Hi-Fi Rush All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 4K UHD

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thank you [Music] [Music] next next [Applause] I said next [Music] try is it yep profession rock star future Rockstar oh are you done uh yes whatever here's your project Armstrong pass and welcome to Vandal Lake Campus yes [Music] [Music] before [Music] all along the project Armstrong technology perfectly fused with a human body together we create Better Lives [Music] the CEO of pandalay Technologies scale vandelay what a historic day you're the best of the best and about to be even better thanks to our robot enhancements vandelay has always been about helping those in need and you all in Project Armstrong are about to show the world just how special you can become now go get ready for a better life [Music] special pass here I think they just call my name foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] promised me the best of the best Mimosa production asked for tests subjects came marketing delivered don't paint it all bricka that grand centers on so in r d we need people with influence and you're giving me losers it'll work it better no slip-ups and no defense what a piece of junk [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] okay checkpoints where's that ah don't worry probably no big deal oh dear my cleaning has caused an even greater mess you're jumping however was impressive man that surgery train me out please collect your belongings yeah to get out of these clothes oh Jesus wow [Music] hey all right kid romantic arm Alex does 75 magnetic Waste Management of fixture wait magnetic Waste Management for an object warning looks like a defect pregnant was that a weapon that's I don't think so I think he's resisting wait what ah [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] if I'm getting this right first music player in my chest I'm pretty sure that's not supposed to be there second powering up my new robot arm third it's making everything sync up with the beat and this sounds ridiculous music kicks in it feels like like I'm on a stage oh yeah and the Crowd Goes Wild try it [Applause] thank you oh um anyone see the guy that did this it's the defect what no no no no no I was just well here we go [Music] pick them all [Music] [Applause] [Music] well that was awesome but I should probably not here [Music] hello [Music] there can I be your assistance uh what are you vandelay smart fridge vasf07 but commonly known as snitch not very catchy but I can analyze your well-being and guide you to satisfaction let me indulge hey no indulging you seem to have musical robot powers would you like me to explain your malfunctioning abilities seems your problem may be hacking enemies to the beat I wouldn't say it's a problem attacking enemies on the beat does more damage so I sense it is beneficial for you to do so for some people the beat is hard to find like inner peace but here are some tips your attacks always land on the beat and since it's beneficial to attack on the beat pressing the attack button again when your hit strikes is the perfect time that makes sense and if you need even more help it's seems you have a rhythm assist [Music] but rather than explaining it why don't you try it out on me you want me to hit you I can see it excites you so please practice your light and heavy attacks on me where's the defect looks suspicious could it be okay you looking for me try and catch this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and now what am I supposed to do [Music] you all right thanks for helping my cat need a hand oh that's convenient look at it get out of here well that might be something I can handle hey yelling like this is awkward can you speed this up fine but I hacked the access panel next switch and come up [Music] [Music] Bring It On My Head [Music] today [Music] hello I'm here cat rescuer you said you'd help out maybe this wasn't such a good idea good you made it down here all right so I'll keep this quick uh I saw you fight back there I think we might be able to help each other I thought Security's all over you which I could help you with stop okay whoa whoa whoa whoa that was you back there you're a cat no this is 808. she is a cat but I built her look like I was saying you know I thought my music robot arm power was crazy but this is um probably better off by myself dude listen vandelay's up to something and I said I can help thanks but I'm good all right [Music] you know it's not responding what did you do oh hold on did you just feel that that beat I think we got something here look who's hey so offer reconsidered us I'm gonna borrow your cap for a little bit what why hey you wanted to help right don't worry it's just till I get out of here you better not run off with her many things aren't so bad after all okay remind me to ask you later how you did all that like I know anyway your turn I need to get out of wherever I am you're in production and the only direct exit is through quality assurance you see it so many buildings it's hard to tell it's the one that literally says QA Center on it oh yeah that one but with that way out they're probably expecting you so you and me at way out let's go [Music] Ian cocky isn't going to get you out of here uh the best solution is the most obvious that's wrong and terrible advice you're wanted we need to outsmart them well then I'll fight my way out are you an idiot that's literally the opposite about smarting them [Music] [Music] oh foreign I think I found a shortcut yeah sure oh this campus is huge it's more like a city The Perks of being the world's leading tech company vandelay likes to show off that I'm looking for what they're hiding oh you like digging up secrets how about telling me your name if it took you this long to ask you can wait a bit longer I'm shy by the way chai all right then cool what's that I wouldn't touch that well you're not dead that's a plus the opposite actually feels like I'm powered up 808 is showing me you've got a lot of energy stored up in your arm how about letting it out please don't explode somebody [Applause] [Music] oh Power's Out generator looks busted did you fix it any tools nearby tools I got a better idea And The Beat Goes On see just like I thought it's fine you need to relax introducing the head of production record [Music] oh no there you are man messing with Reckless crew Wreckers production and worst of all yeah Rick is perfect no defects record [Music] your security tried to kill me project Armstrong fine French should have read it Punk defects get recalled a recalled you mean killed rekka ain't hit The Burbs that's for the moocs in marketing anyway thanks for being dumb enough to just Waltz in here wrecking gotta get her hands dirty I told you welcome to the project Armstrong defect check honey and our QA is the best in the business help oh [Music] like defense that's good I like how they taste oh that's bad inspection level 1 million [Music] let's rock big boy [Applause] [Music] ah but you can't see using try a dog face [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] to me you got a killer track but every song's gotta end [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] did you see that yeah yeah but this time just shut up and follow me we really gotta get out of here no complaining this time all right all right are you scared what no I mean it is a little dark hey there are no spiders down here right or like robot spiders oh please don't let them be robot spiders that's it in here uh hello catbot a rope snare what are you cartoon character so that's where the magic happens huh my name is peppermint wait is that voice 808 is my eyes and ears out there and it looks like she's taken a liking to you okay she's yours she's yours get up slacker we've got work to do 808 said you said you were gonna help me get out of here I am right after you help me look into Spectra I don't even know what that is don't expect you to this is whistleblower level so that yes and I'm working with a team to expose them we're small but small meaning just you and your cats I'm bigger than this says Rockstar here do you even actually play guitar I well figures I'll talk um look this campus is a maze of hallways lifts and dead ends filled with security you'll need my help to get out of here nah so far I've done pretty oh horrible if it wasn't for me look if you help me I'll make sure you get off vandelay Island fine whatever I guess perfect this is your hideout you really are a small operation well now we're plus one you can rest on that sofa luxury sweet I see by the way I may be able to help you out with some upgrades if you have some spare parts let's chat before we head out okay ready when you are peppermints what's the grand plan all right check this out mission report so this Spectra program is like I said top secret and only the top brass of the company have info on it why are you so worried Spectra could be anything let's just say someone on the inside gave me a hot tip sure whatever anyway we're gonna go back up to the production facility using my skills and your powers we break into the production heads office that's Rekha and with our luck she's busy cleaning up your mess at QA and won't be there we act as her computer steal the files on Spectra and get out cool cool I wasn't listening but sounds quick and easy great while you're away I can sync up with your Tech through 808 might figure out some new tricks for you what you are coming on a mission this dangerous I'm not that stupid I'll leave that to you all right wait are you implying [Music] I'm here baby who are you talking to huh just head to rekka's office you can see it up there pretty high up you'll have to head through the main production building but I'll be your guide try to keep a low profile come on 808 let's have some fun hey there's kale and that's what's her name the old vandelay boss from Roxanne vandelay are you serious chai she built the company from the ground up know your history geez let's give credit where it's due [Music] well there goes our low profile come on this is more fun and as long as rekka doesn't peace [Music] sounds juicy I thought you said she wouldn't be here I thought you said this was more fun so peppermint this spectrum thingy sad about Spectra our informant sent me code implying it's an AI apparently hidden in all vandelay's project Armstrong robotic parts and what makes you so worried my source said that vandaling never kept a project under wrap flexaports there's red flags all over this what you have me running around on some dark web hunch I trust my sources you're sounding even more suspicious than band delay oh should I just you know what don't care I'm out of here after this anyway [Music] down all right [Applause] time let's go hold up chai see that door might be able to bypass security on that one it's a rough route though a lot of stairs you know what I like exciting this looks like more fun come on hi you don't even know where this rail goes chill out it'll be fine oh yeah well look ahead [Music] [Music] admitted temperament you wish you were doing this actually no also looks like you've been spotted [Music] as far as you go [Music] second roll chai what [Music] ah well [Music] um somewhere we're actually pretty close to rekka's office now see I told you it'll work out I've seen some good work and some bad Falls in my time I must say I'm impressed you are still alive here we go you called whoa how did you just a bit of temporal displacement kind of complicated it's not your lingo but one of 808's hidden features you could have been here this whole time didn't think you needed me Mr confident [Music] go teamwork hooray step up guy we're almost there oh well I guess your whole get to rack is off is without her knowing plan is shot thanks to you hey hey who is doing all the hard work here uh it wouldn't be so hard if you just listen to me to begin with [Music] for all workers who haven't yet entered the lottery for Armstrong Festival tickets now's your chance you won't want to miss this show pigeons are the source of my discontent I desire assistance in reading of them from my cleaning area you can help out peppermints [Music] pretty quiet not suspicious at all [Music] you want to be successful you want to be productive then you gotta be aggressive here what a defect Punk like you want to run out of here you're just asking for it asking for what exactly you disrespecting me that's it the gloves are coming off I can see that [Music] what was your plan for this peppermint I don't know bite [Music] you're paying me double for this but I'm not paying you anything hey I'm the main show here so let's get ready to crumble come on [Music] [Applause] bear very defense [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] you're going out trash [Music] [Music] government s [Applause] [Music] you're down for the count big boss you think I'll lose to a puck like you yeah that sounds about right foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa this is crazy looks like we found our AI this is a screensaver Jai wait Spectra is designed to interface with user perception and reasoning this gives vandelay direct access to people's minds [Music] before you make that thing stop I'm trying to concentrate what did you just do should make it stop Rebecca please tell me you've dealt with the defect what in the hell am I looking at the name's chai not defect where's Rekha [Music] oh haven't you heard I better start looking for a new production head is this some sort of joke oh now this is a juicy meat thing [Music] do you want me to reschedule this zanzo I think you're muted honey I was going to say of course you could get your people to production right away oh uh yes sir go ahead send whatever you want see this peppermint and I are gonna kick your ass with your own Tech peppermint and if that's not enough check out my arm I can make a guitar and slam it down not even an apology chai for getting the job done are you that dumb now they know me no you're not acting alone and oh secrecy is blown I have to rethink my whole plan there was a plan what I might have been on a power trip I am sorry but you got your data right spectro the data that said vandelay can basically mind control you I wasn't really listening just check this out hey whoa what are you it syncs with project Armstrong interfaces try it on yourself this is an Armstrong Tech I got smudges on my arm off and with just a simple connection don't you think that you were right all this time and I'm a stubborn loser also peppermint is way cooler than me yo yo what the still doubting but you you and vandelay have designed this for you know research or something only you wouldn't find this suspicious the point is they can and I need to stop that I wish you good luck what I have no idea how to get off this island and feel a little responsible for messing things up great you're hereby a member of my organization cool cool our own little weird Indie three-piece all right mission report so according to the files I stole Spectra is a multi-faceted cognitive AI algorithm I see you know what let's keep Tech talk to a minimum anyway Spectra is an AI an AI development happens in the R and D branch and the r d branch is deep below the island using magma as a natural power source for development experiments that is not good actually it is being underground lets us potentially avoid Security Plus the lava is actually a natural and environmentally friendly source of energy okay sure anyway who's this guy that's the head of r d zanzo he runs the whole Branch from the AI Labs which means I'll probably run into him he looks insane reviews from workers aren't too hot on this guy he's a perfectionist scrap and build until it's right you build it he scraps it Creator complex but that hair neural interface his ideas are everything so he modded himself to directly input his Concepts into the work pipeline anyway we sneak in hack his computer download and Destroy Spectra and get out [Music] try get there yet now yeah I think I found it I probably don't need to tell you this but don't step in the lava oh give me some credit here didn't want to take any chances on the lookout for any suspicious individuals human messy hair no need tomorrow please run away and contact security [Applause] they've been planning some r d expansion in that area should be your ticket in yeah as long as I don't melt first you did not mention volcanoes peppermint usually that's implied when talking about magma communication is important to a working relationship well next time communicate to me when you're gonna mess up my plans again here we are indeed terrible chai just get in there since you continue to avoid my email sanso I'm making this public no more budget approvals until the deficiasco is done with it oh stop your dare interrupt my creative process so far the gears are turning in my mind with passion I don't care about fashion I care about profits spoken like a true money man enough just have security with their orders upper management doesn't seem to get along when do they ever let's just keep focused just get your security test done no transferring magma power to lab 44. access to AI Labs restricted until testing complete wait I need to get to those AI Labs I just told you no access until testing is done and when will testing be done I don't know do I look like I work here ah yes actually look I don't run the tests run up to lap 44 and complain to them I can see the entrance to the AI Labs right behind you I hit you you know sneak me in what's in it for me now when you did this guy here a huge salad for me that's unquantifiable therefore no Ty those models are known to be stubborn I don't think she's gonna give thanks for being no so you're just sitting around here all day for what I agreed and guide I'm friendly that's debatable no it isn't well I didn't even get a greeting I acknowledged your existence in this day and age that's as good as you're gonna get foreign Delay logo on you must have been here a while yeah I'm BK should I know what that means Psy before kale before everything changed around here back when we were responsible Developers meaning clearly me hinting at my disappointment in the current management isn't clear enough for you well you can at least pretend to be happy that's admitting defeat I'll just keep hating this job until then you can't even recognize me why are you upset we are supposed to sneak in I just thought I was you know fence so humble I'm sure your fans are all in lab 44 so why not head there all night design and prototype constructed to spec looks like the volunteers enter the lab you're about time test volunteer please enter the chamber with haste unidentified why is the image scrambled something's operating on cameras to 40p it's unhearable ah just get this over with activate the security lasers oh great just call me in I can help you wait I got an idea [Music] I added today failure was so embarrassing it self-destructs try again [Music] you okay getting the hang of this [Music] flawless apparently not hey subject well done you give basket is in the Next Room sounds like a trap but what if it really is a gift basket another day another mess that needs to be cleaned up the cost of progress it looks like this is gonna be bad for morale can't see anybody liking this surprise no one put a claim in but I need to take this to the top we need bigger disposal shoots these get clogged too easily someone might trip on these things get hurt can almost see the lawsuit there is so much oil you're damn right and all this oil means one slippery slope but I'll get on top of this fix the image I want to see what is I'm locked out it's a hack it peppermint is that you for once I'm not hacking anything [Music] maybe we should find this hacker and give them your job uh chai a private mail just came to me use the side route what is going on here for the first time I'm as confused as you [Music] said we haven't done field testing this is the test [Music] foreign here's one of my new ones and it's hiding a little secret [Music] [Music] all right enough testing you've earned my respect whoever you are you actually got some good data because that's all your programmers care about let's go we're done here [Music] well I don't know how but you survived that if this doesn't get me in the lab I'm quitting yeah but I'm still wondering who was helping us out with all that hacking back here I don't feel like a help more someone was just messing with Sansa [Music] so this was our pesky test subject Mr chai was it that's Mr chai to you that's what I just called you zanzo Harney they call you a defect but I find your enhancements enticing I must learn more about it oh we've tested enough don't you think I saw your reflexes but how about your endurance let's give it a go go but enough talk how about you laughs [Music] a bit quicker than expected but no matter how about our brand new Sun so original this [Music] [Music] I'm useless just as I expected [Music] [Music] oh my God [Music] chai we need a different approach [Music] what are you doing I'm gonna reason with it well we had a good run look man I think we have more in common than we do apart how about that ah a I've been looking for you holy crap previously on hi-fi Rush I've been looking for you holy crap oh the story didn't mean to frighten you little guy goggles make you come on strong sir your plans young men often seem to fail perhaps you lack the leadership qualities you think you have that's my buddy cinnamon a psychi tells the truth no matter how much it hurts this is surprisingly entertaining [Music] macaron I presume peppermint wonderful to finally meet you in person the macarons that Expressions make me less [Music] what the hell is happening chai meet macaron my man on the inside wait was that you hacking the test Labs just my way of showing who's boss but he works for vandelay yeah he's to be the head of r d under Roxanne vandelay then Kell brought in his crew and now this Spectra a disgruntled employee but this place is my whole life I wanted to do something and I realized I can't from the inside I will say you may have to do more than just pick on zanzo yeah I mean we already have our hacker I was thinking of a non-violent solution against those robots that just tried to kill me oh something big is going down macaron we've got to be proactive but fighting isn't my style then why do you have a punching bag sometimes work gets a bit stressful knowing who took everything from me you mean that guy [Music] that wall was made with Z shielding hmm oh no does that mean I have to fight I believe it does sir hey Jai uh before heading out mine coming over here okay I want answers I dodge volcanoes coming here and you just Waltz right in Waltz I ran here so what you're saying is you were worried about me what uh no it was more a general concern for the state of things so I'm assuming you were one step behind me because you thought I would blow it no I mean not to that level but it was good I was close by let me guess I'm talking to this whole time is macaroni so you can put the pieces together why wouldn't you just tell do I need to remind you of you never listening to me you telling the entire company heads our plans those were slip UPS well I didn't need another one of those hey there chai uh to be honest I'm not sure I can be of much help talking about you can literally destroy what's holding us back right I know but give you some time to get used to it but anyway look at this those chip enhancements probably made for y'all pretty awesome already Tech talk like your number one priority well it is kind of my job so maybe a little bit okay that makes sense all right so fill me in you work here while actively plotting to take down the company oh you got it all wrong I want to save the company I'm not seeing it if you've been here as long as I have you'd remember Roxanne vandelay's Vision it was about doing things that made the world better wasn't about profits or status have you ever considered working for I don't know another company this place Roxanne's Legacy it's like my family I can't see it ruined like this no you and you ever met knew each other all along actually this is the first time we've met what I thought you were collaborating Secret code names and stuff just so there's no risk of getting caught but your code names are your actual names dude she could have been a crazy internet stalker or something oh I never thought about that I guess I was just happy someone wanted to help well you got lucky this time but next time I won't be here to protect you [Music] again with you uh psych robot for what so macaron programmed me to analyze his creation since his Exile from development but my analysis leads me to a conclusion that he was merely lonely macaron's a friendly guy think he'd be more popular around here some macaron is shy not confrontational and what I would categorize as I worry bot why not try helping him out oh dear no my job is to inform it is for the individual to change so I gotta ask cinnamon what does it stand for oh Mr chai isn't it obvious of course it is I just want to confirm it with you I can see you truly have no idea how sad so macaron designed me as a Consciousness review allocation Personnel hence cinnamon but that doesn't actually it even no need to dwell on names unfortunately not all of us can have a very common unusual name like you Mr chai mission report our goal get back on track to entering the AI Labs the good news Chad is that zonzo thinks you're dead Okay stop showing me this only thing slowing us down was Z shielding and I could take care of that so I'll configure 808 to call Macaroni call me in I'll explain later oh finally you are rebelling sir after all these years of inaction thanks for the positive reinforcement cinnamon anyway macaron's lab is just below where we were headed so let's get back to those AI labs and Destroy Spectra simple enough foreign [Music] access back upstairs if you go down the hallway looking through databases with information about Spectrum but zonzo locked out all employees so who has access from what I can tell only kale and the other department heads yes they're all in on this but wait Corsica the head of security seems to have limited permission though why wouldn't the head of security have full access all hands on deck I have an idea that needs all the juice it doesn't fit in the schedules so we're gonna have to crunch this one out [Music] for another round ride let me give it a shot call me in and I'll Shadow those shields for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] um really locked out of the past the passive route that'd probably say so Focus everyone Spectra lab is close [Music] oh hello there friend it seems you have been modified again is that another foreign existence I see there smidge enjoy this is one of my designs he's pretty helpful don't you think maybe but some of his advice is kind of an invasion of privacy don't you think really I think he's just being nice that voice that must be macaron glad to see you in good spirits I never knew macaron to start a fight but it looks like he'll be helping you out love this guy I'm glad to see you still out there my time at bandelay seems limited but I will help as much as I can well that was a nice reunion it's locked I haven't chilled it either hold a tie find another way in I'll be right back cinnamon is trying to give me a personality test AR labs it's enough right [Music] oh wait now peppermint don't get mad unsympathetic hot-headed you don't even know me come on Ty you can vouch for me right I'm staying out of this [Music] all right uh oh wait a second chai where are you AI was locked so I went in the AR oh [Music] the job Dragged In cats with me this is bad you somehow got past my powerful toys without letting me watch unforgivable but luckily my AR labs are perfect for recreating these opportunities look at this fairly alternate reality Recreation technology but patent approved so real it hurts wow really I know awesome right now show me what I missed there's a little extra [Music] Horizon [Music] the board is becoming unstable the simulation is degrading that's the projection lens see if you can destroy a chai [Music] foreign [Music] check this now we can see chai drain the budget in real time we got something new for me you did so well in our trading exercises let's see if we can mix it up a bit this again I'm not a press well I just might have to throw in some surprises demon he's got optimized he'll slow down the simulation and don't care what it costs die [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] how much this costing you zanzo zanzo where's your epic set piece don't understand quality you just crave explosions if that's what you want we're gonna teach him a lesson balancing creativity with realistic goals is the mark of a good leader clearly zanzo needs guidance he never understood Roxanne's vision for family but along with kills demands as long as he got what he wanted glad I don't work here my life is ruining the company's Legacy well let's say we're taking this guy down sanzo's lab is right behind the next AR room are you sure oh my God I know what I want and I don't want to hear about costs just turn it off [Music] and pick it up for you chai this is amazing look at that budget drain still want a gift basket bet I do it's all yours psych his basket also well I thought you would be bigger no no I'll show you let's see you earn that basket [Applause] let's see son so fly too close to the Sun right here there goes a chunk of money [Applause] I've got it two volcanoes couple circuits flying up [Music] [Applause] quality and quantity I want this bigger can't keep this up here I come get basket the gift basket uh guys and now I take you down did you want us to drop the platform back inside okay hold on [Applause] Chase what else you got it's time for Mega Media turn it up [Music] [Applause] [Music] why not just I am telling me how to do my job I just uh if you're so smart then why don't you take care of him [Music] four babies power through it little guy try this out Mr Ty has decimated his budget the lens tried [Applause] mind if I join in let's finish this because I've wrecked everything you threw with me maybe you need a crash course in better design well well you've been dealing with my distractions I've been working on a pit project something with unrestricted creative freedom a mixture spectacle and quality hahaha uh peppermint how's that budget looking it's almost gone I'm Masterpiece now everyone will see that I am ah defunded don't just stand there finish him oh right this is all because of you enough talk now let's see what you have on Spectra okay zonzo would have hit any information on Spectra it's most likely in a pass with protected database decrypted with it here it is right on the desktop oh oh okay let's see Spectra cognitive manipulation regulation of mental stimuli they plan for complete mind control just like I thought great no bad and Spectra seems to be approved for Activation that certainly spells the end for Mr chai can we shut it down now according to this only with the past keys of all the bosses are you saying we still need there are six bosses and six pass Keys we've already taken down two we still need four bosses and four pass keys and what are we waiting for we gotta kick some ass do the music the record stops here we know all about Spectra kale you're not getting away with it no one is washing my brain but you're in my facility surrounded by security and you I thought we were done yet here you are shall I take them in sir why else I'd bring you I just won sorry just take a second you know that guy can we do this later sure right later I think I know how we can escape really do you trust me are we actually giving them a moment sir just follow me all right come and get me what now I assume Mr Jai did not think past this point you won't get back to The Hideout we're not leaving you they can't get the pass keys we're time to argue I'll distract them you go down I go up get back in at least two pieces I didn't know you cared I want that defect s get him thank you all security reports [Music] in on it this is where you run away Mr chai may need some help here foreign [Music] exactly Joy get out of there [Music] look at rails ahead get that magnet ready [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign pretty rock star move chai don't try to run on us stealing my technology and then calling your cell phone Rockstar for doing what exactly taking you down is that what this looks like to you cause no you don't have what it takes kid one out of four Corsica it's not a passing grade yeah Corsica what's up with that I don't know where the others are I'll get him to talk when you're done send them to me I'll personally throw them in the furnace well I'm glad this is all finally over are you ready for another Miss Adventure chai thank you so what does an awesome guy like me do now Without You it'd just be me without a robot cat when they make a movie about this who's gonna play me or better yet when they make a video game who's gonna be my voice actor I guess even rock stars need to get out sometimes so what's the plan now that we defeated the big bad I think it's premature to celebrate don't think you realized it yet hmm appreciate you putting your life on the line but you gotta snap out of it [Music] foreign [Music] you've totally got caught by Corsica [Music] she fell asleep again am I under oath I'll make this simple tell me where the rest of your team is hiding why don't you shut down that AI for me then we'll talk what's this obsession with Spectra anyway you want to know what it does it's a simple firmware update like we have on all our robotics sounds like someone hasn't seen the code or whatever it's a mind control AI or whatever all right I forgot you are the only boss without full access to Spectra maybe you should look into that I'm I'm too tired for this take a nap and get the Spectra nonsense out of your system first thing tomorrow is your last chance to come clean get the Specter nonsense out of your system I'll show her she's gotta find a way out hmm man 808's never around when you thank you [Music] it awaits I knew you wouldn't let me down all right I mean surprised as I am your plan worked chai really this is called reciprocity so what do we do now might want to start with getting out of that cell let's make some noise [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] peppermint mission report is that code for chai forgot the plan again Mr chai listening is also a part of communication hey I'm doing my best okay we need corsica's passwords this is good good go on and since you're in security Now wait I got it I should find Corsica uh just go see if you can figure out where she went scanning authentication failed engaging security lasers looks like zanzo's lasers made it here [Music] [Music] attention This Is Corsica there's some sort of security stabilization in Wing one I have something else requiring my attention right now send whichever repair units we have over there to fix it foreign [Music] security problem you're the boss wait why this sending project Armstrong's subjects to fix the security system what don't know me I'm trying shut up and play along I'm here to fix the security thing good cause no one's getting out of here till that's done Central elevator won't even move until security Nets are connected yes you gotta have those uh security codes for sure nudes man not codes anyways three rooms of them in here guess you might as well get on get that elevator in front of you connects us to the lift which takes us to corsica's Wing guess we got a job to do first adds across the elevator you'll need to power that one up to access the other two up top hard labor not my jam [Music] do I really have to do this please do not forget you will be mind controlled not us perspective little guy we take corsica's password and we're halfway there three more vandelay bosses means three passwords then we can turn off Spectra three plus three is six peppermints I can do math figures there'd be security and security so these are the notes looks like they're out of sync I can probably lock their data streams in place with my blaster when the Spheres open up cover me come on let's go come on you could probably knock that last point foreign [Music] [Music] you got everything connected but of course I could have done it without you just get back to the main room there are still two more nodes to activate your first node should be able to get to the other two now routes take your pick little guy [Music] no no down no down they don't look too heavy I should be able to get it back in place [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] looks like there's a route out near the main data stream check it out Charlie we still need to turn on the other data now you know I don't think corsica's like the other bosses meaning she's less insane also she seemed genuinely surprised when I said Specter as an AI built for mind control yeah I noticed that too she didn't immediately try to kill you unusual compared to the other bosses I don't see why they keep the head of security in the talk about Spectra not unless management doesn't trust her oh [Music] there we go that's it chai all notes activated let's get back to our buddy downstairs just like I said these things work themselves out now I can get some sleep [Music] ah you actually did it you sound surprised well I mean how much can you really trust a human what I'm the most trustworthy guy ever look at this face nah why'd they even let you into Armstrong anyway like one of those hipsters hipsters it's the pets for the record I'm offended but for now I'll just leave let's see why not Central elevator's working so you can access the lift out what a nice robot friend you made there what what cares we're finished here ride the elevator down and we'll take the lift to corsica's way hi for one Mr Jai like your pants your timing but thank you cinnamon [Music] lit should be just ahead and we'll one step closer to Corsica that went pretty well up there you breaking me out working together that's what we do little guy we're a team yeah [Music] all right somehow the defect who I thought we secured Got Away what the hell not only that he expects their security system I should be angry well let's just say my feelings right now are next now next a vague praise I'll take it in other words APB on the kid see him call him whoa watch out chai they're ready to Ambush you on the lift wow these guys are like the dude upstairs they don't know me see sup fellow vandelay employees catching on yep [Music] that's the guy that fixed the security system man idiots that's the defect [Music] s [Music] after him sorry mind if I join all right laughs [Music] hey sorry mate [Music] anytime now hold them off next up corsica's wing [Music] expect the worst no no oh maybe you're wrong for once peppermint might be smooth riding whoa huh [Music] here they come [Music] finish it off macaron come on guys foreign [Music] so I was thinking yeah with no brakes how we stopping peppermint any ideas oh now you want my help help me [Music] [Music] chai a little space here don't worry you got this but just in case you might want to hold on to something see ya what don't worry lifters running a bit late I'm sure it'll be here huh oh my God you've now arrived at Wing two that was a smooth ride [Music] shorty Wing too and it looks like they locked me out and we have to force our way in see anything there might be another way no one will see me I see this trap going loud it seems here we go safe to say they know you're here please Mr chai is under great pressure that's not to apply anymore you got this child check out construction for back door positive reinforcement matters might there be anyone here who knows how to fix the coffee machine he's only giving out decaf and with this amount of documentation I need to get through oh where's the coffee machine what's more important than catching me maybe our planted seed about spectral Works no way to know for now [Applause] [Music] get it mission report just go up up up that's it looks like corsica's in her office and it's on the top floor heads up there's gotta be a catch oh there is but it's not about your route foreign ly ready the catch you catch a strong arm Corsica to get her password like the other bosses says who Corsica is an outfitted with vandelay tech there's no pass key she memorizes her passwords you'll need to get her to cooperate with us what am I supposed to do that persuasiveness is indeed not one of Mr chai's strong suits right but we need her password to shut down Spectra uh let's brainstorm here cutting off elevator access going up is very up and I just lost the Quick Way ah the chai I know wouldn't let that stop him macaron you've known me for like five hours send any security available to Captain or at least I need cinnamon give me the rundown on Corsica hardworking demanding lack of humor all the perfect qualities of a boss however she just joined randomly six months ago it did seem like she's been trying to prove herself to kale since we ran into her that's pretty insecure for a head of security hey a joke from peppermint prayerful [Music] more out of sync security notes no specialty Miss peppermint you must be so excited very [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay plan time how am I getting that password you're still thinking think better we're running out of time well I don't see you contributing this step a minute please don't confuse Mr chive I implying that he is the brains behind the mission exactly wait oh peppermint kosuka's in her office right near her screen and we can catch her using her password better than nothing try that way to blow it peppermint Mr Jai we ought to make mistakes especially you nearing works but only for a minute but get this try she was looking at spectrophiles the stuff about mind control she must have forced her way in there still he wants to know the truth okay same thing is left all right I'm putting a stop to this it's not bad let me know when you decide to give up fantastic can we get any more lasers [Music] I'm panicking we don't have a plan just give us a second [Music] what if we trick her why the negative angle what about trying to reason with her trying to kill me with lasers got a good feeling how about that I sense that Mr Jive does not share this unjaculatable good feeling do not disturb sounds definitive she locked the doors and I can still access these heard you like air ducts go get dirty thank you okay last chance what am I doing so you're gonna have to wing it and talk to it remember the last time I tried to talk it out isn't done well Nina is pragmatic provided that you do not escalate talk to her calmly State the facts my specialty and get things escalated then bring her back here somehow but please be nice about it [Music] oh man she's right there on her computer and she's still looking at spectrophiles okay that's good she wants to know more she'll listen to us I'm like a chameleon Mr giant are you listening waiting to strike now this is important all you need is to subtly [Music] what the ah huh Hmm this isn't what it looks like this isn't what it looks like enough [Applause] [Music] so what does that look like uh that I just want to talk I think all my defenses did my talking for me all I heard was a lot of the guy do not escalate you are such an idiot oh this is bad I take pride in my work you're not slipping away this time [Music] nice pretty sure she wants to kill me try to talk her down we we saw you spying those spectrophiles so you know I wasn't lying assessing the problem it's my job I don't need you to tell me well apparently I do since you are getting it don't belittle me John don't attack her protect yourself [Music] just chill Corsica you broke into my office you destroyed my security to peacefully resolve this wow do you even listen to what you say so let's put down the sticks not a chance [Music] foreign peppermint your plan blows hey but I got a better idea let's get a really mad it's hot's coming and wear her down cha you're a genius whoa now let's calm down there stop chasing put your guitar where your mouth is foreign already [Music] [Music] [Applause] you think you can strung on me hey you chose to fight wait you like puns too well no whatever let's see how you handle this foreign [Music] okay scratch perrying everything yeah that didn't work well she's totally lying about hating puns just get out of the way but don't give up I felt a breeze just now was that you I'll make sure you stay down this time [Music] [Music] way to go Ty I could rock this beat all day you look like you're sweating impressive Mr giant really is good at aggravating others this was known cinnamon how about this [Music] we're doing great is that a floating cat oh nothing about you even makes sense [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I worked hard for this job I won't just give it up what are you doing this for kale what does it matter he doesn't care about you otherwise he wouldn't have kept you in the dark you don't know that I know you're not like the others Corsica you can feel something's wrong try you are surprisingly convincing escalating I think we may have a chance or are you just too oblivious to figure that out come on that's it now I'm mad foreign wait what is oblivious mean enough distractions fights over here chai [Music] [Music] ah spit up little guy it's getting late I'm supposed to be back at The Hideout by dinner time here I saw annoying [Music] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Escape Plan now cinnamon give me the building schematics right here Joy a private elevator um her personal lift I'll reroute it to The Hideout foreign everything works out in the end you were right about Spectra but I'll handle it my own way we don't have to fight you can help us oh Corsica you're just not good at your job bypassing my security to access Secret spectrophiles big No-No why would you hide the truth from me I need people trusting my vision failed that test what I won't let you build an army of mindless vandelay soldiers what are you talking about that's not my plan drop a kale we're coming after you actually it's funny because see I'm coming after you literally oh [Music] you'd never understand the potential of Spectra foreign game I'm securing our future please even you can figure that out by controlling the consumers that control I'm freeing them that's not how I see it I don't need to explain myself to a defect all you do is hit things with a guitar but I'm really good at it so I'm over this you're not getting in my way any longer kid forget the password chai get out of there what no not after all this oh and for you Corsica you're fired watch out Jay oh I should have used the flamethrower all right well there's always next time milady lady Gothica can you hear me your wound was really bad we didn't have a choice luckily Miss peppermint and some macaron are familiar with robotic implants and with my Steady Hand you Saved My Life um well keeping you alive was essential to our plan sorry let's try speak for we need your help former boss joined his company because I believed it was the only one doing things right and I write those files on Spectra it's such an idiot I hate to say I told you so shy aim is stronger with a common goal and like we said another hand would help [Music] come on why don't we tell you everything we know [Music] right under my nose kale manipu it's what he does and now he plans to do that with Spectra is almost a manifestation of his personality it's to me and then tried to kill me I won't let him get away with it so you're in oh I'm in and I think I know what to do next Jay you got a second before we head out you wanted to talk so I um wanted to apologize for not listening can't blame you don't think I made a convincing argument back there I was so caught up I couldn't see it thank you for saving me wow not used to compliments you may not be slack but you get it done I think everyone else is a bit embarrassed to say it well maybe that'll change someday but how about now we tie up these Loose Ends [Music] so now that you're here why vandelay why side with the bad guys you know as well as I do they didn't seem like the bad guys when I was growing up my home was the site of a major ecological disaster Roxanne vandelay led the environmental cleanup and helped everyone in my city start again she changed my life she inspired me marking here was all I ever wanted and now not quite what you expected I had my doubts after first meeting with kale but I thought that's just how things were done now I know that's not the case isn't the company I idolized growing up hey I met my favorite band once and they totally blew me off so I know how you feel I think it's a little bit different here but sure try it [Music] so how did this whole Spectra thing in Project Armstrong get past you project Armstrong was in motion way before I joined so I guess I took everything for granted the rollouts the invitations no idea how those were handed out so you can't deny they only selected the coolest people for the program I don't think coolness was a factor I mean you know what your arm is for right let's not talk about that what you can say what you're doing with it perhaps was not planned which means it's something kale can't calculate and use against us it's our Trojan Horse I'll pretend I understood that reference Mission briefing actually we say mission report isn't that basically the same yeah but it's kind of our thing semantics are unimportant with me we have half the passwords we need my plan we go after Mimosa head of marketing is on campus preparing the project Armstrong Festival it's a huge party sounded awesome wish I could go mimosa's scheduled to perform so now's your chance but security that's why we're taking a back route the vandelay museum connects right to the concert stage Mimosa is making sure no one misses their performance so it should be empty her narcissism will lead to the downfall eloquent cinnamon we only have a small window of opportunity so we must be careful very professional Corsica I'll get compliments on my plans anyway I've synchronized corsica's new parts to 808's frequency what's this now don't worry you're gonna love it [Music] quite the spectacle yeah fireworks and everything marketing budget now is higher than even development what happened to this company I know what you mean some macaron your negativity is ruining the festive mood alright heading in [Music] [Music] try there should be a back groups nearby leading to the museum one day I want to take the front route how about next time we shoot you out of a cannon right to where we need to go eating four the Armstrong Festival I know you're eager to get home to a better life and spread the word about your fantastic enhancements but this is your night to celebrate and for the highlight of the night a special performance by the one and only me see you on the main stage of Corsica is the show for the audience honestly I don't know three two one go [Music] way to go kolska go on chai you gotta act quick peppermint this tank is amazing thanks I uh it wasn't much Miss peppermint your face is turning red are you having an allergy attack welcome to the vandelay Historical Museum explore the journey from its humble roots she did the announcements herself too oh thrill of herself well I for one am very interested China that exhibit takes us to where we need to go head there we all know our prodigious leader but where does the story start originally vandelay Solutions we were once a small little startup Roxanne vandelay designing ships and Robotics in her garage would sell them out of her car not impressive but you have to start somewhere I suppose look that is the original truck on display they don't mention those robotics led her to solving a global energy crisis it's almost like they're mocking her peppermint let's focus okay moving on vandale grew and in only three years the company became the world's largest supplier of robotics robots that efficiently and literally made the world a better place every day we were now vandelay Technologies but we still had a ways to go those were the good old days anything we did felt like well felt like it made a difference it's because it did and from the outside no one knows any better tail said you were dead and buried Kale's a liar mimosa figures inside with him oh what a Twist and not the actress oh there's never enough and I'm not going to let you ruin my performance [Music] everybody foreign [Music] knows we're here not good looks like the alarm triggered some lockdowns look around for another route old oh Mr chai you have quite a view of the exhibit cinnamon a notice to all employees the rumors about the demise of the Prophet heads has been great for exaggerated [Music] found you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] pass along the company to a new visionary kale her only child was the obvious choice he was as smart if not smarter than His Brilliant mother and oh look at that hair [Music] that's just a lie Miss peppermint you are more frustrated than dealing with Mr chai today Kale's dear mother lives in peace and quiet enjoying her retirement knowing the company is in great hands forced her out [Music] you're just as annoying as Caleb's been saying shut it never don't worry child mimosa's just throwing whatever she has at you well I'm sure it's exciting to watch indeed it is some pests just don't want to go away shows over Mimosa oh I doubt that I haven't even hit the stage too bad you won't be able to catch the performance of a lifetime but at least you'll get a light show s [Music] foreign I think the place is clear kale took vandelay Technologies into the next ERA with his vision for the future project Armstrong he single-handedly developed the robotic limbs taking the world's biggest technological Empire directly into our hearts and Minds [Music] foreign that's not what happened it's peppermint take it easy I feel your pain the exhibition was not all I hoped for either she did all the hard work you stole it why do I feel more out of the loop than usual I wanted to be my own person I ran away from my family when I shouldn't have I didn't know it would lead to this peppermint what's wrong kale didn't develop all that technology I know this because this leg my mom made it for me um it's a competing robotic limb company no Ty my mom is Roxanne vandelay what which makes kale my brother [Music] now this makes a lot more sense he's always taken advantage of people but I didn't think he'd take things this far I know what you probably think you think who cares [Music] did you think we wouldn't talk to you anymore we got this far because of you we're all here because of you yeah and I'm here fighting because of what you found and what you're trying to stop not to mention Mr chai is the one in the most danger well yeah there's that but that's like secondary or something your brother doesn't Define Who You Are and this doesn't change anything really it only gives us a stronger reason to fight it's friends so that was beautiful for me [Music] so you want to go crash a party I'd like that you know I really wanted to say that crash in the party line since we got here but it's okay you can have it all right [Music] right here okay what am I supposed to do chai do your thing and get up to the backstage area the performance time is moments away you're gonna have to hustle that path should lead you right to mimosa's dressing room good old Jazz sneak attack I hope it actually works this time hey give it another chance surprise her and you'll get the upper hand but you've gotta move see you at the show we'll take her down together here I come Mimosa Ty just follow that hallway and you'll be at her dressing room we weren't able to stop the stop the museum I am not putting my performance at risk the Children's Choir ah put them in the DJ tent I don't care it goes our apples flat well I'll just have to do what I always do improvise [Music] [Applause] all right backup plan where are you hold in 30 seconds left shark [Music] [Applause] get him on stage now [Music] it's a long ways to Stage better run Sharp Mr cute and you are dead we made it backstage Charlie where are you I'm on my way to the stage dressed as a shark ask me anything please hurry Mimosa is on stage now there's no time to be subtle about it chai just go at her but this costume I don't think subtle is an option just think of an Exit Plan leave it to us foreign [Music] as the face of vandelay Technologies I just want to thank you for being a part of project Armstrong everyone put your hands in the air [Applause] thank you so much this is so on brand it's amazing you're gonna be great out there thank you look at her calming at all you've got to get up to the stage almost there [Applause] you're mine Mimosa wait for your cute shirt give us your Spectra password you you ruined you're all in store for a very special engagement one of my good friends is here I am the queen of Spin and this is my show assistance [Music] and you are there get ready for a show now hit [Applause] [Music] [Music] you'll have to stun her to even have a chance [Music] you picked the wrong bite [Music] this is entertaining let's raise the stakes and turn down the lights [Music] [Music] I didn't know this crowd's in the palm of my house and they want to see a real performance let's see who they're here [Applause] all right [Applause] back [Applause] no one takes my Limelight and lives to tell about it [Music] [Applause] run away [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no we never lose some things you just can't spin [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] think it might be time to get out of here everything ready electricity is rerouted turn on the lights find them [Music] shut the canvas down ah which section sir all of them I don't believe this now corsica's with them I'm surrounded by idiots well technically it's just you and me now shut it Roper kale I prioritize shielding the towel we are allocating the budget so not a bug we'll get in what do you know about security you're just a number cruncher you don't want to upset me kale why not I want to see just how angry you can get if those punks make it in here if it comes to that I'll take care of it now my I suggest pushing plans forward after I get a coffee we shut down the cafe when I said close the campus down I didn't mean the cafe you say close down everything but not coffee rope for not coffee you always need coffee for things like this open the cafe and Spectra we're going to have to accelerate the plans settle this like family okay gang we're still missing two passwords kales and finance Guy what's his name broke fur broke fur they're both in vandelay Tower and almost all security robots on the island have formed a ring around the building how do you know that I got an email apparently no one's removed me from the management mailing list yet and even an eagle as big as yours can't overpower that kind of security Mr chai if chai can't take them we don't have artillery heavy enough to breach a ring like that no heavy artillery why are you suspiciously repeating those words I think a plan [Music] a plan I needed to come up with a plan breaking through all of security not on our schedule I needed to get around it or in this case over it ah how about next time we shoot you out of a cannon right to where we need to go peppermint knew it all along those fireworks from the festival had to get launched somehow turns out it was from on top of the QA Center in production but now it was time for us to use it shooting me into vandelay Tower and right into rope for his office the plan was airtight [Music] it was irresponsibly dangerous [Music] statistically the least likely to succeed [Music] it was supposed to be sarcastic [Music] but he had so much hot you just couldn't say no with the team in agreement I snuck through production in the night foreign [Music] battle I wish you could have seen it I can't believe you survived that that was the most amazing thing I've ever seen yeah let's never mention this again but hey I'm here now anyway chai I need you to sync 808 to the Canon once I have access I can recalculate the trajectory here the cannon is angled right at Rockford's office only the payload is required just call me payload [Music] this is the greatest plan ever this is the dumbest plan ever let's hope this works what's that oh man that was not in my calculations good news you'll still hit the tower just not exactly where we planned [Applause] come in I hope no one noticed [Music] foreign [Music] crap [Music] here we go [Music] thank you actually [Music] nope you gotta get out of here [Music] huh Daddy what [Music] no Witnesses [Music] all right cover me come on ready for this [Music] okay that was rough for me so macaron passed out like he's on his feet again hi you're doing it the tower is unguarded we're headed your way shy shut this place down protect Finance at all costs I see the costs welcome to the future of technology family [Music] yeah I think I found the atrium look up to the left yep I see it we go up first offices right on that balcony oh dope I got this [Music] [Applause] please use the doors available destroy moms are very expensive to the place no one panic the guy hasn't showed us he has quote got this end quote just brush it off you're almost there join the state away oh you missing the atrium two whatever you need to do oh expensive keep going time first I was gonna do that anyway seconds I can make my own decisions Corsica I am an adult says a guy who shot himself out of a cannon hey it works kinda [Music] all of myself oh come on okay you are going down [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] all right problem solved hmm now to get back up [Music] foreign [Music] ready to redecorate no problem guy take this statue kale wrong this is new pick it up foreign I'd walk away you try to make a deal come on man you think I'll let you spoil our plan leave profits on the table this isn't about money it always is you're getting away you'll see red thank you he's just letting us in this guy looks like a total pushover I don't know chai wrote for it had a bad rap around the office something about a wolf and sheep's clothes keep that confidence in check chai fur spooky now oh yeah sure take it what do you think I am an idiot well it was worth asking ugh making me angry I was on my deathbed when kale saved me I was smart but weak he fixed that really why do you want to be less smart this is a waste of time and you know what time is money I am not gonna waste any more of that I'm gonna waste you well tell me how it feels to underestimate someone [Music] foreign [Music] you wanna get that tail again [Music] [Music] you're only making me angry is that even possible [Music] let's take this someplace a bit more secure government subscribe this out right now watch out Charlie and let me help [Music] here we go the prophet would leave on the table the numbers are in and you are out well that makes no sense you idiot hahaha [Applause] [Music] I put my stock in future but not yours kid don't be scared here we go [Music] this is our timestrike [Music] the funny thing is you think you can win but as long as you keep making me mad I'm not going anywhere time to cash my check by taking you [Music] quarter three earnings delivered please watch out for falling profits foreign [Music] [Applause] were you expect dating through the door lady Corsica suggested to let you handle it uh cinnamon we don't always have to repeat everything we hear last on the list kale are you ready for this peppermint I am it ends here [Music] Dale is plotting and much smarter than us especially Mr chai we should be ready I should be confident but I'm worried hey everyone Vibe check macaron I need you to be positive for this one peppermints it'll be hard but don't let emotion get in the way Corsica I can count on you to be level-headed about this cinnamon keep doing whatever you're doing you know I like this new chai he's quite come around hasn't he so let's prep everyone deep breaths try are you panicking again how could I not up against kale but we took down everything they've thrown at us so far and Roquefort was even a giant werewolf you're right like you said I gotta be a bit more confident when you're worried about what's to come do what I do just think in an hour two hours will be done and we'll have one see yourself at the Finish Line wow that's pretty insightful chai yeah I read it when I flipped through Peppermint's diary wait what so Kale's office he's home turf what can we expect honestly I don't know spoke to Corsica and even she's never been inside well that's not good you're right it's not baby don't freak out it just means we have the advantage of not knowing what we are doing how is that an advantage well we'll be alert be ready for everything since we don't expect anything well that's one way to look at it all right maybe this will work out I gotta say as much as I didn't see Roper actually turning into a giant wolf I didn't expect us to come this far you assumed I would fail well I figured your luck had to run out at some point but don't get cocky Kale's like nothing we've come to before I'm not underestimating him that's good but I'm a bit worried about peppermint this is personal for her after all we've been through it might not be easy but I think she can handle it you might be right about that but we need to be there for her when she needs it that's what we're here for I probably don't need to tell you this but don't expect an easy Victory here hey I didn't say anything well up until now you seem to expect everything to go your way why are you bumming me out before this critical moment I want to help you figure things out chai now actually you're probably right why don't we say the self-reflection until after all of us yeah good call Corsica you doing okay I'm gonna be all right with kale there's probably nothing I can say to change his mind all I really want to know is where my mom is I thought she retired technically but ever since kale took over the company it's like she dropped off the map I have a feeling he knows where she is well we'll get you some answers then make him pay well looks like we're at the end of our set anything you need to get off your chest chai looking at all we've been through I'm sorry how rough things started between us hey we got our problems can't say I made a good first impression either so we learned a lot from each other we kind of sanded down each other's sharp edges I guess uncharacteristically introspective Jai maybe you have changed could say the same for you I'm looking forward to the day you do something heroically irresponsible may have to wait a bit longer for that let's get Kale's password and shut down Spectra wrote first private elevator will take us to Kale's office everyone get on this is it everyone can't believe it that you didn't think we'd still be hanging out peppermint nope and I didn't think we'd be teaming up with vandelay's own staff either this was definitely not in my weekly schedule uh are we sure we're gonna be okay I have learned much from Mr chai and you sir must chill out try yeah try it I do trust you you know that right couldn't have done it on my own now arriving at kale vandalway's office get ready it's you and us kale and nothing's gonna come between us mom peppermint you're here I never left and that's as far as you'll come [Music] mom what are you doing I tried to find you it Kale's here and there's this Spectra I know I promise to help him no matter who gets in the way Roxanne no you'd never do something like this unless she's being controlled by spectral Kale's finest work and able to seduce even the most stubborn of Minds put on your own mother how else could I have gotten this job I wasn't mommy's favorite let her go I know you probably think Spectra is nefarious but I disagree simply nudging people into the vandelay ecosystem wait this is all an overly complicated plan to sell more product do you have any idea how difficult it is to make something people actually want to buy it's ridiculously hard hey Anew whatever well what color what model size speed do I need it all that stress God because we'll subconsciously make that decision for you you're enslaving them I'm freeing them with the truth of having a better life this is so corporate I know right but look at you wanting a brand new project Armstrong enhancement to become a Rock you're nothing without my technology you bought into it and you'll help bring even more customers project Armstrong was meant to help people it was Mom's idea well Spectra is mine and look who's in control now [Music] time for Spectra's Wireless test run keep an eye on your buddy chai here no no so close stealing my technology and then calling your cell phone box star for doing what exactly I don't know what to do kale is right I'm nothing without this arm Ty don't let him get to you you led us here and it's because of who you are but I can't get us out of this it's not your fault Mr chai It's a harmonic force field a harmonic force field you mean like sound yes but destroying it requires a huge amount of energy if I can synchronize with the frequency I have to at least try it's not over yet stand back just remember Feel The Beat [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I like this new child these quite come around hasn't it we're in this together [Music] [Music] hi for what Mr Jai light your bags [Music] hello good enough [Music] [Applause] [Music] bye [Music] I do trust you you know that right and I know it now [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I thought you said you didn't need a guitar yeah but this is much cooler we can do this finally some peace and quiet someone get me a cortado uh coffee machine's only putting out decaf sir what and now this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is kale we got beef okay screw this do what you need to do just stop them [Music] foreign split up and let's get this jackass [Music] where do I [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] and we're in [Music] coming for you Kim or maybe not Mr giant now it is my turn to help you Shake It Off chai I'm almost near the path to the Spectra building [Music] [Music] oh you know me so well Corsica it's gonna be smooth sailing from here seal what the hell is that happen over something you won't get past get out of that little guy Santos robot it's my tail but on the final touches okay giant death robot any ideas you won't take it on by yourself just avoid it for now I don't even know where I'm going try to look for a way back to us run towards us trust me on this one hey to your left run to the shutter challenge Nowhere to Run Corsica this is where you don't let me down [Music] foreign get out of there it's macaron [Music] not done yet if appeal is the break and it's all about reveals a critical weak point I'm not sure it's enough to take that thing down though well it's something just gotta get close to it well goodness I think you lost [Music] any way you can reach it kind of busy right now give me a second [Music] like that'll do it you're gonna do something shy do it now hold on coming in hot now you won't see this coming [Music] that was awesome what do we do now wait what's cinnamon I think this may do the job perhaps that arm can still be used cinnamon what are you doing I could finally be of assistance I must see this opportunity oh my this is quite fun I see why you enjoy this Mr Jai yo I could use a hat cinnamon yes yes yes let's help him out [Music] you ready let's do this [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] that was very dope cinnamon man he is messed up nothing I can't fix stop kale I will be fine I'm glad to finally be useful we'll take you from here lad guys you gotta move this is it let's close the set [Music] Nowhere to Run kale gotta admit you worked really well together you're not going through with this you know how you get to the top having vision something all of you lack enough kale you can't stop all of us oh really but break up the band damn it kale how about it chai come on my side I can make you a real rock star world famous you know what I'm good you know what doesn't matter we both know who's the target user of Spectra [Music] [Music] another pawn and this one should fare me better I'm proud to be a member of the vandelay family so I would never say that well that's the point I'm controlling [Music] is this a joke you think I can't deal with a cat [Music] what do you think sure [Music] [Music] this will stop you [Music] everything all right [Music] damn it [Music] don't call it a comeback yes you know what let's take this outside the future [Music] foreign [Music] get up let's finish this it's over kale on my side you could have been something chai [Music] too bad your little Adventure ends here [ __ ] [Music] done back around you ruined this company enough come on Corsica isn't it it's game over enough's enough give us the password never you're just just bunch of losers maybe so but together we're Unstoppable time this is just too much work [Applause] is that it I think so whoa [Music] foreign [Music] this is just a bunch of scrap metal now oh I was worried there for a second but I knew you could do it look who's here by the Damage Done That Mr chai was involved we'll get you fixed in no time mate it's done you did it chai we did it [Music] I apologize for putting you through all this nothing we couldn't handle this vandelay I won't make the same mistakes again if possible I'd like to make it up it would be an honor to work for the company the real vendeley that I admired and we will welcome you with open arms aha macaron at all these years it's so good to see you at my side again should have done something sooner things went right Roxanne you made it right that's what matters and our team needs you back leading development got a new partner too while it might not look it I had quite a fun adventure coming to meet you [Music] I won't run away this time Mom I understand what you always wanted for me and the company peppermint you need to do things your own way never change who you are I think we have a lot of catching up to do I like that a lot [Music] ah chai I love to help but don't quite think I uh fit a job description so maybe I should see myself out try I think you know yourself that you are special making the most of what was handed to you and making a difference I think that's the kind of attitude we need here right now and project Armstrong needs an ambassador leader a real rock star are you interested hmm Skies [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] every color when I'm with you [Music] [Music] pull together despite all that we sing by nights we found a wave Victory triple wide you're focused all the colors to make the brightest light full spectrum through the prison for what is true [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] without you [Music] and I'm with you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they're actually going to learn how to play guitar gotta practice need a backup job just in case this doesn't work out foreign [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 132,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game, full, gameplay, no commentary, full gameplay, Hi-Fi Rush All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 4K UHD, hi-fi rush, tango gameworks, hifi rush, hi-fi rush gameplay, hi fi rush, hi fi rush gameplay, hi fi rush full game, hi fi rush walkthrough, hi-fi rush all bosses, hi-fi rush game, full game, hifi rush movie, hifi rush full story, hifi rush all cutscenes, hifi rush game movie story, hifi rush all cutscenes movie, movie, story, ending, final boss
Id: Nhh2_OOcnoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 190min 15sec (11415 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2023
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