Correcting two previous drainage systems

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this is shawn with gate city foundation drainage we are on a job today in greensboro so let's take a look at what we got going on here this house had a bunch of flooding going on in the backyard here and so they had a drainage system installed well the drainage system ends right here at this pop-up emitter so this thing first of all it's clogged and it just erupts water right here so this whole area is just a complete swamp the neighbor they had a drainage system installed and it ends right here and this is this is a very recent install too so look at that that one's also clogged and it erupts water here too and so there's just a huge amount of water right here so this is another example of installing a drainage system but not solving the problem and so that's why i always take water to a place where it's completely gone instead of trading flooded soggy mud over here for flooded soggy mud over here so what we have going on here is we have a culvert and this is not very well thought out here but what's going on here is this culvert goes across here into a drainage basin in the front so we're going to tap into the uh it's a culvert line so there's our uh fiber lines north states so there's att's copper right where you're standing okay right here that orange there yep this is and that's our fiber this one and if we're going there to wherever we may not be we're not going to anywhere near it no okay and so i'm going to check this home to see if they have fibers if they do it's coming from the same place okay no i think i think we'll be because we don't have anything any utilities right here i think we can just dig around and find it i hope this was some video i saw when i was doing the quote talking to the customer here and so he was talking about the neighbors new drainage system and how that was just dumping water right here his new drainage system and how it was dumping water right there and this was several days after any rain and you can see very briefly right there how wet it is and how muddy it stays right so we finally have an example on this job of two neighbors who are working together so we're gonna catch this pop-up into the culvert here and we are going to catch this gutter here into the same thing and so i gave them a price for for hooking this this house neighboring house into the system along with the customer here into the system and they were good with that so again always work with your neighbors on drainage problems because drainage problems are everybody's problems good it's a good four feet but it's plastic yeah and then you got like a major oh geez it's deeper in the other one yeah oh no it's not really deeper smaller yep i think it's plastic you think that's plastic i think so yeah it might be this yeah it looks like plastic that dumped a lot the customer is going to be having these trees taken out very soon so he was cool with us just making a nice pathway for us to work [Music] here [Music] you remember my last video you remember that we had a terrible time finding a culvert that we were looking for and because we didn't have any utilities that we were trying to go over i found this culvert in about seven minutes so this worked out really well tapping into this culvert because we were able to find it with no utilities over top of it this is a four and a half inch coin bit it goes on the core drill and this is the perfect size for the outer diameter of that pvc pipe so that when you stick your pipe in there it makes a really really tight clean fit to it and so we've been using this coring bit a couple of times here lately i've had it for a couple years and we've never really used it before but i really like it it works really well for pouring into concrete so you took the debris out and all that water came flowing out of there it did because it was all stuck behind a pile of leaves that's actually a couple inches deep in that hole uh and there was a couple inches worth of water and debris wow yes yes indeed okay they have not solved the problem but we will [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it may be a little long i cut it a little long oh that's okay this will crush this corrugated too yeah you gotta be careful with it that's how you go from corrugated to schedule 40 and this coupler here so the the existing drainage system this is schedule 30 thin wall four inch pvc and this one went from schedule 30 to schedule 40. so now we're heading on down the way so i always carry all these different fittings on the truck because you never know what you're gonna get and a five dollar fitting like that could have stopped this job dead cold [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we are finished with this job so let's take a look so again this is another good example of two neighbors working together so this neighbor caught this gutter we got rid of the pop-up that was here and got it straight into our culverts we added a catch basin here for any surface water and we got rid of that pop-up and so we're going to be here for another phase of this project where we are going to be exposing this drainage basin here so it'll work correctly and building up a little bit of a berm he's going to take all these trees out of here and we're going to build up a berm across here and into this basin so we will be revisiting this job hopefully whenever the tree people get done um i am back out here it's been a few days and it's been raining all night tonight or i guess this morning and i wanted to check on this area i just talked to the homeowner and he said that he was out here during the rain a little while ago and it was really really dry out here so i'm pretty excited about how this came out and just getting that water from the pop-up that used to be there and the pop-up that used to be there into the culvert directly and i wanted to mention too that this catch basin will act like a clean out if it ever gets clogged if that 90 going into that culvert ever gets clogged so you can pop the top and run a snake or a jetter down in there so i'm pretty excited about this and the homeowner's real happy too that we gave that water a place to get out of here
Channel: Gate City Foundation Drainage
Views: 122,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drainage system, never use popups, popup emitter don't work
Id: rmYHoK-jZZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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