Highway Patrol 71 in Hot Rod

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of any state are broken a duly authorized organization swings into action it may be called the state police state troopers militia the Rangers or the Highway Patrol these are the stories of the men whose training skill and courage have been forced and preserved our state laws in their never-ending war to escape law enforcement agencies criminals are constantly devising new weapons the weapon of the Burke brothers was speed an automobile on which they had lavished thousands of dollars and a great deal of mechanical skill early one spring morning on a back road in the town of Midvale the car was put through its final testing I passed you go that floor Buddha do I hit 130 good boy there's no police patrol car that'll even come near how'd she handle brake smooth cornered easy no drifter slide I can handle her at any speed you did better than I figured on Tony when I gave you the dough to build a hot rod I didn't expect anything like this baby while you were in the penitentiary Harry I was learning about motors well you know about stickups I know about superchargers um you're getting a little jumpy aren't you tell you I'm okay good cuz there's nothing to worry about nothing at all then why'd you need a car that would do 130 my younger brother knows about cars why shouldn't I make something of it just means that if we get chased we still get away understand yeah okay now let's go over it again we head out Rob 10 to the restaurant you park around the outside keep the motor running while I go in figure on a big take those today to Cash factory payroll checks when I come up we take off okay now you're not chicken are you I'm not chicken about anything okay then let's go my way we want to try to tension keep her warm just make it fast huh how you feeling now now you sound like family better slow down I thought I told you to slow down right all right when I do now I unit 3 1 3 on route 40 a black convertible hot rod going north license zero one six nine seven seven intercept as soon as possible estimated speed of vehicle 120 miles an hour nice driving you lost him let's head home Jimmy that police car looked like it was standing still yep you can handler on that engine opened up I was on top of the world well a couple of more jobs like this and you'll have a real racin car in front of you give me the screwdriver now take off those phony plates plus we make I'll check in the house it was plenty we got ourselves a good thing kid several days later the head of the Highway Patrol was on a routine inspection tour of district offices among the cases under discussion was the robbery of the route 10 diner $20,000 it's a pretty good take for place this size anywhere we can trace the bills not much the insurance company has a record of some of the larger bills we follow through on that it seems like most of the take was in smaller denominations the restaurant catches payroll checks and it was payday at this parts plan up the highway how come nobody spotted the getaway car got away too fast people in the diner said all they heard was a loud roar and that was it so we had him checked the mug shot there was nothing on that that's where it stands as it now well we're not sure there's another case that same afternoon that may tie in love it all right tell me about what well but a half hour later I moved for tea but generous sucks with ten one of our officers on patrol was gonna stop a black hot rod convertible for exceeding the speed on it convertible opened up and left their officer sitting out like a duck got away over the back roads what about the license plates complete rundown showed the license plate was stolen belonged to the owner of a rest home it's got a ten-year-old limousine it couldn't make half the speed of the car we're after women did the officer mention anything unusual like a motor sound I made the same kind of a howl roar that the people in the restaurant heard supercharged you check all the auto parts leave us we're gonna hundred mile radius why don't what super charges lately these characters got away with this too easy they'll try it again alright where'd you steal those plates the parking lot at the Chelsea office building the guy won't listen til tonight at least you sure they won't be watching for us how long do I have to hold your hand you talk big after the last job now you're wobbly again I like bracing this rod that's all I like there's nothing to worry about the police don't know what they're looking for and even if they did would you driving they couldn't catch it anyway you're not just whistling okay then come on let's get rich Matthews where let me have the address thanks very much we'll be right there another restaurant robbery let's go I'm Errol Davis we're Highway Patrol do you own this place that's right first time I was ever robbed what happened I was alone in there who was quiet I left my waitress go on an errand then this guy walks in he has a handkerchief over his face he pulls a gun I've never looked at a gun from that angle before this fella with the gun what was it built like medium build how old you that he was I don't know not too young I could tell by his voice he tells me he wants my money naturally I gave it to him all of it I wasn't gonna get killed especially since I have insurance how much one did you give a little over seventeen thousand and a lot of money for a place like this today's pay day at the Ferguson plant I cash payroll checks all the places around here do it's good for business what happened that he's given the money he told me not to follow him or he'd kill me then he ran out I called you as soon as I could you see her car outside no no I didn't see any car did you hear a car yeah come to think of it I did anything unusual it made a roar extra powerful like a racing car oh it sounded like it could really go make some time along here the patrol completed the preliminary questioning of Earl Davis the restaurant proprietor and requested that he visit headquarters to view photos of possible suspects while there the APB concerning the hit rod incident was heard because his wife Emily just took her away doctor said death was instantaneous to get a description of the car now he hasn't been able to talk yet all I gots his name Drake okay thanks I'll try might help you to do a little talking you want to cry you go right ahead and cry to Lucy and me we've been married for 30 years he was gone so fast she didn't know what to do I called her she start across the road but he hit her just the same kind of a car was it mr. cake it was a little black fancy roadster to happen to get a look at the driver there were two men in the car that's all I could tell they didn't slow down much the motor made a loud roar to see the license plate no I I didn't see them would you recognize the car if you saw it again no it was just a little black car but that's all I could see all right thanks very much he said it was a black hot rod that's the same kind of hot rod run away from me after that last robbery let's see what we got two armed robberies now hitting the run black hot rod involved and every one of them put it on here all right an emergency APB was immediately broadcast for any unconventionally powered black convertible you by the time Matthews and Dorsey reached headquarters several vehicles had been stopped and examined they were found to be powered with stock engines and to be free of the damage I hit run would have cause they were all release this all these black hotrod convertibles picked up no luck it's gonna be pay date it doesn't practice in Roscoe Vala tomorrow sign all available units to check markets and restaurants in that particular area that might have a lot of cash on hand well even if we spot the rod we're gonna be down luck if we can catch it Holden laughs let's see what we can do about first one took place right here on ten right the second one was right up here this was on Mill Road now both times they took off and headed right back to Millville which is over here so we've got to figure the people we're looking for and live someplace in the mid rail area now there's a robbery committed tomorrow in the Roscoe Valley they'll probably try to get back to Midvale as soon as they can all the big belly pants right along the river that's right now these are the only roads out of the valley to Midvale a b c d e so robbery occurs in the valley tomorrow we'll block off the three nearest roads will nullify their speed by being there ahead of them oh you got it looks real good right back to normal that woman she back to normal too no that's stupid Dame she got what she deserved standing out in the road she looked so scared now this isn't the first person you've seen hit by a car you don't get me Harry can't blame you just beginning to understand myself what are you talking about I'm pretty tough when it comes to jockey and a rod but I don't get the kicks I figured on from pulling stick ups for sure I don't like hitting old women ah forget it how's the engine she'll do anything I tell her - meaning what meaning maybe I don't think we ought to pull any more jobs listen Tom I gave you the dough to bill this and I'll decide when we quit maybe we do just one more job but I'm the guy that says so you get any more ideas and I'll smash this thing to pieces how's that dope you wanted on anyone who recently bought superchargers better than a dozen let's say it sometime check the hot rod organization who runs it you know fell about name of Bert case asked him to come in bring all of his records with him thanks burn effected meet Dan Matthews head of the Highway Patrol / case Abbadon are you mr. Matthews very happy to know you Thanks listen up we've heard about all the good work you've done with hot rod clubs right now we need your help well what can I do for you well we're investigating two robberies in a hit and run involved with all of them happens to be a black convertible well I'm sure it wasn't it either fellas in our club I've heard nothing but good things about your clubs what's the best club in the state first-rate mechanics every one of them oh this I know but you might have a rotten egg there if you have we'd like to find him well so what I let's figure it this way we'll go along on the theory that anybody has a hopped-up job like this I'd like to belong to a hotrod Club so we can have a little competition Oh have you got a list of all the members with you Yeah right here may I please thank you how many black convertibles have you got mmm bought half a dozen they're listed names addresses or card descriptions where's that list of supercharged bars I've got oh here it is I say no we've got something to work on her three black convertibles with no superchargers owned by Ben Atta Herman furia Tom Burke step on it i unit three one three reporting our unit three one three reporting in pursuit of black convertible hot rod heading west on route 20 toward Midvale estimated speed of vehicle 120 miles an hour units in zones three four and five black convertible on route 20 heading toward Midvale block 12 18 five and 20 is previously instructed ten four and four let's take a look at his car the Cinch added that up and go 20 fury isn't it clear if that leaves Berk let's get to his house come on you got rid of him turn off the next side road no good we passed the last turn off before mid-may oh and highway patrol car call ahead rodent we blocked how about turn it back nah that only gets his trapped out in the valley there's only one way to do it I don't want to shoot out with anyone Harry I'd rather give up you can't give up not with me in the car and just remember that maybe we are random maybe highlight form a roadblock are there all kinds depends how much time they got what they got available usually it's just a couple of cars stretched across the road hang on what for I'm in random stock races for nothing I drank around him three-two-three reporting black hot rod just up the road block on route 20 headed toward Midvale Junction all available units continue pursuit of black convertible headed toward Midvale Junction we'll go to the house of Tom work at 98 57 Brockton Street ten-four ten-four I killed a woman and jumped a roadblock and that thing it back to the dough you put under the hood okay you win the silver cup but we're through around here you can't make me sir that's next we head home I'll pick up the dope we'll ditch the car someplace and hop a bus out of town I'm going in and get the doll you turn the car around don't you it up put your hands on top your head we'll need an ambulance of probably a coroner for that I'll call it Harry's did should have been me I killed somebody driving that car he never killed anyone we both handle deadly weapons you both handle them wrong well let's go you you see the Highway Patrol or action again next week until then remember leave your blood at the Red Cross not on the highway this is Broderick Crawford saying see you next week you you
Channel: Foxeema Classic TV 2
Views: 430,649
Rating: 4.7504334 out of 5
Keywords: Highway Patrol (TV Program), 1950s, classic tv
Id: Hbih-1ru9YM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 5sec (1565 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 10 2014
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