High school graduate denied his diploma | GMA

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the high school graduation ceremony that has created a social media firestorm it involves a student who wore a mexican flag draped over his gown he says he was denied his diploma for violating the dress code now the two sides are at odds over who should be apologizing abc's ike ajacci is on the story ike good morning to you good morning dan ever lopez says he refuses to apologize because he doesn't think he did anything wrong it's a stance he refuses to change this morning ever lopez never thought his last moments in high school would be anything like this [Applause] this is messed up you know like i did nothing wrong the graduate getting ready to grab his diploma only to come up short when i got up there i went for the handshake and like you know i wasn't thinking nothing of it and i heard her say you can't wear that the ceremony at asheboro high school in north carolina momentarily pausing when lopez seen here with a mexican flag around his back walks up to get his diploma and is denied by the school's principal because of that flag which he was wearing to honor his family's heritage [Music] adolfa hurtado lopez's cousin watching as lopez and the principal speak he gets called up we see that she leans over and pauses pauses the ceremony and that's when we notice he starts to reach for his flag and i was i was in shock and like confused i was like what she's like yeah the flag you can't wear that lopez whose parents moved here from mexico was told he won't get the diploma because he's violating dress code the school saying in statements this incident is not about the mexican flag adding they strongly support our students expression of their heritage but go on to highlight the dress code allowing for decoration only on the graduation cap lopez and his family confronted the administration and were eventually escorted out by police officers on site from the ceremony the incident drawing dozens in front of the school protesting their decision and causing a firestorm online with anger aimed at school officials who allegedly told lopez that he could get his diploma if he apologized i don't know why i should apologize when like it should be her you know because like i did nothing wrong for this young student he says this is about much more than a flag it means everything to me my whole family from over there you know like i did it for them because like they had a rough childhood you know like they didn't get to go to school like i did you know i was basically doing it for my family well hey there gma fans robin roberts here thanks for checking out our youtube channel lots of great stuff here so go on click the subscribe button right over right over here to get more of awesome videos and content from gma every day anytime we thank you for watching and we'll see you in the morning on gma
Channel: Good Morning America
Views: 1,258,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: america, apologize, apology, code, denied, diploma, dress, flag, gma, good, gown, graduate, graduation, high, mexican, mexico, morning, p_cmsid=2494279, p_vid=news-78113919, reprimanded, school
Id: sBo9HuywLBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 52sec (172 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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