Herschel Walker Lies About FBI Training AGAIN

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i worked for the poor law enforcement i didn't know that either did you i spent time at quantico at the fbi training schools you all didn't know i was agent i survived to tell y'all that y'all don't care all right so that's herschel walker again he's george's gop senate candidate and he's been caught lying about being a part of law enforcement more than once this is from a resurface video from september 2019 addressing soldiers at joint base lewis mcchord in tacoma and it gets worse walker then proceeded to talk about a time where he almost killed somebody with his gun and then changed his mind at the last moment because he noticed a bumper sticker let's watch that so i grabbed my gun i said i will kill him herschel walker won the heist control i'm going to kill him i got in david one of my many i took off from 183 and i can still remember the divorce rehearsing people and disrespecting you all the time people are always doing stuff to you you've never done nothing to nobody and all of a sudden this other voice rehearse your parents and raise your stick no they didn't yesterday i thought i was losing my mind as i got closer and closer to where i was going to meeting this guy i started to pray i said lord uh i need some help right now i said i need you to help me i said i'm about to do something stupid right now i need you to help me right now i remember getting to this where i was gonna meet him man i got out of my car and i put my hand on my gun and it's all walking to this truck before i could see the guy i saw the sign on the back of his truck that said hunk if you love jesus and that's what calmed me down so throughout this campaign herschel walker has mentioned having a varied past in law enforcement we've got an example of another story the atlantic journal constitution reported that walker has used his alleged law enforcement ties to justify why he has a gun including a 2001 incident when he pursued a man who was late delivering a car i worked in law enforcement so i had a gun i put this gun in my holster and i said i'm going to kill this dude he said this at a 2013 suicide prevention event for the united states army and all of these claims that he's making about being in law enforcement are false we have someone from his campaign who clarified to the acj they reported walker is not an agent that would require a minimum of a bachelor's degree and walker left uga before earning his degree asked to clarify walker the walker campaign provided the associated press with stories from 1989 as walker was retiring from pro football where he said that he spent a week at fbi school in quantico virginia they had an obstacle course where you shoot at targets and you protect your partner as you advance up the course he told the associated press i had fun there were about 200 recruits there and so unfortunately herschel walker uh i think is suffering from what a lot of former football players suffer from which is you know honestly brain damage he was a running back i'm sure he hit his head a lot but to recall your own history and your career and say that that you've had jobs in law enforcement when really you just kind of took a field trip to quantico one time that's pretty concerning the fact that this guy is a viable candidate we've talked about him on the show time and again it's it's insane and to tell the voters in in georgia that he has a history in law enforcement is lying about having a background in public service that he does not jank what are your thoughts i don't think this story is about herschel walker i think there's stories about republican voters and the kind of brain damage they have um because there's 330 million people in the country they don't have to follow very literal lunatics like crazy people who are hearing voices in their heads that's that's not my that's the story you just heard rachel walker say out of his own mouth he says and he said that story a couple of times i don't know if he's planning on murdering several different people or he keeps referring to that same uh story but oh there's a voice in my head that says go kill that guy but then i talk to that invisible voice and i say hey voice give me a reason not to murder this guy i'm so far out from voting for this guy but even if he was for medicare for all and green new deal and 15 25 minimum wage i don't care if a progressive starts saying so i was thinking of murdering this guy because i was talking to voices in my head but then i saw a bumper sticker and that mentioned the lord and so then i decided the last second not to murder him i'd be like can we find someone else that's for medicare for all like why do we have to put this actual madman into office right and then you layer in the lies oh yeah you know i'm kind of an fbi agent no but there is no such thing as kind of an fbi agent like i've all i've gone to the fbi headquarters i worked at the justice department um as an intern as as a prosecutor for the southern district attorney's office that doesn't make me the fbi director like and but republicans see this guy who is just totally nuts just out of his mind bonkers and they're like that's my guy he won with like 76 of the vote in the primary and it's not like he didn't know he was a lunatic back then there was a thousand it does look forget the stories you know they don't believe in mainstream media and mainstream media has a thousand problems okay i got you okay just listen to him he'll tell you he's crazy right and they're like but tip for republican voters that's not the bug that's the feature they're like show me a lunatic liar and i'll show you a guy that i love and will put into power of course the top lunatic liar is donald trump their hero of heroes yeah that's absolutely right that the only reason we're even talking about herschel walker right now is because republican voters voted for him in the primary and if it weren't for that you know this would be a non-story we wouldn't be talking about herschel walker so frequently but we have no choice to because maybe someone who has planned to cast their ballot or someone who has a family member who plans to cast their ballot for herschel walker will see this and realize that this candidate that some people favor maybe they don't even see these stories maybe they don't even see the sign of him maybe they see it and they really like it we really don't know and i sound like a broken record i talk about this all the time but i really think it's a crisis of public education the best thing for democracy is good public education where we teach critical thinking where people can watch herschel walker give these speeches make sense of them and realize that this is not someone who will represent their interests in government or someone who's fit for public office any last thoughts on this drink yeah um so by the way why is it the feature what a weird thing to say like i want someone crazy i want someone who hears voices in their heads and i someone who's thinking about murdering people but changes his mind based on a bumper sticker someone who's a pathological liar there's a reason for it because they don't want to know the truth the truth is uncomfortable and so if somebody tells them oh by the way black folks and white folks are equal and should have equal rights they're like i don't like that i don't want gay people and straight people are equal and they should have equal rights to get to marriage for example i don't like that men and women are equal and they if men have freedom women should have freedom over their own bodies and i don't like that so i don't like the truth the uh the constitution says there should be a separation of church and state that we shall not establish a religion like i don't like that i don't like that i just want somebody to lie to me uh if the second amendment says you have to be part of a well-regulated militia in order to have a weapon they're like oh i don't like that at all oh i got it all okay and so i i want pretty little lies that's why they elect liars and in specific for uh black conservatives they want them to not only attack other black people which hershel walker does in spades ben carson every black conservative is known for attacking other black people that's their calling card that's why they get elected by republicans right to be a mouthpiece for white racists so that's why when herschel walker tells a story of him being a homicidal lunatic the republican voter likes that goes ah you see that that confirms black people are crazy but he was got reformed by jesus that's a story that republicans eat up for lunch breakfast oh yeah oh my black survival oh jesus save them that's why they vote for lunatics like hershel walker it's not an accident they mean to do it yeah i just one more thing on this story the fact that he says the reason he had a gun it's because he was in law enforcement in many states if you're in law enforcement that's a reason right you you qualify you don't have to apply you know for special permits in order to conceal carry or open carry a weapon but he was never in law enforcement so did he you know possess these firearms illegally is that how he got these guns because if he's citing the reason was that he was in law enforcement and he never was sounds like he had illegal guns and conservatives are talking like crazy right now that they support you know legal purchases of firearms and the only people who get firearms who do bad things are people who get them illegally etc i don't know even their candidates are getting firearms illegally it seems if that's his reason for getting one and he was never in law enforcement i'm not sure sounds like he got it illegally thanks for watching the young turks really appreciate it another way to show support is through youtube memberships you'll get to interact with us more there's live chat emojis badges you've got emojis of me anna john jr so those are super 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Channel: The Young Turks
Views: 112,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 220719__TB02Walker, News, Politics, TYT, The Young Turks, Cenk Uygur, Progressive, TYT Network, Ana Kasparian, political establishment, John Iadarola, Breaking News, 2020, Election 2020, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, 2020 Election Results, Biden, Trump, Georgia, Senate, Lies, Candidate, Law Enforcement, Law, September, Soldiers, FBI, Walker, Herschel Walker, Invasion
Id: LMmOrpdvHoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 19 2022
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