Kill Team Hernkyn Yaegir Faction Focus ft. @MountainsideTabletop

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hello everyone Andy here and let's talk hanin Jager in this video I am going to break down the tactics of the kill team termination League of vog based honen Yer team making the text easy to pass and summarizing huge paragraphs in a single sentence for you I also will touch briefly upon the law so that you know what's what when it comes to the hankin and whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa and deception for a moment sorry you know Kil team is about Community even when you're talking about the rules it's about the people you do it with okay and the one thing that kind of sucks about getting review copies is that I can't share it with anybody as such sometimes I do share it with people so I would like to say a big hello and welcome to Mountainside tabletop for reacting to my rules video go check them out okay sup glass we're watching your video all with the video finally at the end of course I will touch a little bit on actual on theboard tactics and how to put the abilities I've just summarized to good use if you like what you see here and want more consider checking out an edited battle report either on tactical skew or an unedited battle report is available for my patrons my patrons by the way also get a full and uncut man reads book on glass half dead I've also done a general review of Kill team terminations of product and of course the other team The Brew Brothers get it a deep dive to time stamps below if you aren't cool enough to hang for the law segment final note sorry there's a bonus for subscribers to my channel and that's a big double hello truly the wholesomeness knows no bounds thanks to the Glorious fruit of the double pleasantry subscribers only but also thumbs up and leave a comment for the ancestor core oh also if you're just like a tabletop fan consider checking me out on patreon if you didn't get that already glorified tip J my channel but I do give you extra videos sometimes l time baby so the leagues of votan were new to the Universe last year hitting 40K as their new Incarnation whereas before they used to be squats squats still exist but the leagues are the same race but their own organization and culture essentially if you really need that cleared up for you they worship giant ancestor caes massive super structures that hold the entirety of their ancestral knowledge of their claims their journey through space over the millenia etc etc they have definitively even including the tow the most advanced technology in the universe uh ignoring Jero but the clues in the name the jokero are a joke literally like literally they are totally focused on Gathering resources due to the fact that they are a space fairing nation and so have no natural resources of their own from a cultural perspective they consume entire worlds to strip mine and they don't care if that world is inhabited however they're very pragmatic and will run a cost-benefit analysis on everything they do if the world is inhabited and the inhabitants are willing to sell off the resources for something as trivial as Imperial credits then the votan will happily spend those credits because it means they don't have to lose any of their ultimate resource their own people their own people being an entirely clone-based race plus full-on artificial intelligence iron kin no big deal moving on as a race they can't stand waste letting their people die for a pointless resource would be considered a sin so huge that it would lead to banishment basically a death sentence but with huge cultural stigma but you know everyone has different perspectives right so letting their entire Clan be wiped out to avenge a stain on their honor totally fine all good Thumbs Up Great uh but it's all about finding resources and keeping their race alive so you know let's go in Aid of this how do you find the latest hot mine to be stripped you need your forward Scouts the hanin fill this role seen as Pioneers in 40K and our jagers in kilty there is nothing more noble for the votan than someone who is willing to live a solitary life away from the clan that which they hold in the highest esteem their entire existence is focused on extending their race their kin their clan for as long as possible and the Han can do this by living without it the ultimate sacrifice in many ways the Pioneers are scouts who swoop in on their Magna coil bikes and drop located be but the jagers are the troops between the Pioneers finding the resources and the main Army catching up the jagers get to their wet work but enough of the fluff and it's called fluff because it's all a bit vague and wooly so you can make of that what you want h i I'd even argue they shouldn't be called L tubers they should be called fluff tubers or fluffers if you will onto the mechanics the hanin Jager team is 10 operatives and can take infiltration or Seek and Destroy a leader or thing if you want to call it that six Specialists and then three Warriors who you can build either with shotguns here here we see a one box kill team Victor is it I think it's a one box kill team you won't have you won't have every Warrior operative option but I think that's fine what is it so it's six Specialists and three Warriors yeah that's great love it so yeah you'll just have to you won't be able to pick every single Warrior load out because you'll be three Warrior short to have both shotgun and revolvers but this is as one box as the scouts were and I think that's fine like this is basically one block yeah so I'm happy with that only one Gunner option or with pistol and knife now I built mine with shotguns for the cool Factor but in playing them I think actually pistol with knife would have been the better combo in general if you're a 40K votan player or just want extra bodies the pistol and knife arms will easily fit on regular Halkin or if you're a dwarf lover some of your Harkin salvages can just Sub in when you want to swap in other loadouts for your warriors very easy let's talk their abilities as these so often Define a team beyond their data sheets the Jas have dauntless explorers and resourceful these are two long abilities but to cut it down to a more Dwarven size dauntless explorers is when you are deploying your models you can choose for three of them to be placed 4 in further forwards if you do so they cannot shoot or charge turn one I think what we're seeing here by the way is a kill team second edition rule that will be placed on all four deploys to stop Alpha strikes if you forward deploy you simply can't attack turn one I love this Alpha strikes are the worst thing in this game for me and uh it feels like you know playing against certain teams you have no choice but to win initiative or be Alpha strike turn one or even if you win initiative sometimes it doesn't matter even if you're playing against Pathfinders so yeah I think I think this is great I hope that they put this in for every team um yeah that makes sense yeah this is good then they have resourceful if you have six or more operatives alive at the start of the turn gain two resource points three to five operatives gain one also your leader generates one every turn that he's alive these resource points can be used when a model activates to heal for D3 + one or more importantly add one to an operative APL important note this cannot be used term one so this is from turn two onwards this is a really good cakin level comms ability that even better isn't telegraphed also a clear way on how to buff this team if they're not good enough allow this to be used turn one tack Ops are yeah I like both of those yeah they're good uh it's interesting right because the the hearin salvagers they were slow yeah and that really hurt them and then they got the extra inch and you know they basically can't get reduced their movement can't be reduced but I I was wondering how are they going to treat this team so that like are they going to be faster or like what's going to be the shtick with their movement because if they're the same like basic dwarf template which they are um how are they going to compensate for their slow movement I think this this makes sense totally because like one of the biggest drawbacks of being slow is that you can't Contest Center objectives on some maps like if there's Terrain in the way or whatever you can't and then you're just like behind from the start cuz there's no way for you to score tur point one and then you're just like behind the entire game and then you just lose yeah so I think this helps with that helps you get like up the board scoring points right away um and then the resource thing I think that'll be really good I think like 99% of the time you'll use it for the extra APL which is nice it's like the uh the mrees one and this is definitely like the best comms type ability in the game I would say because if there's no Comm guy that can die yeah and um you don't need to like preordain who gets to use it you can like use it as needed like glass head that's very strong yeah ruthless exploration kill an enemy that isn't ready to reveal this tack op and then the next enemy that isn't ready that you kill gets one VP and the next another so kill three not ready enemies bonds of loyalty if an enemy kills one of your guys and you then kill the guy in the same Turning Point you get a VP do it twice protect locator be reveal in the first Turning Point select an objective marker and if enemy optiv have never been within circle of that marker get a VP and if you have one guy on the Mark at the end of the battle gain one VP which brings us nicely to the Strategic p and then inevitably onto the Tactical ples in this grinding progress of summarization of rules that is drier than I can't be bother to make the joke you get it all right okay these kind of seem hard to use they're all like bonds of loyalty probably it looks the most appealing to me but they all have some like workaround that your opponent can use like for ruthless exploitation okay you just don't put guys well I mean you could score at ear like probably early Turning Point um you know you like win initiative do someone with eliminate guards and then score it and this means you have to get a kill and turning point oh no an operative that isn't ready which mean yeah this means you have to get a so for ruthless exploitation you have to get a kill in three separate turning points right uh no yeah CU it's subsequent Turning Point subse yeah you don't yeah yeah right so if you don't let's assume you don't get a kill turning point one which you're probably not um then you have to get a kill in Turning Point 2 three and four and it has to be against guys that have already gone which like you're going to want to prioritize naturally um operatives that haven't gone yet because then you're doing the most damage to your opponent so I don't really like that one bonds of loyalty seems good against Elites bonds of loyalty I could see me taking on a regular basis this team does have seek and Destroyer which I really like protect Locator Beacon if you decide to like turtle that's a great one that could be a that could be a nice one to mixing with infiltration maybe I don't know yeah I don't know probably Bondo loyalty is a standout here but it's still not like s tier to me but who knows maybe I'm wrong kind of seems good is it better than any default seeking destroy tack up I don't know I mean how many times have you like suicided your Gunner to kill a key piece and then I can just kill your Gunner yeah you know let's just keep going hidden engagement make a shooting attack and if you're in cover to the model you shoot roll one of your dice masterful blade work if you make a fight action or are concealed when an enemy makes one against you roll an attack dice tough survivalists the first time each operative takes damage from a dice half the damage inflicted oh yeah I mean it's a good like it's a just a like just a big scratch you know it's only well it's but it's it hases it it doesn't so it could be used multiple times in a turning point right cuz it's a strategic playy but also yeah how it's going to depend like if you're facing an opponent with a lot of L guns yeah don't bother right it's going to do nothing but if you're facing like an appointment with loss of Gunners or you know it could be could be good in certain situations I think it's pretty Niche yeah but damage reduction is always good yeah in position super conceal that's crazy team wide super concealed that's nuts dude that's crazy yeah who cares I care that's insane you're going to Care you can't shoot me that's like boring kill team stay alive well it means you have to flank me yeah great I I think that's very good I already hate this team I think that's extremely good that plus hidden engagement so turning point one you're like all super concealed and then turning point two your guys start super concealed but as you activate each one you're popping out and getting a reroll that seems very good that seems insane actually okay attack ploes now star wart defense when you get charged if you have another friendly within 6 in of the model that got charged that other model can fire OverWatch into that engagement that's big by the way Hardy when you get shot change the enemy's crits to normals after they roll but before you roll critical effects still occur though bonds that bind activate a dwarf then immediately play this and then another dwarf within 3 in and visible can activate Straight after can't use the bombast by the way they see what you're doing there no kin Left Behind when one of your dwarfs dies place a token under their base then all your dwarfs within three Ines of the token can retain a failed hit as a normal or a normal as a crit that's PL is done we're chilling we're all paying full attention to this video and we all absorbed 100% of that wall of text like the sponges that we is all right so there's some crappy ones here that you're probably never going to use but in position is insane stalwart defense seems very good against certain teams and bonds that bind you're probably using every game right like you're probably using it every game multiple times a game yeah that like you know chain activating is strong yeah oh of course yeah it's good I mean these feel like um like they all are kind of like very strong but standard ploes so yeah cool so let's get straight into the data sheets themselves so that we can get to the good stuff the hints and tips at the end basic stats for all are movement 4 in that's Big 4 in is not big take note of that it is a hindrance APL 2 save is four up and eight wounds base th he's your leader so plus one wound with a revolver shotgun and plasma knife ability gives you one free resource point every turn after the first and the first time he would be removed from the board he lives on one Health s automatic 1 HP G that's pretty good that's pretty good every game every game he dies they made this team for me yeah they did dwarves with built-in one HP gang self medic is incredible by the way blade kin gets a throwing plasma knife which is one shot and silent but then melee dual plasma knives and yes four attacks Hing on 3 three5 damage lethal 5 Relentless is going to be your best met in this team can charge from conceal and when killed in melee if you have an attack I remaining you can strike with it okay charge from conceal is especially good with in position cuz you if you can charge to a place that you're still in cover and get then get to kill then you're still safe very good obviously bombass is your absolute Legend with rlock revolvers look at this range absolutely nuty but 9 in yeah rlock negotiation at the start of the firefight phase before any optiv are activated he can perform a free shoot action and if he's concealed can go engaged to do so that's right he can free shoot and then potentially immediately activate to shoot again he's great also has Brazen killer though every time he gets a kill roll a D6 for every enemy Within 2 in of the enemy he kills if you roll above the enemy's APL minus one to their APL I feel like they've like just recently realized that like hey we can start making mechanics that interact with the other team's APL and it's like now they're just putting it on everything yeah that's cool this guy seems nuts okay so rot loock negotiation that's when okay I don't care if I didn't roll initiative CU I'm going first anyway yeah that's pretty good I mean obviously it requires setup yeah and obviously you know you're only shooting so you can't shoot and then move like you're going to probably be exposed but if you're in a situation if you can set up a situation where it's like a One V one or even okay so yeah and then if you get initiative you can shoot and then shoot again immediately yeah mad Gunner if you haven't moved before shooting this Turning Point re all results of one number he's got a three option APM launcher all three profiles are five shots hitting on fours and cumbersome cumbersome meaning you can only move 6 in if you want to shoot remember his full move is 4 in anyway so yeah armor piercing is AP1 45 damage breaching is blast Circle 35 damage high explosive is blast Square to4 damage iron break this guy is your Minefield deployer let me explain what that is hold up at the end of the setup operative step so you get to see how everyone is deployed Place five tokens on the board that are over 6 in from the enemy deployment and each other and are over 2 in from an objective three of these tokens are mines two are blank they're all placed face down so we don't know which are active these mines when moved within 2 Ines of by an enemy flip over to reveal if their mindes or blanks as long as there is not a friendly Jagger also within 2 in of them when flipped whoever flipped them immediately suffers three Mortals then roll a D6 and if you roll under the target save they take that many additional mortal wounds the token stays where it is then the enemy continues the activation at the start of turning point if the iron break is still on the board and not within engagement range of an enemy and within 2 in of a mine you can flip over one of the mine tokens so that it's active again like that's cool but God that sounds annoying to play against why well just like it's not that many Mortal wounds you probably taking it's not just that it's just so many things and it's like so many steps and so many things to consider it's like this is lame I like the Mind Games though of having some blank I think that's fun cuz you got to think oh this one's got to be real like this is the most obvious one to be real and then it's fake you know but it's it's probably a good move that you can't put them on objectives yeah that makes sense I mean I don't know how the good that'll be cuz it's it's not that many Mortal wounds but it just might soften guys up you know rifle kin your Magna Coral rifle is four dice hitting on twos 33 damage AP1 heavy silent mortal W 3 his cloak lets you an additional normal save or a single crit save nice to see this team actually has a real sniper too many teams have snipers that like don't have any AP on them or aren't really silent and it's like a fake sniper this is this is is this the best sniper in the game having AP1 and Mortal wounds I don't know I mean it's only 3 three damage yeah but they all are that's pretty good they all are with Mortal wounds right it's pretty good yeah hitting on twos that's very good tracker you've got a silent sinner sinr sinner handbo which is silent and a One-Shot throwing Hatchet which is also silent but hits on threes and is rening so significantly better pan spectral visor means that when determining line of sight for this operative enemies within 6 in can't be obscured and are treated as having an engage order also has tracker when you attack an enemy Within 6 in if the enemy is not ready you can roll any or all dice of one result finally the warrior revolver and and knife versus shotgun personally I'd say knives win out if you're taking all comers list with a single box uh but there isn't a wrong choice they will just play differently into different opponents right with data sheets done okay so I'll tell you right now I'm building all three shotguns and then if I think I need the fighting I'll just give them plasma knives cuz I hate hitting on fours with the revolver like I'll take the shotguns on all my Warriors and then just use my plasma knives as need did I think we just have equipment before we get onto the sweet hints and tricks let's do it plasma knife for 2 EP seriously consider this because the dwarf fists kind of suck bolt revolver for 1 EP skip bolt shotgun for three EP also skip climbing equipment for one EP climbing equipment is always a solid pick if you don't know what's going on doubly so if you do triple so if your dwarves stabilized shells for one EP can only use the long range profile of your shotgun but at one better damage and Ballistic skill that would make it a 33 and hitting on fours for reference takes an action point to swap to your regular shells for when you want to use the short range profile so you're screwed Firestorm bolt shells for one EP your shotgun gains an additional profile two less damage on a normal hit but you get 1 in Blast then gravitic concussion grenade for 2 EP four dice hitting on three is two four damage range 6 in Blast 2 in indirect limited note that the iron Brak does not come with this default so one can be given to anyone and you're still taking all of your Specialists KV camide UND suit for one EP if a ranged attack against you has blast or torrent you can roll one of your defense stes this Optive is unaffected by Splash but note surrounding optiv would be affected unless they also have this I think equipment's lame but plasma knife and climbing equipment seem great yeah you might take the concussion grenade into like hor teams but honestly I think 99% of the time you're taking some combination of climbing equipment and knives yeah right yeah wow okay finally we're at the end of taking it raw as in raw stats and numbers we can finally talk big tips ironic as we're talking dwarves there's a pretty clear two big things you need to have decided as you begin the game here who are you forward deploying and where are your minds going a key note for the forward deploy is is that it's not such a simple rule as you must be on conceal for the forward deploy but it's no matter your order you cannot shoot or charge turn one that is subtly different the mines however are a very simple Affair somewhat unfortunately can't be within circle of an objective or within red of each other or the enemy deployment right but that means you can place them in a straight line right across the center which means the center three will be the active mind yeah I think that rule basically never changes just there's no real Bluff ability here the three most obvious ones will be the real ones cool concept that doesn't quite work as intended I think it's very obvious unfortunately for the forward deploy however my vote goes to knife kin tracker and Gunner not sniper because although yes he can fire from conceal you can't shoot if you forward deploy this way better to forward deploy him naturally with a scouting step Dash if there's good Advantage get the Gunner up there ready for next turn otherwise just move him on up as a big turn two threat using him as an objective tap of turn one final note is your leader having a selfed revive is really good and will catch people out they be gunning for him as a head hunter objective and if you place him forwards probably as an eliminate guards option as well and they be so into getting the kill they will overstretch fail to get the kill because you've self meded and you will survive and smash as part of the one HP gang smash as part of the 1 HP [Music] gang one HP double hello truly the wholesomeness knows no bounds sponsored by glass half dead there you go that's pretty much the honken Jager kill team from Zero to Hero hope you've enjoyed and if you made it to this here part in the vid so this suffers from what I think uh the first votan team did and what votan seems to in 40K excellent excellent models with irritating rules I think they look great but I'm worried that they're just going to die yeah I hope so if you misplay and a guy can run up to you and negate your cover or if you misplay and a guy can charge you then you're just going to melt like they are not strong or they have four up saves and eight health yeah they're going to die so fast consider checking me out on patreon which is just a glorified tip jar but with some extra videos at some point and also a big triple hello the wholesomeness knows no bounds good day sir thanks for having us looking forward to getting some games in see you
Channel: Glass Half Dead
Views: 3,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kill team, competitive kill team, warhammer 40k, kill team news, kill team rules, kill team octarius, new kill team, kill team beginner, how to play kill team, kill team advanced, kill team tactics, kill team 2021, kill team termination, kill team dwarfs, kill team dwarves, kill team leagues of votann, kill team hernkyn yaegir, leagues of votann, hernkyn yaegir, kill team faction guide, kill team faction focus, kill team dwarf faction, kill team dwarf team
Id: j7Rhy7JnfJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 22sec (1582 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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