Hidden Ways Dogs Say "I Love You"

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if your dog's favorite person is you they'll let you know what their body language some signs are obvious like following you but others aren't so obvious like what they do when you sleep but here's the weirdest sign a study from Japan looked at how dogs act when they reunite with their owner versus how they react when they see a fun toy they found that dogs actually move their left eyebrow a lot when they see their owner but they didn't move their eyebrows any more than normal when they saw the toy so if you want to see how much your dog loves you take a look at their left eyebrow the next time you come home now here's the most adorable sign your dog's favorite person is you when you get home and you're petting them and they're loving it they'll often give you a smile and maybe have their tongue hanging out to the side but if they're really loving it they might roll over and give you their belly and ask for some belly rubs this usually shows that they're comfortable with you and they want more affection from you now they might be rolling on their backs because they're nervous or itchy so these other other signs will help you know that your dog loves you like for instance where your dog looks at you there was another study from Japan where scientists looked at what happens when dogs look in their owner's eyes they found that dogs who looked into their owner's eyes the most had a 130 rise in oxytocin which is also known as the love hormone so if your dog looks at you in the eyes more than other people chances are you are their favorite this next sign is a little bit more subtle but still super sweet if you're standing up and petting your dog you might notice them lean into you it's a little sign that they love you and want to be as close as possible to you and if your dog leans into you more than other people give yourself another Point towards you being their favorite person but this next sign Isn't So subtle and a lot more furry not all dogs like physical touch but if your dog likes it and you're their favorite person you can probably expect some big sweet cuddles yep little dogs think your lap is their personal throne and some big dogs think that they're lap dogs but even if your dog doesn't love physical touch here's another obvious sign they might do to show you they love you bring you toys this could mean that they're so excited to see you and they can't wait to play with you however that's not the only reason dogs bring you toys if you've given them attention in the past when they have a toy in their mouth they might have learned that when they come up to you with a toy they get your attention and it might even turn into a game of keep away when this happens people often wonder why their dog brings them a toy if they don't want to play with them in this case the real reason they're doing it is probably because they love you and they want your attention and you chasing them to get the toy gives them exactly that but if your dog doesn't bring you toys here's another weird sign they love you it's pretty obvious that when you walk in the door and your dog is excited to see you they're likely wagging their tail but have you ever looked at the direction their tail is wagging some Studies have shown that the direction of their tailwag is often a a good indicator of their mood but before we get into what each Direction means if you love your dog and want to be their favorite person subscribe to Doggy Diggs so you never miss any of our future doggy videos now when dogs see their owner according to this study they often wag their tail more to the right because they're so excited to see them and this study also showed that dogs wagging their tail more to the left can signify that they're feeling anxious so if your dog is wagging their tail to the left when you walk in the door well let's just hope you see some of these other signs next up is the messiest sign your dog's favorite person is you if you're sweaty or you just put on some lotion your dog might lick you but licking you could also be one of the ways your dog shows you they love you licking releases dopamine and endorphins which makes them feel good and helps them bond with others it might also be one of the ways they get your attention and if your dog loves you that's often what they want the most but if flicking is the messiest way to show you they love you this next sign is probably the most annoying way when you walk in the door and your dog hasn't seen you in a while they might lean into you or bring you toys like we mentioned earlier but in their excitement some dogs might throw all of their behavior training out of the window and just jump all over you depending on how big your dog is or how sharp their nails are this could be cute or it could be painful but hopefully you won't get too frustrated with them and be happy knowing that this is one of the ways they show you they love you but this next sign is even worse than jumping when dogs play with people they love they get excited that's great right but when some dogs get over excited they start to hump it's not a sexual behavior when this happens they just can't contain their excitement and this is how they express themselves it's sweet to know that they love you so much but you'd probably prefer they express their love in a different way right so I gotta ask what's the weirdest way your dog shows you they love you let us know down in the comments now thankfully this next sign although may be just as weird doesn't involve any weird touching of you we all know that a dog's strongest sense is their sense of smell and dogs love the smell of their favorite person and do you know what smells a lot like their favorite person their dirty socks underwear and shoes if your dog's favorite person is you you might find them sleeping on your dirty shoes or laundry it's comforting for them because they're basking in their favorite smell you now if they're stealing your socks or underwear they might not only be doing it for the smell there's a good chance you chase them if they do that and they love playing with you and getting your attention so they might be doing this to get you up off the couch and into play mode well at least for them it's play mode but this next sign your dog's favorite person is you is the opposite of play mode you might find that your dog loves you so much they feel the need to protect you someone tries to say hi to papa no sorry someone tries to give Mama a hug not on their watch of course if somebody ever does break into your house you'll be thankful you have a protective dog that loves you but I'll tell you what even though my dog's favorite person is his mama it if somebody broke into the house with a tennis ball he'd leave her for that ball in a second we've got another sign your dog loves you that has to do with them protecting you but let's get to this unexpected but incredibly cute sign first your dog probably knows a handful of words their name some commands and maybe walk or t-r-e-a-t but some dogs know their favorite person's name and light up when they hear it they associate your name with everything they love in this world and it makes them happy next up is a funny little way your dog shows you they love you but other people might not appreciate it so much there was a study done with 24 dogs to see what happened when the dog's owner interacted more with other people than other dogs when they were in the room they found that dogs get jealous when their owner ignores them and pays attention to another dog or person so how do you know if a dog is jealous well these dogs tried to steal back their owner's attention and break up their interaction does your dog get jealous and you're paying attention to another dog or person if so then it's probably a good sign that they love you and they value having a relationship with you now if you're their favorite person sometimes they just might not be able to contain themselves when you're around when all that love and excitement adds together with some pent up energy you might see your dog break out in the Zoomies it's a hilariously chaotic scene but it's always nice to know your dog is happy now this next sign that they love you is the total opposite of the Zoomies when dogs are around people they're uncomfortable with they might have a hard time relaxing they might Pace or stand or pant and look slightly or even obviously uncomfortable but if your dog loves you they'll be able to relax around you they may plop down on the floor and let out a big sigh like they just had a hard day's work even though you served them their food and water and fancy bowls and you picked up their poop for them it's cute and it's a comforting reminder that they love you so much they can relax around you and don't have to be on guard and many dogs love to be around their favorite people so much that they prefer to sleep in the same bed with them this is a vulnerable time for them and it's another sign that they trust you and they're comfortable with you but it also might be a way they protect you dogs are typically lighter sleepers than us and are more alert to things that might happen in the night we just had a baby and our dog curls up in front of her bassinet like he's got guarding her which is the most heartwarming thing I've ever seen now get this a survey from the American Academy of sleep medicine found that 46 percent of adults sleep in the same bed with their pet does your dog sleep in the same bed with you now even if your dog doesn't show any of these obvious signs you're their favorite here's another subtle sign they might give just spending some good old-fashioned quality time with you not all dogs wear their emotions on their sleeves some were just content to be with the person they love most you you might notice them following you from room to room or laying on the floor when you're on the couch just because they want to be near you but if you want to see how to get your dog to love you more watch 12 scientific ways to get your dog to love you the most next
Channel: Doggy Digs
Views: 96,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dog, puppy, golden retriever, Labrador, German shepherd, French bulldog, bulldog, English bulldog, Australian shepherd, boxer, Rottweiler, jack Russell terrier, beagle, poodle, daschund, corgi, Great Dane, spaniel, dog training, puppy training, good dog, good puppy, doggy digs, signs your dog loves you, dog loves you, signs your dog’s favorite person is you, dog’s favorite person, how to get a dog to love you, dog people, dog person, puppy loves me, dog loves me, signs dog loves you
Id: f7yxsq_ifsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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