Hermitcraft 8 Episode 14: BETRAYING BOATEM

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hello there my fellow miners and crafters good times with skyr here and welcome back to the wonderful worlds of hermits and crafting and we're flying right over the top of our now complete mega starter base that i will assure you is 111 officially complete we've got our roads down below our custom unique trees and of course the interior of the swagging garage and hq that was formerly the pinetop lodge and i want to thank you guys so very much from the bottom of my scarred heart for all the kind and wonderful comments in the last episode about coming back here and thank you for not hating me i appreciate that very very much but uh this is what gets me excited about minecraft this is what i love is these details that we put into our builds and just gets me excited and i hope you guys get as excited as i am and hopefully that you know inspires you to make your own interesting and unique builds and uh yeah that's why i have so much fun doing this but i did something really bad do you guys do you guys want to see of course you guys do so do you remember the skeleton in our last episode that got in the boat on the shelf well i did a naughty thing [Laughter] i uh i put a hat on him and gave him a super bow ow ow that really hurt but he's got armor on he's got the hat and out oh no no no no no no no no no you're more powerful than i thought oh oh we escaped we escaped with one heart i can't believe i survived that i'm like i given the fate of death and death has decided to spare me one last time you might be wondering scar why are you tempting fate when there is things to do and you're quite right there are things to do like getting back at the big eyes because of course in our last episode those big eye fools sent us a tree bomb and blew the interior of the swagging hq up and it was a birch tree at that so we're here in their most gorgeous of shopping districts to reciprocate each one of these buildings contains their shops and for this one in particular this is their kind of nether stone shop if i would have known about this this would have saved me a lot of time in our last episode so we're going to be opening up a quote-unquote shop today and we need to find one that's a little bit away from the others for uh particular reasons and but still feels like it's part of it so maybe one of them stumbles in maybe they don't know about it or we could even tell them about it but either way we're going to lure them into the shop with delicious cake and we all know how much we love cake and how cake in the end is a lie and a lie cake requires a special ingredient and to make our light cakes we're going to need an explosive core to make it really boom and we're gonna need our green shiny friends in the forest here what oh no no no no where's my where's my charged creepers oh no no no no no do we lose them change your scar boom boom boom oh no i know we used like three or four of them for the magical but i jury but where are they okay apparently they got in boats and flew away why are you dudes floating up there oh they look legitimately terrified that is the face of a terrified creeper he's like hey man i know we've had our differences in the past but can you help us down i can help you down what are they attached to oh oh it's a [Music] oh that was the saddest thing ever it was almost like in slow motion oh i feel very bad i tried to save you but it did not work out oh we almost died again we are truly defeating death today so we're out of creepers that means we gotta wait for a thunderstorm so we gotta use our trident here we've gotta get some boats and supplies and probably do a whole lot of waiting for a thunderstorm to get some more creepers so let me go get all that and well find a movie to watch because this is going to take a while oh well i've been waiting for the thunderstorm i experienced a little bit of kinetic energy in my brand new tree here and i've been doing a whole lot of trading with my villagers like look at all these courts we're getting but uh i just gotta be very careful with these uh trees they are apparently not scar safe i'm losing my mind look at me i'm sailing a ship wearing a pearl's little ship above the portal which i think is about the cutest most clever thing that i've seen in quite some time like look at the little ship up there that is super cool while we're waiting let's do a little bit of an appreciation flyover of cubs incredible canyon of drip stone or derp stone look at this this is incredible oh my gosh that is so much drip stone i feel like luke and his canyon run here at beggars canyon oh absolutely love it is that a womp rat i see a white brat can we say something nice about mumbo here mumbo has branched out as a creator so much he was already an incredible entertainer and just phenomenal redstoner but he has tried so hard and successfully at that to try his hand at building try his hand at terraforming and you know just some major props to the guy like he's doing so phenomenal with this build and getting outside of his comfort zone and well succeeding at that except for his infestation problem down here he's got all sorts of what in tarnation is going on over here whoa what is this oh a secret lair that we're trapped in oh no no i'm waiting for thunderstorms no no how do we get out of here i'm gonna guess that it's one of these buttons ow no no no you you don't even think about it oh no all my boats i had so many boats on me seriously i'm gonna need to get my pants on at this point i keep losing my pants and i don't have enough armor on when i don't have it oh how do we get through here oh oh these are secret tripwires okay through the trip briars okay okay there we go there we go oh no no no no they're gonna suck up all my things they're gonna suck up all my things grab it quick okay one of these guys has my axe oh there he is there he is there he is there he is okay you give me my axe back oh we got the big eyes oh look at us i could get used to these oh boy at long last we've got the thunder so we've got our boats we've got our trident we have everything together we need four of these charge creepers for my plans today but i want to have a little bit of cushion in case we have another magical bubbagery incident again so time to go creeper hunting wow okay let's try to be a little more precise on that one and you leave me alone okay oh this is gonna be damn oh jesus could be so dangerous oh man this is a problem right here we need to find our pants and we need to keep our pants on us because we don't have enough armor for this alright we're gonna be very careful about this we're gonna be on the ground for minimal amount of time here hey hey mr creeper time to light your life up that's got a bit of a ring to it hey hey mr creeper time to light your life up buy em oh we've got a twofer here we've got a twofer come come creepers step right up and get yourself a lot of your life wow i needed that off the cliff here we go here we go get inside yes all right i see you over there come on over i've got something for you okay we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good bam nice oh sorry about that bud hey mr creeper time to light your life up okay that was our last boat ah we did it so i'm here peacefully building my trap in the big eye shopping district and what do i find my friends i have found sabotage i didn't even notice this the swagging is being hoisted above the ocean lawmen is scared of heights look at his face he is terrified oh love it i am going to cut you free and i could see this was a little bit of revenge i think for the swag and making so many diamonds down in the big eye bay and this poor meal if it could only talk the stories the stories he could tell but i'm not mad because i'm in absolute love with this beautiful crane like look at that fantastic arch right there i am a sucker for curves in minecraft and that right there is a very curvy curve but enough of those curves it's time to start working on our fake shop so we're going to tear out this little mountain here re-terraform it and build our cake store that is a lie of course with an explosive core and being an explosive core there's a little bit of redstone right here so i'm actually going to put a little obsidian here to protect it so my friends let's jump into super fast build mode and build ourselves an explosive cake shop [Music] food [Music] and super fast built mode and i just realized i have made i have made a massive tactical error but before i tell you about that let's take a look at our brand new building here and i think it looks really really cool so the idea is that we blended this in with the rest of them to take b dubs off guard and to lure him in to this unobtrusive building here that uh looks very interesting we're gonna build like a little cake marquee sign and everything and once he kind of sneaks inside he just gets immersed in all the tasty treats that are in the building with our beautiful little floors and all the treats and then he goes inside here and a door closes behind him and as he kind of looks around he starts to get a bit of suspicious and out of nowhere four charged creepers fall from the ceiling down and as he turns in fright he finds the door locked turning to see his life flash before his eyes and that will tell him not to mess with the swaggin what do you think is that a good way to get back at him for the uh the tree bomb i think it will so here's what we're going to do with this so no hard feelings when this is complete we will do whatever bdubs chooses to do yes jelly i'll be with you in a moment um we will either replace this building how it is now or we will take it all down and turn the terrain back to how it was originally and i'm going to leave a did you die box over here in case he loses his stuff so he gets a funny laugh the explosion but in the end no permanent damage and no hard feelings so no getting upset in the comments okay tactical air i made a huge mistake i should have wrangled the creepers and put them in glass tubes above their locations here they're approximated where they would be and then built the building around them instead of build this beautiful building and then uh bring in charge creepers not just one charge creeper four charged creepers okay that was not as hard as i was anticipating but when you actually see the redstone you might make fun of me so oh wow that was some good place oh no okay well there goes the roof anyway these are the canisters um they are being powered by this red rope here and then there is the uh red um lollipop room here so we got those all glowing and then we have the redstone ladder that comes up here and this is perpetually powered these are my terminologies for the redstones i do not know any other proper terminology i will break the door for now the door is here you open it up you come in start looking around looking at all the cakes and stuff there's a little bit of time and then these things will open dropping the creepers so now all we need that's right jelly all we need is the charge creepers to make this a little bit easier i read that taking an invisibility potion cuts down your chances by about 15 in activating a creeper and we're gonna give it a try oh gotta get closer okay it is free come on buddy they don't call me the creeper wrangler for uh oh no no no no no no i went the wrong way oh there you are there is nobody home step away from the home don't go inside don't no they call me the creeper wrangler wrangling them creepers wrangling them creepers keeping them on their toes nothing bad will happen when the creeper wrangler is in town they see me rolling they see me creeper wrangling come on buddy through the forest we go okay i've got this little walkway here i got him oh man somehow we need to get him in here oh man i actually don't know how to do this oh man this isn't good this isn't actually good oh no here he comes hello this is your new home oh gosh i'm i'm absolutely terrified no oh no no oh no i should have done this beforehand i knew it oh all the redstone oh boy this is um this is a bit devastating towards our plans here blowing the entire top roof off in all the redstone so yeah maybe minecarts two and a half hours later we have repaired the building and made some modifications as you can see there are some curtains there those are blocking the obsidian the obsidian will protect it a little bit the blast will go outwards and hopefully not inwards so now we need to make a creeper roller coaster here we go here we go nope we're not gonna go anywhere oh no we've got another hole to fill in and well hello there little fella creeper wrangler scarred for life he is so far so good the creeper wrangler is making progress i am right here hello we made it this far and you're just taking off no don't do this to me creeper hello yep that happened again we hit the trails again the creeper wrangler at this point if we can get at least one charged creeper in here i will be happy four might have been a little too optimistic for the creeper wrangler oh man this is the moment of truth we're gonna try to get the minecart under it and then we're going to teleport away okay go go go go go no no no i got away i swear i was far enough oh no i really don't think we have enough of them at this point oh man i am absolutely terrified of these faces the creeper wrangler i got hopefully a plan this time that will be foolproof i am shaking my heart is pounding no no no what what out of nowhere oh how cute you have a little friend i see creeper wrangler's back oh man i'm shaking i oh man come on don't jump don't jump here it goes here it goes come on get in there no no no no no don't stop come on get in there get in there get in there get in there come on don't do this to me don't do this to me why must you torture me how are you so much like a cat how is this possible i need a new profession the creeper wrangler i quit i put in my resignation he's leaving nope nope nope he's coming at me again no don't blow don't don't blow where is it where is it where is it oh no that's a sparkle do you see it please be smart oh yep it sparkles i've never been so happy to see sparkles in my life we finally got one i am gonna cap that off and never speak of this again i am tempting fate again this time we have serious consequences of having one in a cart and another one coming in and i'm pretty sure this is our last one unless i'm missing a creeper in the forest but i think we've gone through all of them oh man this is utterly terrifying so i think i've rigged this up so that he'll walk on top of here and fall onto my cart come on no no no no no come on come on minecart yes we got him oh oh my gosh i need to i need to get some air i luckily had one last creeper deep in the woods and i think that is fine three creepers is really really pushing it ever ever going to do this again is he in oh we did it this is the way to do it learn from my mistakes let me make the mistakes for you i have never been this nervous ever playing minecraft we're about to break the minecarts and put this name tag the kick is a lie shop at bowdom on them and i am so scared to break that block and knock out the mine cart and name them wish me luck just type wish scar luck wish scar luck here we go oh gosh okay all right i'm gonna name this guy okay he's been officially named okay now we gotta break the mine cart here we go actually you know what we're gonna do just for safety what if we add that extra layer okay here we go no no no no oh no oh oh hello down there i hope you're doing okay oh we were so close we were so close to calm myself down after that devastating loss i made ourselves a little sign that's right we've got the big hat cake sign with an actual cake on there with our hat on there and i think that is the cutest thing ever so i walked the creeper in the cart out added some signs and cleaned the place up and set up another drop rail here yeah we're gonna do this one more time the creeper wrangler is gonna retire after today he's been scoured scarred one too many times come on there we go okay whoo yeah let's finish this thing i am so nervous i apparently disappeared i don't know how that happened okay i have sealed these in as best as i can we need to remove them from the minecart and we need to put our name tags on one's name one's not this is our last chance i am so nervous i feel like i'm going to throw up okay name tags inserted here we go we got a break come on card we did it we did it we did it we did it we did it seal it off we did it one more to go believe in me hashtag we believe in you scar okay all right secured okay there it is there's the minecart we're gonna put some shielding up okay this guy is already named we did it we did it we did it we gotta seal it we gotta seal it okay this is the hardest video i've ever made this is for you lahman time to light the fuse on this shop the shop is finally done we've blown it up more times than i can count but it is done the big hat cakes so we're gonna get b-dub to find this beautiful little building here and he wants to explore and see what is inside and you'll go through this door activate the trip wire or pressure plate find that the cake is a lie and the creepers will fall giving him the message to shop at bowdom and not to mess with our beautiful lamen and swaggin so door pressure plate this place is primed gotta make good on my promise here if he dies and loses his stuff i will replace it all now i'm kind of crossing my fingers that we have enough diamonds hmm 64 x 39 scar math tells me that we should have enough yeah we have three diamonds to put in the hourglass oh no that's the least amount of diamonds i have ever had in hermitcraft i sweetened the box a bit more added some rockets and elytra some swag and cake and nokia watch a little reference to a past series and i started to rename some of the tools like i love the swagging oh what is this oh scar i got something for you where you be where ib impulse is everywhere even had a chance to reply buddy what are you doing just i'm on a boat it's an old dead meme i'm on a boat so impulse you said you had something for me you say i do i do you remember remember a while back when you said you needed like moss and moss carpets and azalea and stuff i i have your order ready i i don't think it's going to fit in this boat though you asked for a lot buddy oh dude i forgot about the moss i need the moss for my mega base thank you yeah yeah yeah um actually you know what we could do look at this boom smart oh no you you probably need something in return um well i mean we i didn't know what i needed at the time um i mean that was a lot of moss for one golden carrot go lakers am i right yeah why are you saying that because i'm in like yellow and purple get up i'm trying to distract you um um oh i got it i got it i got it let me just take these dudes you didn't promise me anything oh no no follow me follow me come come into swagon territory come all right i'm just beating around the bush i actually have a surprise for you go lakers come on in come on in impulse but anyway come off the elevator the elevator you're setting me up like anyway step over here and pulse step on over come on over to my wardrobe what this is your price this is your price here it is why this is joking about the ender pearl grab it on try it on for size look at that oh yeah you know you need a towel i could get you a damp towel is this gonna help cover up my embarrassment yeah the smashed pumpkin needs to go it's okay put on a fresh pumpkin oh my goodness what oh it's got a little tilt i love the tail i love the tail the tilt might be the best part that is so good oh everything's got the little yellow stripe well the swagger always delivers am i right so i can always remember absolutely right man oh i love it this is perfect moss for day if you need more moss in fact i'm so happy with this then just let me know i will get you all the moss you need well impulse i am glad that you enjoy your hat and i'm very appreciative of my moss and can i just get a quick lakers [Laughter] all right impulse you have a wonderful rest of the day by the way if you um i'm burning oh well don't burn don't burn this way impulse take your armor off real quick oh gosh just for fun just for funsies okay just for funsies okay close your eyes and just walk with you close my eyes and walk walk in okay all right and then look towards the shelves oh no no he's getting me no no no this is so bad oh he's still shooting oh yeah no he's he's uh he's a vicious guy he also has terrible aim so if you just do a little dodging no this has gone so wrong this place is not safe buddy [Laughter] oh this is such a long walk back i was so far away oh my gosh this deal went sideways quick man thank you for the hat man i i'm gonna wear this like all the time i love it it looks so i gotta put it back on it's just it looks so good dude and also this moss will make bodum look a lot better and not floating mountains which is going to be nice nice i can't wait to see it all right man i'm going to go before i die again yeah thank you i uh i should i should probably get rid of this wagon security but we love them all the same impulse it has been a pleasure go lickers i hope you were surprised by the hat for the moss it was fun messing with impulse on that i cannot wait to see beat thompson's reaction so make sure you monitor his channel for his next upload when uh he encounters our brand new shop there let him know not to mess with lovin or the swaggin or even bodum but in our next episode my friends we will be coming back to the gigabase here to finally finish these mountains it is going to be absolutely amazing and i even have another fun surprise for you in the next episode that we weren't able to get to in this episode because i died 10 trillion times but next episode it is going to be it's going to be wild very very fun anyway until next time this has been good times with scarlet always really appreciate you guys taking the time to watch videos if you believe the video deserved rating that would be much appreciated and until next time we'll see you later and don't for subscribe because you may just become scared for life you
Channel: GoodTimesWithScar
Views: 1,083,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hermitcraft season 8, hermitcraft season 8 scar, hermitcraft, hermitcraft 8 scar, hermitcraft 8, minecraft hermitcraft, hermitcraft mega base, hermitcraft smp, hermitcraft season 8 big eyes, hermitcraft traps, hermitcraft trap shop, swaggon, hermitcraft swaggon, hermitcraft boatem, boatem, goodtimeswithscar, scar, hermitcraft charged creeper, hermitcraft charged creeper shop, hermitcraft 8 shop, hermitcraft 8 shopping district
Id: Sd7E_EQxy_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 21sec (1701 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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