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oh this is difficult josh we'll start giving you some clues i'm a house far away from us far away stop giving him clues we're back with some more hide and seek but today we can hide as structures that's right press on the like button and see what i become three two one like oh my goodness i'm a doll tree we're doing three rounds and well that means i need you guys to let me know who the best hider is i personally think my spot in the end of this video is the best one i'm not kidding also make sure you check out the jelly store so you guys turn into stripes oh check this out check this out wow [Laughter] yes 30 seconds oh what an idiot huh jelly yeah what a mean guy all right crainer listen to me we haven't found any spot oh you have an idea i'll go aha i'll go yeah wait oh my god credit card here look at this look at this oh yes crater perfect is that good was that good yeah that was great and i'll be this right here look at me whoa i mean i can't really see you jelly i can't see many things cleaner is that is that why i'm hidden i am hidden too is this technically how this thing would stand though oh should i be i don't think i'm doing this right jelly all right well now i'm stuck to it yeah okay all right well now we gotta wait for josh 381 whoa there he is okay hey josh he's a fast counter that one uh-huh that case is count in the west trainer why did you white crane maybe you should not say those things so wait a second just to check here yeah the rules are like i can't hit anything right because that counts as a right that would be illegal to do it if you hit something you die you could be this tree i'm not a tree josh but if you do hit it there's a leaf's missing okay so it's probably not you guys i'm not a tree either ah what an interesting way to look at it josh okay look at it i don't think we've seen you no look at him greater i can't i don't know where yes i don't know where i am you guys could literally be one of these houses yeah i can go inside of you guys though right i don't know if you can enter a fake house can you that's how i could find out i can't open the door from now on okay just the house yeah no this is difficult okay we'll see josh we'll start giving you some clues i'm a house far away from us oh sorry not that type of clue i'm pretty far away yeah stop giving him clues there's only a certain amount of houses here though so why are you saying those things greater i'm a house you guys see me at all yeah i don't see you because there's a chest inside this house i doubt it's we're not very strong you went inside you were lost to life i didn't go inside why are you so far away there's a window crainer yeah you're really far away josh i don't see you that well well i don't know you guys are literally struggling to see you now wait let me look oh hey josh maybe i'm some hay because i said hey this house is interestingly placed which one oh i see you now wait a second what i'm gonna do about detective this one has a lit torch uh-huh yeah oh it doesn't have a liquid that's not my fault that's in the mod come back here there we go dude that's all one down one down that's your fault for being a house wait ah wait all right i'm gonna run back over to crainer that's your opportunity to run oh my god crainer is a seeker too now what he is oh you don't no because like i turned it to the house and i couldn't see anything really how many how many times have we done this jelly how are you surprised that trailer's a seeker ah i think he wasn't a tree right here maybe wait really all right i'm ready maybe you still a tree not that you weren't on your way can he crain what else can you become because i don't actually know check out grass oh rose oak tree it could be grass a lot of things like this crater you're the seeker i'm trying to help y'all see you wait you could be uh all right listen listen listen i ran away from that spot okay uh-huh but i'll give you a clue are you still the same thing no um okay i'm thinking of a good clue okay same thing uh trying to get up high to see if this helps okay i'm catching quite a bit of wind yeah are you just gassy catching quite a bit of wind no it means you do normally get gassy it's like a tree right you're not supposed to hide up here either right they just i don't even see you guys that means i'm doing well right no you're supposed to hide in the village i hope i'm in the village okay give us some of his okay trainer you're running the right direction yeah can you become like crainer you can't hit things i think you just lost a life you just lost a life you need to ask my permission sorry i forgot all right your guys are getting warmer can we hurry up josh let's get you you guys are getting very bullies very warm okay getting cold being a cactus i guess getting colder are you wondering what hey guys how's life going for you somewhere in this area rose bush this is a weird-looking rosemary josh smell the rose yeah that's a good technique no it smells like roses and not poop so yeah can't be jelly either where are you crainer i'm here guys he said he's in this area what a bit ah this is too hot and i said i was catching wind right i mean you are definitely a tree wait a second right can you normally walk through leaves in this game oh wait no you can't just swim ah we got you oh come on i did that by accident i didn't even know well good job josh you actually did really good now it's kelly's turn i guess thank you all right it's time for me to become the seeker before you kill me you guys 30 seconds good luck okay what can i do oh look at how much i've got that's one good luck good luck my friend why is he laughing what is happening i'm gonna kill you why are you shouting okay i'm trying to scare you guys away am i the only one that feels like daily kind of like is a bit i've been looking around and i know that there's two cactuses here none of these are you i've been looking around and i know that there's always a cactus here and always a cactus here okay detective jelly can you hurry up okay jelly jelly remember the you know the other side of the map where there's a uh uh-huh there's a lake yeah step one of the treasure hunt go over there this this side no no the other side okay i've buried some treasure for you buried treasure is that a hit i don't know what he's talking about jelly but believe him i guess oh i saw that okay that's hot i'm gonna kill you you have to kill me you ran straight into me ah crap you ready the other way who are you waiting just run just run wow you stopped me with the ball i know where josh is okay okay going to kind of crater get a weapon right now and rat down josh for me rat them out i've genuinely run across the map hurry up what did i kill you for he was a cactus and i believe that he was with um one over here it was a statue here yeah that was me that was crainer this one i think he's this one i have gone on an adventure no no that's not that's cats i lost one life okay so he's still watching since he said that count so where would he be are we getting are you scorching hot why am i scorching hot wait he's trying he's just right he's i am also lying yeah oh we're going the wrong way we're getting out of the village trainer tell us where you went oh i probably ran away by now this could be an entire i don't usually lie that much guys josh i'm telling you we could literally hide in the entire world of minecraft and that's not fair right now we need to yeah josh okay fine i mean i'm still in the desert heck we go jelly oh what a surprise okay i'm just gonna random random randomly arrow a cactus all right two lives uh down and last attempt you have one last attempt jelly last attempt you better be sure you better be sure hey oh wait is that a skeleton hey josh josh i don't know if this is considered in the village still i'm not you're too far away now oh ah this is impossible is there a mine shaft here jelly you need to you need to kill it i have a pretty good spot i would say i don't get it kill him wait there's four of them placed right here i'm gonna be insane i'm going to be insane there's no way for us to figure it out dude i'm watching you jelly don't even think about it yeah one of these crater you can't walk into them i didn't i mean i really don't know okay guys come on this is so hot i've i know i got a good spot i mean if it's hard then just hit something and then this guy you can end it whenever you want jelly lost everything no i didn't i didn't i didn't hey yeah let me see okay come back to the desert what are you kidding me turn right crainer turn right again stand still stand still stand still okay ready jenny turn right a bit ready yeah hey wait where there were only two of those yeah i broke the cactus that was here and became it you should do that knew that there was one there so i just became it that was actually yeah i'm i'm proud of you for that one i'm kind of impressed i think all right it's my turn ah no no no no i knew it okay just go hide okay guys i didn't kill you okay good luck everybody you're gonna need it because i'm the seeker okay how about we pick an uh one for each of us to become i pick this no you pick that for me for you yeah okay well then in that case i'm just gonna pick this i really don't like this i don't want to be i don't want to be that josh okay i'll do this well then wait what if we god where are you guys i wanted to do a challenge but how are you gonna become one oh my god are you kidding me i'm here josh i lost you guys i'm here hey grandma how're you going i'm in the how'd he go surprisingly howdy weather baby i'm in the village good boy josh i lost you please stop hey jelly you give me hints i i was gonna i was gonna be with josh trainer and then he left me all alone to die on the phone but i can't really see anything oh [Music] are you a house too i give you a hint trainer come on see i don't remember anything about this map so yeah i mean i can't actually see anywhere where you guys are do you guys see me sad like jelly yeah i see it greater right now i see you right now uh maybe this is jumping around okay i'm gonna try and get something [Applause] oh he's tall grass that's what you meant by tall right yeah that's what i meant by tolerance why am i saying hey you can't turn into hay bales no i can't but because you're there i i just want to let you know that i see you okay okay where do i go then all right cleaner i'm gonna drop something out of my inventory this isn't maybe you'll see something okay i got my spot okay crater i'm roughly 30 blocks away from you uh wrong way no blocks around me i think okay oh i'm perfect now peter now we're talking where did you go great rc oh you do oh i see you too crainer i don't know where jelly is but uh and i don't know where josh is okay crainer you're getting a little far away from the are you over here josh well does anybody see me right now yeah i see you my body yeah i see crouch whoa you're really outside the map i'm not yeah yeah it does just change okay i can see one two three four five six seven eight houses nine houses maybe there's a tree out here huh no i'm close to them now you've gone too far away crain uh-huh using our lives if you think something's good man this is so tough okay crainer the the problem is if i give you hints now you're getting away from josh so yeah i mean no you i get to you again i'll go handle josh all right so i was pretty close to the hay bales and you went the wrong direction bye trainer i'm a lonely now oh you you come on now we're talking i put a lot of work into this now we're talking and now we're talking now we am i the tree oh crap i actually found a stick what a sdli stick i dropped it wait so you left this place now wait wait wait wait wait wait i'm still near it wait think about this what drops sticks yeah but there's no tree that can throw that far from here i think maybe this guy could okay i guess i'll try oh oh he lost alive so i think trainer i want to say something you are very very warm by hitting that tree interesting ah i lost another one no queen you can't be leaves wait okay uh okay generally okay i i think i've got a good idea for a clue he's on his last live what if we just say what we are okay crainer i'm tall grass that's what i've been saying and i'm a rose bush oh no okay crainer and i i want to give you another hand you are either this you hit the correct tree so you're like one are you like hiding inside the tree no he's one of these two tall grasses i think but only got one life so trainer how would i don't hit one of them maybe i should go check out josh dude i can't believe kratos is not understanding this how am i not josh literally said it he's hiding that's cheating jelly no he's not cheating he i mean he's tall grass and i've been looking i think he's hiding inside of the tree somehow oh well that's a good question well then how do i hit it look okay guys stay there oh my god you made a staircase are you kidding me oh he's on the tree you guys are gonna be bending the rules every day okay well mine i think is within okay greater i'm coming i'm coming we're gonna we're gonna slaughter that rose boy yeah yeah get to me i think he's still down here somewhere i think my spot's pretty good so you're down here somewhere right yeah yeah i'm like close okay so wait i'm still a tall grass push okay jenny just has to stay as dual cross why is there rose puss over there that's too far that's something okay all right so josh is a rose bus no yes and he could see me when i was here i was doing this and he could see me jelly i was have you looked at this one i said yeah i know crainer does he listen to me no i i listen someone wouldn't be able to see me third person no no way okay now listen listen to me on this one wait wait wait wait wait wait i saw something i saw something what wait i see this one how did you see something yeah it could be this one jelly hold on i feel like i saw it move maybe yes you pushed me over in the wind okay no you're waiting oh no that's true yeah yeah of course you can't of course you can't kill you then josh why do you guys cheat in my rounds i don't think my spot was cheating that was cheating well i guess thanks for watching click watch another video do it now because this video is over it's about to end watch this
Channel: Jelly
Views: 1,413,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, minecraft, structure hide and seek, tree, funny, funny moments, minecraft funny hide and seek, minecraft troll, minecraft mod, jelly, slogo, crainer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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