Brood Brother Kill Team Review

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[Music] greetings and welcome to another kill team video review where today I'm going over the brand new brood brother kill team which can be found in Kill team termination but before we get into things Thanks goes to Games Workshop for providing this to review for free as always I to be honest impartial and constructively critical and please remember to like And subscribe as well as comment let me know what you think of this new kill team and the review and remember I've got a Discord you can check out for free in the episode description below an aili link games and a patron if you want to give me some more support as well but let's get on with the review so starting off The Brood brother kill team do my favorite trait and kill team they have three archetypes they have infiltration security and Seek and Destroy gone are the days have been balanced like blooded and vet guard where they had security and then Seek and Destroy for blooded this kill team could have just been infiltration which have been really cool but unfortunately it's infiltration security and Seek and Destroy and as I say unless you're like an elite kill team who really like a really weak kill team that struggles I don't see any point of giving you free archetypes you might as well have given them Recon as well like fine they have all three archetypes apart from Recon which I'm sure is going to be okay but you have the leader who can either have a chainsaw and Claw and bolt pistol auto gun and Bayonet or LZ pistol power weapon and Claw and you always go last pistol power weapon and Claw which I'll get to later you get nine other operatives and then you get either free brood brother operatives or tactical assets selected from the following list so you can either select two psychic familiars which count as a single Choice the megus which counts as two the Primus which counts as two or the patriarch which counts as three and then you've got you can select up to free brood brother Troopers as well as the interference option the lookout option option and the cons the reinforcements option so other than Trooper operatives your kill team can only include each operative once it cannot include more than three Gunner and sniper operatives combined your kill team can only include up to one brood coven operative if one of those operatives is selected for deployment your commander loses the leader keyword for the battle these are tactical assets are not operative if you take the assets and are explained on the following pages and they are not recorded on your roster or data slates so effectively you're 12 operatives or 12 activations when you think about it but it it's very powerful like you're unfortunately probably never going to take the the Tactical assets but I'll get to in a minute but effectively up to a 12 operative size kill team so for faction tack Ops you have clandestine elimination for faction tack op one you reveal this when you're when you complete the first condition score victory points for doing so if an enemy operative is incapacitated by a friendly operative within R of it and that operative is not in line of sight of other enemy operatives when this happens you score Victory point and if you achieve the first condition in any any other Turning Point you get another VP so effectively you don't even have to kill them in combat you just have to get an angle and kill someone within red which is very easy to do it's very easy to make sure you're outside of line of sight for a lot of operatives so this is a very easy tack up if you're good with positional skills and you can keep it secret until you need to score it which is crazy then you have militant leadership for faction tack Op 2 reveal this when an enemy operative loses a wound as a result of your leader operative when you do so start a militant leadership tally for your kill team adding one to the tally each time an operative loses a wound as a result of your leader including the first time they lose that wound and including if it's a result of the Mind Control action which I'll get on to later if your militant leadership tally is 12 or more you score a victory point and if you achieve the first condition at the end of the battle and your leader operative hasn't being incapacitated you score one Victory point so this is actually quite easy to score depending on who you take as your leader because you effectively have to kill two different operatives or a single Elite which is very easy and then you just run away just need to live right very very easy to do almost easier than faction tackle one then you have meticulous preparation for faction tackle three reveal this when a friendly operative performs to prepare for Ascension Mission action at the end of the battle if over half of the objective markers have been prepared by your kill team you score Victory point if friendly operatives control over half of the objective markers you score one VP Noe none of them need to be prepared by your kill team so you don't need to get two points for having them all flipped then you have to PR prepare for Ascension Mission action an operative can perform this while it controls an objective marker that not has been that has not been prepared by your kill team if it does objective Mark has been prepared by your kill team an operative cannot perform this Mission action while with an engagement range of an enemy operative so this is already the wor faction tack op just because you need to control four objectives and you also need to spend an action point to prepare them for Ascension so it's a nice thematic tack op but either select faction tack op one or two probably two but one is very easy as well then we get to your Tactical assets and abilities so tactical assets you have interference so you select one enemy operative within red of a Kill Zone Edge excluding your opponent's Kill Zone Edge and roll 1d6 if the result is equal to or greater than enemy optiv APL you subtract one from the APL which is nice right you do this instead of activating an operative for all of them so this is okay then you have Lookout select one enemy operative that operative and all enemy operatives with them white of it gain a crossfire token which will see white which is actually pretty good and then you have reinforcement set up one new friendly brood brother Trooper operative with an order of your choice wholly within red of your kills on edge and not within engagement range of an enemy operative activate it and it's treated as having performed the normal move action subtract action points accordingly then continuous activation is normal you cannot use this tactical asset more than once per battle that forly Trooper doesn't need to be on your roster and can't have any equipment for narrative play accounts has been selected for deployment EG for recovery and it doesn't need to be in your data slate so what this does for some reason instead of like you could select two Troopers for your Tactical assets and then select reinforcement so if one dies or one doesn't die first activation you could just bring on a 13th operative or recycle one that dies it's okay but I wouldn't take any of these personally then you have your main ability which is Crossfire so each time a friendly operative fights in combat as the active operative or makes a shooting attack if the enemy operative isn't incapacitated that enemy operative gains one of your Crossfire tokens each time a friendly operative fights in combat or makes a shooting attack in the rooll attack diece step of the combat or shooting attack you can spend any number of Crossfire tokens on the enemy that the enemy has each one you do you can reroll one of your dice and then remove the spank Crossfire tokens so you can't gain them when you fight but it's for your rest of your kill team and it's better than the brood uh like than the war um the worm blade one because it triggers for melee as well and they don't disappear until you've used them so for some reason if someone had four Crossfire tokens they don't go away at the end of the turning point they just stay there forever so it's very powerful especially when you see the the upcoming employees and abilities so for strategic ples you have per pervasive so for one CP until the end of the Turning Point each time a friendly operative is activated ignore the first distance of white it travels for a climb drops or Traverse during the activation so effectively this is the only season 3 kill team that can properly play on beta Desma but effectively everyone gains bound with more restrictions but this is crazy good cuz your entire kill team now just traverses for free climbs up for one less like they've built-in climbing gear so very very powerful then you have Uprising for one command point until the end of the Turning Point the first time each friendly operative performs either the fight or shoot action for each of its activations if its order was changed from conceal to engage at the start of that activation the target gains a crossfire token as soon as it's selected instead of after the action this has no effect if the FR opave was activated within engagement range of an enemy operative so you don't just get them for free like if you're in engagement range but this is crazy because it allows you to put two Crossfire tokens on a single operative of course you could use the one you've just activated with and then leave the operative with another but personally if I was going into like an elite unless I rolled hot I would leave them with two Crossfire tokens but it's very powerful CU it allows you to easily apply effectively every Optive can apply two Crossfire tokens when they're activated so only really triggers turning point two and then four but still very powerful and then you have embedded for one CP until the end of the Turning Point each time a shooting attack is made against the friendly operative that's in cover provided by heavy Terrain in the RO defense dice step of that shooting attack before rolling your defense dice one additional dice can be retained as as a result of a normal save for cover it's okay but very situational probably never use it then we've got overcharged L guns for 1 CP until the end of the Turning Point each time a l weapon is selected for a friendly operative to shoot with you can choose to overcharge it if you do so it gains AP1 and hot uh and a l weapon includes any weapon that has l in its name EG L gun or L pistol it's okay but you will never use this as well so once again you have very two powerful bloes so probably turning point one until You'll Play persuasive uh pervasive and then turning point two you'll spend apprising which actually makes you more command Point efficient then for tactical PES you have ruthless coordination for 1cp use this when determining if an enemy operative is in a friendly operative line of sight determine visibility is normal but you can instead determine cover and obscuring from another friendly brood brother operative that both of forementioned operatives are visible to but isn't within engagement range of an enemy operative so effectively they don't gain the benefits of vantage point but let's say I had someone who had moved dashed and is activated and my opponent moves up but they're in cover from someone I want to activate I can now spend one CP to someone I can see if they can see that operative that's from their cover lines that is not in cover I can now basically shoot them for free which is very very very powerful so this this is crazy right you still need to be visible but as I said you can block cover and obscuring from angles which is very powerful then you have unquestion unquestioning loyalty for one CP which is just get down Mr pres president so when someone shoots at your leader or any of your leader keyword operatives you select a friendly operative within white that is a brood guard operative and they basically get the shooting attack instead unless they have blast or shooting or attacks within a specific point so pretty good you know punishes shooting team so very good there you have idolization for 1 CP use this after rolling attack dice for a friendly operative excluding a leader if a friendly operative leader or other icon Ward is within red of that friendly operative you can retain one of your failed hits as a normal hit instead or one of your normal hit as a crit instead so very powerful especially if you're overcharging let's say a plasma gun then you have Insidious for 1 CP use this after an activation before the next activation you can perform a free Dash action with one of your friendly brood weather operatives so long as it starts and ends that activation it's not within line of s of enemy operatives so effectively as long as you can stay in cover you can Dash someone up for free for a CP after an enemy activates and then you can charge them which is very powerful on your quite potent melee operatives so starting off with operatives everyone has seven wounds but your leader has eight two APL and a five up save and your leader basically will always go with the power weapon and Claw because the power weapon and Claw is four attacks hting on frees 4 six lethal five up balanced whereas the chain sword and Claw is just 45 balanced and rending so just go with the power weapon you lose the bolt pistol but you have the last pistol instead it has the ability coordinate so once in each strategic phase when it's your turn to use a strategic deploy or pass you can use this ability instead if you do select one enemy operative visible to this operative to gain a crossfire token to just pick someone you can see and and stack even more Crossfire tokens which is why this leader should always be hanging back very very powerful then you have your agitator who's great for you know motivating your paints so seven wounds five up save he has a shock Mo which is four attack on fors four forward stun he has devoted so once per turning point when this operative fights in combat in the result successful hit step you can ignore the damage inflicted on it from one normal hit and it has siren Caster so each time a friendly operative fights in combat or makes a shooting attack against an enemy operative within red of this operative in the roll attack dice step of the combat shooting you can spend one crossfire token for free even if that enemy Optive has none so basically he can always use this for free and anyone within red so you kind of always take this guy he's just way too good then we have the Gunner who can either have a grenade launcher melter or plasma gun you're always taking two of these or maybe even three depending if you take the sniper or night but but you basically go always build the grenade launcher melag gun and plasma gun and you're always taking either the plasma gun and grenade launcher or plasma gun and melter gun so just your standard Gunner there so your icon Ward is kind of crazy they have a large knife which is four attacks h on fours 3 five they are the cult icon so when determining control of an objective marker within red of this operative treat the total APL of friendly operatives within the required distance of the objective marker has being one Higher note this this is not a modifier so you don't even have to be on the objective you can be hi hiding behind a wall and you're constantly making this objective plus one APL as long as they have someone on it which is crazy you should at least have visibility to the objective or within blue within red is just silly and then you have brood mind devotion which should be an action point by the way to do so once per turning point when a ready operative would be incapacitated within red of this operative you can use this ability if you do so before the operative is incapacitated it can perform one free action excluding fight and the mind control action if you can change and you can change its order to do so it's then incapacitate as normal you cannot use this with the medic ability on the same operative at the same time but the problem is someone moves up shoots like your plasma who's hiding behind on conceal you then activate your icon your icon W ability kicks in they switch to engage overcharge you back the fact it just happens for free is crazy and when you combine it with a medic it just means it's even harder to punish this team from shooting which is weird like just make this ability one action point and it's fine otherwise you always take the icon Ward because it's crazy powerful then you've got your knife fighter truly the most specialist of Specialists I can't wait to see lasgun fighter next you know pistol fighter grenade fighter he has poison fighting knives which is four attack on frees free four Le five up Relentless he is an assassin so he can perform a charge action while he has a conceal order and he has Counterattack each time this operative fights in combat in the resol successful hit step of that combat each time your opponent resolves a successful normal hit the enemy operative suffers one mortal wound so basically every time your opponent hits you for a normal hit they're taking one Mor to wound back so you're always kind of just chipping someon away which is nice it's an okay operative pretty good like as I said great that it can punish turning point one and whoever fight it is not going to come off without some kind of damage so pretty good apart from the very deep name then you've got your medic who is a medic has the standard medic abilities and it also has a l gun and a gene Needler so the gene Needler is one attack hitting on fours in combat 57 Leal 5 up limited it's a comedy attack I like to call it because you only use it in a comedy situation but it's still funny like you always generally take the medic just a good support piece especially for this kill team then you have the sapper so the sapper has a Commando demo charge which is four attacks heat on freeze 56 range red blast white AP1 indirect limited and unwieldly so all of the special rules there couldn't get enough of them and has a bayonet somewhere for free attacks h on fours two free probably should just have fists but whatever so he has two abilities the first is final Defiance if this operative R wounds are reduced to zero or less it can perform a free explosive action before it's incapacitated this operative is equipped with also frag and crack grenades and they do not cost any equipment points for this operative so its unique action is explosives for one action point the first time this operative performs this action during the battle place your explosives token visible and within black of this operative the second time this operative performs this action during the battle each operative within white of that token suffers 2d6 mortal wounds this operative can only perform this action twice and cannot perform it while Within engagement range of an enemy operative I would advise you to completely ignore explosives you will only be able to set up explosive against Elite opponents or opponents who are not paying attention to the game because basically you can't set it off in two turning points so even if you do the explosive action and then die that same Turning Point you then can't blow it up and the other thing is if your opponent charges and fights you in combat and kills you you still can't trigger explosives because you're still in within engagement range before you're incapacitated what you do with this operative is turn in point one move fire fire the demolition charge and then if you win initiative throw the crack grenade as well or vice versa like the fact he has a demolition charge is crazy right it's just just why right okay he has a big grenade so fine and then also if your opponent is just blind you can set up explosives and punish them but this guy is amazing just because he has D dynamite and crack grenades like amazing then you have your sniper who is related to the knife fighter I'm surprised they haven't called it a sniper fighter so sniper rifle which is four attacks h on twos fre free heavy silent mortal wounds free just do standard sniper it's okay and because it doesn't have any other thing anything other special if you can't actually get good firing angles with this operative sometimes I would say you'd probably want to take a third Gunner instead so you got grenade launcher plasma and melter because your sniper is just okay like it's nice silent but dep depends on who your playing on the board it's not an auto include then you have your Trooper who has a l gun and Bayonet ga2 so if you start taking normal Troopers you're even very fun or you just like Troopers they're okay then you get to your veteran who has a RBT shotgun so close ranges four attack he on threes 44 and then long range is four attacks eight on fives 22 he has a bayonet and Claw which is three attacks he on fours two3 with balance right so that extra hook makes him a little bit more accurate he is resilient so each time this operative would lose a wound on a r of a five up you don't so a five up DPR damage prevention role and has The Bodyguard role so you can use the unquestioning Loyalty of tactical Ploy for zero CP of this friendly operative is the body is The Brood guard operative so effectively he he walks around your leader going get down Mr President no no and because it's for free it makes you even more CP efficient so because you're only going to be able to take seven Specialists and then you've got three Gunners uh you always take the the veteran it's just very efficient for what he does then you've got your comms who is a standard comms right give someone plus one a within red for an action point then it has Jam for 1 AP plus select one enemy operative in this operative line of sight or visible if you subtract one additional action point roll 1d6 until the end of the turning point that operative is treated as having a a ga characteristic of one and cannot be activated or perform actions Until It's the Last Enemy operative to be activated or number of enemy operatives have been activated equal to the result of the D6 this operative cannot perform this action while within engagement range of enemy operatives so basically if someone's in your line of sight you just go no after you've given someone plus one APL or if you're just wanting to do maximal emotional damage you just pick someone visible and Shout no I don't know why the comms needed this like at least with the the halfin it made sense because their com is in like more suits more technology this this guy is just like screaming at you just like he's so angry just stops you activating which I'm sure is very fun and necessary then you have your psychic familiars so they are nor their 6in movement ga2 2 APL five up save two defense with three wounds so they have claws which are free attacks hitting on fours two free rending and it has the small special role cannot be equipped with equipment while this operative has conceal order it always counts as having conceal order so super conceal and this operative can perform the fullback action for one AP less but other operatives still fall back for two which feels kind of unfair for other enemy operatives and notably elusive this operative can perform Mission actions while within engagement range of an enemy operative this takes precedence over cannot it can move through operatives brackets it cannot finish moves on their bases and can move with an engagement range of enemy operatives it must still finish the move following all the normal requirements with that move and can finish the charge action within engagement range of any enemy operatives so basically you can just move pull back for free and move through stuff and charge through stuff the interesting thing I'd like to point out is we are very close to a new edition most likely and Games Workshop likes posting well designing later like teams and factions for a new edition now while you can may say this ties into faction tack op fre where you can't do that mission action with engagement range I like to think we're not going to be able to do Mission actions in engagement range for the next edition of kill team because that otherwise this is just like a pointless pointless check change like that they can do Mission actions with an engagement range so I think going forwards this is just future future future stuff we won't be able to do Mission actions and engagement range specifically because of this entry here I could be wrong but based on past track records for Games Workshop I think probably not but either way these guys are very good just because if you take these with either the Primus or the megas they are just very efficient at doing for one activation move move loot loot very very powerful then you have your migas who has nine wounds and three APL and a four up save they have an auto pistol which is four attacks he on fors two fre range red a bio dagger which is two attacks eight on fours 36 Leal four up and then a four Stave which is four attacks eight on fours 46 stun it is a spiritual leader so all friendly operatives have a five up invulnerable save and cannot be injured and their APL cannot be negatively mod modified so it's fine because everyone's going to have a five up Inon and they become immune to stun and everything which is I don't think really Mass abused unless you're star Striders being really cool and spending five 10 equipment points on stun grenades it's just weird right it feels crazy but because they're on seven wound bodies I assume it's fine then you have telepathic overload for one action as a psychic action select one enemy operative visible to this operative subtract one to the APL very powerful you just go no and then you've got mental Onslaught which is a one action point psychic action select one enemy operative within their their line of sight they suffer two mortal wounds or four mortal wounds if they with within red of this operative then roll 1d6 if the result is greater than the operative APL It suffers another two mortal wounds or four if it's within red keep rolling a D6 in this manner until you roll equal to or less than the enemy operative APL or has suffered eight mortal wounds during this action this operative canot perform this world with an engagement range so he just has a very annoying powerful psychic scream that if it targets anyone with six wounds is effectively dead and is very good at just picking stuff off even though the magos is quite good I would probably never take it but it's very situational but generally you're probably never taking the megas then we have the big boy patrck which is what you've all been waiting for so it's 4 a with a four up save and 21 wounds no 18 19 21 you know they wanted to go 22 but they were like let's rain it in let's go with 21 that's that's completely fine so it's five attacks in on two's 56 Relentless and rending standard Gene stealer stuff then it has the alpha predator ability this operative has a four up Inon its APL cannot be modified you can activate it twice during the Turning Point as long it has the action points to spend it stays ready while it has any left but it cannot move more than 9 in per Turning Point each time you activate it generate as many AC action points for that activation As You Wish from its APL you cannot generate more APL over the turning point than its APL so basically you're always C at four and you can either activate this operative for one APL then wait still stays ready and then you activate it to do free APL or vice versa or do two and two interestingly you could charge 6 in fight then activate when you can next activate to charge another 3 in and fight again so you actually have a lot of Mobility with this operative already so effectively grants you two activations it's a monster so it cannot be equipped with equip and light terrain and operatives with a wound character of 15 or less do not provide cover for this operative so it's too big it also has for The Unique action mind control for two action points as a psychic action select one enemy operative invisible and within white of this operative both play players will 1d6 and add their respective APL to the total if your total is higher than your opponent's you can resolve this action's effect until the end of the action until the end of the activation that enemy operative is a friendly operative an enemy Optive for your opponent you can change its order and can perform a free action it cannot perform an action in which it moves other than the dash in which case you specified the location to your opponent to move the operative you can only resolve this effect this action once per battle so what you can do is charge someone mind control them to overcharge if they're a plasma then you just have to wait because you can't fight them because if you beat their APL you count they count as a friendly operative then you fight and kill them and it's it is only once per battle but because you're four APL you're basically beating everyone right if you're if you roll a five against someone with two APL he just automatically win there is very little counterplay apart from being within white and it's not too crazy against hordes right hordes you kind of go like okay just one one dude Elites have no way around this there this guy just bullies Elites it's like this kill team already beat Elites Elites already in a tough spot and then they just like yeah let's just make the patriarch bully Marines like all kind of Elites I'm not sure what you're supposed to do cuz it's just like it just messes you off there's if you're an elite operative or Elite player into this kill team the patriarch is just always going to beat you and there's not much you can do about it then you have into the shadow for one action point change this operative order this Optive cannot perform this action while within engagement range of an end operative so even if you don't choose infiltrate you can change your order for an action point and then charge so always a threat this this thing is insane at least it doesn't have super conceal I'm sure it's fine probably I'm sure it's totally balanced except into elites who just die to this like I I'm not sure how Elites are supposed to beat the patriarch let alone the rest of the brood brother kill team then we have the Primus who I will automatically say is probably the best operative to pick so he has nine wounds and a four up saave and three APL he has a sculpt needle pistol which is two profiles close ranges four attack on 2os 2 four range red Leal 5 up silent and then a long range profile which is four attacks h on threes two four Leal 5 up silent so always really good then you have the bone sword and toxin injector claw which is five attacks hitting on twos four five Leal Five ending so really good it has first of the patriarch so this operative can perform two fight actions or shoot actions during its activation and once per Turning Point After Rolling off to determine initiative you can do one of the following either add one to your roll or if you didn't have initiative in the previous Turning Point reroll your dice this guy is crazy he basically ensures you go in first most of the time I think it's believe like three out of four turning points you will go first all the time with this operative automatically making the Primus way too good like for for Mastermind Mastermind is the reason you always take the Primus if you're not fighting Elites and then you've got conspire for one action point you gain one CP you cannot perform this well within blue of an enemy operative so he gives you one command one point which you can just use cuz you're so CP efficient and then you get to roll or plus one to the initiative so the interesting thing here once again if you had um a six and your opponent rolled a six you can change your six into a seven because that's not specified here and like so you can combine this with the dynamite let's say you activate the dynamite last you gave him you move him within red of two operatives and you've given him plus one a so let's say he's moved dashed and he throws a crack grenade you then make sure you win the initiative with Mastermind and then throw the dynamite when you activate him next so he's just guaranteed well pretty much guaranteed to kill two operatives before your opponent can react like the Primus is so good and because he has an amazing Long Way long long range silent weapon he can keep pinging off so all he can do is like he can move onto objective conspire and shoot or he could like move conspire uh loot the objective and then turning point two we can do like loot conspire shoot or while he's still like modifying your initiative very powerful and as I said most of the time you're taking the Primus with two familiars and then the rest of your kill team you only really take the patriar when you're going into elites just to do maximum emotional damage then you have your equipment there's so much more so you have a cult Talisman for two equipment points once per battle when a shooting attack is made against this operative and the RO successful save step you can change one of your retain normal SES normal saves to a crit Save which is pretty good and remember all your leaders apart from the patriarch can take equipment even your megas and Primus then you have covert guys for free equipment points at the end of The Scouting step is if operative is wholly within your Drop Zone it has a conceal order it can perform a free Dash action if it does so its order cannot be changed during the first Turning Point as a result of infiltration Etc but if you have silent or you can charge from conceal you can still do those actions which is very weird because the Han kiner have a very similar ability to this which doesn't let them do the shoot or charge actions but very powerful a more restrained version of the chaos Co COV guys are very good there then you have L guns and L pistols so L guns are two equipment points LZ pistols are one I would say just give L pistols cuz they're L guns but cheaper and only range red and considering you're moving up concealed you're going to get more use out of the L pistols if you need to just to farm Crossfire tokens then you've got hot shot capacitor which adds one to the damage of both uh L guns and L Prof L pistols which is fine you have a cult knife for one equipment point which is four attacks on Four Is two threee which is pretty good then you have a frag and crack grenade which you're never taking because you're always taking the Grenadier so you're generally taking three covert geers and a LZ pistol or cult knife or two Co two Co covert geers and the mix of whatever else but because you've got two operatives that can well three operatives potentially that can abuse shooting or fighting from conceal or charging from conceal you the covert guys isn't really a downside so very powerful equipment once again and as always you have all the narrative equipment and rules you would need to play this kill team to your narrative dreams so overall ah The Brood brother kill team so on one hand I love tyranids I absolutely love tyranids and I've been waiting for a kill team like this for a long time on the other time I also like balance so see in this kill team has annoyed me greatly because I do not believe this kill team is is like not really balanced at all personally way too skewed to point out three archetypes could have just been two or one that could have been interesting if it was just one like all the other guard kill teams you got the patriarch who just so the patriarch is a trap Right In general the patriarch is not that good but into like Melee teams and Elites the patriarch would is just crazy way over spec for what it does and it's like the mind control is just too powerful it is once per once per game and you can only do it while within white but it just mess up Elites and shuts down Elites the most it's bad for melee like Melee teams don't like the patriarch as well but it's more damaging for melee teams then you have the super Grenadier like the Primus who just basically can combo with stuff like the Grenadier to ensure you always basically get two activations before the opponent by going last and then win the initiative of going first like you have easy faction tack Ops just very powerful abilities and like people may say they're offset by hitting on fours but the crossfire ability is so easy to set up and proc that even if you're just sacrificing one operative for one CP you know you're switching from concealed to engage nominating them giving them a crossfire token then you're charging or and fighting or shooting them giving them another Crossfire token if your leader can see them they're getting a third Crossfire token then you throw your your grenade right and you can still allocate Crossfire tokens turning point one at least there's it's just so powerful right hitting on fors is bad but when you've got innate rolls it offsets that because roll ones help V a lot Crossfire tokens are even better cuz they don't disappear so it's a very good kill team like I would say minimum a tier probably s tier this kill team is incredibly powerful quite easy to proxy to an extent or kit bash cuz you just build it from the cadun cuz there an upgrade through unfortunately if you want a full roster you will need a second box of cadens because that's what I did to build my full roster but my gosh like generally as I said you're going to go with three Gunners seven Specialists then you're taking if it's not uh an elite or melee team you're taking the Primus and two familiar or you're taking the uh the patriarch that's that's what you're doing every game and you know you can go seek and destroy bully the opponent you've got infiltration which has the kill team plays quite well and even security so you can kind of offset with all this threat as I said you are technically Fragile with seven wounds and a four up sa a five up save like the funny thing is you can get down Mr President on the Jean stealer so you can just have The Bodyguard to move around and like just go like no Mr no Mr G no Mr patro I'll save you it's like no Daddy it's just like it's like fine okay whatever it's it's okay sure that makes sense and uh I as I said I love this kill team I've built a full roster I'm probably going to um use it because especially if we've got a new edition coming up soon this kill team won't get nerfed we've got time to to use this until the New Edition comes even if it's 6 months away like this kill team won't get nerfed so it's fine just I re recommend everyone using it because it's so good now obviously it's still not super easy to play and you can get like overwhelmed and stuff but you're always going to have 12 activations it's just so powerful so many tricks like as I said you especially if you take the medic and the icon Ward you effectively if your opponent is trying to kill you via shooting the medic will stop one and then the icon is going to punish you because if you try and move up to get within two to shoot someone they switch back to engage and overcharge you which especially if they have uh paid for the Strategic Ploy they also put another Crossfire token on you so they put two Crossfire tokens on you and then die so it's like it's not even a worthy trade it's crazy crazy like there's I appreciate like we're getting into lots of thematic for kill teams but we've gone too far I think we've we're we're reaching 40K 40K 7 addition levels of power where we're focusing more on The Narrative of what a kill team should be and represent over like gameplay balance now there should be a balance and we achieve it for most of kill team but it seems recently with kill teams they've been focusing more on the narrative than we have with gameplay balance this is my Rong and I could be wrong I could be completely wrong I'm very worried I'm not I would I would love to be wrong I would love this kill team to come out and everyone be trash with it like not doing well just losing all his games but I don't really think this kill team has many or if all bad matchups apart from maybe Pathfinders maybe blooded but I think blooded you just kind of you probably would take the patriarch in that match up or you just pepper it like I think no you still probably go the Primus so it's really fun like and you I do like the cadan models it looks great like really nice I I think it's a nice update for the range the power is just in my mind just get that big daddy Jean stealer looming over everyone just go in I'm the only tyranid you need anyway Play Play This kill team please but that's pretty much it for me today please remember to like And subscribe as well as comment let me know what you thought of this kill team do you agree with me what do you think of this kill team let me know in the episode description below well in the down in the comments below and remember I've in the episode description below I've got a Discord you can check out for free an ailink element games and a patreon if you want to give me some more support and I'll quickly sh my patrons so for my adeps of the crit I have willax Tom supercal Sam Nick mercenary Q Kenzie johnus Graham Freeman David Dave Meets World dad of goldens and for my veterans the C Sam so thank you so much for all your support it really means a lot to me and help support the channel but yeah this is my second review I'll have a termination review in general article version and I have a review of the hanin Jers if you want to check out this was long cuz there's so much to cover because this kill team is quite in depth but my gosh it's so powerful crazy I'm genuinely worried about the future of kill team like salvation I was like yeah this is good this is good nightmare I was like okay oh not liking where this is going and then termination is just like wow okay I'm dreading what's going to be in the next box just complete dread but it's fine remember you always have a chance to win as long as you're part of the Glorious cult and you have your big daddy patriarch looking after you with those big safe arms and as long as you can roll a crit
Channel: Can You Roll a Crit?
Views: 11,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, Warhammer 40000, Warhammer 40k, Kill Team, Games Workshop, GW, Citadel, Miniatures, Gaming, Hobby, Competitive, Tournament, Narrative, Can You Roll a Crit, Crit, Review, Product Review, Octarius, Kill Team Octarius, Skirmish, Xenos, Warhammer World, Recap, Tier, Meta, Imperium, Tournament Report, Astra Militarum, Stats, Data, Statistics, Patreon, Discord, Balance Dataslate, Into the Dark, Aeldari, Space Hulk, Gallowdark, Chaos, Tier List, Intercession, Space Marines, Guide, Approved Ops
Id: z9Hya6XI8UI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 18sec (2358 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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