HIGHLY CUSTOMIZED DRV MX450 TOUR! // Our full-time home // Full Time RV

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] three [Applause] as a lot of you know we decided on the 2021 drv mx450 full house we love it this is our garage it holds our 12 foot can-am beautifully and it is also our office and that's where jim does his magic on our youtube channel we added a rug that we got from costco and it works beautifully it warms it up quite nicely in here we added cupboards because we knew that we were going to lose pantry space so they drv added these cupboards for us and it holds so much it's just it's amazing how much it holds and we are not lack of space that's for sure and we added it over here also and this is our charging station that we charge our cameras phones walkie-talkies everything over here and it's just been amazing and because this is part of our living space we decided to delete all of the metal baseboard the diamond plate the diamond plate and also the metal cabinets that usually come with it we added the same wood cabinets as we have in our living room and around the windows we have this the matching window frames it just makes it nice and comfortable in here yep and we we asked the rv to put the same wall board in the garage that we had in the living space because this is really part of our living space when we're settled it is it is we use this a lot and of course we have our wonderful deck out here it's about an eight foot deck and these are four season doors which are really handy but this deck is pretty darn amazing we can come out here and have coffee have another extension of our living space which is also amazing and because our cam is so long we asked drv if they could put a little cut out here because our nose comes at a tip and we wanted to make sure that it definitely would fit in here well it comes up about an inch from the frame so it's definitely spacious enough we didn't need this and it comes about three inches from the door in the back so this is a little bonus area we like to put folding tables folding crates and whatever we need to put here and this has been amazing over here was a dead space it's a dead space behind the door as you can see like this and so jim built us a coat rack and a hat rack and we just get to come in here put our coats if it's raining and this is this is our wet entry let's go into the kitchen living area welcome to our living space when you have a toy hauler you have compromises and a lot of times it's in the living space the kitchen area to have the garage and we found out we are in love with it um we use this like i said as an extended living space and when we purchased this we really had to think differently about how we were going to separate and put things in different places to open up the whole area and originally the refrigerator was here and there was a wall and then there was um seating over here well when you sat down it felt like a cave so we just we didn't like that at all so alicia with her wonderful imagination said what if we put the fridge over here put windows here and delete this chair over here that was here and delete the window so we did that so it allowed us to have a small appliance garage that they built for us and it holds all my small appliances and nothing moves as we travel it's just amazing with having this small appliance garage it gave us this big space to use i use it as a cup holder at night when we're sitting watching tv we can put the instant pot here i plan on putting my christmas tree here this christmas but it also always has our berkey water purifier which is great it has these wonderful dark wood balances which are a breeze to clean i love them it has the facial lights inside so you can just turn on the lights that those lights at night and it's perfect we have a lot of space up here most cabinets come out and then it kind of cuts in and then out we ask them to totally bring it out 16 inches so we can put our containers in here to hold all the all our food for some of you who are wondering what the color scheme is this is irish cream and this is colombian maple it is a dark charcoal and the contrast is just i love it i'm very very pleased with it now up here this when we brought it in from drv this was up here because they didn't know exactly what we were going to do so they put it up here and it has this really pretty lip right here and when alicia saw this she says how about we bring this down and then add more cabinets up here and the reason she said that is because of the cutout oh yes remember that cut out in the garage this is the cutout this is what they did for us and put this nice little shelf here and what a great accent shelf and so bringing that cupboard down really matched everything extremely well on that wall it did it did and they're not deep but they're deep enough great for cups coffee cups uh knickknacks odds and ends that sort of thing and up here i put things that i don't get to very often but it's nice and out of the way which makes it really handy and up here are my paper towels and my in my kleenex these are mcd shades they have the privacy shade and then the blackout shade and it really works because if they're shut in the bedroom i don't even wake up i sleep too long these sconce lights we got to pick out we really love them we did add two more so it evened out we liked that a lot too and what's so cool is that they're on different you can shut them off so if you don't want them all on at the same time shut one off with both of them roll them um around here is our chairs these are our norwegian stressless chairs that we ordered through a company um in missoula montana and they are the most comfortable chairs we've ever sat in and they look really good here yeah we're really happy with them originally the coach was going to come with theater seating and because my legs were so long the theater seating just was not very comfortable for us so we went with ottomans and it serves a dual purpose with the ottoman we can have our company sit in the chairs and kelly and i can sit in the ottomans and we can actually have seating for four in the living room with those but they're extremely comfortable and we're very very happy with them yeah yeah they're very nicely made and the floor there is carpet in that slide it's the only carpet that we have in the coach and we really hadn't planned on this this is just it came this way so but you know it's just a little bit so that's okay the flooring is the nicest flooring we've i've ever seen um it cleans really well if it's dirty you really can't tell which is awesome now remember the refrigerator used to be over there we asked them to put it here and then alicia's crew built this wonderful cabinetry all the way around it which added more space for us to put things up here we have extra cups snacks and bowls i still not sure where i want to put things but that'll come in time with time over here we have just as deep of cabinets as we head up above the fridge and then this is our coffee area our drink area yeah and with that we asked the alicia and the guys to build us a coffee bar because we really like that in our other coach so they ordered a new countertop for us put us a little cubby in there for our coffee maker and we're extremely happy with the way it came out they also built me a spice rack i saw this in one of the other drv um coaches and i fell in love with it so this is my spice rack and every spice that i had in my huge drawer fits in here this is our entertainment area we have a big screen tv which is pretty awesome because you can tell alexa to turn it on and it will then we have more storage up here and of course our electronics station and then we have little areas in here little nooks that we can put steps um computer bags this is a drawer it's really really wide it's not real deep but it's our junk drawer holds all of our junk and then of course our awesome fireplace i didn't think we'd like the rock but i really like the rock the modern style it's not maybe we would get the wood welcome to my kitchen i love it it's tiny but everything has a place and i love that when this came we had a it came with a full standing oven and stove we did not want that it took three drawers away from me and i never used the oven anyways because i have a convection oven right here that does everything that a regular oven does so we had to order another countertop and then we ordered this beauty it's an induction on one side and propane on the other and i use it all the time both of them i love this i can put my griddle here if i want to cook steaks or pancakes or whatever i can turn them both on and it's it does its job i have this little window this cute little window that i can see out of and i can open the window when it's when i cook if i want to um like i said when we took out the oven it gave us three extra drawers and these are big this is my smaller one but the they're huge they're huge drawers and as you can see on this one i have a spot for my lids and if you know if you know lids they could be a pain it also gave me another drawer for my utensils my cooking utensils and another spot down here for my pan my pots and pans and it's easy access and it's pretty awesome and of course i've got these drawers over here so i have plenty of drawers to stick everything that i need in there here i have my dishwasher it's a little full i have to do a load um i wouldn't be without a dishwasher i love it it works amazing and it cleans like a champ and i have a drawer under here also which holds quite a bit of stuff yeah getting back to the dishwasher we actually did an experiment while we were boondocking in quartzite and we actually use less water washing a load of dishes in the dishwasher than we did washing by hand here this is another thing that we did we had alicia order us this beautiful sink that i just thoroughly love we had to order another countertop again because of the way the other sink was situated we could just replace it and oh my gosh you guys it's just having this big sink it just gives you so much more space to put things in and to wash i love it and when we travel the berkey goes here the things here go in there and that's all i move i just move those things and we bring the slides in and i'm done tell you this this coach is amazing and as you can see we're not lacking in lights we have puck lights everywhere and they're all controlled so we can you know shut these off and shut these off and whatever shut them all off and it's as you can tell there's a lot of light in here and you can never have enough lights speaking of lighting we convinced drv to allow us to install the in-command system this kelly was a little apprehensive at first i kind of wanted it because i'm kind of a techno geek kind of a guy but i will tell you i am extremely happy with this in command system it with one touch i can turn all the interior lights off or all the interior lights on each room has its own in-command center switch that controls the lights within the room they also have a master interior lights on until your lights off exterior lights on exterior lights off or you can do them all individually it has really been nice here's the in command master and you can turn it on or off right here we have with the in command we have our fresh water our black water our gray water we can monitor our batteries here we can turn the water pump on or off we can turn the water heater on or off the interior lights again there's a master switch here exterior lights master switch we can control our climate so we control the acs right here from the in command we have three air conditioners on this rig one in the bedroom one in the main room and one in the garage and we can control our heat we put heat pumps on each of the ac units so we can control our heat we can control our ac right here from this panel it also works on our android phones so we can change everything from our phones we can also monitor we can't we can bring the slides in and out with this but with our android system we can't do it from a distance so for an example if you have animals in your rig and you're concerned about the ac you can monitor and change the temperature in your coach right on the android app which makes it really really nice the first thing we did when we got in here was put up our family pictures they're not all done yet but it's a big start we use the command strips the 16 pound command strips and they have no we have not lost a picture yet his mom this is a very special one his mom painted so we wanted to make sure that it was not going to fall off the wall and break but we're really happy with the command straps come on up this is my favorite part of the bathroom all right um this was a just a solid wall when it came to dr our two building retreats and alicia's guys came in here and gave us so much space it's crazy if you look here this is a really big container and it just i mean the space goes all the way back and it's deep and it fits everything that needs to go in the bathroom in our other rig my bathroom things were out in the living room so this is really nice and it's just it's perfect this is where a washer and dryer would usually go we chose not to have one and we use it as storage in our coat closet and we love our shower it's spacious we love the colors in it and there is no seat which i know some people don't like they like to have that seat to shave their legs on um but i yeah i do i know i i heard you complaining the other day about that anyway um i have no issues with that it cleans really nice i love it yeah so drv changed out their showers for 2021 they changed out their fixtures they changed out their wall tile this is a wraparound all one piece linoleum tile look and it works really well we like it we they did not include a spot for soap holders or cloth holders or that sort of thing so we are big fans of command strips as if you couldn't tell so we got the command strip soap holder we got a command strip body lotion shampoo holder because there's no place to put them in the shower and we went with command strip waterproof hooks for our towels and washcloth and it has worked really well it has we kept the skylight alicia at rolling retreats does not like the skylights we kept it because i am 6'4 and i actually like natural light in the bathroom well you don't want to duck while you're showering and this again has a lot a lot of storage nice cabinet cabinets down here it holds everything that we need and then toothbrush drawers and the sink is kind of looks like a one-piece style sink um slade had to do some modifications to the drain because it wouldn't drain correctly it was holding water but uh the mods that he's done seem to be working pretty well it's been working i really think it's pretty i like it and for those who are having trouble trying to get their shower doors cleaned this is a norwex scrubby for the bathroom game changer i just washed it while i was in wash the shower out while i was taking a shower and it just it just gets rid of all the scum and you don't have any detergents it's just the mitt so thank you robin willoughby um she is my norwex dealer i will put her link down below um she was so sweet and gave me a care package and yes robin the dishwasher soap works amazing also i have never had any issues with anything i love norex product and i would highly recommend it especially when you're traveling and you have a small space you don't have a bunch of room for all the detergents that you need to bring so anyways on that note let's go to the bedroom i love my door it is so pretty i'm so happy with it this bedroom is the exact same bedroom as we had in our 38 rssa the differences of course are the colors it's brighter in here it's just it's so cheery i love it king-size bed storage above the bed this is our betty's which we also highly recommend we love it um zips up easy easy to make easy peasy night stands on each side of the bed cubbies up here hopefully nothing will fly out i'll put a lot of my books up here and it's a pass-through also and we have our closet full plenty of shoes i don't think i like the one thing i don't like is i have to go all the way through my clothes to turn the light on because normally it's out here but i think it's because of this so it's okay we decided on cubbies in here for our jeans which is gives you more room you just fold them up put them in there and they stay there really nicely and we asked them to open both sides so jim can get into his clothes and we can get into our containers over here and then of course we have there's locks on each side so it does not go anywhere this fabulous thing is called the alicia closet and normally um this is just dead space and and with her creative mind she says how about we put a cabinet here so we ordered it and drv did build it and it gives you more storage space and this is another one that i'm trying to figure out what i want to do with it but uh anyway lots of space to use and over here we have eight drawers and they're very big drawers deep so each of us have four and then this is just where our um dvd player is in our remote controls and of course we have our tv that is the perfect size and again we don't have carpeting up here which we had before in our other our other rig but we use a throw rod we do yes but i can pick this up and throw it in the wash okay let's talk about the outside like kelly said we've got this wonderful deck and i got to tell you this more ride deck railing is amazing it is so easy to come in and out with all i have to do is slide collapse this in i step on the latch slide it in on both sides they swing in and we're done then i just lift it up it's really really nice and very convenient as we've said before drv is really good about their exterior paint full body paint on their coaches is standard we opted to have our slide ends matched painted to match that's that's an upgrade but we felt with this rig this was going to be one of our last rigs we felt that we wanted to upgrade to the the slide in all kinds of storage in this coach this is where our chocks and blocks are stored and again as i've said before drv put slam latches on all their exterior doors the aluminum steps we like extremely well they're very light very easy to manage they got rid of the steel steps and went with these aluminum steps and we're just we're very very happy with them and i'll mention it again drv uses 17 and a half inch wheels and tires and automotive style disc brakes on all of their coaches it's standard on their coaches you don't have to upgrade it's all standard while we're talking about the wheels and tires we did upgrade this rig to the more ride independent suspension on all three axles so we've got morite is all the way through we've got the aluminum steps on the main entry door as well again drvs basements have a ton of room this is just like our 38 rssa and we're extremely happy with it i was able to put all of my solar in i was able to build my battery rack against the generator wall remember the in command system inside this is the brains for the in command system it goes right here in the basement rv also went with motion activated basement lights so every time it senses movement the lights come on when you order an upgraded inverter from drv they put two battery storage trays in because we upgraded to lithium batteries we removed the batteries from the battery compartments so now i've got storage in the battery compartments so this is storage this one's storage here we opted to upgrade to a 7 000 watt cummins generator on a generator it is gas operated one of the things that we upgraded on this rig was the lippert auto level control panel on the outside of the rig this is not standard but i will tell you where they're putting the auto levelers in the coaches today it's very inconvenient i can lower or raise the jacks right here on this pad this is where the propane tanks are we've got two 40-gallon propane tanks on a slide-out tray so they are completely removable and we can take them into town and have them filled if we want to this is the other side of the basement pass-through storage huge huge storage compartment this is the water heater we opted to stay with the standard water heater it's worked just fine for us this is our wet bay this is where our black tank great tank and fresh water station is we also hook up with our satellite in the wet bay this is the wet bay storage this is a cabinet that i've never had in a rig before but it's really nice because i can put my my pliers in here i can put my connections for the sewer hoses i can put my gloves in here i can put the chemicals for the toilet in here it's uh it's just really a nice storage area since we have a toy hauler we also have fuel tanks for both the generator and our toys the fuel pump station is here it's got a hose and a pump and we've got two separate gas tanks back here we've got two 30 gallon gas tanks and then we turn the pump on here and we can check our fuel levels here one of the things that we did at rolling retreats while they were modifying this coach is i had them put a fuel transfer switch in for our two tanks it has a generator tank and it has a toy tank i can pump the fuel out of the toy tank but i can't pump the fuel out of the generator tank so what slide and the guys did jason as a matter of fact is he rigged up a fuel transfer pump in our rig so that i can pump the gas from the generator tank into the toy tank and then i can pump it either into our car or our toy this bay is our electrical storage we opted for the power cord reel which i would not be without again this that cord is heavy and it's about 35 feet long and trying to lug it around is not easy and it's also got room for our dog bones and other things inside there so we opted for three different awnings on this rig the main awning of course goes over the main door and bedroom slide the aft awning is for the garage door and the garage window and then we also put the cassette awning on the patio we actually ordered acrylic awnings but because of covid and all the short supply of materials they said that the the acrylic awnings were not available so we had to settle for the vinyl maybe someday we'll upgrade to the to the acrylic i really wish we'd gotten the acrylic but these are working just fine another thing that we really really like about this rig is when the slides are in we can still sit in our chairs watch tv eat a meal read a book work on the computer whatever we want to do this theater slide is all the way in and we still have plenty of room to move in and out of here so yeah what do you think about our rape it's perfect it is isn't it it is perfect for us yeah it works so well we've been in the summer heat we've been in the desert with sand and grit we've been in rain we've been in the humidity in texas and oklahoma yeah it's worked really really well the snow the snow the snow in oklahoma so we're extremely happy with this rig we hope you enjoyed this little walk through of of our of our home and if you have any questions feel free to comment below and and we'll try to answer for you as best we can absolutely we hope we've shown you enough to get you to know our rig so we're going to wrap this one up from montana in our little space of heaven and it all starts with an idea we'll talk to you guys next week bye-bye bye
Channel: Suite Travels
Views: 273,677
Rating: 4.8855004 out of 5
Keywords: rv living, rv travel, hdt, hdt rv, fulltime rv, heavy duty truck, rv hauler, rv north america, rv america, thousand trails, rv toter, big truck big rv, 5th wheel, fifth wheel, rv living full time, fulltime rv living, rv lifestyle, rv youtube channels, rv full time living, DRV Mobile Suites, DRV Fullhouse, DRV Toyhauler, RV Toyhauler, drv mx450 toy hauler, drv mx450, drv full house mx450, 5th wheel living full time tour, 5th wheel rv tour, 5th wheel camper tour
Id: 9oA7v8pKNHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 55sec (1975 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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