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this is a mod Rashad back at the superstars competition now some people have the right idea maybe they should put windsurfing in as one of the events anyhow back to the track the runners are getting ready for the 100-yard dash and the favorite has to be this man Ron Brown Ron is an Olympic gold medalist he's also a wide receiver in a kick returner for the Los Angeles Rams he gives him that key ingredient that all NFL teams need raw speed his speed puts fear into every defensive team in the National Football League and his speed was also proven recently as he won the NFL's fastest man competition Ron Brown has made a successful transition from sprinter to football player and the upcoming Olympics in Seoul are still in his plans it's gonna be good I've been Johnson would be tough to beat Carl Lewis would be another I think they'll be tough to beat and then there'll be somebody else coming out of Woodworks that'll be shocking to jet and filled world and maybe there may have a chance to get back it are you training for it now yeah I'm in training now you're training for the Olympics the Rams are trying to go to the Super Bowl how do they feel about it I'm not sure exactly how they would do it and depending on how things go make my decision whether or not I'm going so Ron Brown could be a force in the upcoming Seoul Olympics that will be seen right here on NBC but right now it's the hundred-yard - done yes it is about the ninth event coming up in lane one the once in future Olympian perhaps Ron Brown Lane - Cornelius Bennett Lane three a man who distinguished himself a short time ago on the half mile run this is a specialty sprinter Herschel Walker of the Cowboys and in lane for another fast NFL or Gary Anderson a lot of pressure here on Ron Brown being the NFL's fastest man I'm sure Herschel Walker will have something to say about it the guy's gonna give him the pressures Cornelius Bennett linebacker he just got in there because there's only four guys in the under I'll tell you one thing this linebacker can move it out there flies we'll see he'll have to be careful about the math two burners here in this race I don't care how fast he is he's not in this class looks like he's gonna take it to the tape first personal Walker coming out hard but it's Ron Brown Herschel Walker Gary Andersen and Cornelius Bennett's the start is key in a race of this nature Ron Browns a master of the fast start shows Herschel Walker and Gary Anderson knows how to time that gun he's a very good starter former high school spinner Anderson actually gets away first here in the nearest lane well Cornelius Bennett was in the race for about three steps and then all of a sudden the world-class speed started show up these are legitimate sprinters here talking about Herschel Walker and Ron Brandt Ronnie congratulations what about the win the win is tough it's a head win and it's hard to get through it till you start running changing your form I just thank God I was able to get through it let me just say about the head with nine seven seven oh wow it's not bad for here my little sister she encouraged when he goes you came here to compete compete just to get this did you hear Herschel no I'm just could you hear him coming down the track oh yeah I could see I could see him he's a he's a great competitor he's done a lot you know it's amazing he can do everything he'd done today and then steal run in the country he's strong relations anything he's got to get in shape he's in pretty good shape he wins the hunter does Ron Brown followed by Walker Anderson and Benetton one event to go Herschel Walker's back into Lee with 44 points followed by Nehemiah Craig Foster Noonan tied at 20 up next the toughest of all the obstacle course welcome back to the superstars this is Don crickey is now he come to the final test and the most difficult the obstacle course the test of speed strength agility and jumping ability the five finishers who finished highest overall will advance to the superstars finals and right now coming to this event the top five our Herschel Walker number one with 44 points Reynaldo Nehemiah a second with 37 points Roger Craig has 35 two athletes are tied with 20 Greg Foster and Danny Noonan first thing you look at is a 12-foot wall you get over the wall you drop 12 feet they go through the tunnel hit the blocking sled go through the tires and then the easy part of the race continues that's right you jump over the water jump you leap over the high jump bar you negotiate the last two hurdles and you're done it's very easy well maybe not that easy [Laughter] running in the first team and currently in third place there's Roger Craig running in Lane 2 currently in second place a four-time superstars champion Reynaldo Nehemiah who is excellent in this event this is something that you can't really practice there's not many athletes here that have a obstacle course in their backyard or dwunt one oh Ronaldo had a problem on the wall as Roger is over first and Roger Craig with a substantial lead over one of the best stops - sports runners in the history of the superstars look like Ronaldo just didn't have any strength in his legs to jump up on the wall well I'm taking a look at Roger Craig and he has strengthen his legs pumping through those tires and then over Ronaldo just got a five-second penalty knocking down the high bar so Roger Craig comes in with a good time of 25 point 2 4 and with a five-second assessment against Ronaldo nehemiah's you see the penalty there there's another shot of him not going over that over the high jump bar I think his legs were little did though he came in at 30 1.11 not a happy development for a four-time champion now he come to the next team the current leader Herschel Walker is ready to take down the wall and the course and running in lane two and it will Philadelphia Philly just in from the Baltimore Orioles outfielder Mike young Herschel Walker really controls this course he is so good in the obstacle course and I think it's best part of it is getting over the wall we'll see Mike young doing all right that's his best part he's in deep trouble right now I tell her she'll put a hurt down that sled though he did Mike young just got a five-second penalty look at Herschel Walker streak to the line a perfect run without Tenley foot points what did I say is best part of the races at the end oh sure you look like you had a little bit of problem with the wall Mike beat you over the wall but then you made up for it once you started running yeah I wanted to be safe you know what happened is uh Ronaldo slipped on the wall and I didn't want to do that so I sort of try to play it safe a little bit nice to save no penalties in a nice easy run congratulations well thank you very nicely done by Herschel Walker as he's looking to defend successfully the superstars title it he won a year ago now running in the next tee currently in a tie for fifth Greg foster running against him in Lane two will be the LA Rams receiver and kick returner Ron Brown foster a very experienced obstacle course man hitting that wall and getting up and over is a key to having a good time and foster does it very nicely Ron Brown spent a little time on the top of the wall you can always tell these track athletes they have a little trouble hitting that sled it's so important to get through the course without making the penalty mistake five seconds is a lot of time and that just costs Ron Brown in red five seconds and Greg foster Sprint's home very nicely over the hurdles with the time of twenty seven point own I'm Ron Brown disappointed in his time of thirty two point five five but Foster's time means that Herschel Walker can do no worse than forth in the obstacle course that's going to be good enough to give him the overall victory one heat to go here's Cornelius Bennett ready to run the obstacle course for the first time and in Lane two Gary Anderson see this is what corners has to get over the wall he said oh look at the strength in his arms Ahmad Gary Anderson with a good lead very agile going through the tires and now up over the high bar first the water jump no penalty points that's what catches most of them for five seconds if got Cornelius Bennett you know look at the strength in his arms now Paul 38 seconds with the strength Gary Anderson did well though his time of 24 point seven eight is good for first place in the obstacle course and here then is the final order Anderson number one Greg to Walker three foster and Nehemiah in the obstacle course run and then the final overall standings miss preliminary round Hershel Walker with 48 points leads the way on to the finals like craig nehemiah Anderson and Buster and Herschel Walker has caught his breath aney standing by with Paul McGuire now fire show congratulation winning the preliminaries well thank you I tell you it was tough there was a lot of competition you know the guys really went out and compete it very well and tell you what it's gonna be tough in the finals because there's gonna be 10 guys there and I take all 10 has got a very good opportunity of winning it all one guy that you think that's really gonna be tough well it'll be hard to pick out one guy I can pick out you know maybe two guys that I think is gonna make it very tough that'll be Ronaldo you know he's a defending champion he's wanted every year that he's competed in this and Greg Foster had a very good shot and I think you have to give Tim Brown you know Tim Brown came in here this is his first time in this event he'd never done this before and he went out and he fared very well and he showed everyone he can compete with the best of them Herschel is there a difference mentally between the preliminaries getting ready for preliminaries and getting ready for the finals yes that's gonna be a different because right now you're gonna have the ten best you know before you may have had some guys that was really not sure themselves during the preliminary right now you got the 10 best so it's gonna make it tough and you know you've got to be ready you know you can't come in here with second-guessing yourself one final thing I talked to Reggie wait Reggie said in his Muhammad Ali voice he's gonna win the finals I'll tell what the Reggie has shown people I think today and I think he's showing people all over that he is one fine athlete you know you've seen a lot of big guys come up and shy away from this wall Reggie went over this wall and I think he's showing people he's one of the best athletes in NFL call he's only 295 it's easy for that's true and it's literally easy for him I think so yeah I don't think you have to go to the wall you hit it and make it come down a little bit thank you good luck man we'll be back with more of the superstars after this [Music] this is Dawne crickey back at Miami Beach where we have now decided the 10 athletes who will compete next Sunday for the title of superstar 1988 Tim Brown the Heisman Trophy winner from Notre Dame competing for the first time makes it to the finals of the superstars and so does the man who caught two touchdown passes for the Redskins last January Rickey Sanders in that Super Bowl win Danny Harris a former Olympic silver medalist makes it to the final round and so does Jim Kelly the Buffalo quarterback get there for the first time Reggie White who set a record in weightlifting advances the big Philadelphia Eagle in the finals as is the defending superstars champion Herschel Walker of the Cowboys a perennial superstar standout Roger Craig is in the finals again and so is four-time champion Ronaldo Nehemiah Gary Anderson to the San Diego Chargers is again advanced to the superstars finals along with the great hurdler Greg foster who's in the finals again Ken standout athletes ready to compete next Sunday here on NBC Sports world for the title superstar 1988 and again I'm at it looks like Herschel might be the man to beat as he was last year you know down we've watched Herschel for the last couple of years and he never ceases amazing he's so smooth and so graceful and I tell you one thing as far as pride goes he wants to repeat his superstars champion Paul you know you and I talked about before this thing started you wanted to see the matchup between Ronaldo Nehemiah and Herschel Walker I talked to Ronaldo after the fifth event bowling he said everybody's picking Herschel Walker defending champion he's I won this thing four times look straight at the camera said I'm gonna win it for the fifth time I remember John Elway doing that before the Super Bowl well next Sunday we're gonna find out now for Ahmad Rashad Paul McGuire and Bob Golic this is Don crickey tune in next Sunday on NBC sports world for the files of the superstars 1988 now let's go to Gale Gardner at our studio in New York [Music]
Channel: rrober
Views: 222,017
Rating: 4.8068967 out of 5
Keywords: Superstars
Id: lwWe8X9R8FQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Tue May 17 2011
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