Highway Patrol 141 in Plane Crash

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whatever the laws of any state are broken a duly authorized organization swings into action it may be called the state police state troopers militia the Rangers or the Highway Patrol these are the stories of the men whose training skill and courage have been forced and preserved our state laws not every crime in which the Highway Patrol is involved takes place in a car or on a highway on the 7th of November a case began when a forest ranger sighted a small airplane flying at a dangerously low altitude over the Ridgeway State Forest area and alerted the Highway Patrol for possible emergency aid attention all units Ranger reports airplane trying to make forced landing on firebreak adjacent Eagle Rock in vicinity of Ridgeway forest 20 to 40 take the call and alerts on the way 2150 to headquarters I'm right close to there I'll take the call that far it is money you firebreaks about 300 yards off that way probably crashed or landed by now Louis if this plane down here had to know what he was doing god I want to do it real bad - it's a light plane either took off refuel just a few hours from here check the CAA Tommy then check Airways for a flight plan look around inside see if he can find anything with your wounds it scraped me right do you find anything No and why would anybody want to put a plane down in a place like this let's find out who maybe that will tell us why oh by the way where did the forest ranger come from home someplace near here headquarter setting meters here you take a look over that way I'll go over here keep within earshot right hey Barney come here dead huh yeah hard blow on the back of the head something heavy call headquarters get a couple units up here bring back area map I'll wait for you right 2150 to headquarters Oh at the Rangers dead notify the coroner's office location Eagle Rock occupant of plane missing request two units to help cover area further request we want a 1028 and a 29 on a plane CAA registration Nora three five three four Charlie that's Nora three five three four Charlie that's a dope on the plane registered to Harry Barlow no make on it the hairy ball oh yeah plane took off this morning comes to the airport flight plans for barros ranch at West Point was fourth that's 150 miles from here who was on the plane Marlowe his wife and a private pilot named Steve Wesson Spahr lo he's a mixed up in the rackets his name yeah the numbers I never heard of him connected with anything rough though well you have now figure it out plane lands on an isolated fire break apparently no emergency ranger reports the landing Ranger turns up dead plane turns up deserted whoever's have to plane down had a good reason didn't want to share his secret with arranging you got a handle might be some no cymbals ready drop Rani the Ranger didn't die of engine trouble we have the better hello ever won anything around no you know I can't I've gotten very far in this short space of time tell me what do we got around here besides wilderness well over here is the Red River Resort Hotel open up yeah it's a good 15 mile hike uphill all the way and if mrs. Barlow is supposed to be with him I will forget it what are these mono cabins the boys covering the highway are gonna check it but what's this Echols corner about a mile and half east of you're out in the open the caters to hunters during the season it close down about a week ago nobody left there now anybody covering it not yet I'd Bonnie you and I'll get over their head would you stay with a plane get a print man out here to check the Jeep all right now hold it well is this it we're almost there what's the matter just want to make sure we don't run into anybody so what we looked apart cappers that's all yeah is it much farther regarding the map on the a quarter of a mile well let's go Steve okay it's going to be careful mr. Barlow that's all there's nothing to worry about we're doing everything right come on well there it is right you checked that building over there I'll check this one everything's locked up no sign of anyway just say I'm here let's take a look around inside you get around the back wait a minute honey this must be yet you sure yeah we way ahead of time isn't there some way we can let them know we're here I don't know mrs. Barlow maybe if I scout around a little wait wait for what what is it Steve hi Barney come here Steve Watson mister mrs. Harry Barlow I'm Matthew Highway Patrol please all right search him all right turn around you want to let step four and throw your pack on the ground get those hands back up step back you're the right same thing they're clean put your hands down and turn around what do you want with us you were on that plane weren't you yeah huh my god she was supposed to meet our guides to see a ranger when you landed no we didn't see a ranger we didn't see anybody there was a ranger found dead near your plane I want to know everything you've done since you've landed we got out of the plane what else then what we started hiking we hiked from the plane to here yeah that's right that's exactly what we did it's been a killing time and place fit in with a landing and your plane we don't know anything about that Harry's right we're meeting our guy guards for what you're not carrying any guns I'd like to take a look at those facts may I there's nothing in there just some personal stuff I said may I Barney what are you wanted with us we haven't done anything it's pretty risky Rand on that plane way you did I don't think you'll take the chance of splattered yourself all over the countryside just to come up here and toast marshmallows we're camping there's no law against it is there what does the law against murder in the meadow saw your land is dead what's in this bag nothing just personal stuff yeah it's real personal it's locked let me have the key I don't have it I'm not gonna let a little thing like a key stop me give it to me here that's mine every dime of it call my bank they'll tell you call the mr. Matthews once we can prove the money's ours you let us go won't you it's an awful lot of money to take on a camping trip how much is it about a hundred grand look out eleven with you I was in a little deal with a couple of partners I double-crossed him brought the money up here to bury it that's the truth isn't that the truth yes mr. Matthews I swear it that's what mr. Barlow told me when we took off he told me he was going to bury the money somewhere out here Bonnie open the other pack you look like a sensible woman mrs. Barlow what's your part in this expedition what's the money for what's it buying she doesn't know a thing about this not a thing what's in the pack nothing just some clothes and things those are mine my clothes description made out the Virginia Barlow's that your daughter yeah she's up here camping with some friends she catches cold easy so we thought we'd so you're gonna try and tell me landed plane in a firebreak killer and you just to bring your daughter some cough syrup huh you don't think I believe that do you Harry please tell him he'll help us how can he help us he's at once said Baal oh I'm a cop the only reason the cop can't help because you starting trouble you're under a threat now what's the hundred grand for ransom for your daughter come on talk there to meet us here at noon if everything goes all right we'll get Jenny back but they told us what would happen if we brought the cops in you know what that means Matthews if they see cops around here they don't kill my daughter what's the whole story Barlow Ginny's just been home from the sanitarium for a few weeks she's been pretty sick she's been studying art she likes to paint you know landscapes and all she went for a walk yesterday to do some sketching we got a phone call an hour later we get her back safe and sound of if we obeyed instructions I'd meant keeping our mouth shut staying away from the cops 100 grand and ransom money they gave me instructions to come by plane land him that firebreak blaring and read him at 12 o'clock here it's a tricky place to put down a plane that many pilots could do it we're lucky to have Steve got any idea who's behind this I've got enemies sure they'd robbed me blind if they could but they wouldn't try to get at me through my daughter I don't know anybody like that please mr. Matthews let us get Jenny back call your men off you give me this break Matthews I swear I'll stand still for anything you want to do to me afterwards it's 11 o'clock we've got one hour if they're on the level I want you people to stay out here in the open you're not to leave the clearing you understand yes of course all right here put a wrap up that muddy bottom come on money you think they went a level his bottle alone I wouldn't be too sure with his wife's face I told me plenty like what like we better find Virginia bottle fast the patrol formulated a plan by placing their available men that vantage points nearby and under cover while they waited the Barlow's waited too anxiously hoping their meeting would result in their daughter's safe return it's all setup we got men watching that clearing from every angle I don't even think you could spawn through the glasses let's fix minutes before 12 these last few minutes must be pretty rough on mrs. Barlow what time is it at 5:00 I've please this isn't a dream what'd you say did nothing nothing listen honey you know how you always say you give anything in the world if I clear out of this racket I will I swear it if we get Jenny back I'm pulling out right away we're going to get her back out with Harry we are aren't we sure we are don't worry just a few minutes more now you know what I bet the first thing she wants to do is set up an easel and paint a picture of these hills easy honey easy we just got to sweat it out it's almost 12 who's guarding the plane Barney Edwards dillings good who's ever holding the Barlow girl's gonna head straight from the plaintiff the fastest most logical way to get out of here and nothing's gonna stop him either yeah arranged I found that out okay 12 o'clock straight up do you think they might have spotted us while we were down there yeah it's possible it's very possible what time is it now a couple of minutes more you said that before work if after the time my watch is fast Jimmy Jimmy keep my back bottle Oh take it easy kid you're okay told you that wouldn't be any trouble honey just hold still now why that's Cooper our gardener and his wife what's the matter Barlow you look a little surprised didn't you think we'd keep our word I never thought you'd do anything like this Cooper the trouble with you Barlow is you trust the wrong people man and the racket shouldn't trust anyone especially the people who work for him I bought a pilot you should know you were formed too you ought to be strung up by a thumbs for this cover it's kind of strange the way Barlow's acting seems to know those to know them yeah hit his wife looked awful surprised when I saw her have their daughter well that's a nice way to celebrate Oh home week that's worried we'll let them make the first move here's the money a hundred thousand it's all in here we did everything just like you say please stay back mrs. Barlow just throw it at my feet mr. Barlow let me go kid I'll tell you when easy Jenny take it easy please honey don't spoil it now money's all there every penny of it all we wanted Jenny please let her go she isn't well she I'm sorry mrs. Barlow plans are change I'm gonna have to keep the girl for a while yet why we kept our promise you sip after you promise kept your promise one of those cops don't around here we didn't have anything to do with him cut it out Barlow they're not here for the fresh air I swear we didn't bring them here mr. Cooper they came to investigate the plane you know me well enough to know I wouldn't lie to you please let Jenny go stop fretting mrs. Barlow we're not gonna hurt her one bit we've been good to you haven't we had a home let go let go of me wait Jenny wait it'll be all right let us handle it that makes sense Milo the ready body we may have to move fast or the cops Nahuatl they left they didn't know anything about this whole it Cooper tell the truth bottle where are those cops now you wouldn't shoot that girl Cooper you wouldn't dare no no what makes you think I owe Barlow anything you wouldn't shoot that kid because she's too useful to you she's your free ticket out of here without her you're a dead duck and you know it all it pilot no funny stuff in the name of heaven Cooper give us our daughter please not now Barlow later we'll take good care of her we just want to keep her with us till we get to the highway after all we took care of her all this time now it's her turn to take care of us please this you're doing a lot of Gavin down there they haven't let the girl go yet either they don't need separate long enough you still think I'll head for the plane they specified a plate on the rotors that wasn't to make Barlow more comfortable yeah when the followers have the pilot yeah I know what are you gonna do cover when you get to the highway we got a car waiting for us we'll leave the kid but make it of a highway okay she won't be hurt you can have my ring they're worth a lot of money we can raise more only leave Jimmy with us please hey that doesn't make sense Cooper for a guy I could pull a job as smart as this it just doesn't make sense maybe not to you friend but I figured makes pretty good sense for us it's at least five miles to the highway you couldn't make it with a girl she's sick she's only been out of the hospital a couple of weeks she couldn't stand that hike what are you angling for pilot you better stick to gardening cover you're better at it you know what you did wrong you picked the wrong victim next time make sure the victim can double as a hostage when you got is all wrong for the job he's right Eddie you know he's right shut up what do we do Eddie we can't just stay here I told you to shut up tell you what I'll do Cooper I'll make a deal with you you leave the girl here and use me as a hostage jeez I mean it trade the girl for me I'll take you back to the plane and we can be in the air in 30 minutes I'll take you anyplace you want to go this way no excess baggage and you still have me for a hostage how do I know you won't crack up the plane and kill myself I'm no hero all I want to do is get Barlow's girl in the clear and then I'll take you anyplace you want I'll get a bonus mr. Barlow for this I'm sure of it you're darn right well how about it okay pilot put your hands over your head I get over here okay pilot that's Mike they're taking the pilot as hostage they're gonna head back for the plane have our men surround the firebreak tell it you to put the plane on a commission just in case meet me down there on the talk Devon I'll take these with you you what is this Matthew's are you crazy you're putting Steve in a bad spot I haven't got much time so talk fast when the plane landed who got out first the pilot get out before you and your wife what come on speak up who got out first why Steve did he told us to wait while he took a look around it was only a few minutes come on let's go buddy all right hold it drop that gun don't come any closer clown for this guy gets it I mean it one more Stephanie gets a slug in the back okay pull the trigger wait mr. Matthew stay back this guy's desperate let's see how that's pretty really is Matthew's cut it out you'll kill me what's he waiting for you played your part real well but you don't ad-lib so good what what are you talking about figure it out when you in the bar ou saw me they didn't know me from Adam I could have been there to collect the ransom but you knew different you were surprised he would want to tell him to stay back remember I don't get it look this guy's desperate I noticed a vaana's reaction when they saw it was holding their daughter they were surprised and you weren't the hostage gag was a good one too the plane was part of the plan and every plane needs a pilot now if your buddy still so anxious to pull the trigger let him go ahead before my men start shootin cuz you're gonna get it for killing the Ranger anyway killing the Ranger Eddie Eddie for pete's sake for your gun away alright put your hands behind your heads walk this way well how'd you figure that one out I wanted the Patrol Academy remember the Highway Patrol story next week is a very unusual one we hope you'll be with us until then remember the clowns at the circus they're real funny but on the highway they're murdered mrs. Broderick Crawford saying see you next week Oh
Channel: Foxeema Classic TV 2
Views: 327,275
Rating: 4.7479868 out of 5
Keywords: Highway Patrol (TV Program), Aviation Accident Or Incident (Cause Of Death), classic tv, 1950s, oldies, Highway Patrol (Organization Sector)
Id: r4NqCHX7uJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 15sec (1575 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 19 2014
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