Shroud warzone full stream | cod warzone full gameplay | Shroud Warzone

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alright so do you guys know how the rules work or you kill [ __ ] eliminations that's all that matters top 5 games of 5 hours oh so we didn't even miss much that we're late 30 minutes is the big deal my chest does it's code GREEN one more time I'm gonna start swinging hello start Italy good it's code GREEN because every pass out though you guys don't know anything you just show up [ __ ] what's up I'm here what what other way is there to do yeah I should not I died there that's okay it happened more rocks six yeah how we turn this one into a big dough and you're like we lose the gulags you want just like restart is out the port yeah no they aren't but and a loss oh we lose this to you box here bro sorry maybe I'll do some little blasphemy you made it oh my god like I was rage attack I raged like kill him how does he have that much energy right now every minutes ago everything is looted not this everything is looted everything is Mike I'm Gucci I just have more loot drop in this box guys next to me like four people down there near my body why am i I'm going backwards juke box hero that's just that I asked you sing it and you suck it it was yeah it was wrong you sung it wrong and then I live my boys come here die for just cruisin kill people yeah I mean yeah that's that's that's the point of this how many guys you got three four three seven that's the big big number seven [Applause] on ATVs come my way all none you stopped at the tents and vehicles only honestly they're in news to me to me to me hold in one's down Jim get my be up I don't know where I didn't Thurston where'd you down him I don't know where he just went on this tent and he's just not here he probably just gonna kill never mind he disconnected yeah I didn't look at my kills all right let's get a load up the party's new trash weapons well you know he he didn't disconnect I lied what happened what oh I've heard help oh you know maybe I doubt my thirst herb I am I my down guy and they I don't fight it yeah no I didn't I got the one kill that I say might be 500 by load I actually don't know what just happened yeah I definitely down that guy and then he was down as I thirst to him and that gave me the kill he probably a cell for us no I didn't get the kills all I'm saying we got the kill from the one the first guy yeah and we don't know what happened here by some here Hannah six mark please unless crews all right let's go like the problem want to go in this direction that's probably where more people are across that bridge shot what those guys his crosshairs final these dude how do I be negative should see somebody else people are right which is kind of far quite a superstore heard by that airport see that yellow flair now looking about there's got to be a lot of people here we haven't seen a minute we're probably driving past the bumper something happen just keep going this way shoots out of Christ nobody has the guys are laugh price oh yeah they're close there's somewhere around here I don't know where they are thankfully driving around as bait I don't know reignover one [Music] the generator he's really low once got self res done because there's that should be looted here yeah over myself gonna be not killing third guy yeah I used by this generator oh maybe someone they don't I don't know he's my it was the guy that anak killed that stroll two cars I guess that kind of works you just fade really well this one's kind of and they all looked at you that's a random over I swear double cars might be the point truth and now that it was down here oh yeah oh yeah oh there's a lot of people in there [Music] this is rough is there at the there at the garage you know the kiosk up top I should avoid a rooftop well technically you could drive up there just need to go in from the side are these guys right here I see their bodies I don't know where they went should buy a UAV and pop it pop it I don't know oh hey carb I'll be able to flank of you dabble yeah there's a guy in this bus yeah we're good lomi lomi lomi pushing me push me down the stairs actually hole I go now okay I'm gonna get her up get a lot of money [Music] like I went down so there might be another by armored places no hana' on the block that's just way up ties yeah they will bind the car to life behind the curtain kind of all that it's careful we're gonna crack that us-south some sniping at us all right we can't get the thirst anyway so you can't wall bearing on prozis alright let's go grab us we grab a car and go keep pushing people my trucks kind of damage that one down there right another UAV [ __ ] yeah I'm gonna do that I'm gonna go grab just kill bounty in the meet Emma [Music] [Music] okay I got it they're shooting at me again that's for not rubbing them huh a bounty to get out before we get out of this wall get out of this mall Hannah oh that buildings going in from the right I'm on the roof for the diner next to him I'm gonna get you I needed one cracklin made it again types of all crack there's Sun in there I can stun again if you want to let you right now I'm getting had at home yeah hands up I don't want to push in their case they have shotguns you know bunch of weenies I don't know if semtex if we want to push again I'll get a single in a second how can some text when you do it do it they'd shower they do want a close down just push just push just commit with to do oh it's just one okay okay Oh close close on us radio rear once still it what's still up there with you guys actually we're he's probably thing no I was on the roofer good now yes they're shooting we're fine kill these gas station guys okay well I have no armor place so I got to be careful here at the gas station I'll [ __ ] em up from here I got a good name they're all inside one left by simply isolated special killers guys if you could drop kill the money so I could get a kill streak that'd be nice yeah thank you why are you a V I can buy him yeah so I thought that guy was on the roof I thought he was on the river but he was parachuting it's hard to tell sometimes I cleared the roof that's why it no there's no we know any homilies by you let's grab this kill bounty think it's on his bus pop UAV now mine there's a solo on this roof we're on the second floor and there's a guy here get out get out one very low where are you I'm so first what airstrike just back just keep back yeah you might go down there I think it's do me they're gonna you guys are gonna make us work for it ones on the roof roof coming down low these guys probably jumped off gonna be in front of us in a sec I don't have you baby I don't say let's go this way I saw somebody parachute yeah alright oh you son and then we got shot in the back of y'all take the scare in the back I need to grab this car I also need plates I've known either a close to me hold on little cats grab this let's grab this and we need it by our barrels I'm gonna go to this we're gonna go to those by station you buy UAV and all binary should be that way around airstrikes cheaper other way other way around I got everything all right over here I'm hanging up careful there's people close I don't know where but I know they're close we should go this way and pick these guys they're in the open inside this building what was crossing right [Music] are you getting in there have a UAV if you want to like actually one hole or just don't one behind me won't be on me to like ceiling I'm gonna have to go [Music] yeah I saw this don't pose like I didn't want to plate it but you already in there there was only two I'm not gonna walk was there three from top there was three a guy whom the guy I killed I don't know if he's downstairs right yeah I don't think it was part of the team's oh you know cuz there's two upstairs of almost holding the staircase and shot me in the back and the other one I killed that was okay this is our first game a lot of kills you know yeah we actually doing a lot here call really [Music] [ __ ] I guess [Music] sorry I just like click the redeploy I'm just whatever you're fine you do me again we do the same thing one down and just the one Wow let's go TV man let's go to our military military to meet you there you go huge oh yay I'm going there that hit no I'm going to that hangar ash please Lander and it was no guy me I some black in the pregame but now I don't now a little bit I say I feel that I see it I feel it I see it I see you feel Oh was that an instant or I hear where are you rat [Music] okay well of course and we'll light it here somehow it's gonna load up gonna load up kills bounty yeah I take my money in BIOS oh thank you sir oh this guys are getting close they're getting real close oh they're gonna come out through here this door I'm pretty sure they're in the bunker look at that door oh dude that's for sure right that's for sure either in this door or in the bunker oh yeah oh poor guys all right grab the bounty I'll grab this truck [Music] is gone yeah I think one the server lags it'll throw you off pretty - I'm pretty sure you know yeah I'm gonna keep going because it's gonna keep happening these these trucks are so inconsistent for bringing their boys oh right in the right all right let's just try to happen crack Oh why'd you get out there I'll be there soon I think I'm almost there hip-hop ok now we're good sorry I saw one thou can't what oh yeah it's bugs I can't buy you guys there we go I still can't buy anyone back that's just a bug [ __ ] are you a loadout too let's go to the these guys I don't want to fight TV station that buy something here take this truck I'll pick up Hannah you can keep doing your cross Marineros okay I just I just know shooting it throw it off again [ __ ] where is it oh he's parachuting oh where we following a guy parachuting no way right zoom in the sky though he's literally well yeah he's parachute again just huh I'll sick [ __ ] is this thing yeah well let's go here there's a lot of people here you drive Hannah whysa got a truck oh my god they're in a fight [Music] are coming towards us [Music] oh I [ __ ] do you think it duck hey grab a because I'm getting you like the cyclic let's take the car you get in the open shut up over if he's not our kitchen he's ruling he's like ah [ __ ] sniper 150 Mike and I kind of got my car stuck but hey tractor truck me another one nothing on me I'll never be crazy okay I don't know the struts do anything and he's doing oh he's out blow it up there's somebody in the open there's two pings right here right here I think the car hold up I'm here so I can look good all right rest on the body mmm they're not gonna [Music] what the [ __ ] are those guys so separate show me yeah yeah they're in the car [Music] [Music] your buyer back her yeah you're a beer yeah I want to stop driving up in me get it [Music] party out of here driver plays right let me popularity I thought I could do anything yeah I left on that we work there's a guy here we're out there now he's brother talk he's gonna get in it watch him have his [ __ ] shotgun in here what the [ __ ] is this guy doing yeah I thought I'd die do a shot everything kind of salty oh my god [Music] [Music] this game reminds me of h1z1 so much the amount of car usage is [ __ ] wild it's kind of cool but it definitely gives me h1z1 lives the cars are useful you do like to paint a switch you know because you could jump if you make a jump out r1 hang and then you can keep the car going and get a different angle just have some stuck where you just run them over I mean that work - yeah h1z1 running over did not work that well yeah it works really well this case we go to that pain what comin double-double down baby that's what we like to see right there clean [ __ ] head boys all right I'm dealing with my own team I can't really open it up somebody do that serious I'm stuck I think I got my car stuck there do maybe come with me all right yeah the guys on the roof to our love and a roof but I don't really want to [ __ ] about anywhere on the roof yeah hi every time I hear shots on a roof I literally go the other way my father it's a waste of time even even to kill them will take too much time when he can find kills elsewhere yeah those are that right there I see [Music] okay we're gonna we're gonna go down I'm down I wanna go down yeah you gotta turn away from these cats car they're just lasering me I gotta stop yeah um is he cheating I don't I don't know what just happened but IIIi don't know what that was either I think that was like playing a leg I don't know like we're not fighting these [ __ ] guys I thought they were pushed noses [Music] one I have a team on me and downed one of those guys there's another one on damn it I don't know where the other [ __ ] prone guy went or the down guy went I killed your dog lay Mike probably I don't even think we [ __ ] with them loosely hey we don't ever winter never go for one guy when they're in the building he's gonna win the Guru leg and we're not gonna sit here hopefully he doesn't get them up I'm dead online I mean oh I see [ __ ] do I get out of here another 63 for need scalp oh [ __ ] they're winning for sure a child die before you do no opponent yeah it's like a minute three gasps disclosing a shot and scalper for sure winning those people in the open air mman everyone over I got it cut over another one [Music] yeah I was just going on the outskirts [Music] and wait that whole duration [ __ ] me oh my cars box [Music] I don't know you guys [Music] yeah there's three I think three times I can't get I can't get Hannah I killed the one on the roof ones lowest [ __ ] was it in the pool and we go we need to down one we need to go though zone you need to get on the ATV or the truck or something let's move out of here I can try to run him over yeah yeah there I down down down another I'm gonna die alright there's one more in the store man he's dead the gas too the hell [ __ ] way dude yeah we needed to not be there fun but I shall grab the truck maybe I'm gonna go catch somebody kills it that's right this burn is out seems [ __ ] fun I grabbed that truck yeah I was what what I wanted you to do was horse drop if I wanted you to jump off and grab that truck if you're just shooting at three people I'm sorry if I jump down I guarantee I would have died no armor and I had a pistol and no ammo my m4 like I was just I couldn't fight it I just did what I don't you and that's just all like I'm so [ __ ] I should run people over like I don't know I don't think I could get any kills do we rush to play yeah I can't do anything else I only have ten so 32 [Music] are you serious these people are literally brainiacs like I can't even believe that these are con players they should not be playing Cod the biggest brains I've ever seen Oh like holy [ __ ] dude are you [ __ ] kidding me that's how I died we died three times to that [ __ ] definitely we we've been getting rolled plus we've been playing it wrong so I mean whatever it's yeah I see teams doing a lot worse oh we're not doing that bad just not doing this okay there's people here I'm frightened right underneath me is probably gonna kill it a shotgun oh he's not I'm gonna get shot in the side as soon as I down and submit anything [Music] suppressing fire I'm stinking plain me alive just barely by the skin of our teeth I was so low like I was actually one onward all the people this building behind me I think oh my god here please the one oh yeah yeah there's nothing one second floor I think he's the place bellecour you can all follow you he's in here did I hurt him maybe maybe yeah he's under fire hey Emma people over there as well thing that's not what I wanted well there's two boxes in here appreciate am i right what the hell is this guy doing that's right here give me some cashola complete team or that works here I'll give you a hug drop it okay that was more impressive than any concert I've seen before be honest I jumped and as I was in the air I bought it so I just kept the oven that's pretty impressive he's over here not cracked but [Music] oh my god come on man now let the food do you rise don't let them shoot at me nope I'm turning in the bush and put in place on and he sees me perfectly no I think we're good there's not a window here [ __ ] pounding over here like that getting pounded over here really thought that was gonna work yes thanks unlucky I just take three years to confirm that you're dead come on man doesn't really matter I can make this one a good one maybe I don't know okay I oh my god last game would have been a good one for me really rapid eyes yeah Oh Milly I had a lot I think I'd like five or six right off the RIP yeah I want to get driven I will be driving yes [Music] how are we this bad wait did we have him down or something or are you insane no odo I don't - oh thanks for the carry [ __ ] Oh [ __ ] rocket and rifle review Astra well Hannah Hannah Xavier buttocks yeah go over there and get some Bates that's crazy I thought we got run over but I guess just me and Hannah - I literally I got destroyed I just [Music] yeah any plates though yeah and one please thank you I got proof done hard I can buy more place I'm dropping on a last place so for body armor here yeah another one mind you okay he just [ __ ] own me I heard some voice here heard a gun shoot and then I saw a load out drive so I'm gonna go tickle them real quick hopefully they're not inside Osby on the roof and kill all of us into sorry right here somewhere [ __ ] it I guess this was Cruz here's a load of hurt that's not a little whatever okay I hit the best shot I've ever seen Johanna no that was [ __ ] insane this team is the God Squad [ __ ] they're pushing you so hard I wish I wish I knew what happened I wish I knew who killed me no sister nice shot such a nice shot [Applause] [Applause] bagi solo third is solo I killed through them I think he just hit a lucky shot on me because like I mean yeah we got the [ __ ] farm here for this game want this to be the right maybe yeah always left to win the duel like I might lose see I might lose to I'm gonna do plays well I mean we got [ __ ] that 15 16 kills right now with 58 up a little bit orangy shotgun or what I just didn't expect to die yeah I expect that at all [Applause] that's crazy that guy had to have hit the luckiest shot ever because after I watched it back he he was on consoles hard to snipe on console and he just banged out both of us real quick pretty fortunate you Oh apparently they finally pulled it off Anna the 18-plus thing I can finally suck they could finally find my channel yeah only said anyway so either it's out now or it's about to be but that's cool that's it took a little bit but at least they figured it out don't work on my phone I'm not lying they don't thing never mind I am plugged in nice let's see that's something you've been waiting daughter yeah so like there was there's this thing with mixer where if you're 80 plus channel and you download the mixer app the default setting is teemed so you can't even see my stream I must change the setting so yeah you couldn't search for it anything so they finally fix that gotcha that's good solutions solutions yeah all right where do you want drop I don't know I don't care [ __ ] boneyard or something do dice wants me or I'm so hungry are you stirring more doom after this yeah I'm gonna probably get something to eat no no I maybe I'll just go straight into a dude [ __ ] food starving assault rifle okay leveled up without even doing that gives you weapon XP holy [ __ ] this guy was camping hard almost just died doing yeah well this one I want to oh my god when ice one-on-one engagements you can hear things pretty well yeah it seems like when there's multiple footies that's when it gets like los solos is fine because it doesn't really happen it's only one on one you guys I need okay I could buy please I've no place for Nam expose don't hit me anybody please Anna thank you Mark okay is not that good it feels like no it's really like the recoil because there's no recoil and like any gun still like the recoil that's a little bit it has makes it kind of bad yeah so the line the five the five four five variant is pretty good but then you only have thirty bullets so it's bad yeah especially in this dude you need like yeah the Magister but even was thirty the five four five variants really really nasty I need people the superstores try to clean up with our load uh here's one a UAV yes papa okay my plates you're going on hold it can't tell us the roof what no it's the second floor like I'm right now have a shotgun dude Oh God down low point where I'm earthly I also want to shooting the hand on her back right here wrestling find that pillar god Nate hopefully yeah I just got our PG all in a jump dude my stomach is gonna eat itself okay have it last night that's pretty gnarly have you eaten Hannah no we haven't ate anything what is wrong with we woke up just for the thingy how about you go do okay how about you eat before you in a bit what we did know but that is not I mean like right before you go to bed it you feel amazing I'll kick your Karen guy get out now thank you guys are still a little bit what I thought yeah I downed one up there so should only be wonderful mounted on the second floor coming in on I see one he's dead on the roof I think you try to console me bro out of here with that [ __ ] prone [ __ ] yeah I swear only control their players do that man that's not my brain to do it that off the nice I got crouched as much as I can but I forget something I always forget drop shots are important man this is gonna be the gym here how many you got Mike and seven you'll be fine it's all about that's you love that a gigabyte you ain't [ __ ] everything club life [Music] who's the third [Laughter] I'm gonna die no [ __ ] irony I was just thinking that dude how am i stuck is it an off-road vehicle come on I find anybody though I hear people up north here's on the mountaintop we could buy a UAV there's a guy here top right next alright [ __ ] it [ __ ] life I agree what whatever cars lyova bad [Music] the memory leak has started I can feel like I'm still rockin and rollin going to these guys on the left okay I'll go as memory leak the bad that's me stuck there's a Pelle above me that we've been driving around for years oh my god he's our peach Oh he jumped out on a sheer panic bro come in Anna Oh you're not car dog Casas will begin you say located in the building no he saw friends on the bottom floor fighting a team here and I'm starved grab on to just relax for a second we've put it [ __ ] where are they mark mark mark and over there they're in the house on there on the left the guy on the right got next to us oh that's enough yeah [Music] I'm not seeing it they're in the house they're fighting another team right now on this band they open tomorrow holder no dude I think a credit brother with me Anna oh I almost download there's team of three in here yes Ramar you're closer in the vignette what we're over between for now mm now [Music] by all my plates here thrown the load out then you know by place I'll go run them over we're gonna go away it's all right fool okay here we go pass the load count I say I see it myself he's hiding inside he's hiding inside inside I'm in that [ __ ] let's see that for you dude so for these guys first they're separate flora music you exploded that rock you got that right here let's go I see yeah I'm out they're in this building third [ __ ] stumbles gameplay I'll write it deport you have a car that are Anna mr. song [Music] vehicle got it back plates many [Music] come with me all right go to our bow to you now through to our bounty now yeah there on the edge we get this Odin real quick hopefully I'll save an RPG don't don't say it South arrival some local here zone 39 seconds just don't lose our car but we're feeling an album our crabs I am mr. Krabs I hit them I don't know if we should go pick it okay we see them one on TV everyone have to move try to get the first load he's reeling him [ __ ] it let's move I'll Drive don't God just like a memory leak is rough dude really wearing down wearing a tear we're two tears [Music] those weird were like vertical [Music] bruza has it or grows it that flare there's a theme there Riveter they're doing their mission I grabbed the truck and it's gonna bother you baby first they're in here for sure yeah yeah they're new oh my god okay holy [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] me out man maybe I helped one on the roof I'm so everywhere oh my god guys so low I thought the by station in the little shoe shop we're gonna check her the [ __ ] apartment building here careful I'm inside now I'm inside now yeah we're gonna get in something because the apartments are shooting us too no place you push this with me Mike push what this building yeah sure yeah the roof I have no plates I'm stay he was on the roof can't do that apparently Kevin this little sketch I want to I don't know if he's up here should I take a peek you got a flash no died I think these guys on the roof killed them yeah did that that rare place oh my god plate people on superstore everyone's just on a [ __ ] rooftop bro bro crack and as well running across superstore yeah yeah Reuben I see one hey one let's crack ones down I'm down long as well yeah dude I thought that was at eBay just run and fat like myself hey how's it go fast feel like they have that was cool I'm gonna buy some place in sugar I also I have so much money I'm coming coming everyone you avian [ __ ] yeah pop the UV I'm gonna pop another one and then I'm gonna buy another one popper UAV Justin vodka so we can have another one hook it up we got to get all these juicy kills I'm marking that guy to remember that he's a solo he's living fraid so that guy's in Remembrance in this hangar here this guy in the hangars alone two minute going to pop it careful low really low really low my guy up here this is good okay now there's another scene of a fire station here fire stations coming up we're getting frags now team we're finally in a groove a little bit late a little bit late the game I need all the plates yeah I'm gonna try to get to do we need this car someone go for the car yeah we should all pop okay you pop - I pop one we keep running these advanced this kind of night popping one buying extra nevermind fine cluster grab this car just work on it pop another you a VSO a good advance there we go nice okay so we see if that's everyone that is literally everybody coming in real quick so once he was gonna go down right here let's try to put ourselves in between these guys a little bit we got right above me there's two right above me actually you deal with you get your guys all these yeah we should have won this 2v2 they're afraid okay these guys are actually so afraid [Music] how's the great ed I just Walt both those guys there we go we got the group going right there we've got the crying below it finally let's go all right record that one Hannah mark it down [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Spectre Gaming
Views: 32,633
Rating: 4.6082473 out of 5
Keywords: warzone full stream, shroud warzone full stream, warzone full gameplay, cod warzone full gameplay, call of duty warzone gameplay pc shroud, shroud full stream warzone, warzone gameplay, warzone, call of duty warzone gameplay, call of duty warzone, warzone live stream, modern warfare warzone, shroud warzone, warzone modern warfare, modern warfare, warzone modern warfare gameplay
Id: 5qtj9Mtxp8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 1sec (4921 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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