Hey Steve: When Women Say One Thing, Men Hear Another?

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hi mr. Harvey I would like to know why it is when a woman complements a man's attractiveness what he hears is I want to have sex with you [Applause] I I don't know why that either we just that's just what we hear I'm so sorry Steve you look nice today what time you want to hook up oh my god sir you are so handsome I'll be at the Hilton at 4:30 you know which is we're wired very different from you ladies and I it's just the way we are I apologize for it but then it's the thing that separates us it makes us different so you know when you compliment a man he automatically thinks you want him when a man complements you is because he's noticed something he wants to get a rise out of you a reaction from you or something like that that's all so when we get complimented we react like when we compliment your man's not complimenting you for no reason what oh my god you look gorgeous today that's a hopeful statement that we're making because we're wired that way and I apologize cuz you know you just want to be nice to a guy and tell him he looks nice today and then he wants to thank you talking about your hitting on him and we're guys we're just men sorry okay what give like pay me a compliment right now you have gorgeous eyes that was a bedroom eyes I just come out like that say something else what watch how my mind were what I love that mustache [Applause] I could I couldn't fix it for TV office I had it but I went whoa [Applause]
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 949,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Steve, Harvey, funny, humor, comedy, tv, steve harvey, steve harvey daytime, steve harvey show, Talk Show (TV Genre)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 20sec (200 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2017
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