High Voltage testing with SensorLink - Troubleman's kit

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all right so we're gonna try this again this time we're gonna go right on the bus at a little bit bigger of a substation quite a bit more amperage i think we're gonna upwards to 300 amps per phase [Music] all right what's up guys and girls you're watching bob's decline lineman blogger where we talk about anything and everything that has to do with power lines and being alignment so for those of you that are new to the channel my name is aaron i've been alignment on the east coast of canada for about 19 years now so today we're going to be taking a look at a new product called the trebleman's kit by centerlink but before we get into it a few things i wanted to mention for those of you that have been watching for a while now may have seen in the past where i used a multimeter to check amperage on high voltage lines so in the last video or not my last video a few months ago there was one individual in particular that messaged me mentioning you had a product that he felt might be more suitable for my needs as a troubleman that responds to trouble on voltages of any kind this isn't a paid ad not sponsored in any way shape or form they simply said we have a really great product and we'd like for you guys to try it all right so before we get into actually trying the product let's take a look at what's in the box [Music] all right this this this isn't working guys let's head inside for a minute and uh see we got so the first item in the troubleman's kit is the amp stick radio transmitted amstick it's good for high voltage rated up to 69 000 kv and one to five thousand amp auto ranging very cool 301 the next item in the kit is the volt stick so traditionally what we used on our trucks for high voltage testing would been phasing sticks this one here is more like a high voltage volt meter it actually tells the voltage rate down to the volt on up to 37 000 volts pretty well the rest of the kit here has to do with the volt stick this guy here is our transmitter that's what gives you your readings on both the amp stick and the volt stick this other item here is it's an auto clamp that is used for either the ground or the other face so essentially that's on the end of your hot stick you're bringing this guy up to one of the phases you push that along the wire and this is probably gonna hurt oh there we go and then you simply release that off the wire checking phasing against your other phases if you are going face to ground this guy is going to go on the ground side obviously as this remains in your hot stick and then once you're ready to remove simply insert your hot stick and pull it off all right we've got a couple other adapters that weren't initially part of the kit that are designed for underground you can plug that right into your pad mount just like it's a termination just like it's a 7200 volt elbow plug that in then we have an adapter that fits onto this guy that threads through there just like it did before clip that in the ground give it a twist remove and then start checking each phase this stuff that's plugging into high voltages you're working with equipment that's designed for 37 000 volts which is extremely dangerous so i was sure to get documents or i should say they were sure to send it and this is really cool i was impressed by this we've got all kinds of paperwork and documentation here even more all kinds of stuff quality assurance certification it's hand signed all right so let's head over to the field guys and uh see how this thing works so we are inside one of our rural substations right now which is going to be a great place to test out the radio transmitted radio transmitter amp stick here's our substation 69 000 volts coming down to 12 470 that's 7200 volts face to ground and just before it leaves the sub we got this octopus looking thing which is basically pts and ct's that bring the voltage and current down to a manageable level for our meter equipment so we can get an accurate reading as to what the uh what the power usage is in the sub more specifically the exact voltage and amperage so what we're going to do we're going to take that amp stick shove it up into the three phase get a reading of the amperage on the lines and cross reference that with what's in the box you can see here there's a couple of lines on the forks and as long as that wire is below those lines it doesn't matter if it's perpendicular or not apparently some of them out there if it's not perfectly perpendicular it will give you a slightly off reading so we've got our amp stick on our telescopic stick and our wireless centralink transmitter which if you want you can strap it to the stick itself probably more like this and see your reading i'd only do that if i was using a six or eight foot stick up in the bucket we're gonna keep this thing on the ground with us and one push it's flashing led flashes when powering on so far so good now we have got our remote receiver held erase amperage let's let go right there see what happens all right looks like we're ready to go one thing i just thought of guys when you're using your hot stick i did mention in a telescopic stick video this top section is the only portion that's actually tested i mean the rest the rest is fiberglass it's non-conductive but it's only the top portion that's actually tested at our standard 100 100 000 volts per foot this unit as a whole must be isolated on a tested stick as it's being used so you can't stick this up in the primary and have say this part here leaning against a cross arm while the phase is up in the jaws up here we're gonna go on the road phase and now we're at 17 amps still can't see what's going on here i picked a horrible substation to try this at yeah it's much better we've got here average about 250 amps that's coming out of the power transformer now that's off of two separate reclosers so we'll get the exact amperage on one of these re-closures so these are our two re-closers over here so we're gonna grab the amperage right off those riser cables there for recloser number two so apparently that didn't work no signal so i'm guessing that's for a few reasons one we're in a uh large steel building and two it was in the other end of the yard i did remember reading there was a range i'll have to check that again i'll uh i'll write that into the bottom of the screen if i can figure out what the range is on this thing all right so we're gonna try this again um this time we're gonna go right on the bus at a little bit bigger of a substation quite a bit more amperage i think we're gonna upwards of 300 amps per phase and we're gonna see what we can't get for a reading right up there on the looks like 750 mcm copper yeah 303 yeah 283. pretty well yeah pretty much spot on so i've been using this the most of the kit this is the one tool that myself as a troubleman that travels solo 80 of the time i'll use the most some of the places i can see this we do load balancing a couple times a year coming into the winter time or if there's a lot of new construction in the area and when we do load balancing i got to set up my truck go up in the air and use that clamp on ammeter to get the amperage on each phase since getting the amp stick i actually went to some of the same locations put it on the telescopic stick and did amp checks right from the ground and it was so easy i was actually at first a little concerned about the size this it's this thing's not small you look at it compared to the size of my hand but like any job when working with the extendo stick you try to keep the weight centered above the stick slightly off to either side and uh no trouble at all this thing the weight was not an issue in fact i wouldn't want it to be any smaller because as you're guiding the wire through the jaws if it was too small you'd have more trouble lining that stuff up so one area that this is going to work great for me is i get a lot of backlot construction and in order to open those cutouts i got to use a load buster climbing a pole with a load buster easily doable but definitely not um my first choice in an opener switch we're trying to get a lot of those changed out with load brake cutouts but now where this thing is going to come in handy is i can put that on the extender stick stick that up into the single phase pick a reading a lot of times there's only six or eight amps on those sidelines and there's really no other way to tell so if there's only six or eight amps i can take that extendo stick yank that cutout open and be following all my procedures our procedure states that we're not to open a cutout without load break of some sort if there's more than 10 amps on the 7200 volt system so radio amp stick by sensorlink i've had uh lots of opportunity to use it already really great product i highly recommend it now let's take a look at some of the other products in the treble mix kit so i say some of the other products but really the troubleman's kit consists of two things the amp stick and the volt stick now there's a lot of accessories that go along mostly with the volt stick so we're gonna take a look at that next it's uh okay it's mid april by the way and we're getting a free snowstorm but uh this is a radial line single phase nothing too crazy but there is a high line going over top of it we got a 69 000 volt high line about five span down the road going right over top of this feed it's only like maybe 10 12 feet above this feeder so there's going to be some induction or capacitive coupling in this in this primary line that's isolated with that high line over top when we check potential with our potential indicator again it doesn't specify how much voltage it just indicates whether there is or isn't potential you can easily get false readings on lines near like if you're near substation high voltage lines this is the unit here here i'll rug up this is the portion that goes on the primary side this is going to go into neutral this is our wireless reader so all right so we tried this thing out while in really horrible conditions it's super windy and cold the auto clamp worked pretty good it was fairly easy to use it's got that huge cone around so it's it's fairly easy to hit the bullseye and pull that off probably the only downfall for the auto clamp would be is uh you're not gonna be able to use it on a lead like a loosely hung lead going into a voltage regulator or nowhere or something you're generally going to be clamping that onto the wire when it's close to a pin or something where the wire's secure not so much as for putting it on but when you pull it off it does take a fair amount of tension to pop that off the wire so you're not going to want to do that on a lead that you're going to rip it out of the uh bushing or make them flop around all over the place the great part is is the hook on the end um you can simply use another hook on the end of that red wire and do the exact same thing you don't have to use the auto clamp or you can go on by hand there's nothing wrong with putting the auto clamp on by hand if you're checking the phase against a grounded wire or a neutral providing you follow all your company regulations all your work methods and you're wearing the appropriate rubber gloves the volt stick can be used on both low voltage and primary voltage up to 37 kilovolts and still be accurate within one volt we're going to try a few of the other attachments we've got the underground attachment i'm going to go through that and the pad mount we're going to be trying that out 7493 volts okay all right so that worked great guys when i first opened the box i had to scratch my head for a minute kind of figure out what each piece did and how it went together now that i know how to operate everything it's super simple super easy to use a lot of this stuff guys it's it really makes our job not only easier but way safer that amp stick is going to make my life so much easier i'm going to save a ton of time it's going to keep me away from the lines when i don't have to be if you guys want to check out their website that's sensorlink this is the troubleman's kit we got the amp stick full stick great product don't forget to check out the links in the description below consider subscribing work safe guys we'll see you next time
Channel: Bobsdecline - Lineman blogger
Views: 69,831
Rating: 4.9066739 out of 5
Keywords: sensorlink, voltstik, ampstik, ammeter, beingalineman, becoming a lineman, lineman universe, powerlines, power lineman, line life, bob lineman, high voltage, high voltage metering, snesor lionk, troubleman's kit, troubleman, bobsdecline, east coast lineman, powerline universe, working on powerlines, lineman tips, lineman tools, high voltage amp check, how to lioneman, how to lineman, lineman how to, lineman videos, linejunk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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