This Tarkov Mindset WILL Win You More Fights | Advanced Escape From Tarkov PVP Tips & Tricks

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when I first started playing tarov I was scared my heartbeat reached dangerous levels and the thought of playing solo and using the gear that had been sitting in my stash for days made me Tremor in this video we are leaving all those feelings behind I want you to be the best version of yourself possible to the point that you would rather play solo because you're friends just can't keep up today let's dive into the reason why you have gear fear and talk about ways to remove it entirely let's start this off with the question why do you think you have gear fear I'm not saying to give me an easy excuse like I don't want to die or I don't have the money to throw away the aren't reasons you were scared to push a fight dig a little deeper and really think about the question that will give a good perspective on yourself and where to start shakiness and anxiety I've recently started playing tarov after quite a long Hiatus how was my first raid I cleared a ground zero lobby with only a pistol even though I was excited I noticed one thing that hadn't hit me in a while since plan last my adrenaline was through the roof how many times have you been in a situation where you've gotten a couple shots off on an enemy but you're sitting in the same place that you shot them from this is your flight or fight response take note of when it's happening and reference the words I'm about to say I'm scared of what I don't know I will take control of what I do the anxiety you feel in these situations is the uncertainty of the future you may not know where the enemy has gone or what he is doing instead of thinking about that think about yourself are my mags full can I get to a better position could I get off any heels safely doing these things can give you time to breathe as well as take advantage of the time you would be sitting still regardless with the problems of shakiness shake your hands out while you're packing a MAG or stitching a limb back on find something that calms you in the moments of anxiety and use it to slow your heartbeat you've died in so many raids before who cares if it happens again that Quest item you can get it back that flash drive will spawn again given maybe it would take a couple hundred raids but it will spawn again stop getting caught up in the moment and letting your Primal responses block your frontal cortex from making the right decision what if your enemy is weak do you still go pack a MAG or heal that leads me to my next tip aggression or ratting as I've explained in the last video aggressive plays are key to winning gunfights being scared of losing that juicy sa58 can lead you to not taking the opportunity to be aggressive sometimes aggression isn't the play never let someone tell you that ratting isn't a viable way to play I believe all play Styles have their own role in tarov and choosing the Strategic play can sometimes lead you to holding the angle or waiting for that Peak with time and these guards you understand which path to choose when the situation arises since the slower play style of takov is the most common I'll start there to help you be more confident in playing towards more of the aggressive Spectrum not knowing the angles you can be shot from can lead to you guys going from cover to cover without the knowledge of an enemy even looking at you a good way to stop being scared of the big scary Chad is knowing spawns take Customs if you spawn big redside parking lot you should know that there are only two places that you should be worried about this extract and Hillside they are your immediate concerns you check extract and you don't see a player running up you can assume he's slow so he won't be pushing you fast or that he he has spawned in U-Haul from that you should know the amount of time that you have free to freely move around that portion of the map understanding timings is crucial to cracking the rhythm of different maps with this you can realize when an aggressive play is needed and be confident that you won't be shot from somewhere else while doing so if you want to solely practice being aggressive create an MPX preset and run factory at this stage of the wipe you'll mainly fight pistols and Mosen Warriors push everything count your kills and most importantly record your deaths don't forget to stay positive as well like I can't help that do at most 10 raids live or die then go to where you recorded your deaths I suggest using metal or GeForce shadowplay write down three reasons that could have led to your death and write them down now write solutions to each keep all this in a Google Document if you're too lazy to make one I've created a free resource for you guys in the description below now you have no excuses this is my first try at making something educational through Google doc so please excuse how it looks but I'm trying my best repeat this constantly applying the notes that you have made to the next set of 10 raids until you are confident that you understand your issues from there work on them separately this is very important play with intention by this point our brains would have started zoning out because it's presented with a challenge if you truly want to succeed in raid your willpower needs to be stronger accept the challenge and report back think of it like a task from the M therapist the next four tips are going to be quicker I'm going to fire them off quickly to retain your attention so you can leave with some basic info to work on if you have the same attention span as me but if you do stick around until the end the last one will really set you apart the best way to make money there is a million money-making gu on YouTube I'm sure that you are all aware of them pick one learn it in offline mode and then go run it at night the single best way to make money is to not die that's it don't die and you won't spend money until you're at that level nighttime stash run on Woods seems to be the easiest option there's so many ways out there but find a reliable way to do so put on some Netflix grab a scav bag and run stashes I've linked my favorite stash guide below player and AI behaviors like I mentioned before learning the pathing and pace of other players can directly lead you to winning more fights and being more confident to not lose your gear but to add on to this knowing the pathing and the way scavs respond to you is also extremely useful how many times have you died to a scav honestly you shouldn't sometimes they get a lucky shot to the thorax or armpit in this what but learning the nuances of scabs is also important you should know how long you can aim at a scab before it turns to you shoots you and how long the Diago time is knowing this well can help make you more comfortable with clearing arrows without stressing about the dreaded AI most scavs have a Long window of you being able to look them dead in the eyes without them even firing a shot use this to take the time to line up an easy shot without raising that adrenaline low hours if you don't have 10,000 hours in t of like everyone seems to do then you have some catching up to do what's the quickest way to do this Arena it's janky broken and sometimes extremely aggravating which means it's the per perfect way to D your perception of DME struggle with aiming inov play Arena Andor Kovac struggling to understand your binds play Arena severely hate your life and watching a video on how to remove gear fear play Arena I don't want to make the correlation here but I used to play competitive fortnite it needs to be said look at the average player's skill before creative was added then compare that to the skill of the average player after it was added very Stark difference arena is extremely useful to catch you up to the speed of gunfight mechanics and play Styles in the shortest amount of time I don't see many people taking advantage of this to its full potential and in the future I can see some extremely talented players coming from the use of Arena as a training tool all the game sense involved in tarov can be learned through videos the actual mechanics of playing the game can't honestly I'm excited to see where Arena can take the average player skill as a new channel it can be hard getting reach but you guys have blown my expectations out the water so cheers for the support twitch Twitter Tik Tok and the free resources are in in the description below as well as that sub button but other than that have a cracking [Music] day
Channel: Taken
Views: 60,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gear Fear, Tarkov gear fear, solo anxiety, eft pvp tips, learning pvp, taken pvp tips, xotaken escape from tarkov, removing gear fear in tarkob, Escape from Tarkov, Labs pvp, customs guide, woods stash run, money making tarkov
Id: 5sW5dig-kc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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