Hermitcraft 7: Decked Out Dash! (Episode 60)

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I think this is the first episode in which Decked Out is played.

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/ImJustPassinBy 📅︎︎ Sep 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

Such a majestic game! So excited to see it unfold :)

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/isitfuninredditville 📅︎︎ Sep 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

I need more videos of this game. Can't wait for the world download.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/FantasyFactory149 📅︎︎ Sep 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name is kobe welcome back to a server called hermitcraft today guys we're out here in target and we're working on the 25s minigame which we started last time you see we've now decorated one part of the 25 as many games this is gonna be a fire themed uh module right here for player two to play on and then player one's module is gonna be sort of the exact reverse of this it's gonna be a ice themed module so instead of fire and flames and lava we're gonna have snow and packed ice and blue ice and things of that nature so yeah it should be sort of like a nice uh a nice like change just from like the red and blue teams we've had in other games um so should be pretty cool we also need to decorate the scoreboard and things but guys turns out today decked out has opened so i want to go and play this this is a game that tango has made in the shopping district so let's head out there and see if we can get decked out let me in let me in we gotta come back later guys i thought it was gonna be open but yeah no peeking coming soon that soon is now very soon so we'll come back in a few moments alright guys so as we wait for the decked out to open we're gonna check the compliance with the road access passes and it looks like yep it looks like ijevin has stopped by his sponge shop has paid for the road access pass that's absolutely fantastic to see this board almost full now by the way that's great that's awesome so that's good to see uh looks like jevin also stopped by and paid for his elytra shop and his trader jeff shop right down here so yeah this only has three more shops to comply of course this one we've left to etho to uh deal with scars monster monster shop right there this one's already in full compliance and this one still has a few shops left so we got the greenhouse the barge the five goat shop the red zone and zetas voucher shop way up there at the top so pretty nice pretty nice so yeah we're almost at full compliance here guys we're almost at full compliance so it's great to see those road access passes being paid for at long last because they are all going toward the prize for the great hermit road building competition now this is a competition that was set up by scar and you have a chance to win a massive pile of diamonds which is yeah the road access passes are going to be the massive pile of diamonds you win uh and yeah there's going to be a judgment of the rhodes by scar b-dubs and jelly the cat so yeah we're jud they're being judged on originality funny slash beautiful and technical uh and then we also uh yeah have a sign up for each color of wool and i'm currently building the pink road with asuma now summa has actually already finished his portion of the road which is going from like about right here all the way down here to this portion where there's like a little like bridge over this like new waterfall here uh and then my portion is supposed to be here so this pink wool this pink wool this pink will this will all be what i'm going to build here and this goes like around here and then all the way back to in front of the town hall so that's the portion of the road we're going to work on today now isuma was going to take the lead on this and develop like a little pattern and so this is what he's come up with he's come up with some concrete powder and then some wool underneath that and then there's glass of the same color i believe just double check yeah light gray stained glass yeah so glass of the same color on top so we're gonna continue that pattern and i think what we're to do is we're going to have probably some either green or lime stained glass we'll have some green or lime concrete and then green or lime wool and then we'll just make that sort of pattern except over here now we might have to have some type of transition here just because yeah we need to step up here somehow i guess not sure why green's barge became disconnected here but regardless um yeah i think this is sort of meant to be like a transition between summer's part of the road and my part of the road so um that is what we're gonna do right now so we gotta go get some green concrete we gotta go get some green glass and let's build up this pink road ladies and gentlemen our section of the pink road is now started you can see right here we got some green concrete powder some green wool and some green glass on top here which is making up this road i'm gonna have to figure out how we're gonna actually go up and down because i don't want people to have to jump so i might have to put down like maybe some type of like half slab here or something like that but yeah we got a pretty big portion done it comes all the way down here goes past the lamp store goes past xbs block exchange and then passed the red zone down in front of the hermitan herald and yeah goes off to the herald right here actually to put down more glass right here let's just do this here real quickly there we go this one here this one here and this bit there we go perfect there we go yep so there it goes down there and then we're gonna have it come down this way see i've already cleared out this area down here and we're gonna have it connect up here and we'll probably have another road another uh bit of this go up to the concrete shop because i think that's where the pink wool was headed before i got rid of it so we've made some progress but guys guess what decked out is now open so we're gonna head over we're gonna head over so let's just fly on over this way fly on over to the decked out area to the big giant ravager head got to be eaten by the ravager and by the way if you guys don't know how this game works i'll provide a link in the description to tango's video explaining all the rules and things basically it's like a combination of ravager's run and hermitron go if you guys remember that from season four and season six uh well revenues run with season six herbert and go with season four but it's kind of like that so um let's go in and yeah i would recommend watching tango's video before you watch this just so you know all the rules like you can't break blocks you can't go into the dungeon with anything in your inventory except for the compass and things and you basically try and build decks of things so here we go guys i am super excited gonna play this game the tango's been working on for about two months so oh baby oh i gotta say it looks pretty sweet oh my god there's a ravager on top oh man look at that that's that's magnificent okay we're in we're in okay so i think the first thing we got to do is we got to actually like pick a we got to pick a uh a board here so this is where we got to keep our artifacts which we are going to find in the dungeon and the goal of the game is to basically complete sets of artifacts so there's four like items basically there's like a common uncommon rare and unique uh item in each set and each set you get you put in this uh this box here press the button and it scores you a point and the person with the most points at the end of the dungeon like at the end of the whole thing uh wins so that's basically how it works there's the mane himself right there hello tango that's awesome uh i need my head uh yeah says welcome the dungeon master has arrived i will be right back need to get my head to claim a board all right let's go get our head all right guys so i went and got my head you can see it right here and we're going to claim a board i think i'm going to go on the left side right here i think this is going to be mine there we go the pharaoh is bored so uh we didn't get out this decked out number 77 and if we look in here we got ourselves a compass we got a decked out dungeon key and we got a decked out coin so there's actually like a currency with this and everything and you need a key to actually get into the dungeon so we're definitely going to need some of this stuff so let's just take this there we go and i think we're actually good to go into the dungeon i just want to like take a look around here and appreciate the uh the spectacular nature of this this is actually a huge room with a lot of red nether brick and stuff man a lot of time and effort went into this for sure um so yeah i think this here is going to be the leaderboard area uh let's see there is to purchase an item place the required coins in the barrel stand on the black carpet to receive them with the lamp is off the item is unavailable for purchase so you can actually like buy things so like be sense i know this is like a card you can get that helps you to see the ravagers in the dungeon and things uh you can buy a dungeon key for 10 coins and we can find coins throughout the dungeon i believe uh so that's gonna be pretty cool we got an ocean set common 12 coins okay so these are like some of the items you can actually buy these for a certain number of coins how many coins do we have so far by the way uh whoops we got four coins okay four coins uh right so let's just grab this uh okay so cool i think i think we're ready to go there's also this this actually uh gives a key or the possibility to give a key every six hours i think you have to come and press a button and that gives you a key so it's not like people are going to be running this super super often okay future expansion right there apparently uh this is the item return what do we have over here okay so we have card trade-ins and artifact trade-ins you can trade in artifacts for coins or a chance for a dungeon key tier two card trade-ins so there's different tiers of cards as well oh man this is gonna be awesome okay so uh let's see there's also like a daily auction i think daily auctions here that go on i believe this is how we go in all right guys so i think we're ready to go in this is the entrance to the dungeon it says put your dungeon key in here to enter so we're going to whoops get out our key here and our compass and i guess we keep our coins outside of the dungeon i'm guessing uh so we'll put this in here get our decked out dungeon key put it in and then we just walk on through all right and whoa okay we got tumble and rumble very nice uh let's see after returning your shulker deck you'll be offered three cards you might choose one of the three okay so this is afterwards after we get uh after we go through the the dungeon i guess uh let's see to activate the dungeon place your shulker deck against the sea lanterns and press the button above when you have completed your dungeon run press this button okay we don't really have a deck yet but basically over time you accumulate these type of like cards i believe uh and then your shulker deck will be turned below with your cards okay so i guess we put that in there we gotta also make sure we go in and like sleep and put our stuff in the so let's set our spawn there we go uh rest weary traveler in this bed because very soon you will be dead for in this dungeon you can meet your demise or walk away with a glorious prize nice okay let's dump off everything we got except this compass so i'll put all this stuff away get all this going and also our armor needs to come off course just double checking i don't want to do anything wrong here oh we got to enter chest here as well okay so i think we put this here and then press the button and then we go in i think that's how it works make sure i got nothing in there okay place this here button press okay and then we go in i think i hope okay here we go guys so we got to try and figure out like i think this compass leads us to a place where we can get artifacts if we throw the compass on the ground so that's our goal we have to figure out where this compass goes and like how like we need to get there and try and find artifacts and also there's coins we need to get and soul flames we need to try and punch out as we go so here we go decked out here we go gotta try not to generate clank either [Music] oh oh there's a trap i think we're gonna avoid that for now try and go around that okay oh man should i i don't know if i should try and go over this or not i'm gonna try it uh you know what i'm i'm not gonna risk it i'm not gonna risk it this first time through i'm gonna go back this way and let's see i'm trying to look around a little bit okay i don't want to go too quick because there are ravagers around and other beasts we can't kill anything except for skeleton zombies and vex if they appear oh baby okay snap oh i can hear my heartbeat too oh man this is amazing so far guys oh my god just it looks just awesome oh oh no another ravager ravager ravager raptor run run run run run run run run run run run all right i gotta i gotta keep a look on this compass is that guy oh he's still on me he's still on me oh i'm gonna die i'm gonna die okay let's go this way uh there's a random button okay that just like looks like it might be a rock okay uh here okay it looks like it's on the other side of this somehow oh man look at this this is crazy like a torture dungeon area is mumbo mobo's being pulled apart there's beef over there okay let's see it looks like right here maybe [Music] okay i think right here is where the compass is okay i got the box all right now we gotta get out this has artifacts in it i believe i'm gonna check around for like more more soul flames and things oh man i think i'm lost dude i think i'm lost we got to be careful like i said there are ravagers around and as we walk through this i think we generate something called clank so basically basically that like pulls down walls and stuff here so we don't want to generate too much of that okay how do i get out of here oh man that's a lot of vines oh there's like multiple levels of this are you serious okay nothing in there sometimes there can be coins in there i think i need to get out as quickly as possible guys oh i got the got the is there a way around this don't want to move too quickly i think there's a ravager around here though oh there's no way there's no way through this is like a dead end on this side okay we uh i i don't want to have to jump over that let's go up this way i guess snap this looks like a parkour of some type okay oh no no no no no no no no now what we want not what we want okay let's try this again i can do this i've been practicing parkour a lot not not apparently not that much okay that works okay this is a very exposed room let's see if we can make it out i think i can make it out [Music] okay i think we're just gonna go far enough this way i think this is the way out yes i think we made it i think we made it guys all right so now we choose one of these three cards so we got loot finder one b sense one or soul seeker one so b sense allows us to see the ravagers loot finder gives us more loot i think that could probably be useful and then i think soul seeker um basically allows us to have more flames to punch out which can give us more cards i think so i'm going to go with loot finder i think just like that very good okay and then when you have completed the dungeon run press this button your circle deck will be returned below with your cards okay so i press this i get this back okay and there we go okay fantastic fantastic okay let's get out of here and yeah i guess uh i guess we go and put our artifacts on our board and we'll put our loot finder uh card away uh we're actually our board is over here so let's see let's see what we got let's see what we got oh wait we need to actually get our stuff back too don't we shoot hang on we gotta go back in and get get our stuff forgot about that uh so [Music] all of our stuff back i'm glad we didn't die it was a little bit terrifying when we saw the ravager coming for us but uh wow that was pretty cool let me put this stuff back on here oops gotta be aware that the floor is made of uh of the upgrade of the uh the crafting benches are not the crafting benches the uh smithing tables uh but okay let's see so we got the loot finder let's put this in this box this is gonna be our the start of our uh what do you call our cards basically uh and then okay we got two decked out coins very good we got an ocean set common got a shiny set rare and a witch set unique all right so we put these on our board so we'll put this one here shiny set here ocean set here so yeah we don't really have so basically like with the witch set you need four which set items so like this is a unique one so that's very good actually uh then we have you know like a which set rare which that common which said uncommon and once we get all four of those then we put it in here and get a point um so this is a rare one which is good and this is a common which is not that great but yeah we have three different sets we're now sort of like working towards so that's cool uh let's go ahead and get this stuff on my bar here bada bing right we'll keep this in like an ender chest or something uh which there is not one around so we will put this down put one in there there we go and let's see we also you know what we probably want to do we probably also want to put our coins in there let's put our coins in here so we got six decked out coins okay there's that and we need to return this shulker box to the game over here i believe so let's make our way this way put this in here and there we go okay and let's see i think we can give any artifact receive one coin or transfer down okay might be useful to do this in the future like trade-in artifacts for keys and for a chance to receive a coin but for now i think we're good i'm not sure if we can buy we can actually buy a stealth one book or beastsense book for six coins that might actually be a cool thing to do let's actually let's actually do that let's get out this guy six coins i think the way this works i'd like to do i'd like to know where the beasts are this occasionally will ring our bell i think so i'll put these in there and there we go beast sense one nice okay cool so we have b sense one and loot finder one for the next run through very cool very cool okay so there we have it guys that i believe is decked out pretty sweet so uh yeah seems like an awesome game hopefully a lot of the other hermits will come by and uh participate because yeah this game is gonna be a lot of fun i think so thank you tango and uh yeah awesome awesome dungeon crawler awesome dungeon crawler can't wait to play more so i talked with tango just a bit after the run through and he said that unfortunately as i walked through the dungeon clank was not being generated so it was a little bit of a minor glitch or a bug i guess you'd call it in the game but i'm sure tango will fix it and he said that was probably gonna be the easiest run that we'll ever have in decked out so expect a lot more death and sadness in the future um so yeah just be aware of that uh in the meantime though i've now completed the pathway here you can see yeah we decorated this up we put down a little bit of greenery we got a few bushes here and there we got a few flowers here and there and yeah just looks pretty nice overall i think so this comes down over here connects up to red zone and then over here we got this area all hooked up so we got a little staircase down here goes over to hypnose shop and zed shop and then connects up over here to asumas and then for the pathway here i filled in a little bit along the river side right here and then we also we go back up the staircase connected this up here all the way to the concrete shop right here and i also brought down this staircase just a little bit just so it makes a nice pathway up there so yeah looking pretty nice looking pretty nice and yeah i think with that i think that is the first uh pathway completed here in the shopping district so this is pink road basically done at this point so feels good to have that finally complete and yeah hopefully other hermits will come in and you know get their roads done the blue road red road yellow road purple road still all need to be done i think so yeah hopefully uh that wins us something at the road building competition but uh we shall see we shall see so anyways guys with that i think that's gonna have to be it for me today if you enjoyed today's episode please leave a like be sure to subscribe and as always thanks so much for watching this has been comb [Music] [Music] goodbye [Music] you
Channel: cubfan135
Views: 345,555
Rating: 4.9708834 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Cubfan135, Hermitcraft, Decked Out, Survival Minecraft, Hermitcraft Season 7, episode 60, Target, Ravager, Dungeon, Survival Game, shopping district, Hermitcraft server, Cub Hermitcraft, Enforcer
Id: pqkHrtXrR8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 11sec (1451 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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