Hi-Fi RUSH Is A Perfect Video Game

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I don't have an Xbox controller but I do have a PS4 controller I don't know how good that's gonna be I just don't know if there's like qtes oh God I'll [ __ ] it up just so you guys know and so it's not like so you guys don't worry about it shamer mode is on there you go all right let's do this I don't know what to expect zoom into PP next I said next hi hi it's time for Hi-Fi me [Music] oh God it's just a chuckle I hear Robbie already immediately rock star future Rockstar are you done uh yes whatever here's your project Armstrong pass and welcome to Vande Lake Campus yes dude this game looks so good and this thing was just Shadow dropped away Jesus the mix of what a historical day you're the best of the best and about to be even better thanks to our robot enhancements vandelay has always been about you all in Project Armstrong are about to show the world just how special you can become now go get ready for a better life I like the comic book style holy [ __ ] special pass here [Music] please [Music] [Music] God this is so Charming what the [ __ ] [Music] garbage collection yeah promised me the best of the best Mimosa production asked for tests subjects came marketing delivered don't paint it all bricka Grand Central and r d we need people with influence and you're giving me losers it'll work it better no slip-ups and no that is what a piece of junk [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] this local [ __ ] you oh my God [Music] oh an error has occurred please proceed to the checkpoint okay checkpoints where's that ah don't worry probably no big deal oh my God this is so cool cool not until I get freak out too much it's like oh my God he even like walks to the beat holy [ __ ] I love that everything is literally to the beat I'm [ __ ] so cool did you come to check out what a great job I did stuck in these boxes where were you looking for the exit if so 180 degrees behind you that I'm so into this I've been here for like two seconds and this already [ __ ] let's go oh [ __ ] oh no oh geez I I I literally don't know what to say all right kid five magnetic magnetic management fixture wait magnetic Waste Management foreign object warning looks like a defect pregnant [Music] is that a weapon uh I don't think so I think he's resisting oh my God all right [Music] I'm I'm sitting here like shaking my head all right oh okay [Music] oh my God everything is like do the beat what the [ __ ] no game no game has captivated me as hard as this game has in the first what 10 minutes foreign if I'm getting this right first music player in my chest I'm pretty sure that's not supposed to be there powering up my new robot arm third it's making everything sync up with the beat and this sounds ridiculous in the muse feels like like I'm on a stage oh my God the Sprites try a combo and beat to the music this will be what perfect timing feels like dude his Idol is so good too [Applause] okay [Music] okay look at you perfect timing on that one Jesus this is cool now try out a heavy combo in Rhythm this is the kind of diamond this is gonna take me a while as well [Music] ready yeah what a pro you got it oh yeah and the Crowd Goes Wild Child [Applause] is This the guy thank you oh um anyone see the guy that did this that's the defect what no no no no no no no I was just oh my God here we go all right I'm gonna I'm gonna play this wrong believe me [Music] God this is so cool [Music] oh my God this is so cool two months already so far this is genuinely [ __ ] cool wait I just I oh okay so that is good that's really helpful I was hoping for something like that Productions [Music] you are kind of hot I do coward [Laughter] no I I don't even die I'm out of words hello there can I be assistance oh my God rather than explaining it why don't you try it out on me huh you want me to hit you I can see it excites you so please why did you have abs [Music] just like I thought lounges are great you really do know me I know everything about you I look forward to our next um okay that was just oh the [ __ ] guitar dude it's gone this game is cool it kind of gives me like old school games but also like it's so I I don't know oops that's the defect not suspicious you looking for me I am trying catch this [Music] God the fighting is so satisfying oh my God [Music] oh that's so tired good you made it down here all right so I'll keep this quick oh oh you're a cat no this is 808. she is a cat but I built her vandelay's up to something and I said I can help thanks but I'm good oh oh [Music] it's not responding what did you do hold on did you just feel that [Music] we got something here look who's back Andy's got a what thanks to 808 chai's got a new skill up his sleeve a Beat hit it's a timing based bonus attack at the end of a combo [Applause] oh my God this is so cool oh my God this feels so good I have no idea [Music] oh my God Bring It On [Music] this it's kind of hard it's a little hard I I am having a few issues but it should be fine oh my God oh my God oh my God no way no no wait no wait nope my weakness blood flipping wow [Applause] [Music] Jen you have a mouth speak a language battery production activated don't touch the red lasers obviously oh oh wait oh my God [Music] oh my God okay cool what's that I wouldn't touch that I want to well you're not dead that's a plus oh my God the opposite actually feels like I'm powered up 808 is showing me you've got a lot of energy stored up in your arm how about letting it out thank you I pressed the wrong button come on come down [Music] oh my god dude I love this this is just cool this has no right being this cool oh okay power's out could you fix it any tools nearby tools I got a better idea oh no [Music] foreign oh my God oh my God it goes on yeah whoops okay all right you'll make a fool of me once you'll make a fool of me twice you won't make a fool me three times oh okay wow okay [Music] [Applause] oh my God I keep thinking that I'm gonna miss the beat so I keep taking it slow which I need to stop doing in this kind of game I'll get back to work just one more game me yeah you're me right now [Music] oh my God [Applause] oh my God I used to run this facility now you have to be stuck in boxes what should I say this is a fine stack a great job [Music] [Applause] [Music] you may have destroyed me stuck on the memories good job it was at least a good sport about it fine I need to relax introducing the head of production oh hello ma'am oh no I'm in love with you hello here you are I am messing with Reckless crew Wreckers production and worst of all yeah wreck is perfect no defects record [Music] your security tried to kill me project Armstrong fine print should read it Punk defects get recalled a recalled you mean killed rekka eight hit the verbs what is this marketing anyway thanks for being dumb enough to just Waltz in here wrecking gotta get her hands dirty I told you welcome to the project Armstrong defect check honey and our QA is the best in the business I love you uh oh my God oh I like defense that's good oh that's bad oh I love I love a speed drop oh my God [Applause] oh fun [Music] shine his hands are extra sensitive for the inspecting you're going to say hit them but okay [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] what just happened whoa laughs it's a cat serious Oh serious mode [Music] [Applause] oh God [Applause] okay there we go I'm I'm [ __ ] up a little bit but that's fine I'm good I'm okay dude you got a killer track [Music] but every song's gotta end oh holy [ __ ] [Music] oh okay [Music] hahaha [Music] this game's amazing dude [Laughter] that's it in here oh that was wow my name is peppermint wait that voice you're the cat 808 is my eyes and ears out there and it looks like she's taken a liking to you oh I love the the locked view oh this is cool normally not a cat guy but I'm digging this [Laughter] so this section program is like I said top secret and only the top brass of the company have info on it why are you so worried Spectra could be anything let's just say someone on the inside gave me a hot tip sure whatever oh this is so cute while you're away I can sync up with your Tech through 808 might figure out some new tricks for you what you are coming on a mission this dangerous I'm not that stupid I'll leave that to you all right wait are you implying yes [Music] oh hey there's kale and that's what's her name the old vandelay boss Roxanne vandelay are you serious chai she built the company from the ground up know your history just give credit where it's due yeah oh my God [Music] oh my God like I did I'm sorry I just genuinely don't know what to say so finally got this whole room automated it makes me think once us through let's finish automating the production line but how to start a position are we gonna lose them to some machines who automate better than we automate but then how much more animation can automation get am I getting scrapped over this robot stopping sounds continue for 25 minutes guys bad news for your pride but you won't make that gentleman any ideas 808 is feeding the info on your arm it's magnetic right you should be able to hook onto that point that was awesome look arm use your magnet on the enemies to close in on them oh [ __ ] okay oh my God goodbye oh God out of my way mine [Music] oh my God [Music] I don't want to make a big deal out of this but I noticed that most pass around here involve jumping or using magnetic voice to avoid falling into Oblivion I know this was part of Ricans get fit plan of recruit requiring us to put more energy into our routine but for us old uh vandelay models we literally are trapped in here most impossible please don't help I've attempted for ages oh hello [Music] what does that look like turbo it's a Dev logo oh what an amazing dude this arm was made for picking up garbage that's not what it looks like from here this robot wants to [ __ ] me oh my God that's awesome to the beat I'm gonna go insane attack kill status for chunk of Gears the more perfect time in taxiform okay [Music] oh my God well get [ __ ] dude [Music] I'm just trying to hit the box thank you and that's when I taught wrecker everything she knows about production your tails are nothing but lies but you would know you just cleaned the floor I wonder ha ha I'm just too smart for this game are you sure about that oh this looks like fun oh [Music] holy [ __ ] yeah [Music] how's this not getting old you think you'd get old I would say it's like a good song you know how like when you find a song that you really like you listen to it over and over that's the same that can that can be said the same with the game I've got I just am really mad that I've got my new pathetic Man toy laughs I'm just a sucker for stupid men they're like my type I don't know why you can just tell how much Mimosa hates Corsica yeah congratulating every department but Security in our Armstrong email that's a corporate slap in the face it's like The Hazing Corsica too bad you join a company like this you better be the best of the best all right here we go oh hi Rebecca oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy [ __ ] it's just so satisfying dude hold up chai see that door yeah I might be able to bypass security on that one it's a rough route though a lot of stairs this looks like more fun dumbass energy again come on whoa whoa wow I don't even know where this reel goes chill out oh yeah well look ahead [Music] oh my God [Music] oh my God oh my God [Music] dude that fog is oh my God I'm losing it it just keeps getting cooler you wish you were doing this oh animated do the animation [Music] that's as far as you go [Music] second world chai what oh my God I'm losing my [ __ ] mind also why did they have to animate him so cute electric barriers come on thought this might come in handy you ready for this chai ready for what wait what need help oh how did you just a bit of temporal displacement not complicated not your lingo but one of 808's hidden features you could have been here this whole time didn't think you needed me Mr confident oh my God I'm gonna start crying what the [ __ ] is this game it doesn't look like you can make this jump let's see that switch let me guess yep call me in I can activate those for you oh my God you sound like a video game tutorial looks like somebody got an upgrade I can overload those enemy barriers you know just call me in okay [Music] come on oh my God I thought he said these [ __ ] in reading of them from my cleaning area I think you can help out peppermints I can't see I don't have eyes him up my discontent is gone this treasure is yours I do the work and you get the prize I didn't mean to do that [Music] okay I love these cutscenes so much pretty quiet not suspicious at all [Laughter] you want to be successful you want to be productive then you gotta be aggressive here what a defect Punk like you want to run out of here just ask Astrid asking for what I love his animation so much back to me that's it gloves are coming off I can see that [Music] what was your plan for this peppermint I don't know bite I'm not paying you anything hey I'm the main show here so let's get ready to crumble come on oh my God [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh my God oh my God [Music] good no oh God oh dear I uh [Music] you ain't gonna ruin this company trip look you're getting I have peppermint now with the trash Oh God [Music] oh God oh [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh God I thought I was going to [ __ ] that up I was so close to dying there you're down for the count big boss you think I'll lose you yeah that sounds about right only thing the keep light thing [Applause] thank you [Applause] um I guess she's dead cool her personal Pass Key great job Jay [Music] oh there he is please tell me you've dealt with the defect what in the hell am I looking at my name's chai not defect where's Rekha oh what haven't you heard I better start looking for a new production head is this some sort of joke oh now this is a juicy meat thing oh my God it's so so bad I think you're muted honey I was going to say worse it could get your people to production right away oh uh yes sir go ahead and whatever you want see this peppermint and I are gonna kick your ass with your own Tech peppermint and if that's not enough check out my arm I can make a guitar she's probably the starter oh secrecy is blown I have to rethink my whole plan there was a plan what I might hey whoa what are you it syncs with project Armstrong interfaces drown yourself this is an Armstrong Tech I got the smudges on my arm off and with just a simple connection don't you think that you were right all this time and I'm a stubborn loser also peppermint is way cooler than me girl yo what the still doubting but you made me say that who did vandelay have designed this for you know research or something only you wouldn't find this suspicious the point is they can and I need to stop that I wish you good luck [Laughter] what I have no idea how to get off this island and feel a little responsible for messing things up great you're here by a member of my organization cool cool our own little weird Indie three-piece who's this guy that's the head of R D A Jojo Branch from the AI Labs probably run into him say it sneak in hack his computer download and Destroy Spectra and get out [Music] hey you oh dear oh okay you're not part of my crew oh God [Music] oh God here we go first in the game I may just be a service robot but by the end of this I'll be calling your thoughts I'm sure they have me posting arrows around the construction side but hey people need to know where to go first to show them where to go next thing I'm telling them where to go to switch the rock air it was a bit more stable Jesus Christ you peppermint I'll take my air conditioning thanks all right here we go [Music] [Applause] yeah let's go oh dear not mentioned volcanoes peppermint usually that's implied when talking about magma oh my God it's important to a working relationship well next time communicate to me when you're gonna mess up my plans again hey if chai [ __ ] would he also like [ __ ] to the beat of the song Sorry bad question stop it get some help shut up no that's worse maybe a bit over my head here got a lot of arrows and I mean a lot actually I don't know what to do with all of them way more than I need but I won't let them get uh go to waste what's easy to understand where to go one Arrow or ten arrows I already overheard my work being noticed a lot of arrows around here yep that's me and you know what I bet that guy ain't lost all right spreading and soon enough I'm there at the top yo wait oh that's helmets I thought those were burgers for a moment I'm an idiot placing arrows near the volcano is not safe let me tell you but you know what's even worse getting lost not now we're gonna go after you reach the volcano I'm not just doing a service here I'm basically running a place at this point people looked at the Arrows with respect find one person even isn't Amazed by the pure brilliant something of the placement of these things the angle the pivot the subtle roll is basically art at this point and I can't see anyone filling these shoes foreign we can't even use this it's like I was put on this planet for someone else like these arrows weren't for me but for some greater being those who come next and slip down a loose Rock ankle ball joint is messed up this may be my last sign better make it count this is the way out of here don't lose hope I don't get too involved at the top I already sent it my replacement I've been lost the time forgotten but I'll have shown the way and that's what counts oh he placed all of the signs he really made it count here we are indeed oh wow terrible chai just get in there she hates her ass to continue to avoid my female I'm making this public no more budget approvals until the D6 Fiasco is done with full stop dare interrupt my creative process the gears are turning in my mind with passion I don't care about fashion I care about profits oh spoken like a true money man enough just have security with their orders upper management doesn't seem to get along when do they ever let's just keep focused dude I like all of the expression he does oh where do I get the impossible tasks toughening up the saber units and that'll happen well at least watching it fail is enjoyable [Laughter] there he is Mr Mr Jojo guy that subject unidentified why is the image scrambled something's operating on cameras to 40p oh no not 40p great just call me in 480p I can help no wait I got an idea hey it's been a while but chai's back with something new the Perry Oh exactly he'll tell you how many times he's gonna hit you first we'll see and hear the timing then it's your turn to Parry it back with a Perry it's really hard not bad but you're going to want to master this to stay on top all right how about we get back to it try did you just black out I don't know it doesn't matter watch this there we go try again there we go flawless hey subject we're done you give basket into the Next Room yay gift basket [Music] satisfying those laser drones were causing us design but no one messes with my experiments you'll be a nice punching bag for my babies regular enemies won't visualize their attacks but they can all be Perry Just Perry exactly when they're attack strikes foreign some attacks hit multiple times you'll need to Parry all of them to succeed [Music] nice guy I'm actually obsessed now I want to see how far this goes let's go [Music] oh my God [Music] [Applause] no I haven't yet go on enraged enemies will pull you into an attack that can only be Perry look for the timing and Parry back for a chance to take them out in one hit okay okay that was I messed up there but that's fine it seems to be like this every single game that has a peri mechanic I somehow am able to Parry and I have no idea how I don't know how I do it is this it is this this was a pesky test oh here we go shy was it that's Mr chai to you that's what I just called you okay then zonzo head of R D ah hey look dude I'm not gonna serenade you I saw your reflexes but how about your endurance let's give it a go go go [ __ ] Jesus Christ but enough talk how about you [ __ ] Dojo character yeah [Music] [Applause] a bit quicker than expected but no matter how about our brand new song So original okay that is Todd right because it was bothering you the entire time I was like I know that voice you're useless okay [Music] [Music] we need a different approach [Music] what are you doing oh well we had a good run look man I think we have more in common than we do apart [Laughter] and back to City oh my God [Music] add back to 3D I've been looking for you oh holy crap okay whatever you say previously on mechanics yes goggles make you come on strong sir perhaps you lack the leadership qualities you think you have that's my buddy cinnamon a psychi no matter how much it hurts this is surprisingly entertaining macaron I presume Superman wonderful to finally meet you in person the macarons that Expressions make me less [Music] something big is going down macaron we've got to be proactive but fighting isn't my style then why do you have a punching bag sometimes work gets a bit stressful knowing who took everything from me you mean that guy oh my God [Music] that wall was made with Z shielding oh no that mean I have to fight I believe it does sir [Music] hi uh before heading out mine coming over here oh my oh my God another area let's go go I dodge volcanoes coming here and you just Waltz right in Waltz I ran here so what you're saying is you were worried about me what uh more uh the general concern for the state of things oh my God so I'm assuming you were one step behind me she's like me for real for real 808 firmware updated and we I think they're all called after like or tastes or you know drinks anything food related there we go ah bad macaron [Music] Oh that's oh now I notice what's oh my God I don't know why I'm surprised everything in this game is to the beach I don't know it just tickles the right thing in my brain oh I get it it's so good it's so huge well I already love it you [ __ ] I guess this is their way of wanting me out but not saying it out right they want me to fix the coffee machines from being hacked so I need to go in and adjust the firmware updates but by putting me in the secluded Rock section behind a waterfall I can get the hit if you want to fire me just do it I know what I'll do so that's Thrill is coffee machines I'll see how you like it when the new firmware update makes the only Bubba decaf look at the dude he's snapping to the beat [Music] I could snap him to the beach stop I just think that making Bobby Damon play him is really smart he looks 16. oh do you think 25 people look ancient what is your perception of 25 year old looking people 25 I don't look like I've I'm like 50. call me in and I'll Shadow those shields for you okay here we go all right [Music] let's go chase where are you AI was locked so I went in the AR wait what is the AR room oh ah my AR labs are perfect for recreating these opportunities like this foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I love these so much ow ow [Music] oh God work is becoming unstable the simulation is degrading oh my yes [Music] okay there we go keep forgetting it it was a quarter quarter pull in some money from the yearly bonuses my bonus no that programmer was right it looks like zonzo's burning through his budget sansa's immature Creative Vision prevents it from seeing the realities we can use this no budget our development pipeline comes to a full stop Ty goad him into throwing something lavish at you oh God oh my God that's whatever they bring out new figurines and that's my that up there is my wallet so no zanzo nice where's your epic set piece don't understand explosions if that's what you want yes that is what I want I want big explosions all over me wait all right let's go zanzo you sure I know what I want and I don't want to hear about costs just turn it off is this epic enough for you oh nice hi this is amazing budget drain still wanted to give you baskets all I do [Music] psych his basket oh I'll show you volcano right here there goes a chunk of money huh oops I went right into it my bad God the volcano sounds so good me right here on quality I want my gift basket where's my gift basket yay I got my gift basket yes guys and now I take you down did you want us to drop the platform inside okay hold on oh [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ow I can't do that oh my God I'm stupid ah I know I keep forgetting the order of the buttons I hate not being used to Xbox controllers there we go mind if I join in cold hello I've wrecked everything you threw with me maybe you need to crash course after this game myself ah well oh my god I've been dealing with my distractions I've been working on a pit project freedom oh that's weird oh my God he's creating a stance how's that budget looking it's almost gone [Music] now everyone will see that I am defundant defunded oh yep because of you no oh my God oh the record stops here oh hello we know all about Spectra kale you're not getting away with it no one is washing my brain [Music] but during my facility surrounded by security and you I thought we were done yet here you are shall I take them in sir of course I want you to take them in why else would I bring you can we have just one sorry just take a second oh that guy can we do this later yeah why do you trust me are we actually giving them a moment sir follow me all right come and get me laughs um okay oh yo what now whoa I assume Mr Chad I did not think past this point you won't get back to The Hideout we're not leaving get back in at least two pieces whoa [ __ ] ow dude what bruh what the bruh all security report [Music] close in on it [Music] excited the old one too [Music] oh oh okay I didn't I didn't notice it was going that fast okay oh God [Music] oh my God Joy get out of there [Music] ready set the target oh God oh [Music] yep [Music] foreign Jesus Christ [Music] pretty rock star move chai yeah please one out of four Corsica it's not a passing grade yeah Corsica what's up with that who knows where the others are I'll get him to talk when you're done send them to me I'll personally throw them in the furnace it should have been me no no my weapon it's not fair huh oh are we like [ __ ] dreaming hey how's our rock star doing oh yeah chai so great to see you yeah yeah where do you come up with all these great ideas I wish I could tell you but even I don't let myself in on that on that Mr chai that was quite an amazing performance so much so I realize I mistook you at first and misconstructed your site profile so what's it now instead of brashley acting out based off your fear of inferiority I see you now okay okay try time to stop so what's the plan now that we defeated the big bad I think it's premature to celebrate don't think you realized it yet appreciate you putting your life on the line but you gotta snap out of it oh yep [Music] what a [ __ ] idiot wow [Laughter] you totally got caught by Corsica [Music] you mean oi wait wait Terry's Corpus am I under oath what's this obsession with Spectra anyway you want to know what it is like we have on all our robotics wait is she Scottish like someone hasn't seen the code or whatever control AI or whatever all right I forgot you're the only boss without full access to Spectra maybe you should look into that just became my favorite character I'm too tired for this Irish Irish is Scottish doesn't matter I'll take both first thing tomorrow is your last chance to come clean sound like Scottish nonsense out to your system 808 I knew you wouldn't let me down all right I mean surprised as I am your plan works chai really skull reciprocity so what do we do now you might want to stop with getting out of that sale oh that hurt the small robot he's just doing his job [Music] the cat using everyone's body language is too good Arrow prey I know right hahaha so now where were we [Music] oh you bet [Music] I like that everything is to the beat that was a good time to like reconsider if I'm a good player or not fix the security props why they send in Project Armstrong subjects to fix the security system what know me hi song I'm here to fix the security thing good cause no one's getting out of here till that's done wait can I land on this [Music] oh [ __ ] now ah damn oh great now I'm stuck here I shouldn't have jumped down I regret my decisions okay how the frick frack do I get in there oh wait hold on wait oh my God nice wait wait how do I wait oh did I did I break the game I broke the game oh no oh because I was curious no no hurry oh no oh no oh my God okay okay awesome okay awesome awesome we're good we're good I'm back [Music] dude keep getting confused by the sequence of actions for no reason oh [Music] bosses wow [Music] [Applause] what [Music] [Applause] oh oh God follow me later nope oh [Music] I almost I got [ __ ] that up real bad you could probably not I love the Beats so much [Music] [Music] really you got everything connected but of course I couldn't have done it without foreign [Music] [Applause] I keep missing the hit [Applause] [Music] why are you guys constantly saying himbo you guys don't even know what a himbo is oh my God he's such a himbo has the body of like twig you want to know who a hippo is Croc chai is a sweetheart he's just too self-absorbed God I could change him peppermint of course color right there and she's horn talking him leave me alone I haven't please like lose well yeah Rico was right there unfortunately she exploded please I'm trying I'm so sorry [Music] I'm very good at Rhythm games when I'm playing with an Xbox controller why does it default to Xbox even uh it's because um this is an XBox exclusive I love this cat I love I love both of them oh they're so they're such dorks beautiful nice let's go yeah oh man that was so good this game feels so good skinny jeans with rolled up legs yeah you can grab his ankles and some of them and swing them around like a yo-yo Waits don't work like yo-yos from your knowledge [Music] foreign [Music] I love not remembering the beat my memory stops after like five beats somehow the defect who I thought we used to care Got Away what the hell not only that yeah that's our security system I should be angry well let's just say my feelings right now are next yeah next a vague praise I'll take it in other words APB on the kid see him call him hey if any of the devs are watching can I can I go on a date with Corsica I don't know me I just like how how expressive yeah this is security system man idiot that's the defect um [Laughter] I love how expressive chai is [Music] oh my God yes [Music] sorry oh mind if I join oh God animated fighting I'm gonna go insane [Music] [Music] [Music] God it just it feels so good not only to play but also to experience yeah let's get this rule [Music] anytime now hold them off next up corsica's wing expect the worst [Music] no [Music] no God he's so expressive I love him maybe you're wrong for once peppermint might be smooth riding oh [Music] whoa yeah [Applause] nice due to construction oncoming debris is expected to get irresponsible results to the left seriously accidents Mayor Johnson injury is not covered by our company haha great job little guy we're doing a final fantasies Final Fantasy 14 right now just let me at him [Music] evil [Music] ah emo [Music] oh yeah [Applause] whoa ow what okay I guess you can't be there I was like oh yeah we can be in the middle whatever is okay it's still on the left oh come on guys get it together with the brakes on that thing oh [Music] gotta get those brakes off another one down finish it off macaroon whoa I was very concerned oh [Music] so I was thinking yeah with no brakes how we stopping [Music] peppermint any ideas oh now you are [Music] chai a little space here [Music] he's such a dork I love him don't worry you got this but just in case you might want to hold on to something see ya what what oh my God lift this running a bit late I'm sure it'll be here [Music]
Channel: Shenpai
Views: 641,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Funny, HFR, Hi-Fi RUSH, hi fi rush, Rhythm Game, Action game, Rhythm Combat, Bethesda, Tango Gameworks, Chai
Id: w1iVl2_ugs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 19sec (4819 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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