High School Reunion | Gabriel Iglesias

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so I get a letter in the mail from my old high school and it's like you know time for the reunion my girlfriend saw the letter she's like oh you're reunion I go yeah my reunion when is it when are we going um I actually I was I was gonna take my friend Tony because you know we went to high school together he's my best friend since high school so I was gonna take Tony you're gonna take Tony instead of me that's what's gonna happen how you're gonna take Tony instead of me your girlfriend you're gonna take Tony no it's okay it's okay you take Tony okay and I hope you have a great time oh thanks I knew you'd understand baby don't ask too many questions you know so my buddy told totally too early there's nobody in the banquet hall so we go upstairs to the bar area we're watching a basketball game everything is cool until some guy recognize me hey you're the comedian what's up dude dude funny bro let me buy you a shot actually man um I have my reunion right now and and I don't want to show up drunk oh I see how it is bro you're too good huh that's what that's what it is huh excuse me George Lopez do the stupid shot all right bartender shot so he freaking makes a double and we freaking clink cling and slam that I'm like oh thank you man thank you let's do another one oh man I'm okay thank you see how it is Paul Rodriguez let's do another shot and he kept this pattern going he must have had like seven comedians behind his freaking wallet you know one after another I got so drunk I could it was a level of drunk where you can't even walk straight you got to look at the ground to navigate you know you're just kind of Union there's a lady at a stickers on the table that say hello my name is and then with a sharpie you write your name I was so drunk I couldn't even write Gabriel I wrote Flaco which is Spanish for skinny so you know I freaking right that stick it on and we walk in the party's going on you know I'm trying to find a table my buddy Tony took off I couldn't find him I'm sitting there I'm like oh my God oh my God all of a sudden the lights come up and the class president is holding the microphone hello everyone welcome to the Wilson High School class reunion let's just cut to the chase find out what everyone's been up to and keep the party rocking so she pulls out a list who's done that who has the most children some girl in the back everybody's like you remember okay all right she keeps going down the list who's in this who's done that who who's been on television everybody at my table who wasn't talking to me before you know they weren't talking to me before now they're like right here right here right here [Music] sure enough here comes the girl oh come come on Flaco get up here no no no okay oh come on get up here are you too good or what so I got mad and I jumped up I'm not too good um everybody my name is Gabriel okay Gabriel Iglesias um I don't want to say a whole lot right now because I've been drinking and I don't want to say nothing stupid um it's really nice to be here with everybody I see two girls here tonight two who when I was in the 12th grade I asked out to the prom okay it's up let me go it's okay you know what it's okay because like she said I've been on TV and you two girls who said no you got fat one of them yells out you're fat too I know I'm fat but I was fat in high school I kept my figure why couldn't you [Applause]
Channel: Gabriel Iglesias
Views: 193,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sdT1so_Ffnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 24sec (324 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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