Hezbollah publishes drone footage claiming to show surveillance of Haifa

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we begin with breaking news coming out of Lebanon where Hezbollah has released a video of what it says is undetected Drone footage of sensitive military sites in Israel now the group says it shows various locations including the Israeli city of hia and its vital civilian and military installations well we're live in the Jordanian capital of man but first let's head to Beirut and speak to Al jazer Zod who joins us now and this is an important message that Hezbollah is sending to its Arch adversary yes no doubt just one of many messages that the Lebanese armed group has been sending to the Israelis but this one coming just hours after the US Envoy Amos hosin was in Lebanon you know really trying to deescalate tensions along the border in this video this 10-minute video you can see reconnaissance reconnaissance drone images from that drone showing highly sensitive military and civilian infrastructure so Hezbollah source is telling us that this is a message to the Israelis first of all the Israelis have been threatening a wides scale scale War um Hezbollah saying we're ready for it this is Hezbollah also saying that we have Intelligence on sensitive military sites we have our own uh Bank of of of targets so really a message to the Israelis as well as the the Americans part of an ongoing psychological warfare this is a very different Hezbollah than the Hezbollah during the last war in 2006 it has a very different Arsenal more sophisticated in the past few weeks what it has been doing really is slowly unveiling its capabilities to the Israelis really part of a deterrence to prevent the Israelis from widening the war of attrition which is now in its eight months a war that was triggered by Israel's war on Gaza and you touch on the context there of why we're seeing this footage and why Hezbollah has released it now Zay it is all about October the 7th than the events that have happened afterwards and what's going on uh in lebanon's southern border which is also Israel's northern border yes earlier today we heard from the US Envoy he says the situation is serious he says it's a critical moment and that the Biden Administration does not want it to expand doesn't want the conflict to expand but what he his message from Lebanon was really to Hamas telling Hamas you better accept the US backed ceasefire proposal that is on the table now when they send a message to Hamas they're also sending a message to Hezbollah because they're allies and for the first time the US is saying that it is if if there is a ceasefire in Gaza then there could be quiet along the Lebanon front and this is what Hezbollah has been saying from day one we will halt the firing if there is a permanent ceas fire in Gaza but just a few months ago poshon came here and said that a ceasefire in Gaza doesn't necessarily mean an A automatically there will be quiet on the Northern front so how some are understanding this is that the US is saying this us back sees fire proposal Hamas accepting it now this is going to be linked to Security in Lebanon so in one way or another um being seen as a Veiled Threat so Hezbollah releasing this footage saying we are ready for war we don't want war but we are ready for one so tensions at an alltime high in Lebanon there for us in Beirut thank you well the Israeli government has banned Al jazer from reporting there sasu is joining us now from the Jordanian capital capital Aman to report on th those Israeli uh lines H High um what reaction if any has there been from Israel over this revealed surveillance Drone footage uh from Hezbollah well no reaction from the Israeli political or security establishment just yet but this will surely be seen as a wide failure in Israel's aerial defense array just in the last hour the Army did release a statement saying that they intercepted what they called three suspicious hostile aircrafts on Israel's northern border but if this was a drone that was able to fly over many areas of Northern Israel including the port in hia shows several sensitive military targets like bases military complexes and Iron Dome batteries it's something that the Israeli military is surely going to have to re-evaluate how exactly those air defense alarms go off now we have heard from several Israeli officials yesterday after their meetings with the US Envoy Amos hulstein and that's because they're saying they want to deter the threat on Israel's northern border they want to mitigate the situation so it doesn't spiral out of control but that Israel again is ready for an all out war and I'll remind you that the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu just last week held a situational assessment and said that the evacuations for the towns and settlements in Northern Israel would be extended until at least the end of August so Israel while they say they are dealing with this problem it is something that is surely spreading the military thin having both the Southern and Northern front open at the same time in a problem that Israel is still not seemingly dealing with H thanks very much for the h Saluda for us in a man of course the Israeli government has banned Al jazer from operating in Israel that's why we're reporting from neighboring Jordan now Elijah mager is a military and political analyst joins us now from Paris Mr Magny good to have you with us back on the program again this is a real coup for Hezbollah to get so deep into Lebanon apparently but uh into Israel but will worry the Israelis that it did so despite the fact that its defense systems such as the Iron Dome and David sling didn't seem to be set off thank you for having me actually is quite embarrassing for a drone that is 1 and a half meter uh long and 2 m wide to fly over four ant anti-air interception batteries like as you rightly said the Iron Dome and David slang that were supposed to prot attacked one of the most uh important uh military industrial complex in Israel that is a Raphael extended on 6.5 kilometers and then go also to haa where we see the picture of all the Israeli Navy and all the vessels the s five the other uh vessels that are deployed there sending a message that all these are Under the uh Target and the bomb uh of heah and then on the side of the picture we see again a picture of the fat 110 that is one of the most precise missiles that hisbah and Iran has and that can hit any Target with a very high Precision anywhere in Israel and presenting all that and returning with all these footage and then putting up this at the moment when the US Envoy is in Lebanon delivering a message from the Israelis and the Israelis are saying uh that they threatening Lebanon and they still not understanding that they have no purpose in continuing the war on Gaza is quite significant W with with the politics of exactly what you've just mentioned I think the other issue we we really need to also focus on is really the qual of this technology and the development in hezbollah's Armory of what they've got if we look at these pictures this video it's incredibly clear it's not crackly or broken up it gives the impression that what they have is very sophisticated and therefore how sophisticated hezbollah's thinking has become since the 2006 War what should we read into this because this is exactly what Israeli analysts will now be trying to Fathom we have seen picture of these kind of drones even 5 m distance which the picture can be even more enhanced and the reason why is flying over the the industry that produce artificial intelligence for all the Israeli military complex and saying we see every single detail and then going to a city that 260,000 inhabitant in it with all the cars moving around with with every single house saying if you want to expand to phase two this is what you're going to be facing which is the south of the Lani River in Lebanon and this is where hasah is capable and saying well theah youu in 2006 is no longer the same after 18 years and this is also a deterrence and psychological warfare that hasah is exerting on the Israelis for Israel to be convinced to stop the war on Gaza is that what's going on here because it does really beg the question if you have such technology and you manage to infiltrate your arch enemy in this particular way why would you tell them right now and why would you tell the rest of the world um General Char de said a long time ago it is better to show your strength not to use it by hollah showing the capability of the Drone showing the rich Bank of objective it is better to avoid the war and stop it now instead of being a destructive war on both s side so it is telling Israel if we have to go to the stone ede we're going together so if if you are ready for that Lebanon has been accustomed to that several times and has been destroyed in many area in previous Wars but you haven't now we ready for it but we prefer not to go to war unless you insist and this is where we're going to start hitting you if you go to phase two and you want to escalate and enlarge the war we'll continue to monitor what is said uh both from Lebanon and from Israel in the coming hours Elijah magir thanks so much for joining us from Paris thank you make sure to subscribe to our channel to get latest news from Al jazer
Channel: Al Jazeera English
Views: 625,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Al Jazeera, Al Jazeera English, Benjamin Netanyahu, Gaza, Hamas, Hezbollah, Hezbollah drone video, Israel, Israel Hezbollah clashes, Israel Hezbollah conflict, Israel Hezbollah tensions, Israel Lebanon border tensions, Israel Lebanon cross border fighting, Israel Lebanon cross border fires, Israel Lebanon cross border tensions, Israel War on Gaza, Israel gaza war, Israel-Palestine conflict, Israeli strike in Lebanon, Lebanon, Lebanon Israel border escalation, Lebanon Israel tensions
Id: JvoRVKlVCug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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