Hermitcraft 8 Episode 15: Gigabase Mountains Are DONE!

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oh hello there my fellow miners and crafters good times with scar here and welcome back to the wonderful worlds of herpets and crafting and we're flying through the swagging land here in bowdom and i've got some plans for you today we're gonna build out our gigabase we've got some exploding friends that we might dress up as in version two of the creeper skin if we have time it's gonna be amazing and a whole lot of other plans and with everything that goes on in bodum you never really know what's gonna happen so those are my plans but who knows what will happen but i do know i want to try out this volcano right here so mumbo built this like potatoey thing and let's see oh what is this vol crabbo volkrabbo sweet okay volcabo let's see insert a diamond and enjoy hey mumbo i'm poor is is there a a discount for for poor people hello bee oh no i think you guys all know in our last episode that um i only have three diamonds but you know what i really want to see the vol crabbo something like that whatever it is i want to see this thing go so here we go [Applause] [Music] oh oh oh no no no i didn't mean to mumbo oh you oh you rap scallion there must be a blast chamber down here oh that was very enjoyable i it's kind of expensive if that's like almost half of my funds but we did get some potatoes and we got a show now question was that worth a diamond when i only have three let me know in the comments i really did enjoy volcabro our first order of business today is of course to transfer our wealth to the bottom hourglass bank here because of course the swaggin is part of bodum and you can see all the different photo members diamonds that they've made from their companies we've got mr moneybags here i guarantee you this is as hollow as a chocolate bunny on easter watch this watch this actually you know what i want to know from you guys do you think that this is empty in the comments let me know empty or not empty i'm curious what you think do you trust grian i don't yes it says hollow as ever that guy our arms may be empty arms may be empty but it is empty with honesty so we're gonna fill this up with our two diamonds and of course all of our valuable real estate deeds and ious and stuff like that of course because this wagon has bought a lot of ious from other server members and i feel like that is more valuable than diamonds we've got addicts we've got islands we've got tree designs from gem we've got a green at the front door well hello there are you that's an afk name right there if i've ever seen one why why are you at my doorstep did somebody drop off agreeing is he just chilling can we get in the boat with him oh man we can't roll the boat he's in the driver's seat what can we do with him while he's here i mean he's afk so i mean this is a perfect opportunity to mess with him um oh all right we can't row the boat but what else could we do can we break it and put him in a mine cart i don't think it works that way like a mob i wonder if we could i have an idea i don't know if this is gonna work but what if we could stack a mine cart on a boat here we go momentum hmm what if this was going faster what if we put powered rails here oh oh it worked oh my gosh oh it did it stacked he's in it can i get into now i'll show you the world so i have an idea one we could show them the world and just travel them around bowdom or we could take him to world height and just drop him can we drop him in the bottom hole oh man [Music] that face is either terrified or excited i'm gonna say he's excited and he's really excited to go to the top of the world into the bottom hole green i'm gonna give you some food here okay all right you you you enjoy that it's an in-flight meal all right there you go look at you eating your in-flight meal like a good boy who's a good boy green's a good boy he's a good boy oh man i forgot to wear my pants again it's a good thing green is afk so plan is we're gonna take it to world height we're gonna take this to world height and we're going to drop him in that boat into the bottom bowl ah this as i said before you never know what's gonna happen with bodum and this is unexpected but a great unexpected surprise oh we're making progress now you can see that i have uh no ability to draw a straight line we don't want to knock the literal bodem into the hole so we need to like thread the needle of dropping him right in it so it doesn't bump the walls or the actual you know floating bodem here but we're getting really close i hope you are not scared of hindscreen take my hand let me show you the world of possibilities i just had a realization this might have been one of the opportunities to actually use a minecart furnace to push green up the hill but we've really committed to the gold and the redstone at this point i am not only diamond poor i am now gold poor i think this will work i am oh no there goes everything everything in oh no i wanted to test it oh no i think i've got a did you die box somewhere around here oh no time to test this out please climb aboard to remain seated at all times please keep your hands legs and feet and arms inside the vehicle at all times and supervise children and greens at all times you're riding aboard a mark iii of minecart high above the bottom town here on the highway in the sky you can see beautiful mountains a mega factory as we crest the hill here and as we turn to our right hand side you can see pearl and mumbo's base is looking ever so fantastic down below you'll see a mysterious magical alleyway where you can purchase magical creatures in a magical pobagery look at how happy we are this is the happiest i've ever been until i died how did i take damage i was floating so gracefully i felt like mary poppins ah you know i said mary poppins that sounds very british so it looks like we clipped the crafting bench and we might not be able to get him into the bottom hole but what we could do is put him on top like a birthday cake and when he wakes up in the morning he's sitting on top of the bootable which actually could be kind of amazing he shouldn't die because he's in a boat i think and there's those my shoes and i have my pants luckily i've got my pants i just somehow need to get my shoes i jumped and forgot i didn't have an elytra on here we go we're getting really close there we go we're doing this together oh this is great just remember to keep your hands and arms inside the vehicle at all times because this here is a wild ride of bodum i should provide some in-flight entertainment how about some music i will show you the world green grab my hand we'll go on an adventure high in the clouds where the air is as clear as my cringe voice oh we are on an adventure deep into unknown realms away we go like mary poppins skull what are you doing scott what he's alive he's alive i've fallen out of my wheelchair partially i need some assistance why are you awake you know what time it is you know what time it is in london right now let me look let me look look it's late i've been waiting for over two hours for this i was not afk at all i mean mean you heard my cringe singing i had i had everything oh no dude it's 2 30 a.m where you lived you're not supposed to be awake i thought i was gonna drop you right on top you would wake up in the morning and you'd be like how did i get on top of bodum i'm sorry if i lost in your stuff i i unfortunately i can't afford a did you die box chef's kiss scott you did you i've been afk with loads of other hermits and you by far took it the furthest uh i wish i could have got it into the hole i wish i could have gone in the hall no oh no no no i went too far i went too far scott stop jumping in the hole i've got your stuff okay thank you oh well i've i've got what remains of your stuff can i can i have a uh iou for a did you die box behind you korean no no oh my hat my hat wait maybe some of your stuff did survive my goodness there's some of your stuff boots dude it's the sword it's that no no no no i don't have any rockets i don't have any rockets throw me some rockets man i can't scar i can't just drop some wrong sword throw your sword i'm tossed it i tossed it i tossed it oh no that sword has been through so much all you've got left is this pair of boots i take it my pants are gone again come with me there's nothing like watching a man die in the bottom hole over and over and over again is for you you can have one on the house oh thank you oh i'll even rename the sword did you mean to afk in front of my house it was all a dastardly pl you delivered don't worry you delivered you could have left me alone you could have left me alone but you didn't and that's that's what i love about you scar thank you for the did you die by ooh some rockets too um you don't have to have an electro do you no i i managed to get my i gave you both i shouldn't have given you your stuff i should have waited until we were 100 meters away from the bottom hole how many times has that claimed the lives and the stuff of the bottom crew viewers can you make can you watch all the videos and tell us how many times we've all died accumulative in that thing and individually a statistic a spreadsheet would be appreciated thank you i'm going to bed all right cause it's been officially too much i'm gonna walk home i'm just gonna walk sweet dreams what did i say we're gonna do today because i have literally no idea it has been over a week since our clip with green while he was afk on my front porch and as you can see i um i lost my pants again and uh yeah it was an interesting experience there was a local dispute between an iron golem and a pile of callicites i don't want to get into specifics but in the process it got hairy and i lost my pants again but i have been working super super hard on probably one of the biggest builds that i have ever done and you thought those mountains were crazy we're going to take it up a notch maybe like a hundred notches and well during the process of you know designing this and gathering the resources i kind of realized that i'm kind of the worst youtuber youtuber would be making videos instead i'm in a test world trying to make the most perfect glacier that you've ever seen in minecraft you know i've been mixing all sorts of types of blocks together the great atmosphere and i'm basically painting in minecraft at this point and i realized like maybe i'm the worst youtuber of all time but i'm having a lot of fun painting in minecraft so you might be wondering what does painting have to do with minecraft it actually has a lot to do with about everything when it comes to minecraft because techniques that you learn painting and drawing can also be translated to playing minecraft and that's we've got here we've got all sorts of different shadings of blocks to create the immersive environment that we are going to create with those mountains and as i said this took a week to figure out and gather up all these different resources that we are basically going to use to paint in minecraft sweet baby jelly what on earth is going on over here i am so out of the loop i've been spending days making glaciers that is crazy doc i saw you up there before it rendered in that was wild look at those mountains up there we are about to terraform these into something hopefully special and of course something that you guys like and will make a really cool backdrop for the bottom lands here so with that let's jump into super fast build mode [Music] do [Music] [Music] and super fast build mode and we have finally finished the mountains of bodum and i came to the realization that um botum made their own caves and cliffs update and you'll probably realize why that is the case in a moment but before we get to it i am super nervous to finally show you these mountains two and a half weeks of planning and designing resource gathering and finally building the mountains of bodum here and i hope you guys like it there's all sorts of fun and interesting designs here that i'm i'm quite proud of i hope you guys like like the darker grays here to create a little bit more depth the lighter grays up at the top to create that atmosphere diffusion to make these mountains look a little bit taller than they are and of course the green and the browns here to give it a little bit of contrast and every time i look up at these mountains i envision a little yeti hanging up here or maybe even a person riding a little red sled down the glaciers and how cool would that be in a minecraft if we had like a little yeti in the mountains a sled to ride down the hills i think that would be a mizzen but uh yeah it's just weird saying they're finally done considering how long i've been working on them and uh yeah there's all sorts of interesting things to see to see the kaliside and the snow and the different versions of diorite which i've got to say this is basically one of the only times i've ever used that block so i guess there is a first for everything now down at the lower level here you can see the how these mountains form the backdrop here really well that's actually my favorite aspect of these mountains that little tiny glacier right there and there it almost looks realistic with the fog there and just really reminds me of painting and photography out in nature as i said like i've been able to do this in years photography and painting and kind of do that at minecraft really really makes me happy not only can we do something fun in the game with blocks and stuff but kind of make you feel like you're in nature in a way and uh yeah i think that was really really special now of course there are a lot of bits of stone still exposed here and that of course will be covered in time because i don't have enough resources to cover all that nor do i have the literally the energy or the resources to do the back yet but all of those things will come in time now you might be wondering what about that caves and cliffs thing you mentioned scar well i came to the realization that we made our own caves and cliffs update here in green's amazing cave he's building out his city and at the top here we've got our own cliffs and mountains this is the beauty of hermitcraft and having this collaborative nature where we can do these amazing things together and take minecraft to the next level you know what the arch enemy of these mountains are something i hate with a passion of a thousand scars and that is no carpets oh the snow carpets are my arch enemy we thought we had enough of them back in season six on our pirate island well they keep coming down and making the mountains perspective and colors get thrown off which is very very aggravating we're gonna really have to employ half slabs in string but uh yeah that will have to come in a moment because i gotta go fill my jar up with my prophets and this is gonna be very embarrassing this might sound um silly but i am literally terrified of the night because maybe there's some game mechanic to this but i am uh i'm sure that every time it's night there's a chance or a higher chance that there's going to be rain and that means snow and the arch enemy as we know now of our snow-capped mountains is snow so we're down here definitely not turning our hourglass into a garbage can for all of our paper and eggs but what's valuable is what's written on these objects that in my opinion make them far more valuable than diamonds at least i tell myself that at night when i sleep in impulse's bed because there's monsters in my house oh no we have lost something to the chest monster again this happens far too often with me but this time it's something very valuable and that is my treasure chest with my very own two diamonds or three i can't remember it was so few that it's poofed in my head but i literally don't know where it is i've checked every chest monster high and low and under every nook and cranny even checked under jail his cat box and that was that was gross i'll tell you that it's it's definitely gone as i said i checked in every chess monster throughout the entire server this is major embarrassing right now so we're going to really ham it up we have to really ham it up that these pieces of paper and eggs are very very valuable i mean uh on first look here when we look at these things like that's super valuable that is a doc m77 redstone uh contraption like that's valuable as long as he fulfills it if he doesn't it's just a it's just an egg on the ground i mean tango's addict it's a beautiful attic there's no cobwebs there's definitely no spooky ghosts in it and an armor um cast terrific oh wow i just really butchered that word armor stan kerstificate no casterfic it's a certificate scar why are you calling it a cassette i have completely discombobulated after i lost my treasure chest that's always a fear right to lose your treasure chest in minecraft all your valuables i'm losing my mind here and the factory tour by impulse that's super super valuable so we need to make sure the hermits know these are very very valuable and the hermits in question on the pieces of paper will fulfill the promise on the piece of paper and uh yeah by the way these hourglasses this is a competition or just a show-off i actually don't really know oh man it is truly a fear in minecraft to lose your valuable chest thankfully this wasn't season six when we had like eight stacks of diamond blocks but still that stings well looking at those beautiful snow-capped mountains makes me feel a little bit better after losing that chest there were some other valuable things in there i think there was some iron there were some pumpkins uh what else was in there maybe some name tags so yeah put out the bat signal for trying to find that chest would be much appreciated but uh yeah i hope you enjoyed today i know some of the clips got a little bit old because it took so long to complete this episode so i hope you were okay with that there was of course a few unique perspectives in the drop with green from my side so hopefully you don't mind that too much and i hope the mountains made up for it and yeah i had a blast with this and it's kind of the beauty of minecraft the beauty of youtube is to create something you're passionate about something you love and to share it with others hopefully inspire them and i hope that's the case so until next time this has been good times with scott knight always really appreciate you guys taking the time to watch the videos and if you believe the video served rating that would be much appreciated and until next time will see you later and don't subscribe because you may just become scared for life [Music] you
Channel: GoodTimesWithScar
Views: 1,346,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hermitcraft, hermitcraft 8, hermitcraft 8 scar, minecraft hermitcraft, hermitcraft season 8, hermitcraft season 8 scar, season 8, hermitcraft boatem, hermitcraft mega base, boatem, hermitcraft giga base, giga base, hermitcraft season 8 boatem hole, hermitcraft swaggon, swaggon, Gigabase Mountains, afk grian, hermitcraft mountains, minecraft custom mountain, hermitcraft scar base, scar hermitcraft 8 megabase, goodtimeswithscar, scar
Id: ajR2kX8n3xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 57sec (1377 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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