Technology & the Search for Noah's Ark - Andrew's presentation at Turkish symposium.

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[Music] [Music] i would like to thank professor dr kaya for inviting me to the symposium not a professor of archaeology or a doctor but just a lay person who has expressed an interest in those arcs since my childhood and in fact my first time in this part of turkey or in the country of turkey was in june 1997 and since that time i fell in love with the country and the culture and the history of this region and now i'm a resident of honoree province now a lot of the attention uh for the search of uh the elusive arc has been focused on the strato volcano uh we call it english ararat um the very first attempt uh successful to attempt to climb the mountain was done in october of 1829 by the german naturalist federic peratt and after the per russia persian war though uh the mountain became accessible to western researchers and explorers and since that time over a dozen so-called eyewitnesses have claimed to have seen uh the arc of noah on different parts of this volcano and in different states of decay some of the most famous accounts have said they have seen an intact rectangular barge sitting up there in the glacier or in the canyon on the north side of the mountain now because erat was a remote mountain that seemed so inaccessible to most researchers many people focused on the eyewitness accounts of those who actually made the journey and a lot of stock was put into these accounts now the last 20 years though suddenly the mysterious mount era was open to a new way to search for noah's ark researchers were not dependent upon a few who can climb the mountain or those who said they saw the ark on different places on the mountain with google earth esri mapbox and nasa satellite imagery all this mountain became available to the public to search on their own in fact here's a 2001 nasa international space station photograph and here's a satellite imagery of mount ararat not just satellite imagery but also infrared imagery has been produced for this region and uh in fact we now have very accurate 3d models available on the internet where you can uh act like you're climbing the mountain and searching for noah's ark on your own uh you can zoom in and pan around in these new technologies now this has enabled um many people lay people to produce videos on the internet and on youtube and to promote what they think they see on the mountain so you have people claiming different shadows and different geological features are the elusive arc and so some of these videos have gotten thousands of views where people have claimed that this uh future or that future of mount erat is the art based on google earth imagery now obviously this has also generated the interest of the media and you have different news stories and films produced about this search for noah's ark on mount ararat now the search for the ark has not only been focused on the mountain itself but also in the region and the most famous is the derupinar site where they used aerial photographs to actually first identify the site in september of 1959. captain ilhan derompinar with the turkish military discovered this site while looking at the aerial photographs for a mapping of the region and then later on in 1961 the turkish photographer ara ghuler did some famous low aerial flights over this boat-shaped formation and the results of these aerial photographs when they hit the press it generated interest especially in the west now because the turkish government has not granted um excavation access to any group these interested parties uh focused on technology to determine what was below the soil now one of the first things that they used on this site was the 1985 uh pulse induction metal detectors to see if there was any metal patterns inside this boat formation other uh technology that they used was geophysical survey techniques like uh ground penetrating radar some of the first use of the radar in this region was done on the durup of our site and it allowed some of these lay people to produce uh uh graphics and images are what they think they saw below the surface of some of the patterns of reflections in the gpr results here's a for example a gpr scan done in june 1986 that they showed they had a pattern of reflections below the surface at the top end of the formation later in 1987 turkish scientists and american scientists from two different universities teamed up and did a complete survey of the site using not only gpr but the magnetometer and the one of the most noteworthy discoveries on that was a planner feature that was below the whole site just below the ground now since that time there have been other uh private efforts to determine what was below the ground using technology uh the most recent attempt that hit the news was uh the 2014 ert survey by mr john larson from new zealand who is a remote sensor specialist and he was able to produce some interesting results from his survey which he put out on his website uh and on his website one can see some of the interpretation of what he thinks uh the survey has shown below the ground one of the most interesting is this hall shaped object that was right below the boat formation that you see on the surface this of course generated a lot of news in the last couple years with laypeople claiming that this would be the hull of the boat of noah now in 2019 uh one of the most recent geophysical surveys done on the duropanera site was done when the discovery's science channel came out to film a tv episode an american team of geophysical specialists scanned the boat with lidar thermal cameras and two types of gpr two 250 megahertz antenna and a 100 megahertz now the 100 megahertz uh produced some interesting results that an american archaeologist dr bigman who specializes in gpr uh said this would be a spot of interest that future excavations were done because of the angular features seen about seven meters below the ground um and not only uh did this uh survey uh produce uh angular results they were also parallel lines that were showing eight to nine feet below the surface at different spots on the boat formation now even with these new geophysical survey results and technology most geologists and archaeologists uh consider the drop on our site geological formation that can be explained by natural processes of nature and not a man-made object so where does this leave us with the use of technology to study and search for noah's ark i believe in the future uh more useful uh will be of 3d seismic for example and drones which will allow researchers to cover a larger area and then some archaeologists claim that we won't even have to dig in the future but they can just use tiny robots to explore a site and in fact one of the most famous uh space archaeologists of our time professor dr sarah parcak said that in 20 or 30 years she can imagine where archaeologists may not may stop excavating entirely and of course she is focused on remote sensing using satellite imagery and i believe that the future is uh bright uh for using these newer technologies to survey the uh area of urtu to determine where the arc of noaa is [Music] you
Channel: Discovered Media
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Keywords: ron wyatt, andrew jones, archaeology, biblical archaeology, wyatt discoveries, ronald wyatt, wyatt, wyatt archaeology, mount sinai, mount horeb, sinai in arabia, midian, horeb, split rock, rock of horeb, joel richardson, ryan mauro, jim and penny caldwell, caldwells, noah's ark, ark of noah, nuh'un gemisi, ararat, mountains of ararat, mount ararat, sodom and gomorrah, sulfur ball, ashen remains, ark of the covenant, blood of christ, exodus route, red sea crossing
Id: Syd_0dOX-is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 20 2022
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