishop i have two bishops it's not ideal but   it should be fine let's take and go here hit  this coming around the back to gobble b7 as well also bond cloud didn't win so it  looks looks like a very likely victory   i'm just going to go here and just go for  this this should be winning somehow hmm   okay let's go here and try to trade some knights okay so if i take check i just come up  and then i take an eye queen so i take um let's go here let's try to use the double  op combo and just win the game let's go here   bring the knight in as well a lot of pressure so here i take bring my king up let's go here target the target the knight  i have d7 maybe i can also just take and now the double op pair just  just wins the game basically up to 88 pretty close to a  winning score let's go c6d5 let's go here let's go here two  knights versus two bishops yeah let's go here i'm going to go for g5 it's not  best we're going to win this event so i feel   like having fun now maybe i do i have knight  f4 here knight g2 and rook g8 or something   i don't know it's actually  good but it's maybe an idea wow he takes okay so wait so  what's going on if i take g2 oh let's just go for it i'm gonna win this  event oh i could have played rook g893 maybe   could have gotten a better version maybe of this  okay so i take the thing is i'm threatening check so i don't know what's going on here maybe maybe  i hear i could have played rook g8 first anyway   what did he do he plays bishop b1 and i'm losing  probably because i didn't even see bishop b1   um let's go check in h5 h4 maybe if knight f3 i just take if knight  f1 i can go like queen g4 maybe an   h4 page four i just taken okay just see it just go over i misplayed this let's go here maybe h4  g8 or though maybe i didn't misplace if   it goes king h1 h4 knight f1 i have rook  g8 he's getting mated on these two squares a lot of pressure okay h4 knight h5  would just come up and hit the knight   knight h1 rook g8 and it's the same problem  he's two mates and i don't think he can cover   both no actually he can but he doesn't find the  right way he goes knight h5 can i just go here   because he's losing this bishop okay i just take   now first of all i can take the bishop and i think  i just do i just move the king and i just win i have not played eric yet no i mean  it's been a pretty soft fill i played   boarding a couple of times early but  it's been a pretty pretty slow event   i mean it hasn't been super super hyped  to be honest it's been pretty slow yeah i mean i'm going to hit 100 points like  i don't even know what my max is but like i'm   getting in a lot of extra games so we're  going to get well over 30 games in this   which is pretty nuts like i'm probably gonna have   like 32 games probably like five more  games at least which is really insane i'm gonna try to win five more try to see if i  can get into like well into the double digits   like 120 ish it's gonna be my goal he does  this now i go here 95 and it gets very sharp why does levy never play uh levi does play title   tuesday thank you nash be a luke for  the four months thank you so much   c5 this is not correct but i don't remember  why i'm going to take and go here at dc5 and they're supposed to play rook d8 first  let's go here if takes i just take 120 is   what that would be two more is 100 if i keep the  streak alive so 104 108 112 is gonna be my target   112 is my target i want to win  five games in the next 20 minutes probably i won't but i want to okay queen e5 is  actually a very good move that i didn't even see   do i have d6 i can obviously take let's go here let's go here hit the bishop c3 i'm  definitely not gonna win five now   because even though i'm winning here this is  gonna take a lot of time off the clock to win   fifth hour of waiting for hikaru  to play smooth operator okay so the operator smooth criminal i think you mean smooth criminal right there you go wait there we go one wrong one okay let's go here in c3 oh smooth operator oh okay okay there you go let's go here target the pawn guess i'll  go here now maybe rook c7 is an idea target of the night target the pawn let's take we trade now i dominate the knight  no jumps you can go this way but i can go c4 let's go here target the knight i'm gonna go for a kebab with rick d7 or  i can do this this must be winning also i can play g4 i think it's just  winning too many pawns here and his knight is dominic's videos here i go here hazel rad for the prime thank you so much  to hazelrod appreciate it thank you operator so four more and eighteen i don't think  i'll get four i'll probably get three and   if i win i'll get three for three for sure if i  play well but i don't think i'm gonna get four in the great thing is i've also lost i mean naturally  i've lost um lost a good chunk of points already   which is very impressive too i've already lost  um i've already lost like oh no i haven't i've   only lost like four points i guess but i've lost  rating points in this in this arena kings for sure okay i guess i can just i'm gonna do something  weird i'm gonna give him a check and just run my   king out let's run the king out manually  castle and bring the rook to the center   i look sleepy no i actually feel pretty good but  it's been a long stream let's sidestep this threat i can play h i think i should actually because  i i have tricks with bishop g4 also i think a   good neighbor for the eight month thanks so much  appreciate it no i think my position is actually   quite okay here i'm not that concerned um let's  go here hit the queen he might even have to sack   can i have some trick with this i think  i did but knight g5 would just go f6   oh i've got to be wait let's go here hit the queen  i've got to be very careful with how i play this oh i'm up two points oh yeah  i must have my rating wrong i   thought it was like 32.50  or something at the start let's go here kingdom 7 next move and now the  bishop's in the way so he can't sack the queen   like the bishop was here so he had a checkmate  threat um with rook takes bishop but now i put   the bishop in the way and i move my king up  like now the bishop's here versus hero so   if he takes takes it's blocked he doesn't  have this uh queen of seven idea anymore blame david howell for the point  shop yeah yeah it's all good okay let's just take go here in rook d8   let's go here probably just rookie 8 trade  some rooks pretty good stuff let's just take let's go here let's target the knight maybe bishop  b8 is an idea as well he goes c4 so i'll take i really want to find some way to just  okay i guess i'll just go b5 and open   up open up this position  let's go here check check here actually rook b1 is bishop d1 so  i don't want to do that but the   rook is more powerful than the bishop  here too much uh two too many lines now i just run this one up the  board and it should be game over actually let's go here on bishop a5 maybe let's go here now i'm starting to run  the pawn let's go here let's go here i want to stop king ju once the only  thing he has is pushing this pawn so   as long as i can keep the rook where he  can't target it i'll switch check and take   okay let's try to win three more  in the next 14 minutes if we can i mean i can still win three whoa they need  to chew for the raid with 501 thanks so much   chew for the raid appreciate it hope  everybody's coming from choose sherman's   having a good afternoon or good evening or good  morning wherever you are in the big wide world   we are playing arena kings we're winding  it down here um 13 minutes 14 minutes left   we just crossed 100 points 27 and  a half out of 29 pretty good day   could be better but it could also be a lot  worse let's go h4 let's go here let's go here and here and target everything let's go here ah she was learning violin today okay i have no  uh that's gg's by the way we're gonna get three   in we're gonna get three and let's just check  me um yeah he'll probably just okay i just take   brutal brutal stuff from my man yeah brutal i haven't touched violence since i was very little  it's been a long time it's been a really really   long time the last time i probably played violence  i was like nine maybe eight or nine many many many   many many years ago for the carl khan i have not  played the trumpet on stream though which is the   instrument that i played more recently let's go  here i lost one game to bortnick very early on   many moons ago yes many many moons  ago let's go here in castle i guess okay uh let's just launch let's launch  the king side pawns let's fling it why play the violin when you could play  the much more the much superior cello   why is the cello superior  to the violin let's go here i think i'm playing decent shots i  wouldn't stop playing great shots   but i think i'm playing pretty  decently let's go here i i mean   i actually this game i don't think i  am i'm playing pretty badly this game i think jonah renna for the uh three months  as well i think so or actually choose where   he was 901 i saw it as a five when it  was actually nine sorry about the chew   um i misread that i thought that five was a nine  yikes okay um c5 is actually a very good move and   a move that i completely did not consider and i am  in really bad shape here so let's take and go here   i've got to get this bishop back around  i've actually got real problems here let's see if i can survive this because this is  pretty bad i do have h4 though which is lurking   or knight f6 knight g4 maybe probably gonna  have to sack some juice let's go here maybe if i can reroute the bishop to c7 like if i could  stick it on c7 right here i'd be totally fine   i guess the car is only streamed five  hours on right yeah this is not good yeah really not good here let's see okay let's just um let's go here oh he hit  knight at five which was winning actually   i just realized he hit a knight at five of  five was winning the game he didn't see it we're both missing stuff yeah right here he is   knight f5 which just wins the game  so i can't do anything he missed it okay let's go here let's go double stack the rooks i'm gonna go bishop e5 i can go e5 maybe also just hit the pawn knight  f3 maybe f6 let's go here i'm probably gonna   play g5 or something in a second let's  go here see before i take him maybe go e4 i'll pre-move because of the safe pre-move let's go e4 i'm going to go here   try to bring the rook down maybe  bring the rook to h3 bishop 4 as well let's go here i guess i'm going to take i'm going to go  here really dangerous actually this rook's   these the double stack is really  really dangerous for white to face he just resigns let's keep going probably can get in two more let's go e4 okay last game okay board  i want to win this game and gain points   okay he's gonna do this one okay i know d5 is a move i'm just as h3 the movers  d5 is always a move but i'm gonna play rook d1 now i know again i can always play d5 i  know i can always play h3 i'm gonna go here i think i just dropped back just age three and  takes okay it goes there let me do this i don't   know this is ripe let's do it because i feel like  this diagonal kind of matters here a little bit   i might be blundering but it feels right   it'd be better if i had the other rook on f1  f1 and d1 because this work doesn't do anything   in the corner it'd be better if this was a  real question i could thrust in the center   um wait i didn't think you could do this  if i take knight c3 he actually can do this hmm i guess he can oh well i didn't  think he could for some reason yeah i just can't okay i mean you can go d5 queen e3 should be fine though i'm just gonna go  king g two maybe this actually is not   so bad because the knight is dominated by the  bishop let's go here maybe rift d1 maybe rookie one i also have threats like queen  f5 i'm gonna primo rook d3 here a lot of danger here like i have rook  f3 his knight is really bad relatively   if he could reroute it to c5 he's just  much better he can't really do that he   goes b6 i saw this but i thought i could  go queen e3 and like queen c5 or rook d7 the e4 i just take this knight is really  bad i've got an awesome diagonal for my op and i can even go queen c5 or d7 when  he moves tonight this is very dangerous   he's thinking really long here okay he goes  c5 but i thought i'd just take cuz i've   d6 oh he's got queen f3 which i didn't even  see whoops okay let's just go here hit the pawn   but still should be bad though for  black because his knight is not good okay i just take the pawn i'm up a pawn here he  goes h i mean i'm just gonna oh that's too bold   he's got rookie five okay i'm getting too too  too bold here for no reason gotta slow it down   i'm still better though because this bishop  is awesome on the diagonal his king is so bad   and g5 was better but whatever queen c3 also was  probably better than taking but we keep going this knight is terrible it just it doesn't  do anything and the bishop dominates   dominates it i don't know what that does  either i'm just going to take and go rook g3 and again just nothing you  can do just too much firepower okay i mean this is a little bit much let's just go here e3 i can just i mean  everything wins here offer the queen trade which way do i want to win is the is  a question here i'm just gonna go here but now i just taken again he's pinned um let's make a bishop let's have some fun okay we've got the dub under promotion of the  bishop thing unique's board for three thank you   to coach angel nyc for the four again i'd use  the keyboard there so it was not an auto queen the legendary okay yeah let's  let's have some fun here let's play the bond cloud why not  it's the end of the event why not no reason not to promise this game probably this game isn't  going to count okay go c4 it does take let's go knight f3 probably rook d1 king up  one okay actually i got to go h3 stop knight g4   let's go here king f1 what's the point of moving the king it's a very  strong opening move you want it you want to move   your king to the center of the board i just  take and take i don't know this is good but   i'm going to do it anyway actually i have queen  a for me wait the knight a5 okay let's go here   it's a very strong move to control the center  develop your king bring the king into the board   very quickly you want your king in the game  that's always one of your goals in chess you   want the king to be an active piece developing  the king for the end game there's a looming end   game that could occur as well meanwhile  it's not looking very good at all for me okay this game's not gonna count  unfortunately but we're at 112 so pretty good   pretty good and yeah i also  drew magnus with it so it's   very soft thank you johnsy for the five  gifted subs thank you so much to johnsy thank you so much johnsy appreciate it thank you   um yeah there's nothing to be  done here let's just let's go here 112 is a record i don't know it might  it might be i honestly have no idea um let's just go here and actually  it's a mistake but whatever i can take it's got gh4 though let's go here knight f5 my king is very safe  as well this game's not going to count but   i've got a good position here knight f5 and  i'm probably better i wanted tesla i think   is a citation outfit for the prime i think  they're going to be better cars that come   out in the next five to 10 years when i need  a new car and um that are cheaper that are   just better frankly i think they're gonna  be other evs that are vastly superior so no let's go work h5 hit the queen   oh i'd work h6 why didn't i just take yeah i  also got the third place that's not me good one uh but will i want evie probably  yeah this one's not gonna count um that somehow blunder here i think i did yeah yeah i mean i blend her at the  end but it doesn't really matter all right we get the dub 30 wins one one loss  one draw 16 hot streak pretty good stuff second   place bond cloud nakamura with 86 26 wins  eight losses one draw third place mr the moo   cows for uh 25 wins four loss one draw all right  gonna run to the restaurant i'll be right back you
Channel: More GMHikaru
Views: 86,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, chess tricks, hikaru ben finegold, hikaru vs ben finegold, hikaru nakamura ben finegold, hikaru nakamura vs ben finegold controversy, ben finegold hikaru nakamura rant, ben finegold hikaru nakamura controversy, Hikaru plays arena kings, hikaru arena kings, hikaru nakamura arena kings
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 37sec (7237 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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