High Lift Jack Recovery, off-road recovery

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I need one bad.

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this video is all about the high lift jack we're going to show you basic operation and some hints and tips subscribers welcome back first time viewers hi I'm Ronnie from foiling and Western Australia comm the full drive information website that pretty much does everything covered in regards to off-roading and camping let's get into the Hollies first up I'll introduce you to the high lift your hex we have haulage jack 42 inch one here that's your regular size and we have the other Halabja which is 56 inch substantially bigger also known as a farm jack so don't confuse a high lift to a farm jack they're both pretty much the same they were invented in America in 1905 so that have been around for ages this is basically ancient technology and it's obviously a bloody good invention because they're still kicking around and it's still a most useful thing to lift a really high vehicle up with now it's not only a jack it's it's a useful tool you can you can winch of these you can clamp you can pull you can push you can pry open things you can do all kinds of things with these if you get created with it that's what this piece here is for you actually unbolts it can go here so you can see how you can clamp things and stuff like that this is mainly just how to use it on your vehicle now why would you need these well here's to factory jacks that ones from the Jeep screw jack and a bowl Jack from the cruiser now this screw jack goes all hard on a bottle jack but still in most situations off-road they won't do you any good especially if you have a two inch lift or higher if you've got a higher lift you can almost chuck them out but I wouldn't check them out still keeping the car because they can be useful for other situations and sometimes when you have really uneven terrain this can still come in handy in some situations we can't get a hi-lift jack underneath now these jacks you can get in underneath anywhere hi-lift jack you can only work around each through your car with a high lift Jack you really want a full bar sole stool bar on the front and you want to bow on the back or a tray like I have on the cruiser you can use sidesteps if you have one of those new cars that i've got rounded edges everywhere you may be maybe in a bit of strife you can still use them but you're going to be doing a bit of damage but hey if you're stuck in a melanoma you've got no other choice you just want to get out so what else can you use well you could use an exhaust Jack which we'll cover in a another video that'll be a link to that later on or you can carry around a big mechanic's Jack which I really doubt anyone really wants to do so hi-lift jack is the other alternative now to show you some additional things for a high lift Jack as you can see the base is really really small so you can get a plastic base for it makes it more stable or you can just use a board which I use a lot cheaper and you can also get these hooks these hooks are for your rims if you you know if you have a vehicle that doesn't have bar work around it you can lift your rims of these if your rims allow so if the holes are too small the rims these hooks won't work this is called a jack lift up also known as a Jack mate depending on which companies made it then we have a drag chain which can be used as an alternative if you don't have one of those all we've got slings as well so we'll get into all these things here we have the 42 inch hi-lift jack out of the Jeep this one hasn't even been used yet doesn't mean the Jeep hasn't in bogged though all right so down here this is where everything happens so right now is locked into jack up so if you click it down it moves freely you lock it in these two pins out of climbing pins so you'll see here as I move so what happens is when I move the lever down the top pin will pop out and move up one and then will lock in and when I move the handle back up the other bottom pin will pull out and go back in that's how it climbs up this ladder so that's how it pretty much just jacks up all that when you flick it down and there's no weight on it it'll drop down if it's about I think it's 50 kilos don't quote me on that I think it's roughly about 50 kilos or weight on this thing it shouldn't move I just be aware once you click it down and there's not a lot of weight on it it's just going to drop on you all right so I'll demonstrate on the cruiser I'll have an actual slot here on the bull bar that's for it so first of all we click down that releases it I'll lift it up lock it in hold the top here to start with okay just let me watch wait so you're going to cross your hand or anything just to start with put your hand there basically when you hear to click when you hear to click off you're going up then you can go back down if you click off you're going down you can go back up alright so now it's pretty sturdy so now I'll put a bit a bit of weight into it don't put your head over the handle and then keep your arm in between you can see Ellie is a bloody dangerous because it's so bloody high up if I didn't have that board here because we're on the sand it sounds pretty firm but it will sink right out so we now got the enough lift to get the tire off the ground there normally in these situations you probably go a bit higher because depending on what you want to do like if you just need to get the tire off then that's high enough but if you're if you're bold you can now shove some stuff on underneath the wheel I'm pretty bad with not wearing gloves so I better check one now we have the most dangerous part of using the hi-lift jack and that is now we've got to get the vehicle down so just taps going to go down and now don't don't see W finger like that use something or give it a quick knock like that alright so now this happens in verse so what happens is there's no weight on this at all right now this is where a lot of people get surprised so get to hear once you hear that click now all the weights on this handle if I let this go it's just going to slam up there so that's all the weight is now let's hear that click you do not want your head in there your fingers as less pressure comes off it less dangerous it is and as you can see now there's no weight on up she just drops down so you've got to be aware when you use these things you're a dangerous tool I'll now show you an example of where the big 56 inch jack is more beneficial than the 42 now obviously if you have a regular vehicle wagon a well body you not a tray back you this is fine 42 of course only unless you have a four inch or a five inch lift then these aren't going to be too good they're not going to reach they're not going to lift it high enough as you can see I'm nearly at the top here perform even lifting I've got maybe five pins to go that's not enough for the travel that I have so I'm not even going to bother trying but this is where the high comes in high height lift big bastard as you can see I've got about an extra ten pins to go up so I support again support it with your hand just until you take the weight again never rush this and now we can start lifting before you go any higher chalk up the front tire and put it into gear so it's not going to roll away from you or ya sleep over so the tiles off the ground but as you can see I have blooded hydras these things is actually flexing it's actually bowling here a little bit now it's got extra extra light so I'm not even going to play around the handle here okay just about there so grab ahold of here you don't want to hit in your car but only when the weight has taken off and you can feel it in here every time you go up you know how much weight is left in it this side Steph when is Jeep is actually pretty damn good and cause of the shape of the Jeep the flares of right out here not a lot most cars the door normally to door be a lot closer so I'm not even that concerned here but normally like what I stab the Hilux I haven't opened actually you lifted the cruiser from the side step yet I haven't had to I used to put the towel over here we'll wrap it around the top because I was paranoid that it will just shoot in and it can happen and it does happen hanging on what happens down here you've modeled or something go that way or the other way so just all I reckon take a chance just put a put a nice soft shirt around here and at least it'll maybe prevent some damage well there we go so there's a prime example of how dangerous they are so I want to recommend lifting a short wheelbase from the side staff because it's just sliding so you can see you see what I mean by to shoot if it's really close to the car we are lifting on an uneven situation but you never know what situation you're in now the jack was level but the vehicle wasn't that's why I got to be so damn careful with these high lift and farm Jack's so these won't work in all vehicles unfortunately so if you do decide to invest in one just check out the actual shop you buy from that actually fits if you're not buying it online well that's a risk you take oh yes all right so we're exact same situation here with the Jeep it's uneven but we're only lifting one wheel whereas before being such short wheelbase even on the long wheelbase Jeep lifting from the sauce step just lifts the whole whole car so we'll continue on yep okay tires already off the ground let's just go a little bit higher you can't change a tire with this thing obviously so it is adjust for a recovery purpose in more in the cruisers case the rim on the back first of all those holes on a steel rim or two too small for these hooks I can't get them in anyway the recess isn't too much of a problem but that's it I can't use it anyway well done here is I put a strap through there as you can see and then the strap comes up to the high lift here now what's going to happen is when I left the high lift harloff is going to want to go into into the side es so what I'm going to do is I'm going to put this here now you won't get away from this damage-free which is why I'm using on the back of the tray here and I'm only going to go as far as um I want to go because I don't want to put unnecessary scratch on the you that is a is that extremely dangerous by doing a lot of people say it this is completely stupid but if you're stuck in the middle I wear and you got to get out this could be one of your ways out all right now it's got the weight the tire is off the ground but I go one more but that's all I'm going to do and I want to push it the same thing when you're recovering you don't to push it just go to what you need to that's nearly touching side actually touching the side guards I didn't even protect it anyway all right let's go back down so the tires off the ground we can now get stuff underneath it pack it up and whatever we need to do put a wheel stand under it and you can do it up to the side of your car you can do it anywhere all right so just touch back on what I just did with the rim there that was a single strap it was the racist strap not used for its purpose and those sharp corners on the rim won't be good for your strap if you kept using this strap for that it will definitely break on you a chain on the other hand and take can take a lot more punishment but we'll do a lot of hot punishment to your vehicle as well a lot to recommend to all the people that have a high lift jack you've never used it just take it out to your drive on a flat surface just jack the vehicle up Jack it down just so you get used to the procedure of it because it's the first time if you're using it a first time in a recovery situation as a bit of a rush that's when stuff goes wrong so try it out before you go out there and just to touch back on the improvisation I showed you with the strap and chains be super super careful just be super careful at any time I personally know of a person she was lowering I believe she was lowering it I wasn't there to see it I've heard about it she was lowering down the vehicle I believe because that's when the most dangerous part is and she had a head over the handle and the handle slipped somehow and it knocked all the teeth out so don't let that happen to you as all you be very careful there's plenty of Clips on youtubers all with with a couple of blokes can their faces nail bodies handles coming up and you saw before that big twang that's what's going to happen without being between that thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe and take care and attractor trails or you're recovering especially these haulage Jack's farm jacks and we'll catch LA so yeah
Channel: Ronny Dahl
Views: 412,681
Rating: 4.942018 out of 5
Keywords: Off-road, high lift jack, hi-lift jack, jack mate, lift mate, high lift jack recovery, Off-road Vehicle (Automotive Class), High Lift Jack Recovery, off-road recovery
Id: 9FRMK7ZstaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2015
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