High Level Creative People. Ingenious Cooks

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hi everyone anyone who has ever tried to cook some fancy gourmet food at home knows that cooking requires patience and skill and indeed the aspiring chefs have to work as ordinary assistants for years or even decades to climb to high ranks in the world of culinary delights and some even go one step further and turn food into real works of art today we will tell you about creative people who use their gift of cooking to create real masterpieces let's get it on this Italian master can make an incredible sculpture out of any food whether it's spicy parmesan cheese watermelons or even truffles stunning works by valeriano Fatiha are popular around the world they appeal to fans of modern films because Phoenicia often creates the characters of his beloved sagas for example valeriano made this sculpture of the night king the leader of the White Walkers from the world-famous TV series Game of Thrones it took him 18 hours to finish it and today it is his most recognized work since 2016 it has been viewed more than 200 million times on the Internet and gained immense popularity take a look at his sculpture of a snake head and appreciate fine details by the way at a younger age when valeriano had only dreamed of making art he had to spend almost all his free time helping his parents in the restaurant it was then that he discovered his talent and today he is one of the most recognized food sculptors in the world as well as the creator of the largest sculpture of watermelon and the only truffle carving master and here is another fan of carving unusual sculptures from watermelons chef Jose Pereira from Portugal he has 16 years of carving experience in this video the master shows the process of creating an incredible dress for Elsa the main character of the famous animated film frozen in most of his videos Jose shows a step-by-step process of creating his sculptures he is so skillful with a knife he makes his art looks simple but of course every new sculpture of the Portuguese requires hours of meticulous work [Music] [Music] [Music] if you are tired of the usual gingerbread cookies on New Year's holidays there's a great alternative for this Christmas tree these Rose cookies are considered a traditional winter dessert among Indians and have an unusual taste and refined look they're not so difficult to cook at home but you will have to get a special spatula for the cookies without it you won't achieve the perfect shape of this thin dessert there's a similar culinary tradition in Scandinavia the people there makes similar cookies called rosette cookies the only difference is that instead of coconut milk the Scandinavians prefer regular milk in addition different versions of this sophisticated dessert also exist in Turkey Mexico Colombia and some Asian countries in the modern world biscuit cakes will hardly surprise anyone [Music] the market favors an original approach and this girl is definitely up to the challenge Rosie from Australia has been making and decorating desserts for over six years and each new creation of this pastry chef is amazing to make this cake in the form of a cute house Rosie used fondant turning it into edible tree bark the assembly process of this confectionery product is much more complicated than it seems at first glance a soft cream base can simply collapse under the weight of decorative elements if the pastry chef does not have the necessary experience patience and accuracy just imagine how glad a kid would be to get this cake for his birthday this rainbow dessert was made by a young pastry chef from Texas Boston Magali his path towards recognition began when he started working as a dishwasher in the kitchen and then gradually began to experiment with various types of desserts that was his childhood dream three years of constant practice and many hours of YouTube tutorials later he managed to become a real master of cake decorating today he has over a hundred thousand fans and his rainbow-colored desserts have become his specialty the man deserved the title of a rock star in the world of desserts the video and his Instagram account which already has more than one and a half million followers rightfully belongs to the popular internet genre called satisfying videos these are the types of videos that are very satisfying to watch frenchman amurica sean is only 28 years old but pastry schools around the world would be happy to hire him his fans say that Ghassan can create anything from chocolate just look at this Empire State Building statue or an elegant Amazon woman they look so stunning you don't even want to eat them [Music] while we are on the topic of pastries just look at this incredible piano cake it was made by a popular Iranian pastry chef who is so precise with his works that sometimes they seem like they were created in Photoshop for example can you believe that this sneaker is actually a dessert decorated with a bright topping we definitely can't the high boiled sugar mass is made from sugar water and syrup it is perfect for creating stunning pastry decorations to work with the mass the master must have incredible dexterity and speed sugar mask cool sorry quickly losing its plasticity when you look at this statue of a majestic peacock it's almost impossible to believe that it is actually edible [Music] you bet your mouth is watering when you look at the videos of this talented girl just look at that huge cake with a mermaid's tail that looks like a toy Canadian pastry chef Yolanda camp is one of North America's most successful food bloggers Yolanda loves to surprise fans with unusual cakes in her videos she shows how to make cakes in the form of watermelon nachos pizza fish and other crazy things inventing your own ideas is always good for any kind of business for example Kylie mangles a pastry chef from Canada came up with her inventions several years ago [Applause] [Music] she used it to impress masters from around the world during an international competition to create an incredible effective animal hair she cuts plastic chocolate of different colors into hundreds of small pieces and carefully places them in rows on the surface of the cake and look at the results also pay attention to these eyes they almost look like the real ones everyone loves Italian pasta but this woman from the UK Linda Nicholson used this ageless classical dish to develop her own creative ideas she works with six different colors of pasta to color it the chef does not use any types of artificial dyes only vegetables herbs and superfoods in addition to the incredible rainbow pasta her Instagram page features hundreds of incredible photos bowtie pasta painted in the colors of the American flag Mexican style sombrero pasta or ravioli painted to match cheetah fur for some people keeping their pancakes from burning is already a challenging task the guys from Dan cakes can easily create a real picture from the pancake dough Katy Perry is one of the fans of these pastry chefs from Missouri by the way the founder of the company Dan Drake says the secret of the ideal pancake dough is to achieve the consistency of ketchup in the era of 3d cinema and 3d printers even cakes have a three-dimensional effect at first glance this seems like an illusion but it's not to achieve this effect pastry chefs use coloured gelatin and ordinary syringes with nozzles with enough patience you can do this trick at home guests will definitely be impressed in the meantime look at the incredible masterpiece is made from gelatin [Music] making a good coffee is an art of its own isn't it and when the barista makes a heart from the foam of the morning latte you start feeling better for some reason but professional baristas do not stop there and often create real pictures from a phone this technique is called pitching first the barista turns milk into a thick foam pouring it into a pitcher a steel jug with the long narrow nose and then whips it with the steam from the coffee machine the result is the so called micro foam used as a kind of canvas take a look at some of the masterpieces made of foam this is it for today see you soon [Music]
Views: 11,139
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Keywords: List, Top 10, Facts, Viral, 10 Most, braintime, brain time, brain, time, amazing, unbelievable, incredible, in the world, most, the most, the, list, best, video, people, facts, interesting, interesting facts, High Level, Creative People, Creative, People, Ingenious Cooks, Ingenious, Cooks, creative skills, creative workers
Id: wNRpacK1mJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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