This Mod Is UNBEATABLE! (Random Projectile Paths in BTD 6)

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normally guys i have some like witty comment or something to say about what today's mods gonna be like but genuinely i have no way to explain to you guys what this mod is about let me just show you yeah so basically as you guys can see whenever uh something happens the dart just will go in just like a random direction there's no and it will fly around just like randomly and that's so so let's go ahead and if we get like look at this look at the spike it just goes randomly what the heck are you even supposed to do about this here let's give it more range look at that it just like go look at how far it goes look it just like goes everywhere and what makes it even funnier is speed changes the direction of where it goes so the faster the game goes the more random and like crazy the projectiles are going to be i mean look at this it's going everywhere so obviously we now need to get ourselves we need a dartling gunner oh my gosh look at the dartland gunner look at the darts guys what's even happening this is going to make the game so much more difficult to play holy cow does this makes everything i don't know if it makes things better or worse i'm assuming some things are going to be better and some things are just going to be worse like what's going to happen like attack shooter like if we put attack shooter like i guess we'll put one oh this is actually a good spot for attack or we could put one right here and get extra range that would be really nice if we had extra range on these tags yeah let's do that and then we can do long range super range and then is that gonna wait wait what even happens wait look at the darts look do these darts do anything i'm so confused now they just spin around in circles what do i want to get a blade shooter i feel like getting a blade shooter would be pretty funny but i kind of want to just get like attack sprayer and just see what happens right let's sell this guy because he's very confusing look at the darts they just spin up that's so cool that looks so neat holy cow they're all like in uniform too like look at that whoosh whoosh wait how in the world are the balloons supposed to go through here if there's a bunch of eggs blocking the blocking the track how's that even work guys are they are they cheating are these hacks we need things that have like a lot of projectiles oh my gosh what is even going to be like a submarine how does a submarine work guys i also want to put down let's put a pontoon can i put a pontoon now i i really want to get one of uh i want to get the middle path i want to get like a not a spike factory the um blade shooter blade maelstrom is what it's called i lost my train i thought there for a second blade maelstrom is the what i want to get because that looks so cool and it ha so it works for abilities too right i want to see what super monkeys look like there's just like a lot of things that i really really want to see what the heck are planes going to look like planes are going to be crazy right they have to be there's no way that planes aren't just absolutely insane we're about to find out i love how strange they're like the projectiles are all over the place they're so wacky because like most of the time i think things that that are supposed to be chaotic like helps out a lot because it just gives them a little bit here we're gonna put here's our plane so wait oh what the heck what the heck is this and then if you play in faster speed it looks like it kind of like spreads out more but what even okay so we need we definitely want like sharper sharper darts let's also do i do i want wing monkey or figure eight figure eights looks pretty i like figure eight figure eight seems like a good spot why can we oh oh oh oh oh all right does juggernaut pop em yeah juggernaut pops em now that we have jo oh my gosh the jerker knots go so far and like they're so random and sporadic holy cow what are we even supposed to do against it what do how are we supposed to beat like moabs and stuff this makes it so challenging these guys have had way too much banana juice now i'm going to not allow myself to use anything that this isn't affected by so like obviously like no sniper no mortar monkey i really want to see what like a super monkey is going to look like right how many pops this has only two thousand pops that is 1300 pops oh this is actually doing good work then wait this this guy is actually done quite a bit i want to get overdrive i really want to get the tax zone okay so we can put a super i can't push i can't put a super monkey anywhere here there's no way all right i'm putting down i'm putting this down right here and i'm popping a super monkey down right here no one can stop me wait i want to see this guy like fire i wanna let's see does it work all right let's get laser blast oh my gosh the super monkey just goes crazy we definitely need super range too because super range is really funny oh my gosh look at that it just it's just so like it like goes back and forth it goes like left and right then left then right let's go robo monkey oh my gosh now that he shoots in different directions it's even more crazy to like watch him look at this in just in slow motion that's so good we can go ahead and get plasma blast oh that is so satisfying that looks so good guys i feel like i really need to get this ability the middle path ability blade maelstrom i really want to see just like blade maelstrom in action like ready oh that looks so cool we definitely don't have enough though we need super mouse from super blade the difference between blade maelstrom and super maelstrom is like you actually just can't compare the two of them it also changes based on the speed so i'm pretty sure like if you're not playing a triple speed it's i think it's much more like less long range right so like look yeah look it's much more compact the balloons are not gonna get by that guys i'm just saying right now oh we have it guys we have the super maelstrom it's gonna be so good oh my gosh look at that that looks so neat like what happens if we just do slow speed holy cow that is so satisfying guys that looks so cool i want operation dart storm i definitely we have to try the dartling gunner wait wait time the heck out what happens if we get rid of this guy and we get this guy to buckshot are buckshots random i can't see wait i don't think buckshots are random sad guys that's okay that's okay here we can put is this guy in range oh my gosh he's in range of the village here okay let's do let's do hydro rocket wait time out if we sell this guy so look at all look at all look at how random these are but what about rocket storm oh my gosh rocket storm also is like random and just like flows all over the place that is so neat oh we have max money now okay okay guys ready sky shredder that is guys that's the sky shredder random what happens if we do that it looks pretty normal actually like it looks a little bit crazy but that's like super bonkers we definitely i need to try the summon phoenix you know someone phoenix is gonna look really really cool here we can sell this i'm trying to like sell things so the screen doesn't become as like cluttered you know all right let's see oh my gosh it literally just puts like fire everywhere it's so sporadic it's definitely not good but it is hilarious to see like just the phoenix everywhere like look at all that here let's get rid of this pontoon boat and now it's time for faster shooting destroyer grape shot hot shot now we can just use this ability and it just melts everything no shot everything doesn't stand a chance that's amazing yeah we can just use this maelstrom ability this makes this tower the strongest tower in the entire game i don't know how well a submarine is gonna work longer range advanced intel yeah it's just like super random and sporadic let's see what other towers are there guys oh ninja monkey obviously ninja monkey let's see i it's kind of hard to see with that but i think yeah that seems just still pretty normal nothing like two bonkers you know does bomb shooter even matter if we get a bomb shooter oh look he tries to shoot here and then the bomb like curves around so it's like completely random like he goes all right we're gonna shoot and then just like whoa wait what happens with the fireball will it be like oh look look that's the fireball look it has no idea where to go normally it homes in wait does it just create a bunch of them oh my gosh it literally just creates a bunch of them and they just roam around the map endlessly and you do not want to run into those so if you run into it it's just oh my gosh it just creates so many of them wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i have a new i have a new i have a new a new thing that i need we're gonna put we need the wizard lord phoenix and now and now guys once we turn into this guy watch how crazy this is gonna be here we go look he's just gonna create no oh there we go there we go look at all these fireballs he's gonna just create like these waves of fireballs that just like sit there oh no but they just go away after a while so it's definitely not as good we haven't tried the helicopter here we can go and get like apache prime look at the missiles whoa like all the darts this is still just cracking me up guys that is so funny let's do i still think let's do what if we got sun avatar super range epic range that is so cool how it just like goes all over the place guys modding is so cool i am i always love just watching and seeing the creativity of modders and seeing what people can do with mods it's so fun to play and just enjoy and just be like a part of you know wait how does aircraft carriers work oh my gosh aircraft carrier all of their bullets are also randomized yes i love the chaos more chaos i want to be around 80 using just the super maelstrom like i want to see how powerful it is so we're just gonna sit here and wait for this guy to kind of just like mow all the balloons down it doesn't seem to be as it's definitely more random and like fast on fast speed is definitely a little bit less random i it's so weird how speed like affects the game because normally you don't it's just like speeding the game up but it does affect it all right round 80 we have to sell this guy we got to sell this guy okay all we have is the super maelstrom guys here we can collect this and so now i want to wait for the it to get like right here so it's got to go all the way around and when it does then i'll slow the game down and push the button and then we're going to see what happens guys if you've enjoyed up until now hit that like button subscribe turn on notifications thanks for watching guys you guys are amazing and let's do this ready okay and oh my goodness is it gonna do it is it gonna pop it holy cow it might not pop it oh no it didn't pop it it's okay it's gonna come off cooldown it it has to come back around it has to go back around like multiple times so we're fine guys we're gonna pop it using this strategy and there we go that's so strong keep going keep going keep going oh it might be this one no there's just like some balloons wait what if we speed it up no did we lose oh my gosh we lost [Applause] thanks for watching guys i'll see you guys tomorrow for some more awesome content bye
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 102,045
Rating: 4.9538689 out of 5
Keywords: Bloons TD 6, BTD 6, Bloons, Bloons TD, BTD, Hack, btd 6 battles, BTD 6 mod, Bloons TD 6 hack, Mod, Bloons TD 6 Tewtiy, BTD 6 Tewtiy, hacker, btd6 hacker, Tewtiy mods, Tewtiy hacks, BTD 6 hacks, modded bloons td 6, BTD 6 challenge mod, BTD 6 challenge, Bloons TD 6 challenge, BTD 6 hard mode, random, random projectiles, random towers, random projectiles btd 6, Tewtiy random projectiles, every tower has random projectiles, darts, btd 6 darts, mod, btd 6 projectiles
Id: E5nwwMxWuCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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