Highway Patrol 96 in Psycho Killer

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whenever the laws of any state are broken a duly authorized organization swings into action it may be called the state police state troopers militia the Rangers or the Highway Patrol these are the stories of the men whose training skill and courage have been forced and preserved our state laws the first organized police force in the United States was created in 1844 in New York City today dozens of law enforcement agencies protect the life and property of our citizens outstanding among these agencies is the Highway Patrol last August the entire machinery of the Highway Patrol was called into action in a statewide effort to locate an unknown killer who preyed upon lonely women two women had died and for two months their killer had been at large then on October 9 the murderer struck again hello hello are you Louise Turner yes just sure your name isn't Judy well I know it's Louise Turner in Europe oh I'm sorry my name is Mike Clark oh yes I just loved your letter well won't you come in Thanks I wonder what you must think of me oh well right in one of those Lonely Hearts ads I've never done anything like that before but I've been so lonely and one of my cousin's she found a husband that way and this farm is too much for me I can't here I am going on look there's no need to apologize well if you hadn't placed that ad in the papers we never would have met besides that's how I met my first wife you've been married before yes but unfortunately she she passed away little over a year ago you look very much like her matter of fact you could be taken for sisters look won't you sit down thank you you don't mind being compared to my first wife to you oh no I I'm flattered have you had lunch can I fix yourself good thanks I had lunch on the way out I just like to sit and talk to you a while it's very pretty dress you're wearing oh well thank you I do on my own sewing you're very talented Julie Louise oh yes sir I have a handyman that comes in once a week to do the heavy work and then in the season I get migratory workers but it does seem ashamed pay out all that money which if I had a husband we could do so much more you're a very good-looking man why do you have to answer Lonely Hearts ads well I'm not exactly the aggressive type my first wife always said I was too shy and besides this way makes it easier to meet people but I might ask you the same question you're a good-looking woman why do you advertise good-looking you're not just saying that no no I mean it you look exactly like my first wife and she was very good-looking I I think we'd do just fine oh I know we would and I'd make you a good wife I'm sure that what is that this is proposal a-- well you might call it that we don't know very much about each other is that we don't know anything just that we like each other is that right oh yes and and people don't really begin to work out their problems until after they're married isn't it right what shall we set a date well don't you think we ought to go out a few times first and talk things over oh we can do all that after we're married well let's not rush into marriage Oh why wait would two mature people we know what we want every day that passes is a day lost let's get married right away but just like my first wife you are exactly like always pushing me around telling me what to do you are duty you're not Judy but you looked exactly like don't think I'll stop looking chilly don't think I'll stop looking someday I'll find you someday I'll find you Julien what I do tell you Oh Louise Louise Oh Louise headquarters to 2150 2150 bye homicide reported a turn a farmhouse on Blair Drive you know where the Turner places yeah but five miles back and I'm gonna let it drive right now ten-four and she was a sweetest and kindest lady in the area why she devoted her life to a father this was his farm and till two years ago he died Louise refused to sell a farm she figured she'd find herself a husband and maybe it helped her why should anybody want to do this to her why I'll do our best to find out did you happen to see or hear anybody in this vicinity well I thought I heard a car but I didn't see one when I follow ease I ran to the front door but I didn't see anything at all how do you happen to be around here well Louise wanted a box to put something in and I was bringing it over to her when I found it thanks for your help mr. Phillips I'll talk to you later I won't give up jury keep looking futile I'm sure you're dead I can't let you live you know that I'll find you wherever you are give yourself away with one of those ads well next folks in who cleared that fix here of all the suspects around here which leaves us with those four characters who gave us phony addresses we can't find in those names from out of town three those out of town they checked out while they check out negative we're working together well him now all right let's see one of the names you get here like your take a gutter Danielle Mata Wilson John Donnelly Turner stream of different parts of the states are all strangled and they're all member of a Lonely Hearts Club well it could be a coincidence but look at these descriptions they're all practically the same and look at these ads a women wrote all alike they could have been written by the same woman what about the lab report can help us find out man well maybe the lab turning a complete report on all the letters 28 letters in the Wilson case 26 in the John Donald murder 24 in the last case in some cases a lab says that several men wrote to more than one of the victims but only two men wrote letters to all three of the women - Monroe - Martha Wilson John Donald and a westerner what were the guys well the first was a man who wrote in longhand used the same address letters were practically the same same was Bill Williams we checked him out an hour ago here look well nothing came out in the questioning he was clearing the Turner case checked out clean the other two murders big mystery thing we're not taking any chances he's under surveillance now what about the other guy yes this one could be a possible he always types his letters on a portable machine always uses a different name each time in the Turner case he used the name of Mike Clark always use a different peel box to in this case used peel box 58 in Lawrence you checked on the box yes he gave it up four days ago no one could give us a description of him okay so what do we got we got four different items for say memos they're all cut from the same pattern but there's no tire between the victims they come from three different areas they aren't related to each other they don't even know one another but they all know the killer but only for a couple of minutes what do you say we give a chance at number four what do you say we use say Nelson will planter in a lonely farmhouse we'll use the same kind of an ad they all use you know the lonely heart type thing will attract work Ellen you know afraid also describe her faint house and she's about five three a brunette fade Alison's description is same as those right feet six red hair no no that's not Julie lonely woman and lonely house I'm five feet ten I'm not quitting you'll see Judy you got me with one of those heads and I you're trying to get somebody else I'll find your head then I'll find you Lucy right for the job fair you fit the description of these other victims three women have died so far I hate to say this but that's right what do I do when he imposes a lonely woman on a farm which those when died now you need new husband to run the farm it shouldn't be too difficult my father had a farm I grew up on it well we've got ads in the paper for the same kind of ads that learn to kill in the other cases today uh alone on a farm brunette 5-3 age 35 not quite attractive thanks for small favors would like to meet a mature man who knows his way around a farm object matrimony hey Nelson bucks 485 if I find a nice one can I keep him you might find a killer first wish I didn't mean that so literally look we've got a farm staked out it's just outside about worst it's wired to a listening post he'll always be at least two men handsy around well that's good we want you to do the job alone you can't do it alone we'll have men all around ready to move in the minute the trap works but remember you're up against a fanatical killer lies an obsession against women to your description don't be a hero play it careful you want to catch you I'll keep you alive but you're fool me didn't you thought you could hide from me but you can't look look at this alone on a farm brunette 5 feet 3 inches age 35 would like to meet mature men who knows his way around a farm object matrimony Fame Nelson Bay Nelson another name that I can't fool me Julie I found you you know what's gonna happen to you you're gonna die no matter who gets in my way you're gonna die and this time I'm gonna make sure you're dead you once the trap had been set a lonely parade of possible suspects began to file in and out of the isolated farmhouse the officers of the Highway Patrol patiently waited hoping that their trap would spring on the unknown man who had already killed three women there goes Lonely Hearts Man number nine there's something pathetic about men like him yeah this sure is Hey anybody new was free right now no mr. Tom Ross just left he was number nine now we're waiting for Herman Warner well no that one is the typewriter Romeo that broke a lot of those three women last time his name was Clark look we've had nine replies now we're gonna start watching for Warner o'clock another visitor yes miss Nelson oh you must be Herman Warner that's right I've been expecting you won't you come in Thank You certainly have a nice place oh you're just saying that I have to do all the farm chores so there's very little time for housework doesn't look that way then you're not looking very closely or you'd see the cracks and the walls and the paper starting to peel away won't you sit down thank you Judy Judy I'm sorry miss Nelson there Oh for a moment there you're invited milkman of another woman shall we have you had this farm long I was born here I tripped house for father after mother died 20 years ago now he's gone to I'm just lost so all alone you know loneliness is the curse of our time Lord didn't mean for folks to live alone my father used to say the same thing you remind me of him yet you're as handsome as he was I I didn't mean to sound so forward it's alright we're here to speak the truth to each other I just want to say that you're much too pretty to have to advertise for friendship I should think you'd be fighting officers well when I was younger I had lots of men friends but my life was with dad and after a while and then just stop coming around you must have been a very devoted daughter I tried my best and you'll make someone a very devoted wife I would like to try I was noticing on the way out here this is quite a farm how many acres do you have including the North Field 58 acres how much under cultivation at the moment about 10 how do you manage it oh I do some of it myself and get help during the season do need a husband I'm sorry I have some business to take care of in Woodmere before the day is over um I wonder if we could see each other again tomorrow maybe why of course why don't you come over for dinner thank you why'd he call it Judy no know what he was the last one we must have made a mistake little Warner I'll tell you what you guys go ahead and tell him I'll check was playing wrap-up equip all right what do we miss I don't know I've been trying to figure it out I'll get this we set a trap for the killer he didn't show why were you nervous for a moment I thought Herman Warner was our man cause he called you Judy that and the way he was holding my hand I had a feeling he was ready to explode trying to figure out what I said that made him cool off stop them could it have been something you said well he was holding my hand I was talking about the farm and how I used to help my father and my hands my hands they're not the hands of a farm yeah yeah I know we knew this but we took a chance nobody noticing I will transfer the operation to another part of the state when you packed I'll Drive Ian thanks I'm my own car okay just like Judy smooth sweet talk and lion and what I won't let her do to another man what she did to me no miss Faye Nelson you phony little fatherland I'm going back and I'm gonna kill you Judy he must have turned off in the other direction yeah I guess we lost him 21 73 to 2150 I guess we've lost our man you lost Warner yes on highway 64 suspect turned out on Mill Road he may be heading toward Victoria we're going after him I'll tell you what ready go ahead no no wait a minute want to say was going back to face place yes but that was tomorrow tomorrow let's get to that farmhouse quick what if I all got XX whoa whoa this is this car let's move in I'll take the front door are you dressed right know where you really are enough farm woman you're not even FEA Nelson and I know who you are you're Judy and I'm gonna kill you Judy huh I didn't want to kill you it was just her Judy who's Judy she's my wife says she ran off with all my money she's no good I've been trying to kill her for three months but she won't die she's in that house now like to go in and kill her before she ruins any more men like she did me stop worrying we'll take care of her Noelle I'm so glad well I don't have to keep trying to find it trying to kill her I can sleep sleep I wish we could get some come on let's go I hope you'll be with us next week until then remember no matter how new the safest device in your car is you this is Broderick Crawford saying see you next week
Channel: Foxeema Classic TV 2
Views: 205,274
Rating: 4.7257619 out of 5
Keywords: Highway Patrol (TV Program), classic tv, 1950s, oldies
Id: lX13ormIfsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 12sec (1572 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 12 2014
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