Herschel Walker Talk at JBLM

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all right good morning y'all I'm Colonel Skye Duncan the Joint Base garrison commander welcome to welcome to this morning's discussion today I have the privilege and honor of introducing mr. Herschel Walker a guest speaker a man who became a household name but is here to educate us today on how he faced and overcame distinctive adversity during his childhood and adult life he'll tell us about his adversities and how they changed him what led to his motivation to do 752 1500 push-ups and 2,000 sit-ups a day to get in shape and to I have but I think you continued a little bit to this day all right did his resilience from adversity motivate him how did he become a star running back into football leagues an Olympian an author and a successful businessman and a speaker who people come to see this future Heisman Trophy winner led the Johnson County High School football team to a Georgia state championship in 1979 he was a handouts a standout high school track and field athlete in addition to graduating valedictorian that year as well his success continued at the University of Georgia where he helped build lead the Bulldogs to a 1980 national championship and he earned the consecutive all-american honors in football and track in 1980 81 and 82 and the Heisman Trophy and 82 as well his accomplishments during this time period earned him a slot in the college Hall of Fame in 2002 but his college achievements were just a start for the next 15 years he became a household name as an unstoppable running back rushed for a season-high 2411 yards during the 1985 United States Football League season and later he excelled as an NFL all-pro running back receiver and kick returner for the following teams give me a little whoop if he if this if I say something that sounds familiar to you a team you recognize the Dallas Cowboys the minister Minnesota Vikings Oh Minnesota Vikings the Philadelphia Eagles and the New York Giants during their during his 187 game NFL career he rushed for 8225 yards 4.2 yards per carry and scored 61 touchdowns he also caught 512 passes 4859 yards and 21 touchdowns after his football career he took on new challenges associated with transitioning into a post football career and at this time an untreated and previously unidentified behavioral health problem from his childhood resurfaced him recognizing the problem was a positive first step this led to an even tougher challenge asking for help not an easy thing to do when you've worked all your adult life in a career that rewards physical and mental toughness and seems to penalize admissions of physical or mental need his career achievements made a strong case for his resilience but will see that his resilience is built on help from others as well as in his own internal motivation we can all improve on asking for help but first we must be willing to be vulnerable be willing to ask for help be willing to get into some deeper conversations and perhaps you see when you let perhaps you'll see when you ask it can be staggering the amount of hurt some people carry with the amount of pain some people bear and also the amount of resilience that they've built up over time especially when they work through it with others our guest today mr. Herschel Walker faced these challenges he's here with us today to share how he overcame the stigmas associated with admitting behavioral health problem and more importantly he's there to help tell you how you can overcome the same stigmas that may be preventing you from asking for help the help that you need so without further ado ladies and gentlemen mr. Walker good talking you know before every speech always always acknowledge my Lord Jesus Christ cuz he said if you don't acknowledge him he's not gonna acknowledge you and when I come knocking on him they let me in Oh have y'all ever heard a story about the man that had his two little twin boys one little boy is always positive in life and no matter whatever happened to that kid he was positive about it but there's other little kid was always negative no matter what was going on this kid life he was naked about everything and the father don't know what's going on with these kids because they're twins but that's so opposite so around Christmastime he tried to slit experiment he put this the kid in his room nothing but brand-new toys but he put it as a positive the kid in this room nothing more horse manure and after an hour so he looked in on this negative little kid and he was complaining I don't this home that I don't want this color on with that color I don't want this on my back and the father knew that this kid are never gonna amount to anything of nothing ever makes him happy but it looks in on the kid that's in the room with the horse we know he's got a shovel he's shoving the horse and over his shoulder he's laughing it's singing and having a good time first thing the father thing this kid is crazy but he has the son what's going on what's going on a little boy looked at his dad you know dad as much a horseman earth as in this one it must be a point at the bottom of it and the reason I'm gonna tell you all that guys in life we all have a pony but sometimes we just deal with the crap around us that we don't want to find our opponent but I'm going to tell you I'm living proof that if you grab a shelf everyday you can find a pony so people know all the glory of Herschel Walker but they don't know my story of Herschel Walker I want to take you on a journey of a interesting story because I was born in this little town called Wrightsville Georgia yes right sphere and you know this right field is so if you got one year to live you move there because that years forever same old same old my mom made me feel good cuz she told my was big-boned and all those kids knowing her sir you're fat and I used to have a stuttering problem where I you you used to hit on myself all the time trying to get my words out that I had teachers that put me in the corner they told me I was special but all my kids are the kids in my class and no hearse are you guys four years of my life and never went out for a recess four years of my life I never spoke in a classroom people didn't think I can speak I just stayed quiet I used to walk around scared to death of everything until the last day of school in eighth grade I decided I'm gonna go out for recess and I remember going outside and as I got outside there was a kid by the name of Anthony Logan he jumped on me he beat me up I still can remember that name Anthony Logan because I'll be facebooking and tweeting trying to find him today there anyway he beat me up and I remember going home crying and stuff and everyone thought it was funny on the bus they thumped me on the head and this fat kid crying and still I was crying and I got home and I'm gonna take some of you back a little ways because gilligan Island was on and I'm gonna watch it Gilligan Island but I also could remember my voice and this is a long time ago coming to me comes out my nickname is boat there's was that Bowl you quit that cryin said no one else would ever beat you up again and no teacher would ever put you in the corner again either and that's day of my life I started working out I started doing 5,000 push-ups every day five thousand sit-ups every day my parents had a tree in the backyard and they had a limb about ten feet off the ground I judged to climb that tree and store doing chin-ups on that tree limb I thought going to the library getting books sitting in front of the mirror reading to myself over and over when my speech got a little bit better and instead of walking around like this here I started to walk around my head up so all of a sudden I went back to school into the ninth grader instead of going into that corner where I known we're gonna sit I sit down in front of the class I saw it raised my hand not an ounce of question people who are shocked that this kid can talk now and also in this kid that no one ever wanted to play with become one of the fastest kids in the state of Georgia this kid that the teachers thought can never learn become founder tour his class I saw again scholarships go to college and stuff not just athletically guys I got a condemning scholarship to go to college but I'm telling a secret I really didn't want to go to college I spent time at West Point I thought I was cut out to be a Marine so I want to go to the military but I couldn't tell my mom and dad you know mom dad I didn't want to go to college I'm gonna go to the military so you know signing day for athletes are in February so February came and went and I ain't say anything March came and went I ain't say anything Easter Sunday in April my mom came up to me and she said bow don't you think it's time of year to decide whether you want to go to college but before I can say anything she said but let me tell you this if you're mine and your heart is pure to Lord Jesus you really don't matter about your decisions go God will make it right for you yeah I'm a teenager I said all right then I'll flip a coin I flipped the coin to decide whether to go to college to go to the military came with me to go to college and I go crap go now I'm mad at God I'm gonna let me do what I want to do so I decided I am NOT going to the University of Georgia because everyone in my hometown wanted me to go to the universes Georgia now I'm mad I'm not gonna go so I'm flipping coin between Clemson University and the University of Georgia first flip Georgia wins I said the best out of five Georgia one and that's to time I said wait wait wait mom dad I love to go to USC out in California I love to go to USC because I felt as USC win this coin toss they let me go to the military firstly Georgia wins Nets flip USC the next two times Georgia I was wait wait wait and this is under strewth as I'm gonna put the names out of a bag guys I put George all three times this is no joke that's okay okay I'm going to Georgia I'm going to Jordan I didn't mean it I went outside to play my younger brother Lorenza and as we were playing they called up coach Dooley and all the reporters it's a Herschel decided he's coming to Georgia he's coming to Georgia and later that night everyone showed up at my home I didn't even know they were coming and I was too embarrassed to tell them I was joking that I signed to go to the University of Georgia and I really didn't want to go after I signed to go to the University of Georgia this is honest truth the head coach at the University of Georgia a guy by the name of Vince Dooley came up to my father and myself of my front porch and is that psyche words were we are happy they have hurt on the team but I'm not sure if her she can play at the University of Georgia he said I'm not sure if he's up for that type of competition you're out from under smaller schools in the state of Georgia and I remember looking at him thinking dude I don't like you either because kids hate all my life kids told me I wasn't good enough to play with them all my life teachers told me I was good enough to be in that classroom and now I just gave my life to just do and he tell him I'll not get another play on this football team that's all right I started training I get a letter to be at the University of Georgia at 5 o'clock I left my home at 2:00 in the morning I drove it to the University of Georgia I got there at 3:30 in the morning it was dark outside no cars in the parking lot you know I don't like to be late 4 o'clock no cars dark in the parking lot 4:30 I'm getting nervous am I in the wrong place I remember going to the cafeteria where my letter said to meet at and the letter I got is in the window but at the bottom of the letter it said be there by 5:00 p.m. so I'm a little earlier right now so I remember getting in my car I remember turning the radio on turn the radio off and walking around the car in about 3 o'clock in the afternoon there's white 280zx drive up I'm running up to this car and I stuck my hand out like a gentleman or where I was taught from my parents this Boulder Hispanic dude by the name of Francisco Ross Francisco de Ross I'm calling Frank because Francisco is not in my vocabulary but anyway Frank he got out of the car and he looked at me and then he was shaking my hand he said hey freshmen take my car take my bags up to the room I grabbed his bags and I'm taking them up to the room and as I coming by 8 freshmen take my car around back get in his car and I take it around back in the Hollister hey freshmen you need to wash my car they do getting carried away but I'm gonna go wash this car and I'm right there watching this guy's car and about this time this meeting start I walk into the cafeteria they got some of the guys doing leapfrog got some doing the Elephant Walk that was a guy by the name of net Hudson starting right guard net husband turned to me he's about six five about 280 pound so Hearst I want you to stand in the corner like a crane on one leg this is in 1980 and I can remember the anger because I didn't come to the university but y'all to make fun of me I had to come here to play games and awesome before I could say something this Boulder Hispanic dude by the name of Frank stood up said wait a minute I'm gonna take Hershel Walker to be my little brother so the whole room get upset they go to coach doing the coach do to say y'all know if he want to do that he can do it so no one said another word to me and Frank turned to me as a her sir sit down I said out no one said another word to me all night later that night I said Frank what's going on what's going on in Frank said well her sure everyone on this team we decided we were gonna make your life miserable here said we were gonna dog you out because we thought you were so cockeyed that you waited so long to sign that we were gonna make you work for everybody here said but when I got here he said I asked you to do all that stuff he said you never said one word I said you should have known what I was thinking though but now that football stuff stores guys I show up at an University of Georgia at that time about 6 feet tall 215 pounds running a legit for 340 I don't know if you know the 4:3 is you can go get it out of 43 I'm doing everything right yes sir no sir yes ma'am no ma'am doing everything right but I was a mama's boy and I will call home and my mom and say you know Bo we read in the paper that Coach do to say you're not doing too well right now read in the paper that Coach Dooley said it's gonna be a while for you to catch on but she's always in but I said but don't you worry about it because the Lord is making a way for you how you think what does God got to do football and stuff and also in the first game going to be coming around we're gonna plant in Knoxville Tennessee 95,000 people I remember the meeting that week before we gonna be playing we were sitting in a meeting like this and coach do too said ah we're gonna be travelling to Knoxville some are you gonna travel with the team you're gonna leave some behind but he said Herschel you're going with the team but you're not gonna play I'm not sure why he had to tell me that we get into Knoxville 95,000 people and we're walking through the tunnel going onto the field connor Norris was running back from South Carolina playing for the University of Georgia was in front of me coach Duda was in front of counter Norris after walking through the tunnels his words were a Hershey's not playing the day but stay close to me learn something because do didn't know that my mom also told me that man can't stop what God got in store for you because we get in this game and we get him beat 15 to nothing and they only gave Georgia 2,500 seats but it put him in the end zones or the country's seen or heard over there and all of a sudden over 97,000 2,500 said we want Herschel we won't hurt ray and it got so local jeweler T today that's the only reason he decided to let me play he threw me into this game we end up winning this game 16 to 15 now I got to play the next week again it's Texas A&M we beat Texas A&M at home for two to two nothing I have three touchdowns 108 or something yards in three quarters now I got to play the rest of the year and what was so funny coach duties always try to check calls here tell you today it wasn't that he didn't want me to play but he didn't like to put our freshmen at play his first year so he was trying to find a reason to keep me from playing so you should check my room to make sure my room was done but he didn't know I know I do my room I know how to make my bed I know how to clean my room up because I used to get a spanking if I don't know how to do things not that I'm advocating spankings called Adrian Peterson mr. Elaine's up for it anyway so I know how to do all that stuff and all this and he used to checking to make sure I was in class and he didn't realize I'd love to go to class guys I love being in class so I was in class or I couldn't get in trouble about nothing so now I play all year we beat Notre Dame for the national championship here my freshman year and not instead her senior nominated for the Heisman Trophy everybody at universities George got excited about and I was pretending I was fight it let me tell you the reason I was pretending I was that sighted guys I don't know what the Heisman Trophy walls this is on his truth I'm gonna tell y'all to know the secret I don't follow football I don't agree I never the only reason I played football as they get out of from Washington ditches my mom used to make me wash dishes and stuff at home and I thought crowd why don't I start playing football to get me out of cleaning up the house which was a bad idea coming down you got to play football and clean the house at the same time so so I didn't know anything about football so I went off to the library to read about the Heisman Trophy that's how I learned about the highest or the Wow that's a big time of war I said it'd be great if I win that because a man we won a national championship they said we were the best team in America and it'd be great if I wanted but didn't give it to me in 1980 they gave it to George Rogers and from South Carolina I'm like who the heck is George Rogers from South Carolina and my sophomore year guys are my only lost one regular-season game whole time to college I have another incredible year I get nominated as a sophomore then win it then either he gave it to Marcus Allen at USC I'm home I better looking anyway and then my junior year this would be fun I didn't tell how God is real smart my junior year I decided I'm leaving the University of Georgia they have a recruiting office in Athens on Baxter Street in Athens Georgia I was gonna leave the University to go join the military on a Friday afternoon the last day of practice a play that the coaches didn't even want me to do but I'm gonna do it in a way because I'm a teenager I running the ball as I was falling out of bound on the game two yards I'll falling out of bound when to catch myself and I broke my thumb if you remember my junior year I started the season off with this big old cast on my hand and I remember this bone sticking up through the skin the first thing I said is God didn't love me and I shook it off and I was trying to put that bone back in my hand and I couldn't get it in my finger now I'm scared of deck I'll tell people my father's cheat my father can't even afford or are in poor heap oh I don't think he got to pay for this he gonna be mad at me now and stuff but also and I went off to the hospital to have what they call a local done no to Loki is that's when they cut the circulation off in your arm you can watch him do the surgery absolutely amazing because I'm watching this doctor put a shot in my hand and he had but he kept my finger and maneuver that bone back into my hand I can see it on x-ray but it had a power Decker drill on the table that he got from an Ace Hardware store he had four pins about this long and some wire cutters that he got from that same age hardware store he put these pins in the drill drilled him into my finger crossed her like this took the wire cutter and cut him off and wrapped my hand up my bad could have done that but anyway I'll leave in the hospital and as I was leaving the hospital that was a nun coming in she said you look like I said Herschel Walker she's what happened that's how I broke my thumb she said Lord and making a way for you I said she must know my mom well I get back to the University of Georgia and I remember they had four football fields and in the middle of those four football fields I have this little like this thing out there and it's one of those hot days I don't know if anyone ever been in Georgia when it's this summer and July and August is a hot and humid but you see a dog chasing a rabbit they walking down the street is so hot and sober anyway it was one of those days and I was out there and they got the fan on me I'm gonna need this their trainers on make sure I'm okay to bring me water my teammates my teammates are making sure I'm all right and stuff and but then all of a sudden as I'm looking at that my teammate practicing that sign waiting for me to come back as a wait wait wait I'm not leaving this team here cause this is my family right here I'm not leaving this team we're gonna stay here now I stay we have another incredible year 90 give me the Heisman Trophy I did you hear what I just said they gave me the Heisman Trophy because in 1982 I'm not sure if I earn the Heisman Trophy in 82 I get a chance to vote today and if I had voted in 1982 I wouldn't have voted for myself I would have voted for John Elway I tell people I thought I was a Susan Lucci at a Heisman Trophy I don't know if y'all know Susan Lucci look it up you can google that right anyway so I felt like I was Susan Lucci Heisman Trophy and then all of a sudden I'm sitting in my apartment in in Athens Georgia and his years of Filth thing came along I don't know if y'all ever heard of years of fail but I had a decision to make should I go to the years and fail to stay here the University of Georgia I flipped the coin and he told me to go to the USF area and that's what Donald Trump comes in my life I don't know if y'all know that I've known Donald before he became the Donald a matter of fight literally bunking little Donald live with me for a week for five years during the summer ever amusement park Disneyworld SeaWorld every place they went I wasn't one to take him I kept him i-45 for a week so the intelligence of those two kids right there and not from Domino yeah I'm wearing my anyway so I was there three years not 10 now you see how things are happening in my life and mem I told you got to grab a shovel when you're getting knocked down you got to get up I go to the years of fear do all these great things and all of a sudden I'm in yours the field is going on remember I said grab a shovel cuz you're gonna get your watch a stupid movie late at night hoping they're gonna get better but they don't get better but you keep watching it in a way like you ever seen the predator in LA y'all remember the president in LA got Danny Glover in it like not Morgan Freeman but Danny Glover because they don't want to use one old black actor and removed this and when they got Danny Glover and I watching the predator and in LA and the predator was going around la kick is killing all these gangbangers and stuff and Danny Glover's detective trying to find out what's going on well what was so amazing about this movie that Danny Glover lasted to the end of the movie Konami black man get killed early and he left a dent so the first thing I thought that this is a Tyler Perry movie but Tyler Perry was not during that time anyway so if I'm watching the predator in LA he's going around killing all these gangbang yet another movie Danny Glover in the predator mix-up this small little room if you can remember that oh they found a way to get rid of it because remember Danny Glover's oh you remember in the movie Mel Gibson he's running down the street and his underwear and stuff I said he gonna get beat up by the predator called the predator beater honor Schwarzenegger and honor his honor like three feet tall about six feet wide though he's a strong do but anyway the predator and Danny Glover gets in this then the gloves getting worn out he's bleeding and he's sweating and he don't think he can make it no more and he's just so tired and stuff and he's old and he grabs a blade from a wall and killed a predator I go oh I've never seen anyone kill a predator it's several alien but that's a different movie but anyway I watching this and I said no that's a bad dude right there but add Danny Glover so tired and sweating and bleeding he lays his blade against the wall and he needs Danny sit down and about that time his music story you know him music starts something that's about to happen another predator appears from the wall and another and another one also in there six of them in the room one day in the Glover but Danny Glover did something so powerful by grabbing his shovel he reached her head and grabbed that blade and he said who's next in line sort of like I did and I was sitting there and been in New Jersey and the use of fail is going on Charley Steiner from ESPN the interview means that her so wherever you like to go play in the NFL as a mr. Steiner I don't watch football but I said I have two brothers that loved the Dallas Cowboys well he laughed at me he said Dallas is not gonna draft you because I got Tony Dorsett I said sir you didn't ask me who was gonna draft me mentally where I like to go played us on the team I know he left my home but God is God is good five minutes that he left my home my phone rung divorce on the other end other forms of horse traditions from there dialed is a text ran from the Dallas Cowboys we just drafted you to Dallas now I fly off to Dallas and let me tell you what I played one of the finest coaches ever to coach football a guy by the name of Tom Landry absolutely amazing man coach hustle the father this was an incredible man I play with these legendary players I played a guy by the name of air too tall Jones Tony Dorsett I play random white honest truth on a monday night football game ran the white played on a football game had a dislocated dislocated shoulder a bad knee and a broken toe played in a football game in today's world if you got a hangnail you out for two we can't play it over anyway I'm there playing with the Dallas Cowboys I lead a league and rushing this stuff and I got a big head guys I'm cool right now and also not here someone from Arkansas is gonna buy two Dallas Cowboys oh thank you Arkansas I didn't know Arkansas is that I think nobody got no money in Arkansas there's nothing there but chickens and Walmart's got some money from Arkansas I was wrong because there's a guy by the name of Jerry Jones came to Dallas bought the Dallas Cowboys a fire coach Landrieu brought in Jimmie Johnson now I'm just a player guys and remember I got a big head because I just led the league in rushing pretty cool right now we go over to Thousand Oaks California that's where they found a letter House on the Prairie I know that but y'all don't care anyway we are in Thousand Oaks California practicing I'm pretty cool because I do little even rushing now I go through four weeks of practice and also we get back to Dallas on a Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock I still remember this it was in 1989 Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock dance majority walking I used to come on not George Judy comes on at 4 I'm gonna tell y'all something else you don't know I got a law degree from watching those two Shores well anyway I'm watching judge Wapner and my phone rung their voice on the other end of the phones or her surgical coach Johnson can you come over to see me for a moment as yes sir coach I'll be right over there I jumped in my Mini Cooper and I got it don't laugh at my Mini Cooper I got no pimped my ride Mini Cooper though some bad boys I got David Nate and Cupido some bad boy anyway y'all don't care about that either but anyway I got him had gotten David I took all heading over to the complex and at that time guys in the league I was known as a cleaner and out and no not like a Mafia cleaner a cleaner in the NFL there's a player that saw problems and what I mean by that is guys I never drink before in my life never had a beer never tasted anything so if you had a ball late at night doesn't matter what time it is you can call me I'm going to come pick you up if you got a problem in your home doesn't matter what it is with your wife with your kids with anything you can call me when we go over and try to solve it so I was known as a cleaner so as I'm driving over to the complex I'm going down the list of the players that I think is in trouble because you have those players that's always in trouble those clear that are sometime in trouble and you have those player that they just did Peter enlightened a little bit so as I'm going down the list I walk into his his fun office and coach Lander old secretary there and she's crying my thought not goes to who may have just died as a walking to the main office Jimmy Johnson I remember I just led the league in rushing James Johnson was sitting behind his desk Jerry Jones was standing by the window as soon as I walked in Jimmie Johnson jumped up said Herschel we just treated you to Minnesota what do you think I don't even shake this man and I backed up and I said you know what I'm gonna go outside and think about this I turned around I walked outside into the parking lot I got into the parking lot and I decided you know what I'm going home got in my car and I went home I got home my ex-wife said what do they want what do they want I said Jimmy just told me they traded me into Minnesota she said they can't trade you to Minnesota because Gotham tell y'all another thing you don't know about me I'm the only player ever an NFL to have a hundred percent no trade clause in his contract his life so now I called my agent up and he's a hustler they can't trade you I'll be in Dallas tomorrow morning Peter Johnson my mg flew to Dallas went into Jimmy's office Jimmy did the same things at Peter traded her in Minnesota what do you think Peter said have y'all looked at horses contract well Jim and Jared never looked at my contract so you having to go through the file opening my contract up and at the bottom of my contract it states Herschel Walker cannot be traded unless he could sent to the trade so y'all know what Jimmy and Jerry is in a bind because Herschel Walker hate cold weather and it is cold in Minnesota and I'm not going in Minnesota so I stay five games with the Dallas Cowboys and I was already traded to the Minnesota Vikings so all of a sudden Jared Mike Lynn finding Minnesota Viking who passed away a couple of it came out some way about two years ago called up Jerry Jones said Jerry if you don't get Herschel Walker in Minnesota we're gonna sue the Dallas boy he probably owned part of them so Jared met my agent said what the Hersh is sending want to go to Minnesota what do they want Peter came to our home in Las Colinas the Peter said Jared want to know what y'all wanting to go to Minnesota my exact words Gerry I don't want anything black people hate cold weather it's cold in Minnesota and I'm not going to Minnesota and Peter said you don't want anything that's okay Jared want to know we won't now become like this bad kid I tell him what we want I won't - I want a brand new house every other year I play an NFL I want two brand new cars every year I play in the NFL sending one award role every year you play I want all this money I want to use Jerry Jones playing for a year and Peter go her she ain't gonna give you all that stuff as a Peter you asked him what he was going to give me yes and what I want that's what I want Peter so I want a bass boat put it on the listing Peter he wrote it on a bass boat on this list this is understood guys there are three sheets of paper almost fronted bite of all this junk we didn't really want it buddy gonna let Jared know I'm not going to Minnesota Peter went across the street to the fourth season he said Jared was in the lobby and Jared walked up there Peter said what do they want what do they want Peter was there joking he pulled out three sheets of paper said Herschel said have you agreed to this he would go to Minnesota Jared grab that list and sign it I got someone to witness it and I went and Peter said are you serious and Peter came back to the our home and he said hurt sir I am so sorry but Jared reads everything I all crowd no he didn't oh and if you remember when Jerry Jones got it set into the Hall of Fame he made a speech and his words were I want to thank Herschel Walker flips in the tray and that's what he was talking about I accept to take all that junk I read it in won't you go to Minnesota but now I take Jerry Jones playing I fly out to Minneapolis I don't know if anyone lived in Minnesota Minnesota is here in secret that's one of the best place I've lived in my life terrible football team great plays Lea but anyway I'm there for three years and I it's weird because every three years you got to grab a shovel I'm there for three years doing my thang guys every year I led the league in something I'm not sure what it is I'm all the leading leading something my year my contract is up and also I'm getting calls from all over the league of people said Herschel Walker you come play with us come play with us a year that was a guy by the name of Reggie White I don't know even know if y'all know that name by the name of Minister of Defense a bad dude imitated ain't nobody better it can't be better than Reggie White Reggie White was a bad dude Reggie called me I was rehearsing moment you'd come to Philadelphia see the brother love man he says they said her brother love and I'm stupid coming from the country doesn't see that love brothers I'm made for me there's nothing on the a I get this contract go to Philadelphia I'm gonna break y'all officer ain't no lovin feeling that's a tough place to play football let me tell you what they boo everybody you remember that Monday night game you threw snowball to Santa calls I don't see you they do snowball in Santa Claus it batteries in I won't do I don't care about that but anyway I'm in Philadelphia doing my thing for everyone ever ran the cut in hand Reggie White Clyde Simmons self Joyner like we're having a great time guys are leading the league in reception and stuff again and also in three years out of being and feeling ready decide to leave Philly and go to Green Bay it's a Green Bay as I'm not going to Green Bay that's why I say I don't look good in those colors don't say there's green gold whatever color I don't look good and that I wasn't gonna go to Green Bay B so what are you gonna do I said I got that house in New York that Jerry bought for me as I'm gonna play to the Giants for a year don't know if y'all remember that I went to play for the Giants for a year terrible mistake because that was a time they were going through transition you know in a transition story meaning they're not playing it well so I'm in New York and stuff and I still remember that season in 1995 at 4:30 y'all can do B this stuff you tell I remember the 1995 at 4:30 love connections to come on because I was watching love connection and my phone rung and the voice on the other end other phones of hirsutism mr. Jerry Jones got a moment to talk yes sir mr. Jones what can I do for you he said we would love to have you back at the Dallas Cowboys how you like to come back to Dallas Cowboys as mr. Jones I love to come back to the Dallas Cowboys I still got that house that you bought for my love come out to Dallas now I take Jerry Jones playing fly back to Dallas now I'm having another good time guys I'm leading the league and kickoff return and stuff like I say you got to grab a shovel something else happened we were prizes against the Oakland Raiders out in California I lined up the run this a kid across the ball from you can go mr. Walker how you doing today sir how you feel it I'm gonna look at him and I go Anthony it was Anthony Dorsett Tony Dorsett son I was wait a minute I remember he was a little kid I used to ride with this little kid I played with his father now I'm playing against the Sun we're on spring Sun with the Washington Redskins wait a minute a it against the day and I'm playing John Casey at Carolina either guys I saw the plan I played with the day and now I'm playing against the Sun even in my own locker room honest truth I usually walk in my locker room in the morning I have my teammate killed mr. Walker how you doing today sir how you feeling go crap them I get know my teammates calling me mr. Walker I might need to get out of this game this is the reason I decided League and I was leading the league and kickoff return so as I'm getting out of this this thing this was my life really happened this good stuff happen now remember my wife always said my wife but she was my ex-wife this was so fun about my ex-wife I tell I'm still love my ex-wife who's married but I'm still in love of her that's the reason I'm not married today come let me look at my ex-wife and I call them my ex-wife but she said y'all probably really care about that but a doctor said as long as you get it off your back you feel so much better and I do feel better waiting right where my ex-wife was where I was just calling my wife because we were buried at a time that's okay anyway my wife started telling me about these things we would do I was doing that I wasn't aware I was doing it and then I'm thinking that she got a problem until if something happened to show me that her sure something that's wrong because I love old street rods I love old street rods and stuff so I decided that I bought this car from Philadelphia and a guy was gonna bring it from Philly to Irving Texas where I lived at and he would call me up and said hoarsely are you gonna be home on Monday I'll be there on Monday yes sir I'll be home I would counsel my whole day and wait for this guy and he didn't show up when called Chevy's not coming and then here we skated another time with me he did me like this four times and he never showed up all of a sudden he show up in Texas didn't tell me he was coming but he don't show up in Irving Texas he showed in all us in Texas that's third at 40 miles thirty five miles away from me and he didn't tell me he was coming and he gives my number to a guy - service station who called me up and the guy said mr. Walker there's a guy here at the service station that said he got a delivery for you what you want me to do I was so angry guys I said remember this sort of like when that husband were telling me and standing in the corner that anger went from zero to 100 like this how you telling to stay right there I will be right there I grabbed the gun where I worked for the poor law enforcement I want to know that either did it I spent time at Quantico taught training schools you ought to know I was agent I should tell y'all that y'all don't care anyway oh yeah I've been alone 14 foot so I grabbed my gun I said I will kill him Herschel Walker one inhaler oh I'm gonna kill him I got in David one of my mini I took off on 183 and I just II remember to divorce a horse of people and disrespecting you all the time people are always doing stuff to you you never done nothing to nobody and also these other boys a horse for your parents and raise your stick nobody did yes I thought I was losing my mind as I got closing close to where I was gonna in meeting this guy I started to pray on so lord I need some help right now I said I need you to help me I said I'm about to do something stupid right now I need you to help me right now I remember getting to this where I was gonna meet him at I got out of my car and I put my hand on my gun that's all walking to this truck before I could see the guy I saw the sign on the back of his truck that said honk if you love Jesus and that's what calmed me down and I went back to send any my my wife my ex-wife and I wasn't saying that something is wrong with me she said I know it is that's what are you talking about she's a sir for months I've been trying to tell you something that's wrong said you ever heard me she says you never have you never hear me said sometimes you paste the floor like a caged lion and she says sometimes you give me looks and you scare me sometime I go whoa I scare her much I love this woman and I said I need some help so you'll been a Christian I decided to turn to the church and I turned you to church and I can't give you the name of the church because people like to sue nowadays I tell the pastor what was going on he tear the whole congregation remember I can't give you the name like this ooh but is one of the largest churches in the urban Texas and hike bear Creek they decided they're gonna do Exorcist guys this is not as long ago this church is at one of the largest I can give you the name and hackberry Creek with this big white steeple on it and stuff twelve of their members and stuff went in this room with thinning out this is an honest truth they sorted a chant and in today's world it started a chanting all this crazy stuff and I remember looking at setting out of the center we better get out of here as my mom and I think I lost my mind to be here with these crazy people right here we got up when we walked out of that church I walked out of that church and I picked my phone up and I called up pastor Tony Evans at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship I called up pastor evident capacity Evans came to our home and he sits sending out down at the table and he prayed with us and then the prayer when he finished he's at Herschel imitated this just because you pray doesn't mean that God thought out of the sky and it happens said you still got to get him you got to do something so we started searching around to find a doctor that helped me and stuff because I didn't know what was going on and we came upon a doctor by the name of Jerry magazi and Jared was from Africa and what's so interesting about Jerry with Jerry have passed through my life many times God this was so funny when I was at Georgia jared was working on his master's or something at Arkansas on in track and field when I made a limpid team Jerry was on a Zimbabwe team for Africa well when I got to the University of Georgia Jared was good with not in university when I got to Texas Jared was going through seminary school at Dallas seminary or whatever seminary seminary schools there so I came upon this doctor by the name of Jerry magazi Jerry asked me what was going on this and that and we started telling him about it and and he said I her straight sound like we you have something what we call di D as what is that said this societal identity disorder I said what is that says I different personalities and stuff my first thought was Sybil and I go wait a minute just dr. crazy I know I'm not gonna during the civil so he's from Africa he don't know what the heck he's talking about but before I can say anything he's the hearse let me ask you this he said have you cried lately cuz I'm crossing Evan and Logan beat me a hook he said what kind of motion you have what how do you feel do you hurt well this was so funny guys I thought back up things happen in my life ma'am I broke my thumb and I was trying to set it myself I had all four of my wisdom teeth taken out with nothing and my big game against Notre Dame if you read about that you hear about how my shoulder came out of place where the top of my shoulder ended up in the bottom of my chest and I'm walking around like this and they told me I can't play and I'm like why as your shoulders out of place and you know and I'm pretty smart I said if it's out of place you can put it back and the doctor told me that you're gonna take surgery to put that back on the sidelines I was in surgery and take it out I laid on the sideline a guy by the name of Matt Hudson and Tim Morrison put their leg against my shoulder popped it back in place and I shook it off when I played I don't have any pain he said do you drawing or do you write and this was scared me to death remember all those great things I was doing Heisman Trophy Olympic team rush entitled anything faster all those great things I was doing all Ivan wrote about was pain all I wrote about was shooting all I wrote about my hurting people I didn't write about any jewelry so I went back and I said guys I got a problem I don't know if y'all read about I went to this behavior health hospital you called it crazy hospital but you can't said crazy hospital HR get pissed off at crazy Hospital guys and behavior health hospital so I went to the Behavioral Health Hospital in California turns California I remember going to this behavior health hospital and I sit down in my first group session and I go whoa these people here are crazy all listening to them when they talk these people here are literally crazy so I must have a personality that can lie cuz I'm gonna lie I'm gonna tell you people who I am so they can get out thinking with friends and stuff they wanna come visiting to these people yeah I'm not like these people in here sort of like God may not come when you want anybody come on time because that's all about to give up as I'm about to give up I'm walking down the hallway and that we're gonna call a mirror walking down the hallway there was a young lady in my section named Mary I say good morning to Mary marigold my name is Grace I'm thinking mayor is crazy but I remember going over to the doctors and I said doctor marriage I told my name is Grace and it says so and as well explain this to me he said her since she doing things like you do disassociating I said what do you mean by that because I never really understood it guys for four years it took me a long time to understand what dissociation was men he's what happened is she don't trust me Sara husband wasn't abused and her husband abused her Sadie was beating on her all the time and stuff and says she reached out to her the local law enforcement for some help say they didn't do anything to help her and stuff and stuff and then she reached out to her family members for some help and they knew nothing the helper till one night a husband came home been drinking and saw beating on her so they start beating on her and broke her arm they broke her arm she was all alone said she graceful all along said she was helpless and then she fought back as a totally different person that she felt like it that Mary person and said she injured her husband put him in the hospital and he goes to court and the judge threw her in here and it hit me that we all fall short of the glory of God so the first time in my life I saw who I was remember I was this fat little studying kid people used to make fun of people in thought that can do nothing even the coach said you can't play everyone told me I can't do this I can't do this so I made myself there's an invincible person that can do some amazing things do all this crazy stuff because I didn't deal with all that pain back here so we use that anger as that as our coping mechanism like we may use drugs and we use alcohol a gun as a coping mechanism that's what I was doing so that yo that like I said watching stupid movie late at night they're hoping they don't get better you ever seen rocket fire you remember rocket five y'all private thing I watch a lot of TV but I really do but in rocket fire you can remember rocket fire had the kid meant for Oklahoma what was the name Tommy Gunn you remember Tommy Gunn time the guns from Oklahoma the rocket told him that boxing you can remember that but Jesus is in rocket fire I don't know if y'all know that only reason I watched TV my mom has told me as a hurry if you gonna watch the TV show make sure you got started with God so I can bring God and almost anything because I want to watch a lot of stuff so God shows up and rocket fire we're gonna show you all where he's at this is what happened you remember we talked tommy gun in the box and tommy gun decided to leave rocket but go to that done keen look-alike if you can remember that and the Don King looking like lady my champion but the fans are born and turned the gun they didn't like him they didn't like time ago and they didn't like him it's tough so not turning guns man he want to fight rocket but rocket retired rocket is in this bar way too big my brother-in-law or Paulie you know Paulie he was in the big my brother I'll pilot stuff and all of a sudden tommy gun and and dunking looking like I saw it trying to call a rock out to fight and rock him gonna come out there so they chose up in the bar and rock and picked a fight and he swung on rocket but miss rocket and hit parlay knocking into the ground and rocket go let's take it outside I go oh dude you don't realize there's a ton of gun move it there's a rocket movement rocking winning his own movies y'all know that so tommy gun and rocket go out and they start fighting then there's a door where you can remember that and there's that fighting this alleyway at the beginning Tommy gonna be two Raquel and I'm thinking this is it another rocket series is a rocket fire that was a lot of them because they got rocket 32 now like they created Creed so it's rocket five I'm thinking maybe this is gonna start a tommy gun series where's Tommy gonna beat and Raquel he knocks rockin to this trash Rocky's landing the trash feeling sorry for himself don't think he can make it no more and he don't think he can go no more gonna show you what Jesus shows up in here you remember Mick meet with rock his old trainer that died in three of the Rockets ago if you can remember that mr. t but I read this script this was so fun I got a chance to read about this meekness just died because they wanted me to die Mick got too big for his britches seriously as a Mick thought he can make more money if they paying more money they told me they weren't gonna pay him more money that's what happened and mix it well if you don't pay me no mind more money I'm not going to rehearsal it doesn't make you gotta come to rehearsal we got to finish Rocket 3 and we can negotiate this and mix it well I want more money so what happened in that scene where mr. t is coming down the stairway you remember at that fight and mr. t rocky on the fight and mr. t go I pity you fool like this and miksa get out of here mr. t like this and he jumped between rock and mr. t and mr. t pushed me and me had a heart attack and that was a negotiation period right there and that David negotiated mix contract he was in a hospital bed you remember that and he lived for a little while and Rockets laying on his knees that prayer for Mick and stuff and Mick would settle for less money so they killed them all that's really Mick died where rocket fire me realized that hey this is not a Mick move this a rocket movie he wanted to come by he came back to the producers and he said Mick can can y'all put me in the movie here there's a meet we can't put you in the movie because you died and Rocket 3 and how can we get you in the movies me said can I settle for a whole lot less money if you can put me in rocket fire so he brought make biking this vision you can remember that Karelin rocket was laying in the trash and rocket fire they think you can make it and make appear to rocket in this vision and mix it get up you bum say get up it ain't over yet just one more round just one more round that's an amusing story and that's like our lives guys we get knocked down in areas we don't think we can make it no more that's a guy died for us they saying get up just one more just one more time and see I've been getting up all my life I've been getting up all my life and now I'm in this hospital that I go to my first group session they decided I'm not gonna lie I say my name is Hershel Walker I play 15 years of pro ball been on two Olympic team a matter of fact everything I was set out to do guys I wanted is that not amazing everything I've said academically athletically everything I ever set out to do I warned but I'm in diagnosed as having dissociative identity disorder and my wife a woman that I love more than I love myself feel it one day I may kill her I say my favorite game I used to play guy was Russian roulette people she said what oh yeah you know people come to my house want to compete against me you're not worried that you don't work like I work and unless you can put this gun and you're here you ain't fearless like me people used to think I was crazy I would take a gun put it in my head snapped it wouldn't even think about it I didn't realize how forth going when I was gone I never drink never had a drug but I had a mental problem all sudden I started to feel a little bit better I started to understand this a little bit I started to understand that being bullied you can overcome it I start understanding I started working as I started getting out of this hospital this was so funny you know you leave a behavior here at the hospital people think you know you're less of a person you're less of what you used to be but I'm not gonna tell you how old I am but the first of this year guys most of the guys playing with the Cowboys I can be their father grandfather I ran the faster time the Cowboys had I ran a 4340 and I know I can run faster because I'm not training Iran I've been fighting I don't know if you know this but I've been in the cage we came for less scared and Daniel Kwame that's what I trained with I've been doing this MMA stuff not only that guys I built three of the larger more northern companies in the United States I believe in this hospital not only that guys I hang out with presidents I'm supposed to be crazy remember I've been hanging out with the first lady since mrs. Bush I traveled with the first lady I've tried with mrs. Bush I traveled with mrs. Clinton I traveled with mrs. Obama traveled with melania now I'm hanging out I'm gonna get this off my bike too because this bothers the crap out of me you don't remember President Obama used to play back oh no he's a basketball player but homeboys smokes and I used to play with him at lunch this artist Rogers played with him lunch and I didn't dare to beat me then I let him be position on the shoe because he had a lot of security I don't know if y'all know that when the year the president of United State you got a lot you don't know that that there but they're there there's a lot of security I'll use at home but post me a post Herschel Walker I'll see you later post me up make a layup and stuff and he talked a lot of trash I don't know y'all know he talked trash and I let him beat me but I'm getting this on my body I've got his number you don't have a two nine I can handle those we're playing again I'm getting out off my bike right I'm here to tell you this guys if you're going through anything there's absolutely no shame to ask for help and that's people that can help you if you think you four laws it was a brighter light out there and nothing you're going through that no one that's not sharing so don't think you alone and don't think that you're not loved because you're loved so Jesus loved you your family loved you and now you're responsible for a lot more than test yourself I want to leave you with something that was a guy that loved baseball these two guys they were older they loved baseball so much that as one got a little bit older he was about to leave and go meet his maker at that time his friend came into the hospital room and bent over his bed is they can you do me a favor Charlie can you do me a favor of Charlie's and what can I do for you said can you let me know if that's baseball in heaven he got thought it wasn't strangers quest much as Charlie passes away the other guy was working in his backyard one late one afternoon it was all sunny and bright nice day and his cloud of smoke sort coming towards them and he knew it had to be Charlie and he ran it to this crowd of smoke and he says that baseball in heaven is a baseball in heaven and the voice when described smoke said well I got some good and bad news so I don't care about that is there baseball in heaven so well the good news is day is baseball in heaven and Gago yes said it bad news you're pitching tomorrow and the reason I tell people this we should never put anything off and we always said tomorrow I do it I'd do it later because I only tell you if I waited to do my treatment later I may not be standing here right now I waited to do my treatment my son may not be here right now my wife someone I love and I want to say your kid hug your kid every day I was just say there's one last thing then I don't know if I can take question if I got time to take question but i'ma say there's one last thing if you got a child hug your child I love I have a 19 year old smart kid smart smart smart kid and you know I say book wise he's extremely smart streetwise dumb as a brick but it was fine at bottom is I delivered him I deliver he's 19 this is under a brag about a lady he's 19 but I delivered him I remember the doctor was on my right side I said remember this when I delivered him he had his long low head I'm serious he like an alien I like I told my wife was your parents got some off with jeans and stuff and you know you said no matter how ugly your child is you think he's pretty so they cleaned Kristen up and stuffing to clean him up and I put the cap on top of his crying and stuff and I'm so proud of my little dune and stuff and I remember willing them today nursery because at that time at that hospital at Irving Texas I was 15 babies born with two nurses there that night including Christine so I was able to stay there and fils I'm the behavior I was so excited now we're Kristen up to the winner cuz I'm proud of my little boy but he got it along here in the report of do and also I remember there's a little girl right next to him just round he had all this hair and beautiful girl y'all letting all my little kids are ugly when I'm really born at first but if the girl was pretty and I'm looking at Kristen looking at her and uncle Walla my slide her over little and stuff because everybody going to come to that window and go wow that's a beautiful little girl and then look at Christian walking oh whoa x-file like 80th that's tough but then you're being from the country my mom said her so you can like round the head out by polishing I'll use a polishes here like rollers here all day on y'all know that but I'll round on his head every day mmm and it here got round and look like my side of the family but it's also made him smart a little dude is really smart like he speaks four different languages at 19 sweet Chinese French Spanish and English any right said he's a junior in college for their freshmen but I guess streetwise dumb as a brick but I kiss him all the time he don't hate you don't like it he's night - 'i try to run I catch homeboy I might try kids ran away if you got a kid hug you keep if y'all have any question you want to ask me and remember this and I told you early on I was dieting knows that having D ID those are different personalities so I may say something you don't like then come for me okay for someone else so he lineaments so I want to throw that out there first so I asked politics religion anything you have any question one asked me yes ma'am oh no I I do she asked do I continued my therapy and there's one thing I always tell people no matter what always continued therapy because I'm never going to lead the ideas never gonna leave me it always gonna be with me and I talked to I have two doctors dr. Gerry and also dr. Fred Lee out of California and because you know I have over 800 employees and let me tell you when you work with people they would drive you crazy let me tell you there's some time I want to choke them but I don't but I have somebody that really wanna choke I like I have work with relatives and your relatives will drive you crazy I'm getting it off my back and they feel better but I do I do talk to outpatient and I tell people all the time you got to talk to outpatient because life the life is tough like you have a lot of ups and downs in it and I have to know it is coaching no you're welcome you know I got into MMA it was funny because when I got out when I left the hospital it was may have a couple of years later when I first got into MMA my doctors called me there was so worried about because you know a lot of my athletic things came from the anger that I had and maybe was so but I got into MMA and first thing they said is are you okay they thought that because I was doing MMA that something was wrong when I said no no I just want to do this I said it had nothing to do with anything that's going on so they and they check on me they check on man and you know one of the things and I and I'm gonna say this to people that going through therapy or in the morning that's going to go to therapy you gotta talk you know you go to therapy and you just sitting in a class just be a participant there don't say anything not gonna help you you have to talk you got to let it out because one of the best thing that happened to me and I thank you guys is talking I understand what's happening in my life there and unless you communicate you're not gonna get any better and you know this was weird you got me two guys in NFL and in track and field or an athletic war that I've saved their marriages that girlfriends their financial picture how many guys I've helped out when I admitted I had a problem they left me they were going like a vampire that was scared to death horse got mental problem they took off but today all them come back I have I got probably twice a minute now has come back and they want to know how they can get some help they want to find out how they can do it didn't want to do it on the download they don't know how to know about it and I said unless you're gonna admit it guys you're not gonna get in to help you feel better you can't come to me for a pill they're not appeal that's gonna do it and you know and I even have some people I'm not gonna name because he's still playing today and I'm not gonna call him out but there's a player playing today who does a lot for mental health but he made a statement that he is partial bipolar he is partial ur by polar guys I have my doctorate even though it's honorary but there's no such thing as partial bipolar but he said that because he no one say something bad about being bipolar but he so he's like this and I said God once you decide what you are is gonna be better but it can't be parsha by can't be partial I never heard of that before and unless that's a new medical turn three more question then I could sign or whatever yes ma'am Irving Texas I live in I live in our West lady I live in Wesley where you had in Irving Texas yeah I used to live in our Cottonwood Valley right across from the fourth season where they used to do to Byron Nelson I used to live right there and I moved out to Wesley now I got snakes and sconce and armadillo everything in the world out there now but I used to love our cotton with violet that's where I live that yes so I'm back in Texas I'm there oh no I'm gonna text it Washington DC I did working with the press the president is cool y'all know I'm not getting into policy President Trump is very cool I tell him he don't play basketball but he's cool right no more question yes sir oh yes my bad my mom does my mom won't move out of right field there's nothing nothing in the right field there's a Dairy Queen and Piggly Wiggly and I'm trying it but it's the neatest town I'm serious you got one year to little move there that years forever I'm not same old people are so nice like like if some other steal something from you you know who got it that Joe Bob got it you know who sold it so late and your phone don't work this is on the true gods I was in the desert and I right I was in the desert in Iraq I picked my song for the cell phone up I called my mom on the cell phone I'm at my mom's house and write for Georgia or walking around the house like this trying to get a signal in the house it don't work and not that but it's it Nita's little town I mean it is such a night nothing happened it's a slower pace people say I watch soap operas I was at my mom people sitting and watching our Young and the Restless is still on yeah it's still on Jake Jake from young and arrested is still on the show this man is older than he's like got me 90 heavy steel well y'all don't care about J I only know who daddy okay another question I'm sorry yes sir Oh how do you know about that oh I know you know what what happened they say I was out jogging I wasn't I I was driving up and that was a car that had turned over and it was spinning and it stopped spinning and started smoking and these guys were up trying to open the door and stuff they couldn't get it open so I jumped out of my car and you know I did I did rip the door and that was an older woman and then I helped out but I was late so I had to leave so I got in my car and I left and I didn't meet the lady until like a year later and we were in the Golden Corral and that's what sitting governor in Georgia go look around that's the best place to go hey I'm gonna tell y'all the secret and don't y'all get mad at me the Golden Corral you ought to have your wedding reception it to go to career cause think about this now you can get a plate for nine dollars you can invite 300 people nine times 300 is not that much you don't have to pay that much money and you get a chocolate fountain y'all I don't we forget to go to Corral anyway no no I met her I met the young lady at the Golden Corral and stuff and I you know it my thing is God this is the best country in the world because our United States military let's be on it our United States military is reasonably out the best country world we got some of the best people there been times of horror we come together and you know I'm gonna try to help whoever I can help you know that I believe that my mom and my dad taught me to do that and stuff and I love people you know I you know and I you know I say I got a chance to vote guys if I don't like you I didn't vote you out yeah I started my and I started my company this is the other truth I started my company I have over 800 employees and my mom said Hershel God has blessed you through athletics I started my company not them and not then Amma needed not to meet money I figured if the company pay for itself I don't money in it I don't care what I do they can pay all the stuff but I have three companies now and stuff you know and they pay for themselves they do very very well and and I just think helping people is the best thing you can do God and put us here just for ourselves that's what's so funny do you think God put you here just for you to be cool no you can put you here to help other people and I think that's what my thing is is that's what I want to do it but you got to be honest let's be honest with each other you know a better Liars word you'll be honest guys I'm not perfect I'm dead what I'm not perfect I get mad all the time you saying do I go through there I need therapy I get mad all the time guys I'm serious I'm like jeez I mean I'm watching TV watching fake news and good news or all news anyway the next question I can't get into politics all right I tell another funny content his other funny story well I've been working with the president right you know in my home town there's nothing there that's McDonald's and Dairy Queen two years ago a year ago I was going through the Dairy Queen line like my family will like we stay together all the time my mom is on 500 acres we'd go like that gonna be somebody going out a loaf of bread picking a wig that can be eight cars going at one loaf of bread we stay together we do everything together I was going through my Dairy Queen do the drive-thru buy $300 worth of stuff they didn't do the drive-thru I get to the window they got a score of 108 plus a fool school I'm in the food business I've never seen a fast-food place ever score of eight plus 100 on the thing so I took a picture of it and I tweeted it out where all of a sudden the Dairy Queen company starts sending me coupon I all that sighted but I get a call from the ethics lawyers in Washington and whenever is mr. Walker and mean I'm in trouble for something mr. Walker you can't accept those coupon I said why say you work for the White House you can't take gifts as I don't eat me we don't care about that I said can I give 'we know you have the return and i said all i wanted to deal it for I don't want nothing there either return my coupon I got that off my back I feel better see that's the reason I need therapy stuff like stuff that drive me crazy stuff that's so simple that she'll be so easy you ask people why I heard general swarf calls say something one time and the guys remember this do what's right do what's right you know what's right you know when you're about to do something wrong you know it's wrong dude was right last question again I can sign you can make it a difficult one and you know I dance and a lot of people know you I danced for 10 years you know and and I'm a cook this was a fun I'm a cooking I mean I'm an executive chef and stuff the I cook and I have a food coming so I do a lot of crazy things yes sir Sara's just wondering if the mental fortitude that made you an elite athlete did you ever see that as potentially a source of conflict in that it made you push through some things you shouldn't have been pushing through both physically and/or mentally and I say this because you know we're in a business where we get hurt a little bit our bodies take a lot of abuse too and a few things and and it takes us a long time to kind of figure out sometimes hey there's some things maybe I should be going through a pushing through maybe some things I might need to take a knee and listen so I'm just wondering how you at the levels that you've been achieving what your thoughts were on that sir it's funny because I'm it comes out I'm a person I love I love to win I love weird so I tell people you trained to win so whenever I'm training our training winners or whatever I have to do to win because guys I do today I'm not doing a minute push-ups and I'll do 1,500 push-ups a day thirty five hundred sit-ups 500 dips and I if I'm here I may ride a stationary bike 50 miles if I'm at home and they do 100 miles on my road bike and people asked I'm not trying to impress anyone and I push myself and I work out every day of my life I worked out every day of my life since I was 12 years old and people ask me why cause we'll just give you by the wrist nice no no I can't because I have to sacrifice the reason why it's some key and to flow Mississippi been googling reading about Herschel Walker so his goal is to meet up with me and I gotta let him know when he show up I'll be your huckleberry because I said that it has I have to be ready and it may be my mental attitude that I have but I said I have to be ready Guga this Scott somebody just Google Herschel Walker push-up challenge against some golfer Scott somebody just Google person Walker push that thing get professional golfer Scott somewhere I did and then I get to something I did a god I hate golf I'm not a great golfer guys I'm terrible at golf I shoot in the upper 80s low 90s I'm not a great golfer but I have to play these charity tournaments for charity but and so I have embarrassed myself because you have good golfers and you have people that just out there I hate walking all day I got other things I could be doing it's hot you can't have a car it so you got there for five hours in the golf ball that I don't want to be out there so also and I want five hours like that on the golf course are four and a half whatever it was also and I get through the golf course not in the PGA Channel want to interview me now I got to take more time to do the PGA Channel which I like golfers they're nice they do well but that's not for me so I do the interview as soon as I finish the interview these are horse show we got the best condition golfer here Scott whoever his name want to challenge you to a push-up contest well first of all one thing you do first of all it's and won't five hours and you've just been bothering me there's TV thing now you want to put your golfer up against me like you're gonna Google this and you're gonna be on YouTube and you gonna try to embarrass Herschel Walker I know you won't that's where he's not trained like that it's a letter no when you show up I'm gonna be your huckleberry goober that you see and that's what I said is you have to train but your mental attitude sometimes save your life come on tell you a story my I have a nephew Sean Walker who was in the army Sean was an incredible athlete incredible athlete he's an army Sean had four Ben Ben downrange four times where a second time over to Kent County ha Kandahar I wouldn't happen to be over there doing some work over there and stuff and days the horse with your nephew here Sean is here he's on he's on guard duty as a Sean is here I seem to do that a long time I remember changing his diapers he was a bad little kid I wish he got us Lincoln never got to spank his spoiled brat but now you become a man because he's in the army and stuff and I go out to see Sean and I'm walking out that to him oh so happy to see my nephew go he's the oldest one as I'm walking up to him he stepped back and he didn't recognize me and he took his hand out to shake my hand I went to give him a hug he didn't recognize me for a while and then he got me and he gave me a hug but I remember talking to my mom about it that I saw a grandson and she said how's he doing I was he's doing great but I didn't see that one my mom even know what I was talking about because a guy saw there's a bad dude man he's coming back but your grandson wouldn't come back he's a spoiled terrible Brad to be honest with he's awful he's awful little kid but I saw a man over there and I said sometimes that men are attitude save your life and I told people you are I always did we were talking earlier I said if I ever see Anthony Logan that beat me up I'm probably going to thinking I'm first going to think I'm gonna think is a thank you for making me wake up even though BT milk may have put me in the hospital may have put me in a hospital but my life is not that bad cuz I got people that helped me to understand it because let me tell you all another secret and don't y'all get mad at me but I do have my doctorate we all are mentally crazy some people more severe than others so we all have these challenges and it's okay to admit that we have problems that's the reason we have Jesus Christ that we can pray through that help us out that's the reason we have doctors that we can go to that can help us an understanding and I just thank you guys one last you know y'all have kids everybody have kids I hope you have kids that they love to watch all these shows and you have to sit down watch them with them and stuff and sooner or later you you like to show they don't like it no more and now you have to watch them by yourself and you feel like a dirty old man like I had to rent the neighbors Kia to go see Jungle Book like out a year ago called my son and want to go with me to see Jungle Book I don't look like a weird guy it's there to watch The Jungle Book but y'all never seen like was it called the cow at say the barn barnyard like barnyard don't be a barnyard and barnyard about this cow that protected barnyard against all the enemies and stuff and remember in the very first one which is and I'm now gonna get it to all that but in a very first remember that dad had told his son there gonna be some problems tonight on the need your help and the son runs away with his friends at play and stuff and and he did get back to help dad but his dad particular the barnyard he told his son something that's so powerful he said son a big man stands up for himself but a bigger man stands up for others and I said guys is that not who you guys are it's so big because you're standing up for the greatest country in the world so god bless you thank you and I can sign and what I have to do but they don't clout sometime I'd say don't clap because you guys are the heroes this is just her I'm just her own that's all I ever be I'm never done and sacrifice what you guys had to sacrifice and I happen to be at the Georgia game this past weekend and I had a couple of young men and out there who were doing some things and I said guys y'all are excited but that segment should be for you guys it just got back from deployment and as I was driving down to see my mom I met a young man that just got back from deployment and what was while he was going to see his little girl for the first time in his life is that a girl or two and he were gonna see it for the first time in his life and I said that not special right there that's why I tell people as a man that is that's what you call sacrificing you're not not no athlete that is all get angry that don't want to where I held me that somebody else is wearing that I think and that's not a joke you can't we can't be a part of the team they're not a joke that's why I said we met my who you guys are that's why it ain't no shame to ask for him that's why you can get the hell hey god bless you let me today--my quick about getting into all my other stuff hey god bless you thank you sir thank you thank you you
Channel: JBLMEMC
Views: 22,194
Rating: 4.8414097 out of 5
Id: LaxKXAJ0Ce4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 47sec (4667 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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