High FPS & Visibility: THE BEST SETTINGS..

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you guys really led the last video I covered on this topic much has changed so here's the updated 2024 version of the best settings to provide you a tactical advantage and this is what it looks like yeah it's kind of crazy how clear it looks now disclaimer these settings are strictly for a tactical advantage and it might not look the nicest but they're the best for giving you an edge over other players and if you want a balance between performance visibility and good FPS stick around to the end because I'll be covering that last but for now if you don't care how the game looks just follow along starting off with the game tab we're going to ignore everything in here apart from fov and head bobbing head bobbing you can turn this all the way down to the lowest and when it comes to fov this is something you shouldn't sleep on it's very important when your fov is high you get a wider peripheral vision less camera recoil but worse eye relief and when your fov is low you'll get a smaller peripheral more camera recoil but better eye relief and it's a bit easier to get accurate shots with a 1x2 so for the majority of people somewhere in the middle will give you the best of both worlds there are however two main reasons you'd want to put your fov higher or lower though firstly if you're someone who particularly struggles spotting people at range then you want to play on the lowest fov that you can handle this will really help bring everything on the horizon closer to you and make it easier to spot people and secondly if you're someone who prefers to use Scopes most of the time you'll find that playing on Lower fov will greatly help the shadowing around your scope ey relief okay let's go through the graphic settings now resolution you want to play on your native res aspect ratio 16x9 or whatever native is screen mode you always want to use full screen and the texture quality you want to go high medium or low depending on your PC high or medium will make the game look the best though Shadows always on low LOD quality you want this on at least 2.5 because this affects at what range pmc's render in I'd recommend turning this up as high as your PC can handle and that you're happy with uh personally I usually go 2.5 or three overall visibility this doesn't really affect much so you can have this on whatever you want antialising I'd recommend using TAA or TAA High these other ones will make the image really noisy and sharp and hard to spot people so personally I prefer smoothing out a little bit first and then adding some sharpness later if you struggle to run TAA or ta High tried the LSS or FSR 2.2 hpao always off SSR you want this on low or medium depending on your PC sometimes even high SSR is really important though because it adds Reflections into the maps and especially in places like Factory where it's really dark turning on SSR can be the difference between seeing down a dark Corridor and just not seeing anything at all so it's definitely worth using and atrophic filtering off and the rest don't really matter for tactical Advantage sharpness is personal preference I have mine on 0.4 but change it to whatever you like as for post effects this is all personal preference apart from Clarity which brightens up the image a bit but most importantly helps outline objects in the fog and Luma sharpen which makes the image a little crispier brightens it up and helps spotting people in hard to see areas adjust them to whatever works best for you as everyone's monitors are different and results will vary lastly the color grading filters these aren't actually as important as most people people think and if you've optimized your monitor for competitive gameplay you won't actually get much use out of these so I will leave these for now and head into the most important settings that are in the Nvidia control panel or whatever your equivalent software is so in here you want to go to adjust desktop color settings on the left now I just quickly reset my monitor settings to default so you can see what my game looks like and it's pretty awful so going into the control panel we're going to move gamma up to about 2.2 and then I'm going to slowly drag up my contrast until I Can See Clearly this is perfect for me in a daytime raid and will help greatly at night too but if you want the best experience at night then you want to turn up your gamma to the Max and then gradually increase your contrast again until it looks clear so basically just the same process but max out your gamma I never use mvgs in this game for this exact reason you don't really need them and besides mvgs have limitations like range image quality and obviously lights so I'd much prefer opening Nvidia control panel and tweaking my settings for night than enjoy using nvgs now we're going to touch on some post effect settings again briefly because there's some grades in here that can help you achieve similar results to what you can get in Nvidia control panel for example chill wave turning this up will instantly bring more contrast your game and help remove that washed out gray look Clifton will also do the same so will Montreal and bread and Jason these are many other filters can help make the game look clearer but to be honest the main reason people use them is because it gives the game a different look a different feeling and it can be refreshing to make your game look wildly different but if you set up your Nvidia settings properly and you change your gammer and contrast so it's more comfortable for you to see in dark or tricky areas then you won't really gain anything from using these filters it's just a different look just pausing the video to say there is a little bit more to it than that you could argue that the different color palettes in post effects can be easier on the eye less work to spot people and provide you a tactical advantage on another level and I've actually done a bit of research into this so if you're interested in specifically the best and most popular post effects people are using this wipe subsscribe now because I'll be releasing that video on the channel very soon and you won't want to miss it anyway back to the top Topic at hand because that's a whole video in itself to summarize there are some filters that can create interesting looks for the game and are much easier on the eye so you should definitely check them out and lastly we're going to talk about the color blind settings the main reason I'd consider using this is if you want your grass to actually look green you don't realize how yellow the game actually looks by default which is why I've used these settings in the past which leads me onto the settings that I actually use and why let's get into it okay so these are the settings I actually use starting with a game Tab and then Graphics the main differences here is hbao and SSR I turned that up a little bit anatrophic filtering on grass Shadows on and that's about it so it's just these three and grass shadows and honestly they make the game look a lot nicer without ruining the whole tactical Advantage perspective just be careful when enabling this one it will make your game look really nice but again it will ruin your Tactical Advantage a little bit which is why I prefer to use high performance it's somewhere in the middle and it makes the shadows of my gun and you know the trees and everywhere in the whole terrain it just adds more depth to it it looks less flat again it will ruin your Tactical Advantage but hey it looks nice and post effects this is what I use I use a bit of a funky one called Owl and this squishes the blacks increases the highlights and adds a bit of a blow filter again this one's not good for tactical Advantage but I just like the way it looks for recordings outside of post effects though it's really up to you how you want your game to look I would say the most important thing is your Nvidia control panel settings and setting up your monitor correctly make sure you can actually see make sure you've got enough gamma make sure you can see in the darkest of areas it might ruin the immersion a little bit but you want to die to another rat in a bush or a dark corner or do you want to see them okay that's everything guys thanks for watching subscribe and I'll see you next time oh and if you have any more questions about settings come hit me up live on Twitch link on screen now
Channel: 2Lew
Views: 66,207
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Keywords: escape from tarkov tips, tarkov post fx, best tarkov post fx settings, tarkov best post fx, escape from tarkov best settings, eft best postfx settings, eft best settings, best postfx settings tarkov, best post fx settings tarkov, best post fx settings, tarkov best overall visibility, tarkov best postfx, tarkov best postfx settings, tarkov best postfx for visibility, tarkov best settings for visibility, tarkov best competitive settings, eft best settings for visibility
Id: EseRGoUk08M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 43sec (403 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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